WEEKLY C0RVA1LIS GAZETTE. Corvallis, Fcfc. 6, 1880.- CIIIJRCII DIKECTORV. M. E. CHURCH Regular services every Sunday, at 11 A. m. and 7 r. M. Sunday-school at the close-of morning service, with Bible classes for old and young. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. A general invitation and cordial welcome. W. T. Chapman, Pastor. EPISCOPAL CHURCH The Rev. Mr. Sellwood, of Oregon City, will hold the services and administer the Holy Communion in the Episcopal Church, Cor vallis on the 3rd Sunday in each month. Lay services will be held 011 each Sunday at 11 and 7. Sunday school at 8. By order of Bishop Mobbib. M. E. CHURCH SOUTH Services every Sabbath at 11 A. m. and 7 p. m., at the college chapei. Sunday school at 9:30 a. M. Prayer meeting Friday evening at 7 o'clock. Public cordialiy invited. Joseph Ejbrt, Pastor. LOWER AL3EA ITEMS- Hie wind and high water upset several lengths of Prof. Hawthorne's fence. There is no sickness among the citizens, who are busy making improvements. Win. Peek is overhauling the saw mill at Tidewater, putting in a new wheel and other machinery, in order to meet the re quirements of the busy time coming. The Lower Alsea has received a large im migration during the past year, and all set tlers are well pleased with the country There is still room for more. The late storm unroofed Mrs. Toby's barn, and blew the Tidewater school house from its foundation. There was no other damage in that section, except blowing trees into the roadway. The Alsea bay would be a splendid loca tion for a cannery salmon of the choicest varieties being abundant in their season. There is also a fine location for a store. A good man, with a small stock of general merchandise, would undoubtedly do a pay ing business from the start, and of course nis traderoulil develop with the country. J?he completion of the long-talked of wagon road from Upper Alsea to Tidewater, a distance of twenty-one miles, would in augurate a new era of prosperity in both sections. The large number of new settlers would, doubtless, contribute liberally either in money or labor, and we believe that if the people will now make a combined and energetic effort, the road can be built in time to commemorate its completion with a grand 4th of July celebration at Tidewater. After the gardens and crops are in the ground, and between that time and harvest, will be the proper time to work the rood, as farmers will thus be deprived of no portion of their products, and can well afford to de vote the interval to so worthy an object. Mails fob the West Side. The Ore gonian of last Mouday says: Service will be established on the Westside load to Cor vallis in about ten days. The present ar rangement of morning mails via the East side to Albany and thence by stage, will, however, be continued. All matter mailed in this city between 6 a. m. and 1 :30 P. M. for CorvalUs and way points will be sent by the afternoon train. Matter mailed at Cor vallis during the day for Portland will be sent on the Westside morning train, and will reach this city five hours earlier than under the pre3ent arrangement. An office will be established at Wells' station, and others as the needs of the country require. Fires. At .o'clock last evening the fire alarm was sounded and tlic fire depart ment, with its accustomed promptness imme diately responded. The scene of the fire was .Mrs-. J. S. Palmer's dwelling, which had caught from a defective flue in the kitchen. The fire was soon extinguished or was sup posed to have been, but at 12 o'clock Wedn esday night the department was again called out and found the same house on fire, flames bursting through the roof; a shower of water from the engine very soon put out the fire. The damage is not large, and will be prompt iy ,pyd as thfHMRlding is covered by a policy iu'the Phoenix. Wood Thief. During the winter some petty larceny thief has been warming his shins with wood stolen f. nn Mrs. S. fl. Thompson. Recently she had a door and lock put upon her wood-shed, but this pre caution proved unavailing, as a few nights since the scoundrel broke the lock and bud in another supply of fuel. We hope at his next visit the scamp will get the premium stick loaded with powder, and that his de parture hence will be sudden "and awful. No charge will be made for publishing his obituary. Articles Filed. Articles have recently been filed in the office of the Secretary of State incorporating the Corvallis Plow and Agricultural Manufacturing Company, with a capital stock of $40,000, the business of which is the manufacture and sale of plows and all kinds of agricultural implements, and operating such mills, machinery and f oundary in connection therewith as may be necessary. Principal place of business, Corvallis ; incorporators : John C. Kilton, Stephen E. Belknap and Ed. M. Belknap. Fish Market. Mr. J. M. Rankin has opened a fish market n Second street, op posite Harris' store. It is his intention to always keep the market supplied "with a variety of fish, such as salmon, smelt, sea trout, etc., when possibla to get them. He will also keep dressed chickens, and all kinds of wild game, in season Mr. Rankiu gets his fish direct from salt water by ex press, and they are therefore perfectly fresh. Give him a call. Officers Elected. At the last regular meeting of Excelsior Lodge, I. O. G. T. , No. 9, the following officers were elected for the ensuing term : Miss Nettie Spencer, W C T ; Miss Clem. Taller, WVT ; Chas. Ewart, W S Mr. Grabble, W F S ; Edith Tuller, W T; Thomas Allphin, W Mr Miss Eunice Stilson, I G ; Johnson Odeneal, O. G ; James Drake, W Chaplain. r To Tax-Payers. City Marshal Miller has posted notices notifying tax -payers te liquidate their taxes within ten days from the 3d inst Shortly alter the expiration of the ten days, the delinquent list will be re- turned to the Council, when property of delinquents will be levied upon and' sold. Pay up and save costs. Dr. Smith's residence is bearing comple tion. St. Valentine's day a week from to-morrow. Mr. Burgot of King's valley was in town Monday. Thanks to Rep. Whitaker for valuable Pub. Doc. If you want bargains in real estate, call on M. S. Woodcock. John Harris smiling phiz was seen in town a day or two since. Nathan Howard, of Polk county was in town on Monday, on business. R. Buchanan, a bitr farmer of Muddy pre cinct, was in town on Saturday. Woodcock A Baldwin are putting new doors in the front of their store building. Jesse Houck was married on Sunday last, to Miss Mary Osburn of this city. No cards. Green B. Smith, who owns a farm or two in Benton county, was in town this week. The Calif ornian. We have just received No. of Vol. 1. of this most valuable maga zine. A po8toffice will be established at Wells' station, in a short time, and will be called Wells. Mr. Wm. Bethers started last Wednes day morning, per W. O. R. R., for Walla Walla. Found A safe key, which the owner can have by calling at this office and paying charges. John Kickard, a wealthy farmer, residing four miles south of Corvallis, was in town on Monday. Hon. Hugh Herron and Hon. James Ed wards, County Commissioners are in town attending to the duties of their office. Mr. Eli King returned lost week from Portland, where he had been attending Com mercial College. Postal Agent Seybolt is in town. He came throush from Poitland on the first train on W. S. R. R. Mack Porter was in town Saturday last. E. J. Glass who is teaching in the county, spent Sabbath in town. We noticed Wm. Benson on the streets Saturday. Mr. B. has a lu-an new railroad running through his farm. Mr. J. H. Lewis has purchased the inter est of Wm. Irwin in the truck and dray bus ness. New ad. next week. W. B. Carter, editorof this paper, and wife have arrived in San Francisco safely. Mrs. C. was sea-sick the entire voyage. The protracted meetings at the Evangeli cal Church, Rev. W. C. Kantner, pastor, are still in progress, with interest unabated. Guyon Springer, of Whitman county, Washington Territory, has been in town a few days, disposing of some property here. Thomas Paul has been arrested and lodged in the Portland jail on the charge of robbery on a reqnsition from the Governor of Cali fornia. Hon. James Gingles is in town attend ing on the session of the County Court, looking after the roads in his part of the county. Mr. Thos. Cowan, a pioneer of Donglas county, died at Yoncalla last week. He was aged sixty years and was widely known and respected. We are indebted to Mr. Albert Ray for stenographic report of Judge Chenoweth's address and Mr. Dolph's response at the railroad reception. J. W. Allen, of King's valley shook our digits on Saturday. Mr. A. says that the wolves are making some depredations on sheep in his neighborhood. Immense reduction in prices of satins, velvets, ribbons, etc. ; prices positively the lowest ever offered in this city, at lCjnlin Mrs. E. A Knight's. Inside painting, and paper hanging, cheap er than ever, by E. H. Buraham. Leave orders at Graham, Hamilton & Co's Drug Store, Corvallis, Oregon. January 14, 1880. 17:3w4 We regret that we did not meet Mr. Levinson, the gentlemanly representive of the Oregonian until our paper was in press last week. Call again, Mr. Levinson and we will make our politest bow. Mrs. Lyman Chittenden wife of the deputy P. M, of Portland, and sister of Mrs Au gust Knight of this city, and Mrs Fisk of Portland, have been spending a few days in town, the guests of Mrs Knight. Mr. Mickalosky is at the Vincent House, sick and in destitute circumstances. The County Court now in session, ought to make arrangements to suitably care for him dur ing the few weeks he is likely to live. Mr. M. Ruble, of Lower Alsea, dropped into our sanctum last Thursday. He reports everything quiet on the bav, with eood times ahead. Our latch-string always hangs upon the outside of the door, and our friends are always welcome. Our enterprising townsman, W. A. Wells, who is "old business" himself, will soon erect a ware house near the depot on the W. S. R. R., in this city, 50x100 feet, and will have the same completed in time to store the next crop of grain. Mr. Wells will also erect a ware house 40x100 feet, 11 miles north of this city, at Well's station, on W. S. R. R. Mr. Wells is a bold op perator in grain, and will always be in the market with coin to buy whenever the far mers desire to sell, and will give the highest market price, at all times. W. F. & Co's Express. Wells, Fargo & Co. have established a route on the West side Railroad, with our "old reliable" friend, Thos. H. Reynolds, as messenger. The first through trip was made last Monday. The company has established offices at Derry, In dependence and McCoy, and will create oth ers as the business requires. This route will be a benefit to the patrons of the company, as the rates of carriage are much cheaper than by the old route. It is hoped that the company will establish the delivery system in this city, in accordance with recent pe tition of its patrons. Insurance Men. A E. Magill, of San Francisco, general agent for the Pacific coast, of the old reliable Phoenix and Home Insurance companies, accompanied by Capt. Chas. L. Dimon, of the San Francisco branch office of said company, made a frying visit to our city this week. They are both genial gentlemen, and are veiy efficient and popu lar underwriters. Call again, gentlemen, when you have more time, and we will drive you about our charming little city. BLACK BOARD LECTURE.. The Blue Ribbon Club will meet this week (Saturday evening) at the- Methodist church. Prof. -Ladrn Royal has concluded to give another ' ' Chalk Talk, " Black Board Lecture. His theme will be, the infancy, youth and old age of Bacchus. Go to this meeting, armed with your " Gospel Hymns, No. I, ""and expect plenty of music. Let all the children come. Committee. Greenback Meeting. There will be a Greenback meeting held in Philomath, on Monday, Feb. 9th, 1880, at one o'clock p.. M-., sharp. Good speakers are secured, and a grand time is expected. Every body is invited.- C. B Wells. TELEGRAPHIC. Total coinage for January, $9,576, 500. Snow several inches deep at Rich mond, Va. Princess Louise landed ai Halifax February 2d. Big strike at the D wight cotton mills, Chicopee, Mass. Decrease of the national debt for January, $11,014,203. The Pope sent $2,000 to the fam ine stricken in Ireland. Russia has decided to increase her war forces 150,000 men. General Comacho has made him self President of Bolivia. Petroleum has been found in pay ing quantities in Australia. Emperor William will open the German parliament in person. Madras and Bombay will contri bute for the distressed in Ireland. The committee is still taking testi mony in the Ingalls bribery case at Washington. The largest war vessel afloat, has just been launched for the Italian government Commissioner Hayt, of the Indian Bureau, is dismissed, as he ought to have been long ago. Senator Harris has introduced a bill to incieaso the facilities of the national board of health. Sammy Tildcn will be married this week to Miss Fannie Rauck, of Pennsylvania, it is rumored. Congress will order a sinking fund of $77,600,000 to redeem IT. S. bonds falling due in 1881 and 1891. Oregon jvar bonds sold in New York recently, at a premium of 1 cents. This speaks well for the State's credit. The use of the metric system of weights and measures has been favor ably reported by a committee of the House. Lots in the new city of Emory, the western terminus of the Canadian Pacific It, R., will be sold at auction March 1st. It is thought that the English gov ernment will give a grant lor the pur )Kse of providing seed for small Irish farmers. There ia a bitter hostility in Penn sylvania between Randall and Wal lace. The latter is a strong, practi cal politician. The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland declined a banquet in his honor owing to the committee passing homer ule resolutions. Admiral Worden, United States Navy, who is spending the winter at Newport, R. I., fell down stairs in his cottnge on Tuesday, and was seriously injured, breaking his collar bone. PAOI1'IOOOAST. Oregon. Cottage Grove is free from saloons. Four inches of snow fell in Jacksonville on Monday night of this week. A boy was arrested and fined $10 and costs for desturbing a religious meeting at Buena Vista. Hon. W. G. Porter, ex-assessor of Marion county, died at his residence in Turner on the 27th of January. Linn county has already returned $24,000 in State taxes, and will return the balance, $8,000, in a few days. Between $1,500 and $2,000 have been ex pended in McMinville for sidewalks within the past month, says the Reporter. Sheep herders on Little Applegate have been slaughtering deer at the rate of from five to ten a day merely for the pelts. Lake View has about 225 inhabitants and contains several very good buildings. The first brick building is now almost ready for occupancy. Linn county has some ten or twelve live ly, active Granges. The members claim that the Order has proved a great advantage to them. The contract for quarrying and deliver ing the rock for the Coos Bay harbor work has been awarded to H. H. Luse at $2 per cnbic yard. Citizens of Willamina want a new bridge. About 500 residents of that portion of Yam hill county are cut off from communication with the rest of mankind by the loss of the old one. The New Idrain Quicksilver Mining Com pany will commence smelting their ore in about three weeks. They have just put fire into the furnace, which will take two weeks to dry out. A large number of petitions praying for the creation of a new inspection district for steam vessels, with headquarters at Coos Bay, haveeen forwarded to Congress from Marshfield. Considerable plowing has been done in Josephine county, bat farming operations have been very generally suspended on ac count of the weather during the past few weeks. Mr. Geo. W. Hums has disposed of his interest in the late Flume & Duncan cannery, on Capt. Flavel's dock at Astoria, to the West Coast Packing Company, now build ing a new cannery near Upper Astoria. The mail carrier, accompanied by two men, and carrying two sacks of mail, in making the trip into Nehalem valley last weeek, were at times over 20 feet above the ground while crossing fallen timber. They stood waist deep in the snow while eating their lunch, and arrived at their destination chilled and wet, but in good spirits. Miller, some time ago reported as lost in the. mountains of southern Oregon, hae been found. Good Time. The steamer Occident made the trip from Portland to this city last Fri day in 14 hours and 30 minutes, running time. This is recorded as the best timeever made, on the up trip. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the post office at Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Feb. 1, 1880. Persona calling- for the same, will please say, " advertised." lames' list. Baxter, Mrs Mattie M Mgo,Mrs Mellsou, Miss Susie Blaine, Joseph Cariin, Micheal Gibson, Richard W Giberson.RW Halt, Jon Holman, Anos H Johnson, P B Lloyd, Thomas Melon. Wm Norton, Chas W Thomas, James Davie, Mrs Lvdia Sane, Mrs Kate Vanwidle, Sophia esars list. Chapman, Col Frieze, P T Guier, Thos Henry Billiard, James Hunt. Thomas Jones, Richard H Kuhnert, VVilhelm Melvin, Aires McMrtten, John Mr Raymond, Att'y Williamson, Frank. X. R Barber. P M THIRD TERM ISM DEAD. The ghost of third term ism that has haunted so many politicians for the year past, seems to be a harmless affair after all. No doubt many of the place-hunters in the Republican party and a great many wire pullers in the Democratic party have labored assiduously to work up the nomina tion of General Grant, hoping no doubt to advance the personal inter ests of the. former and augment the political capital of the hitter; but their manipulations of the body poli tic has not been as successful as they have anticipated, judging by the fol lowing : Chicago, Jan. 27. Murat Halsted telegraphs to his paper from Wash ington as follows respecting the presi dential prospects: There is every prospect that the Graut presidential boom will not last more than two weeks longer. It promises to end peremptorily and finally at the Penn sylvania state convention next week. It is reliably learned here that some of Grant's most intimate friends in Philadelphia have authority from him to act in the premises, and that they will withdraw his name from consid eration as a candidate at the Penn sylvania convention, where there will be delagates from several counties instructed for Grant, which will give his friends an opportunity to speak out on the subject. His friends de cline to enter into a contest for Jlhe position, and of late it has become very apparent to them that it would be impossible for him to get the nom ination without a contest. Halsted also quotes James li. Young, a Giant man, as saying that Sherman has been doing stalwart work in his own campaign, and has alarmed Blaine's followers and sup porters, and that it is expected that Blaine will devote hitnselt to getting the Grant votes, should Grant be withdrawn from the canvass. MONTHLY WEATHER REPORT- Kept at the State Agrioultural College, for the month of January, 1880: D.VTE. WEATHER. THEKMOMETKB. Nov. Ilaiii Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Suow Stormiest Snow Rain Rain Rain Clear. Cloudy Cloudy. Clear Cloudy. . . . 19i Cloudy 20 Clear. 21 Rain 22 Cloudy 23 Rain 24jSnow 25 Snow . . . . . 2G 27 28 " 29tolear 30 31 Snow Snow Clear. Foggy Foggy HIOHEriT 42 40 41 40 42 1 45 43 36 34 33 33 41 44 46 46 45 50 42 42 46 46 46 44 44 36' . 38. 36 33 35 30 29 LOWEST 38 36 40 36 41 44 32 33 30 30 32 40 40 44 42 44 40 40 40 40 45 38 44 34 32 26 24 30 25 26 26 Rainfall, 7. inches. The Colossal Bronze Statce of Victo ry which stands in the Park, at Lowell, be fore the tomb of the first soldiers that fell in the revolution, is a lasting and beautiful tribute of art. It is one of the first objects sought by strangers visiting our sister city, which indeed many visit purposely to see this elegant object of high art. It was ob tained from the King of Bavaria by Dr. J. C. Ayer, to whom his Majesty was especi ally gracious in acknowledgment ef what his remedies are reputed to have done for the suffering sick. It was donated by the Doc tor to the City of Lowell as a permanent and speaking emblem of the victories both of Science and Arms. Hagerttovm (Md.) Press. READ I'stlS. The gentle, yet effectual action of tnat good old remedy, Emil Frese's Hamburg Tea, and its intrinsic merits, have placed it at the very head of all family medicines, especially for delicate persons of both sexes. In the nursery it stands unquestionably without a rival. It grows in pnblic favor all the time. 47,846 1'aekages Sold. Of what ? is the question. Nothing more or less than the celebrated Oregon Kidney Tea. The cures it has performed are its own recommendation, and no family should, be without it in the house. For sale by all druggists. The Death-rate of Our country is getting to be fearfully alarm ing, the average of life being lessened every year, without any reasonable cause, death resulting generally from the most insignifi cant origin. At this season of the year es pecially, a cold is such a common thing that in the hurry of every day life we are apt to overlook the dangers attending it and often find too late, that a Fever er Lung trouble has already set in. Thousands lose their lives in this way every winter, while had Doschee sGertcan Syrup been taken, a cure would have resulted, and a large bill from a Doctor been avoided. For all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Beschee's German Syrup has proven itself to be the greatest discovery of its kind in medicine. Every Druggist in this country will tell you of its wonderful effect. Over 950,000 bottles sold last year without a single failure known. Sad Havoc is Created Among the tenants of the month Dy allow ing, impurities to collect npon their surface or in their interstices, SOZODONT re moves every vestige of 'tartar from the teeth, and renders their premature decay impossible. It not only imparts to them whiteness and vigor, but communicates hardness and rosiness to the gams. The breath acquires a most acceptable fragrance from its use ; it is a purely botanic liquid, and it may be relied on to accomplish its beautifying effects without injuring the en amel like a gritty tooth paste. IST The National GOLD MEDAL was a war ed to Bradley & Rulofson for the best Photographs in the unrtea states, ana tne Vienna aieuai lor tbe best in the world. 429 Moutgomer Street San. Francis ISTew this "Week. Dissolution Notice. VTOTTOE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT CO-PART-X aership heretofore existing between the under signed has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, and the business will hereafter be conducted by J. M. Eglin. All those indebted to the late firm will please settle at once with either party. J. M. EGLIN, J. R. LOMER. Corvallis, February 6, 1880. Final Settlement. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Un dersigned adminstrator of tile estate of Mary A. Daw deceased, has filed bis final account of said estate, in the County Ceortof Beaton county, Oregon, for allowance and settlement, and that Saturday the Uth dat or March, A, D., 1880, The same being a day of the regular March term of said Court, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, has been fixed by said Court, as the time for bearing- objections to said ccounts and settlement thereof. SAMUEL DAW, Administrator of the Estate of Mary A. Daw dGcciictl February 5, 1880. 17:Cw6 Administratrix Notice. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN DULY Ap pointed by the County Court of Benton county, Oregon, Administratrix of the estate of John Kenne dy, deceased, all jiersons navmg claims against saia estate will present them, within six months from the date of this notice, with the proper evidence of claims. to the undersigned, at her residence in Benton coun ty, Oregon, on the road leading from Corvallis to Albany, about five miles from Corvallis. ELLEN KENNEDY, Administratrix of the Estate oi John Kennedy, deceased. Corvallis, Feb. 6, 1880. 17:6w5 F. A. JOHNSON, M. D. Physician, Sugcon. OCULIST AND ELECTRICIAN. Surgery a Specialty. Office with Allen & Woodward. Residence, A. J. Young's house, Third street. lfl:26tf Notice to Creditors. NOTICK is hereby given by- the undersigned Ad ministrator of the estate of A-vron Wells, deceas ed, to the creditors of. and all persons havinir claims against said deceased to present the same, to me, at ray rcsiaenee ax oummii. precinct, oeuvuii wuiiy, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. BRADLEY TROXEL, Administrator January SO, 1880 17:5w4 FORSALE. I OFFER my Lot for sale, in the city of Corvallis, Benton county, situated in the rear of-Hotel occu pied by John Haskins. For particulars address Mary Ann Murry, Junction City, Oregon. MARIA A. DODGE. Junction City, Oregon Jan. 30, 1880. 17:5wml State Treasurer's Ninth JCotlcc. Omen of tub Statu Treaburkr, Salkm, Or., Jan. 20, 1880. ( VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THERE Ll are now on hand funds applicable to the liay- ment of Warrants of the issue of 1879, numbered as follows : 1527, 1535, 1538. 1539, 1542, 1548, 1549, 1550, 1551, 1554, 1558, 155. 15B0, 1.103, 1505, 1500, 1570, 1571, 1573, 1575, 157C, 1977, 1573, lf80, 1581, liS2, 1584, 1585. 1536. 1588. 1589. 1591, 1592, 1793. 1594. 1598, 1597, 1598, 1599, 1000, 1691, 1002. 1604,, 1609, 1611, 1012, 1013, llft, I01U, 1018, 1030, 1068. Interest on the above warrants will cease from this date. EDWARD HIRSCH. 17:5w2 State Treasurer. Notice of Application for the Vacation of Streets and Alleys in the City of Corvallis. NOTICE is hereby griven that the Western Oregon Railroad Company has filed with the Recorder, and presented to the Common Council of the City of Corvallis, a petition asking for th vacation of the following described portion of streets and alleys in said city, to-wit : All that portion of Sixth street from the south line of A street to the south line of said Sixth Street. 4 AH that portion of B street from the east line of Sixth street west to the west line of blocks No. 30 and 31, in Avery's third addition to the city of Corvallis. The entire streets or alleys running through blocks No. 30 and 31, in Avery's third addition to Corvallis, and all persons interested therein are hereby notified that the regular meeting of the Council, to be held on Monday, the 8th day of March, 1880 has been fixed bv said Council as the time for the hearing and con sideration of Buch petition, and at which time all per sons interested are required to appear and show cause, if any there be, why the petition should not be grant ed, and such portions of streets and alleys vacated By order of the Common Council. J. R. BRYSON. Corvallis, Jan. 30, 18S0. 17:5w5 City Recorder. Sheriff's Sale. TY VIRTUE OF A DECREE AND EXECUTION Xj iraued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Benton county on the 22d day of Decem ber, 1879, in favor of J. E. Henkle, and against An thony Roberts, for the Bum of ($423.24) four hundred and twenty-three and 24-100 dollars, and interest thereon at the rate of one per cent, per month from November 26, 1879, and forty-two dollars (442.00) at torney's fee. and the further Bum of SW0.40 cests. 1 have levied upon the following described real proper ty, being the the property set out ana described in said Decree, to-wit : The east half of the north-east quarter, the north west quarter of the north-east quarter and lots one, two and three (1, 2 and 3) of section (2) two in town ship (14) fourteen, south of range (8) eight west of the Willamette meridian, and containing one hundred and forty -Ave acres and 50-100 acres of land i Benton county, State of Oregon, and on Saturday, tub 21st day or February, A. D. 1880, In front of the Court House dT, in. the city of Cor vallis, Benton county, Oregon, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, all the right, title, interest and estate of the Defendant, Anthony Roberts, iu and to the above deenbed real property. with all and every of tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or m anywise ap pertaining, to satisfy said execution, together with the costs and expenses of sale. Sale will take place at (he hour of one o'clock iu the afternoon of said day. BOL KINO, Sheriff of Benton Count-, Oregon. Dated this 19tb day of January. A. D. 1880. 17:4w5 FIRST ANNUAL BALL OF Young America Hose Co,, TO BE OITEX AT HAMILTON'S OPERA 1IOUSI3, as ....... Monday Etc, Feb, 23, 1830. MUSIC BY SECOND BRIGADE BAND. Tickets, $2 OO The publie cordially invited to attend; Corvallis, January 21, 1880. 17:4w5 The Oregon and Washington Land Company ADVERTISE OREGON FARMS FOR Sale, largely in the East, free of ex pense to Farms, unless sale is made. In that case, $6.00 for each farm- sold. Farm ers will find it to their interest to call on CHENOWETH & JOHNSON, Agents O. & W. L. Co. CorvaHia, Oct. , 1879. I6s41yr FARM FOR SALE OA A ACRES of land, situated three D J J miles south of Corvallis, one-half farming land with sufficient timber to sup ply the place ; also stock water. Farm ac cessable by public road: Term easy. In' qnireof J. A. H ANN A, J6:34t Ob J AS. A- YANTIS. Sheriff's- Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AN- EXSCttTION ISSUED OUT of the Circuit Court of the State' of Oregon, for the county of Lane, on tho 19th day of December, A. D. , 1879, and to me as Sheriff duly directed and delivered, for tbe sum of (25 00) twenty -five dollars, and the further sum of thirty dollars and ninety cents (830 90) costs in favor of S. W. Raybuttv, Plain tiff and against Susan Stannus, Defendant, for want, of personal property out of which to satisfy the same, I have levied open the following described real estate, to-wit : The north half of section twenty-eight in township fourteen, south of ranee five west of Willamette meradian, containing three hundred and twenty acres of land situate in the county of Benton and State of Oregon, and-will on Saturday, tH 7tDay or Fkbruary, A. D., 1888, In fr4ht of the Court House door, in the city of Cor vallis, Benton county: Oregon, at the hour ef one o'clock p. m. , sell at pubHc auction to the highest bid der for cash in hand, all Che right, title, interest and estate of the defendant, Susan' Stations in and to tbe above described real -property, t&gether with the tene ments, hereditaments and appurtenances Uieiun to belonging to satisfy said execution and' costs. SOL KING, Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon. Dated this January the 7th, 1880. I7:2w5 UPHOLSTERY ! W. H. EVENS, WOULD RESPEGTFELLY INFORM THE CIT izens of Corvanls and vicmitv, that fee has opened an Upholstering Establishment, on the first block above the Occidental Hotel, where he is pre pared to do all kinds of work, in this line. Especial attention to Repairing Lounges, SOFAS, CHAIRS, SPRING BEDS, and MATTRESSES, of all kinds: Charges moderate. Please give me a call, CorvalUs, Jan. 1st, 1880. 17:ltf Commercial Union Assurance Company, OF I.OiI. Capital, - $12,500,000 James Beadman, Agenf. Corvnllis, Oregron. GEORGE A. WEBB, Gen. Agent for Oregon. December 17, 1879. 16:51m6 W. P. SMITH, M. D., Physician & Surgeon, COBVALLI, - OREGON, "kFFICE OVER GREEN & GOLDSON'S DRUG Store. January 7, 1880. Farm for Sale THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale his splendid grain and stuck farm, four miles north of west of Corvallis, on Oak creek containing 1200 acres over one nundreu acres in cultivation tM-o hne bear ing orchards, and well calculated for divide ing into two or more snug farms Terms easy and title perfect. For particulars in quire of E. Holgate, W, B. Carter, or E. MARPLE, on the premises. Corvallis, Jan. 1. 18T8. lfi:ltf T. C. ALEXANDER, ATTORNEY at LAW, CORVAIJLIS, ORISCiO'. (Y FICE ON MONROE STREET, NEAR COURT House, lfljanl73tf Six Hundred Dollars TX)UR LOTS, WITH HOUSE, BARN, FRUIT V Trees. &c.. can be bouirht for M 00. NEuquire of W. T. CHAPMAN, at, tne i . f.. i-arsonage, corvallis, Opp. North Di-t School House. November 26, 1870. 18:4S CITY MARKET, J. L. LEWIS, - Proprietor, CORVALLIS, OREGO H A VINO PURCHASED THE ABOVE Market and fixtures, and perman ently located in Corvallis, I will keep con stantly on nanu tne cnoicest cuts oi BEEF, PORK. MUTTON, and VEAL, Especial attention to making extra Bologna Sau sage. Being a practical butcher, with large -experience iu business, I Hatter myself that 1 can give satisfaction to customers. Please call and give me a trial. . JOHN SMITH. January 10, 1880. 10:45ti Ileal Estate for Sa'e! SITUATED IN CORVALLIS, Benton County, Oregon, TWO VACANT LOTS, in the eeatral part of town, handy to the Westside Depot.- One of the most de sirable places for a residence in the city. 15jan TWO IMPROVED LOTS, on the main business street, with small stable, woodshed, and a- good, com fortable dwelling house, containing seven good rooms. These lots are nicely situated- fur any kind of busi ness purpose? . 15jan The cheapest farm in Oregon ; five miles north of Corvallis, in a good neighborhood ; one-half mile from one of the westside railroad depots, and within one-quarter mile of a large school house. This entire farm contains 340 acres, of which 180 acres of good grain land is already In cultivation ; 00 acres more can be cultivated with small expense: the remainder is rolling pasture land with scattering oak timber. It is all under fence, with a large, frame barn, a com fortable frame dwelling bouse, and a good-orchard, all of which is offered for sale at a prfce one-third less than same kind of forms adjoining it. One Steam Planing Mill and Sash and Door Factory, in Corvallis, with all the machinery necessary to ope rate the same in. all respects . The owner thereof wants to quit the- business, he therefore offers tbe entire factory for sale at a price more than ono-tiiird lesft than Kb eost or present value. All the above property is for sale, on reasonable terms. For further information concerning the same inquire of M. S. WOODCOCK, At bis Law Office, in. said City ef Carvallls. J. M. EGLIN. J. R. LOMER CORVALLIS AND WILLAMETTE VALLEY ENGINEERING CO. HaSSDaHL, E. PlHL, - CHR." A. SKGtCKE. DESIRE to caJl attention to tneiY plans and drawings of buildings of all kinds, civil engineering, surveying awl architect ural works, with all the latest improve ments. They would Mention particularly the following branches : Sawoaills and plane mills. Grakimills. Furniture, joinery and mechanical works. Waterwoiks, and otber Works connecting with Water. Surveying. Construction of bridges and roodsi Church, school awl other official buildings. All kinds of dwelling houses and farm buildings. All orders- will receive immediate atten tion. Please to address all communications to the company's headquarters at Corvallis. 0" Awarded first premium at Oregon State fair, 1879, fop architectural and engineering works. 16:42mS CITY STABL.ES EGLIN 4 L0MEB, Prop's, On the Corner West of the Engine House, CORVALLIS, - - OREGON. HALVING COMPLETED OUR new and commodious BARN, we are better than ever prepared to J keep the BEST OF TEAMS, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, AND SADDLE HORSES TO HIEE. At Reasonable Rates. 43T Particular attention given to Boarding Horses. Horses Bought and Sold or Exchanged. PLEASE GIVE US A CALL. November 24, 187. lC:48tf compound OXYGEN! rrn free use, as adjuncts, or PHOSPHOROUS and CABBON CompoTiBds ! A.w Treatment for tlie Cure of ( 0iI MlT10K, Brom elain, Catarrh, Neu - -rulg-ia, SerofnlouM nistiilft-MtutioiiK, and the worst Catit-s ot imiTTniTf By a Natural Process of VITALIZATION. THB FOLLOWING CASES, TREATED WITHIN the last few mouths, showing its range of appli cation : 1 to 4. Four cases of Consumption two of them having cavities in the Lungs auk all ENTIRELY Well. 5. Mr. T: G. P., of Bay Center, W. T. Chronic Bronchitis, difficulty of some years standing ; also, general ind nervous' debility, threatening of health. Cured during October. 0, and 7. Two cases at marked Blood Poisoning. Cl-ked in a few days. 8. and ft. Two cases of NERVOUS DEBILITY of women. Had " Doctored to death." One cured iu 7 days, and the other in 10 days. 10 to 14. Five eases of Chronic Dyspepsia. Ca tarrh or Scrofulous ailment. All ci&ed, or okkatlv benefitted, by a few weeks treatment. A small pamphlet o the OX YUEN Treatment, and all inquiries answered, sent free, on application. Also reference to patients who have taken, or are now receiving the treatment. Address ir. PH.KlGTO.'V. Cor. 1st and Washington Sts., PORTLAND, - - - OREGON November 1870 M-.4f.mC, WAY MAN ST. CLAIR, (SUCCESSOR TO W. A. WELLS,) Manufacturer of HARNESS SADDLES Keeps constantlv on band" every thing belonging tu first class shop. s3TUncle Sam's Harness Oil for sale. lC:2fivl Georok P. Wrenn, Auctioneer. E. IIOLOATK, Att'y at Law Wrenn & Hefeate, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, COLLECTION, LOAN, INSURANCE, GENUAL BUSINESS AGKK1B, A NIC AUCTIONEERS, Office on Second street, nestt door south the City Market,- eORVAfXlS, i : OREGON. Buying, Selling and teasiiur Real Esiate. Pron ps attentinn ipven v COLLECTIONS. Loans Negotiated, etc. Will keep Regular' JLxtctiori Sales Rooms And sell at AUCTION, anything desired, either at the Sales Rooms or elsewhere, in City or Country. Agent for good reliable Insurance .Companies. We now have on hand for sale, both Grain ami. Stock Farms, and City Property, at fair prices, audi easy termo. fJgfWs can akb Sax Be if anybody ca-n.S Prease give us a call. WRENN & HOLGATE. Cwvallis. April 17. 1870. 10:16tf. Benton County PnOIOERAPH GALLERY ! A. A. MOERILL, Fro. WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO THIS citizens of Corvallis and- vicinity, that he is prepared to do all kinds of PHOTO WORK, At prices to suit the times. Patronage solicited, and satisfaction gHaranteed-, in all eases. COPYING and ENLARGING a ertciALTY. Nega tives retouched, and preserved. Front Street, Two Doors South of A. Cauthorn &. Son's Store. ALFRED A. MORRILL. January 7, 1880. 17:2tf STOCK RAISERS, ATTENTION Use the Dana Stoek Mark ! THE NEATEST, CHEAPEST, BEST MASK FOR Cattle, Sheep and Hogs, ever invented. Spcci nicds sent Leee, by mail. For full particulars, Address W. B. CARTER, Agent, Gatette Office, Corrillis, Oregon. NEW BUSINESS! !M!oTtntain View MILK. DAIRY &&3erktsr pei Gallon, XT 7" HEN REQVRED FOR INFANTS, THE MILK VV of one cow will be furnished. Milk warranted PURE. LISTEN- FOR THE BELLI A. O. MULKEY, Proprietor.. Corvallis, January 7, 1880. 18:21ml,,