The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, January 10, 1879, Page 4, Image 4

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forvallis, Jan. 10,879.
&ewaits at the dead of. .
-Ol& ao sound but the
fjies, th6Uh Her r.earu c
make no motus or pain.
lone with her-hame and sorrow
8he -watchTi tne niga bu
She watch ji the 1
Apd God, -Jr"
Forgives 'Fuen sh
rweth her anguish,
Forgives when ahe prays to die.
She is jfng again in sorrow
XhTwasted years that are gone,
Hoping, and hating, and praying,
fill night melts into the dawn ;
Hating the curse that is turning
The gold of her hair to gray,
Praying that God in his mercy
Turn the1 night of her life into day.
jiff nun is the curse that is dimming
The Kgfet of her beautiful eyes ;
Rum is te curse that is making
A hell of .her paradise.
And the trail of this curse in marked
All over our beautiful land.
By the ashes of wasted leaves
It scatters-on every hand.
Ashes of wasted manhood.
Ashes of woman's love
Ashes of all that is holy
It traileth its slime above.
I&mestic Pete. polks.
Invalid Furniture. A wooden lesr.
A Well-known Girl of the Period.
A botrr Phrenologist- The boy
rBo is always at the head of his class.
A clumsy mwn with big feet is the
biggest train wrecker a lady knows of.
Husbands are said to write "W.
P." -in the corner of the ir letters,
which means. "jfcc permitting."
A man whtSJp' a Fcoiding wife
being asked wliathe did for a living,
replied that he koft a hot house.
A handkerchief flirtation is a very
simple thing. It only requires two
fools and two handkerchiefs.
A elergjman has said that modern
yonng Tatnesr are not t he daughters 01
Shem-andllani, but ol Hem and Sham.
TPriuWipb of Art. " And now,
ma'aTfty I hope that'll j.laze ye ; shure
there's niver a eoiiI as would think it
was your own hair."
A little girl suffering from the
mumps declares that she "feels as
though a headache had slipped down
into her neck."
A little fellow who wore striped
stockings was asked why he made
Barber poles of his legs. His pert
reply was: "Well ain't I a "little
Bfil where did you get them
trousers?" asked an Irishman of a
man who happened to he passing with
a pair of remarkably short trousers
n. "I got them where they grew,''
tvas the indignant reply. " Then, be
me conscience," said Paddy, "you've
pulled them, a year too soon."
" Don't sboW my letters," wrote a
0tmg man to a young lady whom
Be adored.
"Dopjt be afraid," was the reply ;
" Frn just as mucn ashamed of them
as you are."
Tie new love-knot. Friend: f But
why, dear, did you throw over Percy
for Harold ?"
Dear: "Well, you see, II. Blcncls
with my initials, and makes, such a
-mnch nicer monogram."
"My dear," said a husband in start
ling tones, after awaking his wife in
the night,-"I have swallowed a close
ef strychnine!" "Well, then, do
for goodness sake He still, or it may
eome np.-"
"Mamma', where do people go
when they die ?" "MydearI can't
tell yon- just whore." " But don't
.00 know ?" "How can I know,
Nellie? Mamma has never died."
"Of courso not ; but haven't you
studied geography ?"
"Doctor", mjft daughter seems to be
going blind, and she's just petting
ready for her wedding, too! Oh,
dear me, what is to be done?" " Let
her go right on with the wedding,
madame, by all means. It anything
can open her eyes, marriage will."
Day-dreams are sometimes defend
ed on" the ground that, if useless, they
are at least harmless. This, howev er,
cannot be the case. JCothinsr oeeu-pies-so
feutral a posftion. Valuable
time is wasted, energy is fretted
sway, fhe mind is enfeebled, the ac
tivities are discou raged fjf the present
' actual life is rendered tame and in
sipid. When a youth acquires the
Ira-bit of brooding over a possible
mpnhood', full of power and honor,
with wealth to supply every desire,
and a nanib that is to command the
homage of all, with friends to exult
,,.'?' his prosperity, and acquaintances
to be proud of his notice when he
pictures to himself how meekly lie
wilt bear his honors, lnw widely be
will exert his influence, how judicious
ly be will expend his riches, how lib
erally be will scatter his charities, he
is positively unfitting himself for
v present duty, and rendering any at-tajmneftt-of
his dreams an utter im-
rusBtwiu.T. a. i uiiiui trill' 10 i in: v
ion of a wisely cultivated imagina
tion. The pictures drawn by it are
not these of exaggerated fancy, but
rf practical attainment. There is no
Jain fill and irksome return to real
ife, for its conceptions are those of
truth, and such as 3 noble and labo
rious hfo may realize. The chief dif
ference, however, is that the day-
m pictures only pleasure without
Me the true imagination ever
he two. Thus while one
ely-colored views of life.
rerless and d i scour-
it ly leads us up-
Stow, through
denial and pa-
tever is really
W ACT relating' to awl legalizing the elections of
A thePeaeefor the precincts , of.
Dayton, Amitv. McMinnviUo and North Fork in
Yamhill county, Oregon.
Whereas, at'the term of the coun
ty court for Yamhill county, Slate of
Oregon, held June 4, 1867, there was
.rrawttd a order for the election ot
Two .Iirstiees of the Peace for the pre
cincts of Lafayette, Dayton Amity
McMhiwville and North Fork in said
county; and'
Wiif.rf4S, said precincts-ftf feny
ette Davton. Amity, McMirihville
and North sfprk did elect two Jus
tices of the Peace in each of the said
prceincls in June, 1S68, 1870, 1872,
1S74, 1-870 and 1878, in conformity
to said order; and
Whereas, doubts have arisen .ts to
the'validity of said election ; therefore
Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of
the State of Oregon :
Sec 1. That said elections be and
tbey are hereby declared void..
Sec. 2. Inasmuch as th passage
of this net will have a tendency to
dispel doubts, and restore confidence
rtn, ruN.-inl n't oftlio addiiional
justices of the peace elected in Yam
hill county, Oregon, tins act mw
take effect and be in force from and
after its approval by the Governor.
Approved October 16, 1878.
AN ACT to Define the Boundary Lines of Baker
County and of Grant County, and to provide .or a
Survey of the Line between Bal:cr and Oram ioun
tk'S, and to repeal Sections 5 and 19, of title 2, of
Chapter 8, of the Miscellaneous l aws of Oregon,
compiled bv Deadv and Lane in 1572 ; Also to Re
peal an act'entitled " an act to create a Commission
from Grant and Baker Counties, to establish an In
itial Point to Define the Boundary Line between
Grant and Baker Counties, and to Create Com
mission from Baker and Union Counties, to desig
nate by name, which Fork of the North Fork of
Powder River shall be the Line between Baker and
Union Countief." approved October 26, 1S74 ; Also
to Repeal Section 1 of an act to Create and Organize
the County of Grant, approved October 10, lSGJf?
Also to repeal an act to Define the Boundaries Wf
C.rar.t County, approved October 20, 1870 : Al-o to
Repeal an act entitled "an act to Define the Boun
daries of Grant County," approved October 19 1572,
Be it enacted, by the Legislative Assembly of the
State of
Section 1. That the boundary
lines of Baker county shall be as fol
lows; commencing at the intersec
tion of Powder river with Snake
river; thence up tin; main channel of
said Powder river to the intersection
of North Powder river with said
main Powder river; thence up the
main channel of said North Powder
river to ti.e mouth of" the Anthony
fork of suid North Powder river;
thence up the main channel of said
Anthony fork of North Powder river
to the largest lake near t tie source 01
Anthony fork, which hike is used as a
reservoir for the Camp Carson mines;
tl.cnee due west to the summit of the
chain ot mountains known as the
Blue mountains, that separate the
waters of Powder river and Burnt
river, on the east, from the
waters of John Day river on
the west; thence southerly along
the summit of said chain of moun
tains between the waters of said Pow
der and Burnt river on the east and
the waters of said John Day river on
the west, to fi point where the Dalles
inilliiary'road crosses the summit of
said Blue mountains; thence due east
to a point .where the range line of the
United States surveys will be inter
sected, between ranges 36 and 37 east
of the Willamette meridian; thence
due south to the Stale line on the 42d
1 parallel of north latitude; thence due
east along said state lines to the m
tersection of the State boundary line
between Idaho territory and Oregon;
thence due north to the mouth of the
Owyhee river; thence down the mid
dle of the main channel of Snake
river to the month of Powder river
to the place of beginning.
Sec 2. That the boundary lines ol
Grant county shall be as follows:
Beginning at a point on the 42d par
allel of north latitude at the State
line, where the same is crossed by
the 125th degree of longitude west;
thence north along said line of lon
akude to The 45th parallel of north
latitude ;' thence east along said par
allel of north latitude to the summit
of the chain of mountains known as
the Blue mountains; thence souther
ly along the summit of said Blue
mountains to the westerly boundary
line of Baker county, described in
section 1 herein; thence along and
adjoining said western line of Baker
county on the summit of said Blue
mountains souliierly between the
waters of Powder river and Burnt
river on the east, and John Day river
on the west, to a point where the
Dalles military road crosses the sum
mit of said mountains; thence due
east to a point w'here the range line of
the United States surveys will lie in
tersected between ranges 36 and 37
east of the Willamette meridian ;
thence due south to the State line on
the 42d parallel of north longitude;
thence due west along said State line
to the place of beginning.
Skc. 3. That it shall be the duty
of the county e-"nrt of Baker county,
as soon as practicable, to contract
with and appoint some competent
surveyor t& survey and locate with
suitable stakes, monuments and
marko, the said boundary line be
tween Baker and Grant counties on
the route dest-ribed in section I of
this act, to wif : from said lake to the
42d parallel of north latitude, and
field notes and plats of such surrey
shall be filed in the office ot the Sec
retary of State and clerk's offices of
said counties as a lecord thereof;
that the expense of such survey shall
be audited by the county court of
Baker county, and the account thereof
shall be certified to the county court
of Grant count', and the amount
thereof sha'l be paid equally by said
Baker and Grant counties.
Sec. 4. That sections 5 and 10, of
title 2, ofidiapter 8, of the miscella
neous laws-of Oregon, compiled by
Deady and Lane in 1872 ; also an act
entitled an act to create a commis
sion from Grani and Baker counties
to establish an initial point to define
the boundary line' between Grant and
Baker counties, and to create a com
mission from Baker and Union coun
ties to designate by name which fork
of the north fork of Powder rivr
shall be the line between Baker and
Union counties," approved October
26, 1874; also, section J of ail act to
create and' organize the county of
Grant, approved October 10, 1864;
also, an act to define the boundaries
of Grant county, approved October
20, 187CT;- alsoan act entitled an
act to define the boudaries of Grant
county," approved 19, 1872, are
all hereby repealed.
Skc 5. That inasmuch as the
boundary line between Baker and
Grant counties has not been surveyed
and defined, and thereby great loss of
revenue to State and counties may
occur from the uncertainty of juris
diction of persons and property along
said line, this act shall take effect
from and after its approval by the
A'pproved October 16, 1878.
AX ACT to amend an act entitled " an act to Incor
porate the town of Jacksonville, approvca ucio
ber 19. 1660.
Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the
State of Oregon :
That section I of article 3 of said
act be amended so as to read as fol
lows :
Section 1. A general elect ion shall
be held on the first Tuesday ot March
in each year, at which election all
the officers provided for in this act
shall be elected, except the comnus
sioner of streets. 1 he board ot trus
tees shall appoint the commissioner
of streets within thirty days alter
their election.
That section 4 of article 3 be amend
ed so as to read as follows:
Sec. 4. All vacancies occurring
from any cause, in any of the offices
of the town, shall be filled for the
unexnired term, by appointment by
the board of trustees, at any regular
or called meeting fcliereof.
Approved October 17, 1878.
AN ACT to Incorporate the town of Oakland.
Be it nactecl by the Legislative Assembly of
the Siate of Oregon :
Section 1. That the inhabitants
of the town of Oakland, in Douglas
county, State of Oregon, and their
successors within the limit hereinafter
prescribed, are hereby created and
estahliserl a body politic aim corpor
ate, by the name and style of the
Citv of Oakland, and by that style
shall have perpetual succession, the
right to sue and He sued, defend and
be defended in all courts within this
State; to purchase, lease, receive and
hold properly, both real and personal,
and dispose of the same for the com
mon benefit ; to hil-ve and use a seal,
and to alter the same at pleasure.
Skc 2. The corporate limits of
said City of Oakland shall be as follows:-
commencing at a point thirty
feet west of the center of O. & C.
railroad tract, at a point parallel with
the north line of the railroad addition
to the town of Oak'und, running
thence along said railioad on the west
side and thirty feet from center of
track to the north line of block No.
1 ; thence westei'y to the northwest
corner ot said block No. 1 thence
southerly along the west line of block
No. 1, to the southwest corner; thence
easterly along the south line of said
block to the southwest comer of block
N i. 16; thence southerly in due line
to southwest corner of block A in
Brown's addition to the said load ad
dition to the town of Oakland ; thence
easterly along the south line of
Brown's addition, to the line between
the donation claim of Thos. Banks
and L. II. Crew ; thence north along
said line to a point due east of the
north line of the railroad addition to
Oakland ; thence west to place ol
Sec 3. The officers of said city
shall be a board of five trustees, a
Recorder, Treasurer, a Marshal, who
shall be legal voters and actual resi
dents of the town during the six
months next preceding their election.
The legislative powers are vested in
the board of trustees, who may enact
all ordinances necessary and proper
for the due execution of the powers
herein granted. The judicial powers
are vested in the Recorder, who shall,
by virtue of his office, be likewise a
Justice of the Peace, and shall nave
exclusive original jurisdiction of all
causes and matters arising under the
ordinances of the town, and shall act
as clerk of the board qf trustees. The
Marshal shall be the executive officer
of the town, a constable and conser
vator of the peace, and shall arrest
and bring before the Recorder for
trial on complaint, or otherwise, all
offenders against the laws of the
State or ordinaces of the town,
and perform all such duties as the
board ot trustees shall prescribe. The
board of trustees may appoint, a night
watchman and other subordinate of
ficers and agents, and fill all vacan
cies in office.
Sec. 4. That tbe officers shall be
elected by the qualified voters of the
town annually, on the first Monday
of November, and the election shall
be conducted in accordance with the
laws of the State. The first election
shall beheld in said Oakland, at the
place of holding general elections,
commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., and
ending at 4 o'clock p. m., and the in
spectors of the election shall give
certificates to the successful candi
dates, and shall deliver the poll books
to the Recorder elect. The board of
trustees shaljppoint the inspectors
of all snbseqrrent elections and the
place of holding the same, and shall
cause ten da's' previous notice there
of to be posted' throughout the town,
and they shall receive the returns and
declare the result, and the President
and Recorder shall give certificates
of election to the officers elect.
Sec. 5. That the board of trus
tees shall elect a President, keep a
record of their proceedings and meet
at stated limes, and at such other as
iho Prpsirlpiit shall armOint.- Tbev
shaH'judge of the qualifications and
election ot their own members, ana
decide contested elections of all town
officers. They shall have power with
in the town to levy and collect taxes
not exceeding one mill per cerit per
annum; to license and tax theatrical
and other exhibitions, shows and
amusements, and houses for the sale
of intoxicating liquors, ale aud beer;
but such taxes shall not lie less than
are prescribed by the general laws;
to provide against fires, nuisances,
disorderly behavior and disturbances
of the peace ; to provide fof the con
struction, improvement and repair of
streets, highways, bridges and side
walks, and for the cleaiilihesa of the
same, and of ditches, drains and sew
ers; to provide a lockup for persons
arrested or sentenced to imprison
ment under the ordinances of the
town or general laws; to punish by
fine or imprisonment all violations of
the ordinances of the town; to re
strain domestic animals from going
at large within the limits of the town
or of afoy specified part or parts
thereof; to provide for the taking op
and impounding ot such animals, and
for their sale, if not redeemed, and
generally to provide for the safety,
peace, order and well being of the
inhabitants of the town.
Sec 6. That the enacting clause
of every ordinance shall be "The
people of the town of Oakland do
ordain as follows;" and every ordin
ance to be valid must receive the af
firmative votes of three trustees,
whose names must be catered upon
the journals.
Sec. 7. That claims against the
town must be audited by the board
of trustees, and paid on the order of
the President, countersigned by the
Sec 8. That the term of office
shall commence on the day following
the election, but all officers shall serve
until their successors are sworn into
office. The trustees shall receive no
compensation ; the Recorder shall
receive the fees of a Justice of the
Peace; the Marshal shall receive the
fees of a Constable for like services,
and for other services such as the
I trustees shall audit.
Sec 9. No officer, during the per
i iod for which he is elected, shall be
interested in any contract, the expen
ses of which are to be paid out of the
town treasury.
Sec 10." There shall be a road dis
trict around said town of Oakland,
within a circle, whose radius shall be
one and a half miles, and Front and
Locust streets the center thereof,
which shall be governed by the same
laws as other districts, except that
the trustees shall appoint a resident
as supervisor, who shall apply the
road tax to the repair of roads and
streets in such mander as the law
shall order.
Sec. 11. When any person shall
be convicted of any criminal offense
under any of the ordinances of said
town, and shall be adjudged to pay a
line and costs, and shall fail to pay
the same, he may be sentenced to la
bor one day for every two dollars of
such fine and costs, upon the streets
an-d other public works of the town.
Sec. 12. The inspectors of the first
election shall be J. E. Pike, A. C.
Young and E. J. Page, who shall
cause ten days' notice to be posted in
three conspicuous places in the said
town, ami slrill give certificates of
election to the successful candidates,
and deliver the poll books to the Re
corder eh'ct ; the officers thus elected
shall qualify before some officer le
gally authorized to administer oaths,
and shall, within five da s thereafter,
enter upon their respective duties.
Sec. 13. The legislature of Ore
gon may annul, repeal or amend this
act whenever a majority of the citi
zens petition therefor.
Sec 14. Inasmuch as this act pro
vides that the annual election takes
place on the first Monday in Novem
ber, therefore this act shall take ef
fect and be in force from and after its
approval by the Governor.
Approved October 17, 1873.
AN ACT tn Incorporate the town of Lafayette, In
Ya-.nhiil County, OreirOn.
Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of
the State of Oregon:
Section 1. That the inhabitants
of the town of Lafayette, Yamhill
county, S'ate of Oregon, and their
successors within the limits hereinaf
ter prescribed, are hereby created and
established a body politic and corpo
rate, by the name and style of the
town of Lafayette, and by that style
shall havr perpetual succession ; the
right to sue and be sued, defend and
be defended in all courts in this State;
to purchase, lease, receive and hold
property, both real and personal, and
dispose of the same for the common
benefit; to have and use a seal and to
alter the same at pleasure.
Sec. 2. The corporate limit of said
town of Lafayette shall be as follows,
to-wit: beginning at a point in the
Yamhill river at the month of Milli
ean branch, on the dividing line be
tween the donation land claim of Eli
jah Millican and wife, in T. 4 S., R.
4 V., in Yamhill county, Oregon,
and the donation land claim of Joel
Perkins and wife, in T. 4 S., It's 3 and
4 W., in Yamhill county, Oregon, ( in
cluding the 160 acres patented to said
county); thence in a northerly direc
tion on the east boundary line of said
donation land claim of Elijah Milli
can and wife, to a point south 17W
west of the northwest corner of block
No. 67, of the town of Lafayette, as
the same is platted on pages 54 and
35, of volume " G," of the records
of deeds of Yamhill county, Oregon;
thence east 17 north of the north
west corner of lot No. 1 of said block
No. 67; thence east 17 north along
the north boundary line of said town
plat to the northeast corner of block
No 15 ; thence in a southerly direc
tion, along the east boundary line of
said town plat to the Yamhill river;
thenc'a up said yamhill river with the
meandeiings thereof, to the place of
Sec. 3. The Officers of the said
town shall be: five trustees; a Re
corder, who shall be the clerk of the
board of trustees and assessor, and
ex-offieio Justices of the Peace within
the limits of the town of Lafayette;
a Maishal, who shall be collector' of
taxes and ex-officio constable within
the town of Lafayette; and a Treas
urer, who shall hold their offices un
til their successors are elected and
qualified, and who shall be legal vot
ers and actual resdents of the town
six months next preceding their elec
tion. Sec 4. Said officers shall be elected
by the qualified electors of said town
on the first Monday in uecemoer oi
each year. Provided, that no person
shall "be entitled to vote at a munici
pal election Avho has not resided in
said town limits thirty days next pre
ceding the election, or who shall have
refused or neglected-'.o' pay any city
fine or tax legally assessed against
him ; Provided, such fine or tax has
been legally demanded of him ; And
provided further, that legal TO t ere
bavins real estate and doing perma
nent business' within the limits of said
town, shall also bo deemed legal
voters at municipal elections. The
first election of city officers shall be
as fellows:- the County Clerk ot Yam
hill county shall post in three of the
most public places in said town at
least one week-before the election, a
notice, designating the time and
place where said election will be
held, and thereafter and before the
election, shall appoint three persons
to receive the votes at the place des
lgnated, and the persons so appointed
shall receive the voles as aforesaid,
and within four days thereafter shall
make return of said votes to the clerk
of the county court, who shall forth
with, in the presence of the judge of
the county court, or Justice of the
Peace, canvass the same, and to the
persons respectively having the high
est number of votes for Recorder,
Marshal and Treasurer, he shall give
certificates of election ; and to the
five persons having the highest (tim
ber of votes for trustees, he shall give
certificates of election as trustees.
Sec. 5. The board of trustees shall
elect one of their number to be presi
dent, which board shall constitute the
town council, and at any meeeing
shall have exclusive power to provide
for the election and qualifications of
officers, and for filling vacancies in
office; to fix the time add place of
their meeting, but they shall meet as
often as once in each month ; to levy
and collect taxes for citv purposes ;
to establish hospitals; prevent and
remove nuisances; to provide water;
to license, tax and regulate auction
eers, la venis, ordinaries, hawkers, ped
dlers, brokers, pawn brokers and mon
ey ehangers; and also hackneys,, car
riages, wagons, carts, drays, omni
buses, and to fix the rate ot carrying
persons and property therein ; to li
cense, tax and regulate bar rooms,
billiard tables, liquor venders, theat
rical and other shows, exhibitions,
and other amusements, and also to
prohibit bawd- houses, gaming and
gambling houses; Provided, that no
person having paid a license to the
town lor carrying on any business or
traffic named in this section shall be
compelled to pay to the county or the
State for the same business; toestab
lish and regulate market houses and
places; to establish fire companies,
and provide for the prevention and
extinguishment of fire; to appoint
fire w aniens and property guards and
to prescribe their duties; to compel
any person or persons present to aid
in the extinguishment of fire, or for
the preservation of property exposed
to danger in times of fires, and by
ordinance to prescribe such other pow
ers as may be necessary on such occa
sions; to establish and regulate a po
lice and night watch ; to impose fines,
penalties, forfeitures; to provide for
the const ruction, cleansing and re
paying of side and cross-walks; Pro
tided, the residents of said town shall
not " e exempt from the payment of
such road taxes as are or may be im
posed by law upon the residents of
Yamhill county; And j)rovided fur
tier, that the trustees of said town
shall have power to compel by ordi
nance the owners of lots or blocks, to
construct and repair side-walks, and
to dig and maintain ditches and sew
ers along the streets adjacent to said
lots or blocks at the cost Off the own
ers thereof, and to provide for the
selling of the lots and blocks adja
cent lo which any such works may
be constructed, ditches dug, sewers
constructed, or improvements made,
to pay all costs and expenses thereof
in the same manner as like property
is sold on execution under and in pur
suance of tlie laws of this Stale. To
grade, pave, plank or otherwise clean,
construct and keep in repair, streets,
alleys and side-walks. To prevent
and regulate the running at large of
animals, and the discharge of fire
arms in said town ; to appropriate
for any item of city expenditure, and
to provide for the payment of debts
and expenses of the city; to appoint
a Street Commissioner and a City At
torney and prescribe their duties ; to
provide for the removal of standing
water and unwholsome and offensive
substances ; to make by laws and or
dinances not inconsistent with the
laws of this Stale and of the United
States, to carry into effect the provis
ions of this charter, and to secure the
health, peace and improvement of
said town ; and lo provide for the
punishment of persons violating city
ordinances, by fine or imprisonment,
but no fine shall exceed one hundred
dollars, nor imprisonment more than
twenty days. And said board of
trustees shall have power to prevent
the introduction of contagious dis
eases into the town ; to prevent and
restrain any riot, noise, disturbance
or disorderly assemblage in any
street, house or place in the town ; to
make ordinances to prevent and pun
ish vagrancy and disorderly conduct,
and to provide rules and legulations
compelling persons convicted of va
grancy or disorderly conduct to work
on the st: eels and public works of
the town; Provided,
to hard work on the streets or public
works of the town shall exceed ten
days for any conviction.
Sec 6. The president of the board
of trustees shall have power to call
meetings of the board, and shall pre
side at its meetings, if present, and
shall, at least once in each year, state
to said board the condition, financial
and otherwise, of said town, and
make such recommendations as he
shall deem expedient.
Sec 7. The Recorder shall be ex
officio Justice of the Peace, and have
jurisdiction, civil and criminal, per
taining to that office, and shall have
jurisdiction over all violations of oily
ordinances, and may hold to bail, fine
or commit persons found guilty there
of. His duty as clerk and assessor
shall be as prescribed by the boaid
of trustees. He slrill preside over
all meetings of the board i,i the ab
sence of the president, and shall keep
a journal of the proceedings of the
board of trustees, and si all be custo
dian of the records of said town, ex
cept t he treasurer's books.
Sec. 8". The Marshal shall execute
all processes directed to him by the
Recorder or any legal authority;
shall be conservator of the peace, and
shall arrest all persons guilty of a
breach thereof, or of the violation ot
any city ordinance, and take them
before the city Recorder or Justice of
the Peace for trial ; and may, as col
lector, enforce the collection of city
taxes as the collection ot county
taxes are enforced, and shall perform
such other duties as may be required
of him by the board of trustees.
Sec 9. The TreastweF shall receive
and keep the funds and moneys of
the city, and pay out the same as
hereinafter specified. He shall exe
cute a bond, with two sureties, to be
approved by the board of trustees,
in such sum as the board shall order,
for the safe keeping of moneys of the
said town and the proper discharge
duties as treasurer, and- when requir
ed by the board, he shall make a stale
merit of financial affairs of the town.
Sec 10. No claim against the ciiy
shall be paid until it is audited and
allowed by the common council, and
then the treasuier shall pay it upon
a warrant drawn upon him by the
SEc. 1 1. No member of the board
of trustees shall, during the period
for which he is elected, be, interested
in any contract, the expenses of
which are to be paid out of the town
Sec 12. Within five days from
the enactment of any ordinance, a
copy thereof shall be posted in three
of the most public places in said
town, or published in a newspaper in
Lafayette, and no ordinance shall
take effect in less than five days after
its passage.
Sec 13. A majority of the trus
tees present at any meeting shall CQIU
st i lute a quorum to do business, ami
m4(n of the board shall be
public, and at jeast once a year a
statement of th financial affairs of
tlio town shall be published by the
Sec 14. The board of trustees
shall not in any manner create any
debt or municipal liability, which
shall singly or in the aggregate ex
ceed two hundred dollars; and the
board of trustees shall not, during
any one year, levy any tax- or taxes
to exceed four mills on the dollar in
the aggregate; and li'.ey shall levy a
poll lax-of not less than one dollar,
or more than two dollars, upon each
legal voter within said' town during
e.ich year, if necessary, to create a
fund for current city expenses.
Sec 15; The board of trustees
shall provide by ordinance for the
canvass and count of the at city
elections; and shall provide rules
governing the place and manner ol
such elections, and shall decide all
contested elections.
Sec. 16. No person shall be eligi
ble to the office of trustee unless he
shall be five owner of real estate with
in said city.
Sec. 17. That the enacting clause
of every ordinance shall be: "The
peojfie of tlve town of Lafayette do
ordain as follows;" and every ordi
nance to be valid must receive the
attimalive vote of at least three trus
tees, whose names must be entered in
the journal.
Sec. 18. The board of trustees
shall have no power, without the con
sent of the owners, to lay out or open
any streets on the lands of Edwin or
Henrietta Popple ton, Edgar Popple
ton, A. R. Bui-bank, John Bird, J. C.
Nelson and Joe Matby, Ivingiii' a
body, and across which no streets
now run.
Sec. 1-9. The term of office of each
officer shall commence on ihe day
following the election, but in case of
disability, resignation, non-accep.-ance
or election contest, all officers
shall hold until their successors are
sworn into office. The trustees shall
i-mrpi vp no eomneiisation ; the Recor
der shall receive the fees of a Justice
j TIC TfiUgfl COM-
i'AKV, W. J. Uoukk, Proprie
tor. bear Sir:-I feel that I
owe it to you and to huuutnity
to writ the (act that J hae
been bl'liSTANTIALLY CUH-J-1
of a bad ca-.e of ruDtur of
thirty yearV utanding, by one of your incomparable
Truijries, which I purchased from you three months
ao. J cannot describe the suffering, both pbytrfcaJly
and mentally, that I have undergone during that pe
riod; and now J feel like a new being1. I have worn
all kinds of Trusses, both Steel and hla-itic, and nev
er received any permanent relief until 1 tried yours.
Its Himplicity of construction, and facility with which
it can he adjusted, and the ease and perfect freedom
to the motions of the body with which it can be worn
without canning any irritation, are iU chief merit,
and it is a perfect supporter. I have not had any
sifn of a return of a Rupture since the first day I put
it on, and feel that I am PERFECTLY CURED. It is
invaluable, and the fact should be known to the
world. You can refer atiy one to me on the subject
of their merits. I am yours truly,
Chief Mail Clerk S. F. Daily Evening Post.
San Francisco, July 20, 1878.
SION. San Francisco, July 9, 1878-
f aHCornia Elastic Truss Co:
After practicing medicine many years in this city,
during- which time I have had an extensive experience
in the application of all kinds of Trusses, 1 can ai:d
do recommend yours as the best in every respect, for
it is a? near perfection as modern science can make it.
It has many advantages over the torturing steel-hoop
Trusses, which inflict great injury on the hips and
spine, bringing on other distressing ailments, such as
lu nbago, morbid affections o the kidneys and numb
ness in the lower limbs, all of which are avoided by
wearing the California Elastic Truss. It is not only a
perfect retainer, combining ease and comfort, but the
pressure can be changed to any degree. It also re
mains in its proper place at all times, regardless of the
motions of the body, and is worn night and day with
perfect ease. It is suerior to any of the Elastic
Trusses now in the market, while it combines the
merits of all. 1st -It is easily adjusted on and off
with snaps, doing away with straps and buckles.
2d The universal spring between the plate and pad
prevents all irritation, which is a god-send to the suf
ferer. 3d. The pad is adjusted on and off in an in
stant, and can be changed for any other size and form
most suitable to the case. In fact it combines every
quality essential to comfort and durability, and is un
equal ed in lightness, elasticity, natural action, and
artistic finish Many of my patients who are afflicted
with hernia are wearing them, and all shall in the fu
ture, for X think the great ease with which th :;se
purel' scientific appliances are made efficacious. Is
trulv remarkable. You can refer any parties to mo
on the subject of their merits. I remain truly yours,
Physician and Surgeon,
GOO Sacramento street, San Francisco.
It is constructed on scientific principles and sells on
its own merits. If you want the best truss ever man
factored, don't forget the name and number.
Trusses forwarded to all parts of the United States
I at our expense, on receipt of price.
Send for IlSu.rated Ca'alogne and Price
Giving full information and rules for Measuring.
72Q Market Street, S. F.
of ilie Peace,
and the Maishal the
fees of a constable for HKe service.
The Trt asurer shall receive such sum
as the board may deem just, not to
exceed twenty-five dollars per annum.
Sec. 20. Inasmuch as there is great
need of local municipal government,
this act shall take effect and be in
force from and after its approval by
the Governor.
Approved October 17, 1878.
Whv is a roan more devout when
he has'a cold in his bead ? Because he
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Positively Cured.
arc anxiom to bo cured shouid try Dr. Kissner's
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No risk. Reader, if you want a business
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Any person who has made a new discovery on in
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offer superior accommodations in the Livery line.
Always ready for a drive,
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My Stable, are first-class in every respect, and com
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Cor. Second and 9Ionroe Sts.,
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Work done to order on short notice, jt rea
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Corvallis Jan. 1,18 7. 14:ltf