The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, August 22, 1879, Page 3, Image 3

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buiraUis, Aug. 22, 1879.
Arrivals and Departures of Mails.
from Albany, (North and South) daily, at. . .4 T. II.
" Newport and Philomath, Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday, at 6 r, m.
For Albany (North and South) daily, at 8 a. m,
' Philomath & Newport, Monday, Wedn
esday and Friday, at 6 a. m.
Office hours from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M.
Money Order office hours from 8 a. m. to 6 r. m
N. K. Barber, P. M.
Ed. Gazette:
The following is, in substance, what has
been taught to every class since my connec
tion with the Agricultural College; I sim
ply quote from the text-book which I use in
"It (rust) is now admitted by all scientists
to 1 e a microscopic fungus, to which the
e Puccinia graminas has been given.
e Stoma on a straw will produce
twenty to forty fungi, and each of
, it is believe.!, will produce at least
one hundred spores or reproductive particles,
80 that the -progeny of a single stoma will be
enough to infect a whole plant.
"Farmers in England affirm that wheat,
sown in the neighborhood of the barberry
bush, seldom escapes the blight, as it is sup
posed that the spores are generated and pre
served on these bushes."
I have some reason to think that ash trees
set in a similar way. The following remark
is worthy of notice, and may be useful to
"It is believed that the spores may be
perpetuated from undecorrprised straw, car
ried out into the field as manure."
If this be true, farmers should be careful
in this matter, as well as in destroying all
grasses in fields producing rust.
I publish this became I have been re
quested to do so. B. L. Arnold.
had returned with his wife from' a
summer vacation at the seaside, and stoo I
in front of the house giving a friend a graph
ic account of the season's pleasures.
Went in bathing every day," he exclaim
ed enthusiastically. " Ah ! " responded
the friend. " Wife go in too ? " "Oh, yes,
every day," said the returned vacationist.
" Can she swim ? " queried the friend, with
some interest. " No, she cau't," was the
reply. " She tried and tried to learn, but
somehow she didn't get the bang of it.
She said she couldn't get the right kick,
and I let her think that was the reason, but
the fact was " and here he looked up at
the house and sunk his voice to a hoars as
piration " the fact was she could not keep
her mouth closed long enough to take four
strokes before she'd have some sidy remark
to make, when kerswash she'd swallow a
whole wave and go plump to the bottom,"
and the husband winked rapidly as the
scene was recalled to his mind, and went in
to the house chuckling with pleasure. But
he hain't noticed a woman's face peering
out of the curtains of a raised window.
The acquaintance saw the front door open
quickly, saw a hand reach out and grab the
seaside boarder by the collar, saw the heels
of that individual crack his back as he shot
through the door which slammed behind his
vanished form, heard a wild, stifled noise,
as of a human body b ing hauled over a hat
rack and banned against the wall, and
heard a muffled voice like unto that of an
enraged woman, say: "Take that back and
I'll let you up, you wall-eyed yahoo !" And
the acquaintance, with a countenance of
wonder and alarm, passed on.
The next session of this shool will begin
on Monday, .September I, 1879.
Free Tuition The law provides for the
free tuition of sixty young men over 16
years of age. Young men anywhere in the
state may secure appointments by applying
to the the senator for the Dibtrict in which
they reside, or to the president of the col
lege. These students are admitted to all
the departments of the college.
Course of Study Physical Science, Com
position and Analysis of Soils, Manure and
Drain ige. Mental Science, Mathematics,
Languages, ancient and modern, Botany,
Fruit Culture, Geology and Mineralogy,
Students derive great benefits from being
present the first day of the session.
D. D. Frank Zeigsbergh, a cabinet maker
and upholsterer, was on a little jamboree
last Tuesday, and gave a practical illustra
tion of the old song, "going through the
rye." Policeman Miller overhauled him at
the Vincent House, and when invited to
take a littie stroll around to the calaboose,
he became indignant and attempted to prac
tice the handy work of his craft on the head
of the officer; but failing to eliect a release
by harsh measurers, he quietly retired to
rest for the night in the guest's chamber at
the city jail. Next morning, by special re
quest, he interviewed his honor, Recorder
Bryson, and was requested by that gentle
man to make a donation of $13 toward de
fraying the incidental expenses of the city,
but being financially embarrassed, declined
complying with this request, and now lan
guishes in the city jail for six days.
Fine Nursery. While at Newport last
week we visited the nursery of Ed. C.
Pnelps, near that place, and were surprised
to find so fine a collection of fruit and orna
mental trees ; bat when we visited the con
servatory connected with it, our surprise
gave way to admiration. We will nut at
tempt to give the different varieties, or any
part of them, but simply state that the col
lection embraces the most extensive variety
we have seen for a long time. Mr. Phelps
expects to make this a business in future,
and the unusual good taste he has shown in
the matter thus far insures for him success
m the enterprise.
Curiosity. Henry Elliott has placed on
our table a curiosity in fruit growing. It is
a limb from a Siberian crab tree loaded with
ripe fruit, and growing on the same limb is
fresh blossoms,
Read the new ad's.
This weathers is rough on campers.
H. E. Harris is at the Bay this week.
Whittaker's sugar-cured hams at Ray's.
Hon. John Burnett went to Portland Mon
day. J. T. Phillips is shoeing horses for $1 and
Go to the railroad meeting to-morrow
B. W. Wilson returned to the Bay last
Ptm. Avery and family started for Eastern
Oregon yesterday.
A large assortment of fanch and staple
groceries at Rat's.
W. T. Huffman is out surveying with En
gineer Habersham on Alsea Bay.
Dr. Wm. Bid die has been confined to his
room for several days with sickness.
Mrs. Tuller has the material on the ground
for her uew residence on Fifth street.
J. L. Harris, of Albany, was in the city
Wednesday, and favored iis with a call.
J. B. Horner, of the Philomath Crucible,
paid our .dlice a pleasaut call this week.
E H. Burnham started for Alsea Bay last
Monday morning, to look after his farm.
Mechanics have commenced work on the
new dwelling house of M. S. Woodcock.
Moore's new barber shop, opposite the
express office, is the place to get your hair
Wheeler, Assistant State Treasurer,
was visiting at the Bay last week, with his
Mr. Blair has purchased one of Daniel
Best's Cleaners, and a Sieam Engine, for his
warehouse. july25
Geo. W. Sill and John E. Hannon, of Al
bany, jiasssed through Corvaliis this week,
returning from the Bay.
Mr. Griffozand family have been rustica
ting iiear Mary's Peak for a month past and
returned Sunday.
Prof. E. A. Milner has been rusticating
near Mary's Peak for several days past.
f i . i . . i v
ne came mime oiiimay.
School comences in the North District
in this city, on Monday, September the 1st,
Prof. L. Royal, principal.
Hon. G. A. Steel and wife, of Portland;
were in the city Tues lay. They were ou
the way home from the Bay.
of Judge Kelsay, and Miss Kate Nichols,
returned from the Bay this week.
T. J. Buford and family, W. P. Butterfield
and famiiy, Elviu Glass ;nd Jas. A. Yantis,
returned from the Bay this week.
Try our Banana, Egg Jumbles and Cocoa
nut cakes fresh and very nice, at Ray's
George Stevens took the baggage f r En
gineer Hal 'en-ham's surveying party from
Newport to Alsea Bay in his sail boat.
Next week we will publish the reports of
Col. Wilson and R. A. H bcrsham in rela
tion to the examination of Aisea river and
N. P. Newton returned from the bunch
grass country 1.-st Saturday. He wid prob
ably remove his family to Corvaliis to reside
in future.
C. E. Miller, Deputy Marshal, notifies
property owners that unless they fix their
sidewalks "right away olf," he will do it at
their expense.
Photogrph Gallery for Sale. I will
give instructions free, to any one who will
buy me out. L. Goldson.
Corvaliis, August 1, 1879. 16:31w4
Pygall & Irwin will haul freight to and
from Albany during the low stage of water.
Business intrusted to their care will receive
prompt attention. tf
A woman can keep a secret. We know
three or four in Corvaliis over twenty-five,
who do so and the family bible don't lay
around loose either.
Jerome Gaylord, formerly a Corvaliis boy,
but for several years past residing in Che
waucan, is visiting frieu Is in this county.
He will return home soon.
S. A. Hemphill has sold out the restni
rant formerly owned by him to Mr. J. W.
Souther, who will continue to provide sus
tenance for the hungry man at the old stand.
The celebrated Hutchinson family gave
one of their char cterisic concerts at the
college chapel last night, but as we had gone
to press, can give no comment in this i3sue.
Lost a lady's breast pin, about- two or
three weeks ago. in Cnrval'is. style dead gold
and in the shape of a half moon. The fin
der will be liberally rewarded by leaving the
same at the Gazette office.
The O. S. N. Co., are building new offices
at the Dalles.
Judge L. L. McArthur takes kindly to
tending the baby.
Rust is making sad havoc with wheat in
the Siuslaw valley.
McMinnville is 'closing up" around the
new railroad depot:
Huckleberries are abundant this year in
the vicinity of Baker City.
The potato crop in Yamhill county will be
large and of a good quality.
Southern Oregon is afflicted with drum
mers, dust, hot weather and base ball.
A good quality of coal has been discover
ed iu the mountains near the Cascades.
Mr Corner of McMinnville fell from a
load of hay last week and was shockingly
The ann'ial reunion of the pioneers of
Southern Oregou will be held at Ashland on
the 11th of September.
A gmna hen belonging to Mrs. C. G. Say-l-r
of McMinnville has laid one hundred
and six eggs this season.
A Pendleton paper reports that $4,000
changed hands on the result of a foot race at
Granite Creek on the 10th.
A company will build water works at
Weston if the people of that town will sub
scribe $2000 of the ongina stock.
The fire engine about which so much has
been said has been received and tested at
the Dalles, and gives satisfaction.
A 300,000 brick kiln has just been burned
at McMinnville. The demand in that sec
tion for all kinds of building material is
John Day, the Tillamook mail carrier, was
thrown from his wagon while crossing, the
m iiiutaias last week, and sustained serious
Yamhill county is enforcing its regulations
relative to fast driving over bridges. Sever
al persons have been "mulched" in consid
erable fines.
(laughter of Joseph A. Morton, aged about
17 yeirs. wa? drowned in tiie Malheur tuver
on the 3d iust
Money is plentiful in Lane county, owing
to the advent of California cattle-buyers,
who are purchasing some of the principal
bands in that section.
Kept at the State Agricultural College,
for the month of July, 1879 :
July. 1 Clear. ....
" 2 Clear. ......
" 3 Cloudy
" 4 Rain
" 5 Rain
" 6 Clar.
" 7 Clear.
" 8 Clear.
" 9 Cloudy
" 10 Cloudy
" 11 Rain
" 12 Cloudy
" 13 Clear
" 14 Cloudy...
" 15 Cloudy
" 16 Clear
" 1" Cloudy ......
" 18 Clear ;
' 19 Clear
" 20 Clear
21 Clear.
22 Clear .
23 Clear.
24 Clevr.
25 Clear.
26,Clear .
Rainfall, 30. 100 an inches.
O V. Motley and family, and the family Mm Ellen christens n die;1 at Carlton
The water in the YaquinaBay and Pacific
ocean, just outside, preserts a very muddy
appearance, the cause of which has produced
much speculation among the visitors and
residents. Butch Hammond says it is caus
ed by the "mining up i-nake river."
Just received, 25 barrels New York sug
ars, the best in the market, for sale at Ray's.
School will commence in the South Dis
trict in this City on Monday September 1st.
E. A Milner. principal; Miss Grace Hanna,
Assistant. Prof. Milner requests that the
patrons of the school do not purchase any
new books for pupils until after the classes
have been org ni'.ed.
Jas. A. Cauthorn and T. J. Blair have
their warehouses in good repair for the pres
ent crop. Additions have been added to
both buildings, and complete apparatus for
cleaning the grain have been put in since
last season. If farmers want their grain
stored in good condition they can't miss it
at either of these places.
Her age was ninety-two.
!e Aaron Payne, in his ninetieth
preached the funeral sermon.
A young immigrate got lest while hunting
horses in Southern Oregon, last wjek, an!
came near dying from hunger and thirst
He was rescued by a Klamath Indian.
Ma jru ler Bros, and J. W. Hays will, in
a few days complete a ditch from Sim's
creek to their diggings on R gue river,
which is 990 rods iu length. They are quite
sanguine that the enterprise thus inaugura
ted ly them will prove a suces if ul one.
yJf. A man by the name of Lgan, who was
recently pardoned out of the penitentiary,
com nitted suicide at Joe Raed's logging
camp on the North Umpqua, on Tuesday
night about 3 o'clock, by shooting himself
through the head with a pistol. Although
he was rather wild he had many friends.
He was raised near SeiJ, Lane county, aud
leaves a wife in Portland. No cau3e can be
assigned for the deed.
A young brute name! Johnson, who lives
on South First -street, Portlan I, in order to
demonstrate his mastery over his Wife, slap
ped her violently several times near No. 4's
engine house Saturday afternoon, and order
e! her ho:ne. She followed him up the
street a few blocks until they arrived oppo
site their dwelling, when she stopped & mo
ment, fearing to enter the house. Her delay
angered the ruffi in, who knocked her down
and dragged her airoa the street into tha
Now comes a letter from L. L. Williams,
date 1 at Virginia ' 'ity, August 1st, and
di.eetel to E. G. Hirsch. of Roseburg, de
nying in to to the malicious charges against
hi-i chinicter. He states that he is acquaint
ed with the woman with whom it has b'en
stitel that he eloptd; that he bvle her and
her folks good liy, rud after traveling 700
miles arrived at Virginia City, where he
first le irne.l of the reports concerning him.
H a further states that if she h is eloped it
must have transpired since his departure,
and that she certainly did not elope with
Wasblngion Territory.
El. Jordan, whi e bathing in the Colum
bia, at W.tllula, was prostrated with sun
stroke. Dayton's single city prisoner is busied
(faring the tern of his "conanement" in
driving the street sprinkler.
During the splendid moonlight nights of
last week, many farmers in the Walla Walla
country run harvest gangs night and day.
Two week a"o a severe frost visited the
country about Pa ouse City. Ice formed
of an inch ti.icK and vegetables were cut
down and killed .
A'freil Newton, of England, representing a
number of English farmers who want to
emi rate to the northwest, arrived at Walla
Walla last week and is now looking at the
country theieabont.
The contr iot to transport 66, SOO p-mn Is of
government frtigl t firm Wallula via mouth
of Snake river to near the. mouth of the
Okanagan, was awarded to James E. Bourne
and Chas. W. Frush, at 4 49 per 100 lbs.
Cheap rates.
Ask Yourself these Questions.
Are you a despondent sufferer from Sick
Headache. Habitual Costiveness, Palpita
tion of the Heart ? Have you Dizziness of
the Head ? Is your Nervous System de
pressed? Does your Blood circulate badly ?
Have yon a Cough? Low Spirits? Com
ing up of the food after eating ? &. , &. All
of these and much more are the direct re
sults of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint and
Indigestion. Green's August Flower is
now acknowledged by all Druggists to be a
positive "cure. 2,400,000 bottle were given
away in the U. S. through Druggists to the
people as a trial. Two doses will satisfy
any person of its wonderful quality in cur
ing all forms of Indication. Sample bot
tles 10 cts. Regul r size 75 cf s. Sold posi
tively by all nrst-cias3 Diugguts m the
United States.
Sheriff's Sale.
execution, issued out of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon, for the coun
ty of Benton, to me directed and delivered,
for the sum of ($1188 84) eleven hundred
and eighty-eight and 84-100 dollars in U. S.
gold coin, and for the further sum of $
costs in favor of William D. Reushaw,
Slaintirt' and against Jacob Nash, Susan
fash, Mary J. Taylor, Charles McClure and
Edward Murry, defendants, I have levied
upon the following described real property,
being the property described and set out in
siid decree, to-wit. : Beginning at the north
east corner of claim fifty-four, in section 33,
T. 10 S. R. 4 west ; thence running west
fifty chains and fifty links, to the north
west corner of claim fifty-five ; thence south
sixty-five chains and seventy-five links, to
the corner of claim forty one and forty-four,
T. 11, S. R. 4 W ; thence east fifteen chains
and fifty links ; thence north thirty-four
chains and twenty-live links ; thence east
thirty-five chains; thence north thirty-one
chains and fifty liuks to the place of begin
ning, containing two hundred and twelve
and fifteen hundrcths acres situate in Ben
ton county. State of Oregon, with the tene
ments, hereditaments and appertenances
thereunto belonging, and on
Saturday, the 13th day of Sept. A. D. 1879,
At the court House door, in the city of Cor
valiis, Benton county, Oregon, I will sell
the same at public auction to the highest
bidder for U. S. gold coin in hand, to satisfy
said execution, costs and expenses of sale.
Sale will take pla;e between the hours of
ten A. M. and four p. M. , to-wit : at the
hour of one o'clock P. M. of said day.
SUL. KING. Sheriff
of Benton, County, Oregon.
Dated 13th day of Aug., 1879. 16:33 w4
Sheriff's Sale.
Declined. We rre in receipt of a com
munication from Mr. W. S. Hite. of Philo
math, and also one from his wife, charging
that they have been slandered and injured
bv editorial flings itt the Philomath Crucible,
and desire redress through the Gazette.
We are at all times ready and willing to ac
commodate our friends, as far as practica
ble, but we beg to be excused from taking
part in the local and personal feuds of our
neighboring village. The Gazette cannot
consistent y do so, and therefore most re
spectfully declines to publish these commu
nications, as we cannot see any good to be
accomplished thereby. Our friends will find
a better recourse for slander in the law
which is plain and forcible.
West Side Extension. Work has been
commenced again on the West Side railroad.
The grading an I bridging is so far advanced
that the entire route could be prepared for
the rails in two weeks. The people along
the fine will doubtless be able to ship their
present crop by it. The workmen are now
engaged on the Luckiamute bridge.
For Sale. Rev. J. A. Hanna offers for
sale in this issue of the Gazette a portion
of his farm, situated three miles south of
this city. This is one of the most desirable
farms in Benton county, pleasantly situated
and near market. The farm is well-improved,
and m a good state of cultivation.
Surveying Party. R. A. Habersham,
U. S. Coast Surveyor, passed through Cor
valiis last week with a surveying party, en
route for the Alsea Bay, where he is now
engaged in surveying. The party arrived at
Newport with their out-fit on Saturday, and
on Monday morning started for Alsea.
New Desks. The north district of this
city has refurnished the school house with
new desks throughout. These desks are
finely finished, polished like parlor furni
ture, and very substantial, and were manu
factured at Portland. They are folding
desks, iron frames, and the wood work made
of the best OregOta ash. These desks have
been needed for some time, and in procuring
them the directors exercised the best judg
ment, not only in finish and durability, but
also in convenience.
Sad Accident. While Mr. Sherill, a
farmer and his family were en route to
church at Peoria last Sunday, his team be
came frightened While crossing a bridge, and
sheering, fell with the wagon and its pas
sengers down a high embankment. One of
Mr. Sherill's daughters, aged 13 years was
instantly killed, two others were sereously
and perhaps fatally injured, both he and
his wife were painfully hurt, the wagon was
completely wrecked and the team badly
bruised and cut.
Temperance Lectdres. Mrs. P. Annet
ta Peckham, of San Francisco, lectured at
the M. E. church, in this city, on Monday
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, on tem
perance, to large and interested audiences.
Mrs. Peckham is an eloquent and forcible
speaker, and is doing a good work for the
cause of temperance' in this State.
All kinds of job work promptly done at
this office.
At the residence of the bride's parents,
August 21st, by Rev. H. P. Dunning,
Wayman St. Clair and Miss Ella Atwood.
Pon't Forget It.
If you are troubled with nervousness are
disheartened tired of life, fear death or feel
out of sorts as the saying is, you may safely
conclude that you h ive the Dyspepsia or
Liver Complaint. The liver is very apt to
become torpid this season of the year as
poisons arising from Btagnsnt water
or decaying vegetation are more numerous
and are through inhalation taken into the
blood. Unless the liver is strong and active
and furnishes a supply of fres'ii and pure
blood to drive out the impurities, the above
mentioned symtoms surely follow, and if
not heeded, end in more terrible diseases
and death. White's Prairie b lower proves
itself the Great Liver Panacea. Its action
on the liver is different from any medicine
ever compounded. Its cures are truely won
derful. Try it. Price twenty-five cents
and seventy five cents.
Sad Havoc is Created
Among the tenants of the mouth ry allow
ing impurities to edlect upon th 'ir surface
or in their interstices. SOZODONT re
moves every vestige of tartar from the
teeth, and renders their prema ure decay
impossible. It not only imparts to them
whiteness and vigor, but communicates
hardness and roriness to the gums. The
breath acquires a mo3t acceptable fragranee
from its use ; it is a ptfrely botanic liquid,
and it may be relied on to accomplish its
beautifying effects without injuring the en
amel like a gritty tooth paste.
AN Encyclopedia of Universal Knowledge,
in 20 volumes, 18,000 pages, all for 10, and
equal in all important respejtsto any cyclo
pedia heretofore sold for less than $100, is
announced for publication by the American
Book Exchange. 55 Beekman street New
York. They have a'so just issued an edition
of Chamber's Cyclopedia of Eug ish Litera
ture, complete in four volumes, neatly bound
f'jr!$2.00. Their catalogue of several hun
dred standard publication, at very low pri
ces, will be sent free on request.
Consumption Cured.
An old physician retired from active prac
tice, having had placed in his hands by an
E st Indian missionary the formula of a sim
ple vegetable remedy for th t speedy and per
manent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis,
Catarrh, Asthma, aid all Throat and Lung
affections, also a positive and radical cure
forGe- eral Debility and aH nervous com
plaints, after having thoroughly tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
cases, feels it his duty to make it known
to his suffering fellows. The receipe will be
sent free of charge, to all who desire it, with
full directions for preparing aud successfully
using. Address with stamp, naming this
parer Dr. J. 1 Stone, 44 North Ninth
Street Philadelphia. Pa.
-Thp Nvtional GOLD MEDAL was awar eo to
Bradley si al ..son for the best Pnotographs in the
United ata.,, and the Vienna Medal for the best in
the world.
429 Montgomery Street San Francis
Fellows' Compound syrupis acknowledged
by physicinns to be a composition which
gives beneficial results in cases of debilita
tion, lung complaints, coughs, nervousness
and consumption'. H. S. Orme, M. D. , Ex
President of Board of Examiners of Cal. :
" I use it in my practice with excellent re
sults." Sold by all druggists. I6":30w4
ISTew this "Week.
Estra-y ISTotice.
M. bay horse, white spot iu forehead, hind
foot white, no brain Is perceptible ; about
8 years old; 14 hands high, and is a vicious
horse and unfit to run at large.
Rock Creek, Wasco Co., Og'n. 16:34wl
Administrator's Notice.
whom it may concern that the un
dersigned has beeen appointed Administra
tion of the estate of Norman McLellau,
deceased, by the County Court of Benton
county, Oregon. All persons having claims
against said estate will present them with
the proper vouchers to me Within six months
from this date, at my residence in said
Dated this the 22d day of August, 1879
16:34 w4 Administrator.
Orvrv ACRES of laml, situated three
Ov J miles south of Corvaliis, One-half
farming land with sufficient timber to sup
ply the place ; also stock water. F-rm ac by public road. Term easy. In
quire of J. A. HaNNA,
16:34tf Or JAS. A YANTIS.
ANGORA goats. -
the Mountains, I offer for sale 100
head of Angora Goats, one Tnorough-bred
Buck in the flock.
Philomath, Og'n., July 25, 179. w4
issued out of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon, for the county of Benton,
ou the 29th day of July, 1879, for the sum
of ($G4 50) sixty-four arid 50-100 dollars
and for the further of twelve (i2 50.00)
and 50.00 dollars costs, in favor 'f. J. Creigh
ton, plaintiff and against Simeon Befhers,
defendant, for want of personal property,
out of which to make the same, I have
levied upon the following described real
estate, to-wit : One half of donation claim
No. 49 notification, 2398 of G. W. Bethers
and Wife, containing 301 acres. Also all of
section 35, in township 10, S. R. 8 west,
containing 640 acres ; also the S J of the
N. W. and the N. W. J of the S. W.
of section 36, T. 10, S. R. 8 west, contain
ing 120 acris; also the S. of the S. W. j
of section 36, T. 10, 8. R. 8 west, contain
ing 80 acres ; alio, beginning st a point 12.50
chains south ot theJN. VV. corner of claim
No. 48, in T. 12, S. R. 5 west ; thence east
7.50 chains, south 7.00 chains to the center
of the channel of Mary's river ; thence
with the meanders of s.nd river, up stream
in the center of the channel to a point where
the west boundary line of claim 48 intersects
the said river ; thence north 28.50 chains
to the place of begining, containing 24 acres;
also beginning at the S. E. corner of claim"
49, T. 12, S. R. 5 west ; thence North 40
chains, east 7.74 chains, south 42.50
chains to the middle of the channel of
Mary's river, to a point where the
east line of said claim intersects the
same ; thence N. 4.23 chains, E. 3.27 chains
to place of beginning, containing 33-49
acres. Also the following described proper
ty : Lots No. 73 and 84, in block No. 21,
in the town of Philomath ; all of said lands
and property lying and being in the county
of Benton and State of Oregon, together
with the tenements, hereditaments nnd a
pertenauces thereunto belonging, and on
Saturday tbe iZVi day of Sept, 1879,
I will sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash in hand all the right, tb.le,
interest ;uid estate which the said Simeon
Bethers had at the time judgment was ren
dered, being November 9, 1876, or any
time thereafter, being an equal undivided
in and to the above described real property
to satisfy said execution, costs and expense
of sale.
Sale will take place in front of the Court
House door, in the city of Corvaliis in said
county and State, between the hours of 10
a. m. ami 4 p. m. , to-wit: at the hour of
two o'clock P. m. of sird day.
SOL. KING, Sheriff
of Benton County, Oregon.
Dated this 13th day of Aug., A. D., 1879.
The Rum Don't Strike Wheat In the
ance, t.o that for one-third or one-half
cent on the bushel (depending on the length
of tim ;) wheat may be insured the moment
it is in the warehouse. Farmers have only
to name it to warehouse men and have it so
noted when wheat is de'i-ered.
Ag't for Phoeuix of Hartford, and
California, of San Francisco.
Partieu ar Notice.
for the bean.iful "Jstey Organ and
Weber Pi nos. Instruments sold on the
installation plan, and warranted for fivo
years. Can be found at the Vincent House.
Agent for D. W. Prentice & Co. . Portland,
Tuning aud Eapairnig promptly attend
ed to.
Corvaliis, Aug. 8, 1879. I6:32tf
ful destruction of his property, the un
dersigned is obliged to warn all persons not
having business upon the premises known
as the old Motley place, to keep off of the
same, under penalty of prosecution for
tiespasa. ALFRED E. ACK LOM.
Corvaliis, Aug. 8, 1879. 16:3w4
F. A. iOKrvCTGN, M. P.,
Phytlclm), Surgeon,
Surgery a Specialty.
nffioA wi-Vi Altfih fr. Woodward. Resi
dence, A. J. Young's house, Third street.
House with three town lots hi the City
ol Corvaliis. The house is situated in a
pleasant part of town; a good barn; all mod
ern conveniences attached. Terms reasona
ble. Inquire of Gkorg e Mercer.
Corvaliis, Aug. t, 1879. 16:31ni6
TO 6000 A Yi AK, or 5 to 820 a day in
onr own locality. No risk. Women do
as well as men Many make more than
the amount stated above. No one can
i'aii to make monev fast. Any one can do
tbe work. Vou can make fro.n 50cts. to
82 an hour by your evenings &nd spare time
to the business. It costs nothing- to try the business.
Nothing like it for money making ever offered before.
Business pleasant and strictly honorable. Header, if
you want to know all about the best paying business
before the public, send us your address and we will
send you f nil particulars and private terms free ; sam
ples worth $5 also free ; you can then make up yoor
mind for yourself. Address GEORGE 8TINSON
CO Portland, Maine. 16:3lyl
2T O "Ft
JL Q 7 & i
Has a Large, and Constantly In
' creasing circulation, and is one
MEDIUMS in the State, being
published in the heart of the
$2 50 Per Annum.
Advertisements inserted at Rea
sonable Rates,
All kinds Plain and Ornamental
Piinting executed with neat
ness and dispatch. Justices'
Blanks constantly on hand.
Proprietor and Publisher,
Corvaliis, Oregon.-
Farm for Sale.
sale his splendid grain and stock farm,
four miles north of west of Corvaliis, on
Oak creek containing 1200 acres over ontf
hundred acres in cultivation two fine bear
ing orchards, and well calculated for divid
ing into two or more snug farms Terms
easy and title perfect. For particulars in
quire of E. Hoigate, W. B. Carter, or
on the premises.
Corvaliis, Jan. 1. 1878. 16:ltf
Storage ! Storage! !
ity for receiving Wheat, we are now
ready to receive Wheat on Storage, in our
New Warehouse, and by fair dealing, will
try and satisfy all who store with us.
Storage, three cents per bushel; sacks
always on hand.
Corvaliis, July 31, 1873. 16:31m3
200,000 FEET
At Harris' Mill, seven miles west of Philo
math, on Mary's river. Rough Lumber,
$8 per M. Flooring and Rustic, (rough), at
$10 per M., cash down or no sal?.
June 21, 1879. H. P. HARRIS:
Manufacturer of
Keeps constititlv on hand every thing belonging to'
a first class shop.
iarUncle Sam's Harness Oil for sale. 16:25vl
& TRIMBLE; rropr's;
Jack Scews, etc., we are prepared to
Raise, Move, put under New Sills and level
up your biirus, andBuildings of any kind,
on short notice.
Corvaliis, May 1, 1879. 16:21tf
. On the corner
West of the Engine House.
Good Teams and Saddle Horses to Let:
Boarding horses a specialty. Horses bought
and sold. lG:26m3 J. M. EG LIN.
GeOkoe P. Wrexk,
Att'y at Law
Wreim & Hoigate
OKXRAL D(IBI:;E88 aqkxts, and
Office on Second street, nc:;t ficor couth the City
Buying, Selling and I.ea.-iin Real Esiate. Trosipt
attention given to
Loans Negotiated, etc. Will keep Regular
Axictior Bales Rooms!
And sell at AUCTION, anything de-ired. either ... the
Sales Rooms or elsewhere, in Citv or Country. Agents
for goo.l reliable IssCBAXCj! Com.axies.
We now have on hand for sale, both Grain and
Stock Faims, and City 1'hopeuty, at fair prices, and
easy terme.
"""""""We can make if anybody can. ""SB
Please give us a call. WRENN it HOLGATE.
Corvaliis. April 17. 1S79. 10:lCtf.
Assessor's Notice of EqualiJ
i.1 the Board of Equalization of Bciiton
county, State of Oregon, will attend at the
office of the County Clerk of said county,
during the first week of September, 1879,
commencing on the first d.iy of September
1879, to and inclusive of Saturday, the 6th
day of September, 1879, and publicly ex
amine the Assessment Roll of said county,
for the year 1879, and correct all errors in
valuation, description, or qualities of lands,
lots, or other property ;' and all persons in
terested, therein, are hereby notified to ap
pear, at said time and place appointed.
JACOB MODIE, Assessor.
August?, 1879. 16:32w3
A FARM of two hundred acres, three milea-
north of Corvaliis. For particulars en
quire of M. A. TULLER.
Corval!i3, June 23, 1879. 16:26t
A MONTH guaranteed. 812 a day
at home made by the industrious.
Capital not required ; we will start
you. Men, women, bovs and girls
make money fasttr at work for us
than at anything else. The work
Is light and pleasant, and &ach as anyone can go right
at. Those who are wise who sec. this notice will send1
us their addresses at once and see for themselves.
Costly Octfit and terms free. Now is the time. Those
already at work are laying up large sums of money. -Address
TKtfU & CO., Augusta, Maine. 16:31yl
Physician and Surgeon
Corvaliis Oregon.-
and diseases of the Eye. Can be found at hi-.
onlce, in rear of Graham. Hamilton & Cos brut
Store, up stairs, day or night.
June 3, 1879. 16:28tf ..;
imMm ncstiv print stttusomcc