The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, March 21, 1879, Page 2, Image 2

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Corvallis, March 21, 1879.
This is a subject which is now en
gaging the attention of the entire
press of California. Column after
column are written upon the impor
tance of a harbor of refuge, and quite
a number ot points are urged as the
proper place for its location. By the
politeness of Capt. J. J. Winant, we
are in receipt of a copy of the sup
plement to the San Francisco Jour
nal of Commerce, of Jan. 22, 1879,
which is filled with well written and
Me articles on Pacific Coast Harbors.
We are not surprised that the prefer
ence, in all these articles, should be
given to California, but we were
somewhat surprised to find mention
made of Rogue River, Port Orford,
Arago, Coos Bay, Umpqna, Siuselaw,
Alsea, Yaqnina Bay, Oster Bay,
Columbia river, and other points, in
Oregon, but not cue word about
Cape Fouhveather, which beyond all
doubt, in any unprejudiced mind, is
the most available and most practi
cable point for a breakwater between
San Francisco and Puget Sound.
Why this omission ? Was it acci
dental ? Of course not. No person,
assuming such perfect knowledge of
harbors of the Pacific coast, should
have been ignorant as to the import
ance of Cape Foulweather in this
connection. There was, evidently, a
design in the utter silence observed
as to the existence of Fouhveather.
While, we say, wc were not sur
prised at the course purs jed by Cali
fornia writers, on this subject, we
were surprised, amazed, confounded,
at the action of the Portland Board
of Trade, at its regular meeting,
Mach 12, in ignoring the existence
of Cape Foulweather, as well as the
culpable ignorance displayed by the
following resolution adopted by that
Board, as found in their proceedings,
published in the Oregonian of the
13th inst., as follows :
Whereas, The report of the U. S. board
of engineers of the Pacific coast shows that
Port Orford, in Oregon, is by nature the
beat located and protected port, and of eas
ier construction at less expense as a harbor
of refuge, occupying as it does a position
midway between San Francisco and Puget
Sound, and consequently of greater utility
and speedier access to vessels in distress pro
ceeding to or from Oregon, Washington ter
ritory, British Columbia and Alaska, than
Trinidad or more southern points in Califor
nia, therefore.
Resolved, That this board do represent
these peculiar advantages to Gen. Hum
phreys, chief of engineers at Washington, to
Col. Gillespie, U. S. engineer at Portland,
and to our senators and representatives in
congress, and respectfully ask them to urge
on the department the selection and adop
tion of Port Orford, or failing which. Coos
Bay, as the place for the construction of the
harbor of refuge ordered by congress for the
Pacific coast ; that the secretary forward
copies of this resolution to the gentlemen
herein named, together with abstracts of the
reports of the board of Engineers on the Pa
cific coast, and Col. Wilson, made to Gen.
We hope every reader of the Ga
zette will compare the statements
of the above resolution with the of
ficial report of R. A. Habersham,
assistant engineer, under direction of
Col. Wilson, as published in the Ga
zette of Feb. 21st. How could this
honorable Board of Trade, which is
supposed to be interested in the com
merce of the entire Stale, resolve
that, the report recently made shows
that " Pout Okfoud, is Oregox, is
as a harbor of refuge?" etc.
Perhaps this Board of trade had
not, at the time of passing the above
resolution, seen the report of Mr.
Habersham. For their benefit, and
others who may have overlooked
some of the most important points,
in that report, we will make a brief
extract, as follows:
There is no question that such a work, if
carried out, would greatly benefit navigation
by affording shelter from southwest gales.
Some such protection is absolutely required.
But a better harbor, at much Jess cost,
would be secured by building a breakwater
from the extreme point of Cape. Foulwea
ther northward, inside of the reef above de
scribed, for a distance of GOO feet. This
would enclose an area of about 100 acres,
under the lee of the cape, with good an
chorage in from 4 to 8 fathoms of water,
having a free entrance from the west 1,200
teet wide. Such a harbor would satisfy the
present necessities, not only as a refuge but
also as a port of entry, Yaquina Bay being
accessible only to light-draught coasting ves
sels ; and it might be enlarged at any future
time, if desired, by extending the breakwa
ter along the reef.
The cost per linear foot of a breakwater
here, on the plan recommended, would be as
nearly as can be estimated from the data ob
tained, as follows, its dimensions being :
Length 600 feet, average depth below low
tide 31 feet.
Ashlar masonry $410 60
Bubble masonry . 126 72
Small rough rubble, 110 cubic
yards, at 32 220 00
Large rough rubble, 59.25 cubic
yards, at $4 237 00
cial report, (no newspaper opinion,)
that a harbor of sufficient capacity
to " 6atlsfy the present necessities,
not only as a refuge, but also as a
port of entry," could be obtained at
Cape Fouhveather, for the paltiy
sum, .in comparison to the advantages
to be gained, for $056,251 20. The
lowest estimate made by Col. Wil
son for such a work, at Port Orford,
is $3,427,000. We leave our readers
to judge which can be constructed
for the least money, according to
Per linear foot .
994 32
Making for its length of 600 feet, 596,592 00
Add for contingences 10 per cent, 59,659 20
Total 656,251 20
Thus it will be seen, from the offi-
Salkm, March 17, 1879.
Editor Gazette : This, among
the Irish citizens, is " the day we
celebrate," and its observance among
that class of people is as universal
and scarcely less enthusiastic than
is that-of the glorious Independence
day of American origin. True it is,
that there are but few localities in
Oregon where it is publicly observed;
but, nevertheless, a thoroughbred son
of Erin's Isle will remember the day
in some manner ostentatiously or
otherwise celebrate it. It is in our
large cities, however, that we see it
more generally observed, and an
Irshman who, on that day, would do
a stroke of work save in cases of dire
necessity would endanger his repu
tation as a true born Celtic. Hen-,
women and children in Oregon's
metropolis, to day, are united in its
celebration and the Irish heart rejoices
at its annual recurrence. The Irish.
as a class, are a mirth-loving and
we might, at the same lime, add a
mirth provoking race, ever ready
with a repartee and brimming full of
wit and originality. The witticisms
of the Celtic race are proverbial and
any one to g3t ahead of a " bog
trotter" must wake up early in the
morning. As citizens, we have few
better. They have, indeed done more
for us, as Americans, than any other
race tif foreigners, and all lovers of
the Union bear in kindly remem
brance their meritorious services dur
ing the late civil war. AH honor,
say we, to the sons of Erin. Their
devotion to the mother country is
commendable, and the heart of the
average American would with them
rejoice in their freedom from thral
dom. We can but admire their ad
hesion to the time honored custom
of celebrating the birth of their pat
ron saint, and the soul stirring Irish
airs played and sung throughout th?
country, to-day will, we feel assured,
cause the American heart to pulsate
with renewed activity. The Irish
citizens of Salem have never, we be
lieve, united in any public observance
of the day, a fact that we have often
wondered at, as we have a number
in our midst who could, were they
to combine their forces, get up a cele
bration every way worthy of thennme.
Well, we were down to Portland
on Friday last, the day of the execu
tion of the far-famtd Johnson and
Brown, the murderers ot the boy
Louis Joseph of that city. The de
tails of the execution have been
vividly portrayed by the omni
present reporters of the daily press
of that city and we need not dwell
upon them. One thing, however,
attracted our attention, and while it
might have elicited the admiration of
a few did, at the same time, excite
the unqualified disapprobation of a
very large majority of the best citi
zona of the place. We allude to the
military display on that occasion.
The three military companies were
ordered out and were in attendance
in full uniform, armed and equipped
as if marching against a foe. Di
rectly southeast, of the court house a
monstrous brass cannon gaped, with
open mouth, at the halls of justice,
and a full fledged battery stood ready
to open fire on the building, fearful
perhaps, that Sheriff Norden and his
deputies might, at the last moment,
weaken, when the bravo soldiers
would be ordered to shoot the whole
top of his head off. A stranger pass
ing down Fourth street would have
imagined Portland the most lawless
city in the whole country and the
military was necessary to maintain
the peace of the city. It appeared
more like a gala day, and men, wo
men and children, with what appear
ed to be a morbid curiosity, crowded
around the jail, apparently desirous
of catchimx a glimpse of the execu
tion. Brass coats, blue buttons, gold
lace, glittering bayonets, bristling
cannon, and white gloves, appeared
to predominate, while the stars and
stripes were humiliated by being,
unwillingly hoisted over the senseless
display. Out upon such torn foolery.
A squad of policemen would have
been well enough, but to orde.r out
our state militia on such an occasion
was bad taste, to-say the very least,
and the gaudy display of fuss and
feathers was disgusting to almost
every one, Portland can now wag
her gory locks at the capital, nd
gloat over her ascendancy in that
she has been honored with two exc
cutions, while Salem has been igno
minously cheated out of her only
opportunity to retaliate.
The calendar of crime has been
light, this week, in our neighborhood
and news of any character are in
great demand. One female, known
as Mollie Rogers, has been arrested
fo? having beguiled an old French
lady into giving her ten dollars in
silver for a confederate note of the
same denomination, under the pre
tense that it was a irold note. Arrest
followed and the case still hangs fire
Work on the capitol building is
progressing finely. Warner, Barker
and Sloat have the contract for paint
ing the iron ornaments on the out
side and are busiiv enuraered in so
doing. Ben. Strang is putting a new
tin roof around the outer edges and
conuectm; it with thecornice beneath.
Hexter and May are putting the iron
cornice rapidly in place, while Tom
Huntington and a force of men are
covering the outer wall with a heavy
coat of cement. J. M. Scott, Esq.
with a force of carpenters, is putting
the finishing touches on the treasur
ei a new apartments which, when
completed, will bo a model of con
venience. By the time the appropria
tion is exhausted the building, so far
as outside apperances are concerned,
will look at least two hundred pe
cent belter.
All that remained mortal of the
late Mrs. Dell Alexander was con
signed to earth yesterday. The
body arrived on the steamer Oregon
and was brought to Salem on Satur
day evening's train and the funeral
took place on the day following
from the M. E. Church, Rev. F. P.
Tower officiating. The building was
filled with relatives and friends, and
the ceremonies were impressive
throughout. The remains were fol
lowed to their last resting place by a
large concourse of people, M. L.
Chaniberlin, C. B. Moores, H. II
Gilfry, J. A. Stratton, John W. Rol
and and A. T. Yeaton, acting as pall
bearers for the occation. Peace to
her ashes.
The Govenor has made the follow
ing executive appointments since '.
wrote you last: Notaries Public.
James Riley, Harisburg; A. J. Ham
ilton, Beaverton; II. B. Nicholas.
Portland and C. VV. Fitch of Eugene
Cify. Military commissions have
been issued as follows: Isaac Jacks
Captain, J. E. Coleman 1st Lieut, and
J. E. Glasscock 2nd Lieut Company
"F" Second Retriment Third Brigade
Oregon State Militia, with headquar
lers in Umatilla county.
Articles of Incorperation have been
filed as follows: The Columbia
Canning Companv of Portland,
James Laidlaw, C. W. lEgguis, and
James Strang incorporators ; Capital
stock $20,000. Tile Bridze Creek
Road and Bridge Company of Was
co county; Incorporators, S. P. Law
rence Mary J. Helms and John
Helms; Capital stock $1000. Port
land Schutzen Verien; Incorporators,
W. Suhuitz, Chris. Schloth, A. A.
Colin, Peter Esser and E. G. Gart
ner; capital slock $100; object to per
fect sharpshooting and the general
development of body and mind.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Calvert of this
city celebrated the fifteenth anniver
sary of their wedding last eveiiinr
and entertained a number of friends.
The base hull clubs are reorganizim"
for the coming season, the Acme and
Eagle club having just held their an
nual election.
Sheriff Jos. A. Baker and his es
timable lady lost their son Frank yes
terday, a lad of some ten years of
Efforts are being made to induce
Rev. May, of Portland to visit this
city and deliver his lecture on the
Dame Rumor insists that Judge
Harding, of this Dintiict, contem
plates resigning his position on the
bench, and that His Excellency the
Govenor will appoint R. S. Slrahan,
of Albany, to fill the vacancy.
Tardy Justice. The Oregonian
says a private dispatch from Mr. J,
D. Holman, who has been at Wash
ington City for some weeks past,
states that the bill long pending
which passed the senate last session
awarding him $25,000 has finally
passed the house. This claim was
for improvements on the Pacific City
site, which Mr. Holman owned and
which, on the establishment of a mil
itary post at Cape Disappointment,
was appropriated by the government.
No doubt of its justice was ever sup
posed, but circumstances of impor
tant legislation, and the business of
the civil war before congress made all
other matters unbordinate, and this
among them Buffered tedious and un
just delay.
There is much good land" still open for
settlement on the Siuslaw, m the southern
part of the State.
The Last Hours of the Doomed
On last Friday, March 14, 1879, at
2:22 p. M., two of the O'Shea robbers
and the murderers of the boy Louis
Joseph, paid the penalty of their
crimes upon the gallows in Portland
the second execution in that city
We make the following extracts'from
the Oregonian s account of the terri
ble tragedy, from the issue of March
15th :
Dark, sombre clouds hunt; over the city
yesterday like a pall; fit emblem of the trag
edy that ws enacted, for in comfonnity
with the sentence imposed upon them, James
Johnson and Archie Brown paid the penalty
of their misdeeds upon the scaffold. Nei
ther of the men are represented by their
right name. Brown's true name is Eugene
L. Avery, as is not well known. That of
James Johnson is also assumed, but his real
name is known to hut few, and though in
possession of all the facts in his life we do
not feel called upon to divulge them for the
sake of gratifying public curiosity. With
us he shall live and die as James Johnson.
His mother is still ignorant of the fate of her
son, and the bitter truth will never be bro
ken to her if possible to hide the unfortunate
closing of his life. We also ileal with Avery
as "Archie Brown, "the namehehad assumed.
His history is better known to out readers
and need not he repeated in this article.
Both men arc twenty-five years of age, and
before the enactment of the crime that was
yesterday paid for by their lives had served
a term in the State prison of California at
San Queutin. Both are of respectable par
entage, the family of Johnson residing in
California and moving in the best society ;
that of Brown at Watertown, Wisconsin.
It had been hoped by many of their friends
that a commutation of sentence would be
granted them, but all efforts in this direction
failed and those found guilty of the killing
of young Louis Joseph having expiatert their
crime. The preparations made fur their exe
cution were perfect in every detail. The
scaffold was erected on the south side of the
court house and enclosed by a high stockade
fence, completly hiding from view the trag
edy enacted within its walls. The streets
in the vicinity for hours prior to the time of
the execution were filled by many, who,
drawn there by curiosity, appeared reluctant
to pass on, and stood intently gazing at the
unsightly stockade that surrounded the hor
rid instrument of death.
At 8 o'clock in the morning the various
military companies assembled at their armo
ries in full uniform, and at noon were as
signed to the stations ahout the court house
square. The Emmett Guard, City Ritlos,
Portland Battery and Washington Guards
were on guard duty. Cannon were planted
at the corner of the streets and the bristling
bayonets and glittering uniforms gave the
streets in the neighborhood a decided milita
ry aspect. A great crowd of citizens were
gathered about the court house, at least
3,000, and 200 or 300 Chinamen, who rang
ed themselve? on the sidewalks and appeared
greatly interested in the proceedings. As is
generally known, the men ha t been hitnerto '
sentenced to he hung and were respited by
Governor Thayer.
The coridor of the jail Thursday night
presented a mournful appearance. The dim
glare of the lights hut added to the solem
nity. The cells of Brown and Johnson were
furnished with caudles for their convenience.
But very few were allowed to enter the cor
idor, as both the prisoners had expressed a
wish to be allowed to remain in quiet. Ihose
who gained access were friends of the men
or .representatives of the press. Brown
passed the greiter part ot the mglit in writ
ing letters to Ms motner ami otner relatives.
At half-past nine he called Jaiier Barry to
his cell door and aske 1 for a pairof scissors.
Poor boy, he wished to cut a lock of hair
from his head to send home the last me
mento from an erring son to a heart broken
but ever loving mother. In conversation
later with a representative of this paper.
Brown desired it st ited that while he felt
that he had been guilty of a grave crime
one that deserved severe punishment he
thought that grjat public prejudice had been
more instrumental in sending pun to me
gallows than the law. He said :
The boy. I did not even see him. During
hi3 conlmement, Brown further remarKert,
he had received the best treatment from the
jail offieials. Toward Sheriff Ben Nor leu
and the jailer, Jame3 Birry, he entertained
the best of feelings. Since his incarceration
every wisli that he made manifest had leen
cordially complied with and since their sen
tence every want expressed had been furn
ished. As the hours passed on Brown dis
played considerable nervousness iind some
agitation as slowly but surely the time drew
nearer when he was to hid the last farewell
to earth and friends 10 answer for his crime.
Johnson, throughout the night, displayed
the greatest fortitude. He smoked cigars,
conversed freely with the representatives of
this paper, but expressed his disgust in
strong terms toward some of the reporters
whom he thourfit were promoted in the ar
ticles appearing in their papers ahout thein,
by malicious motives. He thought that his
being made to suffer death was wrong, and
reiterated his former statements that he had
nothing to do with killing the boy ; that he
did not have a pistol at that time and even
did not stiike O'Shea in the pawn shop. In
this statement he is supported by Brown.
During the early part of the night Johnson
appeared a little restless, as though waiting
to hear from his friends, whom he knew were
working in his behalf. Toward Mr. Thom
as Shortell, who has greatly interested him
self in his behali, Johnson appeared especial
ly grateful, and in coneraing on the subject
said :
To me in my trouble, even more than a
brother, if possible. On learning that the
telegraph office had been closed at Salem for
the night and no favorable tidings had been
received, he quietly resumed his seat in the
corner of his cell and. with bowed head and
clasped hands, appeared to give himself up
to deep meditation. At about ten o'clock,
Kev. .bather rierens, who had spent a
greater portion of the day with both the
prisoners, again called to administer to them
spiritual consultation. Sisters Thresea and
Josephine, of St. Vincent's Hospital, also
spent yesterday afternoon with the coudem
ed men, ministering to their spiritual wants.
In the earlier portion of the nisdit the two
prisoners had the following order drawn up
regarding the final disposition of their
bodies :
Portland, March 13, 1879.
Sheriff Ben Korden:
Dear Sir Yon will confer a great favor
by delivering our bodies to Thoma3 Shortell.
or his father. This our last request.
Witnesses : tw.
I 'J . WHAIlVla
Shortly after midnight Brown and John
son laid down upon their pallets and went
to sleep, x heir slumbers tor a while were
all that one in their pitiful condition could
have asked for ; sound and peaceful, as if
no thought whatever of anything beyond
haunted their sleeping vision. For an hour
or two.
Undisturbed, when Johnson became restless,
and from then until morning dawned sleep
forsook him. He complained some of feel
ing sick and all efforts to seek repose were
futile. Brown slept well until morning and
ate a hearty breakfast, but Johnson could
not partake of food. Early in the morning
Sistere Thresea and Josephine were an
nounced and were admitted to the corridor.
Later Rev. W. C. Chattin, the city mission
ary of the Methodist church, visited the
prisoners and conversed with them for some
time. Johnson discarded all religious belief
and seem3d firm in his conviction that there
was no hereafter. Brown appeared to be
somewhat impressed with the words of the
clergyman and priest, and both unite in
praise of Dr. Chattin for the strong friend
ship he has shown them. Father Fierens
was also well received, but as to other of the
clergy who visited them they spoke in se
vere terms, denouncing them, as unchristian
like and apparently anxious that they should
be hung.
At 10 o'clock yesterday morning Sheriff
Norden sent the following dispatch to Sa
lem :
Portland, March 14, 1879.
To IF. W Thayer, Salem : The execution
is set for 1 o'clock. Have you any further
communication to mike regarding Brown
and Johnson'. BEN. L. NORDEN,
In answer to- the above the- following tele
gram was received at 11:30 o'clock :
Salem, March 14, 1879.
To B. L. Noidsn, Sheriff Multnomah
County : Nothing more than this : Execute
the warrant. W. W. THAYER.
With the reception of the foreg -ing dis
patch the last nickering spark of hope ex
pired, ami the doomed men, on hearing the
edict, resigned themselves to their fate.
At twenty minutes to two this afternoon
the cell doors were unlocked, and Johnson
and Brown stepped out to meet their death.
Sheriff Ben Norden, Deputy Sheriff William
Church, Jr., and Jailor James Barry accom
panied them. Rev. W. C. Chattin attended
them to the scaffold. Ascending the thir
teen steps the prisoners were given seats
upon the platform, and Sheriff Norden read
to them the death warrant and reprieve of
the governor amid perfect silence.
.Sheriff Norden was visibly affected
throghout the reading, and none envied
him his position yesterday as sheriff.
Brown was dressed in blue clothes, white
shirt and collar, and English walking shoes.
He was bareheaded, but his hair was nicely
combed. He wore, no necktie. Johnson
seemed to have but little regard to his ap
pearance, and wore a gray shirt, brown
pants, a dark coat and neatly embroidered
slippers. As the death warrant was being
read Johnson sat in his chair with great
composure. Brown nervously played with
his fingers, but intently listened to all that
was read to him. At the conclusion of the
reading of the warrant and reprieve Sheriff
Norden turned to the prisoners and said :
It is this, gentlemen, that causes the pro
ceedings to-day to take place. Have you
anything to say now ?
Johnson " T have nothing."
Brown "Well, I don't know but what I
have a few words to say." Brown then
and said : "Gentlemen, yon see before you
a man that has caused a trreat deal of excite
ment in Oregon. In California six months
ago I was chief of a gang of robbers, and
left there to come to Oregon to see what I
could spot. 1 was to return and with others
was to undertake to rob the bnk of Mc
Laughlin, in ban Jose. I wo ispani.",ru3, a
white man and myself were to do this. I
wili never tell who they are who were with
me in this. ;'
Johnson, interrupting Brown. Tell them
if I was in any way concerned in it.
Brown, resuming "Johnson had noth
ing to do with it in any way." We were to
rob that bank at all hazards. I was the
captain and chief of the band. I was the
one to say go, an 1 when I said go, they
would go, you bet. 1 have faced death in
every shape, manner and form, and no one
ever made me take water. The fifth day
after I got out of San Quentin, I was out
late at night, seeing what I could do in
" hanging up" or garroting any one. While
p issing the "Hole in the Wall," near the
City Hall. I was met by an old German, a
good sized man, weighing about 180 pounds
He sail he had jn3t been robbed and grab
bing me by the shoulders said, ' I believe I
was robbed by you.' He aked me where
he could find a policeman. I cave him "a
stall" and pushed him over. He caught me
again by the collar with both hands, and I
struck him on the jaw. The blow only
ftaggared him an 1 he started to run after
me. He was a good runuor. I intended to
go to Chinatown, but he followed me too
close. He ran like a deer. I am pretty
good at running myself, but he caught up
and raised his cane to strike me. I dodged
the blow and the man fell to the sidewalk
near the curb stone. I continued to run
and a policeman accosted mo near the Bella
Union theater, telling ms to stop or he
would shoot. I did not stop and 1 reached
the Pacific Mail dock all right. 1 had to
leave there no one in Christ's world God's
world (1 take that other word bvck), would
believe but what I had been the one to rob
that man. They would have said :
No ' fancy business' would have been stood,
so I had to leave. I went to the Seventeen
Mile House, near Shell Park ; I stopped
there for a drink of water : the man asked
me if I wanted a job, and I told him I did
not care much.
Sheriff Norden Brown, do you wish to
recite every incident of your life it is now
a few minutes past two o'clock ; will you be
through by half p st two ?
Brown ye3, I guess so. I will simply
say, I am a noted highwayman, a great rob
ber 1 am guilty of every crime. I will
say to the young men, listen to your moth
ers. If you do, you will not meet the doom
I am to. I would like to sing a song.
Brown here sang the old song of "John
Rogers," commencing :
Reciting murders committed by the hero of
the ballad, the thanks of the suppose:! at
torneys of the man and the kindness shown
to John Rogers as a prisoner.
At the conclusion of the singing of the
dogneral Brown again said, " I. die feeling
penitent, I solemnly declare. God bless the
voimu- men. Mr. Norden, if you have no
objection I would like to sing another song.
Sheriff Norden Certainly.
Brown then sang "Trials by Jury," an
other of the sam? class ot songs as the first.
At the close of the fifth verse he studied
for a minute and remarked, " Guess I've
forgot the rest no, no, here it is" and then
continued the song to its conclusion and in
formed the sheriff he was through.
Sheriff Norden Go on, Mr. Brown, if
you want to.
Brown "Just think of my poor mother
to-day. My many kind friends who have
tried to save my life may God bless yon,
may God bles3 you, God "bless you. I think
I am reconciled to go. I know there is a
right and wrong. My dear young men do
not do wrong, or you will surely regret it.
We all have our trials and tribulations.
That poor boy I killed, I did not know I
killed him until ten days after. I thought
Sprague was armed when I fired at him. I
intended to kill him, I aimed at his heart.
You all know that self-preservation is the
first law of nature. I have saved many
lives in my time, once a young lady from
being raped, but I was captain and chief
and I made all that crossed me take water.
I was raised by christian parents, but was
reckless and wild, after 1 came to Colorado.
I did not listen to their teachings, and now
I am here to-day. Would to God I had
listened to my mother's teachings, but I
went from worse to worse, the companions
of short card players, thieves, gamblers,
counterfeiters and worse."
Johnson here interrupted Brown, saying :
"Brown, I wish you would speak to the
point, if you have anything to say ; this
suspense is terrible to me."
Brown (continuing) "There is a God,
a hereafter ; turn your hearts to Him ; I
associated with bad characters ; I never
feared death in any form. There is not many
that can say that.
who is an infidel. There is no logic in that.
Johnson, 1 am sorry for you. I would say
to all, join a church no matter wdiat de
nomination, if you believe in? a God. You
will never regret it. If Johnson had come
to the front like a soli I man we would not
be on this scaffold to-day. I had confidence
in them both, Swards and him". I was m
guard for three days after we left trie pawn
shop. When Swards was taken I heard the
men with bim give themselves away, saying
they were from Portland and were going to
Astoria. That was a "fly racket, wasn't
it?" I do not think that Sprague would
dare to meet me face to face with a weapon,
I do not think he would dare to arre3t me
now if I should escape, or any two or three
of the officers, though they are pretty goood
Oh, God ! think of my sad; fate listen
to my advice, young men. Oh; that' I had
listened to my mother's voice. I hold no
grudge against the governor for not saving
my life. God directed hi3 actions.
Brown here took leave of his counsel and
Sheriff Norden then again asked Johnson
if he had anything to say.
Johnson stepped up on the drop, and in a
perfectly cool and dignified manner said ;
Gentlemen : I have not been, a desperate
man. I crave no notoriety. I want yon all
to know, and all the world to know, that I
die the victim of judicial murder: He then
shook hands with all the officers and others,
and at Brown's request, wi th him, though
apparently with some reluctance, as though
thoroughly disgusted with him after his
speech, made in the very shadow of death
In accordance with the provisions of the
state statutes requirin ' a sheriff's- iury of
twelve men to be present and witness the
execution, and afterward certify to the same,
the following persons were selected as wit
nesses to attest the legality of the proceed
ings r Eirgeue D. White, Geo. C. Sears, L.
C. Potter. Leonard Stark, J. M. Oilman, L
Besscr, P. Leonard, J. C. Stuart, Win.
Showers, &. E. Bothwick, C. J. Graham
and Chas. B. Bartell.
Upon the scaffold the press reporters
were funrnished 'with seats and enjoyed an
uninterrupted view of all the proceedings.
The following papers were represented :
rew York Pblice Netes Salem Statesman,
Frankfurter Zeitung. Germany ; Inland Em
pire. S-'attle Intelligencer, Hiflsboro Inde
pendent. Ore; .titan. Telegram, Standard, Bee,
New Kurt Incest and the California Associated
The following county officers and ex
officials were also within the inclosure :
Sheriff Crossen, of Waseo county ; Sheriff
Hogan, of Douglas; Sheriff Baker, of Ma
rion ; Chief Besser, of the city police force
John Minto, city marshal of Salem ; ex
Chief of Police Lappeus, and ex-Sheriff
At the conclusion of Johnson's remarks
the officers in attendance strapped the legs
of the men together, fastened their hands
at the back and drew black cloth caps over
their hea ls. The ropes were then adjusted.
While Sheriff Norden was arranging the
rope about Johnson's neck he said, " Take
your time Ben. don't be impatient." These
were his last words. At the very last Brown
declared that he died a Chiisfian, and his
last utterance was a plea to his lellow vic
tim to believe in Christ.
When all was ready Rev. W. C. Chattin,
who attended on the scaffold, made a brief
prayer, and as he uttered " Amen," precise
ly at twenty-two minutes past two o'clock,
Both men appeared to have been immedi
ately killelbythe fall, only a slight m-ove
ment being observable, Doctors R. O. Rex
an 1 VV. Hi Saylor. who were in atten lance,
stoo l by the hanging bodies, and at the ex
piration of aliout half an hour th :y were
pronounced deid, an 1 cut down. Johnson's
pulse beat fourteen minutes ; Brown's neck
was slightly fractured anl at the expiration
of seven minutes all signs of life hot pass
ed. The bodies were placet' in black wooll
en s.offiii3 and taken immediately to the undertakers.
in the synagogue and military hospital ar
without foundation. "
The Hungarian minister of finance left for
Szegedm with 200,000 florins to be distrib
uted among sufferers of the mundation.
1 he greater part of the town of Szegedin
was destroyed and several hundred people
perished. Relief parties are actively at
work succoring survivors No official report
of the extent of the calamity has yet been
Vienna, March 14. Six steamers and 20
tugs left Pesth for Szegedin.
Six thousand persons are still surronnded
by water at Szegedin.
SziaiEpiN, March 14. -The government
authorities report 300 persons have beea
drowned. At noon Thursday there were
still persons on the roofs of hosses and in
trees. Some persons diet! from exposure to
the cold. A number of incendiaries have
been arr-sted. The towns of Crongrad at
the confluence of the rivers Theiss and
Koros, 32 milts north- of Szegedin, and
Szentes, two miles nearer Szegediur ate also
New York, March 15. A tramp bill wa
passed by the Albany assembly yesterday
after considerah'e opposition, Jwincipally
from this city delegation. It iajfeteled on
toe New Hampshire law, whUaHfeu-ed the
state- of tramps. It makes theffinishment
of tramps six months-in the penitentiary.
The extension of East Side Elevated road
through Chatham street opens on Monday,
and completes the chain of rapid transit front
City Hall to Harlem. It is reported that a
large capitalist is about buying one thou
sand acres of land in- Westchester county,
and will erect 4,000 cottages for sale to-'
clerks, mechanics and others for $Ir000 each.
Other movements in the same direction, to
make We3tcheiter property availfblefor the
relief of the pressure of the population in
this city, arc proposed as the result of rapid
Lumber is in great demand at Pendleton ;
several new buildings will be put up as soon.
as the necessary lumber can be produced.
The Flood at Szegedin The CMy Crumb
ling away Distress of the Inhabitants
Ue'Aet of SuH'crers.
London, March 12. The Daily .Vciot' spe
cial from Szegedin says : Since the last tel
egram the water has risen in the town five
feet. The situation is becoming worse and
worse. Sixty thousand persons are without
roof to cover them. It is feared the loss of
life has been very great and it will increase
during this terrible night. The foregoing,
coming dire jtly from the spot, is probably
more trustworthy than the official account
previously received from Pesth. Violent
attacks in the Hungirian diet possibly caused
the government to make its report of the
disaster as favorable as possible. Accounts
of the disaster received from Vienna say the
upper floors of all high houses are crammed
with people in momentary fear of death. It
is thought some few houses which are built
of stone may stand.
Pesth, March 13. The latest report from
a special government commissioner at Sze
gedin says that be.siile3 the four corpses
which have been brought in more are re
ported. One hundred square mile3 in the neighbor
hood of Szegedin are flooded. rops in the
district are lost. The government has sent
df( (inn Hnrina fnr thp relief of the inhabit
ants. Radicals in the diet violently attack
the government for neglecting to take pre
cautions to prevent the calamity.
Several fires have occurred, and there are
3trong suspicions of incendiarism. The wa
ter is yet rising, but the communication to
ward Temesvar is still open. The irruption
of the waters came so suddenly that work
men barely had time to reach town. Ample
provision of boas has been made through
out the town, but it is feared that sueh an
inundation happening in the depth of njght
cannot but drown many persons. Tele
graphic communication with Szegedin was
interrupted during a great part of Wednes
day until evening. . . .
E-ening The danger in Szegedin is in
creasing. Rescuing boats continually strike
ruins so that in many case3 to rescue suffer
ers is impossible. A boat capsized by which
seven women were drowned. A yio.ent
storm is raging and the flood is contiuiially
rising, and is now two feet above the level
of Theiss. Unsubmerged area has been re
duced to 600 square metres, which contin
ually decreases. At the first irruption of
the water 35 soldiers were drowned. I he
state railway carried gratuitously 10,000 fu
gitives yesterday.
Summarizing official and private accounts
from Szegedin the dead must amount to
many hundreds. It is impossible to make a
close estimate as the number buried under
the ruins cannot yet be ascertained, lhe
houses built of sun-dried bricks continued to
collapse long after the inrush of the flood.
The work of feeding and removing the suf
ferers is now proceeding with great ardor.
Sensational stories of hundreds being bnned
Capital - - 3,000.000.
Pacipic Branch,
No. 210 Sansome St.TS.Fn Cal-
Agency for Oregon and W. Terrritory with"
II AW LEY, DODO & CO., Portland.
Have been tested by the most disatrous coiv-rlagrations-in
the couatry.
They are thoroughly fire-proof.
They arc free from dampness;
Their superiority is beyond question.
Although alxrot 150,000 of these safes are.'
now in use, and hundreds have been tested.
by some of tha most disastrous conflagrations '
in the country, there is not x single instance-,
on record wherein one of them ever failed-'
to pi t-serve its contents perfectly.
Have never been broken open and robbed by'
burglars or robbers.
H ill's burglar work is protected By letters
patent, and his work cannot be equaled lawfully.
His patent bolt work is superior to any vat
Hia patent locks cannot lie picked by the
most skillful experts or btirglars.
Uy one of the greatest improvement
known, the Oioss Automatic Movement, our
locks are operated without any arboror spin
dle passing through the door and into the
Oitr Locks can-act be picked or opened by
burglars or experts, (as in case of other
Locks.) ami wo will put from $1,000 to$10,
000 behind them at any time against an
equal amount.
The most skillfnl workmen only are eir..
ployed. Their work cannot be excelled..
Hall's Safes and Locks can be relied at alt
They are carefully ami thoroughly con
Mad in America, or any other country..
To any person who- can prove that oe of
Hall's patent burglar-proof safes has ever
been broken open and robbed by burglars,
up to the present time.
Agent for Oregon and W. T.
Office with Hawley, Dodd & Co., Portland.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot Ore
gon, for Benton county, Thomas Thrasher.
Plaintiff, vs. Catharine '1 hrashcr, Defendant.
Suit in equity for a divorce,
JL above named defendant, in the name ot
the State of Oregon, you are hereby sum-,
moned and required to appear and answer
tli e complaint of said plaintiff', ia-th above
entitled suit, now on hie in the office of the
Clerk of said Court at, o- before the next
term of said Circuit Court, to be holden at
i Corvallis in said eounty, on. the second
Monday in April, 1879. And you are here
by notified that if you fail to answer said
complaint, as herein required, the plaintiff
will take judgment against yon for the want
thereof and will apply to the Court for the.
relief demanded in the eomplaint, to-wit : A
decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now existing between yon and
the plaintiff, and for costs and disbursements
of this suit. This summons is published by
order of Hon. J. F. Watson, Judge of said
Court, bearing date Feb. 28, 1879.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
Dated Feb. 28, 1879 16:9w6
State of Oregon for Benton County.
Lpesa A. Johnsow, ) Plaintiff,
Newton C. Johnson, ) Defendant.
To Newton C. Johnson, the above named
Defendant : In the name of the State of
Oretron. von are hereby summoned and re
quired to appear and answer the complaint
of said Plaintiff in the above entitled suit
now on tile in the office of the Clerk of said
Court, on or before the next term of said
Circuit Court to lie holden at Corvallis, in
said connty, on the second Monday of April,
A. D. 1879. And yon are hereby notified
that if you fail to answer said Complaint as
herein required, the Plaintiff will apply to
saiil court for the relief demanded in the
complaint. The object of said suit is a di
vorce from the bonds of matrimony now ex.
isting betweenplainliff and defendant. Pub
lished by order of Hon. J. F. Watson, Judge,
at chambers, on the 8th day of October, 1878,
Dated this 6th day of February. A D.
1879. F. A. CHENOWETH,
21febl6:8w6. Pl'fFs Attorney.