WEEKLY mm GAZETTE. Corrallis, Deo. 19, 1879. BLUE RIBBON CLUB The Corvallis Blue Ribbon Club had a very interesting meeting at the M. . Church last Saturday evening. The at tendance was good, and the singing, by a select choir, -with Mrs. W. T. Chapman at the organ, was excellent. The address, by Prof. Royal, was well received, and reflect ed much credit on the speaker, who has a most happy faculty of using the black board, in his illustrations. He believes in teach ing with the eye as well as the ear, and makes his points clear and impressive. Miss Godfrey's reading was good, and the audience showed their appreciation by hearty applause. After music, Rev. Mr. Condit, of Albany, was introduced by the President, and made some very appropriate and well-timed remarks. He reported the temperance cause flourishing in our neigh boring city. One saloon there had recently ciosed, for lack of patronage. Mr. H. M. Clinton, editor of the Pacific Monthly, who was in the city collecting statistics for his magazine, was introduced, and by a few well chosen remarks showed that his heart was in the temperance work. The pledge was then passed and several signatures secured. Taken altogether it was one of the most interesting meetings we have had for a long time. GENERAL DISCUSSIONS. The following are the topics for general discussion at the District and County Teach ers' Institute, to commence in this city next Monday at 9 o'clock, a. m. It is expected that every teacher and friend of education will come prepared to take part in the dis cussions, by which great good may be ac complished : For Monday forenoon " Are Public Ex aminations and Exhibitions Advisable ? " For Monday afternoon " Should a text book be prepared in the form of question and answer ? " For Tuesday forenoon " How can the cordial co-operation of parents be secured ?" For Tuesday afternoon " Should prizes and rewards be offered for superiority of scholarship " For Wednesday forenoon "Are our methods of teaching sufficiently practical ? " "Remembkr the poor." When we look abroad, during the inclement weather of winter, and see families of children half clathe 1. and poorly fed, it is not enough for Christians to pray, " Be thou clothed and be thou fed." This prayer is right and pro per, but the true Christian, who has an abuudance of this world's goods, should see to it that some decisive steps are taken to answer this prayer. While we may not, and proliably do not, have any cases of real destitution and want in Corvallis, like those in large cities, yet thera are families that need, and should receive, assistance during the winter, and especially during the holi days. A little coat, or hat, or dress, or pair of shoes, of trifling co3t, might carry sunshine and happiness to some poverty pinched "little one." "The poor ye al ways have with you." There arc many open doors for true Christian charity. " If we seek a lield of labor, we can find it any where." A more generous, kind-hearted people than the Corvallis! tes cannot be found, and they only need their attention called to this matter, to insure a liberal re sponse. See tp it, at least, that every poor family has a good Christmas dinner. Cheering News. Mr. Wallis Nash, as this city has just received a private letter from Col. T. Egenton Hogg, who is making his headquarters with his mother in Balti more, hut speuds a portion of each day in Washington. We are pleased to learn that the Col.'s health has very much improved. He seems very much elated over the pros pects of Oregon, and intimates that our citizens will have no reason to complain of the manner in which their interests will be looked after in Washington, this winter. No outside party could look after our inter ests more closely, and present our claims more ably, than the Colonel, and we are very fortunate in having him there to rep resent our interests, and work with our Sen ators and Representative. In addition to this, ex -senator Mitchell will be in Wash ington a part of the winter, at least, and we can certainly count on his aid and influ ence in securing congressional favors. And while the interests of the state at large are being looked after, Yaquina Bay, the natural outlet of the Willamette valley, will not be disregarded. Christmas. The usual preparations seem to be making for the due observance of this time honored festival in Corvallis. From present indications there will be no lack of toys, candies, etc., for the "little ones," and elegant presents for the older ones, and there seems to be a general inclination to have a real old fashioned, good time Christmas holiday. We hear of several Christmas trees, public and private. There will be trees, properly decorated and laden with presents, on Christmas Eve, at the Episcopal Chapel, and Evangelical and Methodist Churches, for the- different Sab bath Schools. It is the intention of the managers of these trees to have a present for every child in attendance at the various schools. The parents, when able, are ex pected to furnish presents for their children. New Firm. As will be seen, by refer ence to our advertising columns, Mr. John Ray, one of our solid business men, has ta ken his son Albert into full partnership with him in business. Albert, for the past four years, has been acting as clerk and salesman for his father, and by his steady habits and close attention to business, has fully merited this honor upon attaining his majority. His parents, und the entire com munity as well, may justly feel proud of such a young man, and what he has accom plished, by sobriety, honesty and honor, is within the reach of every young man. A good moral character is the best capital (hat any young man can start out into the world with. Without this, no amount of money can give him a " good name," which is bet ter than much fine gold. ! ! .' Sitting Bull this week ! ! ! see ad. Please renew your subscription to Ga zette. Great boom, at the New York Auction House. Mrs. F. A. Vincent accompanied her hus band to Dallas. A fine selection of Sheet music at Mrs. F. M. Johnson. Choisest cuts of beef, pork and mutton, at the Palace. For fine French candies, you must go to E. Rosenthal's. Latest styles of solid silver and plated ware, just received by VV. V. (Jrawford. A large stock of French and American candies, at ieo. Gerhard s. Try one of those buckets of nice fresh lard, at the Palace market. Seidenberg & Co's Key West Cigars, for sale by Ralston Cox, Vincent House. Unique New Year calling cards at this office fifteen varieties of the latest style. For your jewelry and holiday presents, call at W. C. Crawford's. If you want to see the finest, best and cheapest cook stove in the world, go to Peon's. The finest lot of smoked meats ever of fered to the citizens of Corvallis, at the Palace. Geo. King, Newport, was in the city, this week, returning from the wreck of the Courser, on Puget Sound. Miss Rebecca Wren, of the Vincent House, is visiting a married sister iu Inde pendence. The prizes to be awarded at the masquer ade skating carnaval are on exhibition at Crawford's. The new stock of Fine cigars and Tobacco received this week by Cox, Vincent House, can't be beat. Try them. Ritchey, a California " print," gave us a call this week. We gave him a day's work and sent him on his way rejoicing. The largest and finest stock of Imported and Domestic cigars, in the city, at George Gerhard's, Turkish, and all the be3t brands of Do mestic Smoking aud chewing Tobacco, at Ralston Cox's, Vincent House. Peter Meads proposes to give a grand ball at his residence, in King's Valley, on the night of the 25th inst. If you want to buy reliable time-keepers, cheap, either for your house or pocket, go to P. P. Greffoz. 3w Our patrons will please bear in mind that our rule is strictly prepay for GAZErrK. Look out for a postal card soliciting renewal of subscription. After your Christmas Dinner, smoke one of those Imported Havana Cigars, to be had of Ralston CVx. Vincent House. A beautiful little case of French Wax matches given with every package of cigar ettes. Ralston Cox, Vincent House. Mrs. F. M. Johnson, now has a large class in Instrumental music, and will still receive more pupils. Mrs. J. would be d to see all who are thinking ol taking OS, before the new year begins. Dr. F. A. Johnson, of this city, was call ed to Albany, last Monday, to consult with physicians there in reference to a very com plicated case. Notice to farmers and others Photo graphy. We will take produce or firewood in exchange for work done at the Corvallis Photographic Gallery. E. Heslop, proprie tor. None but good work sent out. Geo. Mercer is again upon the streets, after a protracted serious illness. But, in the words of Dr. J. B. Lee, his attending physician, he "looks like a stall fed ghost." A large variety of holiday presents for sale by P. P. Greffoz. 3w Pride of Commerce and Mermaid Cigar?, the best bit cigars in the city, at Ilalst n : Cox s, V mcent House. Mr. E. VVadsworth, of Monroe, is intro ducing a new style of churn, in this county, which is likely to become very popular. Just what every family in the county needs, Take a peep into Carlilc's and see the Christmas fixin's, and you won't fail to buy, for he sells lower than any body else. Don't forget to order vour New Year call ing cards at the Gazette Printing House. They are " way up " in style, and low down in price. And don't yon forget it, Rosenthal's is the place to find the finest, largest, and cheapest stock of holidav presents in Cor. vallis. Hon. R. A. Bensell returned from below on Wednesday of last week, and started for home on Saturday. He is delighted with our railroad prospects, and thinks the fu ture of Benton county never looked brighter. E. A. Abbey arrived from the bay, last Wednesday evening, with his spring wagon. In crossing the Cardwell hill " Kit " cap sized the first time in 44 years' teaming. No damage done. If yon want to buy bolts, screws, butts, mattocks, draw-shaves, axes, grindstoues, forks and shovels, or anything in the hard ware Hue, go to Penn's and dont you forget to remember it. Seaside Library, of choice novels in pam phlet form, 10 and 20 cents each, Corvallis News Depot, Vincent House. Messrs. Drake & Grant, merchant tailors, have a fine lot of foreign and domestic cloths on hand, and are prepared to furnish suits, in the latest styles, on short notice. .Don't wear ' ' shoddy, " or send your orders abroad, when you can get first-class work at home. They guarantee satisfaction, in every case. The Gazette will enter upon its seven teenth volume the 1st of January, 1880. A little work, on the part of its friends, would double our circulation. We shall spare no pains to make it worth the subscription price, S2 SO, to every patron. Help us, and we will help you. Mrs. Ross does all descriptions of hair work, in the very latest styles. Vest chains, jewelry, switches, &c, a specialty. Leave orders with Mrs. Kelly, or Mrs. linker, at Mrs, Kelly's millinery store. 16:47w4 Nowhere in Oregon, outside of Portland, can be found such a grand display of elegant oil painting, representing famous places, or such a display of beautiful clocks, as are for sale at the N. Y. Auction House. Mr. Haight informs us that they are being sold for about 50 cents on the dollar of their real value. Ouray, the Ute chief of Colorado, is re ported as being a very cunning old dog. He is simply parleying with the peace com mission to give an emissary time to come to Corvallis and procure a large supply of J. S. Moore's Hair Invigorator, for gratuitous dis tribution among the border settlers. The old scamp admires a clean scalp. The revival meetings, at the M. E. Chnrch, in this city, are still In progress. The religious interest is not as general as could be desired, although much good .has been accomplished Revs. York, Kantner, Hanna, Godfrey and Royal have been as sisting Rev. Mr. Chapman in tb meetings. Prayer meeting at 2 P. M.. and preaching this evening. Prince Lucien Bonaparte, who follows the life of a peaceful farmer in Essex, is an in dustrious student of the various dialects of the British Isles. Among philologists the gook old man is a little laughed at on ac count of-his foibles but he is much respected every where, especially around his old home. Hi3 garden produces some of the finest cu cumbers in Essex, which reminds us that the best remedy for indigestion, diarrhea and dysentery, griping ot the bowels, bilious and liver complaints, etc., is Emil Frese's celebrated Hamburg Tea. It always regu lates the bowels with comfort and safety. County ScPERixTEJrtBjpvosvEXTioN. A meeting of the County Superintendents of Common Schools will be held in Port land, Oregon, on December 30th and 31st, 1879. Following is the programme : School Visitations, J. D. Robb, Washington coun ty ; Term of office, J. M. Heard, Douglas county ; Examinations, I. Allan Macrum, Multnomah county ; Reports, E. B. McEl roy, Benton county ; Salaries, N. W. Ran dall, Clackamas county; School Libraries, L. H. Baker, Yamhill county ; Certificates, J. T. Gregg, Marion county ; Connty Insti tutes, L. N. Liggett, Linn county. L Allan Maceum, Pres't. J. T. Gregg, Secretary. Grand Raffles. Christmas Day A beautiful, silver hunting case Waltham watch (P. S. Bartlett movement). Tickets, $L New Year's Day A fine new Winches ter rifle, all the latest improvements, with fine case and 300 central fire cartridges. Tickets, 2. Ralston Cox, Vincent House. First quarterly meeting of the M. E. Church South, for Corvallis charge, next Saturday and Sabbath. Preaching at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. ou both days. Rev. T. B. White, P. E., officiating. Vacation at the State Agricultural Col lege, and the public schools from to-day un til Monday week, December 29th. Prof. L. J. Powell was in the city, visit ing the schools during the week. Spent last Wednesday in the State Agricultural College. Was well pleased with our schools. Notice. After January 1st, Jos. Ger hard will shoe horses at following rates : Four new shoes, $2 00 ; four old shoes, $1 00. Dr. F. A. VinceHt went to Dallas, last Tuesday, on professional business. The Doctor does first-class dental work. In order to give our printers an oppor tunity to enjoy a "Christmas Turkey," and not miss an issue of the Gazette, we in tend to go to press next Wednesday, instead of Thursday, as usual. Advertisers will please bear this in mind, as notices and ads., to secure insertion must be handed in by J uesday noon. What a slaughter of prices, and almost giv ing away goods, has been going on at the .New lork Auction House, the past week. Mr. E. J. Haight, the agent, informs us that it will be repeated every Tuesday even ing, Wednesday and Wednesday evening. In the meantime goods will be sold at auc tion prices. Everybody in Benton county should hear that prince of auctioneerrs, D. Mc Arthur. He returned to Portland tms morning, but will slaughter prices of goods again next Tuesday evening, Wednesday and Wednes day evening, at the N. Y. Auction House. Weakening. Captain Tichenor has "thrown up the sponge" relative to the harbor of refuge being located at port Or ford, we should judge, from the following extract taken from the Coos Argus of the 5th inst: " The old old man of the sea," Captain Wm. Tichnor, of Port Orford, gave us a friendly call, on Monday last. He is still working for the Harbor of Refuge, but feels a little faint-hearted about the proba ble point of location being Port Orford. Poultry and Pets. Amoncr the entries at the Poultry and Pet Association Exhibi tion, of Portland, last week, we notice the following, by Mr. Wallis Nash, of Corvallis: 7 Golon Setters, 10 Scotch Collies, pair of young pups, seven weeks old (Scotch Col lies). Mr. Nash has, by far, the finest lot of dogs ever brought to this city, and they are attracting considerable attention abroad. B. R. C The Corvallis Blue Ribbon Club meets to-morrow evening, at Evangeli cal Church. Programme : Music ; prayer music; addres3by J. A. Yantis; music; read ing by C. L. Bennett ; passing the pledge ; music. J. R. Bayley, Ch'n Ex. Com. Literary Society. At their regular election, held Dec. 12, the Adelphiain Lit erary Society elected the following officers to serve the ensuing term : President, Ed- Trar Grim ; Vice President, S. G. McCann Secretary, E. Charman ; ireasurer, V, C. Brock ; Librarian, T. L. Charman. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer has for many years occupied an honorable place in the toilet of American women, and has also attained popularity in foreign coun tries. This, is because it does febtorm what it promises. Its warmest friends are those who have used it longest, and those who sound its praise the loudest are those who from actual experience and personal trial have demonstrated that by its use gray hair is restored to its natural color and dry, harsh, and wiry hair is made soft and lustrous, a thing of beauty, and a matter of joy and pride to the wearer. t'ub-Soi.er and Democrat, Corinth, Mi-s. White's Prairie Flower. Taken before retiring will insure a good night's rest, with an awakening in the rosy morn to health, courage and vigor. For coated tongue, bad breath, sick headache, or any disturbance arising from dyspepsia or torpid liver, it is without a peer. Its action on disease is entirely different from any medicine ever introduced, quieting pains almost instantly. The hue and cry raised against it by patent medicine men, who have foreseen in its advent the destruction of their nefarious business, and the thousands of un solicited testimonials flowing in from all parts of the New World, is a sure indication of its great merits. Trial size at all Drug Stores. Half pound bottles, 75 cents. Graham, Hamilton &Co,, Wholesale Drug gists, kle Agents, Corvallis, Oregon. Why Will Ton Allow a cold to advance in your system and thus encourage more serious maladies, such as Pneumonia, Hemorrhages and Lung troubles when an immediate relief can be so readily attained. Boschee's German Syrup has gained the largest sale iu the world for the cure of Coughs, Colds and the severest Lung Diseases, It is Dr. Boschee's famous prescription, and is prepared with the great est care, and. no fear need be entertained in administering it to the youngest child, as per directions. The sale of this medicine is unprecedented. Since first introduced there has been a constant increasing demand and without a single report of a failure to do its work in any case. Ask your Drcggist as to the truth of these remarks. Large size 75 cents. Try it and be convinced. Sad Havoc is Created Among the tenants of the mouth Dy allow ing impurities to collect upon their surface or in their interstices. S0ZODONT re moves every vestige of tartar from the teeth, and renders their premature decay impossible. It not only imparts to them whiteness and vigor, but communicates hardness and rosiness to the gums. The breath acquires a most acceptable fragrance from its use ; it is a purely botanic liquid, and it may be relied on to accomplish its beautifying effeofcs without injuring the en amel like a gritty tooth paste. CHRISTMAS CONCERT. A concert of sacred music will be given at Hamilton's Opera, House, on the evening of Christmas Day, at 7:30 o'clock. Tickets 50 cents each, to be obtained from Messrs. Gra ham, Hamilton & Co., Mr. John Ray, or at the Gazette office. As the proceeds of the concert are to be given to the Corvallis Fire Department, members are requested to at tend uniform. TSTew tliis W"eelt. Commercial Union Assurance Company, OF LO.WO.Y Capital, - $12,500,000 James Headman, Agent, orvulli Orcs'on. GEORGE A. WEBB, Gen. Agent for Oregon. December 17, 1879. lU:51mC The National GOLD MEDAL was awar ed to Bradley & Rulofson for the best Photographs in the United States, and the VVonna Medal for the best in the world. 129 Moutgoracr Street San Francis CALLING CARDS. A large variety of new and beau tiful designs, at the GAZETTE JOB OFFICE. Notice of Final Prooi. Laxd Omen at Oitegox C'itt, Oregon, December 8. 1879. t "VTOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL lN llowing-nained settler hah, filed notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at tlie expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz: James D a :e, Pre-emption D. S., No. 3i?l f r lots Nos. 1 and 2 of sec. 31 , and W let N V J sec, 32 T 11 S, R 11 W, and names the following as his wit nesses, viz : William Grant of Benton county, Ore gon, and Thomas J. Buford of Benton county, Or. Dec 19, 1879. 16;51w5 L. T, SARIN, Register. NEWS! NEWS!! ALL THE ILLUSTATED PAPERS IM M1G1ZIMS Received regularly, and JET" O DFt 3 A Ij S , At Publishers' Prices. Subscriptions received for all Publications. Special Kates for Clubs. San Francisco Bulletin, Chronicle or Call, 75c per month ; Oregonian or Standard 25c per week, delivered. COHVAXiLIS EIEWS DEPOT T Octobar 22, 1879. Vincent House, Corvallis. Merry Christmas, . i AXD .... A Happy New Year! i!91!ll.iilE!NT! I TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING TO 0ON suinuiers of Tobacco that I have received an extra choice invoice of Fine Cigars and Tobaccos, selected with special reference to the Holiday trade, of which the following is a partial list : RKSULTADO PARA le NOSLEZ (Imported Havanna) LA ESENCIA, (Key West) PRIDE OK COMMERCE, MERMAID, UNITY, PUNCH, Also Imported Turkish Tobacco, In quarter pound Packets. Messrs. Allen & Co's RICHMOND MIXTURE, in one pound Tins. " " Navy Bird's Eye J lb. Packets. The best brands of Plug Smoking and Chewing To bacco. Messrs. Kinney Bros.' ST. JAMES & CAPORAL CIGARETTES Also, Old Judge, Rosebud and Pinafore The latest novelty in Cigarettes. Wishing my patrons many happy returns of the approaching festival. Respectfully, RALSTON COX, Vincent House, Corvallis. THE EVENT OF THE SEASON! GRAND Masquerade Skating Carnival AT HAMILTON'S OPERA HOUSE, OS Saturday Eve., Dec. 27, 1879. MUSIC BY SECOND BRIGADE BAND. PRIZES - TTIOR BEST SUSTAINED LADY CHARACTER, Jj an elegant pair of Gold Cutf Buttons. For best sustained Gentleman Character, a fine Gold Scarf Pin. For best Lady Skater, a beautiful Breast Pin. For best Gentleman Skater, a fine pair of Gold Cuff Buttons. For Poorest Gsntleman Skater, a valuable prize. After Awarding the above Prizes, the Entertainment will close with a GRAND "MURPHY" RACE, ON WHEELS, For the Champion Sinch of the PaciOc Coast. Doors open at 7:30. Grand March will commence at 8:30. Unmasking at ;9:30. Skating until 10, when the contest for Skating Prizes will take place. At 10:30 the great " Murphy Movement," after which all the Prizes will be awarded by the Committee. Business Change. TICKETS. Cientlcman masker, IIy Use of Skates, -Spectators, - Children, - - 1 OO Free. SO as Maskers' Tickets lor Sale at Graham, Hamilton & Co's Drug Store. QARPINIEK & CRIM, 16:51w2 Proprietors. Corvallis, December 1st, 1879. I HAVE THIS DAY TAKEN INTO PARTNER ship my son, Albert J. Rat. The name of the firm hereafter will be known as Johs Ray & Son. While making this change, we embrace this oppor tunity to return our sincere thanks to our patrous and the public for the generous support they have given us the past four years, and we trust, that with a better knowledge of the business, and renewed efforts, we may give greater satisfaction than we have heretofore done. JOHN RAY, 10:60w4 ALBERT J. RAY. NEW YEAR BALL ! . . GIVEN OK Wednesday Eve., Dec. 31, .... BY 2d Brig. Band, 0. S.M. Tickets, $2 00 (Oyster Supper at Occidental Hotel, for $1 per couple. ) Com. of Arrangements, W. St. Clair, E A. Milner, A. J. Ray. Corvallis, Dec. 10, 1879. 16:50w3 JOHN RAY & SON, COBVAiiLIS, - - OREGON, .V. . Dealers in .... Staple and Fine Groceries, Tobacco, Cigars, CHINA, GLASSWARE, TABLE CUTLERY Lamps, Oils, &- E HAVE ON HAND THE FOL- lowing choice goods: Fresh Spices, Coffees Raw, Roasted and Ground, Sultana Raisins Seedless, London Layer Raisins, Cal., Xante Currants, new, Atmore's Mince Meat, Citron, and Orange Peel, Anchovie, Worcester, and Gloucester Sauce, Halibut and Herring, Cal. Cakes and Crackers. We have just received the celebrated MALACHITE GLASSWARE, in various forms. It is said to be the most beautiful glassware ever brought to thi3 coast. Also select French China Tea sets, Vases, &c, &c, for Christmas presents. December 10, 1879. 16:50w4 Strayed or Stolen ! FROM THE AGRICULTURAL CGTLEGE FARM, on or about the 28th of November, a gray mare about 14 hands hiirh ; six years old ; in foal ; branded 71 on the near shoulder, a. SYJ1DNUS. Corvallis, Dee. 9, 1879. 16:50tf FOR SALE. FIVE CHOICE LOTS, SITUATED, THREE ON the North-East corner in the John Lewis block . and two on the North-East corner of the blo-k South of Dr. Lee's residence. For particulars, iuquire of MilS. L. A. DENNICK. Corvallis, Dec. 1st, 1870. lfl;4rtf Notice of Final Proof. Land Office at Oheoox City, Oox. December 2nd, 1879. VTOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVc'.S THAT THE FOL I ljwing-named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days froin the date of this notice, viz : James Surman. homestead application No. 3280, for the N I of N W 1-4, S W.l-4 of N W 1-4 and N W 1-4 of S W 1-4, sec. 29, T 11 S., R 11 W., and names the following as' his witnesses, viz : James Drake of Benton county, Oregon, and Henry li:grain of Linn county, Oregon, L. T. BARIN, Decembers, 1879. 49w5 Register. Administrator's Notice. "1HARLES WAGNER HAVING BEEN APPOINT- j od by the County Court of Benton count v. Ore gon, Administrator of the estate of Sarah R. Warner, deceased, all persona are notified to present such claims aa they may hold against said estate, properly renoecL wuiun six months, so me or to my attorneys. Chenoweth & Johnson, Corvallis, Oregon. Administratrix Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UN dorsigned has been duly appointed Administra trix of the estate of John Jessup, deceased, by the County Court of Benton County, Slate of Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are re required to present the same with proper proof to the undersigned, at her residence near Newport, Benton county, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof, or at the office of Jas. A. Yantis, her attorney. NANCY P. JESSUP. Administratrix of the estate ol John Jessup, deceased. w.v.ivi GREAT REDUCTION IN PPdOE .... of . . , ,' DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, FRIENDLY ft SENDERS' CORVALLIS, OREGON. THE FOLLOWING WILL GIVE AN idea of the Low Prices offered ; Ladies' Invisible Plaids, per yard, 16c and upwards. Basket ojds, in all shades, 20c per .yard, ami upwards. Cashmeres, in all shades, 36 in. wide, from 50c per yard, npward. Lace liiuidkerchiefs, 25c and upwards. Silk " 50c W Zephy shawls from 81, upwards. Ladies r elt skirts, trom 73c upwards. Ladies" Wool Hose, from 20c upwards, "and everything else in proportion. Please give us a call. Examine our mam moth stock and low prices, and we feel confident of your patronage. No trouble to show goods. Don't forget the place. FRIENDLY & SENDERS, Fisher's Corner Brick. December 10, 1879. 16:50w2 Saw-Mill For Sale, XN KING'S VALLEY, ON LUGKIA -L mute river. Mill in- first class running oraer. l oner my one-nan interest in planer, edger, double circftlar saws, new Burnani water wheel, extra power. Also, a u. 1 sash and door factory, machinery all new. Parker & Moor water wheel. Timber plenty. Terms easy. Apply to JOS. CONNOR, King's Valley, Or., Nov. 17. At mill. 16:47w4 Notice of Final Proof. Laxd Office at Orf,gox City, Oa'x, November 12. IS79. NOTICE is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of iiis intention to make final proof m support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from tne uate ot this notice, viz : John McGee. Pre-emp tion Declaratory Statement No. 3317. for the S i of S E, the N W i of a E 4 and N K ofSW i of Sec. 10, T 11 8 R 0 VV, and names the follo wing as his wxwioaicp ; juer tiiuiam ot ttcnion county. wregou, anu unanes tvisiiam oi Benton Co., uregon. L. T. BARIN, Register. November 21, 1879. 1U:47w5v Settle Up! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS imlubtcd to the undersigned, that I have placed my Books and Accounts in the hands of J. R. Bryson for collection. All ersons indebted to me, will please call on him, at his office, in Corvallis, and settle, without ce'ay. J. T. PHILLIPS. Corvallis, Nov. 1. 1S79. lfi:4Stf CHILDREN Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. They like it because it is sweet ; Mothers like Castoria because it gives health to the child; and Physi cians, because it contains no mor phine or mineral. Castoria Is nature's remedy for assimilating the food. It our en Wind Colic, the raising of Sour Curd and 'Diarrhoea, allays Feverishness and Kills Worms. Thus the Child has health and the Mother obtains rest. Pleasant, Cheap, and Reliable. CENTAUR LINIMENTS The most effective Pain-relieving agents MAN and BEAST the world has ever known. Over 1,000,000 Bottles sold last year! The reasons for this unprecedented pop ularity, are evident ; the Centaur Lini ments are made to deserve confi dence ; they are absorbed into tho struc ture ; they always cure and never dis appoint. Ko person need longer suffer with PAIN in the BACK, Rheumatism or Stiff Joints, for the CENTAUR Liniments will surely exterminate the pain. There is no Strain, Sprain, Cut, Scald, Burn, Bruise, Sting, Gall or Lameness to which Mankind or Dumb Brutes are sub ject, that does not respond to this Soothing balm. The- Centaur LINIMENTS not only relieve pain, but they incite healthy action, subdue inilammation, and cure, whether the symptoms proceed from wounds of tho flesh, or Neuralgia of the Nerves ; from contracted Cords or a scalded hand ; from a sprained ankle or a gashed foot ; whether from disgusting PIMPLES on a LADY'S FACE or a strained joint on a Horse's Leg. The agony produced by a Burn or Scald; mortification from Frost-bites ; Swell ings from Strains; the tortures of Rheumatism ; Crippled for life, by gome neglected accident: a valuable horse or a Doctor's Bill may all be saved from One Bottle of Centaur Liniment. No Housekeeper, Farmer, Planter, Team ster, or Liveryman, can afford to be with out these wonderful Liniments. They can be procured in any part of the globe for 50 eta. and 81.00 a bottle. Trial bottles 25 cts. J, M. EG LIN. J. R. LO.MER flEW BUggftSESSI LISTEN FOR THE BELL ! TMS UXBESIOXKU PROPOSES TO ESTABLISH A For the purpose of supplying the citizens of Corval lis with Pure Fresh Milk at the very reasonable rate o 95 Cents per Gallon. He intends starting a Deliver.' Wagon on or before the 1st day ol June next, when he will be glad to supply all demands for Pure, Fresh Milk, i t the above rates, ratronage is nspecuuuy souciieo. STListen for tne 1;II. A. . SwlJ5. Corvallis, May 20, 1870, 16:21tnl, Notice of Final Proof. Laxd Office at Oukoon Citt, Oox, November 20, 1879. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL lowing named settler has filed notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz : George" B. Hunsacker, Pre-Euiption Declaratory Statement No. 3127, for the lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, of see. 25, T 12 8, R 12 W, and names the following as his witnesses, viz : John S. George of Linn county. Ore gon, and James W. Brasfield of Linn county. Or. L. T. BARIN, Register. November 28, 1879 16:48w5 Notice of Final Proof. Laxd OFricE at Oregon Citt, Osm, November 19, 1879. f VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL- lowing named settler has nicd notice ol nis in tention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz : Job N. Arnold, Homestead Application, No. 2863, for the W J of 8 E and E of S W of sec. 29, T 11 8, R 10 W, and names the following as his witnesses, viz : John McGee of Benton county, Oregon, and O. P. Card of Benton county, Oregon. L. T. BARIN, Register. November 28, 1879. 16;w5 The Oregon and Washington Land Company ADVERTISE OREGON FARMS FOR Sale, largely in the East, free of ex pense to Farms, unless sale is made. In that case, $6.00 for each farm sold. Farmers-will find it to their interest to call on CHENOWETH & JOHNSON, Agents O. & W. L. Co. Corvallis, Oct. 8, 1879. 16:41yl CITY STABLES EGLIN & LOMEfi, Prop's, On the Corner Weat of the Engine House, COEVALLY - - OREGOX. -o-- HAVING COMPLETED ODK new and commodious BARN, we are better than ever prepared to wary keep the BEST OF TEAMS, BUS-StES; CARRIAGES, -ANO- SA1DLE HORSES TO HIRE. At Reasonable Rates, fST Particular attention given to Boarding- Horses. Horses Boujrht and Sold or Exchanged. PLEASE GIVE US A CALL. November 24, 1879. 18:4Stf eoiipora OXYGEN! WITH FREE USE, AS ADJUNCTS, OF PHOSPHOROUS and CARBON Compounds ! AScw TVentment glnr Hie Cnre of CSSUI11"I., ron- ralgln, Scrofulous inanifoMliitioiiN, and Ike wont Cases ol" etSPEPSU KEIT008 BEBIUT By a Natural Process of V1TALIZATI0N. mUB FOLLOWING CASES, TREATED WITHIN X t!1e last few months, sbowhui its range of appli cation : 1 to 4. Four cases of Consuiiintion two of them haying cavities in the Louses -ark all ENTIRELY WKLL. S. Mr. T. G. P.. of Bay Center. W. T. Chronic Bronchitis, dirticultv of some years standing : also. general and nervous debility, threatening ot health. Cured during October. 6, and 7. Two cases of marked Blood Foisonini;. Curkd IX A nor DATS. 8 and 9. Two coses of NERVOUS DEBILITY of women. Had " Doctored to death." One cured in 7 days, and the qthcr in 111 day 10 to 14. Five cases of Chronic Dyspepsia. Car tarrh or Scrofulous ailment. All cuaci), or oukatly benefitted, by a few weutis treatment. A small pamphlet on the OXYO.EN Treatment. and .all inquiries answered, sent tree, on application, aiso rcieruncc to i:atieuts i.o nave taKcn, or are now receiving the treatment. Address Cor. 1st and Washington Sts., PORTLAND, - r - OREGON November 5, 1879 l(i:4.r,inU CITY MARKET, JOHN SMITH - Proprietor, II Market ami fixtures, and ueptaaii- h .'f.r-h';- entiy ocaceain cwwams, l will keep con stantly ou hand the choicest cuts of BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, and VICAIj, Especial attcuti.n t : making extra Lologna Sau, saire. Being a practical butcher, with large experi ence in business, 1 flatter myself that 1 can give satisfaction to customers. Please call and give me a trial. JOHN bMITH. Novemlier 1st. 1870. 10:45tf Farm for Sale. T11E UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOB sale Lis eijilemliil grajii iijl stpek farm, four miles DOth of we.st of Corvallis, on Oak creek containing 12C0 acres over ope hundred acre3 m cultivation two fine bear- ing orchards, and well calculated for divil in into two or more snug farms Terms easy and title perfect. For particulars in quire of E. Hoigate, W. B. Carter, or on the premises.. (Jorv.Uli3, Jan. I. 187S, lo:ltf WAY MAN ST. CLAIR, (BUCCE3SOU TO W. A. WELLS.) Manufacturer of HARNESS SADDLES Keeps coiistantlv on hand every thing, belonging to first class shop, 3TUncle Sam's Harness OU for sale. 16:25vJ GEonoE P. Wriisv, Auctioneer. E. Holoatk, Att'y at Law Wrenn & Hoigate, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, COLLECTION, LOAN, IE&URAKCE, QK.S-RAA SL'SIKSHS AGV.MTB, AND AUCTIONEERS, Office on Second street, next door south the City Market, CORVALLIS, r ; OREGON, Buying Selling and Leasing Real Kaiate. lon p attention given to COLLECTIONS. Loans Negotiated, etc. Will keep Regular A miction Sales Booms And sell at AUCTION, anything desired, either at thet Sales Rooms or elsewhere, in City orCounpy. Agent for good reliable Inscbaxcb CouvAXirs. We now have on hand for sale, botih Orais and; Stock Farms, and City Psoraicr?, at fair urices, and easy terme. 3?We.cax make Salbs if anybody can." Please give us a call. WRENN & HOLGATE. CorvaUis. April 17. 1879. ltf:lCtf. CORVALLIS AND WILLAMETTE VALLEY ENGINEERING CO, Hajis Dahl, E. Fni ., Cnjt. A- Segilcjcb, DESIRE to eall attention to their plant and drawings of buildings of (ill kinds, civil engineering, surveying and architect ural works, with all the latest improve, ments. They would mention particularly the following branches t Sawmills aud plane, mills. Graiuiniils. Furniture, joujery aruj mechanical works. Waterworks, ul other works connecting with water. Surveying, Construction of bridges and roads. Churv-h, school and other official buildings. All kinds of dwelling houses and farm buildings. All orders will receive immediate atti) tion. Please to address-all communications to the company's headquarters at C'orvalhs. S3" A warded first premium at Oregon Statfc fair, 1879, for architectural and engineering works, tr.43lP3