i9 WEEKLY C0RYALL1H GAZETTE. CorvaLlis, Jidy 16, 1880. Ma. J. H. Bates, Newspaper Advertising Agent, 41 Park Row (Times Building). New York, is authorized to contract for advertise in ants iu the Gazette at our best rates. CHURCH DIRECTOKY. M. E. CHURCH Regular services every Sunday, at 11 A. m. and 7 r. m. Sunday-school at the close of morning rvice, with Bible classes tor old and young Prayi r meeting on Thnnday evontng at 7 o'clock. A gjneral invitation and cordial welcome. . W. T. Chapman", Pastor. EPISCOPAL CHURCH The Rev. Mr. Sellwond. of Oregon City, will hold the services and administer tha Holy Co.nnvinion in the Episcopal Church, Cor vallis on the 3rd Sunday in each month. Lay services will he held on each Sunday at 11 and 7. Sunday school at 3. By order of Bisiior Morris. M E CHU1CH SOUTH Services every Sabbath at U a. u. and 7 r. .. at the college chanci. Sunday school at a. h. Prayer meeting Friday evening at 7 o'clock. Public cor jialiv invited. Josr.m Emery. Paitor. TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY COURT OF BENTON COUNTY, OREGON B jIow is the Finance Report of the Coun ty School Snperintendant, for the year end ing June 30th, 1880. IML 187 Tho. Graham, County Treasurer. July 23 State School Fund 1,509 57 " BalanceCountv Fund. (1879) 1,037 97 1330-March 22 Coun'tySchool Fuud,(1880) 4,:'35 30 $7,033 24 Ca. Voucher 1 By redeemed Clerks" Warrant . g Voucher 2-Do do 1,037 !7 Vou.-her 3 Do do 4,415 00 Vou jner 4 - -Un-rcdeemed Warrant, No. 86 2 80 Voucher 5 Unredee-ned No. 39. . . 87 40 $7,033 24 In addition to the financial report, here with suhmitte.l, I a hi some statistics com piled from the Districts' reports, teachers' reports and from my own memoranda in visiting schools. These items will indicate to you something of the school-work that is beiiw done in the county, as follows : The highest numlter of organized districts, at present, in thii county, is 55. The number of districts reporting this year, and now drawing public money, is 44. The total number of pupils reported lie tween the age of 4 and 20 years and now drawing public money, is 2387. The number of pupils actually enrolled in the pub'ic schools, during the ynar, is 1520. The average dai'y attendance of the above enrolled, was 1120. The numlier of teachers employed in the Public Schools during the year ending March 31st, 1880, was 48. Number of teachers employed holding first gride certificate?, was 24. Number employed holding second grade certificates, w.is 30. This estimate includes six secon 1 gr-id teachers, teaching in the month of April, 1880. The aver ige number of mont'is t'ltt have beeu taught in each school during the year, was 4. The total number of- months taught in all of the schools during th 3 year, was 220. Numler of school houses built during the year en ling March 3l3t. 1880, was 3. Number of school buildings in the county, is 45. Approximate value of school buildings, including school grounds, is, $23,600 00. Estimated value of school furniture be longing to the school houses, is, 9725 00. The estimate I value of school apparatus is, 9150 00. This includes maps, glolies, &c. The avenge salary paid male teachers dur the year, was 945 per month. The average salary paid lady teachers was $33 per month. There are two (2) graded schools in the county, employing four (4) teachers and en rolling 220 pu;ils. The number of districts furnished with suitable Record Books, is 32. Tota' number of school visits made from March 31st. 1879. to date, is 92. Total numlter of miles traveled in per formance of official duties, is 580. One District and County Institute was held in this county during the year, the cost of holding this Institute was 953. Amount raised by Public Entertainment and other measures. The number of teachers in attendance at this Institute, was 45. The amount of School Funds of the Dis trict C'.erks at the beginning of the year, was 92.300. The amount rauel by district tax, for district purposes, during the year, was 91200. The amount of County School Fund (in eluding balance of County Fund of 1879) received by Districts during the year, was 35,573 27. The amount of Stite School Fund receiv ed by the Districts for the year was 1 009 97. xne amount raised by Kate Bills :ie year, was 9978 00 The amount of money received by Dis tricts from all other sources during the year was 9450 00 The amount of money paid out for teach ers' salary during the year ending March, 1880, was 98,650 00. The amount paid out for rent of school hous.'S an l property fortheyear. was 925 00. The amount paiil out during the year for repairs on school property was 975 00. The amount pai 1 out for school furniture during the year, was $250 00 Tae am u ii t paid out for woo 1 and other incidentals during the year, was 9275 00 The amount paid out for school apparatus daring the year, was 20 00. The amount paid out for school house sites daring the year, was $25- The amount paid out for building school houses during the year, was 9900 00. The amount paid out for all other purposes (not specified above) by districts during the year, was 9120 00. The amount of money iu hands of districts at close of year, March, 1880, was 91,271 24. SCHOOL VISITS. I give below the number of schools visit ed last year after I had submitted my re port for the year ending June 30, 1879. The number of the districts only nre given as to give all of the items kept daring these visits would render this report cumbersome and not add to its value here for a fall report, ho rever, of the school work done in this county during the past year, I would re spectfully refer yon to the Bi-ennial Report of the State Snperintendant, a copy of which I will furnish you when published. The districts are give in the order visited, as follows: Nos. 13, 45, 8. 22, 17, 19, 15, 23, 49, 20, 27, 24, 43, 4. 1, 3, 18, 50, 52, 25, 37, 12, 36, 42, 41, 29, 38, 35, 33, 39, 55, 32, 14, 6, 31, 26, 27. The average time spent in each of these schools was one-half day. They are located iu all parts of the county from No. 1, in the extreme notthern part of the county to No. 55 on the Lower Alsea. In addition to the above, the following schools have been visited during the present quarter, viz: Nos. 10, 45, 9, 29, 1, 43, 4, 6. 3, 48, 14, H, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 13, 17, 19, 20, 50. Most of these schools were found in good condition several were in excellent condi tion not ably so, were Districts, 45, 13, 20, 19, 17, 23, 3, 48 an.l 27. SCHOOL HOUSES. The School Directors in several districts are lining a good work iu regard to building and repairing school houses during the pres ent term. New houses will be built this year iu districts 12, 37, 3. 48 and 49. Sev. ra) will be repaired and several are attending to a long neglected duty and that is they are furnishing thtir school-grounds with good out-hous e. Many of our school offi cers are earnest men who are interested in education of our youth and who begin to see that little money well expended will add greatly to the health and comfort of the children of their schools. This progress is gratifying. The importance ot having com fortable aud well ventilated School houses, seems now to be well understood. It is ut terly impossible to teach a successful school in pooriy warmed aud illy ventilated house. Pure air is necessary to the proper applica tion of mind on the part of the pupils on the other hand, idleness, listlessness, aud niiscbi f as frequently result from impure air as from a bad disposition. Foul air irri tates the body and stu pities the mind cer tainly and quickly. A cheap ventilating apparatus in every district school house would certainly pay for itself in one term in the increased efficiency of the s hools. A great deal of sickness among children m y be directly traced to badly w.irmed and badly ventilated school houses, anil it is certain, in many instances, that the founda tion of permanent di: eases which some times manifest themselves in after life are frequently laid in the same places. CLOSING RfcMAKKS. In closing, I desire to submit some items of work done, aud matters of expense con nected with the work of this ottice. Iu ad dition to the estimate of distance traveled in actual official work, I would state that 1 had attended two (2) conventions of County Superintendents, one at Salem; the other at Portland. 1 have also attend ed, within the year, two (2) mee ings of the State Board of Education, both held at Sa lem, an 1 also one intetiug of the State Teachers' Institute held at Portland, all of the above within the past year. I have jiaid, within the yar, for printing blanks fur use of this office, the sum of 915 00. For postage stamps, for office work, 5'J 50. I would state, ais , in this connec tion, that in several counties in this State, that the county furnishes an office, fuel, and stationery (including printing) for use of County Superintendent. Respectfully sub mitted, E. B. McElroy, Sup't of Schools, Benton Co., Oregon. July 3, 1880. FRCM VM TIM. Ed. (Jazette : The grain is growing very rapidly this tii.e weather. A lare amount of shingles are being h culed t-i market this season. Woik ou the Blodj.ett'8 valley school house is progressing finely; it soon will be completed. Mr. James Wood is building a new resi dence. James M. Cress rnd wife returned from Salem, where they have been to see friends. Mr. and Mrs. Slater, of Jefferson have gone to the Bay, on a pleasure trip. The writer of this article organized a Blue Ribbon Club at Summit. June 2 'th. Editor Gazette, pie: se let me explain to the anther of Progress of the Gospel: There were preaching at the Summit school house, June 20th, the attendance was good. The minister did not take his text from the Ya quina railroad, but from the Bible, ami preached a good sermon from scripture. That railro d question hail uothing to do with preaching, but the citizen of Kenton county. I thought every reader f your pa per uiitlerstoo plain English. I see there is one that does not. Hence I explain. D. C. Sherman. Turn Turn, July 5. 1880. Don't forget the excursion to Astoria on the 20th. The Palace takes the lead of everything i i town. The excursion to Astoria, Jaly 20th, promises to be a grand affair. Bedrock prices on Paints and Oils, at Allen & Woodward'B. Masons I are. Glass, Self-Sealing, cheap, at Allen & Woodward's. Miss Winnie McFarland, of Nordho-T, Cal., is visiting friends in this city. If you want your orders promptly deliv ered, leave them at the Palace market. The highest cash price paid for all kinds of fat stock and chickens, at the Palace. Several fights during the week, but no o ie seriously injured, so far as we can learn. The family of Rev. W. T. Chapman, of the M. E. church of this city, are visiting friends in East Portland. W. A. Wells purchased fifty-three thou sand pounds of wool this week, and started to Portland with it Wednesday. Mr. B. N. Baker and wife, and A. F. AcV lom started for Salmon river, in Polk coun ty last Monday, on a fishing excursion. Hon. Ge . Belt, one of Salem's most promising young lawyers spent last Sunday iu Corvallis, aud favored us with a call. Mr. Norris Humphrey was iu Corvallis the first of the eek. Business seems to bring that young gentleman here quite of teu of late. Mrs. S. L. Simpson spent a few days in. Corvallis, last week, visiting friends. Mrs. S. has he. -n te ching in Portland for several years with marked success. New and elegant sto-.-k of millinery goods just received, at Mrs. E. A. Knight's, which will be sold cheaper than they can be bought any where else in the tity. J. S. Moore has sold out his bar'ier shop to S. I Henderson, and will remove to the Yaquina Bay, while Sam. will continue the barbt-r business at the old stand. We are in receipt of the Catalogue of the annual Fair of the California State Agricul tural Societv, to commence on the 20th and end n the 25th of September, 1880. The campmeeting at Belfountaine closed last Monday. A large number of persons were in attendance on Sabbath, and the best of order prevailed during the services. r'rom the amount of machinery standin" arounil the foundry waiting to lie menneii. one would wonder how Benton county has lone without an establishment of this kind so Ion . Bishop R. Dubs preached at the Evan- geli al church, in this city, on lat S"nday evening to a larure con jre ration. The Bishop is a profound thinker, aud an able and forci ble speaker. There was a match game of base ball, last Friday, between the Altos and a picked nin. The score rt'od 24 to 10, in favor of the Altas. There will he another game be tween the same nines to-morrow afternoon. Farmers remember, that if vou buy an Oslxirn Self Binder of A. Cauthorn & Son this year, von will le furnished with a per- fecf i'rd binder next vear for 920 00 or a cor 1 binder will lie exchanged for your wire Under free ot chanc. Dr. H. W. Vincent and family accomnnn ied by Mrs. F. A. Vincent, and Mrs. Kelly started for the Bay. last Mon lay, to be all- Kent for a few weeks during the warm weathr, and Mrs. Lu dincrton and son, of San Francisco, accompanied them also. Mrs. Matririe Gorman, nee Magrie Butter- field, formerly of Corvallis, and who has been visiting friends and relatives iu this citv for some weeks, started for her home in Walla Walla. W. T.. yesterday. Wheu MaL'ie left Cor vnnis lost one of her choicest flower?. Admitted to the Bar. On last Thurs day Mr. Henry Keesee of this city was ex amined before the Supreme Court of Oregon, on his application to practice law; he pass ed a thorough examination in a manner tha' reflected credit upon himself and his instruc t rs, and was duly admitted to pr.ictice in all the courts of the State. Henry is truly a Benton county boy, was born, raise I and educated here, and will, some day, reflect credit on his county. He read law in the office of Kelsay & Burnett, in this city. Supreme Court. The newly elected Judges of the Supreme Court were duly sworn in last week, in deeming hy Jot as to the length of time each was to serve, re sulted as follows: Waldo, six years; Wat sou four and Lord two. By the term of his off.ee, Judge Lord is Chief Justice. The Court retained P. H. IVArcy as clerk, and J. B. McLaiu as Balif. On thursday eight applicants were examine i and du'y admit ted to practice law in all the State Courts of Oregon. BRICK- Mrs. Dennick is burning a kiln of brick. Ever since that w. rk fell to her, she has labore 1 to keep a supply constantly on hand and she h s succeeded. Her brick are of the standard sise and make. A brick layer. well and favorably known in Corvallis, with lithe and mortar, for small jobs, can be bad at her yard. Gone to Albany. Rev. W. C. Kantner, who has filled the pulpit of the Evangelical Church, in this city, for the last three years. was by the arrangements of the last Confer ence been changed to Albany, and Rev. J. Bowersox stationed at this city. Mr. K. has mode many frien U during the tima he has lived in Corvallis, and been the instru ment of much good in the cause he has so zealously served. He is an able pulpit orator and the personal friend of every msmlisr of his church, and we can not Iv.it feel that the Conference has male a mistake in chamring his field of usefulness. Recovering. On the 28th of June, Mr. Jos. Ferguson was thrown from a waeon near Junction city and his skull fractured to an extent that no hopes were entertained of his recovery. After thirty-five hours from the time of the accident. Dr. J. fi. Lee, of this city, was called and removed the fr icturcd portion an I the patient has been improving rapidly and is now consid ered convalescent. Steam Cylinder. List Wednesday the Corvallis Plow Company bored the steam cylinder for R T. Jordan's ste imer, to run on the Yaquin i Bay. T.iis is the first work of this kind ever done in Corvallis, and is perhaps the most particular kind of work in the manufacturing of machinery of any kind. Concert. John Kelley, a celebrated vo calist, violinist and harpist, from Califor nia, accompanied by his wife, uponthepiano or organ, will give a concart in this city, to morrow evening. This entertainment is highly spoken of by the prjsi in other place aud will doubtless be a very enjoyable affair. bay items Ed. Gazette : The 4th passed off nicely, with a fine ball at Wright's hall on the 5th. The steamer Kate and Anne is expected d lily. The road work will soon be completed, and then Benton county can claim the best mountain roa.l in the state. J. R. K. Irvin is fixing no the Ibvtn H mse (Ocean House of other days), and w.ll open soon. Joe will, no doubt, keep a model hotel. On the 15th a campmeeting, under the m magement of Rev. Nichols, will be held near Frank Stanton's, on the Siletz road. The -e will probably be a large attendance. The U. S. steamer ShabriA arrived f-om : he south on the 10th. She is iu command of Capt. Alfred Eversou. and engaged in raising, painting and replacing the buoys, and furnishing supplies to the light houses iu the 13th Light Home District. Maj. W. (J. Morris, special agent of the treasury lepartin jut, is on board, looking after the revenue of Uncle Sam. Tae bar being very rough the Shubrick was unable to pais out yesterday. The town and camping places are full of Vally folks, intent on enjoyment. With a railroad this would become the Long Branch of the West. Rialto. Newport, July 10, 1880. Vert Low. v u are sorry to learn that Mr. Jas. Drake is sinking very rapidly. He went to Portland a shore time since to have an operation performed, but was too weak. From Mr. Win. Grant, who came up from Portland last Tuesday, we learn that no hopes are entertained of his recovery. Cricket Club. A meeting will be held in the Band room this evening at 7:30. Members are particularly requested to a -tend as business of importance will be be fore the meeting. J. Headman, Sec'y. Machine Oils. Farmers will save money by buying their Machine Oils of Allen & Woodwai'l. They have a larBe stock, aud it will be sold very low. 1, :i8inl A UAriJ uF TrlANKS. I desire to return my thanks to the Co: vallis Fire Department, and the citizens of Corvahis for their timely and valuable ser- v.ces in extinguishing the fire that came so near destiny m ; my residence last week. VV'm. Spiers. MARSHAL'S NOTICE All sidewalks that are not iu repair by August 1st, will be repaired by the under signed at the property-hoidcrs expense. All loose boards must be nailed down. This is positively the last warning. A. 11. 1 vi; all. .Marshal. BOBK In Blodgett'a valley, July 5th, 1880, to the wife of R. B. Bmd ,-ett, a sou. In this city, July 11th, to the wife of 0. V. Motley, a daughter. THE AMKKK AN l Ktll'LE. No people in thtf world suffer as much with Dyspepsia -as Americans. Although yt ars of experience in medicine had failed to accompJuli a certain ami sure remedy tor this disease and its effects, such as Sour Stomach, Heart-burn, Vater-br;.sh. Sick Headache, Costiveness, i-'alpitatioii of the Heart, Liver Complaint, coming np of the food, low spirits, general debility, etc , yet since the introduction of Green's AuuUdT Flower we be.ieve there is no case of Dys pepsia that canuot lie immediately relieve 1. 30,000 dozen sold last year without one case of failure reported. Go to your Dru 'gist and get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents ami try- it. X wo doses will relieve you. Regular size 75 cents. We Challenge tle World. When we say we believe, we have evi dence to prove that Shi oh's Consumption Cure is decidedly the best Lung Medicine made, in as much as it will cure a common or Chronic Con ,h in on-J half the time an t relieve Asthma, Brono-hitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, and show more cases of Con sumption cured than all others. It will cure where they fail, it is pleasant to take, harmless to the youn est child and we guar antee what we say. Price, lOots. and $1 00. If your Lun.'S are sore, Chest or B ick lame use Sbiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by Allen & Woodward, Druggists. Po Ton Relievo It. That in thii town there ar 5 scores of per sons pas dug our s'oh every day whose lives are made miserable by Indignation, Dyspep sia, Sour an I distressed Stomach, Liver Complaint, Constipation, when for 75 cts. we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guar in teed to c-re them. Sold by Alleu & Wood ward, Druggists. Guardians Sale of Real Prop ert: . XT0TTCE XS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY VTR- 11 tae of an order duly made by the County Com of Benton countytate of uregun, of April, 1880, the same beinjr April term of said Cdenty on the 7th da' day of the regulai Court, granting to tht un lersiemed a license to sell the real property o Johnson Porter and Otis E. Porter, minor heirs oi John A. Porter, deceased. I, Susan Mulkey, guardian of the persons and property of sa.d minors, will on Saturday the 1?tb Dat or Jolt, 1880, At the hour ot one o'clock r. M of said day, sell a' the Court House coor, in the city of Corvallis, Ben ton county, Oregon at public auction to the highes' bidder, the following described real property, to-wit : Beginning at the N E corner of land claim No. 58, in T 11, S 11 5 west, in Benton county, Oregon. Run ning thence north 89 deg. west 31 chains; tbeno south 20.00 chains; thence south 89 deg. east 81. Or chains ; thence north 20 00 chains to the place of 'teginning. containing sixty-two acres. In Beaton county, Oregon. Also the following lots, 2 and 3, in Mock No. 14, in Dixon's addition to the city of Corvallis, in Benton county, Oregon. Terms of sale, one half cash in hand, on day o' sale the remainder on one year's time, with security on property sold. SUSAN MULKEY, Guardian Johnson Porter and Otis E. Porter, Minors. Dated Jane 9th 1880. 17:24w5 Real Estate for Sa e! SITUATED IN JORvAL XjiXS, Benton Count y, Oregon. TW') VACANT LOTS, in the central part of tow band v to the Wostside Depot. One of the n ost d sirable places for a residence in the city. l.Van TWO IMPROVED LOTS, on the main husinef street, with s .all stable, woodshed, and a good, coir fortahle dwelling house, containing seven good roomi . These lots are nicely situated for any kind of bus. nesa purposes. , 15jan One Steam Planing Mill and Sash and Door Factor n Corvallis, with all the machinery necessary to op rate the same tn all respects. The owner there wants to quit the business, he therefore offers t' entire factory for sale at a price more than one-th.i less than its cost or present value. All the above property is for sale, on reasons terms. For further information concerning the sa inquire of M. S. WOODCOCK, At his Law Omcs. in said Citv of Corvallis. Notice of Final Proof. Land Office at Oregon Crrr, Oregon-, June 28. 1880 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV.n THAT THE FOL-lowing-named settler has Bled notice of his in tention to make final proof iu support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof, and tnntaaid proofs will tiUkAtt ii -ij-iif iiiBos uct jr.tou c ty, rjgoii, uu Wednesday, August 4th, 1880. Bn am n J liaw.horn.i. Pre-ennt'n D. Stabs-Tie1 No. 3591, for the W of SE J and Lots 7, 8, and 9 8ec. 32, Town. 13. 8 R 10 VV. to -irove cont nrour res idence on and cultivation of said tracts, and names the following ai hU witnesses, viz: Win. A. Peek, cli. an McKenney, Thomas Russell and Thomas U iteeves, all oi TidiWaterP. O., Benton county, Oregon. Benjamin L. Arno'.d, Prj-emption D. Statement No. 3690. fur Lota o, 7 und 8, Sec. 30, T i3, S it JO W, and .la.nes the SoLnvejag ai his witnessej, v,z: Wm A. Peek, Elijah McKenney, Tho uas Rassel and l'homas D. Iteeves, all of Tide Water P. o. , Ben to ,-ounty. Oregon. L. T. BAIIIN, Register. Dated July 2, 1880. 17:27w5 Notice of Final Proof. Land Omcs at Or boon crrr Orejo.v. June 2s. 1380. VTOTIC"! IS HEREBY MVati THAT THE FOL ;i lowing-named settler has fildd notice of h a in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof, and that said proofs will be made before ii. W. Wilson, County Clerk of Benton county, on Wrdhesdat, ArousT 4th, 1880, At Corvallis, the county seat of Benton county, Ore- iron. 1..-VI w. Hunt, Homestead Application M 2028, for the of s E J of Sec. M, and W 4 of S W 1 of Sec; 11. inT 11. S K 9 W. to prove continuous residence on an J cultivation of said tracts, and names the following as his witnesses, vz: John Yantis, Little Elk P. O. , Emanuel Brannon and Charles Mays, Philomath P. O. , and A. J. Porter, Little lAk P. O., all of Benton countv Oregon. L. T. BARIN, Register. Dat.il Julv 2. 1830 . . 17:27w5 Notice of Final Pro i. Lan-d Office at Orkqov Citv, Oxeoox. June 28. 1880. NOTICE IS HERHuY UiVt.N THAT THE FOL lowin ,'-muned settler has filed notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure fin 1 entry thereof, and tnat m u proofs will be made in tiie Land OJios, at Oregon City, Ore gon, on Thursdat, August Stu, 1880, Thouas Terr, Pre-empt'on D. Statement No. 3231, for the N of -. J. Sec 2, T 12 3 K 11 W, to prove continuous resmen e on and cultivation or sa.a tract, and na nos the following as his witnesses, viz : Daniel Cariile, Tuos. J. Creig.iton, Wallace Baldwin and Le tcrP. Baldwin, all ot Corvallis P. O , Benton co inty. Oregon. U T. UAUIN Reglsttr. Dated July 2, 1330. 17:27wo Notice of Final Proof. Land Office at Oreoos Crrr, ) Oreooy. June 22. 1880. I 0TICH IS HEREBY UIVi-.N THAT THE FOL- vin '-na iied settler hat filed notice of his in tention to make dnal proof, in support of his claim and secure final entry tuereof, and that said proof will be made before B. W. Wilson, County Clerk of Benton county, Oregon, at the count- seat of saiu county, on Tuesday the 27th Dat of July, 1880, Viz: Titus Raney, Homestead entry, No. 2734, for 'heXJof H MamlNJof NWiof a. 24, T 11, 8 It 0 W, aui na nes the following as .is witnesses, viz John D xon.J0.1n Murray, Charles Tyler and A. Au- ' ji-b.-u-.it, all o: Corvallis, Benton emmtv. Oregon. L. T. BARIN, Register. Dated June 21. 1880. 17:2i.w5 Notice of Final Proof. I.IST OF LKTTERS Remaining in the post office at Con-all's, Benton County, Oregon. July 16, 1880. Persons calling for the same, wilt please say, " advertised. " , LADIES' LIST. Bryan, lbs. Florence Clark, Mrs. Cornelia Strauss, Carilina. OB31B LUT. Bernhehn, Theodore 2 Botley, B Cotfens, James Harding, W J Johnston, Fredrick Parish, W W Wheeler, W A t West, Ed- T. E Buwut, T IL . CONSISTENCY. Is a virtue the Democracy can never ac quire. Every Democratic 1 is per calls atten tion to Garfield's record on the Salary Grab, ami speak of it as an uno&rlonable sin. It wnuM 1 e well enough, in this connection, to remember that Ben Bntler was the intro ducer, if not the author, of the bill, and he has been twice a Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts. Sam. Ran lall, another Salary Grabber, has been honored with the speakership in a Democratic House. Fernando Woo-i drew his salary out of the Grab, and defended his infamous conduct in a speech two hours long, on the floor of the House ; he is a shining star in the oarty to day. Coming nearer home, Hon. J. S. Slater took his little sli e of the hlthy job, and when asked 1 y Hon. J. W. Nesmkh to explain, did so by p'eai ling guilty, but tried to justi fy his course by saying he had farther to travel than other represent itives. The pure Democracy of Oregon made him U. S. sena tor. Garfield paid his immediately back into the U. S. treasury, and made it impossible for his heirs to ever get at it. Which of these men were right? An old butternut Democrat said yesterday, in reply to a Republican on some of these points, We don't care a for the platform or principles ; we want to win, and intend to do it, by fair means or foul. With Hancock we can get a good many Republican rotes, and lose none of our own." That man puts the Democratic issues where they belong, and gave them their true weight and value. Newport, July 11, 1880. Benton. 3BP The most popular and fragrant Perfume of the day " H AOKME TACK" try it. Sold by Allen & Wool war 1. Druggists. 11 ill's Manuel. Mr. N. Newton, agsnt for Benton county, is now canvassing for subscrib rs to the new and revised e litmn of the ah ve excellent work. It is highly recommen led by dis tiniruished edncatnra and leading newspa pers, and is considered by all t be one of the most useful boiks that was ever laid upon the counting-room desk or drawing room table. 17:8 Sad Havoc, in ( rented Among the tenants of the month hy allow ing imparities to c tHem upon their surface or in their interstices. SOZODONT re moves every vestige of tartar from the t ieth, and renders their pre ma lire decay i-nnossible. It not only imparts to them whiteness and vigor, but communic ttea hardness and rosiness to the -rums. The breath acquires a most acceptable fragrance from its use ; it is a purely botanic liquid, and it may be relied on to accomplish its beautifying effects without injuring the en amel like a gritty tooth paste. New this "Week. Txecnto's Notice. wTfvrrrrR i nruFuv nivrv that t-tt l- itw IK deraigned has been duly appoint t Executor of " ususHrwaa v. ovan unvtHDDU, UV WV va.j www awiiwii wuuvt, oww oi vrejjoii. All persons having claims against the Kstate of said rl mil M hAMb,. . -- AL. . r.. mwvwvm sa mpi sjsj.t inmuni m piVHUb WIS Pl&'.ne WlMJ proper proof, within six n.onth irora the date hereo. til thi nndantonail a bi a mile north -we t of Monroe, in Benton county, Ore- ur in urvawiu, at me omce OI jas. A. rasius, his Attorney. CORNELIUS B. STARR. Executor of the Estate of Klizbeth C. Starr deceased Dated July 10, 1880. 740wS NOTICE. TTrHEREAS MY WIFF. IMRt'ETJVE VrSOEE f T has left my bed and board, without Just cause or r.ro-'f cation, I ber.-by warn a!! per onsTlot to trust or ' ier on my account, as i win nes pa mas ww wugwon ox car oonvacune. tons vrKOEE. Witness, B. A. BcnsSUk Newport, July 10, 1880. 17:I9w4 La vd Omcs at Orkuos Citt, Orkoon. Juiih 15th. luSO. OTiCR is H"k:-;iy oiVdi that th:-j fol lowing-named settler has filed notice of his in tention to make final proof in supiort ot his claim una wan anai entry inereoi, an.l tnat said prooi wl. e mad a lie 'ore it. W. Wilson. County lerk of uento--ounty, at Corvallis, the county seat of said county, o. MOVIMT, JfLT 19TB, 1880. William Post. IfnmsstMil aDDiication. So. 30(50. fo tne s t J bee. 0, 'lo-A-nship U S Kan? 7 W, to provi ouunoous resmenoc o-i anacuitivat.on of sanl tract m l names the following: as his witness nr v.z : Isaac .onon, oi avian valley, u. H. Johnson of Summit J. John on, of Corvallis and Frank Owen, of Summit envon county, uregon. U I. UAitia, Kcjfi- ter. Dated July 18, 1880. 17:26w5 Notice of Final Proof. Land Orrics at Rosebvko, Oos, ) June 11th. 1880. I ajOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL ts lowing named settler has filed notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entrv thereof, on Thk JOth Dat or Jutr, 1880, Before the J u Ige or Clerk of the Court of Benton county, Oregon, viz : Lavina F. Lovelady, widow o P. W. LovelaJy, deceased, of Benton counts-, Oregon Home-tead application No. 2056, for the s J oi ' s K J oi Sec 2, T 15 H R. (S West, and names the following as his witnesses, viz : Jo .n A. bounds, James Mi ixiunds. John A. Jackson and Kamom A Belknap, all W. L BENJAMIN, Register Dated June 18. 1880. 17:25w5 Havine leased a large buildinEr, we are nrepared to offer the farmers a full line of Harvesting Machinery aud Agricultural Implements, wagons aud hacks. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, CORVALLIS, OREGON, J. C. POLLEY, Proprietor The only First Class Hotel in the City. rrmE OCCIDENTAL IS A NEW RTTII.nilMS L newly f urnised. and the recognized head uarter :or Commercial Travelers, and all prominent men """"ii irge sample rooms on flrst Boor for commercial men, and bath room for the exclusive use or guests, uoard from one to two dollars per .a.-uiujuic w room. " June 18, 1880. 17:25tf CITY TRANSFER i OMPASY arll, Campbell raoPRiiTORs. k Co., All hauling in city or country promptly attended no. i7:vti. T. C. ALEXANDER, ATTORNEY at LAW, CORTALUMi OREGON. o .FFICE ON Bouse. MONROE STREET, NEAR COURT I5janl73tl AfijlllllllllL IMPLEMENTS HARVESTING MACHINERY WAREHOUSE Frank 0ro CORVALLIS, OREGON. WALTER A. WOOD ' Harvester and Self-Binder. WALTER A. WOOD Sweep Rake Reaper. WALTER A. WOOD Chain Rake Reaper. WALTER A. WOOD Header. WALTER A. WOOD New Enclosed Gear Mower. -AND- IIICAGO PITTS THRESHER. first Pitroxii;! OREGON STATE FAIR. La IJt-Ue Waqonn ami Hackp, Brown's Sulkcy and Gang Plows. Black Hawk ami Clipper PIowh. The Ct-li'bratfd Hamiall Harrow, Ami thf Square Hinge Harrows. Also Shovel tors. a General Plows and Assortment ol Garden Cultiva Also a full line of Steel Goods and Grain Forks. Extras for all Machines tarnished at Portland Prices. F. J. SPEIDEL, Ajrer.t street, oppoMte Ji.i gme Monroe limine. Corvallis. ipril 30, 1880. 17:18m4. Farm for Sale. rHE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale his splendid grain and stock farm, four miles north of west of Corvallis, on Oak creek containing 1200 acres over one hundred acres in cultivation two tine bear- nif orchards, and well calcul ated for divid. . . r, . int; into two or more snug iarnis lerms easy and title perfect. For particulars in quire of E. Holgate, VV. li. Carter, or on the premises. Uorvallis, Jan. I. lS7o. ltiiltl WAYMAN ST. CLAIll. (SUCCESSOR TO W. A. WELLS.) Manufacturer of HARNESS pfe SADDLES Keeps constantly on hand every thiDgr belonging t i first class shop. Ortfncle Sam's Harness Oil for sale. lC:Sf vl ..oiioneer. E. Hor,OAT, Att'y at Iaw Wrenn & Holgate, REAL, ESTATE BROKERS, COLLECTION, LOAN, !KURAKGE, OESR.1L BUSINESS Arit.NTS, AND AUCTIONEERS. Office on Second street, Market, CORVALLIS, next door south the City : : OREGON". Buying, Selling and Leasing Real Eslate. rronr) 5, ' attention given to C OLL ECT IONS. Loans Negotiated, etc. Will keep Regular Anctior: Sales Eoomp And sell at AUCTION, anything de. Ired, either a' tbc Sales RooniR or elsewhere, in City orCountry. Agents for good reliable Inslbanck Cohpamxs. We now have on hand for sale, both GRAIN' -ir... Stock Farms, and Citv Property, at fair prices, auu easy termp. 5"WB CAS MAKB S.1LBS IF ANYBODY CAN. Please give us a call. WRENN & HOLGATE. -i n a i i- i Corvallis. April 17. 1879. 16:I6tf. Benton County PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! A. A. MORRILL, Fro. WOULD RESPECTFULLT? ANNOUNCE TO THE ofl.lvpnu nf PArvullla nnH virrinitv. that he i prepared to do all kinds of PHOTO WORK, At prices to suit the times. Patronage 6olieitcd, ard r atisfaction guaranteed, in all cases. COPYING and ENLARGING a specialty. Nega tives retouched, and preserved. Front Street, Two Doors South of A. Canthorn I: Son's Store. ALFRKD A. MOkltlLL. January 7, 18P0. 17:2tf NEW BUSINESS !M!ountain View mile: daixit fITY IHSPJMIIY. 1 G0LDSCN & GRAHAM .... DEALERS IN .... DRUGP, MEDICINF.P, CHEMICALS, FANCY and TOILET ARTICLES, Spongop, Brushes, Perfumery, Paints', Oils Etc., Etc. PYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CA REFULLV compounded, ai d orders answered with care and dispatch. ' Farmers, and physicians from the country, will find our stock of Medicines complete, warranted genuine and of the best quality Lon anis, npni t , low. n ujn 95 Cents per Gallon, WHEN REQUIRED FOR INFANTS. THE MILK of one cow will he furnished. Milk warranted PURE. LISTEN FOR THE BELL ! A. O. MULKEY, Proprietor. Corvallis, January 7, 1880. 16:21ml, Administratrix Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UN dersigmd has been doly appointed Administra trix of 4 Estate of William B Carter, ccceared. by' the toum Court of Benton courty. State of Oregon. All persons having claims against the Estate of f-id decea-ed are hereby notified to present the ran ( with proper proof, within six Trnnths from the ci tc he"-o', otl e iindersigned, at the Gazf.t k office, in t crva lis, i en on county, Oregot. El MIRA CAKTEU, Jas, A. Yanhs, her Attornt-v, Administratrix of the Estate of William B. Carter, deceased. 17-.1GW5. Dated July 8, 1880. Dissolution of Partnership. -fJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PART 1 1 nership heretofore existing between tho untiei -signed is this day dissolvcil, by mutual conyen:, Jet. KgUn retiring from the buslm ss. The busings (Wil he continued, at the old star.d, by Tl.os. Egliu, who will assume all campany liabiHtiea, and collect si debts due the late firm. Iauek M. Koi in. Thomas !.,..-. Dated Corvallfs, June 21, 180. 17:2(i4 ALSEA STEAM SAW AND . FAEMERS' FEED AND SALE STABLE. Second St. Corvsllla PAUL WILEY & CO., - PROPRS. WE SOLICIT A PART OF THE PATRONAU EOF Benton and fcl oining counties. We have plen ty of Stable Koom, and yards for all kinds of stock, saddle horjeo and teams sent out on short notice ana quick tin e. ' We will run a hack to and from Soda Springs every Sunday, or as often as desired by health and pteasu. e "tr We shall make a sneoialtv of Doctoring, Training and Breaking horses. You will Cnd at our rtahle one of the best veterinary surgeons and train era on the Pacific coast. st.mftion snaranteed in even-case. For further particulars enquire at the Vincent Corvallis, May 28, 1880. 172tt We Want Vou to Know -THAT PAUL, THE PAINTER, ra AttAlN IN TOWN. AND PREPARED TO DO I all kind of plain and ornamental painting in the Orders left at Alum & Wood ward, 3 will receive prompt attention. - CorvalUs, June 4th, 1880. PLANIKG MILL J. PITMAN, Proprietor. HAVING REBUILT MY MILL, AND ADDED A new planer and other machinery, I am ready tc fill all orders for Xtctuh ot Pressed lumber which will be delivered at the Belknap compsrrcund. Monroe, Corvallis, or elsewhere in the cotinty, at reasonable rates. Common rough lumber, at the miH, t" per M feet ; Flooring and Rustic (planed) 14 to 818 per M. Sat isfaction guaranteed. All orders promptly filled. April 1, 1880. i7.2,n-.o W. P. SMITH, M. D., Physician & Surgeon, COKTALLIS - ORKCCn, OFFICE OVER GREEN Store. January 7, 1880. GOLDSON'S DEUO 17:2tf RXJS3 HOUSE, MONTGOMERY STREET, S. F., II. SEYMOUR & CO., Propr's, FIRST CLASS AC091VSM 3DATIDNS. AT MjOERATE PRICES. THE LEADING BUdlNi-S AND FAMILY HO tel in San Francisco. Having been enlarged recently, Hnd newly furnished, now contains elegant roopis, at prices lower than any other Fir.-!; Class Hotel on the Pacific Coast. The table is unsurpassed by any Hotel in the cit.-.-. geing supplied with the best the market affords. All buests conveyed to the Hotel tree, April 14, 1880, I7:lCtf REMEMBER THE FODSTAIN HOUSE GEO. W. STEVENS, Proprietoi rraxs house is new and commodious ai I the Tables will be supplied ith the be it th Market affords. Board and Lodging, $5 00 per week. Newport, Benton County. Oregon. 17:2nrr THE ESMOND. H. BRENNER, Proprietor. Corner Morrison and Front Streets, Portland. Now open to the public j Tfee Only First Class Rouse fo the fliy. Hotel Elevator and aU, modern Portland, Oregon. May 21. 1880. hnj rovcmir.t: 17:21tf B statements neatly printed at this oft -