WEEKLY CORYALLIS GAZETTE. Corvallis, Oct-29, '80.1 Mr. J. H. Bates, Newspaper Advertising Agent, 41 Park Bow (Timi8 Building), New York, is authorized to contract Cor advertise ments in the Gazette at our best rates. CHURCH DIRECTORY. M. E, CHURCH Regular services every Sunday, at 11 A. m. and 7 r. . Sunday-school at the close of morning service, with Blbleclasses for old and young. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. A general invitation and cordial welcome. W.T. Chapman, Pastor. EPISCOPAL CHURCH The Rev. Mr. Sellwood, of Oregon City, will hold the services and administer the Holv Communion in the Episcopal Church, Cor vallis, on the 3rd Sunday in each month. Lay services win re neia on eacn sunuay ai 11 anu t. nwmamg school at 3. By order of Bishop Morris M. E. CHURCH SOUTH Services every Sabbath at 11 a. h. and 7 p. m., at the college chapel. Sunday school at 0:30 A. m. Prayer meeting Friday evening at 7 o clock. Publie cordially mviteu. Joseph Emery, Pastor. EVANGELICAL CHURCH Services regularly ev ery Sabbath morning and evening, unless otherwise announcca. sunuay scnooi ai a r. m. eacu Prayer meeting every Thursday at 7 p. m. The public cordially invited Rev. J. Bowersox, Pastor. Hon. A. C. Gibbs. On Tuesday even ing the Garfield and Arthur Club ot this city was addressed by Ex-Uov. A. C. Gibbs. The Governors speech was in every way a good one. He showed by the able manner in whkh he handled his subject that he was thoroughly master of the situation. His address was logical, eloquent and witty, and the reasons given why the Republican party should be successful in the pending election was sound and conclusive. The meeting was held at the Court House and was attended by a large and intelligent au dience. The Garfield and Arthur Glee Club furnished, as nsual on sudi occasions, excellent aiyl appropriate vocal music. As is the case wih all Republican meetings a considerable amonnt of enthusiasm, was felt on this occasion, which manifested itself by frequent applause of the speaker, and by three rousiuc cheers for Garfield and Ar thur at the close of the meeting. Ran Off the Grade. Mr. Mullen, our enterprising Singer Sewing Machine Co.'s agent, while out canvassing last week, met with a misfortune that came near endin.tr his usefulness on this mundane sphere. He was passing along the road between Pioneer and Elk cities on Yaquina river, by the way a rough road, when his team as he says, through pure cussedness. ran off the grade, and horses, hack, sewing machines and Mul len went down the mountain a distance of over one hundred feet, the team rolling over Mullen three times before landing in the river. Strange to say the team was unhurt and Mullen only slightly bruised, but the hack was smashed into kindling wood and the Singers will sing no more. Albany Register. Matrimonial. -On last Sabbath Mr. Geo. Harris of this city was united in marriage with Miss Ruby Rowe of Independence, at the residence of the brides father in that city, and on Monday the newly wedded couple returned to this city where they will in the future reside. On Tuesday evening they were the re cipients of a serenade at the Occidental Hotel by the 2d Brigade R-ind. George has since his residence among ns made for himself a host of frfends who join us in sincere congratulations. The bride also has many friends here, having leen for a number of years a resident of Philomath. Both parties spent their child hood in Benton county, and we trust that their future may be as cloudless as the past, and that among the pleasant surroundings of their early life their childrens children may call them blessed. Death of Wm. Royal. A few days ago ago Rev. T. F. Royal, of Salem, received the sad news that his son, Wm. E. Royal died a short time since at Delaware, Ohio, where he was attending the Ohio Weslevan University. The deceased was aged twenty two years, and was a bright and manly young fellow. He loaves scores of warm personal friends in this State, who will learn with deep regret that he is no more. William formerly taught in the Portland academy, and for several years was employed at the Siletz agency. The Last Rally. The Republicans of Benton county will have a grand rally in this city on next Monday night. Arrange ments ate being made to make this meeting a grand success. Delegations from different parts of Benton and Linn counties are ex pected to be present, as well as able speak ers from a distance, and we ask each Re publican to constitute himself a committee of one to assist in carrying out the pending arrangements. Let everyone be present for the occasion will be a grand one. Woman Sufferaoe. Even the women are not all agreed in wanting the ballot, and it is an open questson wether, if submited to a vote of women alone, they would de clare in favor of undertaking to discharge the grave duties and responsiblities of elect ors. But if the women of Oregon and Wasnington were called upon to vote for the best and most effectual remedy for lame backs and all disease of the kidneys and urinary organs, the vote would be unani mous for the Oregon Kidney Tea, which is eold everywhere. Highest cash price paid for wheat at T. J. Blair?a. B. W. Wilson has- returned from Eastern Oregon. Buy your rubber clothing at E. Rosen thal's, ' J. H. Penn and family have moved to Portland. v The best of cigars and tobacco's at E. Rosenthal's. The latest Swans down under clothing at E. Rosenthal's. Al Pyrrall has been over to the Bay he re turned Wednesday. Mr. W. C. Myers of Ashland was in Cor vallis on Thursday. Mrs. Clara Eglin of Portland, is visiting friends in the city this week. Miss Ida Gaines, of Albany, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Zeph Job, in thfc city. The finest Black and Green Teas at the Corvallis Household Store. The finest lot of boots and shoes, hats and caps, etc., etc., to be found at E. Ros enthal's. The Pride of Commerce cigar at the Cor vallis Household Store. The best in the city. . Misses Amelia and Clara and Mr. Leo Stock returned from a visit to Portland on Tuesday. P. ?. Gates, U. S. mail -agent on the W. O. R. R., has resigued and is succeeded by B. F. McCaulley. The lightninc from Indiana has struck the Democratic party in Oregon and the whole party is as one paralyzed. Andy Emrick has opened a new market in the lower part of town where he will keep good meat at low prices. The Legislature of Oregon adjourned at noon Saturday. For this sand other bless ings let us be duly thankful. Hon. R. A. Bensell and wife returned to Corvallis yesterday they have been in Salem for a number of weeks past. The legislature reduced the rate of inter est on money in this State from 10 and 12 to 8 and 10 per cent, per annum. Hon. W. P. Keady, late State Printer, came up from Salem Saturday, and on Mon day started for his homestead at Lower Alsea. On last Wednesday Mis Hon. Justice Wrenn of this city united in marritga Mr. Jesse Porter and Miss. Caroline Ress all of thii county. Wanted To sell 200,000 feet of inch lum ber, in lots of 3,000 feet, at 10.50 per thou sand, by Max Friendly at the Corvallis Saw Mill. New and elegant stock of millinery goods just received, at Mrs. E. A. Knight's, which will be sold cheaper than they can be bought any where else in the citv. The campaiem has almost drawn to a close, only four more days and Garfield will be duly elected President. Voters will re member that a vote for a good government will be sound policy. Hon. Geo. B. Curry Republican candi date for Presidental Elector will be present at the Republican Rally on Monday and will address the citizens of Corvallis at 1 o'clock of that day. I have on hand and for sale a large quan tity of boots and shoes for Ladies Misses and Children, Men and Boy's, which I will sell at reasonable rates. All my goods are warranted and if not as represented the money will be returned. S. H. Look. Before the next issue of the Gazette the encoffined remains of the Democratic party will be laid quietly to rest under the dasies, mourned doubtless doubtbless by many, but dead nevertheless. It has out lived its use fullness and it is better that it should die. Many good and upright persons are attach ed to it, but as a party it is no longer of any use and many who are now witnessing its last agonies with sympathy will have a feeling of relief when the strugle is over and the weary are at rest. Mrs. E. R. Rinker wishes to say to the ladies of Corvallis and vicinity that she is now prepared to teach pattern cutting in all of its branches. Ladies now is the time to secure an exact knowledge of dress cutting, do not be humbuged by other worthless trash and be half taught. Mrs. Rinker binds herself to give you a practical knowl edge of pattern cutting before pay is requir ed. Do not lose time tike this advantage you may lose the chance by waiting too long. Local and traveling acents wanted. Hair work done to order. Vest chains a specialty; hair bought and sold; call in time for vest chains as Christmas present. Residence at Mrs. Goldsons next door to the Photograph gallerv. Jury List The following gentlemen have been drawn to serve as Jurors at the Novem ber term of the Circuit Court. P. W. Ross, Wm. Rees, J. R. Boyd, G. B. Smith, Wm. Mackey, Washington Howard, Andrew Gallatley, MonroeChilders, W. W. Starr. S. L. Shedd, John Goodman, Wilson Bump, W. P. Irwin, Jas. Russell, J. C. Hunter, John Creel, Allen Parker, Thos. H. Cooper Thos. H. Powers, John Ray, pEzra Dixon, Prior Scott, Wm. Crees, A. J. Williams, J. M. Osburn, A. M. Rain water, John Ric- ardJ. W. Allen, L B. Hinkle, James Chambers. hippy and georoe arb out Last Mon day Mrs. Biddy Coffee procured a warrant for the arrest of her husband George Coffee to have the said George bound over to keep the peace; the facts seem to be that George who has not been living at home for some time visited the old place one day last week and an altercation ensued between the par ties the result of which was Mrs. C. appli cation for a warrant. The matter came up before Juatice Wrenn who after learning the fact took the mtrtter under advisement and we are not informed as to his decision. At Kings Valley. J. W. Raybnrn, Esq., addressed the Garfield and Arthur Club at Kings Valley last Saturday. We are informed that his address was good and listened to by a large crowd of people. The Philomath Brass Band was in attendance. Hurrah for Garfield. New Goods Max Friendly has just re ceived 100 pieces of fancy assorted trimmings, silks, satms and velvets, which will be sold at greatly reduced prices. Also boys suits ranging in prices from 52,00 upwards: mens suits irom ;,uu upwards. Also a well selected assortment of ladies shoes and fancy slippers: Ladies and gents fancy neck wear, plain and fancy hosiery and every other kind and description of goous constituting a hrst class stock ot gen eral merchandize, which is offered at prices that defy competition Great Reduction in Prices. The stock lately owned by Mr. J. H. Penn, comprising hardware, tinware, crockery, tools farm implements, etc., is being disposed of at the lowest possible prices at Mason's bakery on 3d Street J. P. Watson, Agent. Important to Agents. The life of Gen. James A. Garfield, by his personal friend, Major Bundy, Editor N. T. Mail, is the only edition to which Gen. Garfield has. given personal attention or facts. Beauti fully illustrated, printed and bound. "The best." JV. T. Commercial Advertiser. "The neatest" JV. T. Herald. "The most useful, sensible and satisfactory." N- T. Tribune. Full length steel portrait by HalL from a picture taken expressly for this work. Ac tive agents wanted. Liberal terms. Send $1.00 at once for complete outfit. A. S. Barns & Co., Ill & 113 William St, New York. 41:w4. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, No people in the world suffer as much with Dyspepsia as Americans. Although years of experience in medicine had failed to accomplish a certain and sure remedy for this disease and its effects, such as Sour Stomach, Heart-burn, Water-brash, Sick Headache, Costiveness, Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, coming up of the food, low spirits, general, debility, etc. , yet since the introduction of Green's August Flower we believe there is no case of Dys pepsia that cannot be immediately relieved. 30,000 dozen sold last year without one case of failure reported. Go to your Druggist and get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try it. Two doses wUl relieve you. Regular size 75 cents. We Challenge the World. When we say we believe, we have evi dence to prove that Shiloh's Consumption Cure is decidedly the best Lung Medicine made, in as much as it will cure a common or Chronic Cough in one half the time and relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, and show more cases of Con sumption cured than all others. It will cure where they fail, it is pleasant to take, harmless to the yountrest child and we guar antee what we say. Price, lOcts. and 1. 00. If your Lungs are sore, Chest or Back lame use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by Allen & Woodward, Druggists. Do Yon Believe It. That in this town there are scores of per sons passing our store every day whose lives are made miserable by Indignation, Dyspep sia, Sour and distressed Stomach, Liver Complaint, Constipation, when for 75 cts. we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guaran teed to cure them. Sold by Allen & Wood ward, Druggists. The mosj popular and fragrant Perfume of the day " HACKMETACK"try it. Sold by Allen & Woodward, Druggists. It is a fact well established by unques tionable testimony that Hall's Hair Renewer renews, cleanses, brightens, invigorates and restores to its original color and lustre, faded gray or discolored hair, cheaply, quickly and surely. The poorest people prefer to buy it and use it, rather than to proclaim in a manner more forcible than words can delineate, through blanched locks or grizzy beard, that they are aged and passing to decay. A very short trial will convince the most skeptical that it does eradicate the scalp diseases which rob the hair of its color and life. Fort Scott (Kan.) Daily Monitor. Sad Havoc Is Created Among the tenants of the mouth by allow ing impurities to collect upon their surface or in their interstices. SOZODONT re moves every vestige of tartar from the teeth, and renders their premature decay impossible. It not only imparts to them whiteness and vigor, but communicates hardness and rosiness to the gums. The breath acquires a most acceptable fragrance trom its use ; it is a purely botanic liquid. and it may be relied on to accomplish its beautifying effects without injuring the en amel like a gritty tooth paste. Hill's .Manuel. Mr. N. Newton, agent for Benton county, is now canvassing for subscribers to the new and revised edition of the above excellent work. It is highly recommended by dis tinguished educators and leading newspa pers, and is considered by all to be one of the most useful books that was ever laid upon the counting-room desk or drawing room table. 17:8 TSTew tb.is "Week. Sheriff's Sale. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Ben ton county F. A. Chenowith and John Burnett, Plaintiffs, vs. R&chael Fitzgerald and Alfred Fitzgerald Defendants. By virtue of a Decree and bxecuuon issued in the above entitled suit on the 7th day of Oct. 1880 Upon a judgement and decree ol foreclosure duty rendered in said court on the 17th day of Nov. 1S79 for the sum of 3492 06, and the further sum of 819 SO costs to me directed and delivered, commanding me to make sale of the Real property hereinafter described to satisfy said Bums before mentioned with in terest and coats, I have levied upon the following Real Estate to-wit : The east Halt of tne soutn-west quarter of Sec. 25 and lots 5 and 6, containing 109.83 of an acre in rownsnip ten s K, w w mm ucnton county, Stnte of Oregon; and on the 16th day of November 188U, At the front door of the Court House in the city of CorvalliK, Benton county, Oiegon. between the hours of nine in the morning and four in the afternoon, namely : At one o'clock p. M. , I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, all the right. title interest and claim of gam Defendants in ana to said Real Paoperty to satisfy said Execution with costs and expenses. SOL. KING snenn or Kenton uouniv, Oregon. Dated at Corvallis. Oct 13. A. IT.. 1880. Administratrix Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UN dersigned has been duly appointed Administra trix of the Estate of Irwin Robinson, deceased, by the County Court of Benton county, State of Oregon. All persons having claims against the said Estate are hcrebv notified and required to present the same with the proper vouchers, within six months from this date, to me at my residence at William Robinson's 2i miles south of Philomath in the county of Benton, State of Oregon. ELIZABETH ROB1USUN, Adm's of the Estate of Irwin Bohinson, deceased. SUMMON8. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for the County of Benton. L. F. Hunter, plaint iff, vs. William A. Hunter, defendant. To the above named defendant : IN TITE NAME OF THE 8TATE OF Oreson. you are berebv summoned and re quired to appxar and answer to the complaint of said Plaintiff in the above entitled suit now "n file in the office of the Clerk of said Court. n or before the third Monday of November, 1880. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to answer said complaint as herein required, the plaintiff will apply to said Court for the relief praved for in the complaint. That the object of said complaint and its prayer is a divorce trom the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant, arid that service of the above summons was ordered to be made by publication by Hon. J. F. Watson on the 26th day of September, A. D. 1880. CIIENO WETH A JOHNSON, 40w5. Plaintiffs Attorney. BanbElection, The annual election of officers of the Second Brigade Band will take place at their hall Monday evening, Nov. 1st. A full attendance is desired. A. J. Rat, Pres. H. J. Korthauer, Sec. Wanted. A few more cords ot wood, either oak, ash or maple, at this office, on subscription to the Gazette. We would like those intending to bring wood to deliver it soon, so that we can get it housed before the winter rams set in. Crown Sewing Machine. These num ber one machines can be purchased of J. A Knight at his furniture store. Call and ex amine them ; they are mnch cheaper than any rathe market, contain au of the attach ments and are nrst-class in every particular. 17:39ml A New Kiln Just opened, on the old re Hah la yard those needing brick can now be supplied. Mrs. L- A. Denntck. Oct. 28, 1870. Election next Tuesday. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Benton County. James Hayes, plaintiff, vsr J. G Tuller, defen dant. i By virtue of an Execution issued In the above en titled action, on the 2flth dav of October. A. TV 1880, upon a judgment rendered therein on the 17th day of Nov. , 1879, for the sum of (tl88.75) one hun hundrcd and eighty-six dollars and seventv-ftve cents, and 525 as attorneys fees, and the further sum of S17.85 costs, I have levied upon the real property hereinafter described, being unable to find any personal property within said county out of which to satisfy said judgment, and on Saturday, November 27, 1880, at the front door of the Court House in the City of Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock P. M., I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and interest of said defendans in and to the follow ing described real property, to-wit: Lots numbered 9. 10. 11 and 12 in block No. 20 in the citv of (JorvalUs, (formerly the original town ot Jlarysville) Benton county: uregon. gmt snerm of Benton comity, Oregon. Dated Oct. 25. 1BWO. 44W5 NOTICE. October 25, 1880. j Complaint having been entered at this office by Jacob Franz against William C. Clark for abandoning his homestead entry No. 3005, d ted April 14 1876, upon the W 4 of the N W J, S K 1 of N W f and N IS i of 8. W , Section 11, Tp. 11 South, Range 11 West, in Benton county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry : the said parties are hereby sum moned to appear at the office of B. W. Wilson, county clerk of Benton county, Oregon, on the 10A day of December, 1880, at 10 o'clock, A, v., to respond and furnish tes timony concerning raid alleged abandanment I.. T. BARIN, Register. J- W. WATTS, Receiver. FOR SALE, The undersigned will sell from 160 to 200 acres of land, situated in Blndgetts Valley, about sixteen miles west of Corvallis. An out let to an extensive range, well-watered, well timbered and a fine site for building. The line of the raiload survey crosses the land. For particulars, inquire at the place. WM. BLODGETT 17:44m NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UN dersiirned has sold all his interest In the Occiden tal Hotel of Corvallis, and that hereafter the business will be conducted by Mrs. Nancv Polley, to whom all moneys will be paid and with whom all contracts and agreements made for board and supplies furnished for said hotel. J. u. tjl,ly. 43w4. LL KINDS OF JOB WORK DONE i.' at this office. Letter heads, etc. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Benton. Elizabeth Biddle, plaintiff, vs. George W. Biddle, defendant. To George W. Biddle, the above named de fendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE re. Oregon, you are hereby summoned and int quired to appear and answer to the roaipla()W of said plaintiff in the above entitled suit, nft on file in the office of the Clerk of said Cou ' on or before the first day of the next regal'" term thereof, to be holden at the Court Hous ' in the city of Corvallis on the 3d Monday, the 15th day ot November, A. D. 1880. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to answer said complaint as herein required, the plaintiff will apply to sunt Court tor the relief prayed for therein, to wit. : a divorce from the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant, and such other relief as may be just and equitable. The servioe ot this summons is made by pub lication by the order of Hon. J.jF. Watson, Judge of the 2d Judicial District of the State of Oregon, made at Chambers on the 29th day of September, 1880. Dated this 30th day of September, 1SS0. JAS. A YANTIS, 40 w5 Atfy for Piff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of BontoD. Jas. A. Yantis, plaintiff, vs Edwin Ilinkley, defeadant. To Edwin Ilinkley, the above named deft.: TN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF A Orezon, vou are hereby summoned and re quired to appear and answer to (be complaint of said plaintitl in the above entitled action now on file in the office of the Clerk of said Court, on or before the 1st day of the next regular term thereof, to be begun and held at the Court House in the city of Corvallis on the 3d Monday, the 15th day of November, A.- D. 1880. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to amwer said complaint as herein re quired, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of $102 65, with interest there on at the rate of one per cent, per month from the 28th day of November, 1879, all in TJ. S. gold coin, and for $15 Attorneys foes and for oosts and disbursements of this action. The service of this summons is made by publication by order of Hon. .1. F. Watson, Judge of the 2d Judicial District, made Sept. 25th, 1880. Dated this 30th day of September, A. D. 1880 JAS. A. YANTIS. 40w5. Plaintiff. SIXTH ANNUAL BAIL TO BE GIVEN BY CORVALLIS H. & L. CO., AT HAMILTON'S HALL, Friday Evening Nov. 19, 1880. Committee of Arrangements. , NICK BAESEN. F. A. VINCENT, ELI KING. Reception Committee. W. BALDWIN, F. M JOHNSON, Wm. GRANT, J. B. BRYSON, GEO. GERHARD. Floor Committee. MYER HARRIS, F. A. VINCENT, CY. POWERS, JESSE SPENCER. A CORDIAL IM ITATION TO ALL. TTOTCEXS, . . . . fca.OO. Supper at Occidental Hotel. CORVALLIS Household storJ (Opposite Sol Kind's Stables,) HAS NOW A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES Of Every Description. CHOICE TOBACCO & CIGARS. Also Imported Stationery, Pife3, Cigar Holders, Etc. All the above goods bein? of the best quality, and beine sold at verv moderate prices, the public arc respectfully invited to call and inspect. 17n43tf. Real Estate for Sale! SITUATED IN . CORVALLIS, Benton County, Orcffon. TWO VACANT LOTS, in the central part of towr handv to the Westside Depot. One of the most dc sirable places for a residence in the citv. 15Jan TWO IMPROVED LOTS, on the main buslnes' street, with small stable woodshed, and a good, cons fortable dwelling house, containing seven good rooms. These lots are nicely situated for any kind of bus) ness purposes. 15jan One Steam Planing Mill and 8ash and Door Factor! in Corvallis, with all the machinery necessary to op rate the same in all respects. The owner there, wants to quit the b-vilness, he therefore offers t entire factory for rJiXc at a price more than one-thlj less than its cost or present value. 47 acres for less than ?18 per acre, being one of the cheapest and best farms In Benton county, situa ted 4 miles west 01 .uonroe, t 01 a mile iroin ayuuu school. In one of the best neighborhoods in the state, with church privileges handy. About 130 acres in cultivation. Over 400 acres can be cultivated. All under fence, with good two-story frame house and large barn and orchard ; has running water the vear round. All the above property is for sale, on reasonable terms. For further Information concerning the same inquire of M. S. WUUUUWK, At his Law Office, in said City of Corvallis. It is not Wealth, or Fame, or State, ut " Git up and Git." that makes me great. T AM BOUND FOR S. A. HEMPniLL'S HARNESS A Store, where all kinds of No. 1 Harness. Saddles. Bridles, Haters, Collars, Whips, Combs and Brushes are to he had at reasonable prices. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Repairing done neatly, on short notice. Call and examinlne mv stock oefore purchasing elsewhere. S. A. HEMPHILL. Corvallis, June 23, 18S0, 17:26m6 NOTICE Land Officr-at Orroon Citv, OHKfiON. Sept. 33, 1880. Complaint having been entered at this office by A. F. Cherry of Benton county against James A. Perkins for abandoning his preemp tion D. 8. No. 3491, dated July, S, 1880 upon the B E i of N W i Sea. 5 township II south range 10 west in Benton county, Oregon, with a view to tbe cancellation of said entry: the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at the office ot a. vv. Wilson, County Clerk cf Benton county, Oregon, on the 29 day of Oct., 1880, at 4 o'clock a. m. , to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandon ment. L. T. BARIN, Register. J. W. WATTS, Receiver. Administrators Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY Court of Benton county, made September 6th, 18S0, in the matter of estate of Sarah E. Wasmer. deceased, on petitions for leave to sell the real prop- ... ..I t :n i. . X-t- .: L m :i -aiu uwiausu, i will mill hi i ii ill ill iii . mu: i ill front of the Court House door In Corvallis, Oregon, lots 3 and 4 in fractional Mock No. 3 in the town of Monro, Benton county, Oregon, for cash in hand to the highest bidder, on the 23d day of October, 1880. at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day. CHARLES WAGNER, Adm'r of the estate of Sarah E. Wagner, deceased. 39w4. Willamette Valley and Coast Mailroad. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE AN--L" nual meeting of Stockholders in this Company for the election of Directors for the ensuing year will be held at the office of the Company, In Fisher's oncK Duuaing, in tne city ot uorvaiiis, in Benton County, Oregon, on Saturday, the XfSth day of October, at one o'clock p. m . of said day. . W. B. HAMILTON, President. B. W. WILSON, Secretary. 38w5. Notice of Final Proof. Lajtd Officr at Oregox cm, ) Orf.gON. Amrust. 10. 1880. i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL-lowing-named settler has filed notice of his in tention to make final proof In sunoort of his claim. and secure final entry thereof, and that said proofs will be made before B. W. Wilson, County Clerk of oeawju county, on Satubdat, Sept. 25, 1880, At Corvallis, the county seat of Benton county, Ore gon, viz. , Emanual Brannon, one of the heira-at-law Ol whiuuu ... ueveaseu, ntNueswu Application No. 2232, for the SJ of S E J, N W 1 of S E J and 8 E 1 of S W J, Section 28, Tp. 108 E9W, and names the following as his witnesses to prove continuous resi dence on and cultivation of said tract, via, Andrew J. Porter, Levi W. Hunt, Charles McVay, of Little Elk, and Charles B. Mays, of Philomath, all of Benton County, Oregon. L. T. BARIN, Register. Dated Aug. 10,1880. 1T3w5 NOTICE. Land Oftice at OreoomCitt, ) Obeoo.v, Sept. 16, 1880. f Complaint having been entered at this office by Richard Lutjens, of Benton county, against Daniel ISnw. reggs for abandoning his pre emption, D. S., No. 33fi0, dated May 22, 1880, upon the Ei of tbe NW and the W$ of NEi, section 23, township 13 ., range 11 west, in Benton county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said preemption filing : the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at tbe office of JSdw. C. Phelps, at Newport, Benton Co., Oregon, on the 30th day of October, 1880 at 10 o'clock, A. ., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandon ment. L. T. BARIN, Register. J. W. WATTS, Receiver. N. B. AVERY, I. D. S.,. DENTIST. Havin located permanent ly in Corvallis I desire to in form the public that I am ready to do all kind of dental work. My instruments are all new and of the latest im proved style All work in sured and satisfaction euar an teed or the money refunded Office over Graham & Gold son's drug store, Corvallis, Oregon. 17n39tf. Notice of Final Settlement. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS HARVESTING MA CHIN EE Y WAREHOUSE. Frank Brrfs, CORVALLIS, OREGON. Having leased a large building, we are prepared to offer the farmers a full line of Harvesting Machinery and Agricultural Implements, wagons and hacks. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UN dersigned, as executor of the last will and testa ment of Casper Kompp, deceased, has filed his final account, with the proper vouchers, for final settle ment as such executor, and tbat in accordance with an order of W. S. McFadden, duly made as Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Benton, and entered or. the 20th day of September, A. D. 1880, the said executor will apply to said court for final discharge from said trust on Monday, the let day of November, 1880, a the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, being the first day of the regular November term of said Court for said year, and the time appointed by said Judge for the hearing of objections to such final account and the settlement thereof. This notice pub lished by order of said Judge. NATHAN WHEALDON, Executor. By M. S. Woodcock, bis Attorney. 39w5. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, CORVALLIS, OREGON, J. C. POLLEY, Proprietor. WALTER A. WOOD Harvester and Self-Binder. WALTER A. WOOD Sweep Rake Reaper. WALTER A. WOOD Chain Rake Reaper. WALTER A. WOOD Header. WALTER A. WOOD New Enclosed Gear Mower. -AMD- CHICAGO PITTS THRESHER. FIRST PRrai25 .II OREGON STATE FAIR. La Belle Wagons and Hacks, Brown's Sulkey and Gang Plows. Black Hawk and Clipper Plows. The Celebrated Randall Harrow, And the Square Hinge Harrows. Also a General Assortment ol Shovel Plows and Garden Cultiva tors. Also a full line of Steel Goods and Grain Forks. Extras for all Machines furnished at Portland Prices. P. J. SPEIDEL, Agent. Monroe Street, opposite Engine House. Corvallis, April 30, 18S0. 17:18m4. Farm for Sale. T1HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR 1 sale his splendid grain and stock farm, four miles north of west of Corvallis, on Oak creek containing 1200 acres over one hundred acres in cultivation two fine bear- inc orchards, and well calculated for divid ing into two or more snug farms Terms easy and title perfect, r or particulars m quire of E. Holgate, W. B. Carter, or E. MARPLE, on the premises. Corvallis, Jan. 1. 1878. 16:ltf The only First Class Hotel in the City. fTTHE OCCIDENTAL IS A NEW BUILDING, JL newly furnised, and the recognized headquarters for Commercial Traveler, and all prominent men visiting Corvallis. Large sample rooms on first floor, for commercial men, and bath room for the exclusive use of guests. Board from one to two dollars per day, according to room. June 18. 1860. H:2St CITV DISPENSARY. G0LDS0N & GRAHAM .... DEALERS VS .... DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, FANCY and TOILET ARTICLES, Sponges, Brushes, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, Etc., Etc. TYVSTCIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY i compounded, ard orders answered with care and dispatch. t Farmers, ami pnysiciana irom wie country, win mm our stock of Medicines complete, warranted genuine and of the best quality. worvams, April I, aoov. WAYMAF ST. CLAIR, (SUCCESSOR TO W. A. WELLS, Manufacturer of HARNESS AND SADDLES HI Keeps constantly on hand every thing belonging t a first class shop. Uncle Sam's Harness Oil for sale. 16:26vl Georob P. Wbexs, Auctioneer. E. Holgate, Att'y at Lawr Wrenn & Holgate, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, COLLECTION, LOAN. INSURANCE, QKKKAL BDStSBSS AOEHTS, ARD AUCTIONEERS. Office on Second street , next door south the City Market, w CORVALLIS, : : OREGON. Buying, Selling and Leasing Real Esiate. Pronro niLUTKiuii given lm COLLECTIONS. Loans Negotiated, etc. Will keep Regular -Ajuctiort Sales Rooms And sell at AUCTION, anything desired, either at he Sales Rooms or elsewhere, In City or Country. Agent for good reliable Insuraxcr CoMrANiss. We now have on hand for sale, both Graik and Stock Farms, and City Propertt, at fair prices, and easy terme. fjjjgPWE CAS MAKE SALES IP ANYBODY CAK.BO Please give us a call. WRENN & HOLGATE. Corvallis, April 17, 1S79. 16:16M. Benton County PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! A. A. H0SEILL, Fro. WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO THE (iH7fiK rf r!nrvn.11ifi nitil vicmitv t.lint hp fa prepared to do all kinds of PHOTO WORK, At prices to suit the times. Patronage solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed, in all cases. COPYING and ENLARGING a specialty. Nega tlves retouched, and preserved. Front street, Two Doors soutn oi A. uautnorn a Son's Store. ALFRED A. MORRILL. January 7, 1880. 17:2tf NEW BUSINESS! HVTonntain View MIIiK. X .A. X XL "3T Q5 Cents per Gallon, WHEN REQUIRED FOR INFANTS. THE MIL of one cow will be furnished. Milk warranted PURE. LISTEN FOR THE BELLI A. G. MULKEY, Proprietor. Corvallis, January 7, 1880. 16:21ml, ALSEA STEAM SA AND . . .'. PLANING MILL J. PITMAN, Proprietor. HAVING REBUILT MY MILL, AND ADDED new planer and other machinery, I am ready o fill all orders for Rough or Dressed l umber. which will be delivered at tbe Belknap campground, Monroe, Corvallis, or elsewhere in the county, at reasonable rates. ' Common rough lumber, at the mill, 87 per M feet ; Flooring and Rustic (planed) 814 to 816 per M. Sat isfaction guaranteed. All orders promptly filled. April 19, 1880. 17J7m6 FOR SALE. THE STORE HOUSES, FORMERLY OCCUPIED by A. W. Wright are now for sale at a very low figure. A good businesslocality, and unsurpassed for health, situated near the Ocean' beach, in the town of Newport, Benton County, Oregon. For particulars, address A. W. WRIGHT, Oncatta, Benton County, Oregon, or Wm. Pitney, Junction City, Lane County, Oregon. 17:33tt FARMEES' FEED AND SALE STABLE. Second St., Corvallis. PAUL WILEY & CO., - PROPRS. WE SOLICIT A PART OF THE PATKOKAU Benton and adjoining counties We have plenty of Stable Room, and yards for all kinds of stock. . . 1 A. - ulii.rt TinflCO mill Saddic norsea anu miu ocin vwn vu v. w.w - quick time. , ie will run a hack to and from Soda Spring every Sunday, or as often as desired by health and pleasure seekers N B. We shall make a specialty of Doctoring, Training and Breaking horses. You will find at our .M..nnf .h best veterinarv surcreons and train ers on the Pacific coast. Satisfaction guaranieea in every case. For further particulare enquire at the Vincent HCorv'allis, May 28, 1880. 17:22tf PHILIP WOLF & CO., 304 Battery St., San Francisco. Commission and Export Merchonts in HOPS. Solicit Consignments and make advances. HiHtitrT. W. P. SMITH, M. D., Physician & Surgeon. conrALLis, - oregoiv, OFFICE OVER GREEN & GOLDSON'S DRUG Store. January 7, 1880. lT:2tf RUSS HOUSE, MONTGOMERY STREET, 8. F., H. SEYMOUR & CO., Propr's. FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS. AT MODERATE PRICES. THE LEADING BUSINESS AND FAMILY HO tel in San Francisco. Having been enlarged recently, and newly furnished, now contains 300 elegant rooms, at prices lower than any other First Class Hotel on the Pacific Coast. The tabic is unsurpassed by any Hotel in the city, geing supplied with the best the market affords. All buests conveyed to the Hotel free, April 14, 1880. 17:16tf REMEMBER THE FOUNTAIN HOUSE GEO. W. STEVENS, Proprietor THIS HOUSE IS NEW AND COMMODIOUS AND tbe Tables will be supplied with the best the Market affords. Board and Lodging, $5 00 per week. Newport, Benton County. Oregon. 17:2fimO I have Just received a new lot of SILVER WARE, ETC.. ETC Which I offer for sale at reduced prices. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc., repaired at reasona ble rates, and all work warranted. 4 4 P. P. OREFFOZ, 17n38tf. Corvallis. DISSOLUTION NOTICE The partnership heretofore existing between F. Gray, Geo. Korthauer and H. F. Fischer under the firm name of Gray Korthauer k Co., is dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued by H. F. Fischer. Alt debts due eitherof tbef former partners. FRED GRAY, GEO. KORTHAUER, H. F. FISCHER. Corvallis, Sept. 15.188. 17:40wf