WEEKLY m&m GAZETTE. Corvallis, March 7, 1879. SENATOR BLAISE ON THE Chinese Restriction BilL ByTelegraph to the Oregonian "Sew York, Feb. 24. Senator J G. Blaine, of Maine, prints in the Tribune a three column letter in reply reflections by Williaiit Lkyd Gar rison upon the senators who votetl for the bill restricting Chinese immi gration. Ih this letter he calmly and forcibly reviews the whole question, and conclusively justifies his vote Upon substantially the following grounds : First That although the Burlin game treaty specially reprobates any other than voluntary immigration, there has not been IVotn the outset any immigration of Chinese to this country in the sense which immigra tion comes to us from Europe. It has all been under contract and through agencies, and if not in every respect of the coolie type, the entire immigration from China has had the worst and most demoralized features of eoolieism. Second That of the 125,000 Chi nese in the Pacific coast States and Territories, fnlly nine tenths are male adults without families, and the Chinese women in this country are almost all of the base description. If, says Blaine, as a nation we have the right to keep out infections diseases; it vfe have the right to exclude crim inal classes from corning to us, we surely possess the right to exclude that immigration which reeks with impurity and which cannot come to US without plenteously sowing seeds of immoral and physical disease, des titution and death. Third Chinese immigration to California began with American im migration in 1848. The two races Have been side by side for more than thirty years nearly an entire gener ation and not one step toward as similation has been taken. All im migration from Europe to-day assim ilates at once with its own blood on this soil, and to place Chinese coolies on the same footing is to shut one's eyes to all instincts of human nature and all teachings of history. Blaine then describes the Chinese modeof lifein California, and inquires: Isit not inevitable that a class of men, living in this degraded and filthy condition and on the poorest food, can work for less than the American laborer is entitled to receive for his daily toil ? Put two classes of labor side by side and cheap servile labor pulls down more manly toil to its level. The free white laborer never could compete with the slave labor of the South. In the Chinaman the white laborer finds only another form of servile competition, in some aspects more revolting and corrupting than African slavery. Whoever contends for unrestricted immigration of Chi nese coolies contends for that system of toil which biights the prospects of the white la-borer, dooming him to starvation wages, killing Ins ambition by rendering the struggle hopeless, and ending in plodding and pitiable poverty. Fourth Blaine informs Garrison that the late Caleb Cashing, who had carefully studied the Chinese-question ever since his mission to Pekin in 1842, maintained that unless resisted by the United States, the first general famine in China would be followed by an emigration to California that would swamp the white race. Fifth After quoting the testimo ny of T. W. Jackson and others to show that if the Chinese felt that they were safe and had a firm footing in California, they would come in enormous numbers because the popu lation of China is inexhaustible, Mr. Blaine say: The decision of Con gress on this matter therefore becomes of very , great importance. Had it Been in favor of Chinese immigration, with the encouragement and protec tion which that would have implied, it requires no vivid imagination to foresee that the great slope between the Sierra and Pacific would become emigrating ground for the Chinese Empire, so that I do not at all exag gerate when I say that on abrogation or rejection of the policy passed upon by Congress, hangs the fate of the Pacific slope, whether its labor shall be that of American free men or servile Mongolians. If Mr. Garrison thinks the interests of his own countrymen, his own Govern ment, and, in a siill larger sense the interests of humanity and civilization will be promoted by giving up the Pacific States to Mongolian labor, I beg respectfslly but firmly to differ from him. There is no giound on which we are bound to receive them tcour own detriment. Chanty is the first of the Christian graces, but Mr. Garrison would not feel obliged to receive into his family a person who Wonld physically contaminate or morally corrupt his children. As With' a family, so with nations the same instinct of selt-preservation ex ists the same right to prefer the interests of our own people, the same duty to exclude that which is cor rupting and dangerous to the republic. Senator Blaine maintains that the outcry that we are violating our treaty obligations is without any foundation. Besides showing that China has not observed the treaty articles concerning voluntary emi gratkm, he cites ample authorities to show that our Government possesses the clear right to abrogate the whole or any part of the treaty if it is found pernicious to the State. He shows that there was no difference of opin ion in the Senate on this point, and and that the Cockling proposition rested upon it and announced it coupled with a threat. In the next place, Blaine remarks, a great deal has been said about dan ger to our trade if China should resort to some form of retaliation. The natural and pertinent mode of retaliation is to restrict American emigration to China. Against that we will enter no protest, and should have no right to do so. The talk about China closing her ports to our trade is made only by those who do not understand the question. Last year the total amount of our exports to all China ports out side of Hongkong was but 002,000. I have called Hongkong a Chinese port, but every child knows that it is under British control, and if we were at war with China to day Hongkong would be as open to us as Liverpool To speak of China punishing us by suspending trade is only the sugges tion of dense ignorance. We pay China an immense balance in coin, and probably we always shall do it; but if the trade question bad the im portance which some erroneously at tribute to it I. wonld not seek. its con tinuance by permitting a vicious im migration of Chinese coolies. The Bristol merchants cried out that our oommerce would be ruined if Eng land persisted in dest roying the slave trade, but history does not record that England sacrificed her honor by yielding to the cry. Blaine shows that the enlightened religious sentiment of the Pacific coast views with profound alarm the tendency and effect of unrestricted Chinese immigration. After quoting the address of the California Congre gational churches on this subject, he says that in regard to the process of converting and christianizing these people, a missionary who hail been in the field since 1849, testifies that not one in a thousand have even nomi nally professed a change from heath enism, and of this small number nearly one-half had been taught in missionary sclioois in China. The same missionary says that as they come in still larger numbers, they will more effectually support each other in their national peculiarities, ! 'mil t!iv will twH-sunt still more con firmed in heathen immoralities. With an influence in every IT spec t incalcu lably bail, under what possible sense of duty any American can feel that he promotes Christianity, by the process of handing California over to heathenism, is more than I am able to discover. No one connected in any manner with the Government of the Repub lic, can view the situation without grave concern. At least nine large States of the South are disturbed by race troubles of which no man is yet wise enough to see the end. The central and largest and wealthiest of our territories is seized by a polyga mous population which flaunts defi ance in the face of the General Gov ernment. Discontent among unem ployed thousands has already mani fested a spirit of violence, and but recently arrested travel between the Atlantic and ' Mississippi by armed mobs which defied three States and commanded the great trunk lines of railway to cease operations. Practi cal statesmanship uTould suggest that the Government of the United States has its hands full, and that nothing but sheer recklessness will force upon the American population of the Pa cific slope the odious contamination of the lowest -grade of the Chinese race. j It may be attempted, but in my I judgment it will lead to direful results, in which violence, murders and massacres will be terribly fre quent, Let it be proclaimed here now that the General Government will support and maintain unrestricted immigration ot Chinese coolies, and in less than five years a larger military force than the existing army of the United States will be required to keep the peace on the Pacific slope. I feel and know that I am pleading the cause ot the free American laborer, and of his children and his children's children. It has been well said that it is the cause of the house against the hovel, of the comforts of the free man against the squalor of the slave. It has been charged that my posi tion would arraign labor saving ma chinery and condemn it. This answer is not only superficial, it is also absurd. Labor saving machinery has multi plied power to pa', has developed new wants, and has continually en larger the area of labor and con stantly advanced the wages of the laborer But survile toil has always dragged free labor to its lowest level and has stripped it of one privilege after another, until it was helpless and lippeless. Whenever that con dition comes to the free laborer, America as a republic of equal rights is gone and we shall live under the worst of oligarchies, that of mere wealth, whose profit only measures the wretchedness of unpaid toilsmen that produce it. Senator Blaine concludes his letter as follows : "This Chinese question connects itself intimately and inseper aoly with the labor question. Their immigration is encouraged by some openly and by many secretly, because their labor is cheap. The experiment is a most danderous one in a Repub lic where the man who works carries a ballot in his hands. It will not do for capitalized wealth to legislatefor cheap labor; we do not want cheap labor; we do not wand dear labor; we want labor at fair rates, at rates that shall give the laborer his fair share and the capitalist his fair sham. If more is sought by capital, less will be in the end realized. There is not a laboring man from the Pe nobscot to the Sacramento who would not feel aggrieved, outraged, burden ed, crushed, by being forced into competition with the labor and wages of the Chinese coolie. Years ago Mr. Carlyle said to an American friend, 'you will have no trouble in your country as long as you have few people and much land, but when yon have much people and little land your trials will begin.' " MX AO.tlAI.OI S POSITION. We have in this State a Governor, who was elected to that honorable position -by the suff rages of the Dem ocratic party ; a life-long Democaat himself; he look into his ' councils, so far as possible, well known Demo crats, but aff r five month's adminis tration we find him unsupported by the. organs of the party. The papers that, were loudest in their professions of support before the election, are now swift to denounce, and why? It is not charged that he has proven a traitor to Democratic dogmas ; it is not chamed that he has been truiltv of any high crimes or misdemeanors; it is not charged that he. is conspiring against the best interestsof the Stale or attempting to defraud the people in any particular. But alas, he has been guilty of conspiracy with honest men to ferret out corruption in high places, and bring to justice those who have betrayed the trusts confided in them. For this Governor Thayer must go to the wall. It was not enough that he RDDointed two of Tilden's cinher i t dispatch agents to positions of hon or; it is not enough that each fac tion ot the party has been considered in the matter of making appoint ment's. He has shocked the modesty of partisan chivalric friends by at tempting ,o make his living by prac ticing his profession instead of steal ing from the State. It looks now very much as though the Governor would have to run in a crowd by himself and stand isolated and alone in the midst of a throng ingmultitude. Go back he cannot go forward well, we shall see. Sa lem Statesnmn. To Get the '.N.t Out of Life. Rev. O. B. Frothiiigham has an article on this stibject in the Herald of Health, horn which we quote par agraphs of excellent counsel : Length of days is still one of the criteria of a good life, for it implies temperance, frugality, counlinence, regard for the conditions of prosperi ty. Is one desirous of obtaining this blessing? Then must he practice moderation in pleasure, cultivate the virtues of prudence and obedience, cherish simplicity, abstain from ener vating vices, avoid unseemly violence, repress anarchical and tempestuous dispositions. He must study peace and good will, and thus substitute economy of force for waste, encour aciinir the powers that build up. Rea- son reinforces, passion squanders, vice destroys, lo escape wear and tear is wisdom ; but to escape wear and tear lays a duty on conscience and soul which the foolish cannot under stand. Longevity implies material ease and comfort,-admitting reasona ble contentment, easy social relations, circumstances that do not rasp or fret, and to create these it is necessa ry that impulse should be submitted to judgment, and that reflection should be strong enough to'subordin ate desire. The next condition on which the most is to be extracted from the world is that our days on earth be not only long, but happy. Freedom from misery, from sickness, perplexi ty, heartache and corroding care, is a condition of successful life. A mis erable life cannot by any stretch of interpretation be called well used life, for misery means wate. dissatis faction, discord. How does one make himself happy? Not by putting himself out of tune with himself and his circumstances, not by running the risk of misfortune, jeopardizing his chances of felicity. The hero may do this; the philanthiopist may do it; the reformer; but these do not seek happiness. They are exceptions to the rule. We must not pitch our doctrine on the heroic key. We may be simple, lowly, wise, and say frank ly the aim is to make life happy. Hence it has become a trite saying, that the people who wish to make the most of life, must practice the old childlike virtues of sincerity, ve racity, consideration, kindness. They must not think of themselves first, but must be willing to believe that they can learn as well as teach, that the right to be served must be bal anced by the zeal to serve. Yet a third condition for getting the utmost out of lite is, that life shall be harmless. I do not contend that it should be noble, great, magnanim ous, or even conspicuously useful. But how not to harm the world; that is a simple thing.- Dp not cheat; do not lie ; do not betray ; do not un dermine the physical or moral health; do not make light of social advan tages ; do not fly in the face ot im mutable facts; do not impugn the established principles of rectitude; do not make war on institutions that will yield to the power of reason ; throw no stumbling block in the way of your neighbor, but open paths as fiir as you can; multiply opportuni ties; increase privileges; make it worth while for people with whom you associate to say and think pleas ant things of vou. A Good Mother. We passed an old lady staggering Under the burden of her baegage, Who was too poor to ride or pay a porter. Before I knew it he had her load in his own hand, without a word said, and he carried it until he gave it to her at her des tination. When he returned I asked him what she gave him in return. He answered "She gave the richest reward I ever re ceived for so small a service, and she didn't even thank me ; she said, 'God bless yonr good mother, for you have got one at home.'" foreign Letter. The Dalles and Canyon City mail carrier w all tn. hi life And homes while fording Current Creek last Tuesday. Backboard ... i i 1 1 , 1 T and mails were swept mro ine avuu uaj w Alleged Cure for Urunkcnncss. The Chicago Tribune of March 24, printed the following letter: Minneapolis, March 9. In times past you have published numerous articles on the cure of drunkenness; but none of them, so far as I have been a-ble to discover, have resulted in relU ving the victim they were intended to benefit. With your permission I will now give to the world, through the Sun, a sure and speedy cure for intemperance a cure that has been tried frequently, and always successfully. Let the inebriate it matters not whether he is just getting off, is be ginning it, or on a "spree" begin by taking every two hours one drachm (teaspoon ful) ot' tincture of cinchona (Peruvian bark). This will make him feel -rood. He can increase the dose to six drachms (tcaspoonfuls) without any danger, and take it in that proportion four to ten times a day. It will not destroy his appetite for food. In the course of a l'ew,days the anti periodic properties of the cinchona begin to tell, and he loses not only taste for the tincture, but also for everything in the way ot alcohol. Recently, in this city, a wfill-fcnown gentleman who has in times past been on his 500 and 1,000 sprees tried this remedy, telling the various druggists where he drank it that he was fighting, and would conquer, the greatest demon on earth; but they would hardly believe him. Yet he conquered, and the appetite for drink vanished, lie was never nervous, never lost his appetite or sleep din ing the siegf, and came out of the ordeal in perfect health. During the time the fever lasted I ave him two or three deses of simpk- medicine for his general health, but the tincture of cinchona did the business. This case can be verified by the proprietors of seven of our drug "stores. So well satisfied am I of the value of the treatment, that I will guarantee a cure in all cases, using this remedy alone. R. D'UNGER, M. D. In a subsequent letter, communi cated to the Chicago Tribune, Dr. D'Unger says : As all medical men and druggists are aware there is a large amount of adulteration in "Peruvian bark of commerce," many barks which are mixed with the genuine possessing the same bitter principle observed in quinine, but not the alterative and antiperiodic properties which the genuine bark alone possesses. In speaking of tincture of cinchona, therefore, I should have mentioned that the bark out of which it is made mint be pure, for it is the antiperiodic property that cures inebriation. The Tribune adds the following, editorially: If Dr. D'Unger has really discov ered a specific that will cure inebri ates of the burning desire or appetite for strong drink, he will be one of the greatest benefactors to the human race the world has ever known. If this remedy proves successful and could be administered lo every man and woman who has an appetite toi liquor, it would advance the world toward the millcnium. It would do away with crime almost altogether. It would bring sunshine into thou sands of darkened homes. It would banish poverty. It would reuniti dissevered families. It would make men industrious and women nappy. Any man who can bring about such results as these has made a discovery oy tne side or wnicn Mr. j&atson s are unimportant. It may be that Dr. D'Unger's remedy will prove a fail ure; but it certainly deserves a fair trial, and there are plenty of men in this city who ought to test it at once. i here is no secret about the medicine or the formula. It is easily procured and any one can prepare it. Avery short lime will test its merits. From McGregor, Iowa, the Tribune has the following : About two weeks ago I read in your paper about the cinchona cure for drunkenness, discovered by Dr. D'Unger, of Minneapolis, Minn., and I thought I would try it by sending to him for some of the medicine through a friend. My friend got the medicine, and after taking it three days I couldn't drink a glass of whis ky to save my neck. It acted won derfully but not disagreeably. In deed, it made me feel splendid, and I was astonished at the result. I have been more or less a drunkard for fit teen or sixteen years,, and I am now like a new man in health and spirits. I thought I would write to you about it, so that it would reach the people of Chicago, where I first began my drinking, and where I know such a remedy is badly needed. I give you my name, but 1 don't wish you to publish that, though I do wish you to print just what I have said. Suit to be Commenced. We un derstand that the charges of the In vestigating Committee against ex Secretary Chadwick, are to be tested in the courts at no distant day, as suit is to be brought in the name of the State against him for the delin quencies charged in the report. This is of course the way to settle the matter to the satisfaction of the pub lic, and if any vindication can come to Secretary Chadwick it must be gained in this way. If the courts ex onerate him he will be above attack, and until they do, no-vindication can avail. The public will await the is sue of this trial with great interest, and the disclosures to be made will perhaps go deeper than the Investi gating Committee were able to pene trate,, as that committee could not compel attendance of witnesses. Portland Bee, THE WHEAT TRADE. Ed. Gazette : The cars and river steam ers are rapidly carrying to Portland all the wheat and flour for sale, as far south of that city as Jtoseburg. A considerable amount of this wheat has remained over for two or three years past. Our people have held back their wheat for war prices. Diploma cy has done what the vast armies in Europe and Asia were expected to do. Now, de mand and supply alone will regulate sales and prices. It is only the superiority of our wheat and flour that keeps up the pri ces of our wheat at present rates. In al most all cases it is good policy to sell our wheat, at the best figures obtainable, at threshing time. This is the course gener ally pursued by our California friends. In fact it is a good rule to sell anything which we have to dispose of, at the best price then offered. Many have held back their wheat here to their own loss. Long years of expe rience prove this to us. Perhaps in three weeks more our wheat, in all the warehous es, and most of our flour, will b converted in to gold, which will greatly relieve the money pressure amongst us. If the farmers and others here, while they have the yellow boys in their purses, should happen to think of the poor, toiling printers, who are supposed to lie able to live on air and water, ami fork over their old, delinquent debts to them, and pay in advance for a year, would not the printers be in luck, and would not they go on their way rejoicing ? David N-Ewscftia. Corvallis, Feb. 13, 1S70. Cliurcli Directory. Catholic Church : Services on the 1st; and last Sab bath uf each mouth. Mass commences at lu:Jl a. m. Rev. Van Lin, Pastor. M E. Church South : Preaching morning and even ing, 'on the 1st. yrd and 4th Sabbath of each moi th, at 11 and 7:30 respectively. Sabbath School at 9:30 every Sabbath. josei-h hash, jrasior. Evangelical Church: Services at 7 P. M. on the 1st and 3rd Sabbaths and at 11 A. M. and 7 1'. M., on the 4th Sabbath of each month Sabbath School at 3:30 r. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening oi each week at 7 r. M. W. C. Kantnkk, pastor. Presbyterian Church : There will . be preaching morning and evening at 11 ana o ciock, respect ively. Sabbath School immediately after tiie morn ing service. H. P. Dcnning, Pastor M. E. Church : Services the 2nd and 4th Sabbath of each mo,.th, at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at 7. services at tne Grange Hall, four miles west of Corvallis) the 1st aud 3rd Sabbaths ot each mouth, at 1 1 A. M. G. W. Bennett, Pastor. Episcopal Church : The servicos for the month of Oct. will be as follows: Oct. 6th and 20th at 7:30 p. M. , Oct. 13th and 27th at 11 a. ., with Holy Communion. Sunday School every Sunday, between the hour of 3 and 4 p. m. kev. L. Stevens. CORVALLIS LODGE No. 14, F. & A. M holds stated Communications on Wednesday on or oreceding each full moon. Brethren in good standing are cordially invited to attend. By order of W. M. BARN'UII LODGE No. 7, 1. O, O. F. , meets on Tuesday even ing of each week, in their Hall, in Fisher's Brick, second story. Members of the Order in good standing, are invited to attend. By order 01 ' - U3:iti) JN. G. C rywSsil a.:i'cc Cemetery. Persons desiring to obtain Lots, can obtain all the necessarv information, by applying to F. Holgate, Com. Never speculate deeper than y on are able to lose if you lose it all. BOOKS WHICH ARE BOOKS. "'Groocl Books for .All.' Works which should be found in every li brary within the reach of all readers. Works to entertain, Instinct and Improve. Copies will be sent by return post, on receipt ot price. New Physiognomy ; or .Signs of Character, as manifested through Temperament and iiXternal r orms, and especially m the Hu man Face Divine. With more than One Thousaud Illustrations. By Samuel R. Wells. 768 pages. Heavy muslin. $5.00. 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New volumes January and July. Inclose amount in a Registered Letter or by a P. O. Order for one or for all the above, and address S. R. WELLS & CO., Publish, ers, 737 Broadway, New York. Agents wanted. 7febl6:6tf. STTBSaStlBEJ FOE. THE WEEKLY y o is X'O V O ! VOL. SIXTEEN, OFFICIAL F14FEli F o R A N 1 BENTON COUNTY I THE GAZETTE IS A LIVE LOCAL PAPER, Itas a Largs, and Constantly In creasing circulation, and is one of the BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUMS in the State, being published in the heart of the' WILEAMETTE VALLEY. $2 50 Per Annsrffi, INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. Advertisements inserted at Rea sonable Rates. AIl kinds Plain and Ornamental Printing executed with neat ness and dispatch. Justices' Blanks constantly on hand. W. Kr CAETER Proprietor? and Publisher, Corvallis, Oregon. V7 RUPTURE ! ANOTHER WONDERFUL CORE CALIFORNIA ELASTIC TRUSS! CALIFORNIA ELAS TIC TRUSS COM Past, W. j. Hoese, Proprie tor. Dear Sir: I feel that I owe it to you and to humanity to write the fact that I have been SUBSTANTIALLY CUR- ,i.t,, ,- "au case oi rupture of thirty j ear s standing, by one ot your incomparable Trasses, whieh I purchased from you three months ago. i cannot describe the suffering, hoth and mentally, that 1 have undergone during that pe riod; and now I feel like a new being. I hive worn all kinds of Ttiim stool anA Vl...: j . ...... uv..... i.iwui;, iinu nev er received any permanent relief until I tried yours. ai construction, ana facility with which it can lit' ;k! iiKt, h ii , ..,,.! . t . .... j .-., u.,u ..... (iu pcnec-v ireeaom to. the motions of the body with which it can be worn untiwiu, are us cmei merits ana- it is a perfect supporter. 1 have not had anv 7-o . u. kuimiic since tne mn 1 put it on, and feel that I am PKRFliCTLY CURED. It is Tj Q tne Ia,ct sll,uld be known to tho wor d. You can refer any one to me on the subject of their merits. I am yours truly, ALFUED J. BURKE, Chief Mail Clerk S. F. Daily Evening Post. San Francisco, July 20, 1813. ENDORSED BY THE MEDICAL PROFES SION. San Francisco, July 9 1878 f alitornia Elastic Truss Co: After practicing medicine manv years in this city during which time I have had an extensive experience m the application of all kinds of Trusses, 1 can and do recommend yours as the best in every respect for it is as near perfection as modem science can make it It has many advantages over the torturing stcel-hoon Trusses, which inflictgreat injury on the hips and spine, bringing on other distressing ailments, such as lumbago, morbid affections oi the kidneys and numb ness in the loWcr limbs, all of which are avoided by wearing the California Elastic Truss. It is not only a perfect retainer, combining ease and comfort, but the pressure can be changed to any degree. It also re mains in its proper place at all times, regardless of the motions of the body, and is worn night and dav with perfect 'ease. It is superior to any of the Elastic Trusses now in the market, while 'it combines the merits of all. 1st It is easily adjusted on and off with snaps, doing away with straps and buckles. 2d The universal spring between the plate and pad prevents all irritation, which is a god-send to the suf ferer. 3d. The pad is adjusted on and off in an in stant, and can be changed for any other size and form most suitable to the case. In fact it combines every quality essential to comfort and durability, and is un equaled in lightness, elasticity, natural action, and artistic finish. Many of my patients who are afHictecr with hernia are wearing them, and all shall in the fu ture, for 1 think the great ease with which these purely scientific appliances are made efficacious, is trulv remarkable. You can refer any parties to me on the subject of their merits. I remain trulv yours. L. DEXTER LYFORD, M. D., Phi sician and Surgeon, 600 Sacramento street, San Francisco. Itis constructed on scientific principles and sells on its own merits. If you want the best truss ever nian factured, don't forget the name and number. Trusses forwarded to all parts of the United States at our expense, on receipt of price. Send for Illustrated Ca'aiofrne and Price List, Giving full information and rules for Measuring. CALIFORNIA ELASTIC TRUSS COMPANY, 720 Market Street, S. F. 15:30yl. C O ? SIIMTTr 0 1ST Positively Cured. ALL SUFFERERS FROM THIS DISEASE TtfAl are anxious to be cured should try Dr. Kissnerrs Celebrated Consumptive Powders. These Powders are the only preparation known that will cure Con sumption and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs indeed, so Strong is our faith in tkcin, and &so to con vince ywu that they are no humhuy, we will send to any sufferer, by mail, post-paid, a free Trial Box. We don't want your money until you are perfectly satisfied of their curative powers. If yout life is worth saving, don't delay in yrivimr these Powders sf trial, as they will surely cure vou. Price for larg-e box, -3.00, sent tor any part of the United States or Canada, bv mail, on receipt of price. Address, ASH & ItOliBINS, 15:8yl. SCO Fulton street, Brooklyn, N. Y $66 a week in your own town. 5 Outfit free io risk. Header, if you want a business at which ner.sony of either sex can make great puv all the time tlicy work, write for particulars to H. Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine. 15:12yl. THE Scientific mmatt. " (SO xiiiKTi Y.roa itrii ykar. THE MOST POPULAR SCIENTIFIC PAPER IN THE WORLD. Only 83.20 a Year, including fostaare. Weekly. 32 Numbers a year. 4,000 book pngs. The Scientific Amekica.v is a large First-Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pages, printed in the most beautiful style, profusely iiiunirattoV ivlt.fi splelxdid engraving!, representing the Newest inventions and me most-Keeent Advan.es i the Arts and Sciences; including New and Interesting I'acts in Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home, Health. Medical Progress, Social Science, Natural History, Geology, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers, by eminent writers hi all departments of Sci ence, will be feund in the Scientific American; Terms, S3.20 per year, l.b'0 half year, whieh in cludes postage. Discount to Agents. Single copies, teri cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by postal order to KUNH4 CO., Publishers, 27 Park' Row, New York. D1TCMTC In connection with the SCIEN F AlCrilOi TIFIC AMERICAN. Messrs. Mu.v.v & Co. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 34 years' experience, and now have the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice is made in the Sclent iflfc Aiue-rlCHii of all Inventions patented through this Agency, with the natne and res idence of the Patentee, fty the immense circulation thus given, public attention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction often easily effected. Any person who has made a new discovery on in vention1, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a pat ent ean be obtained, by writing to the undersigned. We also send free our Hand I3ook about the Patent Laws Patents, Caveats, Trade-Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints for procuring advances on inventions. Address for the paper, or concerning Patents, MUNN & CO., 87 Park Row, New York. Branch Office, Cor F & 7th Sts., Washington, D. C. 15:49tf. COETALLB LIVERY, FEED AND MAIS STREET, CORVALLIS, ORECOI. SOL. KING, - - Proprietor, OWNING BOTH BARNS I AM PREPARED TO offer superior accommodations in the Livery line. Always ready for a drive, GOOD TEAMS At Low Rates. jr.. stable, are first-class in every respect, and com petent and obliging hostlers always ready to serve tne puDuc. REASONABLE CHARGES FOR HIRE. Particular Attention Paid to Boarding Honcg. ELEGANT HEARSE, CARRIAGES AND HACKS FOR FUNERALS. Corvallis , Jan. 3, 1879. 16:lyl.