The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, January 10, 1879, Page 3, Image 3

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0orvaUi8, Jan. 10, 1879.
Better text-books than those now in use
are wanted in' several branches of study.
Many at present in use, fail to answer the
requirements of progressive instruction, or
to respond to the waat of class manuals
which treat their subjects comprehensively.
It is impossible to specify what is lacking at
length, but improvements in school arithme
tics are suggested, and we find that the new
series has recently been published, which
promises to respond to the want.
It is by Prof. Wm. J. Milne, an exper
ienced educator and at present Principal of
the State Normal School at Geneseo, N.
Y. It comprises two books, elementary and
practical, which are upon the inductive plan,
and propose a plain and attractive meavs of
bscoming familiar with the science of num
bers. The pupil is led up to the rules by
short and easy steps, but in a way which
presents nothing theoretically. When he
reaches a rule he knows all about it practi
cally, and therefore it becomes merely a
succinct statement of what he has learned,
in form easily remembered. This is rational
instruction. Another feature of these arith
metics is their profuse pictorial illustration
of various exercises, by which the eye is ad
dressed as well as the mind. Make every
study attractive the more so the better
and tho cause of education will be the gainer
thereby, whatever some teachers may pro
fess to believe.
A Grammar School History of the United
States by John Clark Ridnath, A. M., Pro
fessor of History and Belles-Letters in the
Indiana Asbury University, is another new
school text with many attractive features
and notable rocommendatious. In style
and arrangement it is simply inimitable,
while its profusion of incident and certain
opulence of, verbal illustration, are charms
which few writers know how to impart to
their productions.
We learn that the works above noticed
are offered at a very moderate price, and I
that such otter, together with their merits,
has introduced them to use in several thou
sand schools. In type, paper, binding, and
all the minor details of elegance these books
outrank all their competitors. They are pub
lished by Jones Brothers & Co., of Philadel
phia, Cincinnati, and Chicago, who will
doubtless supply additional particulars to
such as desire them.
The Salem Statesman, of the 24th ult.,
has the following neat announcement of a
printers' anpper, to be given by Mr. K. M.
Waite, who will soon close up the State
printing work of 1878. It will be a grand
affair, as S. F. Matthews, " mine host" of
the Chemeketa, knows just how to " do the
handsome" by the boys. His elegant par
lors and spacious dining hall will ring with
"wit and wisdom" on that occasion, no
doubt, as all the printers and journalists of
Salem will be present :
The time-honored custom of having a
grand supper and banquet upon the comple
tion of the State printing, is, we are ghul-to
be able to announce, to be repeated this
year. All the Sate Printers have done tho
handsome thing by the boys, and Mr. Waite,
with the generosity which over characterizes"
the craft, will not allow his administration
to be any exception to the jneral rule. Ar
rangements are being made with Mr. Mat
thews, of the Chemeketa, who will get up a
gorgeous game supper. All the printers and
journalists in Salem, with a few favored
guests, will be present, and the occasion
will truly be a feast of reason and a flow of
soul. Printers are noted for their whole
souled hospitality and sociability the world
over, and when all the boys get their heads
together something is sure to happen. The
toasts will be varied, sparkling and witty,
as they always are on such occasions, and
the few outsiders wiio are fortunate enough
Bceive invitations, will enjoy filmic time?
An extra edition of the "Lye-Pot," the of
ficial organ of the craft, will be issued on
the occasion, giving the full programme of
the evening, etc. We venture the predic
tion that Mr. Wnifce's banquet will be fully
up to the requirements of the craft regula
tions. In the classiic language of the smok
ed poet, " We all will be dur. "
Temperance Alliance. Tuesday even
ening of last week it was the good fortune
of ye local to be in the neighborhood of the
Willamette church, just across the river in
Lino county, and to be present at the Tern
perance Alliance, which has bven in success
ful operation for several years last past. The
Alliance was well attended, notwithstanding
the fact that it was one of the coldest nights
of the season. The people of that vicinity
are wide awake on the subject of temper
ance, and are doing a good work. Tbe en
tertainment consisted of instrumental and
vocal music, essays, readings and recitations,
and, taken together, was very enjoyable,
and as to the music well, we can say from
this occasion and past experience, that that
neighborhood can throw in sight more good
singers on shorter notice than any place.
Death of Mr. Hirsch. The following
notice is from the Orcgonian of the 3d inst ;
" Mr. J. B. Hirsch, brother of Hon. Sol.
Hirsch, State Senator from Multnomah
county, and Ed. Hirsch, State Treasurer,
died at his home in Salem on Wednesday,
after a long illness. Deceased has resided
in Salem for many years, where he has
been engaged in merchandising. For
some time past Mr. Hirsch has been in poor
health. He was a most estimable eitizen,
strictly honorable in all the ralations of life,
and greatly respected by all who knew him.
Deceased leaves a wife and several children
to mourn his departure from the walks of
men. In respect to the memory of the de
parted, the large wholesale house of Fleisch
ner, Mayer & Co. , was closed yesterday. "
Col. Hogg and Mr. Hamilton have gone
to San Frrncisco to arrant for the immedi
ate purchase of iron for the Yaquina Bay
The above item has been going the rounds
ef the State exchanges for several weeks
past and yet Ma W. B.. Hamilton, presi
dent of the W. V. & C. P.. E. Co., one of
the gentlemen referred to, is at home in this
city. The fact is, that the arrangement for
the "immediate purchase of the iron for the
Yaquina Bay Railroad," was fixed before
CoL Hogg left for San Francisco. The
money matter ia all arranged and the iron
and rolling stock for the first ten miles of
the road will, doubtless, be shipped from
New York by tbe 20th of this month. The
money for the iron is all right, and the "cars
will run."
New Stand. Mr. K. Rosenthal, dealer
in fine cigars, tobacco, candies, nuts, and
gents' furnishing goods, has moved to the
corner, formerly occupied by J. W. Souther,
Hadrug store. With more room, and greater
.JMiIities, he can give better satisfaction to
elastomers. Thankful for past liberal pat
ronage, he desires te see all his old, and many
new customers at his new stand.
See notice of Thos. Horning, in another
column, relative to a lost note.
A very niceassortment of Holiday goods
tor sale, at Kay s.
Supreme Court is in season at Salem, and
a number of our attorneys are in attendance
O. P. Jaycox, of the firm of Sheppard &
Jaycox, started lor Portland last Monday.
Interesting? revival meetings in progress
at rhiipmth, under the auspices ot the U.
B. Church.
S. F. Floed has' become joint proprietor
with U. L. .Mosher m the conduct ot the
Western Star, Koseburg.
Second meeting of Prof. Royal's class in
drawing, this evening, at the North District
school house.
S. F. Mattlievs. of the Chemeketa Hotel,
Salem has. about 27 tons of ice put up for
next summer s use.
One of our business men, last week, made
it convenient to go to Portland in company
with Deputy U. S. Marshal Bnrns.
We regret to learn that the wife of Bishop
Castle, of Philomath, still remains in a very
critical condition just on the verge of the
grave. . ,
A new stock of clocks, just received, at
W. C. Cnwford'3. Any one wishing to
purchase will do well to call. Prices very
W. O. Kin loll, of thi3 county, started
for Walla Walla', last week but could get
no further than Portland. Columbia river
closed with ice.
The "bill of fare" for the printers' ban
quet, in Salem, as published in the States
man, of the 5th inst., is a gorgeous, as well
as decidedly " mixed ' affair.
Messrs. Carlile and Wallace, of this city,
have been engaged in putting up ice, dur
ing the p ist week Good time to prepare for
the "dog-days."
The holidays passed off pleasantly the
weather has been delightful the schools are
again in full blast, and business matters
move as usual.
Mr. A. Parker, of Albany, passed through
the city, last Monday, with his family, u
route to Oneatta Mills, which is to be their
future home.
Last Tuesday the family of Mr. Loretz,
the comb-maker, started for Albany, en
route for Creswell. where they ar,e to join
the husband end father.
Hon. R. A. Pensell gives notice, under
" New this week," that he has three well
improved farms for sale, at Yaquina Bay.
Here is a chance for bargains.
We are requested, by the Secretary, C.
H. Whitney, to announce that the State
Temperance Alliance meets at Albany, Feb,
19, 1879 at 1 o'clock, p. M.
Indies who have nice dresses, and wish
them made in the best manner, should go to
Mrs. I. A. Miller, Third, between Washing
ton and Adams streets, Corvallis.
Messrs. Pygall & Irwin have first-class
teams and wagons, careful drivers, anil are
prepared to do all kinds of freighting be
tween Corvallis and Albany, or elsewhere.
(Jive them a call. Terni3 reasonable.
Dr. Watts had a grand time, and met
with, splendid success at Engene last week.
On Thursday evening he organized a Blue
Ribbon club with 158 members and on Fri
day evening 147 more joined.
Stages have been making good time, since
the freeze-up, and Albany has been lively
but boats are exeedingly scarce. The river
is unusually low for this season of the year.
The drawing class will meet in Prof. Roy
al's school room this evening. Any persons
desirous of acquiring the art of sketching
from nature, or of pencil drawing for other
purposes, should join the class at once.
Messrs. Young & Polly are collecting the
material on the ground for their new hotel.
And if this weather continues long, they
will proceed with preliminary work on the
-Hi. N. Castle, def aulting clerk of San
Jose, shot, and instantly killed himself, af
ter arrest, upon the arrival of the steam ;r
Oregon, at Portland, last Tuesday. He had
a letter, upon his person, written for friends
in Yolo county, CaL
E. A. Abbey came in from his Yaquina,
farm a few days since, anil made a trip to
Polk county for the purpose of purchasing
some of Hon. f . W. Nesmith's fine hogs,
but was too late all gone
Last Tuesday night the aita.l veered
around to the couth, tbe gentlwBrain bean
to descend, the ice and frozen ground soon
disappeared, and the average Webfoot "
was happy. Rain seems better suited to
Oregon than snow and ice.
W. P. Burns, of Portland, Deputy IT. S.
Marshal, gave us a call last week, after we
had gone to press. He was up on official
business, and returned the next morning, by
stage, to Albany, and from thence by cars.
D. M. Conley, the Demosthenes of the
Albany bar, was in this city last Saturday
and returned home by Monday's stage.
Whether he was looking after matrimonial,
oj other estate, deponent saith not.
Wood thieves about. Mrs, Stilson's wood
shed was relieved of a large lot of wood a
few nights since. Double-barrelled shot
guns are in demand. Stealing woxl and
chickens, with a " cold lead" reception,
wotdd not be pleasant.
Mrs. E. A. Knight, milliner of this city
has opened her new stock of goods, the va
rious articles of which we cannot now stop
to specify; but if you want to see some
thing fancy, just step in.
W. H. Watkinds, former Snpt. of peni
tentiary, announces through the Oregonian,
that he is preparing an answer to the report
of the investigating committea, and asks
the people to withhold comments for the
Rev. G. W. Bennett will preach on the
second Sabbath in January, at (eleven)
o'clock A. m. , in the M. E. Church, in this
city, and hold a Praise and Prayer meeting
in the evening of the same day. A cordial
invitation, is extended to all.
D. G. Clark, of Albany, gave us a pleas
ant, but brief, call, Tuesday and handed
us 5 in coin, for the renewal of his own,
and a copy of the Gazette for his sister,
Miss P. Clark, in Frederickburg, Wayne
county, Ohio. Many thanks.
Services at the Presbyterian Church of
this city, on Monday and Thursday even
ings, inclusive, of this week, by Rev. Mr.
Dunning, pastor. On this evening and to
morrow evening he preaches at the new
church, seven miles south-west of this city.
Mrs. Ira A. Miller wishes to inform the
ladies of Corvallis and vicinity,, that she is
doing dressmaking in all the latest styles
and in the very best manner. She can be
found at her residence, east side Third, be
tween Washington and Adams streets. Give
her a' call, and see for yourself.
Accompanied by Mrs. C. we enjoyed a
very pleasant drive with one of Sol King's
best rigs to Philomath, iast Tuesday after
noon. Attended to some business, took tea
at Mrs. Kisors, and returned home by bright
moonlight. The roads were in excellent
condition almost equal to summer time
(the roads, not the weather. )
The Good Templars, of this city, are tak
ing the initiary steps toward getting up
some kind of an entertainment, in a few
weeks, for the benefit of Excelsior Lodge,
No 9, I. O-. G. T. It has been a long time
since our citizens gave Old Excelsior a ben
efit, and we are satisfied they will do the
"handsome" if the members offer a good
entertainment, of which there is no doubt.
Why is it that the Churches of Corvallis
cannot nnite in a week of prayer ! Great
good is accomplished, in other places,
through these instrumentalities. Until
Christians are united, and work in the Mas
ter's vineyard, with zeal and faith, but few
sinners will be converted in, Corvallis, or
anywhere else. " Behold the fields are al
ready white to harvest."
Ed. Gazette : The New Year comes on,
and you are feeling good over the prospect
of the Westside R. R. We, who are anx
ious to see one road, rejoice with you who
seem likely to feel the salutary effects of
two. Be prepared, however, for the usual
subsidy. It seems impossible to disconnect
railroading- from that idea of levying contri
butionsthey beat the Salem churches for
that. And to those who have so often asked,
" Why don't Col. Hogg bind himself so and
so?" I suggest notice if the Westside don't
say -"Corvallis, give OS a few thousand
(arid we will draw nigh unto you ? " That's
ljusiness ; at least, it is tho usual course.
Now, whenever we complete the ton inf?es
of the W. V. & C. R. R., then it wtff be
time to abnse Col. Hogg, provided lie Should
need it. Let us do our part, and then see
if he will fail. I think not. Your town
will improve as the railroad approaches, but
as soon as Junction is reached, Corvallis be
comes a way station. then vour business
men will see and feel the great importance
of the coast line. So, don't grve up the
ship! Tire western' half of Benton county
is alive with people seeking to bvtV farms- or
locate government land, all excited over the
railroad flews.
We are pleased to'see the Uazktte " shed
off, "and take its place with the live! rest and
best journals in Oregon.
By the w ly, the "investigators " of the
Democratic party, have found it rather un
clean. Wonder what the General, who won
imperishable laurels in the late fndran War,
will say of his old friends, now iii disgrace t
The General used to talk extremely glib
about the " God and morality party." In
fact, I doubt if he ever so far forgot his du
ty to measures of retrenchment and the lato
investigated, to accord common co jrtesy to
an honest Republican official. His paper
has cried " thief, thief, thVef," just as often"
anil as loud, and for the same purpose, as'
such epithets are generally used to detract
attention. Well, it 13 a black and damiiing
page in the political history of Oregon.
Shades of Jo(?) Tweed ! The poor old
man died too soon ; he left this vale of tears
believing himself tho "boss peculator"
but ho never stole a dollar from that sacred
fund for the education of children'. That
master-stroke of iniquity was left for the
Ring that went into office under the cry of
" Honest Reform." The people should read
this report, thank the committee who so
carefully investigated, and in the future in
sist on a settlement of State accounts every
session of the legislature. If there is not
time, give time square'up. It i. the Cheap
est, in the long run. I well remember, two
years ago, a tall gentleman who was willing
to report these several departments all right,
when neither his committee, nor the one
from the House, had been able to see scarce
ly a page of the " Ring's " literature be
cause all the documents were in the hands
of the State Printer. The tall man said,
sign the report. But then, as now, a Dem
ocrat thought "Rome was on fire," and
though he was a " Fiddler," he couldn't
play worth a cent. Rialto.
Newport, Jan. 3, 1879.
Auxiliary School Dist. No. 22, )
December 20, 1878.
Editor Gazette : The Auxiliary School
closes to-day, after a successful term of four
months. There were twenty-five pupiis en
rolled, fourteen girls and eleven boys 5 No.
of days pr; sent, 1619 ; absent, 381 ; tardy.
27. The pupils made rapid advancement,
and the most perfect good order reigned su
preme. The following pupils have their
names 011 the roll of honor, arranged accor
ingto the degrees of perfection: 'Daisy Starr,
100; Lizzie Currier, 99; Annie Po3t, 99; Em
ma Starr, 98; Ida Post, 98; Albert Starr,
96'; Elnora Johnson, 96; Justina Johnson,
96; Mary Herbert, 94; Milton Wilkins, 94;
John Buchanan, 93; Jesse Starr, 93; Emma
Baumgartner, 93; Robert Buchanan, 92;
Sarah Currier, 92; Addie Johnson, 91; Mary
May Lloyd, 82; John Baumgartner, 81.
The scholars have made great advance
ment in singing and writing.
By giving this a space in your valuable
paper, you will greatly please our commu
nity and school. Marion H. Parker,
Temperance. Dr. Watts is doing a no
ble work in the temperance fielder in this
State, and we hope, ere long, to have the
pleasure of a visit from him in Corvallis,
Last week he wa3 in Eugene City. The
Journal gives him the following send off :
" Dr. Watts, 'which was postmaster,' deliv
ered a series of interesting lectura in this
place, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
evenings. His subjects the first evening
was Alcohol its effects on life. He treated
his subject from a scientific stand-point and
illustrated it with charts prepared expressly
fothe purpose. Tbe Doctor has a mass of
facts and statistics on intemperance, and
presents them in a plain matter-of-fact way
that convinces the judgment and persuades
the feelings. His gesticulation is awkward,
and his posture on the floor is ungraceful,
but one can overlook form while hearing sub
stance. Good audiences greet the Doctor ou
his tour of philanthropy."
Twelve Murderers. Crime, in this
State, is surely meeting its reward, which
is a good omen for the future morals of
our young commonwealth. An exchange
in speaking of the death-sentence, says :
" There are twelve men under sentence of
death in Oregon, including the four Indians
at Pendleton, convicted ot George Cbggau's
murder ; J. D. Whitney, at Salem; James
Cook, The Dalles ; Johnson arid Brown, and
two Chinamen, Charley Lee and Ah Lee of
Portland! Sward will so6n be tried for mur
der, also the Indian Jackson, 4ot killing
Dennis SpeUan. "
We are grateful to our friends for the nu
merous words of cheer and encouragement,
ralative to our management of the Gazette,'
which come from every quarter of our State
and especially for the very substantial re
membrances that are continually showered
upon us. It gives us wonderful nerve to go-'
forward and do otir best even though that
may be feeble. Only $2 50 per annum, in
advance, for tbe Gazette, the official State
If you are not anxious to interview Judge
Deady's court, in Portland, it is better not
to administer skookum chuck to Indians,
even though they claim to be sick, and need
it aa a medicine, " A word to the wise," etc.
One of the chief actors in the story that
follows, lurnishss the Statesman full details
of the way a joint convention was broken
up in the Legislature of 1872, all for the
purpose of feathering the nests of G rover
and pets, as he, by that means, had the ap
pointment of commissioners to superintend
of 100,000, speut for completion of the
State Capitol, and also the appointment of
all the minor offices of the State Govern
ment, usually elected by the Legislature in
joint convention:
The Senate was Democratic and if that
body refused to go into joint convention,
none could be held. It was supposed that
one Democrat would vote with the Repub
lican', and to' prevent that, oiir inform mt
wis approached by the 'Ting" as spokes
man for the Grover interest, and his influ
ence soli. ited to prevent, this Senafor from
voting with tiie Republicans and so create a
majority. The "ring man" explained p.ll
the importance of the matter. What Gro
ver wanted to do, who he wPtlld-appoint and
what was to !e made by it. Hir informant
told him" that he could guarantee the break,
ing up of the convention for oae thousand
dollars. Six hundred was offered and a
bargiti was made at that figure, and a lead- I
inp Democrat was called as security, whose !
word was as go.wl as his bond,' and got him '
to give his verba) pledge that in case the i
convention was broken up the 600 should
be promptly paid.
Our informant happened to know that the '
Spn.itvir in aiMrttmi ftn.l il inSYnil i,.,f 4-. .
. I""-- WOTOTWBU v.,
into convention, had just heard as much
from his own mouth, so he waited until the
conspirators were out of sight and dropped
into the Belvidere to take a quiet game of
pedro, never troubling himself about the
anxieties of tbe Grover dynasty any further.
Wlrile he played his little game, tiie Senate
refusc.l to go into convention, which was of
course broken up as he had just guaranteed
it would, and the legislature adjourned with
out electing Capitol Commissioners. Gro
ver made the appointments and the money
WAS expended in his interest, and it is
thought, secured him one vote for the Senate
from Marion county. The ring was satisfi
ed with the result and the responsible man
who had gone security for the $600 finding
the next day that the "ring" man had not
paid it, did the square thing and handed our
informant the coin, aucordVi: to agreement.
The object of investigation should be to
find out how much besides this 600 it cost
Grover to break up that convention. The
, ,.!.. .,.V,t- 1-..,.. f 1
money to rise for such purposes, and a dis
closure of all the facts would convey a whole
some lesson if they could show the voters
of our State how they have been habitually
sold out and played by that miserable riu:
of politicians. Daily Bee.
Commercial Studies. For the benefit of
you Jig men, desiring to prepare themselves
for.PRAl:TicAL BUSINESS, in addition to the
usual branches taught in common schools,
Prof. E. A! Mf ilner' has consented to open an
evening school for commercial studenta,
at hia residence. Time from 6:30 to 9o'clock
r. M. Any yrrang men who have studied
through arithmetic will be admitted. First
regular lesson next Tuesday evening. Pre
paratory lessoa io-morrow evening.. For
terms inquire of E. A. Milner.
To the vast multitude of sufferers from
fever ami ague, coughs, colds, congestions,
headache, billiousness, and all other ilia in
cident to the climate of the Pacific slope,
we say, cheer up ! a week will see a great
change wrought in you for the better, if you
will follo-w our advice ami take Fresea Hani
burg Tea aiccording to directions.
Triumph of Scienec.-
Chemistry never achieved a more decided
triumph than ia the production of SOZO
D JNT, which is a britatofcalr preparation" of
wondrous efficiency in preserving and beau
tifying the teeth, rescuing them from decay,
and rendering them as whit;e as alabaster.
It is a toilet luxury of which' all should avail
themselves. The unpleasant odor commu
nicated to the breath by catarrh, bad btk,
etc., is entirely obviated by tlii fragrant
and salutary antiseptic of which oiie bottle
Paxrmant S4nnt,n J
dated Atig. 1, 1877, givea by ThomaB Bom-
ing, in, ia v or oi vv . n. Alexander. Several
pymeiit had been made. Notice is hereljy
given that the note will not be paid, as the
matter has been settled between Mr. Alex
ander and myself.
Corvallis, Jam.' 3, 1S79. 16:2w4.
Farm im Sale.
lasts a long
mers soli it.
time. Druggists and perfu-
C'oiisniuption Cured.
Public Installation.- On last Tuesdav
evening, District Deputy Grand Master E. I
F. Backensto, assisted by Danil Norerbss', I
liiglit Worthy tiranil Uepresentative tor the
jurisdiction of California and traveling cor
respondent of the Sew Age, San Francisco,
publicly installed the following officers of
Banium Lodge No. 7, I. O. O. F., for the
ensuing term : C. H. James N G; Joseph
Emitck; V G; E. B. McElroy, R S; S. L.
Shedd, P S; Jacob Webber, Treasurer; J.
A. Knight, W; W. S, McFadden, C; N. P.
Briggs, O Gf H. Gerber, I G; T. J. Creigh
ton, R S N G; Joseph Polly, LS N G; F.
Alien, R SVG; M. Jacobs, L S V G; L.
G. Kline, R S S; George Bentley, L S S;
Rev. Jos. Emery, Chaplain. After the in
stallation ceremonies were ended, the mem
bers of the Order, with their families and
invited guests partook of refreshments in
the shape of cakes, candies and nuts, and
after spending a short time in social converse,
the crowd disperse;!, feeling that the even
ing's entertainment had been mutually pleas
ant and profitable.
Not a Wreck. After the doleful ac
counts that have been floating through our
State exchanges, relative to the ill-fated
steamer 3. T. Church, wc are more than
pleased to learn, that the loss is nothing like
as great as represented. Tho Salem Sla'es
man of the 5th inst says: "The steamer
S. T. Church which came to grief on a bar
in the Upper Willamette, is more fortunate
than at first reported. She has been floated
off the bar and is being repaired so as to re
sume her route when the ice breaks. The
lo38 by this was not so great as at iir3t sup
posed. One thousand dollars would proba
bly cover the loss to cargo and a few hun
dred to the boat, aside from the loss from
being out of service.'"
An old physician retired from active prac
tice, having had placed in his hands hy an
Est Indian missionary the formula of asim- j
pie vegetable remedy for the speedy and per- !
manent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, i
Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung :
atte-tions, also a positive and radical cure
for General Debility and all nervous com
plaints, after having thoroughly tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
cases, feels it his duty to make it known
to hi:? suffering fellows. The receipe will be
sent free of charge, to all who desire it, with
full directions for preparing and successfully
using. Address with stamp, naming this
paper Dr. J. O. Stone, 44 North Ninth
Street. Philadelpha, Pa.
Liver is K :;.
The Liver is the imperial orcan of the
whole human system, as it controls the life's
health and happiness of man. AVhen it is d
disturbed in its proper action, all kinds of
ailments are the natural result. The diges
tion of food, the iovements of tho heart
and blood, the action of the brain and nerv
ous system, are all immediately connected
with the workings of the Liyer. It has
been successfully proved that Green's Au
gust Ftowei-is unequalled in curing all person
afflicted with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint,
and all the nervcous symptoms that result
from an unhealthy condition of the Liver
and Stomach. Sample bottles to try, 10
cents. towns pn the
Western Continent. Thre j doses will pre've
that it is just what you want.
sale his splendid grain and stock farm,
four miles north of west of Corvallis, on
Oak creek coiitainirLir 1200
hvtndred-acres' in ; cultivation two fine bear
ing ofchards, and well calculated for dvid
ing into two or more snug farina Terms
easy and title perfect. For particulars in
quire of E. Holgate, W. BCarter, or
OCt the premises.
Corvallis, Jan. 1, 1878. 16:ltf.
In Kings Valley Precfliet No." 5; Benton
County, Oregon.
M. J. Conner ami C. B. Crosno, partners
doing business under the firm name of
Cornier & Crosno, plaintinV, v-a. Charles
Lehmuowsky, defendant.
To Charles Lohmnowsk jv defendant V
Oregon, yon are hereby required to a
pev and aiuwer the complaint tiled against
you in the above entitled actiolv within six
weeks after the date of the service of this
summons upon you by publication, and if
you fail so to answer, for want thereof the
plaintiffs will take judgment against yon for
the sum of sixteen dollars and ninety two
cents, ami ousts and disbursements of this
Given under my hand this the 11th day
of Dec, 1878. W. L. PRICK,
Justie of the Peace;
OTTX a n .a o o -.-r- '
5 v.iuuai, JUJ.I
PI ID C IAM.1 r r- . - - .
- "- uivuvjrvo,
And also the very best assoruent o
ever brought to this place,
agents foe the
bug by oite month's usage of Dr.- Gou'
lard's" celebrated Infallible Fit Powders. To
con viuce sufferers that these powders will do-
an we ciaim tor tnem we will send thfm bv
mail, post paid, a free Trial Bpxv , A Bil
(ioulard is the onlv iihvsikrl'Uiat Jma vi
signed, either (or board or meat neeoiint, will
pteara come forward and settle immediately a.3 I
need the money to enable me to meet mv obligations,
and have it. ''A word to the wise is sufBcjeut.,
Corvallis, Dee. 21, 1S78. lS-jmt.
The eolorjd citizens of Silem celebrated
the anniversary of their emancipation on
New Year's night at the residence of Mr.
Bayliss, About forty persons were present
and the anniver3 iry of the day of greatest
importance to the colored people of America
was made the occasion for a grand jubilee.
Ignatz Fox, of Albany, came up last Tues
day, to attend the Odd Fellows' installation,
and returned on Thursday. " Ike " said he
was looking after his " girl," and would
like to have remained longer. That's just
the way it was when we were a ' ' youug.
ster. "
From a gentleman who came down
from Albany yosterilay we learn the
particulars of'a must mreJ and amus
ing robbery perpetrated at that place
on last Saturday. Sheriff Dickey
has been busy collecting taxes of late,
and aa he general ly relumed too
lale in the day to secure admission to'
the bank, the money Wiis deposiieiT
in a strong wooden box and locked
up in an iron cell. The last time this"
happened there were two prisoners,
one of them a Chinaman confined in
the cell, and doubtless having their
strong convictions that there was
swag in that box, they went for it in
so decided a mamrer that the lid soon
opened and' the contents were spread
before their longing eyes. They took
out 120 in rolls, about $30 in loose
silver, and a small amount in bills,
and with their suddenly acquired
wealth went in for a timn such as
prisoners are seldom allowed to enjoy.
They sent out and got a lot of pies,
one of which, in a burst of generosity,
they gave to the Sheriffs little daugh
ter, besides paying Wis wife a doilar
a plate for oyster. When Sheriff
Dickey discovered his loss he went
through them, and succeeded in find
ing all the money but about $16,
wjjich amount they had spent on
their little spree. While making his
search he also came across' a steel file
and saw which had been hid' behind
a loose brick. He will have to pay
the $16 out of his Own pocket, but he
has no doubt' learned about that
much good 6enge. Salem Statesmen
8tti iu st.
Don't Forget It.
Tf you ar troubled with nervousness are
d:8heartened tired of life, fear death or feel
out of sorts as the saying is, you may safely
conclude that you have the Dyapo;si'a or
Liver Complaint. The liver is very apt to
become torpid this season of the year as
poisons arising from stagnant water
or decaying vegetation' are more numerous
and are through .inhalation taken into the
blood. Unless" the liver is strong and active
and fnrrish.'S a supply of fresh and pure
blood to drive out tbe impurities, the above
mentioned symtoin3 surely follow, and if
not heeded, end in more terrible diseases
and dyath. White's Prairie IVlower proves
itself the tireat Liver Panacea. Its action
on the liver is different from any medicine
ever compounded. Its cures are trnely won
derful. Try it. Price twenty-live cents
and seventy-five cents.
Various Canses;
Advancing years, care, sicknoW, disap-"
pomtment, and hereditary predisposition
all operate to turn the hair gcay, and either
of them inclines it to she I prematurely.
Ayer's Hair Vruon will restore' faded or
gray, light and red hair to a rich brown or
deep black, as may bo desired. It softens
and cleanses the scalp, giving it a healthy
action, and removes and cures dandruff and
humors. By its use falling hair is checked,'
and a new growth will ho produced in all
ca3es where the follicie3 are not destroyed
or glands decayed. Its effects are beauti
fully shown ou brashy, weak, or sickly hair,
to which a few applications will produce the
glos3 and freshness of youth. Harmless and
sure in its operation, it is incomparable as a
dressing, and is especially valued for the
soft lustre and richness of tone it imparts.
It contains neither oil uor dye, and will not
soil or color white cambric; yet it lasts long
on the hair, and keeps it fresh and vigorous.
For sale by all Dealers.
(Zf The National GOLD MEDAL was awar ea to
Unulley .t Ruiofson for .the best Photogrraphs in the
United" States, and the Vienna Medal lor tne best in
the world.
120 Montgomery Street. San Franeisco
CSmrcli Iir':tory.
Catholic Church : Services on the 1st and last Sab
bath of each month. Mass commences at 10:30 A. M.
Kbv. Vax Lix, Pastor.
M. E. Church South : Preai-'hinj,' morning and even
ing, on the 1st, 3rd and 4th Sabbath of each mortb,
at Hand 7:30 respectively. Sabbath School at 9:30
every Sabbath. Josgrti KjiKitv, Pastor.
Evangelical Church: Services at 7 P. M. on the
1st and 3rd Sabbaths and at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., on
the 4th Sabbath oi eaeh month Sabbath School at
3:30 p. m. Pi-aver meeting Wednesday evening of each
week, at 7 P. M, W. C. Kaxtxsr, Pastor.
Pre3bvterian Church : There will be preaching
morning and evening at 11 and 7 o'clock, respect
ively. Sabbath School immediately after the morn
ing service. H. P. Duxxixo, Pastor.
M. E. Church : Services the jhid and 4th Sabbath
of eaeh, at 11 a. m. and 7 P. M. Ppyer
meeting. Thursday oventng at 7. . ScrvUfOS at the
Grange Hall, four miles west of Corvallui the 1st and
3rd Sabbaths of each month, at 11 a. sr.'
G. W. Bkxxett, Vaster.
Episcopal Church: The services for the month of
Oet. will be &s fo!lovs: Oct. eth and 20th at 7:30 p.
M., Oct. 13th and 27th at'll a. s., with Holy Com
munion. .
Sunday School every Sunday, between the hours
of 3-anU 4 p. m. .Rev. L. Stbvb'xs.
CORV.VLLIS LOTjGE No! 14, F. ' A. M.
"tfjf' holds stated Communications on W'ednesday
'T oil or preceding each full moon. Rrethren
in good standing are cordially invited to attend.
BV order of w. M.
BAKNUM LODGE No: 7, t 0,
O. F. , meets on Tuesday even
ing of each week, in their
Hall, in Fisher's Brick, Efscoud
stopv. jienTOfti-s r.i T.m. I mpr
g, are invited to attend. By order
13:ltT) N. G.
in good standin
Crystal Iike Cemetery.
Persons desiring to obtain Lots, can obtain all the
necessarv information by applying to
K. Holgate, Com.
New thris' Week.
Lands! Farms! Homes!
Barns, Dwellings, Orchards, lands under
fence and cultivation,
These lands are cheap.
Also claims in unsurveyed tracts for sale.
Soldiers of the late rebellion who have,
under the Soldiera' Homestead Act, located
and made final proof on less than 160 acres,
can dispose of the balance to me.
Write, (with stamps to prepay postage).
Address, . R. A. BENSELL,
Newport, Benton County, Oregon.
January 7, 1878. 16:2tf.
Ll partnership heretofore existing between Smith
& Shackelford, in t'ae Truck nd Draying business
has trjen dissolved by mutual consent.
Corvallis, Dec. 28, 1873. 15:52w4.
Rp.ks Hamlix.
R. S. Shackelford.
KauiliH & Shackelford, Props.
a new Truck, and having leased the barn for
merly oecupied by Mr. James Eglm. I am now pre
pared to do all kinds of
either in the city or country, ot the lowest living
rates. Can be found at the old Truck stand. A
share of the public patronage respeetfullv solicited.
K. S. shacke'lkurd.
Corvallis, Die. 27, 1878. 15:52tf.
! . . .... . . vr V .
mane tills ilisease a speem study, and as to'
our knowledge thousands have been perma
nently cured bv tiie use of these Powdersy
we will guarantee a permanent cure in eve-'
ry ease, or refund youall money expended!
AIT svHferera shouldve these .K wders an'
early trial, and be eatitanccd of their cura
tive powers. jrf;
Trice, for large box"t $3.00, or four box e
for $10.00, sent by-mail to any part of tli
United States or Canada, on receipt of price,
or by express C. O. D. Address,
3G0 Fulton Street, Brooklyn N. Y.
D R A Y I N G ,
ing and Hauling, either in the city or country, at
the lowest nossihle rates. Sa.tisf:u-tion fnnrniit.rt
and patronage solicited. IRWIN SMITH.
.Corvallis, Dec, 27, 1873. 15:62W.
City Trucks and Drays,
Trucks, lately owned by Mr. Jauies Efclin,
we are prepared to do all kinds of
in city or country, at reasonable rate?. Pat
ronage solicited:, aYld eatisfaction guaranterd iu
aiicases. - Albert PYG'ALt,
Corvallis, Dec. 2tf, T87S. "15:51tf.
partnenihipherefofore existing iiniler the' name
and firm of Ilaker & Riegel is this day dissolved, by
mutual consent, Fred. Riogel retiring from the busi
ness. All jersi.ns indebted to the late firm .will lea!-e
bear ui mind that same is ayabie' Vo John S Baker,
and noho other.
Ooi vaills, N,.v. 27, 1S78. 15:48w4,
persons wh'oin it may concern, that the un
dersigned was on tho 5th day of November,
IS?8, by the, County Court, for tleu ton County,
Oiegon, duly appointed Executor of the last
will and testament of Casper Kotnpp. deceaped.
All persons having claims against said estate
will present. them to tne undersigned, with the
proper vouchers, within six months froni this
date, December 6th, 1878, at uiv residence on
my farm,' fa said county.
Ucan make money faster at work for us
than at anything else. . Capital not re
quired;' we will start you. 12 00 per
day at homo made by the industrious.
..Men, women, boys and girls' wanted
everywhere to work for us.' , Now is the
time. Costly outfit and terms.
Address TnvE & Co. , Augusta, .Mai no.
t,ate-.nen4 neatly printed attbis ofRbe
Hair Vigor,
For restoring Gray Hair to
its natural Vitality and Color.
A dressing
AVhich is at once
IieaitJiT, and ef
fectual for pre
8 crying the
bear. Faded or
gray hair is soon
restored to its
original color,
with the filot's dnd freshness of youth;
Tliiir hair is thickened, falling hair1
checked-, and baldness often, though
not always,' cured by its use. NothV
ing can' restore tne hair where the:
follicles aro destroyed, or the glands
atrophied find decayed. .But such' as
remain can' be saved for usefulness
by this application. Instead of foul
ing the hair with a pasty sediment, it
will keep' it alean and vigorous. Its
occasional use will prevent the hair
from turning gray or falling offj and
consequently prevent baldness. Free
from those deleterious substances
which rhake some preparations dan-gerous;-and
injurious to the hair, the
Vigor Tan only benefit but not harm'
it. If wanted merely fbr a
nothing else can be found so desir
able. Containing neither oil nor
dye, it does not soil white cambric,
and yet lasts ion g on the hair, giving
it a rich', glossy lustre and a grateful
Prepared by Dr. J!. C. Ayerdt CoV,
Practical' and Analytical Chemist,
Administratrix Notice.
duly appointed by tbe County Court pf
Benton County, Oregon, Adiriinistratix of fp
esfnfa of Dr. J. C. Orubbs, cfecbaaed , all per
son? having claim against said estate will pre
sent thm within jm.t months from the date , of
this notice, with the proper evidence of claim.
Claims may be presented to the undorsi;
her fe'sidonec, or at the office of F. A. CKeno
weth,' my attorney, in Corvallis, Oregon.
Administratrix of deceased. "
Corvallis, Dec. 9, 1S78 ITj&Owft.
Sheriff's Sale.
W ot a Uccre j and execution issue i otrt f, and under
the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for the county pt Benton, to ijic .directed and deliv
ered, for.tlio suih of fifteen hnrtdrcd and nincty-nimi
dollars, (?1S). .in V. S. gld coin, with intcre t
thereon at the rite of 6'iie per cent, per moiiih, fru.
and after the ISUi day of November, A. T). 187, to
irether with the um of one hundred dollars (Ulr.oV
attorney's fees, :id the costs and dSwburyotnents, tax-,
edat siO 56,' and accruing costs and expenses of 6aic.
in favor of tmef A. Hamilton, and against the Cor
vallisCity Hall Association, and commanding me U
sell the reaj property hereinafter described, to satisfy
said su'uis -of money hereinbefore mentioned and in
terest and costs thrcon, I have levied on the followiiv,'
described real property: to-wit:
bot No. (0) six in block No. (22) twenty-two in the
City of Corvallis, in the County of Benton..a4 Stot
of Oregon, according to the original plat of the towv
of Sfarysville, in said county and State; together with
the City Hall building situated thereof, and all th'y
tenements, hercditamedts,ahd apruS-tcnances therein
to belonging, and on
Wednesday, Jawejry is it, 1'87S,'
I will scl) at public auction to the highest biudcr ;.
cash in hand, all the right title and interest ana estate
of the defendant in said execution, the Corvallis Git v
Hall Association, in arid to the above described rt;il
estate, to satisfy said e-"ecuton.
Said sale willkc place at the hour of one o'clock
r. m. , of said day, at the Court House floor, in the'
City of Corvallis, in said county and State.
Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon.
nec. 2o, 1878. 15:51w5.
Sheriff's Sale.-
I M by virtue; of a decree ad execution-1 -
i sued out oi' thb Circuit Court, of ta State f
Oregon, for the iou'Dty of Benton, w meditv
... , . , r . , . . . ...
ed auu uelivereu, lor me sum oi eigni nunai sj
and fifty-five dollars and seventy-five. ce'riU,. t
S. gold coin, with interest thereon , at tg rr
of one per cent per month , from November '.''.
187S, and the sum of seventy seven dcfllum : ' .
attorney's fees, and the costs tid-;dibur!
ments taxed at S r-, in favor of f. H. Kev :
house and against Joseph Taylor and Samu I.
Brollier. and commanding me to sell the rr '.
property hereinafter described, to satisfy s
sums of money hereinbefore mentioned and i.
terest and costs thereon, I have levied' on tl.i
following described real property, to-wit: .
One hundred flOOl acres off of the! g'otil'a
side of lots (8, &,-ud'l!J) eight, nfne-no
n ) A sJ L! J I 1 't ' . IMl
of section (10) fen, and lots (11 and 12)'elevi :'
and twelve of sretion (15) fifteen in T 13 8 B 'A
west of ttic Willamette meridian, in Bent
County. Oregon aiid being all of said Jots e:
cept.59 (56 1 00 acres off of trie north tide".;!
said lots, sold to A. Bridge's oh the 22d-dirf . t.
July, A- D. 1876, and recorded on page 335 in
book L Record of Deeds, of Benton Count
Oregon, togethar with all tbs tenements, In -.
rcditaments and appurtenances thereunto I.
longing, and on
Wednesday, January 15, 1879
T kIH sail at nublib auction, to tbe hi
Her for cash in hand, all the right
Linn, juxeuu iiitiui auu . x.
to the above described
!, A
' G- IA i!a will t
o'clock P. . of
door, in
and State.
qpc. 13, 18