V mm mm gazette. JFFIC1AL PAPER FOR BENTON COUNTY Oorvallis, Jan. 10, 1879. ANOTHER PLEA FOR YAQUINA R. R. The iee-blecksdes of the Willam- ! ette ami Columbia rivers, which are UFFIGIM. PAPER OF THE STATE ' liable to-be annual, and continue irom !-rtne to six- Weeks, should be sufficient to arouse the people of this State to the -imperative necessity of an ocean outlet forever free from ice-blockade. Such an outlet is at hand, in the very center of the great Willam ette valley. This is not news to the readers of the Gazette, but we think it-si very proper time to remind our frozen in metropolitan neighbors that we can i rot' deeply sympathize with them in their distress; so long as a remedy is within their reach. No amount of dretWin on " improve- en''-. THE ICE-BLOCKADE. The editor of the Daily Oregonian. in the issue of the Sth inst., fully re sizes that there is an ice blockade on the Willamette and Columbia rivers, and at once begins to talk about building wagon roads to the Uaiies , meiU' 0( tie lowvr Willamette and or Astoria, as the only means ol es-, Columbia rivers cali prevent ice-block cape from this nw fearful dilemma, ade ll(lt a sm.4il olIlav Df capital but which formerly Portlander's bttt I w'ill ihsirre to the commerce of this " little carer? for." State an outlet to' the sea, independ Now, in all seriousness, and can- Lntoj these ice-blockades. dor, why cannot the editor of tne It is now a fixed fact that the west Oregonian accept the "situation," and turn his attention to the most side road will be pushed tj Corvaflis, next season, and that leu miles of natural, as well as the most practica j he Corvallis and Yaquina railroad ble means of escape Irom these terri ble ice-bloekades, which not only cut off Portland, but the entire commer cisd interests of this rapidly growing young Stale? What Is the use of talking about building wagon roads through impassable mountains, when sixty miles of railroad, from the Yaquina road and complete it to tide- " Heart of the valley,' will give Portland an outlet to the Pacific ocean forever free from ice blockades? Sooner or later" the Oregonian will glatP; It would greatly shorten the have to acknowledge there is such a distance between Portland and San place as Yarttoa Bay and that it is Francisco, and give a new impetus will be completed, during next sum mer. It has been decided to make the Yaquina road standard guage, as a saving to the farmers, and as a matter of convenience in the trans mission of cars from one road to the other. .Why not take hold of this water next season, also ? It would be one of the grandest moves that could I be made for the commerce of this the natural key to the grtviivflchfe' of the Willamette valley. The Yaquina harbor, in its natural stale, is far snpe rior to what that of Charleston, and many other important harbors along the Atlantic coast, were before being improved. A comparatively small outlay, on the part of government, will make Yaquina Bay the best liar fior between San Francisco and Puget Sound. Facts are stubborn things, and it is useless for even a great pa per, like the Oregonian, to imagine that its scoffs will be sufficient to pre vent, for all time to come, ihe people from seeing their own best interests. The commerce of this State demands an outlet to the ocean, and that out Vet can be secured through Yaquina - Bar, and will be, all opposition to the contrary. The most important step in this direction, and for which our Senators and Rcpresetati ves should labor, is a break water at Cape FoulVveather, four miles north of on to travel during the winter season. As an indication of how the ice blockade affects Ptfpand, and this is just the beginning, we take the fol lowing brief extract from the Daily JJee, 3rd inst : " Since the suspension of naviga tion on tlje Willamette and Columbia rivers business is more than usually dull in the city, and hotels are not so crowded as ordinarily." THE SUPREME COURT. Salem, July 8th, 1878. Ed. Gazette: The Supreme Court convened on Monday, and organized by selecting Judge Kelly for Chief Justice, with Judges Boise and Prim as Associate Justices. Judge Kelly wears the honoi of being Chief Jus tice on account of being the oldest man he being three months older than Judge Boise. The court is now in running order, and took up the ease of Jesse Dodge, vs Marden and trance to Yaquina Bay. But we did Knott, from Jackson county, yester not intend to write a homily on Ya L, The case vvas ar,,ned by E. B. nuina rav, out, simply to "ive our readers the Oregonian s wail over the ice-blockade, as follows: We are now shut in by ice for the first time in four years. Perhaps it is nut once in four years, taking an average for a long pe riod, that our rivers are thus obstructed. Formerly -we cared little for it. To the gen eral community the- inconvenience was small, for there were few travelers, and the busi ness of the country was not so extensive as to make a little interruption of it a serious thing. Portland didn't care much for the occasional mid-winter suspension, and the country and towns up and down the Colum bia river really had little to do at this time of year, so we all got on comfortably enough and didn't worry much about it. Hut con ditions have so changed that this interrup tion of communication is becoming both in convenient and irksome as well as a serious drawback to the country. When the main avenues of our commerce are closed even for a fortnight we begin to fed more keenly how important it is that provision be made to overcome the obstacles thus interpose 1, and the railroad question under this view grows much in importance. It is not like ly that we shall very soon see things done which will prevent the winter blockades; but Portland's growth in wealth, population and commercial importance will nlthaately place her where her own resources will enable her to take care of this matter. It is much the fault of thi3 city that the matter of common roads np and down the Columbia river has hitherto been neglected, Portland has not done enough in this behalf on her own ac count ; indeed the city has virtually done nothing nor have the delegations sent by our county to the legislature done their dntv ef fectually in this behalf. The wagon road should long precede the railroad, and usn- Watson and J. A. Stratum for the appcllents, and Strahan and Burnett for the respondents. To day the court will examine the applicants for admission to the bar. The class this year is composed of twelve bright, intelligent looking young men, who appear to have been good students. There appears tobe four cases from Benton connty, to wit: Jones vs Perry, Itenshaw vs Nash, Peed vs Gentry, and Smith vs Harris. As soon as any decisions are made, I will post you. From the Portland Daily Bee. NO WAR WITH RUSSIA. When England undertook to chas tise the Ameer of Afghanistan for his insolence to the Empress of the Iu ilias, wise men predicted that Russia would espouse the cause of the Ameer, and that the great battle between England and Russia would be fought in Central Asia. Wiser men said that Russia was too poor to commence such a coolest fhat the wide-spread influence of Socialism in the Musco vite empire, the d eep seated hatred of Nihilism to despotism, showing that nobles as well as peasants were busy ally does, and though the railroad is not yet ; fomenting haired to the Czar's gov ernment, made it dangerous for the Czar to engage in such a war at the present time. England, too was in no condition for a great war; her commercial su premacy being threatened by Ameri can competition, and her millions of operatives being oiit of employment to a greater extent than has been known for many years. But English statesmen realized that Russia was even less able for such a war than themselves, and so the British troops marched for the northern passe, have conquered the Khanate,, driving the Ameer into exile, and very possibly British rule will be permanently sus tained at Cabal. Russia has lifted no hand to make good her implied promise of assist ance and support. The deposed ruler may go to St. Petersburg and live upon Muscovite charity, but there is no prospect of war. England holds her own stoutly, having dared and done all she engaged to do, while Russia remains pacific under circum stances that must le very trying to Iter rulers and her people. Stepping Up. The Roseburg Independ ent, in 8 peaking of Judge Rice's marriage, says: "Hon. W." S. Rice, once schoolmaster ter in Roseburg, but now Probate Judge of Multnomah county, was married at Corval lis, Christmas day, to Miss Emma Thayer, niece of the Governor." in our power the wa;ou road oertainlv is. Wagon roads from Portland to The Dalh s and from Portland to Astoria would be of great service at a time like this, and in fact would be of use at all seasons of the year. To many it will justly seem quite absurd that we should be putting in so strong claims for a railroad, and yet should thus far have neglected to provide a wagon road on a main route to facilitate communication by ordinary methods. Though the railroad is not yet built, nor even in a very promising way we need not be cut off as we are from inter course. That it is so is much our own fault. Proper energy and enterprise on the part of Portland would effect important results in the matter of keeping open communication. If we had a freeze every winter there is no doubt something would have been done long ago. But as it is, we don't expect freezing weather, or at most think it uncertain. Our condition is a good deal like that related in the account of the "Arkansaw traveler." The house couldn't be covered when it rain ed, and when it didn't rain no roof was wanted. We can't construct roads when a freeze is upon us, and when the rivers are opeu it i3 much easier and quicker to travel by steamboat. H?nce we do nothing from vear to year in the direction of roadanaking, and when we are ice-bound we resolve that something ought to be done, only to forget it when navigation opens and think no more about till we are bottled u again. Portland had a lively blaze on New Year's eve. The fire was soon under control but thieves made good nse of the confu sion, and laid in large-supplies for the win ter, including household goods, wearing ap parel, etc. Can-vine the U. S. mails between Portland and Vancouver, is a perilous undertaking,. during an ice-blockade. 1 wo young men, Messrs. Troupe and Goodhue, in such an attempt, spent last Monday night, among mush ice, in a small boat, and came near losing their lives. W. B. Iiaswell was not financially involv- i ed as first reported. FROM THECAP1TAL. Salem, January 6, 1879. Editor Gazette : Fearful, per haps, that the fact may have escaped your notice, I would call your atten tion to the fact that since I wrote you last, another year, with its min gled hopes and fears, has dawned upon this unsuspecting world. Old Father Time spits on his hands anew, and, giving his trousers another hitch, plunges on in his endless round of anticipations and realizations-of 1S79. lie has touched off the cannon of Time, and from its muzzle has darted out the smiling new year, as wiih a heavy heart and reluctance interspersed with-bright hopes lor the future, he spikes bis " gutr for the coming twelve months witb the joys and sorrows of 1878. Turn backward with us for a moment, kind reader, and see if with us, you cannot but acknowledge that while perhaps you met with some grevious disappoint ments and drained perhaps the cup of sorrow to its very dregs, are there not some oasis to which you can re vert with pleasure ? Aye, even more. Lay nide, if possible, your varied prejudices and confess that during the year just closed you tasted more of the sweets of life tdjan of its bitter. Have you not been blessed in many ways and can you not see that after all, the sorrows were justly meted out by Him who doeth all things well? May a kind Heaven smile upon us all during the ensuing era of time and teach us to submit as gracefully as circumstances will permit to its sor rows and disappointments, and ac knowledge, with thankful hearts, its pleasures and its joys. New Year's Day was indeed a gala day at the capital and the pleasing custom of making New Year's calls was more generally observed than ever before. The gentlemen, young and old, alike dressed in their best store clothes, sallied forth about noon in couples, trios or groups, and passed the after noon in calling upon their lady friends, who, with a-inost one accord, kept open house and received them with a cordial hospitality that maile the day one long fo be remembered by all participants. The tables were fairly loaded down with the dainties of city life, and the callers were wined, dined and-made much of, until when the round was completed the' went home feeling much as if their waistbands were birttoned, and only too glad to seek some sequestered spot where free from feminine allure ments and enchantment they could throw themselves upon a bed, and unbuttoning, could take one or more good, long breaths. There were but a very few places where even egg noig was served, and the boys all went home without the assistance of either policeman or wheelbarrow. Outside of New Year's festivities Salem has been remakably quiet dur ing the past week. The local report era have been compelled " to scratch gravel right lively in order to fill the columns of our respective newspapers. Such being the case your correspond ent has nothing startling to commu nicate in the way of news. The Investigating Committee has come and gone and their report has created dismay in the Democratic stronghold. The Bourbon organs know not what to do with it. They cannot, of course, uphold it for the simple reason that they had their "ins" during the eight years under review. Neither can they ignore it entirely for figures won't lie, and hence they are, as a genera thing, giving it a severe let ting alone, hoping that time will work all things even. Those who are personally attacked are taking mat ters as philosophically as jjrcnro stances will permit, imagining per haps it will prove a nine days' won der and cease. In this, however, they may find themselves at fault. It is a blighting expose, at best, and can but have its beneficial influence on Oregon polities for years to come. By the way, an event transpired in Poland, a few days since, of deep interest to the Masonic fraternity, of which no notice has appeared in print, and it is well worthy of espe cial mention. Members of tli Orde require no explanation of the fact that "a thirty-third-" arnonethe mystic tie is an honor much to be desired and attained by but a elvosen few. There are, perhaps, not to exceed one hundred Masons in the United States who are in possession of the thirty-third degree ; it being one that seeks the brother, whose knowledge of Masonry would teach him that nothing can be gained by seeking it. It is, indeed, the pinnacle of the Ma sonic structure, and up to the 27th day of last month there were but two " thirty-thirds" in Oregon, viz : Hon. J. C. Ainsworth and Col. John Mc Craktn, of Portland, and but five on the Pacific slope. The members are elected at the tri-ennial convocations held in Washington City, consisting of thirty-three delegates who'1 are elected for life. Fortunate, honored, distinguished, indeed, is he who by the unanimous vote of that body is deemed worthy of receiving the de gree which can be secured only by the most meritorious conduct and the strictest adherence to Masonic prin ciples. At the last triennial convo cation, however, three new members were elected from this jurisdiction, embracing Oregon, and Washing ton, Idaho and Montana Territories. Those who were thus highly honored were Hon. -II. P. E irhart, of this city, Prof. L W. Pratt, of Portland, and Dr. E. L B iily, of the U. S.'A.now stationed at Vancouver, who on Fri day evening, Deq. 27, at the Masonic Hall, in Portland, attained this the crowning point iti- the Ancient Order. The occasion was one of more than passing importance, it being the first lime that that d-rree was ever con- p i. ,i , i, .. . i Hillhouse was prepared to meet a probable terrecron the northwest coast, ami its i , . , , l, , , r ' . j rush for gold, bat the demand was very SUCCESSFUL RESUMPTION. The following extracts from spe cial dispatches to the Oregonian show how lesumption is regarded in the great commercial centers of our nation : ; Hew York, Dee. 2. Flags are flying eve rywhere, beeanse of resumption, yet there is nothing at the treasary, banks nor any of the exchanges, to make the day different from ordinary dull days. Special arrange ments, sufficient- to meet any demand, had been made by the sub treasury to pay out gold for legal tender note3. The clerks in charge of the department expected to be very busy, but they have very little to do even to the close of day's business. lteports from leading banks agree that the amount of gold coming in to them is larger than the amount going out. Neither banks in domestic or foreign transactions, nor for eign bankers, nor even speculators make any dilferenee to-day between gold and legal tender and national bank notes. In the gold room, dealings in gold have given way to dealings in U. S. bonds, the latter hems all the business now done in that hall. Of 25,000 received at the custom house up to noon in payment' of duties the bulk was greenbacks, and at the sul -treasury, up to that hour, only 2,500 in legal tenders had been exchanged tor gold, treasurer deep solemnity and grand culminat ing principles made it an event never to be forgotten by the favored few who participated in the ceremonies. light, while in many instances greenbacks were preferred. The tirst demand was for $210, but not another dollar in gold was paid out for half an hour. Within that time there were half a dozen applicants for sums less tnau i-poO, but as no payments arc The affair wound up with a banquet I made under that amount, they were refused. at Sol's, which was keenly appreciat ed by all fortunate enough tobe pres ent. The occasion was honored with the presence of Capt Lawsonof the!.". S. Navy, a "thirty-thirds" now sta tioned on Puget Sound, Washington Territory, who assisted in conferring the degree. It- may be years belore a like auspicious event occurs in our midst. Last Saturday evening M. L. Chart berlain, D. D. G. M. of this district, accompanied by several members of the Odd Fellows' Lodges of this city and Portland, went up to- Turner station for the purpose of installing the officers of Fidelitv Lodge No. 3& The affair passed of very pleasantly and closed with a cold collation, spread in the room beneath the hall, to which all present did ample justice. Deputy Sheriff Church, of Multno mah county, came up Saturday even ing, having in charge J-. K. Mercer, sentenced to fifteen years' imprison ment in the Oregon penitentiary, for killing A. C. McDonald of Portland the circumstances of which are, no doubt, familiar to all. The prisoner was dressed in his customary faultless manner and, when leaving the ear, drew on his kills with his usual sang froitl, apparently heedless of the se verity of his sentence. Tire fact of his pleading guilty to manslaughter the Sundag Call asserts, excludes all possibility of executive clemency, the President of the United States alone having the power to pardon him. This, we are informed, is not the fact, the Governor still holding the par doning power, but the chances of again being a free man are decidedly against him, and confinement will, no doubt, shorten his life materially. The membcrs'of the Kinross Vocal Club of this city are making rapid strides in improvement, and an ele mentary class will beorganized, at an early dsvy. Olive Lodge No. 18, I. O. O. F., will hold a public installation of their officers on the 14th inst., which prom ises to be a very pleasant affair, includ-' ing addresses, supper and perhaps a ball. The indications of another Indian outbreak in Eastern Oregon, during the present year, are too apparent to be agreeable." The residents of Un ion and Umatilla counties are taking time by the forelock and organizing into military companies with a view to self-protection, commissions having already been issued to the ofliieers of four different companies. It is to b" hoped that, should another outbreak occur, the struggle will be short snd. decisive. The Supreme Court will meet in this city to-day, the judges and offi cers being already in the city. Sev eral very important cases are to come up for decision at their hands. i-tf B. Hirsch, Esq., an old and res pecteel citizen oi tins city, aieu on Tuesday last, after a long and painful illness. Deceased was a brother of Hon. Ed. Ilirsch, State Treasurer, and Hon. Sol. Hirsch, Senator from Mult nomah county, and a man highly es teemed by all who knew him and one who enjoyed the confidence and res pect of business circles, in which he was quite prominent for many years. 'His remains were taken to Portland for burial. A number of Salem Odd Fellows contemplate going to Stay ton, next Saturday evening, to assist in install ing the officers of the Lodge at that place. Ned. National bank bills were also offered, but were not taken, only leal tenders being ex changeable. Philadelphia, Jan. 2. Resumption of payments in this city caused no stir whatev er. Inquiry at prominent banks showed demand for gold up to noon to-day very limited. Chicago, Jan. 2. There is little in finan cial circles to mark the advent of resump tion day. The principal event of import ance at the sub-treasury has been the large increased demand for 4 per cent, governments,- The demand for gold is confined to a very few ases, the majority- of applicants preferring currency. Gen. Jas. A.- Garfield, who for the past few days has been a guest of the Commer cial Club of Chicago, was invited by the Honest Money League to deliver an address to-night on the occasion of the meeting to celebrate the resumption of spoie payments. The weather was intensely cold, thermome ter ranging from 8 to 20 degrees below zero, but despite this Farwell Hall was complete ly filled with business men. Providence, R. I., Jan. 1. Resumption of specie payments to-day caused not a rip ple at banks or in financial circles. very few wanted cheeks paid in gold, and some banks received more gold on deposit than they paid out. In all general business tran sactions bills were preferred. Even savings bank depositors took thetr interest in bills ratheT than gold. Augusta, Jan. 2. The legislature is or ganized. The following resolution passed the senate : Jlesoleed', That national honor, public credit and private interest alike demand that specie resumption, now happily achiev ed, shall be maintained honestly and unin terruptedly at every hazard, and to this end our senators and representatives in congress are requested to use their best endeavors. San Francisco, Jan. 2. Although the re sumption law went into effect yesterday, it did not go into otik-ial operation until to dav. At the sub-treasury to-day there was ! a brisk'dcinan 1 for greenbacks in exchange for gold for remittaneejeast, which was de nied. There is only the sum of S.300,000 in greenbacks lying in the vaults of the sub treasury at present, and this is all needed for the payment of demands against the treasury. Mr. Sherman says the whole 'sanouni would have been exchanged for gold to-day had" he allowed it. The banks have notified brokers that hereafter they will make no discrimination between gold and greenbacks. SUP PIS DEATH, The following sad announcement, we find in the Portland Jiee, of the 2nd inst. Tlve d-ecesrsed wai quite well and favorably known in this county, where numerous friends will mourn his sudden departure : Oliver P. Hatch, a gentleman who has resided in Portland for several years and occupied many positions, of responsibility, died suddenly about 8 o'clock this morning at his looms in the residence of Mrs. J. A. Carr, cor ner First and Salmon streets.- De ceased was discovered in his night clothes in a dying condition, sitting on the floor, when the landlady en tered his room to re-adjust his cham ber, she immediately gave the alarm and Bnmmonedjghree physicians, but tlieir utmost efforts were unavailing, and his spirit soon after (led its earth ly tenement. Mr. Hatch was born in Boston, Massaehtsetts, in 184-0, and emigrated to California at an early date, and joined Capt. Scott's company of California Volunteers at Volcano, Amador county. The com pany came to Fort Yamhill in this State in 1802. After his term of ser vice he fulfilled the duies of commis sary at the Siletz Indian agency and was stibsebuently appointed Dnputy Sheriff of Grant county and served during 18'74, '75 and '76. He pos sessed good qualities of heart and mind which gained him many friends who now mourn his unfortunate death. The remains have been taken charge of by the Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythisis of which soci ties deceased was a member. most scard, the For the past two that vicinity have Ratheu Humiliating. The Wes tern Star, of of the 3rd inst., says: " It is with mingled feeling9 of humiliation- and pride that we refer to the report" of the investigating committee. Guess there is more of the former than the latter, however. The showing is not a very pleasing one for the party which made such a flourish of trumpets aOout honesty, some eight years since, with Gov. Grover in the lead. " Organized of fices' did the work most effectually. THE INDIAN WAR OVER. A special correspondent of the Oregonian, writing from Yakima City, W. T., under date of Dec. 31, 1878, the very latest news from the seat of Indian hostilities, sends the cheering news that the Cruel war is over," that the Yakima volunteers have returned, and forwards an of ficial report of the expedition, from which we learn that peace is restored, and that Chief Moses and his people will quietly go upon the Yakima reservation. It was a bloodless cam paign and "Mido" thinks it hard to tell which were the whites or Indians. years the people of suffered more or less from Indian dep redations, being constantly annoyed by bands of thieving renegade red skins which finally culminated in the murder of Perkins and wife. Endu rance ceased to be a virtue and the people took matters in their own hands and a lasting peace, it is sin cerely hoped, will follow. The report is full of interest, but too lengthy for our columns. Capt. Wm. Splawn, J. A. SplsTWn, deputy sheriff, and seven other citizens sign ed the report in which they say: On Wednesday evening, the 18th, a pro position was made by Moses to let him and his men go and they would bring in the murderers, but after some parley we con cluded to allow six of them to go, retaining Mos'js and three of his men. This party of six left our camp on Crab creek at 8 o'clock A. M., arriving at the hostiles' camp, as we learn, about six in the evening. They succeeded in capturing one of the murderers and returned to White Bluffs the following night stating that one of the murderers had killed himself while they were making an effort to capture him. We have now in our possession four of the murderers of Perkins and his wife, an other has killed himself, and we have also one of the murderers of Charles Jewell of Umatilla county, Oregon. Mo3e3 and his three companions were brought to this place and given in the hands of Father YVilhur who has removed them to Fort Simcoe." The correspondent says: After supper we accompanied Father Wil bur to the skookum house, and were allowed to converse with Moses, who told his side of the story, as follows: Moses gives a very circumstantial account of all his actions, and deuies that he ever entertained any hostile feeling toward the whites. He says that when Eneas brought him the first message he was told that "Vil bur had received a big paper from Gen. Howard concerning the new reservation and he was to hurry up to the reservation, as the paper could not be opened until he arrived. When he came to see Wilbur nothing was said about this, and he thought he hail been deceived. At the meeting at Yakima he promised to send men to accompany the the expedition. Eneas had arranged to meet him at a certain place, but instead of doing so, he (Eneas) had taken the whites 12 miles below. Moses confesses to have acted foolishly in allowing so many of his men to come down to the river where the volunteers were, but dis -laims all intention of being otherwise than friendly. He want ed to show the people his strength, and the occ: s:on oemg more than ordinary all ins men wanted to see the party off. To his knowledge not a gi:u was pointed at the whites. After leaving the party, and the whites refusing to l-o up the river cross, lie and his men returned to his camp. The next day he sent nine of his men across the river with the intention of joining the whites and assist them in the capture of the murderers. One of his men came to him and expressed the fear that they would not be received in a friendly manner by the whites, and fearing this, Moses accompanied the party. Traveling until late at night they made a dry camp up in the mountains, and it was at this place that they were cap tured, their arms taken away from them and they themselves brought to Yakima, placed in jail and ironed. Such is the sub stance of Moses' story as to his actions and he earnestly desired that the people should know that he entei tains no hard feelings toward them. He says that he was put in irons by the lies of a few men, but his heart is still warm, and whether he is to remain a prisoner the rest of his life or is released to-inorrow, Moses will never fight the whites. They as a people have never injur ed him, he still will be a friend to them. TELEGRAPHIC. COMPILED FROM THE DAILY ORKGONIAN. Augusta, Jan. 4. The Maine vote in the house on governor stood as follows : Alonzo Garcelon,85 ; Jos. L. Smith, 85 ; Seldon Conner, 64 : Frederick itobie, E One ab sent on each side. Boston, Jan. f.-The housa-TRtsgefitting resolutions on the death ot the ke Caleh dishing. f New Orleans, Jan. 4. Some twenty per sons sent by Commissioner Lane before the U. S. circuit court, charged with, 'frauds at the recent election, appeared before Judtre Billings to-day and were bailed in $1,000 each. Fifteen persons arrested in Natchito ches parish by deputy U. S. marshal were brought here to-day. These are partJIes against whom Hornsby gave evicten'ce for running him out of the parish during the. late campaign. The yellow fever commission is taking evidence and getting information daily and developing numerous points and theories. Washington, Jan. 5. On the 1st inst.. the postoffice department reduced the price of stamped envelopes on an average of 20 per cent, throughout the entire schedule, and the result is seen in largely increased requisitions now being received. Those on Saturday footed up 4,466,600 envelopes val ued at 9,753 or more than double those of any single day in the history of the depart ment. The entire requisition of the day for postage stamps, stamped envelopes and pos tal cards amounted to 515,589, included in which were 4,765,500 postal cards. Richmond, Jan. 4. The river-fced" with ice and navigation's suspenuHThe canal is blocked its whole length. All in dustries dependent upon water supply have, closed. Buffalo, Jan. 4. There is no cessation to the storm ; the wind blows 35 miles per hour. Business on all railroads centering here is suspended ; but three passenger trains have arrived, one by the; N. Y. Cen tral from Albany, due here at:40 Thurs day arrived 11:30 to-night, drawn by thir teen engines with snow plows. Detkoit, Jan. 4. The Pacific express, west bound, on the M. C. R. R-, ran into an accommodation train near Kalamazoo to day. A number of persons are somewhat cut and bruised, but none seriously. Syracuse, Jan. 4. A blinding snow storm has been raging in this vicinity all day and still continnes. No train arrived over the Oswet'o, Binghamptnn and northern roads. A train was made up in this city for Albany and left at 12.20. It was drawn by two engines, and when near Calistoga the forward engine broke loosee and darted ahead into a snow bank where it stuck. The second engine with the train, ran into the forward engine wrecking several cars, and throwing them down an embankment.. The express car caught fire and its contents were consumed with a portion of the mails. The engineer and fireman were injured, also a brak eman and an express messenger, Af ter the tracks were cleared, another train was made and started for Albany. The Atlantic express which left Rochester at 5 1'. M., stuck in a snowdrift at Fair port. The New York maill left Syracuse for Rochester at 1 1 :40 and got stuck at Pal myra. All freight and live stock trains are abandoned. Passengers who left here on Thursday are stuck at Brewerton unable to leave the train. Constantinople, Jan. 4. The porte has advised the bey of Tunis to come to an ami cable arrangement with France. St. Petersburg, Jan. 4. A plague has appeared among the Cossacks of Astrichan. Sufferers are isolated, and many doctors have been summoned to their relief. Of 195 persons attacked since the 1st inst., 143 have died. Berlin, Jan. 4. The Post, discussing the attitude of the Danish court towards Hano verian Separatists, says it considers itself justified in asking whether the relations be tween Germany and Denmark are about to, undergo a change. Madrid, Jan. 3. Moncasi has been handed over to the brotherhood charged with conducting condemned persons to exe cution. A chapel is erected in his cell, where he will remain twenty-four hours in prayer. The exee-trtws-will be-Lyni i gift- Madrid, Jan. 4. Juan Moncasi, who at tempted to assassinate the King of Spain on the 25th of October last, was executed this , morning. PACIFIC COAST. Counterfeiter Arrested. For some lime past counterfeit half dol lars have been most disagreeabl' common, so much so, that it is scarce ly safe to take a roll of $20 in silver without some caution. There is. evi dently, a gang of counterfeiters at work, somewhere in this- State, The Ashland Tidings of the 3rd inst., says : " It is reported that a man named Tom Brown was arrested at Yreka last Friday, by an officer of the IT. S. Secret Service, charged with manufacturing and passin g coun terfeit half dollars." Ice-Bound. The Portland Standard of 7th, says : Before the river closed the little steamer Clatsop Chief went down the river, having a barge laden with goods in tow. While opposite Kalama the barge struck on a bar and springing a leak, sank. The tug Portland was chartered in this city and went to thefrescue. While below, the river closed and now they are all ice-bound on the lower river. GRAVE WARNING. The Times ( Jacksonville, Oregon.) of the 3d inst., has the following well timed suggestions, which it would he well to heed, ere another Indian wiir is brought about, and the exposed set tlers in Southern Oregon, are subjected to inhuman barbarities which might be averted, by a little prudence, cau tion and good sense. The Times says : In reference to the matter of trouble be ing imminent in case of removal of Indians to nine principal reservations, as mentioned by the Times a couple of weeks ago, the Yreka Journal leums from settlers within many miles of Klamath Agency, that there need be no doubt of a war whenever an eff ort is made to remove the reservation Mo docs, Snakes and Piutes from Klamath Lake. There are about 1,100 of them, . well used to firearms, anil as brave and fearless as Capt. Jack's Modocs who made such a stubborn fight in the lava beds a few years ago. Should the government decide 'on any such measures, "fair warning should be given to the S".ttlers to remove to safe quarters with their families. All of Butte Creek Valley and other sections in Siskiyou county would be deserted as well as-portions of Modoc county, Cat-, while in most of Lake county, settlers would also be in danger. It will take all the troops on this coast to move the Indians at Klamath Agency, and even then the Indians would roam the country committing depredations before they could be conquered as prisoners for removal. Ihe Iudians consider removal as equal to death, and will fight rather than submit to it es pecially since they have heard of the Moaoes dving off so rapidly after their removal from the lava beds to Indian Territory, wnere they never have been and never will be sat isfied, no matter how well they be treated. The Indians are great lovers of their old haunts and hunting grounds, and stick to them with a devotion that no danger ot death can cause them to relinquish. Last Sabbath the mortal remains of J. W. Cook, an old pioneer and very estimable citizen, were laid carefully to rest in the Locke cemetery, four miles north of this city. Tn consequence of illness, Rev. Camp beil of Monmouth, could not attend, and Rev. Jos. Emery officiated. Obituary next week. Wheat is worth 84 cents per bushel at Independence. A fatal horse disease prevails in several counties in southern Oregon. Newcome raised 106 bushels of oats to the acre in Tiilamook county last season. Dipththeria prevails in two or three dis tricts of Washington county. J. D. Lee is now the agent of Wells,. Fargo & Co. at Dallas in place of Jap Ellis, . resigned. The Coos Biy Xewt complains that the mail service between that section and the rest of the world is still insufficient. D. M. C. Gault and Miss Flora Vite be ean a Drivate school in the Hillsboro school honse last week. President Marsh has sold fourteen acres of land near the Forest Grove station to Hon. A. Hinman for 81,100. John Shambrook killed twelve geese and' wounded five in one shot at the Umpqua ferry one day last week. The farmers in Tillamook county raise-four-pound potatoes and turnips measuring sixty inches in circumference.. A stage driver named Richard Barnette skipped from Sheridan a few days ago with some hundreds of dollars belonging to other people. Coos Bay Kim : Our Coos bay coal mines are all increasing their forces. At Southport the miners worked all day on Sunday last. Twenty-nine deeds,, ten mortgages and two chattel mortgages- were filed in the Douglas County Clerk's office during De cember. Charles Patctien's House, near Canyon ville, was destroyed by fire on Christmas night and two of his children badly burned before they could escape. Geo. W. Hunsaker's house, near Turner Station, was robbed on New Year's day of 392 25 in coin, taken from his pantaloons pocket, in a room -where there were four young men asleep Prof. L. J- Powell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, will hold a Teachers' Institute at ltoseburg, commencing on the. 16th inst. , and continuing several days. Two boys named Ennis, who had been re fused liquor at Cornelius, broke the win dows of the saloon, then climbed m the kick way and attacked rat rowers, tne proprietor, with knives. Jacksonville Sentintt: "Engineer East wick returned from his voyage down Rogue river last week and will report on the prac ticability of making that river navigable on his return to Portland. The following are the transactions of the TJ. S. Land office at Roseburg for the past month : Pre-emption filings, 15 ; home stead entries, 14 ; final homestead entries, 14; donation certificates, 3; cash entries, 9 ; comprising 630 acres ; timber applica tions, 2. The Town Talk, a small daily, issued at Salem, R. B. and Frank Conover, proprie tors, is upon our table. In a notice to ex changes the proprietors say they have no connection with the "greenback organ or blisning company. it so-called Peonle's Pu is their intention to soon called the Setting bun. issue a weekly,