The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, February 13, 1880, Page 4, Image 4

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Down In the fbiest a year ago
Blossoms were falling and skies were gray.
Crimson leaves rustled mint and low.
Blue mists saddened the far away;
A moist west wind in the motmimg trees
Bearing the echo of distant seas.
Ah. little love, I can see you now
Hall In snaaow anu uu ui
Standing undr the beeo.uen bough.
When the flush or summer wast past anu
For tneDtirange sweet autumn has cast her
Over mylove and our long farewell.
Dead leaves drifting about her feet.
Crimson and russet, tawny gold;
High above her the blossoms meet,
Dving and only a summer old;
Our love still blooms through a winter's snow,
Since the day we parted a year ago.
A sweet little picture to lay in my heart,
Wherever my fortune may bid me go;
I bear you too, love we did not part
Don l lhe forest a year ago.
Call it a fancy, or what you will.
The dreamy spell that the autumn weaves;
We never parted I hold her still.
As I won her first In the falling leaves.
Dnrintr mv travels on the Northwest
Coast I visited Coos Bay in the fall of
1873. The bay is a beautifully situated
body of water, supplied by waters flow
ing from both branches of Coos River
Isthmus and South sloughs and a few
minor branches and empties into the
ocean. On the right, as you ccme up
the Bay, after passing South Slough, is
Empire City, a picturesque little village
built upon a beach overlooking the sea.
Here I concluded to " lay over a trip,"
and see the sights. Accordingly I en
gaged board at the Lockhart Hotel, and
was soon ensconceu in a couimrmuie
room, where, unlike many an other "sea
side hotel," one was made to feel per
fectly at home. Being a stranger, I for
a time kept secluded, but in a town like
Empire one need not remain long ere he
finds congenial spirits, and it was so in
my case. I soon made the acquaintance
of that ubiquitous and ever-entertaining
personage, the " oldest inhabitant," and
from him learned many interesting inci
dents of the early settlement of this por
tion of Oregon. He told many weird le
gends of Indian massacres, hardships
and privations endured by the pioneers,
and hair-breadth escapes of hardy sailors
who " went down to the sea in ships,"
and of the noble pioneer women, who
walked side by side with the husbands of
of their choice in the dark and dreary
hours when each twig contained a foe and
none were safe from the Indians that
roamed the forests.
He related all this to me, and after a
few days acquaintance invited me to take
a sail with him and visit some points of
interest, of which offer I gladly availed
Coos Bav has many attractions, but the
bar for me had the most charm. Why it
it was so can only be explained by the
fact that, being a " tar," I was always
restless when not within the roar of the
briny deep.
" Here," said he, as we- reached the
North spit, "is the burial place of many
brave hearts. Ana pointing to the angry
waters, said : " Several years ago a " ka-
nim " went over there and thirteen In
dians met their death while endeavoring
to reach the outer beach of Point Arago,
and many others have gone down 'neath
the billows of this bar."
The following evening, in company
with " Uncle Dave," I went to North
Bend, and there fell in with a jovial crowd
of sailors and mill men, among whom
were Capt. Elliott, of the Emma Augusta
and Capt. McAllep, of the Orient, two as
fine gentlemen and true seamen as I have
ever met. Besides these two persons were
Capt. James McGee, of the tug Escort,
' and Capt. James Hill, of the tug C. J.
Brenham. During the evening, the con
versation turned on the bar, and tale after
tale relating to its treachery was told
Capt. Elliott stated that he believed he
could save himself if washed overboard
while crossing the bar, but how little did
he dream that ere forty-eight hours had
passed he would be numbered among
the ' dead of Coos Bay Bar."
Two days after the evening's conversa
tion, the Emma Augusta was ready for
sea, and it being Sunday. Capt. Hill de
cided to tow her out over the bar. A
crowd of seafaring men were on the dock
when the tug started for the lower bay,
where the vessel lay at anchor, and sev
eral invited guests stepped on board the
C. J. Brenham for a trip over the bar,
among whom was the writer. Having
taken the Emma Augusta in tow, we pro
ceened towards the bar, which wat any
thing but smooth. Gradually drawing
nearer we could see the heavy swells tum
ble in and also break clear across, there
being only a small space that seemed at
all possible to pass. Capt. Elliott stood
by the side of Capt. Hill, near the "man
hold" the protection placed around the
wheel to more safely protect the "man at
the wheel" and appeared to be in an un
usually fine frame of mind at the idea of
being on his way to San Francisco to
spend the holidays, and many a pleasant
joke went round. As we neared the bar
I saw ihe lynx eye of Capt. Hill lookiug
steadily ahead, and having been used to
the manner assumed by Captains and
Mates in times when courage and deter
mination were most demanded, soon per
ceived that behind this resolute exterior
there was something which made him
hesitate ere going too far in case a "turn
back " became necessary.
When off the point of North Spit
steam was slackened and the Captain
said: "The bar is very rough this morn
ing for the Brenham; what do you think,
Capt. Elliott; can we make it ?"
"Oh, yesv" replied Capt Elliott. I have
crossed out on a rougher bar many a
time. What do you think ?"
"All right," said Capt. Jim. And away
we went. We had passed over the worst
without accident, and had begun to
breathe easy for there is nothing so
trying even to those accustomed to "bar
work" as going over an angry bar
where each breaker threatens to engulf
the boat and bring death to all on board
when immediately in front of the boat
a huge breaker began to "comb,"
and before we could prepare ourselves
for the shock broke with tremendous
fury over the Brenham, sweeping over
board Capt. Elliott and the Mate of the
tug, named Smith.
Every effort was made to save them,
but in vain. Poor Elliot was the first to
succumb, and it is the impression that he
was hurt by striking the rail of the boat
when he fell into the sea. Smith was a
good swimmer, and for a time it looked
as if he would preach the beach, bnt it
was not so ordained, and he sank beneath
the waves, and his spirit soon followed
Capt. Elliott's.
The beach for weeks following was
traversed to find the bodies. About two
weeks after the accident the body of
Smith was found and decently interred
by the citizens of Empire oity, "Uncle
Davy" making the coffin; but the body
of Elliott never was given up by the
treacherous sea, and the "curlew's rest
less cry" is the only requiem chanted
above his watery resting place.
We safely returned to Empire City;
but the sudden and tragical taking off
of two noble, generous men in the full
bloom of health had an effect upon all
who witnessed it that could notbe shaken
off in a day. And even now, at times,
prunes vividlv before me the scene of
those two struggling bravely for life
midst the breakers of Coos Bay bar
struggling against hope; endeavoring to
avert a destiny that could not be averted.
Capt. Elliott! No truer, nobler man
have I met. A true son of the sea, a
careful and courageous captain, a gentle
man of fine feeling, and an honest man.
May he ever rest in peace 'neath the
"breakers" of that "harbor bar," until
that day when the "sea shall give up its
dead;" then may it be my lot to meet
him and to know him on the other shore,
as I knew him in the walks of life; for
he was truly a friend.
About a year after the above event I
was again visiting Coos Bay, and was in
vited by Capt. Magee to take a trip on
the Escort over the bar. Not being well,
I declined; beside the image of the catas
trophe I had before witnessed came too
nainfullv to memory. At this time some
thirty vessels were lying at anchor in the
lower bay, awaiting a favorable depth of
water to pass over the bar, and
this day it had been arranged for both
tugs, the Escort and Fearless (the latter
hftvincr been nut on this bar in place of
the C. J. Brenham, which had been as
signed to the Columbia bar work) to go
out and sound. As was usual on such
occasions, the captains of the different
vessels were anxious to proceed to sea,
and several of them concluded to go
down to the bar on the tugs, among
them one Capt. Nissen, of the schooner
Twilight. He was a fine young man
and had just returned from "the old
country" with a young wife, and this was
his first trip since his return. 'He stood
high in the estimation of his employers
and was beloved by his crew, and all who
knew him appreciated his worth as
friend and gentleman.
He, like Capt. Elliott, was anxious to
sail for San Francisco, and went to take
a look at the bar. Everything went well,
and when the bar was reached it was not
what one used to the sea would call
"rough." although it was breaking. The
Escort was in the lead, and unmindful
of danger. Cantain Nissen and Captain
Lorenson, of the schooner Letitia, stood
side by side on the house, engaged in an
animated conversation. Suddenly the
waters began to rise and in an instant the
Escort was completely buried under the
weight of a treacherous breaker, and
Capt. Nissen was floundering in the
wrathful waters of that cruel bar.
Captain Lorensen would have shared
the same fate but for the presence of
mind of Captain McGee. As the water
swept past him, he felt for he could not
see an object going past him which he
instinctively grasped and held firm until
the boat recovered from the shock, when
he found he had rescued a human being
from certain destruction. Too much
cannot be said in praise of the nerve dis
played by Capt. McGee, and all who
know him will testify that for stamina
and true courage in times of danger,
Capt. McGee has but few equals and no
superiors. He is surely the right man
in the right place.
After the Escort had been relieved of
the water, attention was turned to Capt.
Nissen. To turn the tug upon the bar
was an utter impossibility, but as he
could be seen swimming, and the Fear
less was a short distance astern, it ap
peared reasonable that he would oe
saved, so the Escort steamed over the
bar, turned and started toward the strug
s liner man. Life preservers from both
boats were thrown him, but it seemed as
though the fates had combined against
him, lor some drifted almost within his
grasp and were washed past upon the
angry billows. The current had taken
the man toward the North spit, and just
as he became exhausted the Fearless
came up and threw him a life buoy and
a line, both of which he missed, though
rue uuoy he missed oy only an arm s
length. During this trying ordeal Capt
Nissen never uttered a word. Capt. Hill
biw that only one chance was left. To
lower a small boat was impossible, and
the only chance was to get as close as pos
sible and try the line once more.
Amos Herring, the mate, (commonly
called "Jersey"), had another idea, and
when the tug neared the drowning man.
he slipped a bow line over his body and
giving me ena to a oystancicr said:
"When I catch him pull us up along
side." He instantly jumped overboard,
but too late! Just as he reached the man
he sank to rise no more, and "Jersey"
was hauled on board more dead than
alive. His act was rewarded, as was also
Capt. Hill's, by the Master Mariners' As
sociation with a gold medal, but money
nor trinkets can ever repay such heroic
acts as were that day enacted upon Coos
Bay bar, in order to save human life.
The name of Amos Herring deserves to
be placed high up on the list of heroes.
and his brave deed of imperilling his
own life to save that, of another should
stand forth in all its brilliancy for ages
to come, and should be so preserved that
his children and grandchildren may point
with pride to Amos Herring, their ances
tor, as a hero of the Nineteenth Century.
Every effort was made to save Captain
Nissen, but all in vain, and after twenty
minutes of hard struggling for life he
was numbered among the dead of Coos
Bay bar, and the next steamer bore to
San Francisco the terrible news that his
young wife was a widow, for all that was
mortal of Capt. Nissen lay low at the
bottom of the sea. His body never came
ashore, and the probabilities are that as
the tide turned ebb shortly after he sunk
that it was carried out to sea.
Such is the history of two incidents
that have come under my observation
while visiting Coos Bay. The bar is
a short one but no more uglier one can
be found when it is aroused by storms
and wind. It is at most times easily and
safely crossed, and so still and so placid
that canoes and small boats can safely
cross to sea over its bosom; but when it
is in a passion no more majestic sight is
seen . The breakers roll mountains high ,
and their roar resembled the distant
thunder of a thousand battle-fields. The
angry waters are lashed into foam while
the spray is thrown hundreds of yards
into the air. From Point Arago one can
command a good view of the bar, and
can for hours watch with intense inter
est its many changes. To- the north
stretch the sand spits, and all along
the coast from Coos bay to the Umpqua
can be seen a dreary waste of sand, a
times occasionally relieved by a small
m-nwa Af aval-mvmn i na T-T i . W. . . . ,.l.
day the eye can discern the sail of craft,
bound in, for many leagues at sea; here
almost every phase of life is exemplified
in nature the calm and placid waters of
the bar reminds one of the happy days of
infancy when not a breath ruffles the
days of early life; again the disturbed
seas as they rise suddenly upon the
bosom of the bar reminds us of our first
great grief and disappointment that
quickly revealed to our eyes being
no longer a child we m nst arouse and , like
the billows that arise upon the tranquil
bosom of the bar, struggling against an
unseen power behind them we, too, must
struggle and bravely win the battle of
life; and as the waves become more and
more angry how forcibly are we re
minded of the many fierce battles fought
in life for man s mastery over himself,
and of the struggles forced upon us all
at one time or another in this life; and as
the angry waves swallow up and kill
everything within their reach, how.
vividlv do scenes of this kind transpire
each day among the sons of men? And
again, when the bar has become peaceful
and serene, does it not carry the mind to
old age ? Of one who has fought the
battle of life, and in the sere and yenow
leaf of declining years sits peacefully
down content to wait for the summons
that will take him hence to eternal fBt
that will never again be disturbed by the
turbulent waves of this life
Coos bay bar! what sorrow ye have
brought to once happy firesides. Know
ye the anguish, the days and nights of
sorrow that ye have caused once happy
homes to endure, and if so, have you no
moments of remorse ? No, cruel waters,
little care ye; but let us all hope that
when the sea gives up its thousands, not
one of the dead of Coos bay bar shall be
absent, for 'neath you rests the tene
ments of noble men, whose spirits "went
aloft" to their Maker through your
treacherous and angry lashings. But
who can say that it is not their gain, and
that it was but destiny for those
brave men to surrender up life to God
amid the roar and turmoil of Coos Bay
bar ? Peace to their ashes, and may we
all meet them across the bar that divides
the mortal and immortal sphere.
In the Jaws of a lion.
I was out after porcupines, and
lying down one night near a porcupine's
hole, waiting for him to come out.
had no gun, but only my hunting knife
and a large knob kerrie with which to
knock the porcupine on the nose; for
that, as you know, kills him at once.
did not hear a sound until I found the
grass near me move and a lion got his
paws on me and lifted me up. The brute
pressed his claws into me, but, luckily
my leather belt prevented his teeth from
damaging me, and he earned me, hold
ing on to my belt and coat. If either of
these had given away I should have been
laid hold of in a far more rough manner
A lion is like a cat in one thing, he can
hold a live creature in his mouth and
not damage it, just as I have seen a cat
carry a mouse. I knew the nature of
the lion enough to know that if I
struggled I should have my neck broken,
or my head smashed in an instant; so I
did not struggle, but quietly drew my
knife and thought what was best to do.
I thought at first of trying to strike him
in the heart, but I could not reach that
part of him, and his skin look A so loose
that I could not strike deep enough,
carried as I was. I knew it would be
life or death with me in an instant, so
turning myself a bit, I gashed the lion's
nose and cut it through. The lion
dropped me as I should drop a poison
ous snake, and jumped away roaring
with pain. He stood for an instant look
ing at me but as I did not move, he did
not seem to like to carry me again. More
than once he came up to within a few
yards of me, licking the blood as it
poured from his nose; bnt there I re
mained like a stone, and he was fairly
afraid to tackle me again. I know a
buffalo and an ox are very sensitive
about the nose, and a cat, if just tipped
on the nose, can't stand it, so I thought
a lion might be the same, and so it
" Straw?"
A street car full of passengers was
boarded by a man with a book and pen
oil in his hand, and he straightway began
taking a vote of the passengers. Some
answered and some didn't, and some
didn't exactly understand what he was up
to. w hen he came along to a little old
woman, with her lap full of parcels and
bundles, she called out:
"There is four of us in the family, and
we are all grown up; our Christian names
are John Henry, Betsy Ann, Melinda and
Aaron, and that's all the census you'll
get out of me.
"lam hot taking the census, madam,"
he explained, "I am simply
"You raise on your water tax if you
dare!" she interrupted. "We'll dig a
well before we'll pay another red cent
"lam not the water tax man; I am
canvassing this car "
"Well, you can't canvass me! " she
snapped. "I'm bothered to death with
canvassers at the house, and I don't care
what new-fangled clothes wringer you've
got l won t subscribe!
The passengers were all laughing, and
he didn't want to give it up in that way.
" Madam," he began, "have you any
objections to
"I won't sign any petition if I die for
it! " she shouted; "and now if you don't
stop pestering me I'll open this package
oi pepper and ml your eyes for you, and
my husband will thrash you to boot!"
The man with the book let up and
dropped off. Worcester Gazette.
a Kentucky JUDGE. "some years
ago, observed a well-known criminal
lawyer, "I had a case to argue before
the eccentric Judge Cleary, of Kentucky.
While waiting for my case to come up I
listened to the trial of a brawny ruffian
who was accused of stealing two mules.
He had been caught riding one and
leading the other, and, thought both
animals bore their owner's brand's, he
swore that they had been foaled on his
farm and raised by him. Eyery point of
evidence was against him, but he swore
he was innocent with enough oaths to
scare an overland teamster. The jury
returning a verdict of guilty without
leaving their seats, Judge
Cleary then asked him: "Have
you anything to say why judgment
should not be pronounced against you?
"Yes, I have." "What is it?'' "I am
innocent, and I hope God may strike me
dead if I'm not." The Judge paused a
moment. Then he said quietly: "As
the Almighty has not seen proper to
comply with your request, the sentence
of the Court is and he went on to pro
nounce it.
Servants in Brittany.
A few days ago, under press of cir
cumstances, and because I could not se
cure our regular marketer, I sent my
garcon Thoma to the city ten miles away
with a large basket of strawberries lor
sale. He left here about 4 o'clock in the
morning, arrived at the town before the
market hour, sold his strawberries, and
ought to have been back here about 10
M. Instead of which ihoma, who is a
sailor and a jack-of-all-trades, who wears
sort of sailor s guernsey and talks a
wit o in between French and Breton, got
into temptation and fell. Drink did it
all. Prick lays low the greater part of
our poor Bretons. One sees more people
helplessly drunk, or maudlin drunk,
here far away from towns, in these rural
abodes, than even in England, only they
are for the most part quiet; they neither
swear nor fight. Poor Thoma kicked
quiet over the traces. Perhaps he had
felt too much of the Englishman s yoke;
perhaps he had done enough work for a
month or more. At any rate, he drank,
then engaged himself to marry a dirty
little uglv woman who did his washing
(that is, when he did not do it himself)
and finally he bolted away with my
strawberry money, and I have not seen
him since. I am grieved, not on account
of the money, for I owed him as much
in wages, but because now my poor
Thoma is gone, I have no sailor for my
boat, no one so utterly droll, or so beau
tifully picturesque, to look at and laugh.
For Thoma was the most slipperly sailor,
the most idle fellow in the world. lie
never did half a day's work while I ha 1
him. He waited till my back wa?
turned, and then left spade, vessel, rope
or wheelbarrow, without attempting
even to put tools away. Only in one
way was he ever working happily, and
that was the way he knew he was wrong.
Under such circumstances he would
display an energy worthy of a better
cause. Once he went with me to buy a
pleasure yacht, but before meeting the
owner he agreed with me that he would
give his opinion in sly winks. We went
on board with the owner, who pointed
out the various good points of the vessel,
constantly appealing to Thoma for con
firmation, and always being backed up
by my garcon, but when the owner
for an instant turned his back, Thoma
screwed up his face into all sorts of con
tortions, and managed to convey to me
his disproval of the purchase. Our
other servant is also an experiment, and
a failure: The servant's difficulty not
only exists here as elsewhere, but it
is aggravated by the independence of the
i eople, and their exceedingly dirty
habits. Very few country girls care to
go out to service, in fact, scarcely at all.
Here in th country we are driven into
the towns for servants. The women
work on the land as hard or harder than
the men; moreover, they prefer their
independent life to service; they like
better to dig, or hoe, or weed, or get the
sea-weed for manure, in dirty clothes
and sabots, than to submit to the neat
ness and respectability of domestic life.
They are also in demand for wives. The
peasants marry when mere boys, without
any apparent means of living, trusting
to Providence, and at worst eon tent
with black rye and bread and a lick of
greasy soup. Our Jaquette is a jeume
fiUe (which is the French euphemistic
expression for an old maid) . She will
never see fifty -five again, if she be not
quite sixty. Yet when I asked if she
were veuve, I was told she was a jeune
Jille. She is as honest as daylight, which
is more than 1 can say for most .Bretons,
who are pilferers, if not robbers, at
least in these parts. She is economical
to a fault, wastes nothing, almost eats
nothing, keeps the men on soup made of
greasy water and bits of bread, and puts
even the water used in cooking into the
universal soup. The other day she sent
in peas with a lot of green-looking
water, which one of the party disliking,
took it into the kitchen to pour it away;
Jacquette requested as a favor that it
might be put into her own particular
plate of soup, and it was. But Jacquette
never washes, or, if she does wash, she
does not conquer her dirt. She is dirty
in person, and dirty in cooking her food.
She is a bad cook, and smokes every
thing she cooks. She potters about all
day, yet she does not even keep the
rooms clean. Upon the ladies fall almost
all the household work. Why then do
we keep Jacquette? J? irst and foremost
because we cannot get any better; next,
we like her very much for her good
qualities, and lastly, because when once
we told her to go in a week, the dear
old thing was so meek, so patient, so en
during, that we almost wept for her and
kept her on. Cornhill Maqazine.
The great trouble with profesional
ball-clubs is to find a pitcher that will
hold water only.
Remarkable Rides.
More remarkable rides than the famous
ride to York are upon record. By dint
of keeping constantly in the saddle and
having relays of horses all along the
road, the Prince de Ligne contrived to
cover the miles between Vienna and
Paris over five hundred, as the crow
flies in six days. This performance was
outdone by the Count de Maintenay,
who rode the whole distance on one
horse, without dismounting. The Count,
one of the most accomplished horsemen
of his day, was attached to the mission
sent by Napoleon to negotiate for the
hand of Mary Louise; and was. deputed
to carry to his impatient master the
formal consent of the Emperor of Aus
tria to the marriage, and the miniature
of the unwilling bride-elect. To expe
dite his journey, six of the finest horses
in the Imperial stables were dispatched
to different places on the route, that the
Count might change his mount; but
the Hungarian roadster he bestrode at
starting went so fast and stayed so well
that the relays were not called into ser
vice, and the matrimonial messenger ar
rived at his destination leng before he
was expected, but so exhausted that
he was fain to crave permission to be
seated in the Emperor's presence as he
delivered up the all important mission,
and repeated the Archduchess' message
to her future lord. A jeweled snuff box,
sixty thousand francs and the good steed
he had ridden, rewarded the Count for
his expedition. The Count de Mainte
nay's feat was repeated in 1874 by an
Austrian lieutenant, who undertook to
ride his horse, Cardoc, from Vienna to
Paris in fourteen days. He was unlucky
enough to lose bis way in the Black For
est, and so waste seven hours, and was
further delayed by an accident to his
horse; nevertheless, he accomplished his
task, with more than two hours to the
good. '
It pays to keep a cow out of the
Charles Lamb remarked of one of his
critics, "The more I think of him, the
less I think of him."
"Goat button shoes" are advertised in
the market just as if they could be goat
without propensity for buttin.
Piety in Animals.
Proofs of sagacity involving what
would seem processes of judgment, infer
ence and generalization fairly equal those
of the average man, have been made
familiar to us by the reports of natural
ists without number, if not by opportu
nities of personal observation. Of what
acquirements animals of all sorts are
capable, under man's skillful and patient
tuition, all must be fairly convinced. To
this culture of the intellect and the emo
tions we are taught by Dr. Lindsay to
superadd the development of the relig
ious feeling in animals, whether in the
form of natural piety or of a kind of ani
mal Kulturkampf. Not only does the
dog, for instance, worship his master and
learn from his example to display deco
rum in kirk or chapel, but, in common
with many other species outside the pale
of humanity, he is capable of religious
feeling and action of a direct and sponta
neous character. The seemingly be
havior of the Scottish collie in kirk is
conspicuous among the attributes which
have given that sagacious quadruped its
high and well-earned reputation.
Nor is devotional decorum, all impar
tial critics of the . ways of animals will
learn with pleasure, confined to a single
class of theological opinion. "In France,
a Catholic country, on the contrary, dogs
attend prayer or mass with their masters,
exhibiting in the grand cathedrals of that
beautiful land a becoming behavior, in
cluding a gravity of look and demeanor,
silence, and motionlessness, an attitude
of apparent attention or intentness, and a
probable feeling of awe, produced, it may
be, by the dim religious light of such edi
fices, or by the varied impressive sights
and sounds that environ them" a kind
of conduct, in short, only too instructive
or suggestive, to irreverent man. Nay,
a more emphatic lesson still is taught by
his canine companion to many a lax Bo
man Catholic, since we are taught on the
authority of "Southey," (whatever that
may be), that "in Catholic countries
church-going dogs have been led to the
stage of fasting."
JNor are dogs the only animals that
may claim occasionally to be pious.
"While collies regularly attend church,
they cannot be said, as a rule, to take any
active or intelligent part in the service ;
but in the case of the parrot, which is not
usually allowed to attend church, the
bird not unfrequently takes a prominent
and certainly intelligent part in the pri
vate worship of it's master household.
Such parrots, for instance, moke re
sponses at the proper time an exercise
that implies a good deal more than mere
memory, mere attention to the service.
The have been taught moreover, or they
have learned, to repeat man's creeds, to
recite prayers, and even, or otherwise in
a certain sense, to act as domestic chap
lains as substitutes, in other words
for man himself. As in so many other
cases, the behavior, nay, the very speech,
the remark or conversation of the bird
are suitable to place, time and other cir
cumstances. Thus a certain English
Bishop's parrot is (or was) in the habit
of saying sometimes quite devoutly and
with becoming solemnity, at other times
sarcastically or ironically, but in either
case at proper seasons and appropriately
to the circumstances "let us pray." Of
another we are told that it could sing in
correct time and measure "There is
happy land." Saturday Review.
Art Vestiges in Afghanistan.
paper, entitled "Art Vestiges in Afghan
istan; the results of some recent explor
ations in the Jelalabed Valley," was read
on Wednesday night by William Simp
son of the Illustrated London News, at
the weekly meeting of the Society of
Arts. Sir T. Douglas Forsyth, K. C. 8
I., C. B., presided. Mr. Simpson stated
that, being for some months last winter
in the Jelalabad Valley with the force
under General Sir S. Browne, he visited
and sketched most of the Buddhist re
mains in that region. In addition, he
made excavations under the auspices of
the late Sir Louis Cavagnari, and had
brought materials on which might be
formed a knowledge of the Buddhist
architecture in the valley. The remains
are now little more than mounds, the
number of which was immense. As the
Buddhist establishments were monas
teries, there seemed to have been a pop
illation of ascetics alone far greater than
the whole population of to-day. At pres
ent there is neither art nor architecture
in the Jelalabad Valley. In the Budd
hist period, on the contrary, the country
must nave been in a nign state oi civm
zation. A style of architecture was fol
lowed in which sculpture was largely
used, and the effect heightened by color
and gold. Mr. Simpson gave a large
number of interesting details respecting
the architectural styles of Afghanistan
and India, the various influences to be
traced in them, and his discoveries in
the Jelalabad Valley. A strangely com
posite character belonged to the archi
tecture of the Buddhist period in Afghan
istan. It had received a capital from
Persia, a Corinthian capital with frieze
and mouldings from Greece, and an arch
from India. At Venice the architecture
of Western Europe combined with that
of Byzantium. Afghanistan had some
points of resemblance to the City of the
Sea. It was formerly a trade' route and
a gate of conquest. These conditions
brought together in it the arts of West
ern and Eastern Asia. Some of the few
sculptures he found indicated that this
art had made considerable progress
Having expressed the hope that further
--x- '1. 1J 1 - J v. .:n-.
explorations wuuiu uo uuuc, ua ojotuiuj
described his excavations at the Asm
Posh Tope, near Jelalabad, the date of
which he placed about 400 or 500 A. D.
Mr. Simpson's remarks were illustrated
by numerous sketches and photographs
Leeds Mercury, December 12th.
Endurance of the Digger Indians.
While the thermometer has been hugging
zero; while the ears and noses and hands
of the white man have been tingling
with cold; while the earth has been
covered with snow, and ice has formed
on exposed bodies of water, the Digger
Indian has been displaying his utter
lack of sensitiveness to cold. Several of
the red men of the forest who come to
town daily from the adjacent campooda
are conspicuous for thin bodily attire.
With a pair of gauzy pants, and a shirt,
all ragged and torn, barefooted and
bareheaded, they wander about without
any apparent regard for the frigid
atmosphere which surrounds them. A
kind-hearted lady saw one of ; them in
this condition passing her house the
other day, and asked him if he didn't
want a wair of shoes to keep his feet off
the ice and snow. "Ugh," he answered
"white mahala she wear 'em. Injun he
no papoose. He all same big pine tree."
Trying to chew caramels with false
teeth ranks with trying to untie a shoe
string with mittens on your hands, or to
do business without advertising.
The Cologne Cathedral.
Cologn? Cathedral is at length ap
proaching completion, and it is confi
dently stated that August next year will
see ihe mighty minster finished. Begun
in the very midst of the "ages of faith,"
wnen monarchs beggared themselves to
raise magnificent structures, of which
only picturesque ruins now remain for
the world to look at, this extraordinary
temple of the Christian faith lagged be
hind all its contemporaries in the work
of construction, saw them reach their
mature glory, decline, and sink to ruin,
itself being all the time an unfinished
fabric. The first stone of Cologne
Cathedral was laid m 1248, about the
time when all the grandest eclesiastical
edifices now left, perfect or ruined, in
Europe wore either just finished, or,
like Notre Dame, in Paris, were in rapid
progress; but while the most elaborate of
them took only three centuries to bring
i . . f i-i yi 1 a
w peritenon, Cologne minster has l
sorbed more than double the time, and
is not finished yet. It is unnecessary to
give all the reasons of this delay. Suffice
it to mention a "personage" not to be
mentioned without extreme caution to
ears polite, hindered the work from the
beginning with a pertinacity only
natural, pernaps, under the circumstan
ces, and that this supernatural "ob
structionist succeeded so far that onlv
after a lapse of six hundred and thirty-
two years will the great fabric be hailed
as a perfected christian temple. It took
nearly three centuries that is, from 1248
to 1517 to complete the choir, and since
that date it has requsred liberal aid from
nearly all the sovereigns of Europe to
keep the construction going. The
cathedral is 510 feet long and 230 feet
broad; the nave is supported by 100
columns, the four central of which are
no less than 40 feet in circumference;
the choir is 160 feet in height, and the
two great towers are each 500 feet high.
What now remains to be done is the last
stage and crowning decoration of the
stately towers. The massive caps of
stonework have to be laid on, and then
on their summits have to be fixed the
gigantic "foliated crosses, "almost 30 feet
high, which are to crown the towers and
proclaim to all the world the faith to
which the work is dedicated. This done,
Gothic architecture will be able to point
to an acknowledged masterpiece, and the
bones of the 11,000 virgins may rest
quiet in their shrine. It is only to be
hoped that when next August arrives
Eurape will fitly celebrate the occasion
on own merits, without inquiring too
curiosity into the value of the accom
panying legends.
i, OOd.OOO.
General C filers nd fannfetctory
Pacific Brakch,
No. 210 Sansome St., S. F
Agency (r Oregon and Washington Territory,
With II AWLEY, DODD k CO., Portland.
Hv hem tst4 by the laest disastrous ermfla
gndUm in the tfutilry,
Tney are. ttitrtmgfciy ttf prtftf.
fhty f. tree ff&ut 'l t m pi ,' .-.
Thir tntmtftfiij te fceynftut y.fpm.
AUhtmgft abmi i.vM - met :- n now
in um, h "t r-A t"M tncvts tv-rtvrl Yyy imm
ttf the nwt Hmntrmtg w-wtftegratiM m tt$
KtKtnr, there it mt t tatew tw w.v I
wlMrma one of l&ew U- t v w r Ms
llave never been broken 0pn and robbed by
burglar or robber.
Hall's burglar work is protected try letters
patent, and his work cannot be equaled lawfully.
His patent bolt is superior to any jn use.
His patent locks cannot be icked by the most
skillful experts or burglar.
By one of the greatest improvements known,
the Gross Automatic Movement, our locks are
operated without any arbor or spindle passing
through the door and into the lock.
Our locks cannot be opened or picked by bur
glars or exjierts, (as in case of other locks), and we
will put from $1,000 o -VI 0,040 behind them any
time against an equal amount.
The most skilled workmen only are employed.
Their work cannot be excelled.
Hall's Safes and Locks can be relied on at all
They are carjfully and thorughly constructed.
Made in America, or any other country.
One Thousand Dollars
To any person who can prove that one of Hall's
patent burglar-proof safes has ever been
broken open and robbed by
burglars up to thtj 'sjia
present time. Sl
Agent for Oregon and W. T.
The Ex-Queen's Reception. The
Duchess de la Torre was universally
pronounced the most beautiful and best
dressed woman in the theater, but all
honors of the evening were for the
Queen-mother, Isabel. The King and
Young queen were only looked at when
they entered, but when Queen Isabel
came to the front of the box there was a
universal murmur of applause, admira
tion and affectionate greeting, and in the
bull-fight the next afternoon there was
positive enthusiasm. The crowds there,
always noisy, saluted her with roars of
applause, and all along the Calle Alcala
coming home she was the object of the
most boisterous demonstrations from the
people. This reception for Queen
Isabel 'vas scarcely expected, still it sur
prises no one. For the women of their
generation in Madrid, she is the sister of
all; her children, too, were born when
their were, and some of her little ones
have been taken just as theirs, too,
have died, on the same day, in the same
week, or in the same month, so that the
anniversaries of her life are theirs also.
And the great, generous heart that beats
under the ample bosom of the frail,
faulty Isabel has prompted the willing
hand to so many charitable actions, so
much has she given to starving widows
for the education of their sons, to fathers
struggling under the weight of large
families and ready to perish, to needy
Generals who have led their hosts to
battle, and to impoverished authors, that
it is utterly impossible for the people of
Madrid not to love her, although they
cannot respect her. Correspondence
N. Y. Post
Long Parliamentary Connection.
The most remarkable instance of a long
Parliamentary connection is found in the
little borough of Caine, in Wiltshire, for
Sir Lionel Duckett, who was Lord
Mayor in 1572, purchased the hundred
of Caine, and his nephew, Stephen
Duckett, was returned for the borough
in 1684. Caine was represented by a
Ducket without interruption from the
reign of Queen Elizabeth to that of
George III., when the manor was sold
in 1765 to Lord Shelburne, the ancestor
of the Marquis of Landsowne. The in
fluence of the Lord of the Manor is still
paramount in spite of the reform bills
and the ballot, but the sitting member
will scarcely secure his re-election on
such easy terms as his predecessor in the
last century, for all that the burgesses
of Came expected from their representa
tiv in 1754- was a, hiick-feaat ever vear.
and ten guineas for wine to drink his
health. The connection of the Masters
with Cirencester is of still longer
duration, for George Master of the Abbey
was returned for the borough in 1586,
and his lineal descendent. Charles Mas
ter Jr., the heir apparent of the Abbey,
is the sitting member in 1878. But
although the Masters have in almost
everv generation represented Cirences
ter. thev have not held the seat without
interruption as the Duckets did at Caine.
The Athenaaum.
At a certain church not ten thousand
miles from Oil City, recently, a man of
an enthusiastic nature became convinced
of the error of his way and determined to
reform. He joined the church, but
found it exceedingly difficult to jave up
all his bad habits. Among othePthings
he had been an inveterate swearer, and
his tongue would persist in slipping
quite frequently. Last Sunday he went
to church, and being sleepy, began
nodding. Finally he got his oane in
front of him, and' resting his head on the
handle, went to the land of Nod. He
was sleeping sweetly and serenely, when
some sinful cuss kicked the cane out, and
the newly-converted Christian's head
came down on the back of the seat in
front of him like a pile-driver, causing
him to ejaculate with unnecessary em
phasis, "Great God!"
"Is this the place," she asked, as she
wandered down the barren sands, "where
a young lady a beautiful young lady
fell in the water last season, and was
rescued by a gallant young man, whom
she afterwards married?" He looked at
her carefully and estimated her at a
square 47, with false teeth, and said:
"Yes, madame, bnt I do not know how
to swim."
Ufllee wHti Hawley
11 odd Co..
Bees Hamlin. Emmett F. Wrenn.
Hamlin &c Wrenn. Propr's.
Salem with a new truck, ami having
leased the barn formerly occupied by .lames Eg
lin, we are now prcpa:ed to do all kinds of
either in the city or country, at the lowest living
rates. Can be found at the old truck stand. A
share of the public patronage resjwi'tfully solic
ited. Corvullis, Dec. 27. 1878. 15:62tf
Gazette Job Printing House
Plain and Ornamental Printing,
As neat and Cheap as it can bo done by any
Office on the Coast.
bill He ds,
jrster HendM
Hole lMadM.
Ma einnti,
P ornmtnes.
Ball TIche'B
ItnHlne a nrdN.
ViHiiMtif Cnrds,
small Pester,
l eicnl tilnulia'
Bank Sotea,
feltlplff Becelpfa.
Urd-r ilnffHH,
tc. Ete
lers by mail promptly filled. Esti
mates furnished.
Cor. Second and Monroe Sts.,
Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of
Work done to order on short notice, and
at reasonable rates.
Corvallis. Jan. L 1S77. U:lw
Fashionable Tailor,
has given his patrons perfect satisfaction,
has determined to locate in Corvallis, where he
hopes to be favored with a share of the public
f All wnrlr warranted, when mink;
under his supervision. Repairing and cleaning
promptly attended to.
uorvaius, oau. i,ioq'. -".v.
torvalllM, Oregonf
Special attention given to surgery and diseases
of the Eye. Can be found at his office, in rear of
Graham, Hamilton 4 Co. '9 Drug Store, upstairs,
dnr or night.
7ne J, 1879. l-2Stf