The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, March 07, 1879, Page 3, Image 3

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    nnii mm gazette.
Corvallis, March 7; 1879.
Board of
The annual school meeting of District No.
, was held last Monday, and called to
aer Dy Woodward, chairman
School Directors.-.
The minutes of the last annual meeting
were read by the Clerk, S. L. Shedd. The
Clerk then submitted his annual report,
from which we make the following extracts:
No. of persons residing in the district, be
tween the ages of 4 and 20 years, 118 males,
107 femamales ; No. of pupils enrolled in
public schools, 65 males, 36 females. No.
of of teachers employed, 2 male's, 1 fenia'.e.
No. of schoolhouses, 2. Value of school
houses and grounds, 1,600 ; estimated val
ue of school furniture belonging to school
house, $50 ; apparatus, including maps,
charts, etc., 30. Average salary paid male
teachers, per month, during the year, 75 ;
female teachers, S25. x umber of legal o
tsrs in the district, 131.
R. W. Brock was elected to serve as Di
rector for the ensuing three years, vice
Joshua Mason, whose term of office expired
una date. b. L. Shedd was re-elected
The next order of business was voting for
or against a two mill tax for the purpose of
furnishing new seats and desks, anil making
necessary repairs to the North Corwallis
schoolhouse and grounds, which resulted in
favor of the tax.
The new Direator and C!erk were duly
qualified, after which the meeting adjourned.
In the San Francisco Chronicle of Februa
ry 20th, much dissatisfaction is expressed at
the me igerness of appropri itions m-.cb for
California, and for the first time within the
recollection of the "oldest inhabitant, " Ore
gon is said to have received double the amount
of California. No higher praise could be
desired than this, by the friends of our Sen
ators anil Representatives, who have thus
gained for Oregon a merited share of govern
ment aid in the improvement of her long
neglected harbors and river s. Oregon will
receive a large immigration the coming sea
son ; this, with the building of several lines
of railroad, will make times better, and our
people can look forward to 1S79 as a "long,
thrifty year. " Then, ' 'croakers to the rear,"
and let all the active, energetic public-spirited
citizens of Benton bury all animosities,
clasp hands over past prophecies of failure,
and make a strong, determined effort to
complete the ten miles of Yaquiu3 Bay rail
road, and give CoL Hogg a chance to ful
fill his agreement and connect the Willam
ette valley with the coast. The argument
once so common, that the farmers could not,
by this route, find a foreign market is now
no longer tenable or even an objection.
North of Cape Foulweather is a natural har
bor of one hundred acres or more, with for
ty feet of water at low tide ; this is better
than San Francisco. Yon could ask nothing
safer. The saving of grain shipped by this
route will amount to millions in a few ye&rj
to say nothing of economy on incoming
freights, and the development of the country.
There is not a man in Benton countv
Look out for a new stock of goods, direct
from San Francisco, at E. Rosenthal's.
All legal advertisements must be paid for
when affidavit of publication is made.
E. Holgate, attorney at law, has removed
his office to' the rear of E. Rosenthal's store.
Rev. O. W. Bennett will preach at the M.
E. church, in this city, next Sabbath at
11 A. M.
I. 0. 0. F. Rebecca Degree, meeting to
night at Odd Fellows' Hall, commencing at
7 o'clock.
Look out for the old Assessor, Jacob Mo
die, and have your poll-tax, one dollar,
Isaac Jacobs was taken suddenly ill, last
Monday. Billious attack. Is now conva
lescing. J. G. AValker, of Oilman, Walker ,& Co.,
S. F., was at the New Euglaud House last
A Grand Lodge of the Ancient Order of
United Workmen for Oregon ami W. T.,
was organized in Portland, this week.
Jos. Bryant, who was injured by a fall
from his wagon, recently, is all right again.
"Joe" says it was a " close call."
Wanted A good, gentle, fresh milk cow
at the New England House, for which the
CASH will be paid. '
Mr. S. L. Shedd, School Clerk, is busily
engaged making the assessment of the 2 mill
t vx. ordered at the school meetiir', last
j Monday.
! f Col. Kelsay returned from his trip to
Southern Oregon, last Friday, and started
for Salem, to attend the Supreme Court, on
Sunday following.
Jas. A Yantis, Esq., who has been con
fined to his room for several days, by illness
is again on the streets but very much
W. H. Alexander, formerly of the Eugene
Guard, give us a call last Tuesday. He was
in the city looking after the defunct Demo
crat, with a view to its resurrection.
Send in your estray notices but always
accompany them with the fee for publica
tion, SI 50, and 50 cents extra for cac i ad
ditional animal in same notice.
Our old friend, James Drake, started for
the Bay last Tues.lay, to look after his ranch,
and perhaps make a garden. He owns a
sp en did place, on South Beach.
J. B. Hughes, of Linn county, passed
through this city last Monday, en route to
Toledo, where he intends to remove his
J. C. Hunter, of this comity, met with a
verv painful accident, last Saturday. His
knee was pat out of joint, by a kick from a
horse, which came in a bad time.
Bring your babies. Now is the time to
have your children photographed. Mrs.L.
Goldsou has just returned, nd is ready to
execute work in the latest improved style.
At D. Carlile's. a fresh supply of oranges,
lemons, candies, cigirs. furnishing goods,
notions, etc., which will ba sold cheaper
than ever before. The only place to get a
green seal cigar, the best in town.
Wm. Grant, of the firm of Drake & Grant,
merchant tailors, returned 'a -t Sunday from
an extended visit to the Bay. During his
abjence he built a house up m, and other
wise improved bis ran h.
The continued increase of our subscrip
tion lists is the best eulogy that can be j rj
nonnced on the Gazette. We are sparing
no pains to make it. worthy of such liberal
patronage. Only $2 50 per year, in advance.
M. Stock, one of the pioneer merchants
of Corvallis, (Marysville), gave us a call the
nrst ot the week. Mr. Stock, of the old
linn ot Stock & Kaufman, has been absent
about 17 years. Has been in Portland and
the States, during the time, and still h
longing for Corvallis.
Rev. J. S. McCain, who, by common con
sent, took charge of the revival meetings at
this plice, was called home last Thursday
oy a telegram, stating mat his M'lle was
dangerously ill. We have information
through .Mr. Armstrong, who arrived in this
The Oregonian of February 26th gives the
following neat notice of the manner in
which the work of the last session has been
done. We endeavored, in e'very particular,
to perform the work under a strict construc
tion of the law under which we were elected
and qualified, and feel s.itisfied that many
thousands of dollars will be saved to the
taxpayers of the State thereby. But this is
what the Oregonian says on the subject :
We have received a copy of the senate
and house journals of the last legislative
session. On examination we rind them
printed more honestly than, for many years.
Some improvement doubtless could yet be
made by enforcing more rigorously in certa'n
parts a strict construction of the law; but as
each one of these journals is shorter by two
hundred pages than those of last session.
thouuh the proceedings were about of eo,nal
length, it will be seen that a great deal has
leen done on the side of honesty and the
tlXTiaVfir. nn1 r.hf r,rrr,-.t-. RfekA P.-;n4-n.. ;
I entitled to credit therefor.
- rrnm
A friend writing us from The Dalles, un
der date of March 2d, says: The snow, has
disappeared from around here, and left the
roads in so bad a condition that very few
farmers come to town, which makes times
ratner dun nere at present ; hut every one j
seems to think that as soon a3 the roads get
good times will be lively. There is consid
erable improvement going on here. Mr.
Bettinger, a former resident of Corvallis, is
completing a fine two-story brick building,
which, when done will be a credit to the
"Stkong Drink is Raging. "A Corval
lis boy, who is now at The Dalles, and who
never belonged to a temperance society, al
though quite steady, in writing us under
date of 2d inst., after complimenting the
Gazette, says : I am glad to see suchalarge
Blue Ribbon Club o rganized in my old home.
I hope that a good many more will sign the
pledge and that al I will keep it. This may
seem strange language for me; but I am
learning. that "stron g drink is raging." A
few nights ago a woman at this place, the
mother of several -hildren, was so beastly
drunk that she lai I down on her back, in
her room, anil scruamed at the top of her
voice for over an h our.
Sad Hf voc is Created
Among .the tenants of the mouth by allow
ing impurities tf, collect upon their surface
or in their interstices. S0Z0D0NT re
moves every vestige of tartar from the
teetlu and lenders their rjremaiure decay
impossible. It not only imparts to them
whiteness and vigor, but communicates
hardness and rosiness to the gums. The
breath acquires a most acceptable fragrance
from its u-,o ; it is a purely botanic liquid,
and it may be relied on to accomplish its
beautifying eifects without injuring the en
amel like : i gritty tooth paste.
R's. Nos. 8 and 13, passed at session of
Legislative Assembly of Oregon, 1878. Pam
phlet Edition, 240 pages. s .
This is an exact copy in word, letter and
figure of the official, printed by order of the
Legislature. . ,
Prices Single Copies, 50c ; 10 Copies,
94.00; 20 Copies, 6.00; 50 Copies, 12.50,
Ascents J. K. Gill & Co., Portland: J.
M. Bacon, Oregon City; H. D. Boon, -Salem;
Ed. Baum, Albany: Alien & Woodward.
Corvallis; R. G. Callisoiu Eugene City,
2Sfebl6:9w2. Steam Printer. Salem.
Enjoy Life.
What a truly beautiful world we live in!
Nature gives us grandeur of mountains, glens
and oceans, and thousands of means for en
joyment. We can desire no better when in
perfect health ; but how often' do the majori
ty of people fael like giving it up disheart
ened, discouraged anil worried out with dis
ease, when there is no occasion for this feel
ing', as everv sufferer can easil v obtain mHh.
- ummv urvuj boas ijrreeu h Aiiaisr. mnwer
this place on the 14th of February, netted
seven hundred dollars.
Jacks;m Fire Engine Company No. 1, o
this place want a new steamer and have
headed a subscription paper for that purpose
with five hundred dollars, and the City
Council have subscribed a like amount ; the
j will make them as free from disease as w hen
born. Dyspepsia and Liver Complanint is
I the direct cause of seventy-five percent o
j such maladies as Biliousness, Indigestion,
I Sick Headache, Costiveness, Nervous Pros
I tration. Dizziness of the Head, Palpitation
of the H"art, and other distressing symp
I toms. Three doses of August Flower will
. .m..... It. i .-c.l - o r l .hi
paper is now being circulated among bnK- IOceufa. Try it
u ess men. The engine they have at present j . ....
is a H.inneman hand engine, and would be Consumption CuTefi.
of little service should a largcfire break outf '
A Cood manv cattle hive died i thi. An old physician retired from active prac-
county during the cold spell.
State Treasurer's Fcrathr
State TpvKasciiek'.s Office,
Salem, February 25, IS79.
the following warrants of the issue of
1879, will be paid upon presentation, at this
office, numbered as follows :
324, 363, 386. 394, 411. 412, 416. 417
419, 423, 426, 427, 434, 435, 436, 438,
444, 44o, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450,
455, 456, 457, 461, 462, 463, 465,
468, 469. 470, 471, 472, 473, 474,
477, 478, 479, 480. 486. 489, 491
494, 495, 497, 498, 499, 500, 501,
510, 513, 514, 515, 516. 519, 521,
528, 529, 533, 535, 536, 537, 538,
553, 556, 560, 564, 565, 563, 567,
572, 573, 574, 575, 578, 579, 5S0,
587, 588, 5S9, 594, 596, 597. 598,
602, 603, 605, 606. 607, 60S, 609.
612. 613, 614, 615, 620, 623. 625
629, 630, 631, 634, 635. 636. 637,
640, 641, 642, 643, 64-4, 646, 651,
659, 660, 661, 662, 664, 665, 666,
670, 671, 673, 675, 676. 677, 680,
584,685,686, 6S9, 691, 693 ; Also,
1SS, JNos. IS, 3, IS 4, 1SS0. 1881,.
Interest on the above warrants will c
from this date.
16:9w3 State Treasurer.
Change of Firm.
j the general merchandize, business here
tofore carried pn next door south of the
postoffice, in Lorvallis, under the firm name
and style of
Sheppard & Jaycox,
Have this day takeu in as a partner, Mr. C.
U. Barlow. Hereafter the business will be.
carried on at the old stand under the firm
name and style of
Sheppard,; Jaycox & Co.
Mr. George A. Sheppard, of the firm, will
in future reside in San Francisco in connec
tioo with the firm,, thus enabling us to oft'er
superior inducements to customei'3. Uur
motto being .in the future as in the past, low
prices and fair dealing, a liberal share of pat
ronage is solicited.
In consequence of the above change all
Darties indebted to the old firm are request
ed to call and settle their liabilities without
delav. , , SHEPPARD & JAYCOX.
January 1, 1879. 21febl6:8tf.
Vick's Floral Guide.
A beautiful wnrt nt inn ' '
ed Flower. P,ate, Vnd 33F WtfEZ
-p ' vw ito
a Five Cent Stamp
row them. All for
In English or Ger
The Flower and Vegetable Garden 17
Pages Sux Colored Plates, and S bun
dred Entrravino-s. For m n?-T any "sn
. 5 v" in Dan,
ws; $1.00 in elegant cloth.
er cov-
Gerioan or
l ick's Illustrated Monthly Sfaeazlne
Pages, a Colored Plate in' '
ber and many fine Engravings. W$1 2?a
year; 1 ive Copies for 5. 00. Specaaen nurn
hers sent forJO cents. Um
Tick's Seeds are the best hi the world
Send Five Cekt Stamp for a Flohal Guide
containing List and Prices, and plenty of i
formation. Address ? .
JAMES VICK, Rochester, F Y
Sheriff's Sale.
State of. Oregon, for Benton Countv.
Frankie Savve ) Suit in Equity for di
James Savage. J vorce.
To said James Savage, Defendants In the
name of the State of Oreuon. von KAiL
by summoned and required to appear and
jrest thereon, from the the second Monday in April. A D 1879
1864, at the rate of 43 that being the first day of the next term of
and for the further j said court for said comity, to be holden six
issued out of and under the seal of the j
j Countv Court, of the State of Oregon, for
j the county of Benton, to me directed and;
j delivered, for the sum of ($408 57) four answer the complaint filed against . vqu in
hundred and fifty-eight dollars and fifty-j the- above entitle. court in this suit bv
: seven cents, wicu interest tnereon,
! 4th day of January, IS
i per cent, per annum,
, sum ot 35 i0 costs and accruing costs, in I weeks from tha first nnhlwuK, ,.f ,;
i favor of Green B. Smith, and against Wm. mens, and if you fail to appear or answer
i Linville, for want of personal property, out for want thereof, Plaintiff will take a decree
of which to satisfy the same, I have levied j against you dissolving the bands of matri
upon and seized the following described real mor.y heretofore contracted between you
j property, to-wit : Commencing 20 chains ! and the plaintiff, and for all the relief claim-
! t?s JS kS .,L;orner of Sec-. 111 T 10' I ei1 tbe complaint. And you are notified
S K W, Willamette meridian; thence that on the 24th day of January, 1879 Hon
j north 18. 76 chains ; thence west 60. 00 chains; ! J. F. Watson, judge of said court, made an
j thence south IS. 76 chains ; thence 60.00 j order directing this summons to beserved cm
-..!'. wj oiacs oi ueiiiuuintr. coutaiuiiiL' von ov imur,,,, , ,- ,
once a week for six
Assaulted. On Tuesday last
Rev. T. W. Spanswick of California, who
had been assisting in the reliaious meetings.
at that place, was assaulted on the streets
by one J. D. Brown. Peter Kerns made an
affidavit and published and distributed it in
the church, during service, charging Mr.
Spanswick with certain irregularities, at Lo
di, California. Kerns was arrested for ma
licious libel, and is under S500 bonds to ap
pear before the next term of Circuit Court.
! tlce. having had placed in his hands bv an
C A T..1- it. r f J
i . i i- uuuw missionary tne iormma or a sim
ple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per
week manent cur? of Consumption. Bronchitis.
Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung
affections, also a positive and radical cure
for General Debility and all nervous com
plaints, after having thoroughly tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
cases, feeU it his duty to make it known
to his suffering feilows. The receipe will be
sent free of charge, to ail who desire it. with
full directions for preparing and successfully
using. Address with stamp, naming this
paper Dr. J. O. Stone, 44 North Ninth
Street. Philadelpha, Pa.
. this wonderful discovery are these
1. Meats can be preserve I I!rfctl
FfttKh for an indefinite length of time iii
an open vessel .; that is, a vessel with a cloth
tied over it, or with a snugly fitting cover.
1 12 56-100 acres, lying and being situated
in Benton county, Oregon, together with all
the tenements, hereditaments and appur
tenances thereto belonging, or in anyw ise
appertaining ; and on
Wednesday Hie 26lh day of Karch 1879.
I will sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash m band, all the right, . title j .
and interest which the said ,Wm. Linville ! nfjc F iC'irmcf HnniOC! t
had at the date of said judgment, or now j W(8MB P dl liUIIlOb
has in and to tbe above described real pros- I
consecutive weeks in the Corvallis Gazette
a weeKiy newspaper published m said coun
ty of Benton, and that you. ener your ap
pearance by the second Monday in April A
3Jjanl6:5w6. Att.'y for Pl.'ff.
erfcy to satisfy said judgment and costs, and
the costs and expenses of sale.
Sale will take place at' the hour of 1
o'clock p, M. of said day, at the Court House
door in the City of Corvallis, in said county
and State. SOL. KING,
Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon.
Dated Feb. 19, 1879. 16:8w3
no sealing u? required, j xotiCe of Finn! Battlement.
n-oved,) STORES and MILL
(Improved and'unim-
r ii' 1 n . a i ti i- tt
llc"' "" A- "voou, r.. n. .eary, i)on-t For?fet It
aim ,i. n. I .ornwai I rmn is n a pircn ni- m re . , 1 i ...
, . . ! lt you ,lre lroumeri witn nervousness are
the Eugane Journ:!! and Guard in defense of disheartened tired of life, fear death or feel
Mr. Soanswick, and charge that the whole out sorts as the saying is, you may safely
thing was a preconcerted plot to break up ""'" that you h-ive the Dyspepsia or
., ,. . 1 Liver Complaint. The liver is very apt to
the religious meetings. They recognize the become torpid this season of the year as
fact that they, and not Mr. Spanswick, are poisons arisincr from stagnant water
assailed. They affirm that the nersons who : "r decaying egetation are more numerous
procured the affidavit belong to a class nci- i
owning property, however small
afford to withhold aid and encouragement
to the Willamette Valley &, Coast Railroad.
" Mariner" writes truly and from a prac
tical stand point. From a careful observa
tion, made years ago, 1 know that Port Or
ford is open to the sam 3 objection that the
south side of Cape Foulweather is, t. e. ,
"no protection from sou tli west gales." There
is no headland to the southard of Cape Blanco
at Port Orford. The best protected and
cheapest point to obtain a harbor of refuge,
centrally located, is on the north side of
Cape Foulweather. So says the reorts.
We had one of the severest gales, on the
1st inst, for many years; a considerable
portion of the strong fence surrounding the
Lighthouse at Yarjuina Point, was blown
down, some of it carried cpaite a distance ;
the timber fall was heavy.
Capt Ludjens is doing finelyand the steam
schooner grows daily.
The Oneatta Mill will commence sawing a
cargo of lumber for San Francisco in a few
Sam. Case P. M. at Oneatta.
Newport, March 4, 1S79.
, . . niiuowuti, v mi .ii ii . bu ui una
atj to-iiay, city the ,ji&t of the present week, that Mrs.
, that earn I McCain is much better.
The Twexty-Secon-d at Alsea Valley.
Our old friend, Mr. William Ford, writes
as from Collins, under date of Feb. 23th,
that the citizens of Alsea commemorated
the memory of Washington's liirthday by a
grand ball, at the resideuce of Mr. Burn
ham. The mosic, under the direction of
Mr. Duusworth, was excellent. The supper-
was elegant, and the table3 literally
groaned under the load of "good things" of
this life; There were some "twenty couples
present, and everybody seemed perfectly
happy. It was one of the most pleasant
social gatherings ever held in our valley, an 1
all feel under miny obligations to Mr.
Burnham for the kind hospitality shown on
the occasion. -
The Hager Murder. The old German,
Joseph Bruder (or Groeder a3 fir3t published)
arrested on suspicion; as the murderer of
Mrs. Barbara Hager, near Oregon City, re
cently, has been discharged, after a full and
careful investigation. The prosecution for
the State failed to make a case against him,
and it was ordered, by the court, that he be
discharged fiom custody. The citizens pres
ent at the trial made up and presented him
a purse of money before his leaving the
court room. His innocence is proved, be
yond a doubt and the murder is still in
volved in the deepest mystery. The defend
ant gave bis full name as Franz Joseph Bru
der, made a full and complete statement,
which was taken down, and to which he
signed his name in a clear, plain hand. The
announcement that he was a free man seem
ed to affect but little. His manner was
that of an innocent person, from the first.
In Effigy. On last Monday night, in
Portland, two images, representing Presi
dent Hayes and a Chinaman, were burned
in effigy. ' The Oregonian says it will be
well, if no more disorderly or behgerent
proceedings are witnessed upon the coast.
oecoiiu nuinner oi tne iiicary t tattle is
upon our table. Norton fully sustains his
representation as a literary editor, while tin
neat typographical appearance and faultless
press work is fully up to what might be ex
pected of tlimes the Printer. At the low-
price of 50 cents per year, its circulation
ought to be immense. Send to E. O. Xor-
ton & Co., Salem, for sample copy.
Last Tuesday evening Messrs. Goldson &
11 . i .
" caneu at our resilience, aim favor
ed us with some tish. cured by their new-
process, which hail been kept a couple of
weeks. It tasted as fresh and nice, as if
just taken from its native element Thev
are confident they have a "good thing,'
and propose to usa printer's ink freely
Sensible, to the last.
The Gazette is now sent regularly to ev
ery county clerk in the State, to be tiled at
every county seat, as a matter of reference.
The Gazette, being the official State paper,
will contain much matter of general inter
est, which can be thus reached by those
who do not chose to lake the paper. Sub
scription price, S2 50 per year, invariably
in advance. Send by registered letter oi
money order, at our risk.
Please don't ask for credit on subscription
to Gazette. We dislike to rt fuse any one,
hut our terms are strictly pre-pay and finii
t lis plan much more satisfactory to all con
cerned If you want the paper on trial
s nil us 50 cents or SI, and we will give you
the benefit of that amount toward prepay
ment of the full year when the balance of
t m S2 50 comes. This is fair e lough, we
think. If any fami y i:i Benton county is
not able to take ami pay for the paper, we
will scud one year gratis, upon application.
Blue Ribbon Cu b. The public interest
on the temperance question seems to b.- on
the increase in Corvallis. At the regular
meeting of the Club, last Saturday evening
the M. E. church was crowded to overliow
ing, and tpiite a number were unable to gel
seats. Rev. J. A. Hanna having been solic
ited by the Executive Committee, favore.l
the large audience with a very interesting
aldress, which was followed by hrt, pithy
soeeches, interspersed by vocal and instru
mental music under the supervision of the
committee on music, Miss Estella Glass pre
siding at the organ. The President announc
ed the roll of memliership, at the close of that
meeting, to contain 296 names. The Club L
a-ljourned to meet at the same place next
Saturday evening at 7 o'clock, at whicn
tune the election of permanent officers will
take place ; the present officers simply being
pro tern appointments. Let us have "a rous
ing meeting, and large additions to our roll
of membership.
The Fountain. -That splendid little tem
perance paper, The Valley Fountain, edited
and published by J. C. Cooper, McMinnville,
came to hand this week, enlarged and great
ly improved. We are glad to-notice this ev
idence of prosperity in the only paper in
this State devoted entirely to temperance.
By this enlargement Bro. Cooper is enabled
to give more miscellaneous' matter, and the
selections exhibit good taste and judgment.
Xow. if the temperance people throughout
the State, would give him sufficient encour
agement, which they could easily do, he
would make the Fountain a weekly, instead
of semi-monthly journal. To this end every
Good Templar Lodge and Blue Ribbon Club
should send Bro. Cooper a rousing list of
ther numerous
nor influential in the com-
Bough Weather. March came in very
"mild," but we have been treated to a variety
of weather, since, which culminated yester
day morning in one of the severest wind and
rain storms that we have experienced for
years. Sheds, signs and fences were fearfully
wrecked, although we heard of no very seri
ous casualties up to the hour of going to
press. If the storm was as violent on the
ocean, we may hear of terrible consequences,
that may add strong reasons for the imme
diate construction of a harbor of refuge at
Cape Foulweather. Gazette, 2.50 per
year, invariably in advance.
Is Coming. Dr. H. F. Adams, whose ad
vertisement appears in another column, and
wdio will be at the Xew England House, on
the 16th inst. to remain four days, does not
come before the 2eople of Oregon a stranger,
for his success as a physician and surgeon
has merited him the highest encomiums and
praise as a first-class surgeon and medical
adviser. He is a regular graduate of one of
the oldest medical colleges in the East, and
also has a certificate from the California
State Medical Board. Give him a call.
Portland Census. School Clerk of Port
land, D W. Williams, Esq., reports the pop
ulation of that city at 17,225, by actual cen
sus taken. And now that gentleman finds
himself in "hot water" because he did not
place the population at 20,000 in round num
bers. This he could not conscientiously do.
The Bee editor thinks another year will give
tnem tne zu.uuu. .o mote it be.
Remaining in the office at Corvallis, Bmton
County, Oregon, -March 1, 1S79. Persons calling for
the same, will please say, " advertised."
Meek, Mrs L
Com').?, Mrs F Jf
(idva, Mrs I.uev 4
Joauson, Mrs S K
:5ird, Harry C
Jry:.n, J.inies P
ri.ivter, K S 2
Barton, Wm O
ireer, John t
Graves. Jas
Men icy. W:n
rvine, Jai:es
Johnson, AlLert
Strauss, Carlina
Kintner. D F
King, Charles
licwnioot, Tiicrmas
Mays, C It
HjhnjMOQ, I) B
Wlliiaan, William
Was', Walters
Taylor, Chas O.
N. B Barber, P M.
Left Us.- C. H. Whitney, book-keeper
and saksmrn, for Sheppard &. Jaycox, starl-
.d for Portland by last Tuesday's boat. Mr.
Whitney has ma le hosts of friends in Cor-
v illis, who sincerely regret his departure.
He goes to Portland to reside. He will be
missel in the temperance work, in this place
being W. C. T. of Excelsior Lodge and
Secretary of the Blue Ribbon Club. He is
an honorable, upright young man, attends to
business closely, and will never lack for' a
good situation. Our best wishes attend him
as he goes hence, and should rejoice at his
early return to Corvallis. .
and are through inhalation taken into the
I blood. Unless the liver is strong and active
and furnishes a supply of fresh and pure
blood to drive out the impurities, the above
mentioned symtoms surely follow, and if
not heeded, end in more terrible diseases
and death. White's Prairie b lower proves
itself the Great Liver Panacea. Its action
on the liver is different from any medicine
ever compounded. Its cures are truely won
derful. Try it. Price twenty-five cents
and seventy-five cents.
Nothing short of unmistakable benefits
conferred upon tens of thousands of suffer
ers could originate and maintain the reputa
tion which Ayer's Sarsaparilla eniovs.
It is a compound of the best vegetable al
teratives, with the iodides of Potassium and
Iron, and is the most effectual of all reme
dies for scrofulous, mercurial, or blood dis
orders. Uniformly successful and certain
in its remedial effects, it produces rapid r.nd
complete cures oi acrotula, Wores, .Boils
Humors. Pimples Eruptions, Skin Diseases
and all disorders arising from impurity of
the blood. By its invigorating ell'ects it al
ways relieves and often cures Liver Com
plaint, Female Weaknesses and Irregulari
ties, and is a potent renewer of vitality
For purifying the blood it has no equal; it
tones up the system, restores and preserves
tne neaitn ana imparts vigor and energy.
For forty years it has been in extensive iise.
and is to-day the most available medicine for
the suffering sick, everywhere. For sale by
all dealers.
i iic nam uuu) ni-.UAL was awar eu to
Bradley it Kulofson for the best Photographs in the
vmicu ouiius, aim uiu t leima -Medal lor the best in
the world.
4-251 Montjovnerv Street San Francis
New this Week.
Estray 3STotice.
A. Reany, residing three mile north
west ef the city of Weston, Umatilla Coun
ty, Oregon, has this day taken Bp one dark
b ay hor.e, about 15 hands and one inch high;
with white spot in forehead; left hind and
fore feet wdiite half way up to the knees
with collar and saddle marks f ringbone on
left hind foot : brands tons : qC on left
shoulder, and XI E on left hip. . Supposed to
be 8 cr 9 yeara old. A. REAXY"
January 10, 1S70. 7inai 16:10wl.
2. Vegetables of it II bittf, if sound,
can also be preserved indefinitely, and with
out nrymg or eootims-
3. Any clean vessel of wood, stone, or
glass, that will hold water, may be used to
contain the article preserved.
4. The process is so simple that a child of
ten years old can operate it, and there is no
i;s aitfer ot misSakt'S. .
5. As used, neither the material nor pre
served articles are i ll jnriOHS to tli:
!i ; a, nor is the flavor of the article
preserved in the least affected.
6. The entire additional expense for ma
terials, will not exceed . twenty-five
cents for preserving 100 pounds of meat
or for preserving a barn 1 (30 gallons) of veg
etables. 7. The materials used can usually be ob
tained at any drug store, and prepared at
odd times, when a person is not otherwise
busy, and kept on hand for future use.
8. Xeither fJie or verini:! will ever
disturb meat preserved by this process.
9. Meatsjthat have become tainted can
be restored to their original condition, and
then kept sweet indefinitely.
10. Experiments do not. justify giving a
guarantee in regard to fruits. But the prob
abilities aie, that large, solid fruits, such as
apples, pears, etc., cau be preserved. Ber
ries and soft fruits are considered doubtful.
II. We will agree to verify all the above
statements under a forfeiture of (500
gold coin, in case we fail in any particular;
Provided, that in case we succeed, the par
ties calling for the trial shall pay our neces
sary traveling and hotel expenses to the
place of trial and back, and- in addition,
pay us for our time ami trouble the sum of
$100 gold coin. Both sums, as w ell as suf
ficient to cover traveling and hotel expenses
to be deposited in responsible, disinterested
hands before we start for the place of trial.
A copy of the above, properly signed, is
given to the purchaser of every Right, aud
stands as our agreement and guarantee for
the truth of the above statements.
i Stephen Howell, deceased.
the Administrator of sail Estate having
tiled with the County Court his final ac
counts in said Estate, it is' ordered by the
Court that notice be given and published at
least once a week for four successive weeks
in the Corvallis Gazette of said final ac
counts, and that the 8th day of March,
1879, at 10 o'clock, a. m., be appointed for
the hearing of objections to the final ac
count and settlement thereof.
By order of Hon. W. S. McFaddeu,
County Judge, done at the Court House at
Corvallis, in Benton County, Oregon, this
M day ot February, 1879.
7febl 6:6w4. Administrator.
b.lii , very desirrble,
These lands art- cheap.
Also claims in unsurveyed tracts for sale.
Soldiers of the late rebellion who have;
under the Soldiers' Homestead Act, located
and made final proof on less than 160 acres,
can dispose of the balance to me.
Write, (with stamps to prepay postage).
A ddress, R. A. BEN SELL,
Xewport, Benton County, Oregon.
January 7, 1S78. 16:2tf.
The above process was patented January
15, 1878, by Theodore Amep, of Texas, and
the undersigned have the exclusive right to
sell patents for the same for the States of.
Oregun, California and Nevada, and theTe:
ritories of Washington, Idaho, Montana,
Utah, Wyoming and Arizona. Patents for
family use only, and limited to the produc
tions of the purchaser, includini' apparatus.
list of chemicals, and direction in full for
operating and using, will be sold at S10.00
each. Patents for wholesale purposes and
for counties on reasonable terms. For fur
ther particulars, address
Corvalli.T, Benton county, or Albany, Linn
county, Oregon.
JL State of Oregon, for the County of Ben
ton. .-. f- -.-.... v i(
In the matter of the Estate of F. A. Macdon-
ough, deceased. Citation.
To the heirs unknown of Francis A. Mac
donough, deceased, and to all other, persons
interested in said Estate, greeting : ..
In the name of the State of Oregon, you
are hereby cited and required to appear in
the County Court of the State of Oreson.
for the County of Benton, at the.CourtJioom
thereof, at Corvallis, in the County of Ben
ton' on Saturday, the 8th day of March.
1879, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day
then and' there to show cause, if any exist,
why an order of the Court should not be
made for the sale of the following described
Real Property, to-wit ! Lots X and 4 of Sec.
10 T 11 S R 11 west, Will. Merr, emitaining
53 50-100 acres of land situated in Benton
County, State of Oregon, belonging to said
estate,, as prayed for jn the petition of Sam
uel Case, Administrator of said Estate.
AVitness, the Hon. W. S. Mc
L. s. Fadden, Judge of the County
.. Court of the State of Orecron. for
the County of Benton, with the Seal of said
Court affixed, this 5th day of February, A.
D., 1879.
Attest, B. W. WILSON.
7febl6:6w5. Clerk.
Iinciiter and Proprietor of Taylor's
Proposes to cut a Ditch five feet Wide at the
top,, oii'j and a half feet at the bottom and
two feet deep, throwing the dirt two feet
from ditch, for the small consideration of
Thirfj-ihrce and one-third ( ti.u per Bod.
This he guarantees or no charges. He he 8.
three machines now in operation. One each
in Linn, Benton and Lane counties.
Junction Citv, Oregon, Jan. 17, 1879.
Hilil, IIMILTON & Ci;
PEA Mill's IX
- '.
Rather too Personal. We are in re
ceipt of a reply to Forester Royal, by Dr.
Carter, which will appear next week, and
we hope that this will end the controversy,
so far as the Gazette is concerned, as it has
degenerated into mere personalities. A lit
tle "fine writing" in this line once and a
while, is admissible, but it is a sort of
pabulum of which the public soon wearies.
we nave given opportunity to open and re
ply, aud;trust that here the inatter will drop,'
as we cannot see what public good will come
of it.
A new ferryboat nlies ktwun AiK,n
and the opposite shore of the Willamette.
H. F. ADAMS, M. D.,
SJRjEON, oculist, and chronic dis
at the Xew England House, for four
days only from
March IClh to 20th Inclusive.
"Tr.e Oood Samaritan is he who relieves
suffering humanity. Indigent poor liberally
dealt with, under all circumstances." The
Eye, Ear, and all female diseases a specialty.
Mark well the time w hen Dr. Adams arrives.
If you have rheumatism, neuralgia, bronchit
is, diseases of the kidneys, etc., give him
a call. The Dr. is prepared to perform all
surgical operations. If you are afflicted
in any way, consult DR. ADAMS
March 7, 1879. 16:10wl.
S ci m mo n s J
Hamburg Figs.
Price, 2$ tents per Box, Sold Everywhere.
State of Oregon for Benton County.
Lu&iA A. Joas.ios, ) PlaintilF,
Newton C. Johnson, ) Defendant.
To Xcwton C. Johnson, the above named
Defendant : In the name of tiie State of
Oregon, you are hereby summoned and re
quired to appear aud answer the complaint
oi said Plaintiff in the above entitled suit
now on tile in the office of the Clerk of said
Court, on or before the next term of said
Circuit Court to be holden at Corvallis, in
said county, on the second Monday of April.
A. D. 1879. And you are hereby notified
that if you fail to answer said Complaint as
herein required, the Plaintiff will apply to
said court for the relief demanded in the
complaint. The object of said suit is a di
vorce from the bonds of matrimony now ex
isting betweenplaintiff and defendant. Pub
lished by order of Hon. J. F. Watson, Judge,
at chambers, on the 8th day of October, 1878.
Dated this 6th day of February. A. D.
1879. F. A. CHENOWETH,
21febl6:8wC. Pl'ifs Attorney.
Ayer's Ague Cure9
And also the very best assortment of
ever brought to this place,
Administrator's Notice.
the undersigned has been duly appoint-.
ea .Administrator or tne estate of George
McBee, deceased, by the County Court of
Benton county, Oregon; all persons having
claims against said, estate are required to
present the same to said Administrator witli
the proper vouchers within six months from
this date at his residence 7 miles south of
Corvallis, in Benton county, Oregon, or at
the office of James A. -Yantis, in Corvallis.
Admr estate of Geo. W. McBee, dee'd.
Dated Feb. 3, 1879. 7fcbl6:6w4.
For Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever,
Chill Fever, Eemittent Fever, Dumb Ague
Periodical or Bilious Fever, &c, and indeed
all the affections which arise from malari
ous, marsh, or miasmatic poisons.
This is a compound remedv, prepared with
scientific skill from vegetable ingredients, which
rarely fails to cure the severest cases of Chills
ana rcver ana the concomitant disorders. Such
a remedy the necessities of the people in mala
rious districts demand. Its p eat superiority
over any other medicine yet discovered for the
cure of Intermittent is, that it contains no qui
nine or mineral, and those who take it are free
from danger of quinism or any injurious effects,
and are as healthy. after using it as before. It
has been extensively employed during the last
thirty years in the treatment of these distressing
disorders, and so unvarying has been its success
that it has gained the reputation of bcing infal
liule. Itcan, therefore, be safely recommended
as a sure remedy and specilic for the Fever and
Ague of the West, and the Chills and Ferer of
the South. It counteracts the miasmatic poison
In the blood, and frees the system from its influ
ence, so that fever and ague, shakes or chills,
once broken up by it, do not return until the
disease is again contracted.
I The great variety of disorders which arise from
the irritation of this poison, such as Neuralgia,
Rheumatism. Gout, Headache, Blindneu,
Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Pal
pitation, Splenic Affect ions, Hysterics, Pain
In the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, and dcrange
of the Stomach, all of which become intermit
tent or neriodical. have no speedier remedy than
Ayeb's Ague Cons, which cures them ail alike,
and protects the system from future attacks. As
i preventive, it is of immense service in those
communities where Fever and Ague prevails, as
it stays tbe development of the disease if taken
on fho first nnnrnaph of the nrcmonitorv SVulD-
toms. Travellers ami temporary residents are JJL Trucks, lately owned by Mr. James Eslin,
thus enabled to defy these disorders, and few we are prepared to do all kinds of
iriven his patrons perfect satisfaction. lij ik. r.
mined to locate in Coralhs, where he hopes to be fa
vored wi'h a fair share of the public patronage. All
work warranted, when made under his supervision.
Repairing and.clcaning, promptly attended to, a , .,
Corvallis, Nov. 23, 1878. 15 48tf.
William iivii.
M 1
will ever suffer if they avaiL themselves of the
protection this remedy affords.
For Liver Complaints, arising ft-om torpidity,
it is an excellent remedy ; it stimulates. this organ,
into healthy activity, and produces many remark
able cures where other medicines fail.
Prepared by Dr. J.'Ayer dt CfJ.,
Practical and Analytteal Chemists, "
City Trucks and Drays..
in city or nountry, at reasonable rates. Pat
ronage solicited, and satisfaction gonranUrd ia
allcases. ALBERT PV6ALL,
william. Htwmr; '
Corvsllis, Dee. 20, 187. 1 5:51tf-.
statements - neatly printed ut this offk.