WEEILV jWfijjjj GAZETTE. Corvallis, Sept. 17, 1880. Mr. J. H. Batkv Newspaper AirfertiSng Agent, 41 Park Row (Times Builtlin). New York, is authorize!! to contract for advertise hiunts in the Gazette at our best rates. cnviCH ihrk Tonv. V JC K. CHURCH -Regular services every Sunday, at 11 a. H. and 7 r. . Sunday-school at the close of morning service, with Bible niauies for old and young. Pray, r meeting op Thur.(tav even:ng at 7 o'clock. A Kniral invitation and cordial welcome. W. T. Chapmix, Pastor. EP18COPAL CHURCH The Rev. Mr. Sell wood. pt Orenn City, will hold the service- and adimnister the Holy Communion m the Epwcwpal C'hnrch, Cor vallis, on the Srd Soniav in each month. Lay scJifc. wilt he held on each Sunday it 1 1 ami 7 Snn-lsy school at 3. By order of BiSHur Mourns. - M. E. CHURCH SOUTH S-Tviccs every Snl.ba'h at 11 a. M. and 7 r. M.. at the college M. Sun-Ivy school at !:3 a.m. Prwer iwoehyr Friday evening at 7 o'clock. Public cordialiv invited. Josp.p:i Kmhit. PaHor. CORVALLIS TKLKPHONE KxCll ANOK. One tof he liest evidence of the rermnient growth and stability of our city is the man ner in which our business mn are engaiina in new enterprises that are a?ciilael to rmihl np and develope the city. The lns Imt hy no mums the least, in tt e establish ment of the te'eihone system by Mr. Albert Ray, of the iirm of John Hay &. Son. Work is ihiw in pro-Teas and the system will 1 in complete and successful operation in a tew days. The line tfill connect all the prim-i-pal business honses of tVe city, and wi'l extern! to Philomath, a distance of six miles. A connection will also be made with the W. U. telegraph office at the depot, and for the convenience tf the public a city office f this company will be estab ishe 1 with the telephone central office, and dispatch-. re ceiveil and delivered from the t.!ci!ono Titfice. The central office will lie loca ed at the store of John Ray & Son, corner of Sec rind and Monroe streets. The introduction of this system in our city ha. leen attended with a large expeMe to Mr. Ray. m l we trust he will le iiber .lly supported by our citizens. President Hayes CumiNG. President Hayes has puMi-Jied . the route of his in tended visit to the Pacific On.nct. He will come from California overland, and wi'l travel during the daytime only. From Heading the northern end of th'.- Calif. 'ritia railroad he will take a stage-.-oach to B burg the southern end of the Oregon rail road; thence on !o Portland. From Port laud he will go to The Dalles, and on to Walla Wa'.la. thence back to Port'and an 1 to Pujftt Sound. From the Sonnd he will go to San Francisco, and by the southern route back home. Ite no doubt will have a grand time of it. The Blce Riitnos Club The Blue Rib boti Club met last Saturday evening at the Evangelical church and was addressed by Hishop X. Castle ami liev. II. J. Becker of Philomath. Mr. Beeker is one of the most pleasant and faciuatiag temperance lectur ers it has been uUt' good fortune to listen to for a long time. Most of his lecture was devoted to discussion of the local option mill civil damage laws, ami at the conclu sion presents I a petition that was signe I by almost every one present, asking the Oregon Legislature to pass laws covering these grounds. The Census or 1880. The Census of 1880 is now a thing of the past, but it has punctured many hubbies and left liehin 1 it many heartburnings. The ruthless figures liar brought low the pretentions of ara'ii tions towns and cities, but the nnmher of persons who have been cored of bickache un I kidney dUea.se- by the u te of the Ciwgno Kidney Tea is so much gr attr than the proirietirs hoped for or imagine 1, that they have doubled their capacity for manu facturiu it to keep pa -e i.h the demand. Bold everywhere. Shoclder Dislocated. Last Monday inorniug as Mr. Jas. Oshtiru was riding a short distance wejt of Corvallis his horse Stumbled and fell. In the fall Mr. 6. got t the bottom of t!j heap dislocating his left shout ler :.ud otherwise bmtauig his lisniis and body. Dr. Farra was eslttsjl anil re-placed the dislocation and dre sed the bruises, and in ti'-e afternoon Mr. Osbiirn was on the street, and i3 still rapi liy re covering. . A Handsome Present. The oil er day Messrs. Fox. Ban in & Co., of Alliauy, pre sented to Mr. Ala Harris, chief clerk of their house, an eleguit gold Wat h, as a testimonial of their esteem. Upon the case Xvasengravid the bdlowinji "Presented by Fox, B.,nm & Co. to Ala Harris as a token 6i their esteem, Sept 1, 1880." It is a most elegant gift to a Worthy young man. Highest cash price paid for wheat at T. J. Blair's. The best make of California boots and shoes at the lj.t a id shoe store. Mr. E. Beck, of The Dalles, has been visiting friends in Corvallis this week. Elegant tea an toilet sets just received at It At tt Sons. Mr. Thomas Kennedy, of Colfax, W. T., was m the city this week visiting friends. Miss Wbmie MeFarland, of NordhotT, California, is visiting friends in Corvallis. A full stock of lamps, in new designs, just received at Ray & Sons. Miss Alice Mnuteith, of Albany, is visit ing her sist.r, Mrs. J. II. Simpson, in this city. A lanre quantity of boots and shoes just received and for sale at the boot and shoe store. C;1. T. Egenton H003 and Wallis Nash returned from San Franciscd last Tuesday overland. J. W. MeOrew, a leading tner.-hant of Perrydale. was in Corvallis this Week look in ; after business. Mrs. Stevens, wife of dpt. Win. Stevens if Newport, is visiting her daughter, Mrs Vincent, in this city. The bratti itory steps have Seen taken far the organization of a Gariield and Arihur club at Philomath. Capt. B. B. Tuttla, of Portland, was in Corv.lli on 'fie lay of this week, an.l favored us with a call. Mr. M. ilryson, of Kn.ene City, father of I. R B. y - u of this tiity, was iu Cor va.Is Vvednesd.-'.y list. Mrs. L. A. Deunick, at the "old re'iable" liri.k yard, wi.l take wheat or hay iu ex change for i.rick. Miner Swi-k and family started for Silver Sj-rings in VV.i-co c .uniy last We lues la, , t.i be abseil! several weeks. Wante 1 T.. s-d! 200.000 fee of inch lum ber, in lots of 3.000 ieet. at ijl0.-50uer thou sittd by Max Friendly at the CorvadU .-aw Mill. Hon. Geo H Willi ms will vioit Oregon iu a short ttm on i usiuess, ail 1 t his busi ness will idmii. of it wili make a few po.iti ill apjecllcS. 'I'he Il.mkock clnb at Albany have or 'erc I one hundred uniforms. These will alike excellent li.i'.ii.i.,.cuts of i:loiiriiior text November, Moses L. KHm left yesterday mornitig for Portl.ai.l to attend Bishop Scott's Gram aiarSdioil. lie was a.cuuipuiiied by his d .ther an 1 si stef. New ami elegant stick of millin ry goods j it-it rcctived, at Mrs. H. A. Knight's, which s ill be so d cheaper than they can be bottgiit ny wi.e.u e se in the tuv. " Mr. B F. trvin. agent for the W. 0. U. K. Co. at this p ace, h 3 bee i to Ponl .11 I and Salem tin a visit this week. This is the iirst holiday Frank has taken since Febrliary T. J. Buford went to Portland Wednes day to attend the meeting of the ilei tibiican State Executive C 'inniit.ee, of whicn tie is a tne nber troiu this coun y, an 1 wili return to day. A party of Chinamen are engaged in gnveinig the road bed of the W. O. R. R. 111 this city this week. This was a needed improvement and will put the roal iu excel lent condition. The annual catalogue of Philomath Col 'c;i is 011 our table. This institution is a re-itt to Benton county, an I we nr.i pleased to note that i's pre-nt Condition is ; r is (r'iUs and .111 ti e advance. Thf? seventh annual report "f thu City 8nperint ud9it of public seh'iols of the City of Portl iinl is on our table, w ith the coi)ipliiuei'f8 of Pr.if. T. H. Crawford; Who will pie; sii accept our tliatiks, Gov, Thayer's message "to the Ore.'On Legislature is ' 011 our table. It is a care fully reiare.d document, and worth. of more ext luied notice than the crowded condition of our columes will admit at pres ent. A iml.iic meeting wia held in Poitlati'l list Tuesday evening to inaKt; arraageuHnlta lor the proper reception of President Hayes who will tie in that city ab .nt the' 1st Of (Kto'-er. The meeting was participated iu by Imth p iliiical pir.iesi Money to loan in quintities from $1,000 to 510,000, on first-ela;s real estate security. The expenses of examining titles and per lectin s utilities must iu all cases be paid by the Ixirrower. For infiirinati.in inquire of M. S. Wo ideock at his law office iu Cor vallis, Oregon. 17n38tf. We would mi dJy sng-est. to wuing men who wi.h to "resent pa -kages of fruit to yontli lailies that the safer plan into seinl them by speci is messenger direct to the oerson for whom they are intended, a. Chinese serv nts are not always careful t real directions on packages sent to the kiich 11. Mr.' Jerry L isk jr.nl E tg 'tie City, passe 1 thro-fjli C-'rvallis t-iis week with some tine Merino sheep. He taks these to cross with nis Ion; wo 1! sheep in Eastern Ore.'on. The Merinos were raised ly David (siitljerv n Polk con-ity. who has the reiiiitation'of bei'iir tlie lest fine wool sheep raiser in Oregon. The Ladies Sociable. The !un h an Sociable Kv:-n tiy the la lies of the Presby iian church last Friday evenin ; at the Cfty Had was a very enjoyable affair. T.-.e lunch was good an I every one present seemed to enjoy themselves very much. We are informed that the proceeds over An ! above expenses was about thirty-five dollar. Real Estatk fob Sale. In another cpluuie appears the a Ivertisemeiit of real estate for sale by Heniy Ch mbers. consist ing of two farms and a number of town lots iu the city of Corvallis. Tl.ii is a rare chance for good bargains. Officers R kforts. i-SVe -are in receipt of the reports of the yafiOWs State otH ers for the year ending Sept. 1st, 1880. They are well gotten up, typ .graphicalry, ad reflect credit on the State Printer! For Yaquina Bay. A party frhiw ihh southern portiim of the county passed through Rosebnrg this week on their way to the Yaqnina Bay- in search of pleasure. Mr. Wm. Smith, Mrs. Stinger and daughter lire among the excursionists. 4- Western Stnr. Lecture at the Court Hocsk. John Grimsley will deliver a 'ectnre on the Gos pel of Christ next Sunday at 2 o'clock p. Sl at tbe Court Hon se in this city. The public are cordially invited to attend. CJUNOIL PRO0EEO1N33. Council met M011 lay evening, Sept. 13th, iu regular me ting. Present D. Car'ile. Mayor; J. . Bry son, Reoorler; At. Py tali. Marsha!, an I all the rnemVrs of the Council exept Wood war 1 and Hurlhurt. The Recorder as authorise 1 to enter into a contract wi h Win. Pitman tn supply the threw cisterns in 21 street, the one oti t'ic corner bet ween College a-irl Coart Hone-; the tank by Bu ford's and the tank I y I. U. Brysi-n's, with water at SH50 jk-ryeir. The coiatnittee on cnistmction of 4Sise:n lietweeu C'nirt House an I C'llle.e reported to the C'.iftn il that, the cistern had been co-npV'nd and W8S r'e1y' fnf the water; co it S100. Tiie ciminittee on an3r8hJ'i ig 6tty charter su'i -iittel a pr sil " men le i Charter" whic'i was a bipte 1, an I orlere l f le for warde 1 to Sen itor Woo l .var I. with ittstnic tiona for him to endeavor to have it passe! at this s -Rsioii of the Leis!atnre. The lire mi I w iter committee reported that the lower cie'eru constructed by T. G. Allen was leaking, and that they were not wil'fntj to accept the same. Claims against the city were presented, allowed and ordered piid to tbe amount of S&97.79. An ordinance was p-ssed entitle! "An rtrliiiance to erect water works for the lien etifc of the city of Coryallis." granting to Wm. Pitman the ri jht to lay water pipes in tbe streets, etc. The Recorder was-in ft rutted to give the officers of the W. 0. R. R. notice of the con lition of crossings atrross railroad track on Sixth street, and request said company to repair the same. No other business of importance was dona YAQUtNA BAY. The steamer Quickstep sailed for Co quille river Septeuibsr 10, U. S. Engineer, J. S. Polhernus having finished the bar work. The chart w on a scale five times larger than Chases, ami the lines are so close as to make it quite difficult to place the snrrouudinps. This is by far the completest survey ever made of Yaquina bar. We le lieve that it establishes beyond all question the unchangeble character of the channel. The Quickstep will be used in surveying Coquille with a view to its improvement, retnrning will run a few lines at Siuslaw river, and after leaving Mr. Polhernus here to complete the inside work, will proceed to Astoria. Vinol Dyer, father-in-law of Capt. S. L Wass. has been missing several days. He wis 81 years old and quite feeble, and the supposition is tint he has fallen off the cliff at Foulweather and drowned. Dili gent search is being made in hopes of find ing the old gentleman, who has many anx ious friends. Salmon are coming ; three caught bv Stevens, Ferr an 1 Stitt weighed 3(3t, 3:i and 37 pounds each. They are very fat and the run promises we!!. R. D. Hume and F. M. Bartholomew passe I here en route for the Siuslaw. Mr. K. has a 210 ton s earn - r in the stocks at Ro-jue river, designed for the coasting trade, and will ply bet we -n Hnmbolt Bey and Astoria, touching at intermediate points, connecting at either end of the nute with Calif--mia steam -rs. Mr. H. will exnnine the lower Alsea, intending to put a cannery there in the spring Rialto. Newport, Sept. 12. 1881. MO.VIIIM' tirrAIIIKR REl'ORT. Kep at the Slnfo Agri.-nMnni! College. atk. ' wt'.A'i iiKit. 'iii'S"i yicrisn. ir I lie inoiitli of Aug. 1. 1 330 : HIOHI'ST I.0W1 ST. .itir. 1 Clear HI 5: 1 2 0 SI 3 SI 5 4 SO 5 8 S' 5! 6 " 81 57 7 83 RS 5 7 of 9 '0 4 i 1 " 70 5' !l 70 f, 12 72 41 Vi " 70 45 14 ' 7! 4". 13 " ....t 72 S li " SO 4 17 " 84 4 15 84 50 19 " 84 54 20 84 54 21 St 5.1 22 " 70 50 23 7i 5!) 24 " 70 52 '5 07 51 2! 72 42 27 Rain 70 42 2-? " 00 52 29 00 52 30 04 5! 31 6-1 51 Ralutal'. 25 hunVreUb of an Kich. OrtQANIZATION OF THE LEQI3LATURE. At the Monday afternoon se-sion of the Oregon Legislature the following officers were elected; they were all elected on the first ballot by a s'rict party vote, and are of course all Republicans. The officers are as follows : Senate. Priwident, Hon. Sol Hirsch of Mulfhoinah ; Chief Clerk, J. C. Peebles of Marion ; A-sistaut Clerk. Glenn D. Hol tnau of Douglas; Sergetnt-at-Arms, George Tatom of Polk; D.urkeep tr, j. H. Acton of Portland. HorsE. Seaker, Z. F. Moody nf Wasco; Chief tlerk, C. B. Moores of Salem; Assis tant Clerk, J. W. Strange of Douglas; Ser geant-at- Arms, E. C. Ha.laway of Yamhill; Boor Keeper, L. A. Bacon of Clackamas; Pages, Loren Langhea I and Chas. Cosper. An Unfortunate Blow. Mr. Thaddens Grnhhs, of this place, was the victim of a sore misfortune one day this week, which threatens to rob him of the sight of one of his eyes. A yonnjf son of one of our neigh boring farmers for whom Mr. Crubbs was working, carelessly thrcJw a clod of dirt, which struck fiie .il Grubbs fairly in thi eve and inflicted a dreadful wound. As be fore stated, it threatens fo prove fatal t the young man's eye siijht, a fate from which we sincerely hope he may be spared. Y mhill flrpnrter. Mr. (irublis is the son of our fellow towns man, Mr. John Grubbs. attd is well known in this part of B -nton county, having been raised near this city. New Facts in a New Form. Ihe en terprising editor whose ambition it is to keep pace with all the ritfaira of the day lie -ds all possible dat-1 at his immediate command. One of the best helps iu this 'iroction is "The American Treasury of Facts." compiled by Hon. A. r. Spofford,' Librarian of Congress, and piildrihed by Messrs. H. H. Warner & Co., proprietors of the r nowned Safe Ki !m:y an I Liver Cure. This work contains a vast variety of eafioual statistics, and is of great value to ail wh . take an interest in American a "ail's. Much ere lit is, therefore, due t the compiler, as well as to Messrs. Warner & Co. m TWO 8UR3EON3 From the National Surgical Institute, In lianap'dis. In liana, will visit Port land. Or-1 nn, at St. Char'es Hotel, Seotcmbar 7th, Sth and 9th, 1S80, provided witli a com plete an 1 exiensive.ontfit of appar itus de si jned to trsstevery form of Spinal Disease. Hip and Knee . Disease, Crooke i Limbs, Clnb Feet, Paralysis, etc. Piles and Fistula certainly cured. This institution h-.s an nneqnalel repflfcation in the successful treat ment; of all of the altove diseases. Inter ested parties shoiild nnt fail to se? these :.irg-nns. Re'arniug home;, overlan 1. tb.ey wiy stop off 'Sentembcr llth and 13th at Eir-erte City,. 15th at Rosebnrg, and 18th and 20th at Jacksonville, Oregon. Nw Gonna at E RissrtHALS. Don't you forget to rememtier that fi! Rosenthal's is the cheapest p'ace in Corvallis tn buy your Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hats and Caos. Boots and Shoe-, Groceries, Cigars and Toba-co. All nw anl of the best quality. The Post Office Store. Prof. E. J. Glass, accompauiel by his mother, have been rusticating at the Bay for several weeks past They retnrnsd home Wednesday. GREE.V'S AUGUST FLOWER. It is natural for people suffering with Dys pepsia and liver Complaint or any derange ment of the digestive n?ans, such as Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Costive ness, palpitation of the Heart, Heart-burn, Water-brash, gnawing and burning pains at the pit of the .Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coat ed Tongue, and disagreeable taste in the mouth, coming up of food after eating, low spirits, &c, to put.off from day to day buy in.; an article that they know has Cured their neighbor, friend, or re ative, yet they have no faith in it until it is too late. But if yon will go to your Drniigist an-.'l get a bottle of Green's Acgcst Flower your immediate cure is as certain as yon live. Sample Bot tles of this medicine can be obtained for 10 cents to try its superior virtue. Regular size 75 cents. Try it, two doses will relieve any case. . I WUIi Every body to Kiiovf Rev. George H. Thayer, an old citizen nf this viciuity known to every one as a most influential citizen, and Christian Minister of the M. E. Church just this moment stopped iu our store to say. ' I wish every lody to know that I consider that both myself and wife owe our lives to, Shiloh's Consumption Cure." It is having a tremendious sale over our counters and is giving ierfect sitisfac tion in all cases of Lung Diseas '8. such as no hing else has done. Bourbon, Ind. , May 15. '78. Drs. Matchet t ft France. Sold by Allen ft Wooi'war.l, Druggists. So HeccBfion Used. It is strange so many people will continue to suifer day after day with Dispepsia. Liver Complaint. Consumption, Sour Stomach, Genera! Debility when tbev c in procure at our store SHILOil'S VITALIZE R, free .if cost if it does not. cure or relieve them. Price, 75 cts. SuU by Allen ft Woodward, Druggists. For Lame Back. Side or Chest nse SHI LOH'S POROUS PLASTER. Price 25 cts. Sold by Allen ft Woodward, Druggists. It is a fact well established by nnqnes t; nab'e testimony thak. Hall'? Hair Renewer renews, cleanses, brightens, invigorates and restores to its original color an I lustre, fa-lftd irr iv evr ! ;s -oloi-e 1 hair, choanlv. quickly and surely. The poorest people prefer to tuy it an t use it. rataer tnan to proclaim in a in Miner tn'ire forcible than I. .! .!;.. .1 K 1.1... .U- 1 l.. .l. '..VII ! VlillC 1LC. t M'HIII IllltllllC'l I'Jl IMS or grizzy lie rl. that they are a red and . . I . , l 1 1 ' 1 Hissing 10 iiecuv. A. very Buun trial will convince the most skeptical that it does eradicate the se.aln diseases wbieii rob the hair of its c dor and life. Fort Scott (Kan. ) u.uly Monitor. Snd Havoc Created Among the tenants of the month by allow ing impurities to c lli;c upon thir surface or in their interstices. S0Z0DONT re moves every vestige of tartar from the teeth, and renders their prema.ure decay impossible. It not only imparts to them whiteness an 1 vigor, but communicates hardness and rosiness to the rnms. The breath acquires a most acceptable fratrrance from its use : it is a purely botanic liquid, and it may be ro'ied on to accomplish its beautifying edicts without injuring the en amel like a gritty tooth paste. Mill's Mr. unci. Mr. N. NeW-ton, ag?nt for Benton county, is now canvassing for subscrib rs to the new anil revised edition of the above excellent work. It is highly recommended by dis tinguished educators and lealing newspa pers, ami is considered by all t be one of the in st useful books that was ever laid upon tin -counting-room desk or drawing room table. 17:8 TsTew thi Week. FOR SALE. RARE CHANCE TOR A BARGAIN. GOOD Lots 4, S, 8, 10. tl and It! in block Xo. . Dixons aid : ti m to the city of Corvallis, and also lots 7, $ and 9 in block So. 17 in the County addition to the city of Corrallis. Also 12U acr ts of improved farmin; land ten miles west of Corvstiis. Also 100 acres of land ten miles west of Corvallis, and known as'ttie Steiihen Kobinett farm. Any or fell of the a .o.-e property will bo sold on reasonable tvr.us. Inquire of HENRY CHAMBERS. 17n33tf. Kirys Valley. I have lust received a new lot -of IV.lTfilB, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. SILVER WARE, ETC.. ETC., Which 1 offer for sale at reduced prices. Watchei-, Clocks. Jcwjlry, etc. , repaired at reason ilu rates, and aii u o.'k warreuted. - i. i'. g:;effoz, 17n3Stf. Con'alHs. Willamette VaUrtf and Coast Jlailroad. NOTICE IS HE'tEBY lilV TITAT? TI! An nual meeting oi stojkholdsrs in this Company or the eljction oi Wiejtors for tlni ensuing yeaf will be held at the ofHce of the Ci'inpany, in Visiter's brick building, in tlie city or Corvallis, rii Jehton Joipity, Oregon, on - t . . . Atil&rdo'y. the lfj'A itny of October, at one o'clock P. m. of said nay. W. B. HAMILTON. President. B. W. WIL3 N, Secretary. 33w5. Notice of Fin il 1'roof. Lavs Ornbs at O nw6 crfr. I. .: ojoi. Auu A 10, Wso. 1 f-rrrc? is hkh .by uiVc-.v thvt th j tol V lo ng-'ia ueJ setttw ha i ati notice o.' h'-s Jn tentUm to .laks-ilnal irmt in: sup oH. of his claim. hi 1 secure llnii .mtry th ireoj'. a-iJ t'uat said proof will M 'ndbeoTd. NY IV. 1, 0:1. County Clerk of 'jntun county, on Satckdat. SrtT. 25, 1SS0, , : , t CorVttflis, the eonty .3 it of i ;ntnu county. OT8 jon,. -ii! , .manual Braimort, one of- th j he' rs-at-biw o Wip a n Boos deceasad, Hn nestead Application No 22 :. for the d J of S ii J. N W of 3 K E 1 of S V l. Section ii,-Ti. 103 it trW. and names the .oiiow-ng a his wi-n? .-.cs to prove conttuuons resi dence 0:1 and cultfvat on of soi l tract, via, Andrew J. Porter, Levi W. Hunt. 'Charljs McVay, of Little Elk. and Char e'l B. Mays, of PaibKoatti, ail of Benton Countv, Ora.i. h. T. BASIN, Bsrfster. Dated Au-10. 1S30. . 17:3Sw5 Administratrix Notice. YpTTCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ON , d TsigMd-has been duly appointed Administra trix of the Ivrtate of Georg3 F. IKmujck. deceased, by te County Court of Benton county. Siate .pi, Oregon Ml persons having claims aeainst'trtfl "Kstate ,6rt said ieiea -cl are hereby notified to present-the same, trite prorw proof, within !x months from'-tlifsiiiate. to me. at the law o See of .T ft. ilryson ln Corvallis, 'rcgon. MRS. L A.'"DHSNJrK. Administratrix of the Estate of George F. Deunick. deceased. 17:3flw5. - Dated Sept. 2. 1SS0. FOll SVLE. THE ST -HK HW8KS, FORMERLY OCCUPlEP by A. W. Wright are now -for sale at a vervdiwr1 Btri're. A good bnsinessloea'ity, and tinsnrpaiwedi'lor hea'th, situated near the Ocean beach, in the town of Newport. Kenton County, Oregon. For particulars, address A. W WRIGHT, On-tta. IintnnCo'intv. Oreron. or It'll. Pitvkt. Junrion City, Lane County, Oregon. 17'S3tt We are pleaeed to see our old friend H. E. Harris once more on the streets after hie recent illneas. UL KINDS OF JOB WORK DONE l at this office. Letter heads, etc., STJBSCKIBE JOK HE WEEKLY ip o VOL. SEVENTEEN. OFFICIAL PAPER FOR A N.D BENT3N COUNTY! 50 Per Annum. INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. Real Estate for Sa e! SITUATED IN OORvAI Benton Connty, Orejron. TWO VACANT LOTS, in the central part of towi handr to the Westside Depot. One of the most di sirmbte places for a residence in the citv. 15jan TWO IMPROVED LOTS. oo the main businef street, with small stable, woodshed, and a good, con fortable dwelling house, containing seven good rooim These lots are nicely situated for any kind of bus ness purposes. 15jan One Steam Planing Mill and Sash and Door Factor in Corvallis, with all the machinery necessary to op rate the same in all respects. The owner there wants to unit the hu-iness, he therefore offers t -ntire factory for sale at a ori -e more than one-th less than its cost or present value. 47s acres for less than 918 per acre, being one or the cheapest and bast farms In Benton. county, sit a ted 4 miles west of Monroe. of n mile from a goo ; school, in one of the best neighborhoods In the state with church privileges handy. About ISO acres in cultivation. Over 40U acres can be cultivated. Al under fence, with gortd two-story frame house an' large barn dml orchard ; has running water tbe vea rou'id. All the above property Is for sale, on reasonahl terms. For further information co-icnrnliu- t're sami inquire pf M. 8 WOODCOCK. At his L'w Or(c. in said Citv of Corvallis. - It is not Wealth, or Fame, or State, But " Git up and Git." that makes me great AM BOUND FOR S. A HEMPHILL'S HAHNt.a 1 Store, where ail kinds of No. 1 H.irness, Saddles. Cridles, Haters, Collars, Whips, Combs and Brushes are to be had at reasonable prices. A'i. WORK WARRANTED. Repairing done neatly, on short notice. Call a-id examinine mv stmik jefore purchasing elsewhere. S. A. riEMPIULL. Corvallis, June 23. 1SS0. 17:2um(i Tlao Seaside' OCEAN HOUSE; NEWPORT, Yaquina Bay. Jo. It fin Proprfctnr. HAVING LEASED THE OCEAN HOUSE FOB A term of years.-1 nave had it thoroughly renova ted and painted, and have spared ho pains to make-it comfortable. 1 have .furnished it with new furniture and bedding; also "secured the services of Oregon's favorite caterer, Mark Bell. I am prepared to entertain guests in a first class style. Board from 41 to 12 50 pir day. Special terms to families and invalids. Satisfaction guaranteed. 17-31m2 OCCIDENTAL HOT PL, Ot)r?VALiyfe, OREGON, The only First Class Hotel in the City. THE tlCCIDKNTtL IS A NEW BUILDINO, newly fnrnised and the recognized Vieadiuarters for Commercial Travelers, and all' prominent men visiting Corvallis. Large sample rooms on first, floor, for commercial men. and bath room for the exclusive n of guet. Board from one to two dollars per dav. according to room. June IS. 1880. 17:25tf UllillUllliU IMPLEMENTS HARTESTIXG MACHIXEBY WAREHOUSE. Frank J8ro CORVALLIS, OKEGON. Havirig lensed a Urge building, we ar urepaMl to offer tbe fanners a fall line of Harvesting Machinery antt Agricultnra Implements, wagons and hacks. WALTEli A. WOOD ILirvestei arid Sfeif-feirider. WALTER A. WOQD Sreep Rake Reaper. WALTER A. WOOD Cila n Rake Reaper. WALTER A. WOOD x ; . . Header. WALTER A. WOOD New Enclosed Gear Motrer -AND- CHICAGO PITTS THRESIIEE. OREGON STATE FAIR. Ln Di-llt; Wajrons and Ilacke, Brown's Sulkpy ami Gang Plown. Rlat'k IIak flinl, jCftjigfT Pliiws. The Oelfbraterl Ranl.'ill Harrow, And l hi- Square Hinge Harrows. Also a General 'Assortment c' Shovel Plows and Garden Cultiva tors. Also a full line of Steel Goods anri Grain Forks. Extras for all Maehines furnisher1 u Portland Priecs F.J. SPEIDEL, Agent. Monroe Street, opposite En!im lion. Corvallis. April 30, 1880. 17tl8m4. Farm for Sale. HHE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOB I sale his aplemlitl grain and stock farm, ftinr miles noith of west of Corvallis, on Vak creek containing 1200 acres over pne lOndred acres in cultivation two tine hear. ug orchards, and well caleul ted fur divi'-irtg-nto two or more snug farms Ternw eisnd title perfect, l'or particulars , in iiujre of E. Holgate, W. ft. Carter, or E. MARPLE, on the premises. Corvallis, Jan. 1. 1878. lG:ltf utv mi:.iRV. J0LD30N & 0BAHAK DEALERS IX MEDICINF.?,: Opiemicai.s, . , FANCY and TOILlvT ARTICLES, Brushes, Perfume.ry. Paintrs, , Oils. . , Etc., Etc. PYSrCIAN8' PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULL'V compounded, ai d orders anawcrod with care and :ipateh. Farmer, and pHyoicians from the country, will flro ur stock of Medicines complete, warranted genuini ind of the !et quality Corvallis, Aj.ril 7, 18S0. . 17:15tf FARMEES FEED AM) SALE STABLE. .eceontt si., CorTalll.. PAUL WILEY & 03., - PROPR?. WE SOUCIT A PART OF THE PATROVA,0 EOF Kenton and adjoining counties- We, have plenty of Stable Room, and yards for all kinds of stock. Saddle horses and teaaia sent out on short notice and quick'tline. " , . We will ran a hack to and from Soda Springs every Sunday, or as often as desired, by heal th and pleasure K. B. Wo shall make a specialty of Doctoring, Training and . Breaking horses. You will f nil at our stable one of the best veterinary surgeons and train ers oh the Pacific coast Satisfaction guaranteed in every case. For further particulars enquire at the Vincent Mouse. Corvallis, May 28, 1880. 17:228 PHILIP WOLF & CO., rOMMISKION mmim. Ho. 30 Battery Street. SAN FRANCISCO, - CAl. 17oMro3. WAYMAN ST. CLAllt. (SUCCESSOR TO W. A. WELLS.) Manufacturer of SADDLES sill Keeps constant! v oh hand every thing belongini j. first class shop. - ' j0"Uncle Sam's Harness OH for sale. . 16:25-. i CaKOROB P. WRBSK, Auctioneer. . UOLOaTK, :t Atfy at Le Wrenri & liolfatfij REAL, EST BROKERS, COLLECTION, LOAN, IHURAKCFT ORNKAL BCSINESS AOIHT8, AND AUCTIONEERS. Office on Second street, next door south tbe CHjj Market, , i - . .VV,- COItVALLlS, : : OREGON. Buying, Selling and l easing Real Ksiaie. rt-jc attention given ti) ' ir C O E l Epr I o 1 . Loans Nfotiated, etc. Will keep Rcgqlit' Anctior Sniefe Rlooin And sell at AUCTION anvthine de Ired either at Sales ilooms.gr elsewhere, in Citv orC'ounf.y. Aj.n for irood reliable In'HCRakcf. Ccmhmls We now iiiyt bh hand tor tale,-toth Grain e StocK Farms, and Citv FnorERTY, at fair prices, 1 easy terme. , , . PPWe cav mare SatES if astbodv.c n " ; ease-rfve us i caii. ' WRKNN StUotohi: "3 Please ei Corvallis. April 17, 1S7B. 10:16ti. Benton County PHOTOGRAPH CALLERV? K. A; morbill, iPra, Li W'OCI.D RESPfCTFULLV ANKOUKCE TO ' V , .. , V.,-, .,1 e,,.l ,.l..ir.!f tl-.At 1 prepared to do all k.nds of ' .. PHOTO WORK At prices to suit the times. Patronage .o!k-i,.'-. atisfaction guarat.tecu, in all cases. . . . , , CbpylNO and LJiXAllGlXG a sfEciALtr. tlq 9 tives retouched, and proKerved. : Front Street, Two iloors South of A. Cauthi.ri ir Son's .-.tore. ALFRL1) A. Mt'ItR! .. . January 7, 1SP0. 17:2tf NEW BUSlKESgf Motintain "V"ie"tv MILK Dliilf Qo Cents per OIloni 1 ,f WnEN REC.U1RF.D FOR INFANTS. THE 11 of one cow will lie f urnibhed. Milk (varrshtea T'gKE. LISTEN FOR THE BELL! A. G. MULKF.Y, Propriett. Corvallis, January 7, 1880. ie:21ml, ALSEA EAW , , - .' ., AND .... . . PLANING MILfi J. PITMAN, Proprieton HAVINO REEU1LT MY MILL. AND ADDFT X new planer and other machinery, I am rea. yd 11 alt "orders for - - . Rcu h cr Dressed I vmher, vhich will be delivered at the Kelkrap eam-gr... ' i,'iiruv, cui ,&uig, i,r uimjwiicic ill. Li.e Hpn . 'ea- enable rate. , ' ' ' Cominun rough lumber, at the mill, $7 per Mf- ; tHooring and iliistiu (planed) 14 to 9 16 per M. a. sfaction guaranteed. All orders promptly filled. April IP, 1880. IT :7ui6 nisso'ution of PartHefsfi? "To all WnoM it May Concern : '; The fun. of Lewis 4; Foltefc , btdfi rr doifi' business ia the City Market, at (. i"' -? valiis, Oregon, has this (lay lieen illssol- . , y mutual consent,1 Ait. ci&Utf of i V nai 1 firm will preeefit; fjheir clnim'.te 'I (hnson for paytnent, ami flttl jiersofti;"" t arl firm will settle their lijlle wfth -F. M. Johuson. J: fc' livilrhr , T. it. FoLLrrr.' " . Dated at rorvaliia, Aug. 25, 1880. pv f iiir Creik famping Groui'u J'llIS FAMOUS CAMPING' Pt ACEJU8 fl6EN '' ; 1 clo.ed with a gooJ ifene?. alfordlng the finest i, . orcan;ping on tSieCcat; good water. plenty of . ay ami pasturage, at reasonable rates. The it a' ti is close at hand ; only z miles north of Ntv. . i.rt .n the road to Fouiweathcr lighthouse. JOHN G. DUTCH It Newport, May 20th. 1880. 17:h:. ' , W. P. SMITH, M. D., . Physician & urgid COltVAM.Is. . ORECOS, , ... , rrncv: over green & aoi.D8oN'.rT-f' t f Store. January 7, 1880. 17:2tf RTJSS HOUSE MONTGOMERY STREET; A' IT. , . . If. SEYM0U1. & CO.. Propf & MJ DERATE PRICED 'PHS LEAPINI iiL'Sl-N'lCSS AND.rAMILY I -tel in n Francisco Having been enlr. "'i .jcentiy,- nnd .newly furnii-bed, now contain: jlOjtant rooms, at iiriccs lower than any other fi- J' lass Hotel on the Pacific C oast. ; The ialle,4s unsurpassed by any Hotel in the c-! ' reing supplied with the best tbe market affords. ! mesis conveyed to the Hotel free, April 14. ieSO. ' , IttlJM " REMEMBER lEF0llTA 1SEQ..W. STEVENS, Proprk tfHIS HOUSE 18 NEW AND COMMODIOUS '' 1 the Tables will be-supplied with the best Market affords. , . -.- Board and Lodging, R 00 per week. Newport, Benton County. Oregon. 17itr; 3T THE ESMOND . H.. BRENKEB fj. t m , Comer Morrison and Front. StreeU, Tort ' Now open to the public i-t , Tbe Only First Clan Hoc Li OM CHjr. Hotel Elevator and all modern improvwi ' Portland, Oregon. May 21. 1880. WJ -4- vILI, HtiADS LETTER HEADS ,sMT'.",-T XJ statements- -nemtiv pnotea at was I . '' . fc. ' ' j