The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, September 26, 1879, Page 3, Image 3

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Corvallis, Sept 26, 1879.
Arrivals and Departures of Mails.
from Albany, (North and South) daily, at. . : i P. -M.
" Newport and Philomath, Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday, at G r, m.
for Albany (North and South) daily, at 8 A. M.
" Philomath & Newport, Monday, Wedn
esday and Friday, at 6 a. m,
Office hours from 7 A. M. to 8 p. M.
Monty Order office hours from 8 A. if. to 6 P. M.
N. It. Barber, P. M.
The following sad news of the death of a
young man, just in the prime of life, is from
the Oregonian of the 22nd inst. Fred was
born, we believe, in the house just north of
the M. . church, and his father, Hon.
Geo. E. Cole, now postmaster of Portland,
was in the hardware business in this city in
an early day. The sad tidings falls with
crushing effect upon many friends of the
family in this community, who deeply sym
pathize with the grief-stricken father and
sister, in this sad hour of bereavement :
Yesterday afternoon many persons were
startled by the announcement that George
Jr. Cole, familiarly known as a red Cole, was
dead. On inquiry it was learned that his
death was caused by use of morphine, taken
to allay nervous excitement to which he was
subject. Some years ago he received an
accidental wound from a pistol, the shot
passing through his body. For a long time
his life was despaired of. While he was in
that condition the use of morphine became
necessary as an anodyne. His recovery was
very slow, and the use of morphine was
continued be after a time administering it
himself. The habit of it grew upon him,
and for relief to his nervous S3'stem, which
never recovered from the shook occasioned
by the wound, he was accustomed to use
morphine at intervals, taking it by hypoder
mic injection. Like other forms of the
opium habit, the use of morphine is always
extremely difficult to break off. On Satur
day night he retired to bed as usual about 9
o'clock, his residence lieing with his grand
mother, Mrs. Cardwell, on Alder street, near
Eleventh. Mr. Charles Cardwell was room
ing with him. About 10 Mr. Cardwell en
tered the room and went to bed. Nothing
unusual was observed. Shortly after 11,
however, he was awakened by the difficult
and stertorous breathing of his roommate.
Aid was summoned and Fred, was aroused,
though with some difficulty. He said he
hail only taken a little morphine, as he was
often accustomed to do, in rder to obtain
relief from a nervous unrest, and begged
everybody to go to lied and he would be all
right in the morning. Dr. W. B. Cardwell
at once feared from his appearance that the
matter was more serious ; so he with the
father of the patient began using vigorous
means to prevent fatal results. By 5 o'clock
yesterday morning they thought the danger
was passed. But after a few hours there
was a decided change towards alarming re
sults. A call was made for additional med
ical assistance, but it was without avail,
and at a quarter to twelve the patient pass
ed away. It is probable that he had made
use of the morpine while not in such posses
sion of his facilities as would induce him to
have proper care of consequences. Perhaps
he had used it a second time while already
Under the partial influence of it. At all
events it is manifest that he had used it
while not sufficiently on his guard. He was
a thoroughly honorable young man, very
attentive to business, and held a place of
large responsibility in the postolfice, where
he ilischarged his duties well. He was
twenty-one years of age on the 6th of March
last. The burial will take place at 2 o'clock
p. m. to-day, though we understand there
will be no public funeral. In consepuence
of this sad event the money order office will
be closed after 12 o'clock to-day, and the
general postoffice will be closed from two to
half past five.
Returned. W T. Huffman, Wm. Mac?
kej and other members of R. A Haber
sham's coast survey party, returned the latter
part of last week, Mr. Habersham having
successfully completed the survey of Rogue
River from Scottsburg to its mouth. Mr.
Huffman, while at Roseburg, said it was
currently reported that the Alex. Duncan,
the staunch little steamer that has been do
ing such a noble work in . opening up the
harbors along our coast, and giving our peo
ple market facilities, had been lost at Port
Orford, in the fog. The account was pub
lished in the Roseburg Independent, but the
Oregonian of last Monday, says that the
story of the steamer's loss is quite improba
ble. We sincerely hope that it will turn
out to be an unfounded rumor.
Since the above was in type, we find the
following in the Oregonian :
It appears that our djsbelief in the report
that steamer Alex. Duncan had been totally
wrecked near the mouth of Rogue river or
the entrance to the Coos bay harbor was well
founded. Yesterday Mr. Z. J; Hatch, the
agent here, received a dispatch, as follows,
from Capt. Carroll :
Eureka, CaL, Sept. 22, 1879.
2. j. Hatch : Broke one shaft. Will not
be in Portland before 8th of October. No
tify agents on Sound. Carroll.
Separator Burned. Last Friday even
ing a little after 9 o'clock, the separator
belonging to Mr. J. M. Currier, of this
county, was burned. During the day the
machine had been threshing for James Cain,
on the farm of Mr. Currier, and no firt had
been about the machine no straw burned.
Just as some of the men were retiring for
the night, at the barn, they disovered a
light at the thresher, some four hundred
yards distant. They ran thither, in great
haste, and succeeded in saving the patent
measurer, the tool box, two wagons, (one
on either side of machine), and about two
hundred bnshers of wheat, all of which,
together with the horse-power, would
undoubtedly have been destroyed but for
the timely discovery of the fire. The fire
is supposed to have been tie work of an in
ndiary, although there no Cine to the
petratoT. Hanging is too good for the
scamp who would perform such a dastardly
act Mr. Currier has an old separator which
was repaired and took the place of the one
Close Call. Last Saturday morning,
while Peter Crini , the engineer at Cant horn's
steam grain elevator, was oiling the ma
chinery, he came near meeting with a seri
our accident, in like manner as Mr. Cope
land, heretofore mentioned in the Gazette.
While oiling some portion of the machinery,
Mr. Crim's overalls came in contact with
the keys of the tumbling rod, which strip
ped them front him, in the. twinkling of an
Ave. Onlv for the trivmcr w:tv nf th vr-
Alls some terrible, if not fatal, casualty
migftt nave betauen Mr. J. f rom the fre
quency of similar accidents, it seems, to an
outsider, very mnch like the result of care
lessnc8 on the part of those connected with
Blue Ribbon Club meets at the M. E.
church to-morrow eveninc
pin and winter styles just received, from
.New lork, at Mrs. E. A. Knight s.
If you want a good " rig" go to Eglin &
Lomer s .Livery Stable.
Grandmother Emrick died on Tuesday,
and was buried yesterday. Obituary next
Rev. J. R. Selwood will officiate at the
Episcopal church Sunday, morning and even
ing service:
An article from the en of W, A. Wells
was received too late for this issue. Will
appear next week.
Prof. J. B. Horner, of Philomath, will
address the Blue Ribbon Club to-morrow
M. H. Bell, who has been confined to his
room, by illness, for a considerable time is
now improving in health.
Dr. Heslop's wife came up from Portland,
last Monday. The Doctor met her at Al
bany, with a carriage.
F. J. Spiedel does all kinds of work, in
the blacksmith line, on short notice and rea
sonable terms. Give him a call.
The New Northwest has entered upon its
ninth volume. Mrs. Duiway makes the
Northwest a live paper, and deserves success.
Mrs. J. EL Kelly has just received, from
the East, a fine lot of trimed hats. Would
be pleased to have the ladies call and see
them. 16:39w2
W. H. Goldson has sold his photograph
gallery and entered into partnership with
J-r. tl. ureen m the drug business. J. W
Souther is still with them.
At a regular communication of Corvallis
Lodge No. 14 A. F. & A. M., held last
V ednesday evening, a committee was ap
pointed to draft resolutions of condolence
upon the death of Bro. John Jessup.
We took a spin to Albany, last Monday.
While there we were pained to learn that
Gen. M. V. Brown continued in a very crit
ical condition, from hemorrhage of the lungs.
Major Thompson, of Portland, has called
a meeting of the citizens to take steps for
giving Gen. Grant a grand reception ujion
his arrival in that city.
Wallis Nash, Esq., has so far recovered
from his late illness as to start for the Upper
Soda Springs, last Monday. He expects to
return the first of next week.
Hon. James Chambers and family, of
King's valley, were in the city the latter part
of last week. They were accompanied by
Mrs. R. A. Bensell, who had been visiting
there for a few days.
Rev. Jos. Emery preached his farewell
sermon at the College, last Sabbath evening,
Sreparatory to attending Conference of the
I. E. Church South, which met at Albany
last Wednesday.
The wife of J. W. William has been
quite ill for the past ten days, but improv
ing. Mr. W. has been obliged to get leave
of absence from Messrs. Kline's store dur
ing the week.
Messrs. Eglin & Lomer will take a hand
some barouche to Salem on Tuesday, the
day before the opening of the State Fair.
Any wishing to go down, at reasonable rates,
can be accommodated by calling at our
Thanks to Mrs. Henry Gerber, of this
city, for some nice bunches of grapes. Mr.
Gerber has one of the best gardens in this
upper country, and a great variety of fruits
and berries.
It keeps Mrs. E. A. Knight pretty busy,
this week, to attend to her milliner store
and the cabinet shop also. Her husband,
Mr. August Knight, went to Portland, last
Tuesday, on business.
We acknowledge receipt of a complimen
tary ticket to a grand promenade concert
and ball, by Geo. Wright Post, G. A. R.,
on the first opening of the Mechanic's Pa
vilion, on Monday night, Oct. 13, 1879.
The HeahUburg (Cal. ) Enterprise, Dem.,
in commenting upon the late election in that
State, says : " We met the enemy, and we
are theirs, ihe itepublicans have stuck
together well, and make a clean sweep of
the State."
The Daily Talk, Salem, came to hand,
last Monday, double size, and will so con
tinue till after the Fair. It is a live paper,
and a first-class advertising medium. The
proprietors, Messrs. Conover, are full of
Sheriff King returned from Prineville last
Sunday afternoon, miking a very quick
trip, having left home on the previous Mon
day. SoL has good teams, and knows how
to drive them.
We are informed that Miss E. McFadden,
lately of Pleasant Hill Female Seminary,
Penn., a teacher of experience, will occupy
one of the rooms of our State Agricultural
College, as a teacher of Oil Pastelle Paint
ing, crayon chromo photographing and
drawing, commencing Oct. 1st, 1879.
Messrs. Henry Gerber and T. Donohue
have just furnished us some fine specimens
of granite from their quarry, west of the
city, to take the place of decaying oak
blocks undei our office. This stone should
come into general use for building purposes.
It is of superior quality, very hard, and sus
ceptible of fine polish.
Col. T. Egentou Hogg i3 now in the city.
He arrived from San Francisco last week.
We regret that his health continues poor.
His step is not so elastic as usual, and his
wan features, despite his attempts to appear
cheerful, indicate protracted and severe ill
ness. We sincerely hope, ere long, to see
him entirely restored to usual health.
Rev. J. A. Hanna reports the weather
very pleasant at Yaquina Bay. The salmon
run is not so large as usual, at this season of
the year. It is generally thought that the
dam on the Yaquina river seriously affects
the salmon prospects of the Bay. The same
is true of the Indian fish traps on the vari
ous small streams, which prevent the ascen
sion of salmon.
Rev. J. A. Hanna arrived from Yaquina
Bay last Tuesday, in excellent health. He
was en route to attend the meeting of the
Synod of Columbia, which meets at Seattle,
W. T., on the 2d of October, Rev. E. N.
Condit, of Albany, Moderator. This Synod
embraces the State of Oregon and Washing
ton Territories.
New Firm. The new firm of J. Senders
& Co., have opened a splendid assortment of
general merchandise, at the old stand of
Sheppard, Jaycox & Co. Mr. Senders has
been so long a resident of this city, and is
so well known throughout the county, that
he needs no commendation at our hands.
Mr. Sichel has been connected with one of
the leading business houses in Portland, and
is a thorough going business man, full of life
and activity. They understand the value
of printer's ink, and will succeed in business.
They make a-specialty of ladies' dress goods,
trimmings, etc. Should they not have just
what you want, they will order it from Port
land or San Francisco, at once. Give them
a call.
Surprise Party. There was a pleasant,
surprise party given at the Occidental Hotel,
last Thursday evening, on the anniversary
of Mr, J. C- Polly's birth-day. We drop
ped in a few minutes, about 9 P. M. , and
the young folks, and some of the old folks,
also, were tripping the "light fantastic."
Mine " host and hostess" of the Vincent
Hoase, seemed to be rather leaders in the
fun. We understand a very nice lunch was
served after which the party dispersed
all well pleased with the evening's enter'
Official Visit. B. P. Cardwell, who
has for the past fifteen years been connected
with the U. S. Revenue department of the
northwest coast, with a residence at Port
land, gave us a friendly visit last Monday.
For several years Mr. Cardwell's district
embraced Eastern Oregon and Washington,
but now he has supervision of Oregon south
of Multnomah county. He arrived from
the south by private conveyance on Sunday.
Early Monday morning he was to be seen
busy at work, and before noon had visited
every business establishment in the city,
and left for Albany in the afternoon, pre
paratory for taking the stage the next day
for Lebanon. Few men can get through
with the amount of business that Mr. Card
well does. His promptness and accuracy
have rendered his services almost indispen
sable to the department. He is a man of
sterling integrity and worth. Having cross
ed the plains with him in 1852, and been in
partnership for five years, we claim to know
whereof we speak. May his shadow never
grow less.
Willamette University. Last week
we received a very neat circular oi the above
institution of learning, at Salem, executed
by Himes the Printer, but, inadvertantly,
failed to make mention of the same. The
University, notwithstanding the many pre
dictions ot failure, opened on the 15th inst. ,
under the most favorable auspices. The
coining year bids fair to be one of the most
prosperous in the history of the institution.
The Faculty are as follows : C. E. Lam
beit, acting President, and Prof. Ancient
Languages and Literature ; R. W. Hill, A.
M., Prof, of Mental and Moral Science ;
Prof, of Mathematics and Natural
Science ; Jennie E. Dawne, A. M., Precep
tress and Teacher of Modern Languages ;
Mary E. Robinson, B. S. , Principal in Acad
emic Department; Nellie Hall, B. M.
Teacher of instrumental music.
Warehouse Disaster. The Spring Hill
Farmers' warehouse, in the northern part
of Benton county, tipped over last Saturday
night, in consequence of the foundation giv
ing way. It contained about twelve thou
sand bushels of loose grain at the time.
Some four thousand bushels will be stored
in the Rothel warehouse, near by, and the
remainder has been hauled to Albany. The
exact loss has not yet been ascertained, ex
cept the house which is a total loss estima
ted at $2,000. W. A Wells of this city was
the principal loser by the causalty.
Oregon State Fair. The nineteenth an
nual exhibition of the Oregon State Agri
cultural Society, commences at Salem, next
Wednesday, the first day of October, and
continues nine days. Should the weather
prove favorable, it will l.e one of the, grand
est exhibitions ever given in the State. The
managers have spared no pains or expense
to make it a grand success. We are indebt
ed to Preident Wilkins and Secretary Waite
for "complimentary" ticket, and expect, to
be there.
.Notice. I wish to inform the people of
Corvallis, and vicinity, that becoming a
partner in the livery stable, will not inter-
f.ii'ri vwri 4-T mir rt oinooo in 4- ex ("An t-t-! in rr
1C1C VT A 111 111 IJlliJl 111. lO 111 ll.1V. lOI.H H.Ull
and building line, which vt ill be conducted
as heretofore. J. R. Lomer.
Corvallis, Sept. 23, 1879. 16:39w4
Teachers, and all others interested, are
hereby notified that a public examination
will be held at the College, in this city, on
Saturday, Sept. 27, 1879, commencing at 9
o'clock a. .m'. 3? E. B. McElroy,
1 ' '111! i, V . Li LIU1 111
OorvallisSept., 16, 1879. 16:3Sw2
To Be Closed. We the undersigned will
keep onr stores closed on Saturday, the 27th,
inst., in consequence of a Jewish Holiday.
Max Friendly
H. E. Harris.
- J. Senders & Co.
M. Stock & Co.
Green's August Flower.
It is natural for people suffering with
Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint or any de
rangement of the digestive organs, such as
Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual
Costiveness, palpitation of the Heart, Heart
burn, Water-brash, gnawing and burning
pains at the pit of the Stomach. Yellow
Skin, Coated Tongue and disagreeable taste
in the mouth, coming up of food after eat
ing, low spirits, Ac. , to put off from day to
day buying an article that they know has
cured their neighbor, friend, or relative; yet
they have no faith in it until it is too late.
But if you will go to your Druggist and
get a bottle of Green's August Flower
your immediate cure is as certain as you
live. Sample Bottles of this medicine can
be obtained for 10 cents to try its superior
Regular size 75 cents. Try it, two doses
will relieve any case.
They All Take It.
. When the system is run down to that
extent that you pass sleepless nights, are
nervous and irritable, have gloomy forebod
ings, sour stomach, sick headache and coat
ed tongue, do not enroll yourself as high pri
vate, in the rear rank, under General Debil
ity, but cheer up and try White's Prairie
Flower, The Great Liver Panacea, now for
sale in every city and town on the Continent.
No medicine ever compounded is half its
equal for the cure of DYSPEPSIA and LIV'
ER COMPLAINT. It has a specific power
over the liver, and by curing the liver Dys
pepsia and all other diseases arising from it,
vanish' as if by magic, Sample bottles are
sold at the small price of 25 cents that will
convince you of its merits. Large bottles
75 cents for sale everywhere.
No Excuse. If all that we hear and read
about it is true, there is no excuse for being
sick now, for every druggist and store in the
country, has a full supply of Enril Frese's
Hamburg Tern. It is harmless, yet effica
cious, and a complete medicine chest in it
self. As they say in the advertisements :
No family should be without it.
Sad Havoc is Created
Among the tenants of the mouth by allow
ing impurities to collect upon their surface
or in their interstices. SOZODONT re
moves every vestige of tartar from the
teeth, and renders their premature decay
impossible. It not only imparts to them
whiteness and vigor, but communicates
hardness and rosiness to the gums. The
breath acquires a most acceptable fragrance
from its use ; it iff a purely botanic liquid,
and it may be relied on to accomplish its
beautifying effects without injuring the en
amel like a gritty tooth paste.
Consumption Cured.
An old physician retired from active prac
tice, having had placed in his hands by ait
East Indian missionary the formula of a sim
ple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per
manent cure of Consumption. Bronchitis.
Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Long
affections, also a positive and radical cure
for General Debility and all nervous coin
plaints, after having thoroughly tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
cases, feels it his duty to make it known
to his suffering fellows. The receipe will be
sent tree ot charge, to all Who desire it, with
full directions for preparing and successfully
using. Address with stamp, naming this
paper, ur. j. i;. stone, 44 .North Ninth
Street, Philadelphia, Pa;
ISTew this "Week.
On the corner
West of the Engine House.
Good Teams and Saddle Horses to Let.
Boarding horses a specialty. Horses bought
and sold. 16:39tf
Cbnts a v kak,
the chicago
weekly news.
newspaper in the
U.S. SBvmrrT-KiVE
Cents a Year,
Sostage l.M'EUDED.
'ifteenth year of
publication. It Is
especially complete
as a newspaper, pub
lishing all the dis
patches of born tlin
Western Associated Press and tha
National Associated Press, besldea
an extensive system of special dls-
F arches from al 1 important points,
t Is Independent in .Politics, pre
senting political news free from
partisan coloring, without fear or
favor. Every number contains Six
Computed Stories. A favorite
family paper. It Is tbe Cheapest
Weekly In the TJ. 8. 75 cents a
Sear. Auaress cnicago weekly
lews, 123 Flf tn A v., Chicago, lit
Corvallis, Sept. 16, 1879. 16:38m2
( Cor. Third and Monroe Sts.,)
Tbe National GOLD MEDAL was awar ed to
Bradley & B ulofson for the best Photographs in the
United States, and the Vienna Medal for the best in
the world.
429 MontgomcryStreet San Francis
To the Ladies of Corvallis and vicinity :
gest and CHEAPEST, and most desirable
stock of
Millinery Goods
Ever brought to this city, comprising the
very LATEST STYLES of the season.
Also latest styles of LADIES' FURNISH
Do not fail to examine my stock before
purchasing. Everybody cordially invited
to call.
September 17, 1879. 16:38tf
Notice of Final Proof.
r ti
Land Office at Oregon City,
Oon., Aug. 29, 1879.
the following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim, and secure final en
try thereof at the expiration of thirty days
from the date of this notice, viz : Walter
S. Huffard Pre-emption Declaratory State
ment No. 3661, for the Lots 8,4 and S W i
of S E i of Sec. 19, T II S, R 10 W, and
names the following sis his witnesses, viz :
Joseph D. Graham of Bentcn county, Ore
gon, ana wm. ti. Alexander ot .Benton
county, Oregon.
16:37w5 L. T. BARIN, Register;
W. T. Sc C. U. & Co. Notice,
ers of the Willamette Valley & Coast
Rail Road Company will be held at tile of
fice of the Company, in the City of Cor'val
lis on (third)
Saturday, Oct. 18, 1879, at I p. m.,
at which meeting the Directors for the ensu
ing year will be elected.
W. B. HAMILTON, President.
B. W. Wilson, Secretary.
Corvallis, Og'n Sept. 10, 1879. 16:37w5
Particular Notice.
for the beautiful Estey Organ and
Weber Pianos. Instruments sold on the
installation plan, and warranted for five
years. Can be found at the Vincent House.
Agent for D. W. Prentice & Co.. Portland,
Tuning and Repairing promptly attend
ed to.
Corvallis, Aug. 8, 1879. 16:32tf
NOTICE is hereby given that the tinder-'
signed,- Administrator of the estate of
Francis A. Macdonotfgh, has filed his final
account, with the proper vouchers, for final
settlement as such Administrator. And
that in accordance with an order of the
County Court of the State of Oregon for the
county of Benton, duly made and entered on
Monday, the 1st day of September, 1879,
the said Administrator will apply to said
court for final discharge from' sard trust on
Monday, the 6th day of October, 1879, be
ing the first day of the regular October term
of said court for said year, and the time ap
pointed by said court for' the hearing of ob
jections to such final account and the settle
ment thereof. This notice published by or
der of said court. SAMUEL CASE,
M. S. Woodcock, Administrator.
Attorney for said estate. 16:36w5
Sew Firm!
New Goods!
New Prices!
QAA ACRES of land, situated three
JJJ miles south of Corvallis, one-half
farming land with sufficient timber to sup
ply the place; also stock water. Fans ac
cessable by public road. Term easy. In
quire of j. A. HANNA,
I6:34tf Or JAS. A. YANTIS.
statements- neatly printe at his office
J. Senders
Sl Co.,
open for inspection, one of tbe largest
and best selected stocks of
aiicl Hardware
Ever Brought to this City;
We do not intend, or pretend; to sell
goods for
of AT COST, bat we do intend to sell
CHEAPER than ever have been sold in
this City;
All ire ask is for' everyone to call and
convince themselves,- by giving us a trial.
" Quick Sales and Small Profits," is onr
Remember the place-, First Door South
of the Post Office, Fisher's Brick Block,
Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon.
September 16, 1879.- I638m3
The Most Thobough Purifier op the
Blood Yet Discovered.
Cares all Tumors, from a. Common
Eruption to tbe Wont Scrofula.
It puriflea the Blood.
It Invigorate tbe Elver.
It regulate tbe Bowels.
It Strengthens the Stomach.
It gives vivacity in place of lassitude ; cheerfulness
in place of gloom, and robust vigor in place of
Dyspepsia, Biliousness, ' Disordered I.ircr, Con
stipation, Nervous Affections, General Debility, in
snort all the numerous diseases and discomforts
caused by impure blood are speedily conquered by
this powerful corrector, the chief and sovereign of
all ancient or modern medical discoveries Kino
or the Blood.
TI OX, as it is a royal dispenser of the blessings of
health, and vanquishes the foes that lurk in the
It banishes PIKPIES, SALT RilEUtT,
SCAL1 Eltl l-TIOAS, UI.CJ-.nN,
DERS. It checks COSSl JIPTIOjr in its early stages.
It has frequently cured it when ndvam-ed.
It disperses TUMORS and CANCERS without
the Surgeon's knife.
It cures DROPST, general or
It reduces in a safe and effectual manner all swell
ings, external or intemalj
It eradicates the effects of Mineral Toisons, and
establishes a sound constitution.
Many certificates, much further information and
full directions for using, will be found in the pam
phlet, "Treatise on Diseases of the BlooU," in which
each bottle is enclosed.
Price $1 per bottle containing 12 ounces, or 40 to
SO doses. Bold by Dealers in medicine.
S. SMSOM, SON CO., Proprietors,
Ruflalo, IV. X.
RBa, .tWBk. NOT FAIL to sen,,
W3 W W VzB tor onr NEW PRICE
Q n 9 K9 LIST. More complete
EH atm CJ B than ever. Contains
Uk-JB 4&4S descriptions or every
r nBsr ti'in? require'! for
personal or family
use, with over 1000 Illustrations. Send nine
cents for It. (Stamps will do.) We sell all goods
at wholesale prices in quantities to suit the pur
chaser. The only Institution In America who
nuke this their fecial business. Address,
37 Vi 0 lVabash Ave.-, Chicago, Ills.
Administrator's Sale of Real
Farm for Sale.
sale his splendid grain and stock far;
four miles north of west of Corvallis, -t
Oak creek containing 1200 acres over o: J
hundred acres in cultivation two fine be '
ing orchards, and well calculated for di vi -ing
into two or more snug farms Ten -f
easy and title perfect. For particulars i,.-'
quire of E. Holgate, W. B. Carter, or
on the premises.
Corvallis, Jan. I, 1878. 16:ltf
Storage! Storage! !
Having Increased our capac
ity for receiving Wheat, we are uov
ready to receive Wheat on Storage, in ou r
New Warehouse, and by fair dealing, will
try and satisfy all who store with us.
Storage, three cents per bushel; Sack.;
always oil hand:
Corvallis, July 31, 1879. 16:31m
200,000 Feet
At Harris' Mill, seven miles west of Philo
math, oil Mary's river.- Rough Lumber;
$S per M. Flooring and Rustic, (rough),
S10 per M., cash down or no sale.
June 21, 1879. H. P. HARRIS.
Manufacturer of
keeps constantly on h&tid every thirig beiongiii;; '..(
a first class shop.
ISTUncIe Sam's Harness Oil for sale. 10:25vl
the undersigned, administrator of the
estate of Joseph Harmon, deceased, pursu
ant to an order of the County Court of
Linn county, Oregon, made July 21st, 1879,
will, on
tbe 11 day of October, 1879,
at the hour of one o'clock P. m. of said day,
at the Court House door in Corvallis, Ben
ton county, Oregon, sell at public auction,
to the highest bidder, the followim? describ
ed real property, to-wit :
lne soutn east one-tourtn ot section 2b,
containing 160 acres the south one-half of
north-east one-fourth of section 26, contain
ing 80 acres; the fractional north west one
fourth of north east one-fourth, or lot No.
1, sec, 26, containing 8.85-100 acres; the
fractional north east one-fourth of the north
west one-fourth, or lot No. 2, of sec. 26,
containing 1.40-100 acres; the fractional
south east one-fourth of the south west one
fourth, or lot No. 3, containing 50.8-HXJ
acres ; the fractional east one-half of the
south west one-fourth, or lots 4 and 5, con
taining 12 acres ; the north one-half of the
north one-half of the north east one-fourth
of sec: 35, containing 40 acres ', and con
taining in all 307.33-100 acres; all in town
ship 10 south of range 5 west, being all of
the donation land claim of John Burns and
Susan K. Burns, his wife ; also the follow
ing described premises, beginning at the
north east corner of claim 45, notification
2793; township 10 south erf range 6 west of
Willamette ntefidian ; running theuce south
20.44 chains; thence west 50.50 chains;
thence north 7 chains ; thence west 16
chains; theuee north 24.09; thence south
80 deg. 45 miiis. east 67 chains, to the place
of beginning; containing 160 acres; being
the original donation land claim of David
CassoH, of the government of the United
States. Also beginning at the north east
comer of claim 46, notification 2678 ; thence
running west about 58 rods to the center of
the channel of Soap Creek ;' thence in a di
rection east of south to a blazed Oak tree
on the east boundary line of said claim 46
about 107 rods south from the north east
corner of said claim 46 ; thence to place of
beginning, containing 24.75-100 acres in
township 10 south of range 5 west Willam
ette meridian : behu; part of the original
donation land claim of Jacob Modie and i
Rachael Modie, his wife ; all of the above
tracts of land being and lying in Benton
county, Oregon, and containing in the ag
gregate 491.08-100 acres.
Terms of sale, gold com ; one-halt cash
in hand, and one-half in six months from
day of sale, with oiie per cent, interest.
Secured by mortgage on the premises. Said
property will be sold in parcels to suit pur-
chfvs tIS
Dated this 12th day of Sept., 1879.
16-.37w5 Administrator.-
LOED & TRIMBLE Propr'; ,
Jack Scews, etc., we are prepared 1
Raise, Move, put under New .Sills and lev I
up your barns, and Buildings of any kim ,
on short notice.
Corvallis, May 1, 1879. 16:21tf
Gkorof. P. Wbesn,
E. Holoate,
Att'y at Law
(Formerly Mrs. Hemphill's.)
fTlHIS popular Restaurant How under
JL competent management is prepared to
accommodate the public in a manner
Unsurpassed lit the iiy.
Meals, at all Hours,
iy Supper for Private Parties furnished on
proper notice, wive as a can.
Main Street, Corvallis. 16:36tf
I v fruit t.n. frnit-hoose and other
.KlMnn with annA well of water. De-
UUVMUl.u..', .. q
suable location, on Fourth street, near the
north district school nouse. nmoe biuu o
a bargain. Term, CASH. Inffuire of
on the premises.
Corvallis, Sept. 4, 1879. 16:36m3
KlIVielan, Surgeon,
Surgery a Specialty.
n(Ko with Allen ft Woodward. Resi
dence, A J. Young's house, Third street.
10. -ou
Wrenn & Holgate,
Office on Second street, next door sbuth the City
Buying, Selling and Leasing Heal Ksiate. Proni) i
attention given to
Loans Negotiated, etc. Will keep Regular
-A.nction Sales Rooms'
And sell at AUCTION, anything desired, either at tl-
Sales RoOms or elsewhere, in City or Country. Agent.:
for good reliable 1nki.-ra.wk Comi-akies.
We now have on hand for sale, both Grain at 4
SHOCK Farms, and City Property, at fair prices, uv.S
easy terme.
QpWi can make Sales ip ASTBOVY can.-s
Please give us a call. WRENN & HOLGATE.
Corvallis, April 17, 1879. 16:16tf.
House with three town lots in the City
of Corvallis. The house is situated in a
pleasant part of town; a good barn; all mo';
ern conveniences attached. Terms reasona
ble. Inquire of Geokue Mercer.
Corvallis, Aug. f, 1879. i6:31mfi
TO 98000 A YEAR, Or $5 to $20 a day in'
your Own locality-. No risk. Women vf
as well as nien Many make more tbstf
the amount stated above. No ore cflii
fail to make money fast. Any one can :o
the work. You can make from 50cts. i i
$2 an hour by devoting your evenings and spare tine1
to tbe business. It costs nothing to try the buiii -Nothing
like it for money making over offered bef on;
Business pleasant and strictly honorable. Reader, R
vou want to know all about the best paying busini - f
before the public, send us your address and we ' 1
send you full particulars and private terms free ; sar -
pies wonn V? also irew , jnu nam umc uj, ,wi
mind for yourself. Address GEORGE STINSON &
IUt 1. .-i.,r.l U.ift. lf.'ilv1
A MONTH iruarantced. ?12 a dev
at home made by the industrious.-
Capital not required ; we will 8tu' ft
vou. Men. women, boys and irirU
make money faster at work for i.v
than at anything else. The w ":
is light and pleasant, and such as anyone can goriv . ;
at. Those who are wise who see this notice will s"' -i
us their addresses at once and see for tbemselvi: .
Costly Outfit and terms free. Now is the time. Tho
already at work are laying up large sums of money.
Address TRUE & CO. , Augusta, Maine. 16:31vl
corvamjs, ori;go,
September 4, 1879. 16:36tf
Physician and Surgeon,
CorvalliN OregOB
and diseases of the Eye. Can be found at
office, in rear of Graham, Hamilton & Co's Drt
Store, up stairs, day or night.
June 3, 1879. J6:2Stf
Land Office at Oregon City, Ogn.,
Attgust 26, 1879.
NOTICE is hereby given that the foHov.'-'
inn-named settler has filed notice of jt
intention to make final proof in support
his cltjm, and secure final entry thereof rf
the expiration of thirty days from the dia;
of this notice, viz: Byron Brnndage, homt -stead
application No. 3901. for the S. E.
of sec 4, T. 11 S., R. II West, and nao-.t
the following as his witnesses, viz: Williai i
Clark, of Corvallis, Ogn, and T. C. Creij.').
ton, of Corvallis, Ogn. L. T. BARIN,
16:35:w5. RcguHtr,