The Benton democrat. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1871-18??, June 21, 1873, Image 3

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2.1 A
: Si J.
....JUNE 21. 1873.
Oiwenbocks, buy 83 I Greenbacks, gellfe
;. Agents for the "Democrat.' I
'Of "T ' t The following named persons are author-
- - Ized to receive ana receipt ror suDscnption
fwnddvertLiiig for this paper: v ;
vKw York . . . A . .efc P." Kowell & Co.
Ban Francisco L. P. Fisher.
East .Portland....
''' VVmrALhra..'.
...... 1'heo. L. Smith.
.. ....Major Johnson
,. E. Holgate
. . . . . . Ruins McLane
" Toledo .. . , . .J.T". . . . .
Storr's Point
jt" philomath .-. .' . . ..
. E. N.- Sawtelle
,,...11. B. Thrasher
. . ....Robert JJerron
j : r , jking a ,v aney . . . . , .
, y ,. ' Alsea
-r i t ; Summit ............
.....i .IBrftt. .Wood
.... J. Holgate
Sub. Mnlkey
...... J. B. McClane
..J. J. Whitney
""Scio .. .r; .
"ijaiias .
ts.n'r? -tr Function City
- . -:;lJck.sonirille...j.i,i
. r : .j. c. ueau
.Lycurguf Vineyard
.. ... .i.,uis Salomon
Empire City
, ....Harry Howard
.Post MBee Register. -
tost Office- -Comer of Maiw-aiid Jeffer
' son streets.
. .K?i"ji Mulls Arrive:
y&TQXtt Albany (North aud South), Dally, at
C . J A 1a1- ;- 4:00 P m. . - .......
- (From Portland (via Westslde), Daily; at
jf?-, .-V; 6:00 p.-m.- ,
i -1- xjays, Thursdays ana Saturdays, atb p. m.
Sfnllm- Demftvftf
tj-,x i For Albany (North and South), Daily at
r.yr: r- - 8:45 a. m. .
s !For Portland (via Westside), Dally at
c , ... 6:00 a. m. - ;
For Yaquina Bay. Tri-Weekly, Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6:00 a. m.
Hulls Closes . '
For Albany (North and South), Daily, at
- :mi a. m. ---. - .
I ..For": Portland (via Westside), Daily, at
8:00 p. m. .
J For.Yaqnina Bay, Tri-Weekly, Sundays,
w wCneadaysand Thurdays, at 8:00 p. m.
Office Hours From 7 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Sundays Office open 30 minutes "ter
arrival of Eastern mail." ' : ;J
Money Order Office Hours from 9 a. m
to 0 p.m. , , J, A, UANNA, P. M
Tb doslns Ezereles.
?5 'The State I Agricultural College closed
their labors for the school year of 1872-73
the 18th.inst. The college has been very
prosperous during the year that has just
passed, under the management of an effi
cient corpse of teachers ; who have spared
-; neitlier time or labor to advance those un
der their charge. And judging from the
,.' critical examination, which' the students
pasiied with honor to themselves and wedit
1 -to the Professors, that they are thorough
f ; in the various branches of science on
vjj, which they were examined. . ,?5"e i
. e The Entertainment ou .Friday evening
I3th by tlie Primary Department was Very
interesting considering that they .were
"'young and Inexperienced. .
' The Baccalaureate sermon was preached
'O'fta Sunday by . Dr. E. J. Dawne, of
alem. which was one'of the most forcible
r ras well as instructive sermons that has
fti5-0ver emanated from the Oregon pulpit.
" 7j: :!Sotne of hU remarks which were so forci-
' " " bly presented to the class, wliom he t-as
''vi-L3' directly addressing, that they will un-
Idoubtedly ibjger i tiieir-memorjv and
Miitiu ha t-liAii. mii.linw otfl. tfnil1nll lift.
I"-' t' ' wmv... , " n " r. ...v..
"The Annual Liteiary Address, delivered
- "by Oeueral Mart V. Brown of Albany,
was a complete success, and highly appre
not, . x 'elated by tlie members of the society as
,h . well as the large and Intelligent audience.;
' lb was just what the students wanted, after
a years work on abstruse theorems ; the
poetrv "came in at the sixth page,;' enlivr
. Xl teoedby shorn or of wit." Ot is newlless
to say that a copious 'shower was given
K'fthein (-for those : that know the .General
n are well aware that he is brim hill ol na
"Xjs. tive wlC-The Socitty Entertainment on
ruesday evening;-was, a, are treat, the
Essay aad-Orations were! excellent,' wliile
,-,...T -the tarces were ot the most musing char
t. . 1 "iicter.t The music which w-asfurni-shed by
vrr '31 1 , the Glee f3lub, for this as .well as all (he
.s f--. Exercises, was, of the very best j and the
c !Jf tli-4nettiid solos were-pir exceUent.:. ' "
t!r . .Tbe fourth commencent was on. thel8tli.
i!,"! V'iusti the Graduating Class consisted of four
.s u3i.i 'tnembers three gentlemen: and one lady.
C,anis....who handled his subject as
wjgU Li was familiar with Its various
'pliases. , Misses Mason sang a duet which
Vas actually splendid, followed by Miijs
:iara M.Ttiayerot'Uorvains wnose assay
was a rare gem and for originality or
Duties' to Society." W. F. Herrln, of
Jacksonville, there delivered a I masterly
-"'""I.'lO "OTatloinn the "jLessons f History,", to
' TA:i'etherjWith ,the-, Valedictory,: which was
a; iv, 4UH i patnos, ana neserveuiy appiauaea.
-. " The Anniversary Address by, Hon . Wl
V1'. tr JELi Gilbert of Portland was a treat, full of
. ' r sound sense.. robed in the richest lansruase.
vr-1 n Yn(Tsta!nps , hlm; undoubtedly aa -one of
-. ' T.vregon's most suDiime writers. '
''''III'1''" llnmi.l.mrf.Ha-jlal OfflCCrS
" as follows: President, Hugh Flnley; Vice
i sin i' i'resiaent. n: jjurKnart : sec. vv. r
-i-HersuisiTreasurer, L.-.O. Isoji; James
-K.-Weatherford waa selected to deliver
- thei Annual Oration arid Mrs ; Geo. Henkle
"!-' r-.-iiT--.-ioread an Essay at the .Alumni meetiner.
Tvhich will. be at the closexHf1' the next Col-
what disappointed. . Mr. -Veatch and Mrs.
, j.' -MarelaricU,. whoycre .selected .xn J4tera-
.ture the year previous, . owing to uutore-
seea events were unable to attend. On
' heeveuingof the 18th Rev. W. B. Stew-
- - Art of Salem' delivered, the Allumtti.Ad
cri V wlressj which was' the -crowning Literary
-treat of the occasion. '
i'.r.i'i ntSo.-eJosed-the school 'year for 1872-73
at 'ti i.'itb brighter prospects.for the future than
. aver before, -And the citizens- of Benton
-'.-. county have reasons to be" proud of this.
" Vrrone or the distinguishing and 'characteris-;
tic teutures oc tneir capital city uorvains.
. And the people of Oregon are justly
f TQ "Iprbi-dof the Way their State.' Agricultural
' 7 College is conducted, irrespective of party
' A Good Wokk. Deputy Marshal Ran
""j lie y ; InlbrmsS ns that he has thoroughly
rfyerbauTed and cleansed the city jail, hav
: ine fitted ub and refurnished ' two rooms.
' Instead of one, anticipating an increased-j
patronage..:-,- - ; :.Z '
v Beuchocs; .Regular services will be
. held at ffier Presbyterian Church, nextSun"
day, by Key.' V. Kv Nesbit,
: u DISUiUcEIXt."
Am Oder In " Tlytai JPhoe. -
Gladly would we avohljreferrlng to the
toibles of others, and most especially those
of an" upright member of. the Church; but
our duty as a public journalist forces us to
give publicity to an accident which hap
penep to a worthy Good 'Templar, whose
name, out ot pure respect, we suppress;
lie not being the " Head of a family," but
the Superintendent of a Sabbath School,
and, according to Upton, a praying Chris
tian, as well as at one time - editor of .a
Good Templar organy which position he
might have yet held, had not hfs greed for
gold impelled him to sell that sheet to the
Radical party, for a certatd sum 44 In hand
paid," etc. This -worthyf who now (by
proxy) runs the high moral organ of Ben
ton, connty, went, out to camp-meeting
last Sunday, where his "te'How feeling"
overcame discretion, aud he became intox-
Heated (on pleasure, of course),: while ca-
ressiug-at-tair damsel la the . mluister's
tent; Filled witlr that spirit which ex-'
hilarates mankind, he started home in a
buggy. Not being in a very sober vein,
his horse became frightened at his enig
matical actions behind, and took to his
heels. .- In vain the pious worthy pulled
the strings. : Faster, taster, flew the angry i
steed, until the vehicle capsized, the thills .
parted, and the equine, freed from all 4en
fcujgllng alliances," sped ou, leaving the
paor Elder floundering in the mud. A
passing teamster, taking- pity ou the poor
wretch thus cruelly abandoned, picked
him and brought him to town, on
Monday, when ho presented a' most pit
iable sight as be rode down. -Main street
perched upon! the summit of a load of
lumber,. To say that the poor fellow feels
cut-up by his recent experiences would
not express half so much as Horace Gree
ley's advice to the young farmer in regard
to tlie best time to cut young elders.
Though this -man -has repeatedly ' lied
about us shamefully, we can say, with all
our heart, "Father, forgive him."
Tbe Work of Exeevtlng Voounenced.
.On Monday last the excavating for tbe
Farmers' warehou evas begun in this city,
The building will be erected immediately
north of the Moore & St. Clair wharf.
and will be 30 feet by 90. one oortion 28
teet higb,the remainder 22 feet. A sacking
room. 15x90 will be buiit underneath, with
an eight foot ceiling. A large quantity of
earin is to oe removed, which will be used
in lillins up streets, a number of teams
already being engaged. The lumber Is
now being sawed at Robinson & Bro .8
mill, and Mr. ilicLagan, the contractor.
has already begun the framing. Eight
men Were employed on the excavations
last Monday, which number has increased
during the week. AH honor to the fann
ers. 1 hey have begun in earnest, aud
whatever they commence, the oeoDle may
rest assured, will be carried to a successful
consummation. - r--..,'.m
' ... . i
IjIfs Insubance. The following note,
received by an agent of the Continental
Lite Insurance Company, ' shows the ad
vantage of insuring in a responsible com
pany:! .t:-' i
, ; i -..-si II alss:v, June 12. 1873 .
Agents of Continental Life Insurance Co.
pf jf. Y. Genu;., Allow, me. to Express
my thauks for the .prompt Payment, in
full, of the policy on the life of my hus-
oana, vv . u. uoyes, amounting to S2.000.
which I received accordjng to the terms
vpeciueu in me policy.- '
(&ignea Amanda is. Uotcs.
A Nkat Spkcimbn ornnil Art Typo-
gbapiiic. We have, received from the
publishers, Mesen. Geb. J? RotU &Co.,
advertising agents, of New York, the
"American .Newspaper uirectory," con
taining aceur.ite lists of all the newspapers
and. periodicals published In the United
States and Territories, and the Dominion
of Canada and colonies of British North
American The Directory contains upward
of 600 -pages, and is a neat specimen of
tne art typograptne a credit "to the publishers-
and- useful to every ' Publisher in
the world."", . r. . .. . - ;
Bill. After the Commencement Ex
ercises ot the AgriciiltnraJ .College were
over, Ou Wednesday evening, the students
gave a ferewpll hop at " Fisher's Hall,
There were about twrty couple -Present,
and as we looked in. (at about 12y all
seemed to be enjoying themselves. "Mine
host." of the -Benton House, furnished a
splendid supper of .wJirfli aU hands pa rtook
u eeiy , Aiwer supper (uey reiurneu. to me
Hall,-where-the dance was kept up to the
' small honrsJ' '- J
W ATtfenocsE - FiKisHBD.vThe Spring
Hill warehblise, built by the tanners ou
Soap Creek, has been completed. It has
a holding capacity of 20,00 bushels ot
grain, and is built in the most substantial
manner.- Mr. Jacob- Modie informs us
that -this building was erected mainly
thronsrh -tlie.-jMEcuuy of the Soap Creek
Farmers' Club. - it stands as a monument i
of what the farmers can do, if they but
concentrate their energfes. , !
JCklebratiok; We are iuformed, by a
resident of that biirg, that the citizens of T
'v'.r-' -rT-..-3- f.:i-L.".T3ri -,.t... h.-t
Fourth iu a splendid maimer. The Dutch-
town. Brass Band, 22 members, will be in
attendance; dinner in the woods, free to
all: ball at night .An , extensive arbor
end seats will be arranged; and an able
speaker will be present. (.
. ,'s"i '.i 'l l'S ' ' '- 1 '! '
Bhowssvillk Wooi,k?i MrLts. From
Mr. Henry ' Abraham; "' of " Brownsville,
Linn county, we lrn that the woolen
mills' of that place are now 'running 12
hands, and manufacturing an . excellent
quality of cloth, of which ready sale is
made. . . ' ' j
Dissolved. The copartnership hereto
fore existing between - D. , B. Irvin and
Frank Hendrlcksob has' been dissolved,
Mr IrviO cefntinuing the business alone.
ue is a good workman, ana deserves pat
ronage. J . - j(fi63ll1 '
'On Vhe Focbth. -We are informed that
the Albany Dramatic Troupe will give
one -of their pleasant entertainments in
this city on the afternoon of the Fourth.
This will add much to our celebration. ' : "
The New Brick.' Te&mi are engaged
delivering brick on the ground, prepara
tory to the building of the new brick, by
E. W.. Fisher.. .Coryall i8 ia steadUy im
proving. ;: -- --- - -- ,
rj v - -i - -. r in ;
Episcopai, Service. Rev: J. H. Bab-
cock will conduct seryloes at the Chapel ot
the good Samaritan on Sunday 'next; t
11 o'clock i m. and p. m. .. .. '4 -
; The i North Kiblic School of this city
closed yterday afternoon"' "The "exer
cises consisted of addresses, ''reading'
standing of pupils, presentation of rolls
of honor and vocal and instrumental mu
sic. - As a large number of visitors was
expected to be present, the students had
placed everything iu proper shape, so that
parents and friends might go away 'well
satisfied with their Visit . The decoration
of the building displayed elegant taste and
excited universal admiration. I .Attached
to tne, wails. or both, rooms, were long.
beautiful' testoons of' evergreens, whose
graceful curves, together with the rich
profusion of flowers with .which tbey
were loaded, were most beautiful
hold. ..The, wails rendered additionally
beautirni by the presence or pictures and
paintings of various kinds. "'.At 1:
o'clock p. m. the exercises opened with
instrumental, music, by Miss Brlggs and
Lewis Belfilsi Esq., tbei latter , using the
violin and the former furnishing an organ
accompaniment. This was followed by
an address from Dr. Bos well. The speak
er adapted himself handsomely to the oc
casion by giving his audience the benefit
of a twenty-minute speech, full of sound
logic and good advice. After a- -song by
the school was sung, Prot. Ornery took
the rostrum .and made 6bort and very
appropriate address. Prof. E.; evidently
Knows now to talk to the young roiks. .vv.
B. Carter, ee'ltor of the Gazette, being
called for, responded in a very pleasing
manner. Next came , the reading oi the
Tills part of the progrmme was especially
tuusresung iu parents, a. urge, per cent,
of the students received,very flattering re
ports, while-a few were somewhat disap
pointed by not getting a very - creditable
standing. They were doubtles dealt with
as well as they deserved. According to
previous arrangement the -names- of all
pupils who reached 100 in deportment
were to oe lnscrioea upon a roil or honor.
It appeared that 38 ot the students were
entitled to this honor. Each one of this
number was duly presented with a copy
ot the roll, which was a very handsome
one. A copy, elegantly framed,, was ex
hibited, which will be retained - In the
school -room, x The : exercises throughout
were interspersed with the choicest music.
The song3 by the school were particular
ly beautuul . The teachers reported sixty-
eight names enrd.'led during the past
term. This school has, perhaps, never
enjoyed a greater degree Of prosperity
than it has during the past year.V Mr-
Garrison and Miss Briggs have labored as
siduously tor tne success or tneir scnooi,
and in this, we think, they; have not la-
oorea in vain. .
Precisely at 4 ; o'clock the i exercises
of the afternoon closed. Patrons and
friends returned to their homes, feeling
richly rewarded for having paid the teach
ers of this school a visit. Studies will be
resumed again about September 1st.
"Aw ISTorCK.-rThe following invoice of
a prominent saloon in Albany was hauded
us for publication by one of the appraisers:
One large cougar
Two small do. . :
One wildcat
One small Columbia seal . . .
One set elk horns
Two set. deer horns "jcm
- 250
- 300
, -65
- 300
Picture;. . . i imi -. . .--mJX . ,
One. burglar sate ; i . . ... I -
One white mouse . !.f.
Two Guinea pigs
Bar fixtures and furniture I ..
Billiard table j -t . . .
One pair of China slippers i. ..
One picture of mimaloosed marc. .
, Grand total., .v.,,,.l..v. ,;-.'.I..f5,500
t? Serious AcciDENt. Two boys, -named
McLagan and Rutan, went out hunting
on Wednesday last, and finding no game
concluded to shoot at a mark.: McLagan
crave tbe srun to Rutan and went to nut
up a mark, cautioning his companion not
to play with the gun, which- rwai jaot
heedecLand.whilo putting up the mark
the gun was accidentally discharged, the
ooy jticLAgan receiving its contents in the
back. The boy has laid since Wednesday
evening In a precarious condition, and his
recovery is ratneruoiiDtiui
Address. Gen. Mart. V. Brown, on
last Monday , eveping, . delivered the an-
nual address, before. Oie Literary Societies
of ' Corvftlll. if The-Address was" replete
with useful - Instruction and information.
and was enjoyed by- all preseni. The Gen
eral seeraea to oe, on tnis occasion, "the
nght man iu the rnrht place," for he- bas
not only the faculty of pleasing, but also
of instructing, we might say, charming
iM9 uwtrers i t4jit-
Toll Gate Down. From Phil Stanton
we learn that the toll gate, on the road
between -here and Elk City, had been torn
down by parties traveling that road whtf
tnougnt tue gate an inmngement upon
the rights of the traveling public. -The
proprietors threaten tor sue for destruction
or property.- Travel quite Brisk to the
iay. .-
Musical, Since; the -organization of a
Brass Band in our eityy - a .musical mania
has, it seems, fastened upon a yeung ar
tist. ' who' ' rooms : not more than a dozen
doors above The postotnee. lie has pur-,
chased three baby horns, of Harry.': War
rior, of different styles, and now delights
his neighbors with "practice" noteseyery
evening. ' s-4-i 1 W
Prolific. On Main street may be seen
a sprig of rose vine, three feet in length,
bearing twenty-five blossoms, whlcbJias
grown from ,thQ eartlr, up bgtween the
studding, 'along the rafters, and out of the
shingled, at the ridge of the roof f a one
and a half story dwelling.
- " ( tK-'i
The Gkover. This boat
at 8 o'clock on Tuesday night. She
detained some 12 'hours by ',towlngGie
snag-puller, which she left a short distance
below here. She -started for Albany at
3 o'clock Wednesday morning.
'Lu'dI-i -'! .
Brass Band. The Brass Band, .recent
ly organized in this city, are practicing
almost nightly, and are making quite rapid
progress as toot is ts. As the Band is com
posed of good musicians, we are most san
gui ue of its ultimate success.:, j
- : &' i
Catholic Skrvioes. Services at the
Catholic Church on Sunday- next, , at .the.
usual hour. 10:30. Vespers will commeaca
at7:3pp mfr Lecture at8 pm.. ,
Rey." ISsu ; Harmtt, of the U. B:
Ctiurch, wililioki senrice In the Evangeli-
eal Church, in tbis city - on' Sunday.- the
"ST'The AllMHiy Aiaatoor. "r
In company with a number of" gentle
men, we wjen driven to Albany, last Sat
urday : evening, by that- accommadating
stage man, Sol. King, to Witness the en
tertainment given by the Albany Drainat
16 Society. , Arriving at 8 oclook, . we
found the band diriconrsinar sweet strains
in front of the Pacific Opera House, and a
throng of citizens pouring into the spa
cious nan.- me orchestra, composed or
Miss Westlake, upon the piano ; M. M.
Hart,- upon the flute j aad Mr. Jeff Cline,
upon the violin ; was entertaining - the
audience with most pleasing music.-: At
8:30 the curtain rose,- and the performance
opened with the amusing farce, '
:-V,i : THEMAIDOF MDSSTER. .' , ''. "'
- The characters were represented by Mr.
Gus. Sweet, Miss Maggie Gore, Mrs. Tay
lor and Mart Taylor, all sustaining- their
roles with credit, entering into the spirit
of the play in a manner that would have
done credit to professional performers.
Mrs. Mart Taylor theu saug a' beautiful
ballad, which was repeatedly encored. ' A
comic soug by .Mart Taylor, entitled " - v
- - - "the minor of '49,"
was excellently ; done, in character, and
received merited applause.: .A tableau was
then given, hi which Miss Gore, a;
little niiss of ten summers, sang - , -"...:,;,-
,f 'come.-BiHDiE, come," ' : . ' !
with great cfiect. A tree was placed upon
the stage, in which a canary was perched,
and while singing tbe song, with out
stretched arms the child seemed to be
pleading ih earnest for the little songster
to share her home, .M.-M. Hart then
sung a comic song, -entitled ' "
: K( . -'.fSCSAN JANE," 1
his two little children, aged . respectfully,
five and seven, carrying trie chorus- with
out any assistance. This was the star per
formance of the evening, and at its close,
majiy bouquets ' aud a. quantity of coin
was' thrown: upon the stage. The per
formance closed with .. . ;
( r ; ."a kiss in the dabk,""
In which Mrs. Taylor, Miss Gore, Mart"
Taylor and Harry Watson assumed characters,-
and acquitted themselves in a
praiseworthy manner. w An original comic
song, Jfull of local hits, by Mart Taylor,
whirh was highly enjoyed, closed the ex
ercises of tlie evening. At the close of
the performance, the audience indulged,
for a. brief period, in mingling hi the
Vmazy."; With a high! appreciation of
the talent of this troupe, we entered our
-carriage and drove home by the "light of
tne Drignt silver moon." f r.
Personal Items.
Sir. Xeb. Fox, of Albany, was in town
On Monday.. -- .r ''
Hon. .oli a Burnett returned from Salem
last Sunday., .. :;: a , ! - : . ;
Hon D. Carlisle came an from Elk City
last Saturday.
J. H. Cohn, of Portland, was iu town.
on Wednesday. -, . , - -
Rev. E. J. Dawne, of Silem, called oil
ns last Monday.. ., ,
Rev. Win. Gird was In town, and soent
me aixernoon, on tveauesaay.
Wm, Thornton went an to Junction.
last Sunday, to ply bis- trade. '
Harry Watson, of histrionic fame, flour-
Lsnea around our pity last Sunday.
r- rSlgmund Fox, of Albany, spent last
Sunday with his friends in this city. . ;;
Phil Stanton came over from the Bay
on Saturday, and soent the hUrhtand Suiw
day with us. j -
Mrs 'Davis arrived in town, from the
Yaquina, on Thursday evening, on her
way to Portland for her health. . -r
Mr. Faircliild,' Indian Asent at the Si-
letz, wasln town on Tuesday, looking after
some ot ni3 'wauuerlng reiugees.';
Henry Abraham, of Brownsville.: was
in town last Sunday. He represents bus
iness prosperous in that locality. - -" '
Mr. Michaels ot the firm of Friedlan-
der t Co., of San Francisco, dealers in
Yankee .ftotidnjs etc., "was, ,in town ou
Monday'. " ' ;. ,;
tHr. ' Henry Howard. -of Coos Bay, has
been in town a greater portion of the
week. He returned to Coos, with a part
ner for life. : v-
Mrl i L; 'Gerhard arrived home ' from
Portland on Thursday. He looks flue.
having .arrayed, himself - in a new' suit
while Deiow. i
Mr. .J. K. P. Weatherford, Esq., of
Brownsville, has been in town, during the
week, attending the exercises at the Agri-
miltflMll IViliAtrA - i . .
Mr.' Geo. "Avery, son of J. C: Avery,
arrived in town on Mondajr evening last,
from Chewaucan. He reports everything
flourishing In that country.
S. B. Dexter, from Eugene, was In town
'on Wednesday, on business iu connection
with extending the West Side Mail , line
from this place to Junction City. ;
Mr. Spaaldtu.of Portland, of the firm
of 8m uldina aiid Johnson, butchers,1 ar
rived in town; on Wednesday, and Is pur
chasing sheep for the Portland market.., ,
-' Ike FoxTettirhed from Long Tom on
Wednesday last. He has much to say of
the hospitality of Jimmy Martin and his
wifej : ' ICou're right, Ike, they kuow how
to do it,' to which weeau attest.! J; ' ,;
Howard, a srenial snlrit. formerly of
this place, but iiow'of Empire City, smil
ed sweetly upon us last Saturday. ' He
subscribed for a copy ot the Democrat,
and returned home happy;- - t ' . . " ' ' ;
Hon. R. S.-Strahaa and Judge Kelsay
returned from Siilem on Tuesday. - They
both left fnr Salem-again on Friday morn
ing, to argiie the, motion fpra new trial in
tne wintiey-waze case. ; i f.-t;.l
Rey3.Stewart. : of Salem, and Gilbert,
oiE9rtland, .were In town, this ; week at
tending the exercises at -the Agricultural
College. Mr. Stewart delivered the ad
dress to the Alumni, and Mr.-Gilbert to
the Graduating Class. - - j -ico
OiuoiNAvBoBii.-Mart Taylor . has ac
cepted airttfvltation" to read an WigTnal
poem, in this city,' o& the Fourth of July..
Something rich may he-Expected,' as this'
gentleman is most essentially an original
chara(rr' 'r" a I ': - "
Will Pekfosm The Albany Dramat
ic Troupe will give one of their excellent
performances iu this city, on the evening
of the 5th of July. Having witnessed one
of -their entertainments, vie can assure our
readers that this performance will be
wortn seel ng
Pckps.-J. -Tan tie.
got a flna pom
Harry Bird
Oor SidN. Messrs. Sheppard &:Bower
have just painted, for tlie Democrat office,
a handsome sign, so that in future the peo
ple may find our local habitation' without
any difficulty. The workmanship is of a
highorder.,- ! . ; . j - ,, .',' ...
. i ' '. .-. i ,.;
- -Tmt Christian Messenoer " is a first
class family newspaper. Sent to any ad
dress, until January 1, 1874, for $2. Ad
dress X. F. Campbell, .Publisher,, Mon
mouth, Oregon. ;i ! ';
, Josr Received. James Drake has jii3t
received from the East the latest Fashion
Plates, and Is prepared to make gentle
men's costumes In the latest fashions. .
;-: Programme for. the Fourth. Else
where In our columns may be found a
programme for the order of exercises ou
the Fourth. :i ., - .. - . " .
Dr. Hooper's Female Pills Established
fifty years, have a world-wide reputation
as a certain remedy in all female difficul
ties, . Beware of worthless and cheap imi
tations. . Get the genuine, new stvle. su
gar-coated; forty pills in each box, with
Sail directions. Price,--1. . . Address all
orders: HOOPER & CO.-; i i
P.O. Box 2453, Philadelphia, Pa .
35-yl. , ' , .".
BAHXl'M KiOQE NO. TX, O. O. T., Sleets
on Tuesday' evening of eacb week, at 7
o'clock, intheir Hall, Main street, south
room, in Fibber's Brick, second story..-. Mem-
. hers of thevOrder in good standing are in
vited to attend. - - - - -
By order of the . ? : - ' N. G. t,r,
holds stated Communications on Wednesday
evening on or preceding each full moon.
Brethren in good standing are invited to at
tend. --Per
order of .;'"' W. MJ
Meets every Saturday eveninsr at Templars
r naii, over uazecie rnrang urace. All mem
ber in good standing are invited tc attend,
pynrneroT line w . 1.
i:'-' A?ir ; - - ' ' ," . '
- Executed with Neatness and Dispatch
: .! : Opposite Capt.: Chisem's Shop.
- 2:40tf '
Hksbv Dohse would respectfully announce
tnat ne nas taicen cuarge oi -
" and is prepared to execute alfordors for
' latest Styles or Picture. '
"'"! ' ' SUCH AS :
Opalatypes, "Ferrotypes, Gems, Sun Pearls,
"T7.Mf.M.-...l.a imhmtvnii. V.,n
Call in the Forenoon for Children's Pictures.
2:5iyi -
' ". ' Cbrvallis, Friday, June
Wheat V bushel...............;.,...
Oats huBhel i
Flour V barrel., ......
Potatoes V buehell. ........... ..
Butter, fresh rolls, V ponnd.
Eggs V dozen............:..--.......'..
Chickens Uoxen.. ..i...
White beans lb .'.....'....
Chili beans yi
Indian dreased deer skins yiB......
Peaches, dried, .V n...
Peaches, canned, V can...........
Apples, dried, V &
Apples, green, W bnshel
Plums, dried, no pitta S....
Hams a ,
Bacon V V
Shoulders V ...,............,.,
Lard, in kegs, V . . . i ....
" la cans, V n.... ......
Cheese V
Oysters, W can
Cream Tartar V B .'.,..,.....-..
Coffee, Java V D
Coffee, Costa BicaV
Coffee, Klo V 3,,....,.,. ..........
Tea, Japan ........'......;........
SuKar chushed. VD.
13. 9 P. M.
... .,'.,, 1.
.,...2 60tf
........ ..'..0
...7yS.l 00
i. .75
......12 15
.... ......10
...... 1825
...... 25
Sugar, pulverized 1b ,
Sugar, Tel C S F extra refined n,
Sugar, Yel C S F refined V ft.. ,
Sugar, bland No 1 y tb............,
Sugar. Island No 2 ift n.......
Syrup, Heavy Gnlden W gal.......
Syrup, Heavy Golden 6 gal : kegs..
Powder yi lt...........-..... .......
Lead, V
Naila,ut y Dy..... n.... i
Nails, finishing
Salt, Carmen Island V 100 Hi..'::..:.,
Salt, Liverpool 100 tt..
Brown sheeting V yd.....rt.i......
...... 25
....75(&1 00
.'...:. iTimn
., 910
II 75
. 3 5(K3.800
vea ticking ya......
Denims yd..-...i....
Flannels W yd........
Candles W box.........
Kice China
.'.4 50(S.SftO
KiceHonoiuk) V a... .....,..-
Tebacco, V ....... .'...,;'.'..... k
Kerosene Vsral..........j. ...........
X, situated , fifteen miles south :of
Coryallis, containing 640 acres, fouriiliun-.
area ana nity acres oi wnicn is :,, ;,,
the remainder rich bottom' land, with , all,
kinds or timber; un tne place there are
Substantial Buildings, m fine Barn a
; , Large (Jranary, and. a Choice
7 1 .Yune" Orchard , . . ' I'-.
These buildings are of tlie most substan
tial character, and constructed after the
most approved style... One mile front my-
house a large ware house is being erected,
OH the' Willamette, for the storing and
shipment of grain.-'-'The entire fitrm .will
be sold at a fair rate. :'For furthe partlcu
lans, enquire on the premifes, oneimile
south of the Long Tom bridge, on the
river road to Eugene, j- James MAwrra.u:
.Tune 14. 1873. ' ! i 3-8m3
7:;;gravesi& kkisht , :-C
OllSI NET M A. 1 3E5 R S'
:A .'j:;,'' "lo A5D !;:. ! ' -'-''"."' ,;'
. Corner of .Secpnd and Monroe Streets, ;
Keep Constantly en Haiid
H Q U S E, J3I G JC B R I A G B,
. .. - ASD ' ' ,
. , , -. PAPER-HA5GERS, ETC.
Painting, Carriage Work, Paper
, . . Msngrins : ana caicinuiuiur
Shop on Maui. : street, two doors south f
ti'ostotnce. s
, June ?, 1873i . .
3i7 tf -
; . J i DEALEK IN .1 '
All of which will be Sflld Clieati for Caali .
'May 24, 1873. ;j '-' '. 3:6m8
Having purchased the line of stages ran-"
ning from Coryallis to 'Elk City, the uu
dersigncd proposes to run -
Trf-Weekly, tettreen those 'points, leaving
' ' . cervallis on , '
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,
and returning on alternate days.
.. , . amy be procured at Albany,
Passengers arrfving at Albany, on the ears,
can at once procure through tickets to the
beach, at one of- the most pleasant resorts
in the State ot Oregon. ;r J;. DIXON.
- ; ,. 3:3ui0 . .; f
Corner of Main and Adams Streets,
Having opened a new. establishment in
; - this city, keeps constantly on hand .
Nuts,' . Pipes, . Tobacco, .T and KotlBsf
i A. small' an Qarefullyselected stockef
JDti D S ,
Produce Taken in Exehacyc for Goods,
- And ' Highest Market Price Paid.
' i- . -. : .-.-.11 a
. ...Main Street, Corjalf-s.
ConstmtJt1 on Hmwl a ITirin' Aaantment Ot
pistols foytfotfjjyiouNTnit,
.; s . Everything 1 the Qua Line.
f owiisa ;ritcEs specialty i
tiunswitb Work aiid Repairing Done to
March 8. 187.1. . J
i i, 1 ' ' M Allti BTKEET, iCQByAiMS,
1''.; "Etc''alwn'-jwriyinl also,"
' I . ATcWHOLfiSAtl:.
r,(Marci8,..1873f.,0.,5T,j S:46yl
HAVTSG purchased, tbel interest o.
Thomas Eglih Iriithfejii
Ot cthls gity, dating from- the 20thof FetPr
ra&prlS!3f lap prepared to do
on short notice, and at "reasonable rates..
I assume all liabnttfes- of " the late firm.
of Thos. Egliri & Bro.T s All indebted are
requested to. make immediate payment..
J v -. M .'.?.EC'.'A5 3ST 1ST-A
V9 JI n W V mm K9 Jl.3M3