The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, January 30, 1880, Page 3, Image 3

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Oorvallis, Jan. 30, 1880.
M. E, CHURCH Regular services every Sunday,
at 11 A. m. and 7 r. M. Sunday-school at the close of
morning service, with Bible classes forold'and young.
Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 7 o'clock- A
general invitation and cordial welcome.
W. T. Chapman, Pastor.
EPISCOPAL CHURCH The Rev. Mr. Sellwood,
of Oregon City, will hold the services and administer
the Holy Communion in the Episcopal Church, Cor
vallis, on the 3rd Sunday in each month. Lay services
will be held on each Sunday at 11 and 7. Sunday
school at 3. By order of Bishop Morris.
M. K. CHURCH SOUTH Services every Sabbath
at 11 A. m. and 7 p. M. , at the college chapci. Sunday
school at 9:30 A. m. Prayer meeting Friday evening
at 7 o'clock. Public cordially invited.
Joseph Exert, Pastor.
Summer Lake, Jan. 15, 1880.
Editor Gazette. We are having a very
cold winter in this part of tKe country ; the
snow in-this valley was from 18 to 24 inches
.deep in some places, anil fearfully cold
pretty rough on persons raised in Webfoot.
In Goose Lake the snow is much deeper.
The mail carrier in going to Lake View last
week was eleven hours going seven miles,
on horse back ; the. snow was several feet
deep. It is feared there will be considera
ble lo83 of stock all over Lake county, for
as a general thing people were not prepared
for such a cold winter. I think the people
here who haven't much stock are the hap
piest now, for those that have must lose.
Paisley, a young city situated on the
Chewaucan river, is in " full blast." They
have a good school there, which is a great
benefit to the place.
Yours truly, Mary Withers.
Land Pcrchased. Mr. Nick Baesen, of
.the Palace market, has bought ten acres of
land, of Capt. Allen, one-half mile wet of
town, upon which he will erect a slaughter
house as soon as the weather will permit
above is what Nick says, but knowing
his proclivities as well as we do, we suspect
he is trying to beguile our people. We are
satisfied that he has been su(et)ing for some
time for the hand of one of Corvallis' fair
ones, and has " rendered " weekly accounts
of his " heart," and cleav(er)s to her with
"tender" sweetness; Bad knowing Nick to
be a good " liver," and the further fact that
ten acres is entirely too much land to devote
to the purpose named, we are inclined to
the opinion that he is about to erect another
Palace on said premises, and if he is not
"chucked," he'll take a "spare-rib " home.
We would not speak this above a whisper,
for fear the old " Nick " would be to pay.
Sociable. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Vincent of
the Vincent House, Monday evening gave a
select p:irty to some of their more intimate
friends. The dining room was cleared,
Prof. Tompson and the Dr. furnished excel
lent music while the young people tripped
the "light fantastic," until the "we sma
hours," while the older and the more staid
engaged in games of seven up, eucher and
whist. The Dr. and wife are possessed of
the very happy faculty of making their
guests comfortable and happy to a high de
gree. The Dr. as a caller is a success and
draws the bow with the method of a pro
fessional. All present enjoyed the affair
immensely and wended their homeward
steps at the close of the entertainment,
with hearts full of gratitude to their hosts
and hostess.
English Common Room. Our English
citizens, who are an important facfcr in our
population, are fitting up a reading room,
over John Ray & Son's grocery store, corner
of Second and Monroe streets. Their tables
will be supplied with all the leading English
papers and periodicals together with leading
American publications. A well afforded
reading room is as essential to the happi
ness of Englishmen as roast beef and alf
and alf. We expect the enterprise will be
an entire success, and will be the means of
enabling our cousins in a manner to forget
that they are in a strange land. The facili
ties thus afforded them will enable all its
patrons to keep thoroughly posted on all
topics of interest in their native land and
its colonies, and also to keep up with cur
rent events in the land of their adoption.
A Curiosity. Mr. F. M. Bewley, writ
ing to the River Side, from Salem, says : I
. noticed in your paper a few days ago, thai a
cow belonging to Mr. Foster had been
slaughtered in Independence, and from her
stomach was taken nearly a pound of nails.
This you call a curiosity, and so it is ; but
I can beat that. In 1867 I killed a cow,
and from her stomach I took nearly as many
nails, also a ten cent piece and a lady's gold
ring. The ring and coin I have yet in my
possession. This cow was fed and milked
in Salem for a number of years.
Road Supervisors. Wiley Norton, L.
F. Piper, A. J. Porter, M. L. Trapp are
entitled to great credit and the thanks of
the traveling public for the zeal and energy
manifested by them in clearina the Yaquina
road of obstructions. In a few days all
obstructions will be removed, and travel
will resume its wonted channe to the Bay.
Stamps Received. Last Wednesday we
received, in a letter postmarked Portland,
one dollar and fifty cents in postage stamps.
The envelope contained nothing except the
stamps, and there was no mark upon it by
which we could tell who our friend is. If
the person who sent the same will send his
address, and state what the money was for
we will be pleased to comply with his wishes.
Good Appointment. Mr. B. F. Irvin, of
Salem, has received from the Westside Rail
road Company the. appointment of agent at
this city. Mr. Irvin is a young man of
good qualities, and in his hands the interest
of the company will be well guarded.
Frank, we welcome you to Corvallis, and
trust your stay among ua will be pleasant
and profitable.
Ftn Hogs. Nick Baeson, proprietor of
the Palace market purchased, recently of
Emmet Wrenn, two fine porkers one
weighing 415 J and the other 429, dressed,
the hams of the largest weighed 45 pounds
each. Nick wants to interview the man
who says Oregon can't beat the world on
County jail-empty.
Pay your county taxes.
Chinese New year commences next Sun
day. Our city officers keep a viirilant eye on
Dr. F. A. Vincent will soon commence
building a residence.
If you want bargains in real estate, call on
M. S. Woodcock.
Mr. S. A. Hemphill has our thanks for
late Eastern papers.
Free coach and baggage wagon for the
Occidental Hotel.
The steamship Oregon arrived at San
Francisco Monday.
W. R. Caloway, of Soap Creek, was in
the city Tuesday.
Mr. H. E. Harris celebrated his 53d birth
day last Wednesday. .
Geo. Spencer, of this city, is in the capi
tal city visiting friends.
The Palace market takes the lead of eve
rything in town.
For tho latest in cigars and tobaccos, go
to Geo. Gerhard's.
Mr. J. F. Eddy, of Little Elk, favored
us with a call last week.
Highest cash price paid for hogs and
calves, at the Palace market.
Hon. Ben Simpson has been appointed
Postal Agent for Oregon and W. T.
Col. T. Egenton Hogg will please accept
our thanks for late New York papers.
Harper's magazines for February ready at'
(Jorvallis JNews Depot, rrice do cents.
Hon. W. B. Carter and wife left Portland
last Saturday, on the steamship Oregon.
Mr. -Tames Readmam is agent for the
Commercial Union Assurance Co., of Lon
don. Hon. John Burnett, a prominent attorney
of our city went Wednesday to Salem, on
legal business.
Mr. Wm. Blodgett and Charles Lodgsden,
of Blodgett's valley were in town Tuesday
on business.
Perfection straight cut takes the lead in
straight cut smoking tobacco, Geo. Gerhard
keeps it for sale.
Mr. A. J. Porter, who lives on the Ya
quina road a few miles beyond the summit,
was in the city Monday.
Mr. W. D. Prentice, the well known and
popular music dealer of Portlaud, wa3 in
the city during the week.
R. W. Oliver's smoking tobacco in bags,
for sale by Ralston Cox, Vincent House.
The rumor that a large number of ties
for the Yaquina railroad had been washed
away proyes unfounded. Bnt a few were
Will. T. Webber, civil engineer, engaged
in his profession at Portland, made his fam
ily in this city a flying visit on Saturday
Trv Raleigh plug smoking tobacco; a trial
will convince you that it is the best plug
smoking tobacco in the market, for sale at
Geo. Gerhard's.
J. W. Sellwood rector of the Episcopal
Church of Oregon City held services, morn
ing nd evening, at the Episcopal church, in
this city on Sunday last.
Bro. J. B. Horner, of Philomath, has
taken the entire management of the Crucible
office, which the improved typographic ap
pearanc of that journal will attest.
Immense reduction in prices of satins,
velvets, ribbons, etc.; prices positively the
lowest ever offered in this city, at
16jnlm Mrs. E. A. Knight's.
Harry Hughes wants to sell his interest
in the Corvallis brewery. He contemplates
going to the Skagit river mines, along with
the Hercules of the border, Ed. Whitney.
Try the Virginia Cavindish Smoking To
bacco, in lb. tins; for sale by Ralston Cox,
Vincent Hause. .
James A. Cauthorn and Geo'. W. Houck
of this city have returned from Portlaud,
where they have spent some two or three
weeks as grand jurors in the United States
Inside painting, and paper hanging, cheap
er than ever, by E. H. Burnham. Leave
orders at Graham, Hamilton & Co's Drug
Store, Corvallis, Oregon.
January 14, 1880. 17:3w4
Wallis Nash, Esq. , started last Tuesday
morning for Salem and Portland, soliciting
names to the memorial to be sent in a few
days to Congress asking an appropriation to
improve Yaquina Bay.
Capt. Nathan Stevens of this city, has
purchased of the State what is known as
the Sawtell farm, on Yaquina river, 20 miles
this side of Newport, where he and WilL
T. Webber's family will hereafter reside.
Mr. R. H. Forsythe, recently of Salem,
has located in Corvallis, and will engage in
carriage and sign painting. He is a skillful
workman, and well worthy of patronage.
For the present he can be found at the shop
of Mr. N. P. Briggs.
E. A. Abbey, of Elk City, a leading citi
zen of the western portion of this county, is
in the city on business, and called at news
paper head quarters. Mr. Abbey is an un
tiring worker in the interest of Yaquina
Bay and is ever welcome to our sanctum.
Lively times in Maine, over the election !
Lively times in Corvallis over the comple
tion of the railroad ! Lively times at the
Corvallis News Depot, in the VincentHouse,
where the rush for papers, and the popular
Mermaid cigars, continues. A large invoice
received this week.
O. P. Jaycox of the firm of Sheppard,
Jaycox At Co., Walla Walla, formerly of
this city, en route to San Francisco for
goods, has been in town a few days on busi
ness connected with bis firm. His firm are
doing a fine business in the upper country.
The survey made by Mr. Geo. Mercer last
summer, of a portion of the Alsea Indian
reservation, has been approved by the gov
ernment, and the plats filed in the land of
fice. Settlers of that section can now se
cure their lands by entry.
Samuel Daw, an old resident of this
county, who for several months past has
been in ill health, is in town somewhat im
proved, but yet not fully recovered. Mr.
Daw some three months since strained him
self lifting, causing hemorhague of the
C. H. Whitney, foimerly book keeper
for Sheppard, Jaycox 4s Co., in the city,
and gave us a shake of his digits. There is
a strong attachment for C. H. in Corvallis,
and we fear that if his visits continue, ere
long we shall miss one of our fair one's from
the social circle.
That I have taken away this old man's
daughter it is most true true I have mar
ried her and I have no reason to regret it
for since that happy day we have always
kept a supply of Emil Frese's celebrated
Hamburg Tea in the house and consequent
ly wife and I, and all the dear little ones,
are in good health all the time.
Wallis Nash, Esq.. has purchased S. Ray
burn's farm, on Rock creek, in this county,
where he also owns seven - sections of land,
which he intends converting into a stock
ranch on the Australian plan. Mr. Nash
has already begun the erection of a country
residence on his ranch, and with his family
will reside there the cominsr summer.
Haman Lewis, a wealthy farmer boy of
75 summers, and a 34 year resident of Ben
ton county, was in the eity on Tnesdoy on
business. Mr. Lewis is one of the earliest
pioneers of this coast, and has undergone
all the hardships and privations incident to
a lite on the frontier. He says these are not
like the days when with mules he packed
wheat, bacon and other produce into Rogue
river valley, and notes with pride the great
changes and gigantic strides the Willamette
valley has made since then.
On Saturday evening a Large and
enthusiastic meeting of the citizens of
Corvallis was held at the conrt house
for the purpose of considering what
steps should be taken to recognize
suitably the reception at Corvallis of
the first passenger train on the West
side railroad.
Mayor Jacobs was called to the
chair, and introduced the subject to
Judge Chenoweth then rose and
congratulated the town on the aus
picious event, so long expected, viz.,
the connection of Corvallis with the
railroad system of the Slate. He
suggested that a committee should
be nominated to make arrangements
for giving a suitable reception to the
officials representing the railroad who
would accompany the first train.
This resolution was adopted by
the meeting, and the following gen
tlemen were named by the Mayor:
Judge Chenoweth, Judge Burnett,
Dr. Bayley, J. W. Rayburn and Sol.
The question then arose as to the
form the reception should take. It
was suggested that the Second Bri
gade Band should meet the train on
arrival at the depot and escort the offi
cials to the opera house. That then a
suitable address should be presented,
and afterwards that a social dance
should close the festivities. The com
mittee then met to carry out the de
tails of the arrangements.
Reception to Officers and Employees.
The first regular train on this road reach
ed Corvallis at 9 J o'clock p. M. , and was met
at the depot, by the 2nd Brigade Band, and
a large concourse of people. The multi
tude was marched to the City Hall, where
an address of welcome was delivered by
Hon. F. A. Chenoweth, and -was responded
to on behalf of the company, by Hon. J.
N. Dolph, of Portland. Our columns are
so crowded that it is impossible for us to
do justice to the affair in this issue ; but
our short hand reporter will dish it up in
good style, next week.
yaquina bay.
After the business connected with
the Westside road had been got
through, the Mayor called for Mr.
Wallis Nash.
Mr. Xash then rose and stated that
he had just received two telegrams
from Col. Hogg, at Washington,
urging in the strongest terms the
immediate preparation and forward
ing to Congress of a memorial set
ting out the desire of the valley for
the provision of national aid for the
removal of the obstruction at the en
trance of the Yaquina harbor. He
sugsested also that each county in
the valley should piesent a separate
memorial, showing how universal the
feeling was that this matter should
receive the attention it demanded.
Mr. Nash then read to the meet
ing the form of the proposed memo
rial, and this was unanimously adopt
ed and signed by all present.
A committee was then appointed
to canvass the whole valley, sepa
rate committees being formed in
each county.
The following 'gentlemen were
named, and at once consented to
serve : The Mayor, Dr. J. R. Bayley,
Judge Burnett, E. A. Abbey and
Wallis Nash.
The meeting then adjourned, but
the committee remained in session
till nearly midnight.
The Late Storm. Our readers will
doubtless be glad to hear that the damage
done by the late storm in the neighborhood
of the Yaquina Bay was not so severe as at
first imagined. Messrs. Acklom and Gray,
during their late journey, had the pleasure
of falling in with Mr. Miller, who informed
them that beyond having a little fencing
blown down, he did not suffer any damage
(to use his own words) to amount to one
cent, and the Oneatta mill was not unroof
ed, but merely a few planks on one side
blown away.
Open Air Concert. The 2nd Brigade
Band will play the following pieces, oppo
site the Occidental Hotel on this evening at
7 o'clock. It will be followed by a soiree
at the City Hall: 2nd Brigade march;
Overture Light Cavalry ; Schottische
Golden Gate ; Selection From Bohemian
Girl ; Gallop Lightning Express,
Rise and Explain. If the young gentle
man who sent the anonamous letter to this
office, yesterday morning, announcing the
dangerous illness of a well known young
lady of this city, will call and give us a
satisfactory explanation of his conduct, he
will save public exposure and consequent
Have we reached it? A recent
visit to the press room of the " San
Francisco Chronicle" prompts an
affirmative answer, but we remember
that forty years ago when the "Hoe"
power press with the astonishing
speed of three thousand per hour
was introduced by the New York
dailies, the question was answered
affirmatively then, as it was thought
the very highest point of perfection
had been attained. Looking back to
Hoe's wonderful development of the
crude ideas of Guttenberg and Frank
lin, and lookingat his present triumph
of mechanical skill in the press room
of the Chronicle, we draw the same
comparison that we would between
the sun dial of Roman antiquity and
the finest chronometer movement
from a modern London workshop.
The wonderful press now in use is an
index to the possibilities of the hu
man mind, and teaches its elastic
adaptability to its own increasing
wants. The very largest circulation
of the metropolitan dailies in the
early days of the "power press"
could not have exceeded twenty
thousand ; but rapidly increasing
population demanded greater facili
ties, and human genius at once made
provision and what was lacking in
mechanism has been supplied by the
mysteries of chemistry. Just think
of it ! A thought flows from the
pen, in a moment it is in the hands
of the compositor, thence to the
stereotyper; crystallized into metal
it is locked into the arms of the great
iron giant that, with its multiplex
siuews and nerves of steel, gives it
to the world in legible characters at
the rate of one hundred thousand
every three hours, and almost with
out the assistance of human labor !
Talk about the " lost arts" and mourn
over the? forgotten secrets of the
dying vats of Tyre, the glass weavers
of Byzantium, the buried powers
that built the pyramids and raised
the obelisks what are the greatest
achievements of" the ancients to the
one great triumph of the art that
preserves all others? We stand
amazed at the perfect precision of
these immense automatic presses,
wondering what the possibilities of
the future may be and recognizing
in them a type of higher civilization
than the world has ever seen or ever
was buried. among the ruins of the
ancient peoples. Oregon Sentinel.
Though the victims of the great
eruption of Vesuvius in A. D. 79
lived so long ago, they were our fellow-creatures,
and it is. impossible to
recall their fate especially, one
might think, to recall it on the spot
without a feeling of horror. Sir
William Gell estimated the number
of people who perished at 1,300 ; but
during recent excavations so many
bodies have been found that it seems
to have been far greater, and when
we consider that, closely as the inhab
itants were packed, Pompeii was still
bin a little place, the proportion of
deaths appears large. It is, of course,
satisfactory to the antiquarian to re
flect that the misfortunes of Pompeii
have been a great gain to modern
knowledge. The maimers of the an
cient Romans are better known to us
by what have been discovered here
under the ashes than by all the pic
tures or statues or writings existing
elsewhere. The town had been very
recently rebuilt, and the remains are
chiefly of one period ; but the deco
rations are remarkable for their rarity
as well as for their freshness. In fact,
the state of pictorial art in the first
century would be almost unknown to
us but fer the frescoes in the House
of the Tragic Poet, and the beautiful
wall-paintings now in the Naples Mu
seum. Cheering Sews for Oregon.
Our people have been cut off from com
munication with the outer world so long
that anything which tends to hasten the
time when they can come and go without
that awful ocean voyage, is liailod with the
deepest satisfaction ; but better than an
Eastern railroad connection is the discovery
of the wonderful Oregon Kidney Tea. If
you have the backache, or any trouble with
the kidneys or bladder, no matter what the
cause, it will cure every time . and no hum
bug. Ask your druggist for it.
Why WU1 You
Allow a cold to advance in your system
and thus encourage more serious maladies,
such as Pneumonia, Hemorrhages and Lung
troubles when an immediate relief can be so
leadily attained. Boschee's German Syrup
has gained the largest sale in the world for
the cure of Coughs, Colds and the severest
Lung Diseases, It is Dr. Boschee's famous
prescription, and is prepared with the great
est care, and no fear need be entertained in
administering it to the youngest child, as
per directions. The sale of this medicine is
unprecedented. Since first introduced there
has been a constant increasing demand and
without a single report of a failure to do its
work in any case. Ask your Drcggist as to
the truth of these remarks. Large size 75
cents. Try it and be convinced.
Sad Havoc is Created
Among the tenants of the mouth ay allow
ing impurities to collect upon their surface
or in their interstices. SOZODONT re
moves every vestige of tartar from the
teeth, and renders their premature decay
impossible. It not only imparts to them
whiteness and vigor, but communicates
hardness and rosiness to the gums. The
breath acquires a most acceptable fragrance
from its use ; it is a purely botanic liquid,
and it may be relied on to accomplish its
beautifying effects without injuring the en
amel like a gritty tooth paste.
EST" The National GOLD MEDAL was awar ed to
Bradley & Rulofson for the best Photographs in the
United States, ana the Vienna Meuai :or tne best in
the world.
429 Monton-sr Street San Francis
jSTew this Week.
Notice to Creditors.
NOTICE is hereby given by the undersigned Ad
ministrator of the estate of A ron Wells, deceas
ed, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims
against said deceased to present the same, to me, at
my residence at Summit precinct, Benton county,
Oregon, within six months from the date of this
January 30, 1880 17:5w4
I OFFER my Lot for sale, in the city of Corvallis,
Benton county, situated in the rear of Hotel occu
pied by John Haskins. Cor particulars address Mary
Ann Murry, Junction City, Oregon.
Junction City, Oregon Jan. 30, 1880. l:Swml
State Treasurer's Ninth Notice.
Office or y Stats Treasurer, )
Salem, Or., Jan. 20, 1880, f
are now on hand funds applicable to the pay
ment of Warrants of the issue of 1879, numbered
as follows :
1S27, 1535, 1536, 1539, 1542, 1548, 1549, 1650, 1551.
1554, 1558, 1559. 1560,1563, 1565, 1566, 1670. 1671,
1573, 1676, 1576, 1677, 1678, 1680, 1681, 1582, 1584,
1585, 1586, 1588, 1589, 1591, 1592, 1793. 1594, 1596,
1697, 1598, 1599, 1600, 1601, 1602, 1604,, 1609, 1611
1612, 1613, 1615, 1616, 1618, 1630, 1668.
Interest on the above warrants will cease from this
17:52 State Treasurer.
Notice of Application for the
Vacation of Streets and
Alleys in the City
of Corvallis.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Western Oregon
Railroad Company has filed with the Recorder,
and presented to the Common Council of the City of
Corvallis, a petition asking for tho vacation of the
following described portion oi streets and alleys in
said city, to-wit :
All that portion of Sixth street from the south line
of A street to the south line of said Sixth Street.
AH that portion of B street from the east line of
Sixth street west to the west line of blocks No. 30 and
31, in Avery's third addition to the city of Corvallis.
me enure streets or alleys running tnrougn diocks
No. 30 and 31. in Avery's third addition to Corvallis,
and all persons interested therein are hereby notified
that the regular meeting of the Council, to be held
on Monday, the 8th day of March, 1880 has been fixed
bv said Council as the time for the hearing and con
sideration of such petition, and at which time all per
sons interested are required to appear and sbow cause,
if any there be, why the petition should not be grant,
ed. and such portions of streets and alleys vacated.
uy order or tne common uouncn.
Corvallis, Jan. SO, 1880. 17:5w5 City Recorder.
Sheriffs Sale.
issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Benton county on the 22d day of Decem
ber, 1879, in favor of J. E. Henkle, and against An
thony Roberts, for the sum of ($123.24) four hundred
and twenty-three and 24-100 dollars, and interest
thereon at the rate of one per cent, per month from
November 26, 1879, and forty-two dollars (42. 00) at
torney's fee, and the further sum of $30.40 costs, 1
have levied upon the following described real proper
ty, being the the property set out and described in
said Decree, to. wit :
Tne east nan oi tne nortn.east quarter, tne norm
west quarter of the north-east quarter and lots one.
two and three (1, 2 and 3) of section (2) two in town,
ship (14) fourteen, south of range (8) eight west of
tne wmamette nierioian. ana cuiituiumg one uiujureu
and fortv-five acres and 50-100 acres of land in Benton
county, State of Oregon, and on
Saturday, the 21t dav of February, A. D. 18S0,
In front of the Court House door, in the citv of Cor.
vallis. Benton county. Ores-on. I will sell at public
auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, all the right,
title, interest and estate pi the Defendant, Antnony
Roberts, in and to the above decribed real property,
with all and every of tenements, hereditaments and
appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise ap
pertaining, to satisfy said execution, together with
the costs and expenses of sale. Sale will take place
at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said
day. SOL KING,
Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon.
Dated this 19th day of January, A- D. 1SS0.
Young America Hose Co,,
TO be given at
Monday Eve., Feb. 23, 1880.
$2 OO
The public cordially invited to attend,
Corvallis, January 21, 1880, 17:4w5
J. L. LEWIS, - Proprietor,
Market and fixtures, and perman
ently located in Corvallis, I will keep con
stantly on. hand tne choicest cuts ot
and VEAL,
Especial attention to making extra Bologna Sau
sage. Being a practical butcher, with large experi
ence in business, I flatter myself that 1 can give
satisfaction to customers. Please call and give me a
trial. juhn SMI in.
January 19, 1880. 16:45tf
Six Hundred Dollars
Trees, &c., can be bought for 8600 00.
Enquire of W. T. CHAPMAN,
At the M. E. Parsonage, Corvallis,
Opp, North Dist. School House.
November 26. 1879. 16:48tf
Notice of Final Proof.
Land Office at Oregon City. Oo's,
December 11, 1879,
""OTICE is hereby given that the following named
iA settler has filed notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and secure final
entr thereof at the expiration of thirty days from
the date of tM notice, viz :
James McLain, Homestead application No. 2593,
for the W J of N W J and W 4 of S W , sec, 2, T 11
S, R 8 W, and names the following as his witnesses,
viz : A. J. Porter, of Benton County, Or,, and J. M.
Boone, of Benton county, Oregon.
L, T. BARIN, Register,
December 26, 1879. 16:52w5
House. 15janl78tf
Real Estate for Sa'e!
SITUATED IN , . , ; . .
O O 3FL 7 J3k.Hn LIS,
Benton County, Oregon.
Sheriff's Sale.
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the county of Lane, an the 19th day of December,
A. D. , 18T9, and to me as Sheriff duly directed and
delivered, for the sum of (825 00) twenty -five dollars,
and the further sum of thirty dollars and ninety
cents (830 90) costs in favor of J. W. Rayburn, Plain
tiff and against Susan Stannus, Defendant, for want
of personal property out of which to satisfy the
same, I have levied upon the fallowing described
real estate, to-wit :
The north half of section twenty-eight in township
fourteen, south of range five west of Willamette
meradian, containing three hundred and twenty
acres of land situate in the county of Benton and
State of Oregon, and will on
Saturday, the 7th Day of February, A. D. , 1880,
In front of the Court House door. In the cty of Cor
vallis. Benton county, Oregon, at the hour of one
o'clock p. ii. , sell at public auction to the highest bid
der for cash in hand, all the right, title, interest and
estate of the defendant, Susan Stannus, in and to the
above described real property, together with the tene
ments, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto
belonging to satisfy said execution and costs.
Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon.
Dated this January the 7th, 1880. 17:2w5
TWO VACAlfT LOTS, in the central nart of town
handv to the Westside Depot. One of the most de
sirable places for a residence In the city, lSjan
TWO IMPROVED LOTS, on the main business
street, with small stable, woodshed, and a good, com
fortable dwelling house, containing seven good rooms
These lots are nicely situated for any kind of busi
nese purposes. - 15jan
The cheapest farm in Oregon ; five miles north of
uorvanis, in a good neighborhood ; one-half mile
from one of the westside railroad depots, and within
one-quarter mjle of a large school house. This entire
farm contains 346 acres, of which 130 acres of good
grain land is already in cultivation ; 60 acres more can
De cultivated witn small expense ; the remainder is
rolling pasture land with scattering oak timber. It
is all under fence, with a large frame barn, a com
fortable frame dwelling house, and a good orchard, all
of which is offered for sale at a price one-third less
than same kind of farms adjoining it.
One Steam Planing Mill and Sash and Door Factory,
in Corvallis, with all the machinery necessary to ope
rate the same in all respects. The owner thereof
wants to quit the business, he therefore offers the
entire factory for sale at a price more than one-third
less than its cost or present value,
11 the above property is for sale, on reasonable
t. is. For further information concerning the same
inquire of M. 8. WOODCOCK,
At his Law Office, in said City of Corvallis.
Fruit. Will furnish Fruit Trees, for planting, of
approved kinds, at moderate prices. Will send com
petent persons to advise Fruit Growers on the man
agement and pruning of existing orchards, or the
planting out of new ones.
Will supply Plummer Fruit Dryers, of either the
Family or tne Factory sizes.
Application to be made to the Corvallis Fruit Com
pany, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon.
January 7, 1880. llSwi
izens of Corvallis and vicinity, that he has
opened an Upholstering Establishment, on the first
block above the Occidental Hotel, where he is pre
pared to do all kinds of work, in this line. Especial
attention to
Repairing Lounges,
MATTRESSES, of all kinds.
Charges moderate. Please give me a call,
Corvallis, Jan. 1st, 1B80. 17 :ltf
Commercial Union
Assurance Company,
Capital. - $12,500,000
James Readman, Agent,
Coi-vnlliw, Oregon,
GEORGE A. WEBB, Gen. Agent for Oregon.
Decemher 17, 1879. 16:51m6
W. P. SMITH. M. D.,
Physician & Surgeon,
V Store.
January 7, 1880. 17:2tf
A large invoice of the popular
Cavendish Smoking Tobacco, in J pound Tins,
R. W. Oliver's
"OLIVE" and " CREOLE 1
Smoking Tobacce, in bags.
Fragrant Vanity Fair Smoking Tobaccos,
Etc., Etc.
A full Stock of the best Cigarettes in the market.
"Vincent House
Corvallis, Oregon,
Farm for Sale.
I sale his splendid gram and stock farm,
four miles north of west ot Corvallis, on
Oak creek containing 1200 acres over one
hundred acres in cultivation two fine bear
ing orchards, and well calculated for divid
ing into two or more snug fanusTerrns
easy arid title perfect, f or particulars in
quire of E, Holgate, W. B. Carter, or
on the premises.
Corvallis, Jan. 1, 1878. 16:ltf
Hans Dahl, E- Pihl, Cur. A, Sboisixkb.
DESIRE to, call attention to their plans
and drawings of buildings of all kinds,
civil engineering, surveying and architect
ural works, with all the, latest improve
ments. They would mention particularly
the following branches : Sawmills ajid plane
mills. Grainmills. Furniture, joinery and
mechanical works. Waterworks, and other
works, connecting with water. Surveying.
Construction of bridges and roads. Church,
school and other official buildings, All
kinds of dwelling houses, and farm buildings.
All orders. wUl receive immediate atten
tion. Please to address all communications
to the company's headquarters at Corvallis.
A warded first premium at Oregon State
fair, 1879, for architectural and engineering
works, I6i42a3
EGLIN i- LOMER, Prop's.
On the Corner West of the Engine House,
new and commodious BARN.
we are better than ever prepared to
keep the
At Reasonable Rates.
tUF Particular Sttr hjn iriven to Boardimr Horses.
Horses Bought and-, .old or Exchanged.
November 24, 1879. 10:48tf
compound OXYGEN!
Compounds !
AUY ew Treatment for tlic Cure
chit Is, Catarrh, Iou
ralgrin, Scrofiiloiis
mamifeststtloxiB, sand tfac worKt
Cases of
31 1 o iirnrAiic
By a Natural Process of VITALIZATION.
the last few months, showing its range of appli
cation :
1 to 4. Four cases of Consumption two of them
having cavities in the Lungs are all EKTIRELY
B. Mr. T. G P., of Bay Center, W. T. Chronic
Bronchitis, difficulty of some years standing ; also,
general and nervous debilitv, threatening of health.
Cured during October.
8, and 7. Two cases of marked Blood Poisoning.
Cured in a few days.
8 and 9. Two cases of NERVOUS DEBILITY of
women. Had "Doctored to death." One cured in
7 days, and the other in 16 days.
10 to 14. Five cases of Chronic Dyspepsia. Ca
tarrh or Scrofulous ailment. All cured, or oreatly
benefitted, by a few weeks treatment.
A small pamphlet on the OXYGEN Treatment,
and all inquiries answered, sent free, op application.
Also reference to patients who have taken, or arc
now receiving the treatment. Address
Cor. 1st and Washington Sts. ,
November 5, 1879 16:45inC
Manufacturer of
Keeps constantly on hand every thing belonging tn
a first class shop.
tfarUncle Sam's Harness Oil for sale. 10:25vl
George P. Wrenn,
E. Holgate,
Att'y at Lav
Wrenn & Holgate,
genral business agents, and
Office on Second street, next door south the City
Buying, Selling and Leasing Real Esiate. Prou p(
attention given to
Loans Negotiated, etc. Will keep Regular
.A. notion Sales Rooms
And sell at AUCTION, anything desired, cither at ibc
Sales Rooms or elsewhere, in City orCountry. Agents
for good reliable Insurance Companies.
We now have on hand for sale, both Grain am)
Stock Farms, and City Property, at fair prices, ;uiq
easy terme.
5PWe can hake Salek if anybody can."
Please give us a call. WRENN & HOLGATE.
Corvallis. April 17, 1870. 16:10tf.
Benton County
citizens of Corvallis and vicinity, that he
prepared to do all kinds of
At prices to suit th times. Patronage solicited, aiuj
satisfaction guaranteed, in all cajjea.
COPYING and ENLARGING a specialty. Neg.
tives retouched, and preserved.
Front Street, Two Doors South of A. Cauthorn i.
January 7, 1880. 17:2tf
Use the Dana Stock Hark I
Cattle, Shaep and Hogs, ever invented. Speci.
mens sent free, by mail. For full particulars,
. I W l I ' 4 UTt- li A...,-
Auurma " - ,
Gayette Office, Corvallis, Oregon.
!M!onntain View
S5 Oents per G-allon,
of one cow will lie furnished.
Milk warranted PURE.
A. G. MULKEY, Proprietor,
Corvallis, January 7, 1880. l:21....