The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, May 09, 1879, Page 3, Image 3

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Corvallis, May 9, 1879.
Our annual city election passed off, last
Monilay exceedingly quiet. A stranger
-would scarcely have known it was "election
day," except from the fact that the saloons
were closed.. No regular nominations hav
ing been made, every candidate ran fin his
'own hook." Some interest was manifested
in the offices of Mayor and Recorder, but
the meagre vote polled shows that but little
interest was manifested in the election.
3There were no political, or even local issues,
made publicly. Although it was rumored,
during the day, that certain parties were
making a test in councilman upon the loca
tion of the railroad depots. The following is
Mayor Wallace Baldwin, GG; M. Jacobs,
110; N. Baesen. 2.
Roc mlar C. H. James, 33; J. R. Bryson,
127; W. A. Wheeler. 28. ,
Marshal A. B. Woolly, 160; Henry
Wortham, 23.
Treasurer William Groves, 129; N. P.
Brings, 58.
Coun"ilm-n 1st Ward John Burnett,
33; T. E. Canthorn, 27.
Councilman 21 Ward T. 3. Buf .rd, 41;
James A. Cauthorn, 1G; T. EL Pailady, 1; S.
H. Look, E
Councilman 31 Ward J. M. Oshorn,
E. B. McElroy, 41; J. II. Lewis, 30; W
Wells, 9.
THfe u. s snag boat, corvallis.
This substantial craft, under command of
Capt. John Gore, has 1 een doing very effec
tive service in the Vi!!a:netJ.e river, at Cen
tennial Chute, Hogue's Creek, Booneville
slough and other place?, about eight or ten
miles above this place, Most of th's river
improvement, in that locality, h.13 been pull
ing snags, having removed all that were in
sight, at this stage of witer. When the
river falls the snag boat will, doubtless,
make another trip. The Corvallis dropped
down to Blair's wharf, last Wednesday af
ternoon, and laid for the night, giving all
hands an opportunity of seeing the beauti
ful little city, which their craft bears the
name of. The officers are John Gore, cap
tain ; J. P. V. Csderberg, engineer ; John
Chamberlain, mate, and crew of six men,
all able-bodied and active, just the men for
the business. From here the Corvallis pro
ceeded to Half Moon Bend (a terror to
steamboatmen) where she will make a clean
sweep of obstructions, and then proceed fur
ther down. The steam propelling power is
a wonderful improvement on the old style.
The only trouble now is, that she has not
quite power enough to stem very strong
currents, but does most eQ'ective work.
Retcrxf.d. Mr. S. G. Irvin, a Corval
lis boy, returned last week, after an absence
of seven vears spending the time at Mon
mouth (111.) College, and then at Fraeport.
Illinois. Except a short time spent in visit
ing relatives and friends in Pennsylvania,
New York, aild other placet He was in
Philadelphia at the time of the Centennial
exhibition. Messrs. Louis Roth and Frank
Reihnuber, of'Freeport, accompanied him
io Orogoii for health. The former is a clerk
and the latter a carriage painter. Mr. Ir
vin likes Freeport but thinks " Webfoot "
a little ahead, fte graduated with the in
tention of fallowing the medical profession,
but his health failed him and he has not en
gaged in any profession as yet. We are
glad to welcome him back to his old home
His father still resides in Corvallis, and was
delighted to see " Saminy " return.
L O. O. F. Excursion. The Odd Fel
lows of this city having determined to attend
the dedication of the Odd Fellows' Hall at
Albany, on the 22 1 of Mav, as a lodge, in
full regalia, have chartered the A 1 steamer
A. A. McCully for the entire day ; have se
cured the services of the Second Brigade
Band of this city the best band in the
state. The fare for the round trip has been
fixed at one dollar for adults and fifty cents
for children nndcr 12 years of age. Tl
Steamer will leave the wharf in Una city at
9:30, A. M. , sharp, and leave the wharf in
Albany at 5 P. ML, shr rj. Further particu
lars will be made known by the committee
of arrangements. It is suggested, however
that all who contemplate going on the ex
cursion prepnfc themselves with a lunch.
Remaining in the post o'fiec at Corvallis, Ronton
County, Oregon, May 1, 1S79. Persons calling for
the same, will please say, " advertised."
ladies' list.
lOrnduff, Miss Enne
Creel, Mary Louisa
Farmer, Miss Jell
Crawford, 0 W
Brown', R
Coyle, Wm
Du'llon. I L
Davidson. William
Grimes, Frank
Guffottis, L
Haynes, Willis
Hale James
Hill, J W
Johnson, William
Johnson, Saily
.Norton, Marl: R
Ikeliey, N W
Robinson, William
Spancrler. Chaj ii
Towner, V It
Wttwn, c L. .
Williams, J B
Walker, L C
Ward, Nat
Young, Wm It
BT. B Barber, P M.
Postponed. In consequence of the ab
sence of several officers elect, who were par
tieipdtins in the organization of the Blue
Ribbon Club, at Philomath, last Friday
evening, the installation of the omcer3 ot
Excelsior Lodge Ao. 9, I. O. G. T., was
postponed until this evening. Let us have
a' rousing meeting on this occasion. It is
expected that all person who have been
elected to positions in the Lodge, will mani
fest their interest in the good work and de
votion to the cause, by being present for in
Notice is hereby given that a meeting will
be held at the court house, in Corvallis, on
Sunday, the loth of May, at 1 o clock p. M.
The undersigned will give his views on "The
True Gospel of Christ" and if time per
touts noint out the irlorious doctrines of Jesus
not followed by his professed disciples in
this degree. KverYbodv, especially clergy
men, invited. Opportunity will be given to
answer my propositions,
John (Jeimsley
Corvallis, May 6, 1879. I6.I9w2.
Discharged from Custody. The three
men' who were arrested several days ago
charged with breaking open trunks and
broaching cargo on the steamship Great Re
public, hare been examined before United The object being a worthy on
States Commissioner Lam son. The t esti
mony not being deemed sufficient to war
rant the holding of the defendants, they
were discharged.
Chew Golden Fleece sold by George
We had a pleasant call, last Wednesday
morning from Rev. J. J. Sitton, of Roseburg.
Club House cigar, the best 5 cent cigar in
the State, at Geo. Gerhard's.
Thanks to Hons. Jas. H. Slater, L. F.
Grover and John Whiteaker for pub. docs.
The Nebftna, a pure Havana, for a bit, at
Geo. Gerhard's.
Handsome parlor and bed -room sets of
furniture, at Portland prices, at Knight's.
Hon. J. H. Mitchell did not arrive on
the last trip of the Oregm, as was expected.
New Orleans Sugar and other choice goods,
just received, at Ray's.
Rev. T. J. Connor will preach in the Col
lege chapel, next Sabbath, at 11 A. M. Ev
erybody invited.
Don't forget that the G.azette job office
can print visiting cards, in all the latest
styles, at reduced prices.
Mr. EL Manns, nearly opposite Gazette
ollice, is proud of his nice garden. His let
tuce anil onions attract the attention of all
The Bedrock Democrat comes to hand on
lark co'ored paper. What's the malter,
friend She), are you about to change base
and cross the color-hne?
Mr. S. A. Hemphill has re-novel his sad
dle and harness shop into his lwn new huiid
ing, across the street from his old stand.
1 hat's business.
Rev. G. W. Bennett received seven mem
bers into full connection in the M. ft.
Church, at Grarlg Hail, last Sabbath. The
Society at that place, is very prosperous.
Genuine New Orleans molasses sugar
cured hams, fresh roasted coffee,, cod fish, a
fine assortment of Eastern stoneware, with
full bills of crockery and glassware, for sale,
at Ray's.
W. P. Keady gies tliis morning to visit
his family, who still remain at Salem, for
the reason that hitherto he could not pro
cure a house for them. He has the promi-e
of Mrs. Glass' house the Mist of next month.
Nick Ba.sen')t new building is now receiv
ing the finishing touches by the carpenters,
and ere Jong the "Palace Market" will open
out in grand Style.
Sheppard, Jaycox & Co. have their large
tt re literally crammed fu 1 of new goods
" cheaper than the cheapest," and as good
as the best. Soe their new double column
al. on first parre. They mean just what
they say. Call anil see.
Drake & Grant, our enterprising merchant
tailors, have just received 1000 business
cards from the GAZETTE Printing House.
They are neat and cheap. We are now
ready to till orders for hue printing. Call
and examine specimens and prices.
A Blue Ribbon Club was organized at Phi
lomath, last Friday evening, by Dr. J. R.
Bayley, assisted by Dr. Green, Fred. Vin
cnt, and others, of this place. It starts
out well ; seventy-six names iirst evening.
The GAZETTE Printing House is receiving
orders for printing from Linn, Marion, Polk.
Yamhill, and Umatilla counties. New type,
new machinery, first-class printers, and
"Chicago prices."
A postal card from Undo Davy Newsome,
of May 5th. informs ns that his health is
very much improved 3incc his visit to Cor
vallis. He hopes to be able to accompany
Mr. MaeDoiiaid to this place on the 14th
Last Tuesday Mr. Ira Miller put up a
large amount of tombstones and monuments
it Crystal Lake cemetery near this city.
He Is turning out some very fine work, in
his liue.
ReVi J. J. Sitton, of the Cumberland
Presbyti iian Church, will preach next Sab
bath, lrioruingand evening, at the Evangeli
cal church, in tins city. 1 uolic cordially
invited to attend.
Mrs. Frank Cooper is opening out a fine
display of millinery goods, at her stand, near
Mrs. Goldson's picture gallery, but was in t
iuit : ready for an ad. Look out for next
week, as she believes in patronizing ye printer.
Sam. P. Smiley, the jolly representative
of Painter & Co's typo foundry, San Fran
cisco, gave us a pleasant, but hurried call.
last i uesday alteruoon. Ho came up by
private conveyance and returned to Albany,
same afternoon.
Mr. John Spidel, younger brother of our
euterpri in ; fellow-townsman, Joseph Spi-
lel, arrived last Monday from Buffalo, New
York. He comes on a visit to his brother.
an l t ta'.ie a leoii at Oregon, lie stopped
n Minnesota and California on his way.
The real estate business 13 increasing very
rapidly trader the manipulations ot Air.
George P. Wrcnn. He understands the val
ue of printer s ink, and is contemplating the
issue of a Ileal Estate paper, at an early
day. He means business.
J. R. Baldwin, Esq., formerly of this
'ounty, but now of Sheridan, gave us a call
last Monday. He reports everything flour
ishing; along the line of the railroad. The
west side graders are six miles this side of
Amity, and poshing towards Corvallis.
'Rah for the west side.
Mr. Ad. Edgar, of the Comstock House,
Al any, and Mr. R. C. Corlxiley, representa
tive of Bancroft & Co., San Francisco, were
in the city last Sabbath. Mr. Corbaley is
in Oregon to look after the book question.
Or. Peyton and wife, of Salem, came up
on the stage last Monday, and returned by
the Wilhmette Chief, on Tuesday morning.
The Doctor came up on professional busiuess.
They stopped at Che Vincent House.
J. Senders, of the firm of L. G. Kline &
Co., of this city, started for Portland -this
morning) on private business. It is rumor
ed that about next Sunday, in Portland, a
la lv partner will be added to the firm. All
right " Jake," your head is level.
Uncle "Jack" (Jrimsley gives notice that,
he will tell what he "knows about Je3us,"
at the court house on the ISth inst. , at 1 I".
K. He is especially sixioaa that some of
the clergymen should "measure swords"
with him.
Mr. Ho'mes, the efficrent and affable pui
ser of the Willamette Chief, has been un
well for some days, during which time his
brother and Mr. Allie Brown, . of Salem,
have attended to the business of the steam
er. Mr. Holmt s h ;s ahost of friends among
the traveling pub ic, who will be gratified to
learn of his recovery.
We regret to learn that our former fellow
townsman. Mr. Peter Withers, met with an
accident from the falling of"h1s horse, sev
eral weeks since, which resulted in the
breaking-of his collar-bone, and o her inju
ries. He is in . the Summer Lake country,
but expected to have been with his family,
in this city, ere this. He was getting along
very well at last accounts. But his trip
home will be delayed several weeks.
The new I X L store is doing a splendid
business. The liberal advertiser, other
things being equal, is the successful business
man. A. T. Stewart, the millionaire of
New York, is credited with the sentiment :
"That the business man who pays more tor
store or shop rent than for advertising, does
not understand the true philosophy of busi
ness success." Advertisements inserted in
the Gazette on liberal terms.
Don't forget to attend, the entertainment
at the City Hall next Wednesday evening,
on which occasion Calvin B. Mac Donald, the
veteran journalist and orator, will deliver
his master lecture, "Thirty Years on the
Border." The programme will. consist of a
variety of vocal and instrumental music.
to be more particularly announced hereafter.
the pur
chase of an organ for the Good Templars
it is hop?d our citizens will turn out and
make this event an enthusiastic success.
Tickets 50 cents, or three for one dollar, for
Bale by the committee of arrangements.
The Philomath Crucible of April 29th, has
the following notice of the death of the wife
of Bishop . Castle, of that place :
The loag afflicted wife of the Bishop died
on last Sabbath at about three o'clock in the
afternoon. She died suddenly, as might
have been expected from the nature of the
disease. The lungs, what ws left of them,
Lave way suddenly ; and .all was soon over.
By what would have seemed a special provi
dence, her daughter, Mrs. Sheak was at
her side when she died. Mrs. Sheak had
kept her room up stairs for, some days ; but
was, at the last, brought down, and was by
her mother's side. .
It shall not be our aim here to point the
lessons which this and its attendant circum
stances point. To say that she died in
peace would be nothing against any one s
expectations. A life of sanctity, of chan
'y and of victory always insures a triumph
ant death. For months her influence has
been most powerful in favor of the higher
life. She seemed to be spared for a special
work, which, when we have the kind con
sent of the living friends, we may in future.
set forth. Her departure should not puss
in o memory as that ot the general dead.
S' e left advice, she secured promises, her
holy life influenced vows that must be heed
ed."keDt. and paid i or a fearful account
will accrue against us.
The funeral was preached at the Bishop s
residence, at 10 o'clock, on last Tuesday,
by the Rev. P. C. Hetzler, of Salem. The
sermon was solemn and deeply impres
sive. The text which was a selection by
3ister Castle herself, was the words "Pre
cious in the 3ight of the Lord is the death
of his saints." The appointments of the
funeral were mainly specified by the de
ceased. The eotiin and all the things that
could be so were white. Flowers were there
emblems of purity and resurrection had a
new ana powernu meaning in connection
with the holy life of the departed. There
was a very large attendance. The inter
ment took place at the cemetery east of
Ed. Gazette : On last Friday a young
man, Peter Lawson by name, who was at
work for Joseph Allen in Kings Valley, was
out bunting, I believe, with Mr. Allen
Phinkett. Now this same Peter Lawson
had in the behind pocket of his pants a few
trinkets, such as knives, keys, etc., but
more especially matches and a flask of pow
der. By some means, unknown, the match
es caught, the powder caught, and a terrific
explosion followed. It was fearful the way
that powder did tear things in the region of
that boy's coat tails. The whole after part
ot his pants, and they were bran new, was
fetched entirely away. But the boy, O,
where was he ? Joe Allen says he was turn
ing round and round, trying to find where
he was hit, thinking he had been shot.
Phinkett says he was dancing up and down
grabbing frantically with both hands, trying
to extinguish the fire from the lower extrem
ity of his shirt. , The damage to pants and
other garments, in the rear, was serious.
The damage to person slight.
Mfr. Lawson left this morning on a roll of
blankets, between two Chinamen, to tiy
and get a job of work on the railroad, w heie
explosions do not take place.
James Chambers.
Kings Valley, May 5th 1370.
Kept at the State Agricultural College,
for the month of April, 1879 :
Handsome Monuments. Among other
specimens of artistic warkmaaship, sent
from the marble works of Mr. Ira Miller, of
this city, last Tuesday, was a very hand
some Italian marble monument, six feet in
bight, including the base, to mark the graves
of our departed "little ones," The em
b'ems : a rose, lilly, and two little lambs,
were quite perfect, while the lettering was
very fine indeed. The monument was
wrought from a very handsome marble tlib,
while the designs and finish were exquisite,
ami reflect great credit upon Mr. Miller
and those in his employ. Another very
handsome monument, much larger than
ours, being about ten feet In bight, is now
ready for shipment, and was ordered by Mr.
Ellis Knox, of Knox' Butte, Linn county,
to mark the last resting ploce of his father
and mother. The base of this monument
is a pculiar sort of granite, very beantifr.','
but rare. It is found in various places in
this valley, iu detached pieces, varying in
size from one foot in diameter to several
trms weight. No quarries of this materia!
have yet been discovered, and various con
jectures are suggested as to its presence
here. Some contend that these specimens
have been floated to our valleys in ice
gorges, in by-gone ages. Perhaps Professor
Condon could throw some light upon the
subject, if presented to him.
pate. weather. thermometer.
highest lowest
April. 1 Clear 67 53
" 2 Rain... 56 5a
" 3 Clear 60 46
" 4 Clear. 60 ' 49
" 5 Cloudy... 60 46
" 6 Rain 57 47
" 7 Rain 49 36
" 8 Rain 46 41
" 9 Kain 44 40
" 10 Clear (frost ) 48 32
" 11 Clear. 5- 36
" 12 Rain 5fi 36
" 13 Rain 51 41 -
" 14 Rain 48 39
" 15 Rain 47 33
" 16 Clear 47 39
" 17 Clear 51 39
" 13: Clear 52 39
" I'liRain 52 42
" 20'Raiu 50 33
" 2i;CIear 54 37
" 22 Clear 62 41
" 23 Clear CO 40
" 24 Clear 56 36
" 25 Clear 54 36
" 26 Clear 55 36
" 27Ciear 58 46
" 28C!ear. 63 42
" 29; Clear 62 52
" SO! Clear 66 51
Rainfall, 2.40 inches.
The Resources of Oregon and Washington
says : The State of Oregon has an average
length north and south of 275 miles, and
a breadth cast and west of 250 miles, and
contains 96,250 square miles, or 61,000,000
acres of land. It embraces more territory
than New York and Pennsylvania combined ;
while the population does not exceed 200,000.
The estimate of land for agricultural pur
poses amounts to about 30,000,000 acres,
and about 20,000,000 acres may be claimed
as grazing lands, leaving the remainder, 11,
000,000 acres, as timber lands. For over
twenty-five per cent, of the agricultural and
grazing lands have passed from the govern
ment into the hands of private parties, and
the quantity under cultivation will not ex
ceed live per cent. As already stated, the
State is divided into two natural divisions
Eastern and Western Oregon, the Cascade
range of mountains crossing the State from
north to sonth is the dividing line between
the two sections, each division having its
own peculiarity of climate, soil and typog
raphy. In the western division, lying par
allel with the Cascade range, there are three
large fertile valleys, separated from each
other and from the sea coast by low ranges
ot mountains. Of these three valleys, the
Willamette valley is tar superior ; it is sep
arated from the Umpqua valley by the C'ala
pooia mountains.
Postponed. In consequence of the con
tinued rains, on last Tuesday evening a
meeting of Voung America Engine Compai y
No. 1, w ;s called, to consider the propriety
of postponing the firemen's pic-nic and ball,
announced for to-day and night, the 9th inst.
A mijoriy were so opposed to postpone
ment, realizing the disappointment and in
convenience it would occasion, voted. to ad
journ until 9 A. M. on Wednesday, when, if
the rains continued, they would agree to a
postponement. Wednesday morning came
and plenty of rain, also, with no indications
of ceasing. After considerable discussion,
it was agied to postpone the pic-nic and
ball for one week until the 16th inst. The
secretary was intsmcted to inform the tire
departments heard from, by telegraph, and
extend a cordial invitation to thein to be
present at that time. Every one regrets
the postponement, bat circumstances be
yond human control, seemed to demand it.
To wade through muddy streets and wet
grass on pic-nic day is not pleasant. We
hope the weather will be. favorable by the
16th, on which occasion We look for a large
crowd from Albany and other places. Of
course Benton will furnish large delegations,
and a good time is anticipated.
C. B. R. C. Last Saturday met and had
another interesting meeting, notwithstand
ing the general disappointment of not hav
ing Gen: M. V. Brown to address them, by
mustering home forces. The programme for
next Saturday evening at 7:30 at the Pres
byterian church is as follows : Music ; pray
er ; music ; address by Capt. Humphrey ;
music ; essay ; music ; volunteer speeches ;
music. Dr. H, Green,
Ch'n Ex. Com.
Funeral Sermon. On Sunday, the 18th
day of May, at 11a. m. . Rev. Joseph Em
ery will preach the funeral sermon of Mrs.
Mary Abbie Daw, at the Wiley Winkle
school house, about ten miles south of Cor
vallis; The friends of the family are res
pectfully invited to attend. 2w
Crime Calendar. The Portland police
report for April, 1879, shows the following
record of crime, for which arrests were
made: Drunk and disorderly, 112; disor
derly by roaming about after 10 P. M., 16 ;
lareeney, 13; indecent exposure of person,
2; assault with dangerous weapon'; 1; injury
to shade trees, 1; assault and battery, 7;
arrested on suspicion of crime, 2; keeping
bawdy house, 5; vagrancy, 6; assault within
tent to kill, 1; obstructing public street, 1;
insane, 1; viii,ing opium house, 4; keeping
opium house, 1; carrying concealed weapons,
1; arrested for murder (in Clackamas coun
ty), 3; disorderly by fighting, 2; abducting
female under 16 years of age, 2. Total
number, 181. Also lodgings given to desti
tute persons during the month, 40:
The Cor.iET. Wonder if this new won
der is having any influence on the weather
of Oregon ? If so, how long will it continue ?
An exchange, in speaking of this comet,
says : Brorseu's comet is now said to be
visible j;i the western part of the heavens to
those wiio have the assistance of a good tel
escope. Its diameter is four times that of
the earth, apt' it has a tail 50,000 miles in
length. It is thought to be traveling at a
swifter pace than any of the family comets.
At the present time it is only about 60,000,
000 milo3 distant from the earth.
A Little "Cot." The Laramie (Wyom
ing) Sentinel of April 25th, in its leading ed
itorial column, gets oil' the following :
The steamer Great Republic was run on
to a sand bar ami capsized, in San Fraucisco
harbor, on Sunday. The following is a list
of the lost, etc.
For- the benefit of our cotemporary,
" across the mountains," we would modest
ly suggest that the Columbia river bar and
Sand island are not a part of the San Fran
cisco harbor. Gues3 the writer of the arti
cle referred to, does not belong to a Blue
Ribbon club.
They All Take It.
When the system is run down to tha
extent that you pass sleepless nights, are
nervous and irritable, have gloomy forebod
ings, sour stomach, sick headache and coat
ed tongue, do not enroll yourself as high pri
vate, in the rear rank, under General Debil
ity, but cheer up and try White's Prairie
Flower, The Great Liver Panacea, now for
sale in every city and town on the Continent.
No medicine ever compounded is half its
equal for the cure of DYSPEPSIA and LIV
ER COMPLAINT. It has a specific power
over the liver, and by curing the liver Dys
pepsia and all other diseases arising from it,
vanish as if by magic, Sample bottles are
sold at the small price Of 25 cents that will
convince you of its merits. Large bottles
75 cents for sale evervwhere.
Sad Havoc is Created
Among the tenants of the mouth by allow
ing imparities to collect upon their surface
or in their interstices. SOZODONT re
moves every vestige of tartar from the
teeth, and renders their prema.ure decrty
impossible. It not only imparts to them
whiteness .and vigor, but communicates
hardness and rosiness to the gums. The
breath acquires a most acceptable fragrance
from its U3e ; it is a purely botanic liquid,
and it may be relied on to accomplish its
beautifyingieffects without injuring the en
amel fike a gritty tooth paste.
To all who arc suffering frovn tha errors and ir.dU--
retitns of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss
of manlmof, Ac., I wfll send a receipt that will cure
you, FREE US1 CHARGE. This great remedy
was discovered by a missionary in South America
Send a self-addr-js-wd envelop to the Rev. Joseph T.
Inman, Station D, New York City. lG:17yl.
From the National Surgical Institute,
which has a reputation extending through
out the civilized world for success in the
treatment of Spinal Curvature, Paralysis,
Hip Diseases, Club Feet, Diseased Joints.
Crooked Limb3, Piles, Fistula and Nasal
Catarrh, will visit Portland, Oregon, at the
St. Charles Hotel, May 12th to 17th, inclu
sive, and Walla Walla, W. T., at Adams
House, May 23d an.l 23d, 187!). These sur
geons will bring with theran extensive out
fit of costly apparatus for straightening the
worst deformities. This is an opportunity
which should not be neglected by the afflict
ed. Examinations Free.
JVC A.S,2S,I"S;i3
At the residence of Rev. Anthony Simp
son, May 8th, 1879, by Rev. Anthony Simp
son, assisted by Rev. Harlin Paige Dunning.
Milton S. Woodcock, Estp, arid Miss Emma
Jane Simpson, daughter of the olnciating
clergyman. Compiiments of parties duly
Consnmption Cared.
An old physician retired from active prac
tice, haying had placed in his hands by an
Eost'Indian missionary the formula of a sim
ple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per
manent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis,
Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung
affections, also a positive and radical cure
forGeeral Debility and all ervous com
plaints, after having thoroughly tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
cases, feels it his duty to make it known
to his suffering fellows. The receipe will be
sent free of charge, to all who desire it, with
full directions for preparing and successfully
using. Address with stamp, naming this
paper Dr. J. O. Stone, 44 North Ninth
Street, Philadelpha, Pa.
Astonishing Success.
It is the duty of every person who has
used Bos:hbe's German Sykup to let its
wonderful qualities be known to their friends
in curing Consnmption, severe Coughs,
Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, and in fact all
throat and lung diseases. No person can
use it without immediate relief. Three dos
es will relieve any ease, and we consider it
the duty, of all Druggists to recommend it
to the poor dying consumptive, at least to
try one bottle, as 40,000 dozen bottles were
sold last year, and no one case where it fail
ed was reported. Such a medicine as the
German Syrup cannot be too widely known.
Ask your Druggist about it. Sample bottles
to try sold at 10 cents. Regular size 75 cts.
For sale by Graham & Hamilton and Allen
& Woodward.
(5S""r"ie National uOuU .iltlJAL wasamx ea to
Bradlcj-& Hulosi in fur the bsiit Photographs in the
United States, anf Hie ienna Medal for the best in
the world.
423 M-mtgotaery Street San Francis .
Sheriff's Sale.
jSTew this "Week.
Wednesday Eve., May 14tli.
Calvin B, MacDonald,
The Veteran Journalist and Orator -entitled
Good Templar OrgaA Fund.
The Programme will consist of a variety of Literary
and Musical Kxereued, to be niore particularly an
nounced hereafter.
jTAd mission 50 eents, or three ticket for $L13
undivided half interest in the
Oneatta Mill Property
Situated on Yaquina Bay, consisting of
Steam Saw Mill, in good running order,
with a capacity of 'JO thousand feet per day.
and 53 acres of land, together with my
stock of merchandise. For forther particu
lars, aoply to the undersigned,
Oneatta, May 3, 1S79. li!:10wG
Sheriff's Sale.
issued out of and under the seal oi the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Hen
ton, to me directed and delivered, for the sum one
hundred and seventy-two (?172 01-100) dollars and
sixty-one cents in II. S. gold coin with interest there
on at the rate of ton per cent er annum from the
2athdayof April. 1670, together with costs and dis
bursements, iu favor of W. W. Thayer, Governor of
the State of Oregon, R. P. Eorhart, Secretary oi the
State of Oregon, i.d. Hirsch, Treasurer of the State of
Oregon, constituting the board of Commissioners for
the sale of School and University lands, and the man
agement of the Common School Fund, plaintiffs ; and
against Melcena Wight, John It. Right. JIarv A. Bight,
O. F. Right, Harriet A. Right, Cha-. W. Right. Joaeph
Right, Ida L. Right, and Martha Bight, defendants;
and commanding me to sell the real property herein
after described to satisry said sum of money hereinbe
fore mentioned and interest and costs thereon, I have
levied upon the following described real property, to
wit : Lots one, (i) two, (i) and three, (:) in ir.ock
number (13) thirteen, in the City of Corvallis, -(formerly
original town of Mtir.svii!e,) in teuton oJnnty,
State oi Oregon, together with the tenements, heredi
taments au I ;.pp rtna ,cs thereunto belonging or in
anywise appertaining, and on
Websbsdat, the 11th dat or Ji nk, 1S79,
1 will sell at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, for
casn in hand, a!! the right, title, mtarest and estate of
the defendants in said execution in and to the ai.ovo
described real estate to satisfy said execution, costs,
and expenses of bale.
Sale will take place at the hour of one o'.-locit r. M.
of said day, at the Court House door in tile City of
Corvallis in said county and State
Dated April !'., 1S79. SOL. KING,
10:l8w8.J Sheriff, of Benton County, Oregon.
Bazars fashionS
Mrs. E. A. KNIGHT.
Corvallis, Oajsaerr,
the Largest and Host Stock of
Ever brought to Corvallis, which I will sell at piicc:i
that defy competition.
ecution issued out of, and under the
seal of the Circuit' Court of the State of
Oregon, for the county of Kenton, to 'me
directed and delivered, for the sum of
(sl,003 00), ten hundred and three dollars
and nine cents in U. ;S. gold coin, with in
terest at the rate or" he per cent, per month
from and after the 18th day of April, 1870,
and "the costs and disbursements, taxed at
.$29 19, iu favor of Wilson Bump and
Joseph W. Allen, plaintiffs, and against
John M. Morgan, Mary A. Morgan and
Milton J. Connor, defendants, andconiiMiid-
ing me to seD tue real property liereinatter
described to satisfy said sums hereinbefore
mentioned, and interest and costs thereon.
I have levied upon the following described
real property, to-wit : All that portion of
the north half of the east half of the dona
tion land claim of Lucius 0. Norton, from
the Uovernmeut of the United States, it
being claim No. 43, Not. 5, l ilj, in township
10, south range (! west Willamette meridian
as designated by the plot and surveys of the
U. S. lying west of the road (county road
as now traveled) running through said prem
ises, bounded as follows : On the north by
the donation claim of Rowland Chambers ;
on the e?.st by said county road ; on the
south by the south line of said north half
of the east half of said Lucius C. Norton's
donation claim ; and. on the v.e3t by the
west line of the north half of the east half
of said Norton's claim, all in section 21, T.
10, S. R. G W. . and containing 29 -teres of
land more or i:ss, in lien. on comity, State
of Oregon, together with the tenements,
hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto
belongin:, and on
Wednesday the I lib day of June, 1870,
I wilt sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash in hand all the right, title,
interest and estate of the defendants in
said execution, in and to the above describ
ed real estate to satisfy said execution, costs
and expense of sale.
Sale will take place at the hour of 10
o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the
Court House door in the City of Corvallis,
in 3aid county and State.
Sheriff of rientou Couutv, Oregon.
Dated May 7, 1879. 1(1: 19w.
Assignees Notice to Creditors.
appointed assignee of ali the estate of E. A.
Whitney, of Benton county, Stats of Oregon, for the
benefit of his creditors
Notice is hereby given to all the creditors of said
E. A. Whitney to present their claims under oath, as
by law required, to me at my office, at the Court
Houfc, in the City of Corvallis, Benton county, Ore
gon, within three montlis frooi this date.
Mat Dttaroit est3 Reliable P.tterxs.
T ? well selected stock oi Cloths, viz;
West of England Broad Cloths, French
Cassimorey, Scotch Tweeds, and American
Which wo will m:ike up to order in the most approv
ed and thionablo wtyles. No pains will be .si-ariju in
;roduci;if; tod fitting gUTHHUIta
I'artiej vw.-hin U pupc&osfe cloths and have them
cut out, will do weli to :ve us a call and examine our
stock. DEAK& & GKAM'.
Corvallis, April 17, 1ST9. 10:lCtf.
AuausT mm?,
Cor. Second and Monroe tf.,
kinds of
Work done to order on short notice, at rea
sonable rates.
Corvallis .Tan. 1.18 7. U:1t!
-i I -
Capital - - $l,OQO,000.
. . Pacific Branch,
No. 21 0 San-some St.,S.F., Cat
Agency for Oregon and W. Tcrrritory with
HAWLEY, DODD & CO., Portlauxl.
Have been tested by the most tlisatrous con
flagrations in the country.
They are thoroughly tire-proof.
They are free from dampness.
Their superiority is beyond question.
Although about 150,000 of these safes are
now in use, and hundreds have been tested
by some of the most disastrous conflagrations
iu the country, there is not a single instance
on record whe-rein one of them ever failed
to preserve its contents perfectly.
Tl::OX'j.ND G&09YX !
sb.L3F,:h:s ....
Ifave never been broken open and robbed by
burglars or robbers.
Hall's burglar work is protected by letters
patent, and his work cannot be equaled law-
fully. . ,
His patent bolt work is superior to any nt
use. .
His patent locks cannot be picked by the
most BKUltui experts or burglars. . .
By one of the greatest improvements
known, the Giosa Automatic Movement, our
locks are operated without tiny arbor or spin
dle passing through the door and into the
Our Locks cnanot be picked or opened by
burglars or expert.-;, (as in case J other
Locks,) and wo will pat from 1,000 toSlO,
000 behind them at any time against an
equal amount. ,- i i ,
The most skillful workmen only are em
ployed. Their work cannot be. excelled.
Hall's Safes and Locks can be relied at all
times. .
They are carefully and thoroughly con
Made in America, or any other country.
To any person who can prove that one of
Kail's patent burglar-proof safes has over
bed broken open and robbed by burglar,
up to the present time.
Agent for Oregon and W. T.
Office with Hawley. Dodd&Co., Portland.
leal Estate Agency
General Intelligence Office,, Or.liUOS.
Dated May 1, 1879.
III fl).
Friday Even'?, May 16, 1879.
8. H. Look, J C. Taylor, Nick Baesen, W. S. Mc
Fadden, T. J. Buford.
John Baker, Al, Pygall, Cy. Powers, J. C. Taylor,
George M. Gerhard.
Myey Harris, M. S. Woodcock, Frank Vincent, Geo
M. Gerhard, Zeph. Job, John Baker.
TICKETS - - - (without supper) - - - 82 00
Music by Brotherhood's Band.
Corvallis, April 17, 1879. . 18:tflw3.
gazette m rams B
As Neat and Cheap a it can be done hy any OiEce on
the Coast.
nut' hkadb,
ball ticki ts,
small posters,
llual planks,
blank notes,
shipping receipts,
ETC. ET. !
sf0rdcr3 by mail promptly filled. Estimates fur-ntihed.
Guardian's alc of Real Prop
of norder UmI.v made by the County Court of
Beaton coaaty. State of Oregon, on tbe sth day of
March, 1873, the same being a day of the regular
Marc!) term oi said County Court, Ranting to the nn-deri-Tntd
a license to ic'.l the real property of V.'ay
inan St. Clair, Inez 1 St. Clair, and Arthur St. Clair,
minor heirs of Wayma.'l St. Clair, deceased, I, M. J.
ISrig-srs, guaniir.n of the perbon and prorty of aiil
minors, will, on
Scnday, the 2Ct.i daf of Hay, 1879,
At the hour of 2 o'clock r. m. of said day, sell at the
Court House door in tile City of Corv..!ns, Benton
county, Oretrou. at Public fsuctEpg, to the bitShest lud
der for U. S. gold coin in hand, to be jrald at time
of sale, the following described real property ot said
minor:,, to-wix : Toe undivided tlu-ee-iilths of lots 11
and li in'BIock 14 of Disoifs Addition to the Citv of
Corealiis, and the undivided thrcc-lifths of lot S in
Block 'I of Dl:ons Addition to the City of Corvallis:
atid also the undivided three-fifths of the undivided 1
of lot 12 in ilioclc 6, in Dixn's Addition to the City
of Corvallis ; and aio the undivided Mu-ee-flfths of
the undivided I of lots; 1 and 2 in Bisek 1 in Dixon's
Addition to the City of Corvallis ; and the undivider
three-fifths of the undivided I oi the south I of a cf .--
j tain piece'ur parcel of land lying east of said b!o- u 1
(.one) oc ng DOunoeo on the north By an tsureu S' reet;
on the west by First or Water street ; oa the so oth by
Jaci'.r:on street; and on the east by tha Wi'amette
ri er ; savinjr, excepting and reserving the ri bt oi
'ay for a public road o'er the northwes'. comer of
the said last above described parcel of 'and to the
ferry on the Willamette river ; and al',o saving and
excepting therefrom the building and improvements
on the two last d ascribed pieces of 'nd. All of said
property above described being situate in Benton
County, Orepon. M. J. BKIGGS,
Guardian of Wavman St. Clair, Inez I. St. Oiur, and
Arthur St. Clair, minor heir of Wayman St. Clair,
Corvallis, April 2, 1S79. 16:17w5.
. Have a complete stock ol
School Books, Stationery, Etc.
We buy for cash, and have choice of the FHESH
EST and PUP.EST Drugs and Medicines tho market
t5XPrescriptions accurately prepared at half the
usual rates. i!mayl(i:I8tf.
office in Corvallis, is prcpui ed to attend to all
i matters in relation to toe Ouyi&rg and scimie; ot
I For any and all parties who will give him a call. Land
1 sold for a rcasi mabie commission, or bought, as parties
1 may wish. Will also attend to Kemo and tuRM
town or country property.
f5rf"Persona bavin;; lands for sale will do well to
send me adeseriptioo of their land, number of acres,
how much plow land, or timber, or (pass, how im
proved, and term, of sale. I will endeavor to assist
any who r:ay wi'h to preempt or homestead land.
By a-dose application to, aud integrity in my bosi
ne.s, I hope to have the patronage of the public at
home and abroad.
I invite all to give me a call.
Corner of Second and Madison Sts., Corvallis.
Corrallis, April 17, lt7i. lOilutf.
Lands! Farms! Homes!
T HAVE FARMS, (Tmr)rovert and unim
I nrovfc,!,) STOJiKS and MILL PKOP
ERTY, very desirrble,
3E1 O 3Et S AXj3. '
These lands are cheap.
Also claims in nnsnrveyed tracts for sale.
Soldiers of the late rebellion who have,
under the Soldiera' Homestead Act, located
and made final proof on less than 1G0 acres,
can dispose of the balance to me.
Write, (with stamps to prepay postage).
Address, R. A. BENSELL,
Newport. Benton County, Oregon.
January 7, 1S78. 16:2tf.
Administratrix Notice of Kes-irnation.
i Marv Rohinett. administratrix of the
estate of Stephen Rohinett, deceased, will.
on eatnrrtay, the JOth day ot May, is,
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. , apply to the
Coontv Court to resien her trust as adminis
tratrix of said estate.
Administratrix of the Estate of iStophen
Rohinett, Heceased'.
Corvallis:, April 10, lo79. 16:15w4,
A. J. FAIRBANKS, Proprietor.
statoTicnts - neatly pnnte atthis office
LOGAN will make the searon, commencing April:
1st and endttg July 1st, 1S79. at Albany and Corvallis
Mondays am; Tuesdays, at Marshall's stables, in Al
bany. Wednesdays, Thursdavs, Fridays and Satur
days of each week, at King's stables, in Corvallis.
Tkris -Season. 825; payable July 1st, cither in
cash or eeeured by note. To insure, 35 ; payable
when the ntareis known to be in foal or disposed of.
Due care taken to prevent accidents, but no liabili
ties MSunied.
I'F-icrniTiox -Logan is five years old; is a veo
han i-wne dapp'e-e,i ay, carries a fine head, beautifully
poise 1 on a long- an hed neck ; deep shoulders and
bro ,ul breast ; large girth ; heavy back and loiB, and
well rounded rump ; has a long body, with plenty of
bone and fr.usele ; legs and feet are perlect ; is a good
traveler, and an c::tra draft horse ; IfiJ hands high ;
weight 1000 iKiunds. "NATHAN BOND,
April 7, 1S79. 10:15m3.
Boarding and Lodging
IV public that he is now prepared, and in readiness
to l:eep such boarders as may choote to give Mm a
call, either by the
Is also prepared to furnish horse feed. Liberal
share of public tatronagc solicited Give us a ralL
Philomath, April 28, 167H. I 16:1M..