I'M* y : kj * agjjRjya. t . rta ch Ik n w fr a i J. M. S H E P H E R D , E d i t o r . B a k e r C ity, S e p t. 1, 1 8 7 5 . THE BEDROCK DEMOCRAT has tile Largest Circulation o f any Paper Published in Eastern Oregon. C ircu latio n 9 0 0 co p ie s. FOR CONGRESS: L A F A Y E T T E F. LANE, Of Douglas County. P U B L IC S P E A K IN G . Hon. L. F. Lane, Democratic candidate for Congress, w ill address his fellow -citi­ zens at the follow ing times and places,to- wit: September 4th Linkville Jacksonville it 10 Kerbyville it 16 Roseburg a 18 Eugene City a 21 Albany a 22 Corvallis a 23 Dallas .~Mr. Shepherd of the of Mississippi, as Vice President, was or­ B edrock D emocrat gave us acalion Wedns- ized to act as Agents for the D emocrat in Union County. ganized here to-night by appointing a day last* He is looking well and we suppose N O T IC E .—To all it may concern: I State Central Committee and adopting a he is prosperous. , He informed us that he has bought out the Baker City Herald, and platform and resolutions. Sever il promi­ intends, sometime this Fail, to merge the have procured the services o f Mr. 8. P. nent men took part in the proceedings.— two into one.— Walla Walia Spirit o f the Rom ig , of La Grande, who is well known in this country and California as a work­ The resolutions denounce the Republican West. man in all the various branches of the and Democratic parties as partisan and trade. As a horse-shoer he is surpassed W hy is the Land Office flag Democratic? dangerous; condem n various frauds on Because it went up for Lane but War- the Government by .dishonest public offi­ rent t) hoisted for the Republican nom i­ by none. I only request m y friends and teamsters to com e and give us a trial to be cials; oppose great m onopolies and corpo­ nee. convinced. A ll work warranted to give rations as tending to oppress the public; W e take the above extract from,..the entire satisfaction, and at the customary characterize sudden inflation or contrac­ Plaindealer, (a Radical paper) o f last Sat­ rates of the country. tion o f the currency as dangerous to the urday. W e have heretofore stated that a nl4tf. S. A . GAINES. State; that the only way to arrive at spe­ certain class of Ring officials would secret­ N e w T in sh o p .— Mr. G. L. Manning & cie resumption is to make the promises of ly work to defeat Mr. Warren. The above Brother have opened their Tinshop on the nation as valuable as private hfotes, little straw indicates the sentiments of Front Street, two doors above Pap Levins’ etc. Gen. Banks sent a letter saying he the Roseburg Land office. Had there been W holesale Liquor store, where they are to do all kind of work in their was not a candidate for the Prcsidency> the least chance to elect a Radical Mr. prepared line on short notice and at reasonable and did not want his name to stand in the Warren would have been tire last man the prices. They have a neat shop and ap­ way of Governmental reform, which four- Ring would have selected, but as it was pear to be at home in their business. A. F. and A. M.— Baker Lodge, A. F. and fifths o f the people demand. a foregone conclusion that Lafayette Lane would sweep the board by a handsome A. M., No 47, meets on the second and fourth Thursday evening in each month in their An interesting case involving the question of fulfillment of grain contracts was lately m ajority, they coaxed him to lead them Hall. Transient brethren in good standing decided in the supreme court of Illinois. out of their troubles. A las! Howr sad are are invited to attend. By order of the W* M. By the terms of the contract for the sale and the disappointments of this wicked w orld! delivery of grain, the seller had the option of B a k e r C ity L o d ge N o . 2 5 , 1 . 0 . fixing the time of delivery at any time before ©♦ F . , meets every Saturday evening, at the end of the year. The seller exercised half past six o’clock, at Odd Fellows Hall, in such option within the time allowed,‘ by ten­ the new Bank Block, corner of Front street dering Warehouse receipts for i he grain, at and Court Avenue. Members of the Order the rooms of the board of trade, and offering SUM M ONS- are invited to attend. By order o f N. G. to make the tender at the purchaser’ s office, CS?” Chug. St. L ou is has located perma­ if he should state where it was and by giving In the County Court of the Slate of Ore­ nently in Baker; and is nowprepared to man­ gon for the County of Baker. notice at the same time that ifhe refused, the W illiam L. Sutton and Peter Basehe, ad­ ufacture and repair all kinds of jewelry and the seller would terminate the contract, ministrators of the estate of Jane K oontz, watches. After twenty-eight years experi­ which was refused. The court held : 1. That deceased, plaintiff's ence in the business, he feels competent to by such tender or offer to perform and refu­ vs. give entire satisfaction. Mr. St. Louis, is sal, the purchrser ceased to have the right to M. E. Hardeman defendant. also agent for the best Sewing Machine in To M. E. Hardeman the aboveuained de­ insist upon the agreement, and could not use. the NewWilson, price, $55,00. fendant: maintain an action for the non-performance N THE THE NAME OF THE STATE U seful P resent . —Every family ought to of the contract. 2. Where a tender of ware­ o f Oregon, you are hereby required to have a good Sewing Machine. We have a house rèceipt for grain was made by seller to appear and answer the com plaint of the the purchaser as aboye stated, the tender was plaintiffs, now on file against you in the beautiful new Silver Plated Wilcox & Gibbs’ sufficient, and the refusal obviated the nec­ above entitled action on or before the 1st Machina, that would ue a beLiitiful, valuable essity of a tender at the office of the day of N ovem ber, 1875; that being the first and useful present to any man’s wife, mother, purchaser. 3. An offer to perform i day of the November term of said court; sister or sweetheart, which we will sell on necessary where the other party dispenses and if you fail to so answer, for want tbere- easy terms. We will instruct tlie person buy with. 4. Where a party who bad agreed of, the said plaintiff will take judgm ent ing how to operate the machine. It is one sell and deliver a certain quantity of grain, against you for the sum of forty-six dol­ of the nicest machines in our city. and sixtyeight cents iu gold coin and made a tender of wareh house receipts of the lars The Secret.—Those who prize a beauti costs aue disbmsements. grain, it was held that the fact of the seller And you will also take notice that this ful head of hair, (and we know our lady having bought the receipts upon condition summons is published by order of ttie friends ail do), will thank us for a few that the purchaser accepted them, could not Hon. D. B. Scofield, Judge of the afore­ words on the invaluable qualities of be urged against the tender. It was enough said court, said order being dated August A y e r ’ s H a i r V igor as a dressing. In our own case it heals a humor, keeps the that they would have been absolutly his had 30th, 1875. head free from dandruff and scurf, stops AN DREW J. LAW RENCE, he accepted them. 5. WTbere a tender is the tendency of our hair to fall, and nl7n21 Attorney for plaintiff. not made totlischarge a debt, but in perform­ ' T~ heightens its beauty. A slight touching ance o f a contract deliver property to a with it removes the coarse and dry ap­ purchaser in compliance with the terms of pearance which neglected hair puts on, - A m o t i o n H o u s e , imparts a rich gloss, and makes us pre­ an agreement, and it is refused, it is not sentable in the most fashionable com ­ necessary to keep the tender good, but the pany. Such rare qualifications, presented party tendering may declare the contract at in a single preparation, create forit an en­ KELLOGG & SMALL, Auctioneers. end, and the seller may dispose o f it after­ during value; but add to these the faculty wards as he chooses. of restoring to gray locks their youthful Regular Sale Day, color, and maintaining our good looks EVERY SATURDAY. with so small an expenditure of time and A B usiness C ourtship .— The following Sales made in every portion of the County. attention, and you stamp it prime favor­ scene occurred‘ in our vicinity this week. ite with the public, and ensure its perma­ June 30th, 1875.n8tf. The parties thereto are well knowD and nent and enduring popularity.—Hunts­ respectable; the lady is fifty-five years of age, ville (Ala.) Republican. and the gentlemen is five her senior. They H ow to get Stam ina.—Iron frames had frequently heard of each other mutual by and strong nervous systems are not the friends’ but had never met until a few days SITUATION AS PRESCRIPTION lot of all. But the feeble need not des­ ago, when the following conversation took Druggist. The applicant has had pair. By adopting the right means, they place: E ighteen1 Years experience in the Drug m ay live as long and enjoy life as much business in the States, and comes well re­ as their more robust neighbors. Physical Gent—“ Madam, what is your name?” com m ended. Address, invigoration is, however, necessary to Lady—“ My name is--------.” B edrock D em ocrat , this end; and while the spirituous tonics Gent—“ My name is----— . I live in Liver n7nll Baker City, Oregon. and nervines usually administered even­ more, where I own a ranche Ahem! how tually depress both body.and m ind, Dr. J. would you like me for a husband?” A bsent .— Dr. J. M. Boyd w ill be absent W a l k e r ’ s C a l if o r n ia V in e g a r B it ­ Lady—“ Well really I don’ t know. I have from Baker City until July 1st, conse­ ters invariably supply new vigor to the heard of you, M r . ---------, but how would quently he cannot attend to professional frame, while they regulate every disor- j you like me for a wife?” calls until after that drtft. * dered function. _ LEGAL ADVERTISEMEHTS. OF M. BRITTEN, CITY M ARSHAL, • respectfully informs the business men of Baker City and vicinity, that he ^ will attend prom ptly to the collection of in it. all _____ Notes, ; ____________________p Bills and Accounts placed h e f a l l t e r m o f t h is in s t it u - his hands’for collection. Hand him your tion will commence on Monday, Sep­ bills if you want them collected tember 6th, 1875, under the control o f Baker City, July 14,187o.nl0tf S an F rancisco , August 26, 2p . ai.--The Bank of Californio closed its doois a lew mo­ ments ago. Their Agencies at Virginia City and Gold Hill were nobbed to close with ail haste. Later—4 p. m . —On account of the failure o f the Bm k of California the ¡Stock Boards have adjourned until called together by the Executive Committees. Caliiornia Street is the scene of the most iuteuse excitement. It is literally jammed with a solid living mass. The exact loss is not known, but it is estimat- at millions. A run on the other banks is now going on, and it is impossible to even guess at the result.' The stock market has entire­ ly collapsed, and there is no demand what­ ever. All orders due in the Stcok Board to­ day will be due on the day after the Board meets again. It is said by supporters of S. S. Cox for the Speakership, that Mr* Blaine virtually threw the office into the hands of Mr. Randall, by recognizing him on thqfloor of the House m preference to any other member, during the light on the Force bill. B A N K IN G HOUSE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wagons, Buggies and Plows, and do all kinds o f Job W ork We er p loy none but the best YVorkmen. Wht it is necessary we do work at. all hou of the day or night, and always finish jo b by the tim e we promise to have done. Our shop is at the Head of Main Street, k e r c i t y , oregoj b a Form erly occupied by S. B. McCord. H o r s e S h o e in g » B r ic e s : Shoeing all round, plain shoes, $3 “ toe and corks, 3 H®*setting, all round, i „' best horse shoerin Or gon, attends to all shoeing in our Shop. round m’1Ce f° r re' settinS W agon Tires, a A nd all other work charged for in pnfpc nnr r,3L :l b.VVe P fices- W e have broug our prices down to suit the times. Wagon Malting. w n X ° v £ ™ ° r m a? w„m attend to the wo< woilv Department of our W agon Shop. Call and see us, and exam ine our wor A W J S , 1875S l t ,LY * J A S . A . P I N N E Y & CO B o is e C ity, I d a h o , GENERAL NEWS AGENTS AND DEALERS IN Boots, Stationery, Cieap PnWicaiion TOYS, YANKEE NOTIONS, «fee. W T: R E C E I V E S u b scription for, and furnish all of the teadii P e rio d ic a ls, M a g a z in e s & Y fw s p u p t published in New York, Philadelphia Bo ton, Sacramento and San Francisco at Pu lisher’s rates. B O O K S A S P E C I A B T l* . Any Book published in the United Stah furnished by us at Boise City, at Publisher Puces. We are in constant receint of nfi BOOKS of all kinds. eCelpt of NL SCHOOL B O O K S, •lit? PrX»Tlj con8toui UB <•'* f .S ““ ““ “ r e b . l , 1875. ^ yE S A - 1 > I N N E ii0 0- M W VARIETY STORE, Corner of Front St. & Valley A vent B A K E R C I T Y , O R EG O N , SftJgmV* M m \ , A Protestant School For GIRLS AT W A L L A W A L L A , W. T. IV E TEACHERS. AM PLE ACCOM- modation. Low Price. Board and Tuition, $50. per quarter. For circulars ■With full inform ation address the R E V , L. H. W ELLS, nl6tf. Principal. F BY bam uel O aer, " V I/'H O H A S A FU LL SUPPLY ( ’ Furnishing Goods, Groceries, I “ acco. Cigars, Pipes and a great variety other useful articles too numerous m ention. Give m e a call, and see what I have f Sale. ^ , SAM. BAUK* Baker City, June 15, 1875.n«tf