EDEOCK DEMOCRAT, R A T E S O F A D V E R T IS IN G * PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, B Y J. M. S h e p h e r d , H. c . S h e p h e r d . J . H . K H E I H K R l ) «fc S O X . O F F IC E IN T H E b ed ro c k d em o crat T erms r i i j , i > i x g of subscription )a e y e a r ,.. . . .......... ................... e . : ....... 4 00 Six Months,......................................... 2 50 *»* gtaBagBP — gamgMBEaaranaaBnBa— VOL. ìTw ï 5. A t w o o d . , (Graduate o f the College o f Physicians and Surgeons New York and o f the Medical De­ partment oj the W illam ette University,) S. M . I ' E t T i .V G I M ,.V <<>., 1 « S ta t e Htifeet, Boston, ,17 Park How, N ew Y o rk , ■m'i2. n !8tf rS M IE P R O P R IE T O R H A S B o u gh t a the H o tel ,.estau: unt, next door to Lie Post Office, fo im e r ly kept by Sicord & W h itcom b , and has lilted the sam e up m ( he best style as a H o te l, on the French Restaurant s ty le , l i e is prepared to ac­ com m odate tne Public, and is determ ined to g iv e en tn e sauviaetion. T h e House is open from five o ’clock in t il« m o rn in g until t w elve at n ight, during which tim e custom ers wuil he supplied vv.tli the best o f eve ry th in g to be had in liie M A t e 3EA. JESL 2 * 2 ^ . Baker C ity, July 4, 1874.-u9tf AND B A K E R C IT Y , O REG O N. il, A. il. li, M . A Q u een ’s U n iversity , i Canada, M . B. iit n u y Cntvei.Siiy, j 1854. I 'l i J s i C i « U , IS iU lg C O li, A c . O f f i c e auu IteniUence, at a . U. B ro w n ’s fo ru ier residen ce, nearly opposite tne Bed- ruck D em ocrat u lh ce. Bakei City, Oregon, N ov. 10, 1874.-y R a ilr o a d H o u s e , E r e d . .A . B o h n a ’s SA LOON, AT THE OLD STAND OF u ran’s, m I A. t i l l ' , O iiE b O lv. E W O U L D R E S P E C T F U L L Y IN - Xonn tile iJu o iic liiu t w e n a v e p u r- C h a se d m e B a k e r C ity H o te l, a n d r e in ted a n a fu r n is h e d i t m a s iy le e q u a l 10 th a t ui a n y a o u s e iu E A S T E R N OREGON. G u e s ts w ill liu d o u r a c c o m m o d a tio n s to be ui th e h ig h e s t o rd e r, a n u w e v v iiis p .u e n o p a in s to su 1 1 *■ ii w ho n itiy g .v c* us a c.-ii. E L b 'i G i i h h A L a ttWB . Baker City , May no, lom.liuii ï ) e s p e « î i u ! J . v i n l 'o r u i k t h e c i t i - jL Y zeus of Baker City and the Public generally, that lie has purchased the iuier* ost of Bob. McCord in the above A . ■ s a - o One o f me Finest and Besi B i l l i a r d * I a b i t s j£»¿k à'k A--Ä*. ^ W T. P. HENDJifcfcON, All J iSADiiLLiii V* I W k s t o H A L i ; Ulfitä BLALLli LU m C F E V k h i Div.-K i l l p i l e - 1 c i o . n l i H K ï A i I. TOGKTUEU WITH A Genera] A sso it in eut 11 . M a n n in g , Joiners, C h ord & Car] enters and B A K E R C IT Y , OREGON. Designs and Specifications I urnislied. Estimates Made. Term s Liberal. Baker C ity, June 15, 1875 t.6tf _______ B la n k E x c h a n g e . H E P R O P K E I T O R S o l tills popular place of lesort take pleasure in inform ing the public that Charley Schellworth now has charge o f the Bar, where lie deals not lin g but the best o f Wines, Liquors, aim Cig us, and w ill be pleased to have l i s fr it ids give him a call. This is a : ¡,. F’or M edicinal Pu poses. TO I B E T X evt b liic k M iiilh 8 h «p , O n COUBT A V E M i t , ! T POSIT k Til t BANK , B A K E R CiT Y O R E G O N [E S S R S . B L A I N E M IL L r R KFS- _ p ectfu tiy liifo n ii tiie c itizen s o f Ba­ ker c it y and v ic in it y , that tney n ave star­ ted a B L A C K S M IT H S H O P In B a k er C ity , w here they a ie now ) re- pereu to do nurse sh oeing, aim ai. » i.d,- o f Job W ork in then lu ie, ou s u o iu iv » ., » , anu on lea so iia b ie term s o . v e ns a vf'ni, JiliAr A ia A * ' i i L . B a k er C ity . A u «. i , *-'•70.ii i4*1 , . M’ "Shoe Making, Prescriptions prepared at all Hours. and Country Trade Solicited, N quors and ail other kinds o f drinks, kept constantly on hand, and the cosiest re treat for the innocent amusements o f P ed ro• Bell Out, Pictorial reading &c., in Baker City. noOtf. -A-nction H o u s e , b a k e r c it y , KELLOGG & SMALL, Auctioneers. Regular Sale Day, EVE BY SATURDAY. Sales made in every portion o f the Com ity. June 30th, 1875.nStf. City Best Brands, o f F a m i l y G r o c e r ie s , T o * b a c c o s , C ig a r s , Ac., constantly on H an d , at the Low est Prices. B aker City, Oct. 7, 1874.n22Iy ij and Vegetable Store. Phil. ILirdPSi} A Ju u . Lt'Vtns, Pi up’s, i a K E K g i 1 Y . O iiE u u N , ESP. L i F U L L I IN Ph iu U T i i E CIT- iz e n s o i Baaer City a. a vicin ity, that tiicy have on ha-iiu, and are co. stautly eeiv.Ug a f u i i supply oi ail articles in their line, which they m e selling ch ea p io i cash. T n e y k; ep Canned rbuits, N u is, Can- die-, anu also a li kin ds o f i.esh Fru its and Vegetables. A iso , B U T iE U A N D E G G S , and a ll o n iei a. ticies in their, line, wanted by the c u n lis of bakei L a y , h iv e us ., b a .i, lie x i duo: .o Pap L e v e n s ’ W iio ies a le alld iteta ii B.quoi- S tole. h A iU ih 'f i A LEVENS, B aker C ity, j uue. 9 187.r.uoii M E l a c k s m il liiu .c j '. T H i ? n il. e r s ig n e d is p r e p a r e d to d o m i K in d s o i w o r k e n t r u s t e d to tins c a t e in fits l i n e , anti a ll w o rk w a r r a llie d t o g i v e sai ls ia c t io u . I etn p lo y n o n e o u t th e b e s t o i h a n d s ui u i} s h o p . S ll3 L O O i2 3 L ^ - I have a good Horse Bhoer in tux 8 op, who understands the horses toot in all its diliereut shapes, arm wiii shoe to tit the horse. Our work in this luie is warranted as good as (he best. W a g o n M a k i n g a n d R e p a ir in g In ail the various branches done in connection with this shop b } Geo. J. Low man. P lo w s Manufactured and Kepaired. In iadevei vihiug in tuv line made and repaired at reasonable prices. .Thankful for past patronage I res pecituil} Solicit a continuance of ine sau te. S. A . G A IN E S . Mav 10, 1875. nlti W. C L E A Y L K, u H i it i, Í i i l i 'i i i l i l H i iu ilio r , m Oiiair Maim^acturGr. i.a k C i- U i ( ) , O r e g o n , Is p, p red ,ii E a l w ork hi ms lin e on öiiOi c .t-nicy alia at ¿'uciäoiiaüit? prices. 1’ UiiiUUie ana C huiis,of hi» own maiiu- t&v l u ì tì culi stau i iy oil haiui. * r a t ❖ NO. 26. \ y I) H A V E .1 j SU K E F Ir T T F H TH E liKiue lue Uesi muliiLiei in the county, at prices 10 suit the times. jou Any bins let, at our Mill receive as prompt attention tu me Iutute as in cue past. Ue saw every taring from a Bath iu cue Heaviest 1 llubel's. ^ Clear and seasoned Lumber always oh l.lluU. BAKLIt fITV AtlADEiiV. F B Y IIE F A L L T E R M OF T H IS IN S T IT U - JL tton w .li com m ence on M onday, tsep- U in b ei 27th, 187.., under the eon rol o f J. W . G R A Y , Assisted by such oth er competent, and suitable teachers as m a y , Hon», tim e to tim e, be requireeu. By strict 'attention, and eonrpetent arid k in d ly care, b >th by teachers and uirec ots, the pu blic m a y be assured that tins school w ilt be even m ote useful than in toiin er years. ces i S r o x , Call and Settle. N Baker City, May 10th 1875nlif. L a b o r e r s AV a n te d . ■n R O R T W E N T Y L A B O R E R S W A N - B ted Im m e d ia te ly by the undersigr,- eu. A ls o — . E IG H T O K T E N B R K ? Balter City, July 7 , 187 o.n(M*i GENERAL NEWS AGENTS Boote, Stationery, Ciieai PuMications, A N i> OB.vLF.Rs, IN lOih, VAJiKLL NOiiO.NS, eaaing P e r io d ic a .* , D L g . iiiu o > & N e w s p a p e r * published in New York. Philadelphia, Bos- ion, !sacramt-nto and ^au Francisco, at Bub- iisuer’s rate». 1 ÌO U U 8 A S P E C I A L T Y . Any Look published in the Uniied States furnished by ns at Boise City at Publisher's Puces. We are in constali ; receipt o f N L W BU O LS o f ail allies. M BOOKS. A large supply coustantiy ou hand, at Cat­ alogue I'HCCS. Gruer» iio m a distance solicited and satis- i'uCUon guaianiced. J liM L ij A. PENNEY & CO- Feb. 1, 1875.nòiny r ic e s K e d u c e d ! ! L L A L t & T W R . b lE , L la c k s m itlis , TUE a v e T H E MOST C O M PLETE SHOP e can an i wmi H in E a siein Oregon. our Yv line re- uo an kinds of w oik Cheaper & hi Better man any otuer shop in Baker City and equal ¡o any ui Easiein Oregon. We manuiaci urc it agi is. Buggies awl Flows, snd do a il k in d 'o . Job W ork . W e em ­ p lo y none bin m e best W orkm en . W hen it is necessary we do w'oik a; a ll hours o f the day or n igh t, and a lw ays finish a jo b b'.. the tim e we p io n iise to nave it done. Our shop is at tne Head oi Main Street, BAILEE l A t L i ; J O B S G IF T . Johnnie sat perilled up on the barn ward fence, hi.-, bands thrust deep down in bis pockets, his blue eyes wide rwak with won- i der. A novel position for Johnnie; ordinarilv his brisk little b dy bobbed to and fro like a windm ill; aud no wonder Aunt Martha re. gaided him, amazed, from the kitchen win­ dow. The fact is, Johnnie was thinking as only boys car think when some great surprise is upon them. His soberness date back to the early morning. “ Come down to the meadow,” U cle Job had said, “ when the c ock strikes three.— I am going to make you a .present.” Such a future to an eight-year old boy! Johnnie’s joints stiffened instantly; he could Hot eat his dinner, much less eke o t the in ­ terval w.Ui is usual sport; hts life seemed lost in that speck o f afternoon. So up on the fence post l e perched, bis blue eyes wide open with wonder, bis fingers hammering K eat holes in bis Bowsers’ pocket. Clang, clang, clang — iho town clock struck three! The Lu ce that had known Join niesuddenly knew him no more; straight westward be trotted hi - little brisk bo ly ti 1; breathless, be s-ood in the maulow where Ui cle Job was diligently stacking hay. Jo dim e aj pri-aclitd the hay rif.s kiud o f awe. with a “ Pleuse Uncle Job— That gentleman looked up with a sm ile; it seemed like dinner to Joliuuie, when he was impatient for de»;ert. “ Ou time, eh, my bov?” sa il Uncle Job cheerily; and o en throwing down his rake, drew Johnnie toward him and continued: “ I was to make you a present, I believe, Johnnie. Ai d so I will — the grandest < ne C I T Y , O l t E U O N . you ever had in your life. You mayn’ t like F o im e rly occupied by ¡8. B. McCord, it at first. I t ain’t a top nor a ja ea n ifi, nor lie r s e ¡» h e e iu g - i r ic e s ; anyti i ig hue that; but it’s so beautif il thut Shoeing a ll lounu, ph.in shoes, §100 it shines all over; arid though it’s easy bro­ •• »00 aua coiK.st o ao Ue-.setting, a ll rouna, 1 to ken, you can freak it ten tidies a day and Jiru stew a lt, m e best horse shoer ill Ore­ yet use it again whenever you like. It ’s gon, atieiius to aii snoeiiig in our ¡Shop. o u . price for re-setting W agon Tires, all meant for use, loo; it thrives better by wear round is oO A n d a li o th er w ork charged for in propoi- and teal: the only trouble is to keep it, John­ Uun to a oove piices. v, e have broughi nie.” our prices down to suit tne t im e .. H ere Uncle Job paused, but Johnnie was W a g o n M a k in g;. tooabs< rbedton o ice. A p n a e a th e m ig litn ’ t Geo. J. Bow m an w ill attend to the wood like, perhaps, though it was so beautiful it w ork D epartm en t ui our W agon ¡shop. Gull .Hid see us, and exa m in e our w ork. shone all over; a present he could break at f l r - A b i & TY V E E b I L . will, and yet use it again whenever hepleas- A ugust 18, 187o.ni5tf e I; a present it was hard to keep—neither a top nor a j «¡k n ife— . “ What can it be?” lie exclaimed at last, a- loud. ‘Í “ I t ’s a rule,” broke in Uncle Job softly. I n i o r m tiiie F it- “ A gulden r de.” O c s p e e tiu lly iiliCi L / O tillty , ¿Hia X \ i lxeus oi Baker Johnnie stared straight down into Uncle tlwy iiavo par- iae I'UaliC ¿eaeraily, Job’s eyes. No mischief there; rather au ciiubed the e rnestness deep and solemn. J L B jL X jr o r y The boy seem d bewildered. H e was f - F o im erly kept by Bil y Kilourn, and that an v are prepared to furnish customers with m iliar with ruie.-, masculine, feminine, and Cue Liest ul neuter; hut go d -n rules were strange to bis experience. F r you see, Johnnie was a little T u rn -o u ts , waif chat Uncle Job had recently adopted, Litiiei night or day, with or without driver?, at tne very lowest rates. First e ass oauute and Ins native atmospn re had1 not favored Homes on uaiul. Horses boarded and tne thesv ex ra bads and blossoms, » t i l l John nest o f care bestoweu. VYeatep uotiiing but nie knew what gold was, aud after a minute, tiie best o i block anu Buggies. Uni staule is at tne upper end oi Mailt tie turned, Lis blue eyes brim m ing with cu- liosity— jtievt, Bakei Glly, Oregon. Gome audsee ns, Everybody, and we will “ »how it to me. Umde Job, please-” do our best to piease you. Uncle Job made no movement toward his o M ilT l & GVV1NN. pocket, though Johnnie eyed it closely. H e Sept. 10, 187o-n20 f. said, simply : “ Do unto others as you would have them do unto you ’ ’ F' U it Johnnie’s 1 p quivered. There was no beauty to him in the i mao.in: r words. lie seemed lost in the belief that a great disappointment was i'u O O L E Y ’S ilO A L , B Y W A Y OF E L - stole ' or lum. uom do, iea a iii^ to •out t e present,” be gasped- n u is E GIT Y , ftsILY'.ER C IT Y , S O U T H A tiig tear rose m f ml J. b’eeye. He tightened M u U N I rvIN , .tns si*.- «rot,nd n brine, anu ki.-aed his sad little and to mi points on tire lace. i i i i i ’o a d , •‘ J y 1 < y, l;i trid,” v.ill \ou say these words Is now in Good Repair. On tins Road w ill wilh me?” OU iOUIivl i-iiu ' Uisl oi Jol i.n e c-i n pit d, v ci;d( iir g ly ; and out up; n U KA88 a N I) W A'IE Ii, t h e si.miner m i floi ten like a By m.. — and p lea ty oi each at good ca m p in g places. ‘ •i oui.to othtrsasjou would have them do J. ti*S iiOllU t.S ill iCtibi- unto you. ’ ’ Then con1 ¡¡ ued Uncle Job, softly: T w e n i / N earer to ¡silver C ity anu F iv e Allies to ‘ Johnnie, tl i> is a lii ln.\e for you to-day— Boise C ity than any om tu vv gon Road these cozen w< ids. No gill at ah, jou tliiLk it, Tn e T o il on this itoau is cue pei lb n on any oth er route leant 0 - to n oise or m w ;bu t if you re-olve t< keep il. ,t’ii m. ke you » liv e r Gii.ies. so lioh and happy, that you won’t- wonuer lucle G ive this Road a tria l and you w ill tra v­ el no o th er to the points uoovt m- n.ioiieu. Job ihoughi it wortli a half mile trip to the mead­ ow. And, Joi.nie—you know me gilt oon t hind­ J G liN J. r b l l r k i June 1, 1875.n4tf er ano In.r— there are hosts ol tops and j ck kn.vts yei to ge t, at v.o On » . on D c l 'G s , M E D IC IN E S , P A IN T S and O ILS, W IN D O W ’ GLASS, V A R N IS H E S , B R U S H E S , and V T w m w ¿ n ía s m v c s B S , i „ L m O C O it L l g l t l e , K R e p a ir !• g d o n e w .in neatness and dispatch tit R easonable P i ices. B aker City, J u .y Li, <87d.nllU. T T o b e found in H.e City. "F r e u ” wiii be pleased at ah times to have ms friends give nun a call. FLE D . A BOHNA. Faker City, Jan. 20, lö75. u39tf PAP L E V I N S , V l h l U L ’b B A N K . May lStli, 1875,uriti. U A S K c o n s t a n t l y Goods, consisting in part o f S A L O O N , V* iis * ms , L j t ¿ n o r » a n d C’- ig R rs -. i i i i i l E i which w e are liablo in ibe Summer aud Fail. A quaint old gentleman of our acquaintance often remarks that apples are toe only pills ho takes. He takes these every day in the y- ar when they can be found in the mar­ k'd, at.d fills up the interval between the old and new c.-ou with other fruits. He has hardly seen a sick day in lorty years, and pays no doctor’s hi 1. YVc want more good fruit, especially ou our farms, and the habit of eat.ii g fruit at our meal*. Th's ig just one of the matters in which farmers w iveq c«n exert an influence Many a good maa could set out fruit trees and bushes if he were pnly reminded o it ut the right time. Oue right tims will be this Autumn—at lea-t in all but the \-ery coldest ports of the country. A few dollars In­ vested then will bring abundant returns in from one to five tears. It is more intimately connected w th good moials than our philosophers think, with good digestion it is quite easy to fulfill the law oi love. G o v . A lle n at P it t s b u r g h . P ittsburgh , Oct. 25,—Governor Alien, of Ohio, add.« s d an audience of about 12,000 people, com­ pose chit-fly ol workingmen, and to tb s class he date *d the principal pai t ol his speech. Attar rovlowmgand expl Jniug th« rRht o. suffrage, and showing ihe tugreme importance of every man acting -it the jo Is according to his judgement, h* showt d the necessity iu this tepubheofu repr*- aeutative loim ol government, and dwelt at length on the care which should ba used in the s«l< ction of representatives. Ha then spoke of taxes, and showed how fraud had cieptamong office bolus:*, an i sever« y criticised the administration. hr Alien said ¿he government lor inuny year* lias been run soaly lor the benefit of he rich and the crushirg out of the liberty and life of the o s ' ny. He dwelt at some ength on the excessive t laton wh:eh robbed thof rmer of bis hard-e rr . ea produce, and ut the end of the year left him w ith but little mofe than a little bacon and corn- meal. In reference to the Ohio election, he said the defeat of iho Democrats was due largely U th e lavish expenditure of money b y .Republican*, corruption, bribery and Illegal voting. Mr. A ll*« spi ke of the currency question, and claimed that the premise of hotter times, made by the dominan* party, v,:-s simply ;■ political device to catch votes, and that a contraction of curnney virtually meant c .u ruction i f the workingman's stomach. The question as to the right o f women to vote under the provisions o f the fourteen th amendment has been decided adversely to tiie claim by the United States supreme court. T tis claim was first urged in an argument before a Congressional committee four or five years ago, which is said to have beenth# w irk o f Mr. Theodore Tilton. Th e case up. 0 t which the decision was rendered origina* t -d in Missouri. The court were unanimous­ ly o f the opinion that the constitution does not confer the right o f suffrage upon any one, that being an aff ir o f the several States. E verett’s art gallery is graced with a fine oil painting uf Shakespeare, which hang* prominently f. orn a cen tre column at the b ok o f the store. The other day a lady from the country came in, glrnced about, and inquire ! o f M r. Everett, pointing to Shakespeaie o phiz, “ what minister is this?” “ That is »hakespeare,’; replies the urbaue Eve'ett, with a playful smile on his lips? -“ Oh, it i», hey. Where does he preach n w ” “ H e wasn’ t a minister, madam. H e waa a ' poet.” “ Oh! Ah! Yes. Seems to me I ’ ve heard oa 1 im . « mew here. Did he write any piece« for the Free W ill Babtists’ hymn book?” Mr. Everett politely sought to divert the lady’s attention by showing her a picture of Jacob kissing Rachel, when the old lady in­ nocently inquired, after studying the engrav­ ing curu m slj; •'What be they wrastliu* a- bout?” A fter asking when there was to be a circus in Troy again, she left the art-gallery highly pleated. A man from the “ hills” went down te Bowling Green, some time ago, and for the tost time in his iiffi, saw a carpet. H e was a lit le confused at first, thinking it was some kiiid o f an ornament—probably an oil pain­ tin g ---- hut, perceiving a bate place at the tu-iLer end o f the room, stopped back a lew paces, and, with a running jump, struck the floor abou* six inches from the edge o f the carpet. When his heels struck the floor, he slipped, fell hack, and came near burst­ ing hiUjself open. H e got up, and after lookiug wicn grinning complacency at the distance o f the transit, exclaimed: “ Bygosh, I cleared her." E urope has five millions o f soldiers all ready for figuring, with fifteen thousand cannon and a m illi nand a quarter o f h o > ses: its united fleets consist o f 2,689 vessels, manned by 280.LOO sailors, at d carrying fifteen thousand guns. The cost o f the*« immense atmamenig is five bundled and six­ ty millions i f dollais annually, three fifths o f the amount Leing concentrated to the ar­ mies. W ashington ', Oct. 18.—The commissioner o f Durian afiairs ha* received adispaccu from tne Indian agent at G eeu river, Wyoming, date i I6th mat., saying, tiie »nosuones have had a battle with the ¿¡rrapauoes and whip­ ped them. The announcement of ex-Senator Boss, of Eae. sag, Lao bee promoted from the position of fore­ man to that of assistant editor of the Lawreno« Journal, is gratify ingevidence thattheie's ach ao» tor reform for everybody in this world, even kg retired Con^reetme«.