DROCK DEMOCRAT, P U B L IS H E D EVERY R A T E S O F A D V E R T IS IN G , W EDNESDAY, BY jr m . r h k p i i e r d . H . C. S h e p h e r d . J . M . S l i E I ' H E l t D arunein oi tli# Wiiliimctto binveisity,) PHYSICIAN AisD SURGEON, F E E D . A . B O H IY A R esjnw iioiSy in fo r m s tlsc c it i­ zens of Baker City and the Public generally, that he has purchased the inter, est ot Bob. McCord in the above S A L O O N , Where will always be found the very best W in e s , L iq u o r s asisi C igars. Terms cash, or no patronage solicited. Office one door north ol City Drug Sune. n231 BAKER CITY, OREGON. I tt BAKER CITY, OREGON. in - I’o im lire Puolic that w e n a v e p tu - W ffiased m e BaKer City H otel, and rent ted mu furnished R in :t style equal to that or m y house in E A S T E R N O R EGO N. Guests w ill find our accom m odations to ,e of the highest order, and we will spare to pains to suit all who may give u b . lc . u 1. F L E T C H E R & S' i E V EN SON - Baker City, M ay z5, 187u.i)3tf _________ P A P LE V IN S, W H O LESALE am i l& T A IL D E A L E R IN WIKJSS AH® T o b a c c o & C ig a r s , T O G E T H E R W IT H A CORNER SALO u N. & FiETCHEB, F in it e . B A K E K C I T Y , o liE G O lV . 1 E R E th e b e st o f " in e s, L iq u o r s md Cigars are kept. This Samoa na» ai rely refitted and is now oneui .uc ; and most pie saut places ot resoti in y. This Saloon is on the corner op­ to VIR TU E’S BANK. General Assortment Of all articles in his Line, which he is selling at L owest P rices , for tiie Ready Pay. His house is located on Main Street, nearly opposite the Bank Block, Baker City, Oregon. Baker City, Nov. 11, 187-4.u27tf. U V E R Y S T A B L E GRIER & KELLOGG 18th. 1875,n2tf. C h o r d S d M a n n i n g , Carpenters and Joiners, B A K E R C IT Y , OREGON. Designs and Specifications Furnished. Estimates Made. Terms Liberal. Baker City, June 15, 1875 i.fiti________ _ T IIE E xchange. P R O P R E I T O E S o l th is pupular place ol tewort take pleasure in informing the public that Charley Schellworth now has charge of the Bur, where he deals nothing but the best of Wines, Liquors, and Cigars., and will be pleased to have his friends give him a call. This is a Bit Saloon. March 3,1875.n43tf Having permanently located in BAKER CITY, offers his professional services to the citizens of Baker and vicinity, and will give special attention to Surgery and diseases of Women and Children. O ffice —First’ door south of Western Hotel. R esidence — First building vest of Catho­ lic Chinch. Way 12 1875n! t£. T . _ N ". K n o w s M E 1 3 . Physician and Surgeon, M i Monutain. M o, M EDICAL E X A M IN E R For the New Y ork I,he Insurance Co­ il 44 if B. G A R D N E R , WATCHMAKER AND JE sVELEB. E S T A B L IS H E D IN B A K E R C IT Y IN 1807, Keeps constantly on hand a well assorted Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS1 1 and is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line of business. Waltham and Elgin Watches at Factory no I Prices I tf. B l a c k s m i tilin g . T H E nndersij rfi0 ii is prepared to do ail kinds of work entrusted to bis cute - in bis iiiie, and all work war ranted to give satisfaction. I era ploy none but tbe best of bauds in m,y shop. i S l3 L 0 > © ± :0 .| £ . I have a good Horse Sboer in my S op, wbo understands tbe horses loot, in all its different shapes, and will shoe to tit tbe horse. Our work in this line is warranted as good as the best. lYagou M ilkin g anti R e p a irin g In all tbe various branches done in connection with this shop by Oeo. J. Bowman. F l o AV S One of the Finest and Best To be found in the City. “ Fred” will be pleased at ah times to have Ins friends give niui a call. FRED. A. BOHNA. Baker City, Jan. 20, 1875. n39tf F letcher & steyehson , Prop’s, B ank Dr. C. J. Taft* A l s o B i l l i a r d rF a b le s H ou se, respectfully City Best Brands, of F a m i ly G r o c e r ie s, T o ­ b a c c o s , C ig a r s , «Ac., constantly on H and, at the Lowest Prices. Baker City, Oct. 7, 1874.n221y E A IitE R C I T Y , O R E G O N . O ffice and llesidence, at A. H. Brown’s oruier residence, nearly opposite the Bed­ eck Democrat Office. Baker City, Oregon, Nov. 10, 1874, - y ___ w ou ld ZL IESL 3ESL .13 TT . Baker City, .July 4, 1874.-n9tf U*red- A . B o h n a s B a k e r C i t y , S e p t . B, l S 7 o .n l 7 nt4 e H A S Bought tile Hotel ».estauran 1, next door to I ne Post Office, Ibimerly kept by Sieord A Whitcomb, and has lilted the same up in the best style tts a Hotel, on the French Restaurant Style. He is prepared to ac­ commodate tiie Public, and is determine# to give entire sat-Lfaction. The House is open from five o'clock in the nforning until twelve at night, during which time customers will be supplied with the best of everything to be had in tiie NOTARY R U IS L I C R a ilr o a d Prescriptions prepared at all Hours, and Country Trade Solicited. C l © JO SEPH .M A N A lIU S , P r o p r ie to r , J m HP* A R T IC L E S Of Every Description. HOTEL RESTAllUT N o t a r y .P u b lic I liiB U D U j h a n d F R A N C E , O o n V e V a n c e r , Ji Liquors, Wines and Cigars of the best quality. Phelan’s improved Billiard Tables ail in good order. o------ o N. B .—Those indebted to either the Hotel or Saloon are requested to appear at the Captain’s office and settle. uolvdtf. H. S H I N N , Baker Cityt Sept. II, 1872. on © & ra& m & s T O IL E T S>ress M ailin g, And pattern after the latest Fashions , and Styies. Produce taken in exchange for Goods. A ll are invited 10 call. ll i u i .’ri FOSTER A F E R G U SO N . Baker City ,June 1,1875. n4 if B A K E R O i l Y, u b e g u n . S . V . iC ü S Ö X , toe W ^ A tto r n e v a t-L a w , c o n st a n t l y a Full Assortment, o f all kinds of Goods, consisting in part of DI-.UGS, M EDICINES, P A IN TS and OILS, W IN D O W GLASS, V A R N IS H E S , BR U SH ES, and LADIES’ BAZAAR, REID A CONSTABLE, Propr. J. M. S H E P H E R D , K eeps For Medicinal Purposes. w e s te r n H o t e l .- B A K E K € I T Y , O B E G O .Y . B A K E R C IT Y . OREGON, TO T H E M A IN S T R E E T ,...............................................B A K E R C IT Y . I T 7 ILL. P R A C T IC E IN A L L C O U R T S V V ol the State. Baker City, Sept. 1, 1873. n!7y. J. f . WISDOM. Proprietor J Corner Main Street and V alley Avenue Southwest Side, and M illin e ry It reel, Boston, ;i7 Park Bow, New York, Goods in Store, and Latest ¡styles receiv- nnd <01 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, are j eu by Express every Month, and for sale at our Agents for procuring advertisements \ most reasonable Prices. for the B e d r o c k D e m o c r a t , in the above cities, and are autbori™d to contract lor advertising lou r lowest rates. n j.f Done to Order, and at Short Notice by MRS. L. J. IIUSTON. ¿ T 0 3 B W O M I S . . Baker City, April 1 8 ,1874V-u51mt> Having completed citeir New Etable, have Row the tiaest and best regulated L iv e r y Stable I n E a s t e r n (O r e g o n , Where they will cany on the Livery Busi­ ness in ail ns branches. STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD. Baker City, Nov. 13, 18/2. ui3£t For Sale. * Iff E IG H T -M E D I U M ,c y lin d e r /i _ press, in goou running omer. urn tune Iron) bUO to hOb t in pi esslohs pel lloui. bix louts oi type,.ail neu except one which has been in use about two years. Suitable for a business man, an amateur or printer. Will be sold at cost. Enquire at B edrock D emocrat office. March 10th 1875. n44tf Just as night was closing in, Dr. Farjeon county, has been Americanized into Rick- whs seen walking in the direction of 1 lie real; hence a town of such name, on its “ Do you know, W alter, it is exactly one house, anil abruptly W alter uttered some banks, five m iles east of Balias. “ La Ca­ year to-day since we first met ? Just unsatisfactory explanation and joined j m a s,” the Camas, a river in Benton coun- think of it. One year to-day !” h .m . The two then proceeded toward tHe | to, so called for flowing through the K ing “ Y es, E ll i, darling; and one year to-day hemlock grove, and E lla , watching from | Valley Prairies, abounding with that In ­ hence we’ il be old m airi----- ” an upper window, could see that the doc­ dian root, has been Americanized into the But here a dainty hand was applied tor gesticulated threatir.gly, and W alter, strange and wonderful name of Lucki- blushingly to the darling lips. And tbe her daring and chivalrous W alter, seem­ mute. S oalsoof thefollowing: “ Tw alate,” glowing predict,on remained incomplete. ed to make piteous appeals to the other’s in English Tw alatey,has been Am erican­ The subject was changed with a prompt­ ized into Tualatin; “ T illim oo k ,” into forbearance. ness that seemed a simultaneous inspira­ “ W hat can it m e a n ? Oh, whatever T illam ook; “ Canon,” a Spanish word, to tion, and along the sum m er lane the can it mean ?” sobbed the yearning be pronounced lik e ‘ Gagnon,’ intoCanyon; handsome pair joyously jaunted in their young heart, as she stood, weary and “ Pend d ’ Oreilles,” Pend being an abbre­ cosy basket phaeton. . wretched, wa'ching the retreating forms viation of Pendant, is sometimes written W a lter Carleton was a rising young Pen, Pen d ’ Oreilles. “ La Coquille,” not till they melted into the darkness. merchant, the junior member of a New In about an hour W aiter returned. He long ago was written the Ko Kw el. “ La York fiim . He was o f BriMsh birth, and was boisterously cheerful. Theie was tri­ Butte,” “ Butteville,” is changed into his dark com plexion,, crisp ebon curls, umph iri his eye m d satisfaction on his Bute, Buteville; Bute being neither Eng­ and deep black eyes, he derived from his brow. Next day was Saturday, and he lish nor French. “ Sauve,” in English Castilian mother. and E lla spent a delightful day, notwith­ Sauvey, the name of a French Canadian, E lla Goodrich was an U na-like creature standing lie told iter business would call who for m any years remained on the Isl­ in the first llu-li o th er gorgeuus woman­ him to the city on Monday, but only for and which bears liis nam e, keeping a dsiiry hood. She was a dark-bred blonde, and a few days After that he said he would there for tti'e Hudson Bay Com pany, has the only daughter o f wealthy old Docior return and spend a whole uninterrupted been perverted into that of Sauvio. Sau- Goodrich, of Kirkland. fortnight at Kirkland. uie’s Island, as if ‘i ’ in ‘ vie,’ could and W alter had received his eailiest heart- On Sunday evening the lovers attended should be pronounced like the French ‘ v e,’ wound from the dart of E lla ’s beauty at a the village church; and as the congrega­ or the English ‘ v e y .’ In fine, the name of Saratoga hop, and since then the cours. tion were dispersing, a lad in a slouch hat the half breed “ G rftnt,” meaning guaran­ of their love had run as sm oothly as two that alm ost concealed liis featuies, sud­ tee, has been Americanized into that of enthusiastic hearts could m ake it. Dr. denly approached W alter, and, with a ‘ Geriand.’ 80 much for tiie perversion of Goodrich, besides closely observing the quick and dexterous m ovem ent, placed a foreign names. young m an, had made the necessary in­ note in ills hand and disappeared. The The change or perversion of names in quiries respect i; g him with the result of action was so sudden that I lie messenger the foregoing instances, is of no conse­ thoroughly satisfying his amiable partner had vanished before the young man had quence save a's showing an inability or in­ and him self on the propriety o f their recovered from his suiprise; and although capacity to spell and write correctly for­ d .lighter's choice. Ella was close by' his side she 1 eit.he.i saw eign names. But very different is tiie It was really a pleasant afternoon—late the envoy nor tiie missive lie delivered. case when the mutation perverts the sense , in sum m er—and the gray pony with the W a lter was taciturn and reflective at or meaning of the words, as in ‘ P en d ’ basket .phaeton and the pair of turtle the supper-table, and later in tlie evening Oreilles,’ and ‘ Grand Ronde,’ instead of doves jogged along wt th a sort of “ sober he said he thoujihf he would walk over to Pend d Oreilles and Grand Rond; for very certainty of waking bliss,” as Milton very Albany before bed-time, sleep at the Del- different is the meaning of tiie English happily phrased it. avan, and get tiie ea1 ly boat in tiie m orn­ Pen and of the French Pend, ail abbrevia­ The m iles flew hy on angel’s wings, and ing. E lla was clearly vexed and ditap- tion of Pendant. There exists also a wide when Walter consulted his watch, lo and pointed, but she bade him an affectionate difference between the two French words, b ffio ld !. it w .s within a few minutes of adieu notwithstanding. Rond and Ronde, as to their meariing. the Kirkland dinner hour; a n i they were N ext morning she arose earlier than The former means a round, an 01 b, a cir­ a good live m iles away. usual, and on reaching he bteakfast ta­ cle, a ling; and as such it is correctly “ W e must m ake all haste back,” cried ble found great excitement. The parson adapted to the Indian Reservation of Y a m ­ E lla , “ pa dislikes -to wait for dinner.— and the. village druggist were there, and hill county, and the Grand Valley of U n ­ Rute, old m a n ,” this to tbe gray pony, so was the ancient“ Miss Needleton, the ion county, for their being both surround­ “ you must put your best foot forem ost;” scandal purveyor for the whole place. ed by mountains. Hence their French whereupon Rule’s mistress proceeded to “ Pierced through the biain from ear to appellation: Grand Rond, in English admonish him with rei a and wiiip. ear,” cried the spinster. Grand Round. Tue latter, on the contra­ N ow , Rufe had not been used to this “ W e ll, not exactly,” said, the druggist, ry, means a round, a patrol, such as is cavalier treatment, and he began to pro­ “ the ball seems to have entered the high­ test against it by manifold head-shak­ est portion of the forehead rather to the made by a military officergoh g tiie rounds at nigh t to visit the posts. It is therefore ings, tail-sw itchings, elephantine hops left of tiie medial line, and proceeded downward through the base of tiie evident that 10 apply the French substan­ and snortings, ai.d generally by m oving sk u ll.” tive Ronde to the Grand Rond of Y am h ill forward rather slower than before.— “ That seems very extraordinary, doesnt- Wneieupon E lia scolded the pei verse it ?” put in tiie parson. “ I should have county, and to that of Union county, is brute, and W alter to k ilie whip and ad­ fancied the ball traveled he contrary di­ com m itting an egregious and unpardona­ rection—upward—and that the poor fellow ble blunder, as it is giving to these places ministered a sharp cut across ihe lore-leg. was shot fioin behind.” “ But titer is tlie ball lodged as describ­ a character totally opposed to what is in­ This was enough. Rufus instantly per­ ed ,” said Dr. Goodrich. tended. But what renders the case s t ill, formed some compound circus trick, and “ W h at has happened, pa ?” cried E lla , cleverly separated him seif and ihe shafts unable longer to bear tin- cruel suspense. worse is the breach of the rules of French “ Dr. Farjeon lias neen murdered !” cried grammar to be found in ‘ Grand R onde,’ . Before you i fl'om the body of the phue.on the par.-on, tiie druggist , and the spinster Could say Jack Robinson .the pair of lov­ in cuoriis, -‘ murdered at ten o ’clock last which rules requires (he adjective to agree with the substantive, \thich, in tills case ers were rolling in the dust, and Rufe was ntght by an assassin, who escaped from being of tiie feminine gender,requires the the surgery w.ndou . ” com placently viewing the havoc he had “ O, sh e’s fainting !” cried the mother adjective Grand to be of the same gender, made. Dusted and disconcerted. W alter rushing to her; “ poor darling, how flie viz: Grand Ronde, orGreat Patrol. A n d ,, and E lla regained their leet more scared horrid news lias Knocked tier !” may not some jesters, on reading this, than hurt and amused than vexed. [To be Concluded N ext W eek.] have a right to ask, “ W h en did that great E lla said theie was a blacksm ith’s shop Patrol take place, and by whom m ad e?” P I O N E E R N A M ICS; a short distane* off, and thither W alter If these blunders and perversions were im m ediately ra", while she watched the T h e i r P r o p e r S p e l l i n g , M e a n i n g made in an obscure corner of tiie country, a n d U s e . wreck and told Rufe what a disreputable arid by persons; having no pretence to E d it o r s of t h e N e w s p a p e r s of O r e ­ old villain lie was.* learning, the wrong would not be of much W h en Walter returned with the m e­ g o n —G e n t l e m e n :—Allow me the to ad­ consequence; but when these perversions chanic a tall, b »ny-looking mail with dress to you a few remarks on the above ure practiced daily by the learned and in­ huge red whiskers «ad an im m ense Pana­ subject. Tney are neither out of place nor telligent gentlem en, both of the Indian ma hat was talking to E lla . And not unworthy your attention. Department at W ashington and of our No one, tbe least acquainted with the merely talking; it seemed to W alter that, 8 (atc, and all these mistakes and inexcus­ the pian wag’ annoying her, and attem pt­ early history of Oregon,can deny that the able blunders are copied at. home and car­ ing to take her hand—a liberty slio seemed country was visited arid traversed all over ried abroad among the leferned, surely m a­ to repel with indignant energy. by the adventurous French Canadian voy- lignant jesters laugh at our expense.— “ W e l l , be friends, anyhow , E lla , if you ageurs, as early as 1811, if not before that, Therefore I can no longer suffer so inglo­ won’ t shake hands,” he of the red wius- period. Being employed as trappers and rious a practice, and beg that it'be done keis w as^aying, as W alter with flashing traders by the Astor, Northwest, and H ud­ away with at once. These rem aiks of eyes and vengeful looks, unseen ap­ son Bay Companies, they had occasion to mine are made in a spirit of peace, benev­ proached the spot. visit the remotest corners of the lands olence and affection to m y follow citizens, “ Stand off, sir !” cried he, pushing the west, of the Rocky Mountains, and during and to my dear adopted country. infcruclei violently aside; “ by what right their long travels and dangerous expedi­ I must not leave tMis subject without do you presume to annoy Lhis i oung la­ tions among numerous Indian Tribes,they saying a wore about the name of the river dy ?” freely made use of ! lie right of travelers in and county seat of Uiuon county. [Union Ella littered a little scream. The man new regions to give the Indians, the rivers is now the county seat—La Grande was staggered and nearly fe ll; but, gaining nis and ,loe ilittes, peculiar and appropriate form erly.— E d . D e m o c k a t .] They are equilibrium , iie quickly laced round, and French nam es, which have been preserved both called La Grande, a French n am e, * licieeiy fixed nis reddish, chestnut eyes and used ever since. Some of these names meaning “ the G rand,” and is compound­ are properly written nowadays, whereas upon his assailant. 4 ed of tiie article La and the adjective others have been perverted, and the spell­ “ Waiter C-iileton, as I ’m a living, brea­ ing entirely changed, on account of igno­ Grande, in order to keep as near as pos­ thing sinner.” sible to the French pronunciation, the ‘ a ’ “ Dr. Farjeon ? ’ ’ with a violent start and ring ilicir French extraction! Thus, some Indian tribes were called: in La should be pronounced as ‘a’ in far: change of color. “ Good God ! You here! and tiie ‘a ’ in Grande as ‘ a ’ in fast. That I beg your pardon for my rudeness. I did “ Les N ez Perces,” ihe Pierced N o-es; phrase is not complete, because it lacks a “ Les Tetes Plates,” the Flat Heads; “ Les. not see your face; it was so* unexpected.— substantive to be qualified by the adjec­ W h y how in the nanu— I mean how on Chaudieres,” the Ketth fall, so called on account of living at the fall of tiie Colum­ tive Grande, and that substantive should earth did you turn up here ? ” be of a feminine gender, because Grande “ o n , that is easily explained ,” said Dr. bia, near Colville, where are seen some is such. The substantive omitted or un­ Farjeon, with a significant look at W a l­ kind of kettles; “ Les Pend d ’Oreilles,” derstood, is the Frehcli word ‘ V a ile e,’ so the Ear Rings; “ Les Serpents,” the ter. “ Yrou see, after we had parted at L iv­ Snakes; “ LesCoeurs d ’A le n e s,” the Poin­ as to say: LaGrande ValJee; for this Grand erpool dock—” Rond of Uuion county was also called by “ A h , yes; ju st so ,” said W alter, ner­ ted Hearts; “ Les Caquins,” the Rogues. the French Canadians La Graude V a ilee, Some livers were called: “ La Riviere vously. ‘ ‘E lla , m y dear, Dr. Farjeon and by reason of its great extension of 18 by 20 I are old acquaintances—friends, and all des Chutes,” the River of the Falls, or Des m iles, The town should have been called Chutes River, in W asco county; “ La Riv­ that, you know. Docior I shall be glad to L a V ilie de la Grande V a lle , ‘ the Grand meet you ; that i<, confound this m ish a p ; iere au M alheur,’, the 111 Fortune River, Vailey C ity ;’ and the river, La Riviere de we must get it repaired, and get home, or Malheur River, in Baker county; “ La la Grands V a lle , ‘ the Grand V a lle y river.’ Rivieie de M arie,” the M ary’s River, in immediately , m ustn’ t we, E lla ?” But the nrst- farmers of the V alley and E lla had looked with speechless sur­ Benton coun ty; “ La Creole,” the Creole, founders of the town were satisfied with p.obably the 11,.me of a mail in Benton prise at lue chilling effect, Hie doctor’s giving a half and incomplete nam e, La suudeii appearance uad upon tier lover.— coui.ty; “ La Coquitle,” the shell, in Coos Grande; but what Grande? L a V u lie d e la count.»; “ La Riviere aux Coquins,” the it had completely transipiined lm u , Grande Vailee, ‘ the Grand Valley C ity ;’ crush.ng li;» gayety as one crushes a flow­ Rogue itiyer, in Jackson county; “ La K a - Da Riviere de ia Grai.a V ailee, ‘ the Giand \ alie.v River,’ of Union county. • W ith the ui as,” tiie Camus, in Benton county. er .11 ilie u .tid. heipof these explanations, astrangerm ay som e localities were called: “ La Grande W ith a supercilious “ good bye, Miss unuerstand what is m eant b y ‘L aG ran d e.’ 1 will terminate m y remaiks by saying Good nei*-,” tu-d “ i ’ ll see you tins evening, V a ile e ,” the Grand V a lle y , in Union a worn about ihe “ Rogue River,” and the \\ a lle i,” Dr. Farjeon proceeded 011 las coun ty; “ Les Duties, Les Grandes Duties,” Rogue River V a lle y , of Jackson county, w ay, Wiiea, with a mortified look, W a i­ 111 Liigush the Dalles, the Gland Lattes, a catted by the Fren. a Canadians,“ La R iv­ narrow channel between h iL ,in W asco, iere aux Coquins,” " L a Vailee ues Co­ ter said: quins,” in older to coriect u pretty egre- “ W h y, E lla , whatever is that man do­ county; “ Les Cascades,” the Cascades; in g.oiis bluncl r, to be found on page 10, o f Frencn “ La Grand R on d,” in English the trie Oregon Business Directory, tor ls73, ing heie ?” “ it you had not interrupted h im , he Giand Round, in Y am h ill and Union where ii. is asserted that “ tts name is sup­ posed to be derived from “ Rogue,” ta woulu nave told you soon enough, the counties; “ Da Butte, Buttevilte,” the French adjective m eaning Red), m e nam e lia.eful, detestable teiluw.” she replied.— Butte Buttvitie, a hill near that town. applied to it by the early voyugeurs and N o w if no attention is paid to the French to nave been Anglicized by the first A m er­ “ lie lately uougn t pa’s practice, ami has ican Settlers, into that of Rogue,” says the come prowling about our hou»e and per­ extraction of .tne^e names, an American Directory. N o, by no means, that is not will no, doubt, change their spelling and secuting me ever since; but to-day 1 made tiie origin of m e nam e. Here it is: The him ieet.how intensely 1 despised h im .— pronunciation and will American.ze ¡hem Rogue River, tiie Rogue River V a lle y , in French, “ La Riviere aux Coquins,” - ’ La Mow on earth did you ever form tiiat by wording them according to his own at- Vailee ues Coquins, were so caned because puabet. ¡such lias been tue sad case wnh Jack ¡Sheppard looKing sawbotie’s ac­ of trie wickeaness of the Indians of that regard to me name.of our river, ui 1842, by of the country, w ho, when tbe caravan of quaintance ?” trappers of the Hudson Bay Compahy was •‘ Meiety professionaliy in Europe,” re­ changing tue letter , “ a” into " 1 ,'” tn me on us way to California, aiqd returning nrsl syllable, so as to make it sound mo.e o.-ck, never ceased to attack it, stealing plied W alter, dryly. W a lte r’s attem pts at cheerfulness dur­ like me Engiisn ‘ W d P instead of * W a y ,’ mutes and goods, and even killing m ules atm men as much as they could. H ence ing the ■ omewurd drive were spasmodic in • VVailainetie.’ Hence, also, the Am ei- their name of Coquips in French; and ot icanizingof so many French, ¡Spanish ana Rogue m English. Hence Jihso tfie naim* failures; and after dinner a gloo settled ............. upon h im , which Etta sought to dispel.— Indian names to be round ui our Slate, 01 trie valley and its river. H o p in g'th ese remarks will be received, Me said he uad a slight headache, attribu­ la proof of which fact, I present the fol­ in tue spirit in which they are given, I re­ m ain , gentlem en, yours t r u ly .. F. N . B , • table, probably, to the shock in the. after­ lowing instances: ‘ Portland, Or., J u ly,1875... x “ La Creole., the nam e of a river in Polk noon drive. C o rn e r D r u g S to re , I ’ Manufactured uud Repaired. In fact everything in my line made and repaired at reasonable prices. Thankful for past patronage I res pectfully solicit a continuance of Ute same. S. A. GAINES. May 10, 1875.nltf Buy Your Lumber at the Old, Reliable E b e lF t s O l d M i l l . JK R A V E f i f i i f i T T J K i i * 'i M E Allii anu make tue best Dumber lit W the comity, at prices to suit tue times. Any bibs ieit at our Mill receive as prompt attention in the future as in the past. We saw everything from a Latli to the Heaviest lim bers. Clear and seasoned Lumber always on liana. Bills left with J. W. Wisdom will receive immediate Attention. By stnei attention to business, we nope to leceiVe our snare of public patronage. An niilimnea am ouctof Grain taken in exchange lor Lumber. JSLLiU'lT & VAN PATTEN. March 1 1874.-u34tf. “¿ENATJb” SALOON, V. PfBiñenberger, Proprietor, Opposite Pap Leveiis on Front ¡Street, B A K E R C IT Y , O R E G O N . Q IE BEST OF rI __ q u o r s a n d a i l o i l i e r kept constantly on hand, W IN E S , k in d s oi E I- d r in k s , and the cosiest re treat for me innocent amusements oi Pedro* bell Out, Pictorial reading Ac., in Baker nàuti. Guy. ^ A u c tio n H o u s e , B A K E R C IT Y , KELLOGG & SMALL, Auctioneers. Regular Sale Day', EVERY SATURDAY. Sales made in every portion cf tbe County. June 30th, 1875.nStf. One square or less, one insertion,....... $2 50 Each additional insertion,.......................... 1 0 One square three months,...................... 6 00 Business Advertisements by the month— Quarter colum n........................................ $6 CO Half colu m n ,.............................................10 00 One column,............................................... 15 00 Ten percent, additional on advertisements to which a special position is guaranteed. OS^The space of one Inch, up and down the column, constitutes a square. N. B.—All debts due this office are payable in Coin, unless otherwise expressly agreed. E BeganBBB j. m u THE o m ; f a l se st e p .