The Benton democrat. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1871-18??, April 19, 1873, Image 2

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Brigadier-General, Edward K.- S.
Oanby, who perisBed at the hands of
the Modoc chief, Captain Jack, on Fri
- day, the 11th inst., was born in Ken
tucky, in 1817, and was appointed to
the Military Academy at West Point,
from Indiana, in 1835. He graduated
.' in 1839, since which time be bas serv
ed with distinction in various portion
T.'of the Union. He received promotion
i, : i j l ' .1. -r : ,.
War, and became a Brigadier-General
in 1862. In 1S70 he was appointed to
- the command of the Department of the
Columbia. -' He was a gallant officer,
.man .of prond, commanding form,' and
in avorv vraTr fhA f fno rf A tmp orpntlp.
- r o
man and soldier. .He leaves a widow
who, it is feared, will not long survive
her sudden bereavement. The funeral
of the great departed, 'took place, at
- Portland, yesterday. At the request of
Mrs. Canby, it' was conducted quietly,
" ho military demonstration being made,
Eev. : Eleazer Thomas, the second
, victim of the Modocs, was a minister of
the M. E. Church, and Presiding Elder
of the Petaluma (Cal.) District. He
. leaves a wife and three children to
mourn his tragic end. ' ' .
With this issue closes volume two of
the Benton Democrat. For the past
" nine months we have been in charge of
tTiA nnnpr. anfl -Iiava lnlmrp.rl tinp.pflfiins'lv
in both the editorial and mechanical de
partmcnta, to make a welcome and re
spectable visitor to every subscriber.
TXTa Ansl r.PnfAfn) (m iTiA mrAa onA anta
of encouragement vouchsafed to us by
our friends, and shall enter upon a new
volume with redoubled enersrv. The
permanency of the paper is a fixed fact,
and in the years to come we shall con
eider no duty too onerous, no sacrifice
teo great, that will tend toward making
the Benton Democrat . the liveliest,
newsiest, neatest, and best paper in this
i; c u nrr:.! 17..11,.
With this issue a large number of
subscriptions expire, and we would
urge upon all the necessity of calling
at once, either at this office or upon our
agents, and settling up and renewing,
- that we may re-arrange our mail books
as soon as possioie. uive us your
names, friends, accompanied by the
rh. if convenient, and thus enable US
to labor-more effectuallv.
The Railroad Question. We
a a a it atntaA tTiaf in tllA 7tn inat. Son
ator mitcnen arguea tne case- oi me
Oregon Central Railroad before the
w. , ,, a .1 J . 1 .
Secretary of the 1 Interior. The De
partment declines to withdraw from en
try any lands io be located by-the road
except on the most direct and feasible
route bv which it can make a junction
' with the California and Oregon road, as
reauired by ' law. The Central road
wants to deflect the route to Klamath
; lake, and then back to make the juuc
tion. The Secretary considers this in
violation of the law giving the land
grant. .. ..
A Netv Party. The Harrisburg
"correspondentof Forney's Press says
that there is to be a new. movement in
the politics of Pennsylvania. ', It is pro'
posed to form a combination of Regular
Republicans, Democrats and Liberals
to secure an honest election in 1874
A thorough regeneration of parties is
looked to as the only means of protec
tion against fraud.
Brigham's Movements. Brigham
Young has resigned the Presidencies of
Utah Central and Southern Railroads,
He has now retired from , all business
affairs in order to go to Arizona, with
a mission to build the Southern Pacific
Hailroad in that Territory. This action
has weakened faith , in secular opera
tions of the Mormons."
Crowded. Owing to the great
length of the report ot the proceedings
of the recent Farmers' Convention, we
are unable to present as much miscella
neous news this week, as usual. -Deem
ing these proceedings of great interest
to the farmers, we have devoted our
first page to that subject. : .
- Another Change. Col.' G"B.
Bellinger has taken editorial: charge of
the Portland Eerald. Mr; Bellinger
promises to pursue an independent
Democratic course. He is an able
writer. .
Appointed. It is announced that
General Jeff. C. Davis has been ap
pointed to command the Department of
the Columbia.
The killing of -Gen. Canby and Rev.
Eleazer Thomas, of the Peace Cominis
sion, by Captain Jack and his band, is
the all-absorbing topic, and has aroused
a feeling of deepest indignation from
one end of the country " to the other.
Meetings of indignation and condolence
have been held ; extermination is de
manded on all sides;' military com'
manders have ordered a vigorous move'
ment against the Modocs, proclaiming
that "nothing short of their prompt
and sure destruction wilt satisfy the de
mands of justice or the expectations of
the Government." The peace-loving
President, who so lately was deterinin
ed to make peace with these red devils
" no matter on what terms," has, the
telegraph informs us, " unreservedly
expressed his sanction of the severest
measures now necessary to properly
punish the Modocs, and his views on
the subject have been fully stated to
the War Department." When we read
the words of Mr. Dyar, uttered but a
short tjme before the , massacre of the
Commission, but after the cold-blooded
and unprovoked murder of the settlers
on Lost river, we can but look upon the
whole movement with execration.
letter written from the Peace Cominis
sion headquarters, a few days before
the assassination, by J. M. Sutton, rep
resents Mr. Dyar as saying : It makes
no difference what the people of Ore
gon say or do ; the Government is de
-termined that peace shall be made, and
peace will be made, no matter on what
terms!" Dr. TbomaPvi who was mur
dered, was said to have strong sympa
thies for the ppor,down-trod,deo, Mo
docs," and would accept the testimony
of a "Digger Indian, rather than that
of the most respected citizen of Oregon."
He felt, and so expressed himself,' that
the Modocs, if not justifiable, were at
least excusable for their outbreak. -The
Commission, when Captain Jack sent
word that he was out of tobacco, issued
a requisition, and forwarded all in the
sutler's quarters, the soldiers being com
pelled to do without.. Indians repeat
edly rode into the Commissioners' camp
mounted upon fine horses which they
boasted of having stolen from Boddy
and Brotherton, whom they murdered,
and whose ' widows and orphans are
even now in' want ! Blankets were fur
nished the . Indians, when the poor sol
dier was suffering with a single one.
Mr. Sutton says scarcely a day passed,
while he remained in the camp, that one
or more of these Modoc braves'" were
not feasted by the Peace Commission.
Here was a party of men, appointed
and seconded by the Administration,
insisting upon peace, at any price, after
seventeen innocent settlers had been
ruthlessly slaughtered. Their murder
could be overlooked ; but now, how
changed! Gen. Canby and the Peace
Commission have fallen victims to an
overweening confidence in Meacham's
" honorable man." The war must go
on: no peace; no quarter. While we
deeply deplore the loss of a gallant com
mander and Christian gentleman, and
sympathize with those whose grief is
so poignant, we cannot but-feel that
the lives of those murdered pioneers
were as sweet to them, as valuable in
the sight of God, and as worthy sub
jects of redress as if their possessors had
been kings, generals, or holy men of
God, instead of honest tillers of the
soil, t We opposed the appointment of
a Peace Commission from the beginning,
and its awful and tragic end has shown
its futility, and the correctness of the po
sition assumed by the majority of the
Oregon press. Yes, in God's name, let
the war go .on, and may another con
ference not be held, except it be by the
light of the burning wigwam of the last
murdering Modoc " tbat . mocks , the
shape of inan."
Withdrawn. The Central Pacific
Railway Co. have withdrawn their ap
peal to the Supreme Court. This ad
mits the right of , a county - to tax the
road. The motive for this admission
doubtles is the fear that otherwise the
State will tax the company's gross
A Question. In view of the late
atrocious acts of the. Modocs, we would
ask if this was not a fitting timetor the
Government to abandon its "pious pol
icy," in the government of the Indians ?
They don't seem to hanker after Meth
odist preachers. .
Archbishop Purcell, of Cincin
nati, warns any Catholic who connects
himself with a trade union or kindred
society that makes use ot an oath in its
initiation, thai be thereby cuts himself
off from the body of the faithful.
Publication of the New Northwest
will be resumed in J une. -
From the Democrat Extra of Thursday.
Albany, April 17, 10. a, m.
A battle with the Modocs -all day
yesterday.-.Little loss to the troops,
who stood their ground, with their lines
entirely surrounding the Indians. The
battle was ' renewed to-day, the troops
steadily working in upon Captain Jack.
- lAter.
On Tuesday night a severe battle
was fought, the mortars opening at 5:30
p. m., and completely sweeping the
lava beds. Cols. Mason and Green,
working from opposite sides of the lava
beds, formed a junction between the
mouth of the cave and Tule Lake, en
tirely cutting the Indians off from water.
Five white men are killed, and 10 re
ported wounded. A number of Indians
were killed and wounded.-
Lieutenant Sherwood has died of in
juries received on the 11th.
The Warm Spring Indians rendered
efficient aid in the fight,' without which,
it is stated, our troops would have got
the worst of the battle. ' r .
" ' T&e latest.
The Indians made a desperate at
tempt, on the morning ot the 16th,' to
break through our lines to the water.
At one time, a cross fire compelled Col.
Miller's men to fall back ; but Aliller
fortified himself and held his position
until the mortars opened. He lost two j
men,' and dne wounded. At 7:45 Col.
Mason, signaled : " Modocs on the rear
and right flank, trying to get out." Ma
son's" men advancing, the Indians were
seen on the bluff. Heavy firing at 8
o'clock on Col. Green's line. A strong
effort was made to unite Mason's left
and Green's right. At 9 Green's whole
line was moving. At 9:45 Mason sig
ualed : "Modocs leaving --the lava
beds," and cavalry were ordered to"
pursue them. At 11:30 all was quiet,
and half an hour later heavy firing was
heard in the Modoc stronghold. At
o'clock the Warm Spring Indians re
ported three more Modocs lulled. It is
the intention to keep them cut off from
water. The Indian allies fight well. -It
is almost impossible to see an Indian
MeManus, formerly of this city, who
was reported wounded, is - uninjured.
Five men are killed, and nineteen
Heavy floods in Canada.
Flood in. the Hudson river.
The death of Pope IX is reported.
The National Tube works.Pittsburgh,
Pa., destroyed by lire.. ,
The policy or Horace Greeley's life-
$100,000--nas been paid.
It is reported that Cole, of California,
will succeed Low, on the Chinese Mis
sion. ' - '
Great damage to property at Wor-
chester, Mass., by the breaking- of a
dam. y. .
It is reported that the Samana Bay
colonists were fired on by natives, while
liapt. Williams ot tne Atlantic is
now charged with errors of reckoning,
occasioning the disaster.
Gould, Tweed, and others refuse to
appear before the N. Y. Investigating
Committee, and a . Sergeat-at-Arms is
looking for them.
Earthquake. The city of San Sal
vador, Central America, has been
totally destroyed by an earthquake.
Eight hundred ' persons perished and
$12,000,000 worth of property was de
stroyed. The earthquake was folllow
ed by a conflagration and many build
ings were burned.
In 1870, according to the census re
port, Oregon had 13,548 persons en
gaged in- agricultural occupations ;
6,070 persons performing professional
and personal services; 2,619 engaged
in trade and transportation, and 8.694
in manntactures and miuing. There
were 162 clergymen and 194 lawyers.
The old steamboat Reliance, lying at
anchor in the slough near Salem, was
burnt on Friday night. ' It was . donbt-
less the work of .an ;. incendiary. The
bells rang out the . entire population to
witness thefiie. ' . v ? ;
The Peoria Farmers' Club have re
solved that it is the manifest interest of
farmers to give their whole .- support to
the Willamette River Transportation
Company. : We concur. - .
The State University, to be built at
Eugene, will be 55x112 feet, two stories
high, with basement and mansard roof.
It will, be -constructed of brick. ' ,
A reduction of from twenty-five to fifty
cents at each station has been made on
passenger tariffs by the Oregon Central
Railroad Company. "
; Meachara will recover.
; Heavy snowstorm on the plains, f
Olympia is to have a Penitentiary.
' : Col. Jee Meek is at Lewiston, Idaho.
Polk county voted against free schools.
", Another earthquake in California last
week. .',.;,,.,.'.
The Mormons are going to settle Ar
izona. - - - -
Astoria had a snow storm last Sat
urday. .;..
Portland had a snow storm last Sat
urday. i y
" Gen. Rufus Saxton has been ordered
to Detroit. , . ;. . ,.' . . i
I. N.mith is a Notary Public for
Linn county. ; --.t v :
; Railroad fare from Roseburg to Port
land is $11 25. : " ;; ' ' ;
Stock of Santiam Ditch has been in
creased to $50,000.
. The Grover took down 75 passengers,
on Wednesday last. r
. Oats and bailey are worth 12j cents
per pound at Link ville.
It is rumored that Joe Meek will be
ma&e Indian Agent at Lapwai.
Freight trains on the O. & C. R. R.
now run but three times a week. '
' The Grover will bring the Albany
excursionists here next Saturday.
. Charles Logus, of Oregon Cily, is
shortly going on a visit to Europe,
5 Albany-firemen will hold a grand,
picnic, near that city, on May 13th.
Silas Galliher and J. H. Kellett,; old
settlers Of Olympia, died this week".
Stages have ' commenced running
daily between Boise City and Kelton.
A pack train of 150 mules left Walla
Walla for northern mines last Monday.
. C ole's Valley, Douglas county, - will
raise tU,uuu busneis ot wneat this sea
son. . -
The Apache war is about ended.
Gen. Crook, not a Peace Commission,
did it. .. ... : :
: A postofBce has been established at
Miller's 'Station, four miles below
Albany. ; 1
- Jacksonville is holding a series of
entertainments.iu aid of sufferers by the
late fire. : ' ' . ' . '
Freight on grain from Roseburg to
Portland, on the railroad, has been fis,ed
at $7 per ton.
Fix your sidewalks, before the city
has auother damage suit,. or a ''skinned
shin to pay for.'? ..'.'.'"
ABtoriaus held an indignation meet
ing on receipt of the news of . the mur
der of Gen. Canby.
Col Denison has lately received aJot
of Springfield rifles and accoutrements
for the State militia.
Thomas Lynch was killed in a mill,
at Oak' Point, last Saturday, by being
caught in the machinery. .
' Nearly one thousand Chinamen will
be pilt at work cn the Northern Pacific
Railroad beyond Tenino.
Rev. J. C. Allyn, of Yamhill, was
thrown from a horse a few days ago.
His collar-bone was broken.
- - Edgar Denny, a life insurance agent,
ot.Siskiyou'county, Calfornia, died sud
denly, at Olympia, the other day.
' The Whitley-Glaze difficulty is being
agitated again, at Dallas. Whitley is
accused of hiring a man to kill Glaze.
A petition is being circulated for the
pardon of J. D.'May, of Albany. We
trust he may secure Executive clemency.
Douglas county is estimated to have
200,000 sheep from which will be
sheared this year 800,000 pounds of
wool. " ' .
The depot for military supplies is es
tablished at Linkville, and at the pres
ent time contains a - large amount of
stores. - . . . .
One hundred and fifty Chinamen will
shortly commence work on the Santiam
Canal, running between Lebanon and
Albany. , . . -
Brigham has retired from office-
spiritual and temporal-and will go to
Arizona. Geo. ' Smith succeeds him as
The body of a supposed passenger
on the Geo. S. Wright was recently
tound and buried by tne Uueen (Jhar-
lotte Indians.
The Pioneer Oil Mills at Salem have
received six sacks of 'fine flax seed from
Indiana which will be distributed among
tne tarmers. . ; ,
The next Presbytery for Oregon and
Washington Territory will be he'd at
the Lapwai Mission, commencing , on
the 9th of May. . .-'
The appointment of David Bushey
Collector for the Port of , Empire City
gives great' dissatisfaction among the
people or yoos ay. , .-
Petitions in bankruptcy have been
bled against Hi. p. and J . T. McOomas,
of La Grande, and B. Hamburger and
J. nomas Ryan, ot Portland.
A San Francisco embalmer requests
Gen. Schofield to permit him to embalm
the bodies of the Modocs i chiefs. He
don't waut the contract for catching
them. ..7 ;-; ':.,!.:..; ?v
Jackson county, east pf the Moun
tains, contains 18,000 head of cattle,
8,000 head of sheep and 2,000 head of
horses, with room and' range for' five
times as many; 1 - - - ' ::
A Montana paper says : All the stage
horses from liyan to Deer Lodge, to
New Chicago, and ' Deer Lodge to
Blackfoot, have the epizootic. Beyond
tbat the horses have recovered or are
not yet attacked.
April Term, Cblef JosUee P. P. Prion,
i Presiding;. i -- -j.
Following are the proceedings in the
Circuit Court, for Benton county, up to
the hour of adjournment last night : ;
; State of Oregon vs G. W; Ballard;
pleaded guilty o simple assault ; fined
$50, and, - in default, committed to jail
for twenty-five days.
State of Oregon vs Geo. Landerking;
jury trial verdict, not guilty.
Aug. Dirking vs Louis Belfils; ver
dict for plaintiff for $300.
Thos. Briggs vs J. S. Palmer, Sher
iff; nonsuit. . -.
J. C. Aveiyvs W. B. Hamilton &
James Hamilton"; ' verdict for plaintiff
tor 600. - - U .v - f -
- H. P. Harris vs F. EL Rob inson et al. j
decree of foreclosure.
H. P. Harris vs B.F- Robinson and
Louisa Robinson ; decree of foreclosure.
Andrew Rickard vs Andrew Mont
gomery and ;. William Montgomery;
continued by consent of parties. ;
John Kelsay et al. vs Geo. E.Knowl
ton and Elisha Knowlton t continued
for service on Geo. E. Knowlton. .
Granville Fisher vs Wm. Gird and
S. Montgomery ; settled, :-
- David Blake vs Thomas M. Read ;
settled. '
. ; M. M; Ervine vs Geo. W. Ervine ;
continued for service. .; ,
F.E. Robinson & Bro". vs A. R. Mc
Connell. et al. ; settled.
State of Oregon vs Luther King,;
verdict, guilty. ,
Corvallia, Friday, April 18, 9 p,
. M.
wneai iw uuHiiei 65
Oats bushel 35
Flour V barrel ....
Potatoes W bushell ...50
Butter, fresh rolls, V pound 85&3XI
EpTgs V dozen 161
Chickens ! dozen ....$25KSvs
White beans V lb .. 6
Chili beans V V, 7
Indian dressed deer skins V D 75S1 00
Peaches, diied, ) lb....... ...20
Peaches, canned, can......'..,,,.,.,.... 50
Apples, dried, V lb ,68
Annies, sreen. V bushel..
Plums, u-ied, no pitts V B..
Ilams & lb ,
Bacon V
Shoulders '$ 11
Lard, in kegs, B
in cans, J ,
Cheese V-v
.12 (gl 15
OysterSj-V can.-
Cream Tartar $1 tt... 50
Cottee, Java V V ...33
Coffee, Costa Kk;a Tf Jb. 25
Conee, Bio lb...... 25
Tea, Japan V V tlsl 25
Sugar chushed, W n 20
Sugar, pulverized B....i J0&25
Sugar, Yel C S F extra reflned-! lb is
Sugar, Yol C S F rennetf ) tt ....Is
Sugar, Island Sol ft...... 14
Sugar, Island No 2 V lb...... J0CS.12
Syrup, Heavy Golden V gal 1 00
Svrup, Heavy Golden 5 gal kegs... H 00
Powder lb. . 75sc$l 00
Lead, V Tb ..2023
Kails, cut B , ..7(10
Nails, finishing V m . .9oilo
Salt, Carmen Island 100 lb $1 75
Salt, Liveroool 100 lb $2 50a.300
Brown sheeting yd 1218
Bed ticking yd 20&4O
Denims yd lG4i25
Flannels yd...... ..40(o;75
Candles box...'. t4 50&:5 no
Rice China B....... 1012
KiceHonolnlo B) --H
Tebaeco, tb-... - 75125
Kerosene cal. .-. 1 0(
. . DEALER IK . -
Carriages Trimmed, and Job Work done on
short notice and at reasonable rates.
52 Main Street, Corvallis.
' Kotice! Notice! .
day of May, 1873, the following- rates
will be charged at the Benton House :
Board and Lodging, per week $6 00
Board, without Lodging, per week . . 5 00
Single meals or beds 50
2:19w3 JACK ALPHIJT, Prop'r.
Administratrix' Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersign
ed bas been appointed Administratrix of
the e3t.ate of Jolm Murray, deceased. All 1 Kir
sons having claims against said estate are r&.
quired to present the same, with the proper
vouchers, to the undersigned, within (6) six
months from the xiate of this notice, at the
law office of K. S. Strahan, in the city of Cor
vuuis. jonwu uuuui-y, vivgun.
April 14, 1873 - Administratrix
R. S. Stkaiian, Atty for Admix.
For Sale or Kent,
ing house, situated on First street,
below the ferry landing, is for sale or rent
on reasonaoie terms, it contains ten rooms
all hard finished, and a dry, brick cellar,
Apply to H. P. HARRIS.
Corvallis, March 29, 1873. 2-49ii5l
A Fine . Lot of Fresh Flower and Garden
Seeds, for sale low, at
" - 2,4Stf .- .'.-.
Dr. Hooner's Female Pills Established
fifty years, have a world-wide reputation
as a certain remedy in all. female difficul
ties. Beware of worthless and cheap imi
tations. Get the genuine, new style, su-
far-eoated; forty pills in each box, with
ull directions. Price,: $1. Address all
orders: , HOOPER & CO., -
P. O. Box 2453, Philadelphia, Pa. :.
85-yl - - f
BABNOI IXDOE NO. 7, I. O. O. F., Meets
on Tuesilay evenlnsf of each week, at 7
o'clock, in their Hall, Main street, south
room, in Fisher's Brick, second story. Mem
bers of the Order in good standing are in
vited to attend.
By order of the ' - - . N. G.
holds stated Communications on Wednesday
evening? on or preceding each- fall moon.
' Brethren in good standing are invited to at
tend. . .
j Per order of W. Uj
The numerous severe flres which have oc
curred in our State the past-year, and the
late disastrous conflagrations in Portland,
Springfield, Dalles, Oregon City, CorvaU
lis, Jacksonville, should admonish proper
ty owners to seek indemnity against loss
and damage by fire without delay. The
Represented on the Paeiflo Coast for over
fifteen years (during which period it ha
paid $G00,000 for Fire Losses in the Pa,
cific Department), is one of the leading
American Fire Insurance Companies, and)
the only Hartford Company represented in
the State of Oregon. In the prompt ad
justment and payment of its losses, the
Phoenix has no superior, the Company haa.
never had a suit in the State, and in the
prompt cash payment of nearly r
'1,400,000 Dollars
in Chicago and Boston. proves that tha
old Phanix is equal to every engagement.
The Agents of the Phoenix are author
ized by commission from the Company to
issue and renew Policies direct, and with--out
reference to Portland, San Francisco,
or elsewhere, thus enabling the applicant,
to secure immediate and binding protection
Rates as low as solvency and fair profit
will admit ot.
Resident Agent, at Corvallis, Oregon.
Corner of Main and Adams Streets,
Having opened a new establishment in
this city, keeps constantly on hand -
Suts, Pipes, Tobacco, , and Notions,
: ;'. . ;. - ALSO, : ' -- .; ;
A small ani carefully selected, stock of
D H TT Gr O O D S ,
Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods
'And Highest Market Price Paid.
. -' - 2:51m3
Sotice of Final Settlement. . ,
NOTICE is hereby given that the accounts
of JVM. Lafterty, Administrator of the
estate of Asa F. Stark, deceased, have
been filed in the County Court of Benton
county, State of Oregon, for final settle-,
merit, and that the first Monday, the 2d.
dav of J'une. 1873, has been fixed bv the
Court for hearing objections to and settling?
ine same. Jiy oruer 01 Jonn uumett
Comity Judge. J. M.LAFFERTY,
Admininistnitor of the Estate of Asa F.
Stark, deceased. . 2:51 w4 -
' Special Xotlee.
ALL persons indebted to the undersignetl
Propnetoi-s of the Corvallis Sawmill,
either by note or book account, prior to.
the 1st of March, 1873, will please come.
and settJe the same on or before the flrsfc
day of June, 1873, and save costs, as no
longer indulgence can be given, i
2:5tw5 F. E. ROBINSON & BRO.
Notice. ' . -
ALL persons knowing themselves indents
ed to the undersigned . are hereby notified
to make immediate iayment, and thereby
save costs. The business of therm must
be closed, as a change is to be eltected.
Fair warning to all.
akd .
Corner of Second and Monroe Streets,
Keep Constantly on Hand all Kinds of
Work Done to Order, on Short Notice, at
Reasonable Kates.-
' Done t6 Order. ; ' ..
Times are hard, ' and we intend to sell at
the lowest possible rates. -
until further notice,
. ' " WELL BB SOLD - "- "
-Parties indebted will please come up
and settle, as no further indulgence can bo
granted. W. H. McFARLAND.
a xj'itsr S I T H
Main Street, Corvallis. i ; r-
Constantly on Hand a Fine Assortment of
. Everything in the Gun Line. V-
Gunsmith Work and Repairing Pone to
Order Warranted, t ,