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About Bedrock democrat. (Baker City, Baker County, Or.) 1870-188? | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1875)
masa fjjr Ä M ic k | l c w 0C ï a t . B a k e r C ity, J u n e 3 , 1 8 7 5 . The B edrock D emocrat has more bo n a fide , paying subscribers in Baker County, than has any other two papers pub- ished in the State. We put no man’s name on our subscription list unless we have orders so to do. q jp - FO IJB T U o r J l 'L Y . —It is now but lour weeks until the Anniversary of A m e rican Independence. Is it not tim e our citizens were taking som e steps in rela tion to having a good old fashioned cele bration of the 4th of July in our city ?— The time is short in w hich to m ake the necessary preparations, and if it is intend ed to have a celebration here let us be up and doing in the matter. It has been sug gested that there be a m eeting of our citi zens at the Court House to-m orrow even ing to consider the matter, and, if th o’ t advisable, to m ake a start in the matter.— Bet all those in favor of a celebration at tend the m eeting. The hour wTill be at 8 to half-past 8 o ’ clock, to-m orrow, Thurs day, evening, at the Court House. Hur rah for a regular old-fashioned 4th of July celebration—or som e other kind as m ay be agreed upon ! Superin tendent Payton, after hearing all object ions urged against School District No. 5, am i after taking advice o f disinterested counsel, cam e to the conclusion that those w ho objected to the returns of the District cou ld not and did not prove their charges o f fraud, and paid over to the Dis trict the m oney ($413,33) it was entitled to. W e were always satisfied ou r worthy Su perintendent would do w hat was right in the m atter, and the result lias proved that we were right in our conclusions. O fficers E lected .—On the 19th inst. the Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F., elected the follow- ing officers to serve during the ensuing year, and who, in all probability-, will be installed: T. M. Gatch, of Salem, M~. W. G. M.; J. N. Dolph, of Portland, R. W. D. G. M.; 0. N. Denny, of Portland, R. W. G. W .;J . M. Bacon, of Oregon Citv, R. W, G. S.; I. R. Moores, of Salem, R.'W . G. T.; S. Ellsworth, of La Grande, R. W. G. T.—Portland Even ing Journal, May 19. A gentleman, saw his litte daughter dip ing her doll’s dress into a tin cup, and in quired: “ What are you doing, my daugh ter!” “ I’m coloring my doll’s dress red.” “ With what?” “ With beer.” “ What put that foolish notion into your head, child? You cant color red with beer.1’ “ Yes I can, pa, because ma said it was beer that made your nose so red.” That man had business that required him dojwn town immediately. Strumous or Scrofulous affections are the curse, the blight, the potato rot of mankind. They are vile and filthy as well as fatal. They arise from contamination and impuri ty of the blood, and are to beseeh all around us everywhere. One quarter of all wTe meet are tainted with them, and one quarter of these die of them; die foolishly too, because they are curable. Ayer’s Sarsparilla clean ses the Scrofolous corruption from the blood, renders it pure and healthy, and effectually expurgates the foul contamination from the system. No longer groan under your Scro fulous disorders, since the learned Ayer.has provided his masterly combination of cura tive virtues that he calls Sarsaparill.—Mont gomery (Ali.) Advertiser. M eteorological Table. A l l R ig h t .—County School L aw s .—Ne x t week we .shall publish the M ining Laws o f the United State w ith the rules w ith the decisions of United States Commissioner Drummond. T hese laws, decisions, <£c., are official,and w ill be o f great importance to our m ining com m u n ity as authority and for future reference. Those wishing extra copies w ill have to let us know of their wants before Saturday noon, or we will not be able to supply their orders. M in in g N ew P a p e r .—AYe have received the sec ond num ber of the Stock Exchange, pub lished daily at San Francisco by Harrison A Co. It is a neat sheet, and supplies a w ant long needed on this coast- It con tains a fu ll record of Stock Sales, daily re ports from the m ines, together with arti cles on Finance, M ining and Ileal Estate. W e welcom e it to our table. R u n a w a y . —On last Saturday a span of fine horses, attached to a long crippled w agon, took fright on Front Street, and away they went up Front Street and out o n V a lley Avenue to First Street, and then dow n First Street to where we could root see w hen they were stopped. The horses were not hurt, but our friend, Sam McMurren, had to have a new reach, a new tongue and a pair o f double-trees mad e. Through the politeness of Professor S. P. Barrett, we are enabled to lay before our readers the following table showing the range of the Mercury for the week ending May 29, 1875, at Baker City, Citv. Oregon Oresron: : 10 r. M. 12 M. ,7 a ,, ai. 52 70 50 Sunday, 47 76 52 Monday, 42 53 40i Tuesday, 36 . 55 34 Wednesday, 44 67 36 Thursday, 52 [75 42 Friday, 40 73 52 Saturday, — -- — ■ "Average for the week 52:2 d. g. above zero. Average for corresponding w ek last year, S3.2 degrees above Zero. Ice formed % inch thick on the night of A r r iv e d .—T he fa m ily of Mr. B ushee, W. F. & Co.’s new agen t at. this city , ar rived from U m atilla last Friday m orning. A djourned .—T he Circuit Court adjourn ed last Monday. Judge M cArthur starts for Canyon City to-morrow m orning. C ard to the P ublic .—W e this week publish a card to the public from Messrs. Thorne and Pearson. It speaks for itself. L ook at our Row Advertisements, T he House W e Live in _ In otber wort]s our bodies—are held on repairing leases. e must prop and sustain them when they e* 1 ^ weakness and decay, or they Will inevitably break down. In Dr. Wal ker’s California Vinegar Bitters, a matchless compound of newly discovered medical deni t r r var to the Paciflc res ion> tte debilitated, the bilious, the rheumatic, the consumptive will find the most genial tonic and rastorative ever offered to the suffering invalid. It contains no alcohol, and conse- ^ Din}7 §aY6S m sting bebihd. Latest New York Gold Quotations, 116 H LEGAL TENDERS IN PORTLAND: Buying,.................. 86c. [ Selling,......... .87 IMPROVE YOUR POULTRY. ONCE MORE WE COME!! It costs no more to keep good fowls than Poor ones. WITH O a k la n d P o u lt r y Y a r d s , U seful P resent .— Every family ought to- have a good ¡Sewing Machine. We have a beautiful new Silver Plated Wilcox & Gibbs’ Machina, that would oe a beautiful, valuable and useful present to any man’s wife, mother, sister or sweetheart, which w’e will sell on easy terms. We will instruct the person buy ing how to operate the machine. It is one of the nicest machines in our city. R eligious .—Divine Service will be held in the M. E. Church, the second and fourth Sabbaths of each month, at 11 o’clock A. M., and 6% p . M.—Expository Lecture, by the pastor, and Prayer Meeting every Wed nesday evening at 6% o ’clock. All are in vited to attend. G. W. ADAMS, Pastor. B a k e r C ity E o ilg e N o . 2 5 , 1 .O . © . I’’ ., meets every Saturday evening, at half past six o’clock, at Odd Fellows Hall, in the new Bank Block, corner of Front street and Court Avenue. Members of the Order are invited to attend. By order of N. G. I. O. It. M .—W innemucca Tribe No. 5, Im proved order o f Red Men Regular Coun cils Tuesday evening o f each week. Odd Fellows H a ll, corner o f Front street and Court Avenue. Members o f the Order in vited to attend. By order o f S. A. F. and A. M .—Baker Lodge, A. F. and A. M., No 47, meets on the second and fourth Thursday evening in each month in their Hall. Transient brethren in-good standing are invited to attend. By order of the W* M. B u sin e ss .—We expect to be absent, con siderable o f the time this spring and Sum mer, but our son Harry will at all times be found at the B edrock D em oc rat office to attend to business in connection with the paper. Corner Sixteenth and Castro Streets, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA, SEASON GGS For H a tc h in g From tlie Largest and best bred Fowls in the E World. Carefully packed and warranted tq carry safely any distance. The varieties comprise Dark and Light Dramas, Buff and Patridge Cochins, White Leghorns, Houdans, and Silver Spangled Hambnrgs, Black Span ish. White Dorkings, Golden Polands, Ayles, bury Ducks, and Game, Sebright and Black African Bantams. B ronze T urkeys , tbe finest collection on tbe Pacific Coast. Send stamp for illustrated circular to GEO. B. BAYLEY, Importer and Dealer of Choice Poultry, bos 659, San Francisco. Please state what paper you saw this ad vertisement in. n40n52 [R a ilr o a d BAKER CITY, OBEGOX. E W OULD RESPECTFULLY IN - iorm the Public that we have pur chased the Baker City H otel, and refitted and furnished it in a style equal to that of any house in EASTERN OREGON. Guests will find our accom m odations to he of the highest order, and we will spare no pains to suit all who m ay give us a call. FLETCHER & STEVENSON. Baker City, May 25,1875.n3tf W Administrator’s Notice. © T I C E is h e r e b y g iv e n th at J3I L. B. Ison was, on the 4th day of May 1875, appointed by the Hon, Probate court administrator of the estate of John Clibourn deceased. All persons havingclaiins against the estate, will present tbe same to the un dersigned at his office in Baker City Oregon with proper vouchers, within six months from date. L. B. ISON, Administrator. Baker City May 11th 1875nln5 ^R esidence — First lic Church. May 12 1875nlif. building west oi Catho OUR STOCK OF Just Received C L O T H IN G FROM San Francisco Direct, Ras been lergely increased and >ye can show as handsome a line of ready made gopds in MEN’S AND BOYS BUSINESS and DRESS Suits, Overcoats, Ac., as can be found in the County, at prices that cannot fail to satisfy. The Most Extensive, the Best ancf Most Extensive Assortment of GENERAL MERCHANDI S E Our Dress Roods Depailmeut 2 S a ? o - u l ^ l i t T h i s NJEarket, to DE. GIBBON’S 623, K earney St., San Francisco. THE BEST LY THE WORLD. NO H O U S E K E E P E R C A N M A K E S W E E T A N D W H O L E S O M E B R E A D W IT H O U T IT . This well known and long established YEAST POWDER >" now in great demand. Sales increasing daily. N ow 25 gr.sss per day to ¿lie trade. D. GALLAGIIAN now sole manufacturer and proprietor, uses no drugs—no bone dust; pure white cream of Tartar, imported direct and ground oil the premises , being the chief ingredient. A l ways on hand and for sale at lowest prices : Caliag'äiaiä’ s Y e a s t P o w d e r , in 1 lb cans, a superior article. Laïlîijvku»"** C ream o f T a r ta r , in all style o f p ack ages. f a lla g li;» ;i’s P u r e E n g l i s h lli-c a r lto - n a t e o f.S o d a a n ti S a le r a tu s . FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. ----- ALSO----- C ream o f T a r ta r C r y s ta ls anti E n g lis h B i-c a r b o n a t e o fS o tla , in keg's. FOR .SALE BY I>. C A L IiA ilH A S & CO., M a n u fa c tu r ers, 121 FRONT STREET, San Francisco. n513m. A most pleasant and invigorating tonic. Recommended by all the em i nent Physicians throughout the United States. Every fam ily should have it in the house. Read certificates on each bottle. Sold by all Liquor Dealers and Druggists. H , E P S T E I N & C O ., Sole Proprietors. 518 F r o n t S t ., S an F r a n c is c o , C a l . C O N S U M P T IO N CURED. Established in 1854, for the treatment of sexual and seminal diseases, such as Gonor rhea, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis in all its forms, seminal weakness, impotency, etc. Skin diseases, of years standing, and ulcerated legs successfully treated. DR. GIBBON has the pleasure ofannoun- c-ing that he has returned from visiting the principal Hospitals in Europe, and has re sumed practice at the Dispensary, 023 Kear ney street, corner of Commercial, where his old patients and those requiring his services may rind him. The Doctor ha« spared neither time nor money in seeking out new remedies, and has returned with increased facilities for the alleviation of human suffering. I I O K P I K M ! DISEASES? F l o w many thousands of persons, both male and female, are there who are suffer ing out a miserable existence from the ef fects of secret indulgence, or from virus ab sorbed into the system. Look at their pal lid, emaciated and disfigured faces and their broken down constitutions, disquali fying them for the happiness of marriage or the enjoyment of life. In this horrid situa tion thousands suffer until death closes the scene- Let parents, guardians and friends attend to those who are suffering with any of these horrible, life-destroying maladies— see that they are cared for and cured before it is too late. Send them immediately to Dr. Gibbon, a physician who has made pri vate diseases his especial study for years, and who is certain to cure the most invete rate cases without mercury or any injurious drugs. It is important to those afflicted, or those interested in the welfare of their friends, to be careful of the many pretended dootorswho infest all cities, publishing their skill in curing ail diseases in a few clays, im posing upon the public by using the names of eminent physicians from Europe and other places. Be therefore careful and make strict inquiry or you may fail into the hands of those charlatans. S E M IN A L W E A K N E S S. Seminal emission—the consequence of self abuse. This solitary vice, or depraved sexual indulgence, is praticed by the youth of both sexes to an almost unlimited extent, producing with unerring certainty the fol lowing tram of morbid symptoms, unless combatted by scientific medical measures, viz: Sallow countenance, dark spots under the eyes, pains in the head, ringing in the ears, noise like rustling of leaves or rattling o f chariots, uneasiness about theloins, weak ness of the limbs, confused vision, blunted intellect, loss of confidence in approaching strangers, a dislike to form new acquaintan ces, a disposition to shun society, loss o. memory, pimples and various eruptions about the face, hectic flushes, furred tongue, foetid breath, night sweats, monomania and frequently insanity. If relief be not obtained, should apply immediately» either in person or by letter, and have a cure effected by his new and scientific mode of treating this dis ease, which never fails in effecting a quick and radical cure. C U R E D A T H O M E. Persons at a distance may be CURED AT HOME by addressing a letter to Dr. Gibbon stating case, symptoms, length of time the disease has continued, and have medicine promptly forwarded, free from damage and curiosity, to any part of the country, with full and plain directions for use. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the name of the paper they see this ad vertisement in. By inclosing Ten Dollars coin, in regis tered letter through the Postoffice, or through Wells, Fargo & Co., a package of medicine will be forwarded to any part of the Union. AIL communications strictly confidential. Address DR. J. E. GIBBON, 623 Kearny street, San (Francisco. Postoftlce Bsx 1,- 957. n lly r l To the E ditor o ft h e B edrock D emocrat : Esteemed Friend:—Will you please inform your readers that I have a positive CURE FOR CONSUMPTION and all disorders of the Throat aud Lungs, and that, by its use in my practice. I have cured hundreds of cases, and will give $ 1,000 00 for a case it will not benefit. Indeed, so strong is my faith, I will send a S a m p l e , free, to any sufferer addressing me. Please show this letter to any one you may know who is suffering from these diseases, and oblige, “ The L eading Am erican N ew spaper.” Faithfully Yours, D R . T . F. BU RT, THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. T IE HEW YORK TRIBUNE. 69 W i ll i a m S t ., N e w Y o r k . May 12 1875nln2G D a ily $ 1 0 a year. S e m i-W e e k ly $ 3 . W e e k ly $2. P ostage F ree to the S ubscriber - Spe cimen Copies and Advertising rates Free. Weekly, in clubs of 39 or more, only $1, postage paid. Address, n38y T he T ribune , N. Y. [Bank Exchange. Dr. C. J. Taft. Having permanently located in BAKER CITY, offers his professional services to the citizens o f Baker and vicinity, and will give special attention to Surgery and diseases of Women and Children. O ffice — First door south of Western H EW G O O D S . TO T H E UN F O R T U N A T E ! ) lin ers' Farmers’ Iijle ie n ts, NEW REMEDIES! HEW REMEDIES! Which'we and are selling at lower prices than H ouse, FLETCHER & STEVENSON, Prop’s, GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! I L o w e s t IPrices. AGENTS.—The following named gentle- F red S alade is authorized to act as Agent BAM. W W m X M m t e At astonishing low Prices.- We have a large assortment of mes are authorized to A gen ts/or the for ilio D emocrat at Umatilla, G eo . W. P almer is authorized to act as Agent for the D emocrat at Marysville. d i a r i e s W . C r a n e is authorized to aet as Agent for the B edrock D emocrat in San Frapcisco. L. P. FISHER, Nos. 20 and 21, New Mer- chants’ Exchange, is our authorized Agent ir? San Francisco. . J ohn G orman is Agent for the D emocrat in Boise County, Idaho. S am . H annah will receive grain, produce, Ac., at Union, in payment for subscription to the B edrock D emocrat . SINCE Y lW A R fifv A I i OF Larger and more attractive than ever before, bought since the great Financial pan ic, and which, we offer at F Corner Commercial street, M. W. D avis , Walla Walla, W. T. S. V. K nox , Pendleton, Oregon, J, D. A gnew ', Boise City; Idaho. J. J. D ool ’ e t , Clarksville, Oregon. S, M. J effreys , Weiser Valley, Idaho. N ed . T urk , Canyon City, Oregon. H. H. H yde , Prairie City, Oregon. F a r m e r s around Union and the Cove can pay their subscription to the D emocrat to Geo. Wright <& Son, merchants at Union, or Cowles A McDaniels or S. G. French at The Cove. Persons wishing to subscribe in that portion of Union county can give their names to either oi the above named parties. Stock o f Goods & BLAN K DEEDS, Mortgages and other Blanks for sale at this Office. P. C. H arper , Albanv-. Oregon. New T iv e ly T im e s IN B A K E R C I T Y , T o Is well filled with a spleddid assortment of the leading styles and fashionable shades. Empress Cloths, Consisting in Part o f Satteens, Mohair, Ladies’ Dress & Fancy Goods American Dress Goods, and FLANNELS, Of Every Description, together with a Full Plaid, Plain and,Opera, of all colors. and Complete Assortment of Bleached and Unbleached Cotton Flannels. MINING SUPPLIES, Ladies’ Gents’ Underwear. LIQUORS,TOBACCO & CIGARS, GROCERIES, BAKEE CITY MARKET. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, H a ts and C aps. CLOTHING, R E D . D I L L R e sp e c tfu lly in In the leading Styles. ROOTS and SHOES, forms the citizens of Baker City that ho H A R D W AR E , has purchased from John Eppinger the B o o t s a n d S lio e s . CROCKERY', and We would call special attention to our stock BAKER CITY MARKET, of Mens’ and Boys’ San Francisco Boots GLASSWARE which we have sold for a number of A ll o f which will be Sold Where, at all times, he will be prepared to years past with satisfaction. furnish his customers with the W h o le s a l e a n d R e t a il Every pair WUranted, BEST OF MEAT, AT A Well Selected Stock of Of all kinds, at most reasonable prices. Feb. 1, 1875.-n39tf ¡FA M ILY BISPISSARY. B e d r o c k D e m o c r a t : G eo . P. R o w e l l & Co., New York. Tiios. B o y c e , San Francisco, L. P, F i s h e r , San F ra n cisco . A O F 1 8 75. ffie 26 inst. D ooi . ey ’ s R oad . - T eamsters and travel ers will do well to read the advertisement o f John J. Dooley, in relation to his T oll R oad, to be found in to-days paper. W e w ill here say that Mr. Dooley’s Toll Road is one of the best m ountain roads we have D r . T. N. S now is authorized to a ct as ever traveled over. Agent for the B ed ro ck D em ocrat at South I daho W orld .—W e see from late num M ountain, Idaho. L. R emillahd and. R .S . C ates are author bers of the Idaho W orld that Tlios. Sutton ized to act as Agents for the D emocrat in lias left the editorial chair and E. W . Union County. Jones has taken his scat, W e think the change w ill be acceptable to the people o f T h e “ líO llallIa,, f o r «11.—.Invalids, by, and especially to the De nervous debility, desirous o f again feeling mocracy. The paper is now Democratic. tbe vigor o f health and vim ofsystem, should G old B a r . —powers a Co., o f R ye Val- take a few bottles of Dr. Henley’s Celebra ! ley, had another bar of 111 20 ounces run at the Assay office of J. W. Virtue on last ted I.' X. L. Bitters. Before one bottle is ’ Monday—the bar was worth $2,210 90. We taken they will feel the dawn of restoration understand tiiat m in in g to the extent o f o f returning health. No case of dyspepsia, fiome five claim s i* still goin g on at Rye indigestion, loss of appetite, Rheumatism, Valley with good results. kidney or liver disease lias ever resisted its R eligious .—Services w ill be held at the restorative power- Every part of the hu man system requires aud should receive ^Episcopal Church next Sunday at the us sustenance and support from the stomach ual hours. New and com fortable seats regulated by the liver. If the stomach can have been put into this church during the not supply the aliment required, the whole system languishes. Fortify your organs of last week. life with these bitters and in a few days you S i c k .— John A. T u ck er, o f Lower Pow will feel yonr whole system invigorated; for der, was taken quite unw ell, with lung every desease arising from disordered liver, com plaint on last Friday, and Dr. Tliibi- stomach or bowels, it is invaluable; it will d o was called in on M onday. W e hope revive your shattered system. Dyspeptics ¡there is nothing serious, and that John and persons of bilious habit should keep it within reach, if they value health and ease. will be around in a few days. n50m3. L eft .— M. Hyde, Superintendent of the Virtue Mine, left for San Francisco on bus IT?” Clias. St. L ou is has located perma iness., lastSunday evening. Messrs. Pear nently in Baker; and is now prepared to man son and T h om e also left last week. ufacture and repair all kinds of jewelry and T h a n k s .—W e return our thanks to II. watches. After twenty-eight years experi N. McKinney for a box of soda .and sarsa ence in the business, he feels competent to parilla, presented to this office.yesterday. give entire satisfaction. Mr. St. Louis, is To S alem .—Sheriff Boyd started for Sa also agent for the best Sewing Machine in lem with two prisoners, Scott and Ship- use, the NewWilson, price, $55,00. Icy, last Saturday evening. A bsent .—Dr. J. M. Boyd w ill be absent from Baker City until July 1st, conse quently he cannot attend to professional calls until after that date. * O pened .—T lie Bakery in the rear o f M c K inney’s Drug Store has been opened by Mr. J. Wagner, who intends to m ake it first class—fam ilies w ill be supplied at their own doors at reduced rates. Too L a te ,—Our letters from the Moun tains and from Connor Creek were both received too late for this week, hut both will appear next week. Money Martet. T H E W lia t a re Y o u r S y m p to m s! Are they pain in right side, yellowness of the eyes, nausea, debility, irregularity of the bowels and headache?' If so. your liver is wrong; and to set it right and give tone and vigor to your system, the one thing needful is TARRANT’S SELTZER APERIENT. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, P R O P R E I T O R S o f t h is ever before offered in this Market. Remember that our Store is in the FIREPROOF BANK BLOCK. BAMBERGER & FRANK. Dec. 1, 1874.n30tf 2 O f Hie C eleb ra ted Organs—new—for sale. enquire at this office. & a m G l T IN -S H O P ! J. H . P A R K E R , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Copper, Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware, M a in S treet, B a k e r C ity , O re g o n . e k e e p s c o n s t a n t l y o x . H hand a full assortment of all articles in his line, such as Mrs. B. C. S iie ie ri & Co., Respectfully inform-the Ladies of Miner’s Hydraulic Pipe, Noz Baker City and vicinity, that they have opened an establishment, at the zles, Butts and Tin Ware. residence of Mrs. R. C. Shepherd, ia Baker City, where they are prepared Also, Every Pattern and Style of to Cut, or Cut « n Make all kinds of S T O V E S . The Celebrated Buck’s Patent „Cooking, and the Onward Parlor Stove are kept on hand, together witli all other styles. ¿ t g >: o w o k Done upon short Notice, and at reasonable Prices. mritf J. H. PARKER. F it s c u b e d Ladies & Childrens Clothing. o All orders from the surrounding Towns and Country will be promptly attended to, at the same prices that our City customers are charged. Stamping for Embroidering and Braiding done to order. f r e e r LATEST FASHIONS Any person suffering from the above dis Received every moaffi, direct from No ease is lequested to address D r . P rice , and York. a trial bottle of medicine will be forwarded Agent for Grover & Baker’s by Express. FR E E !. Sewing Machines. The only cost being the Express charges, which owing to my large business, are small. Mrs. B. C. Shepbere? Dr. Pi ice has made the treatment of FITS OR EPILEPSY IS AGENT FOR a study for years, and he will warrant a cure by the use of his remedy. & Do not fail to send to him for a trial bot tle; it costs nothing, and he W ILL CURE YOU, no matter how long standing your ease may be, or how many other remedies may have Respectfully offers his services i)o the Public failed I n th e c a p a c it y o f Circulars and testimonials sent with . FREE TRIAL BOTTLE. Be particular to give your Express-, as well as your Post Office direction, and JOINER AND Address, G ro w Baler’s Sewiai Mackmes. R. fVS’EN TO SH , D R . C H 4 S . T . P R IC E , G7 W i l l i a m S tr e e t , N e w Y o r k . May 12 1875nlly T \T O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G I V E N All kinds and every D E S C R U P T I O j ST A y ! that all Partnership relations between Oi Work in Wood neatly and promptly done. Dr. J. M. Boyd and H. N. McKinney have Jari. 1, lS73tf. been dissolved by mutual concent. All ac counts against said firm will be settled by H. N. McKinney, and all accounts due said firm S h e e p R a is e r s !! will be paid to him, it is hoped, withot de T o lay. Baker City, Dec. 24, 1874.n35tf Imtorted C otsioil S to © for Bale. N O T IC E . NE O HUNDRED AND F IF T E E N Thorough bred Cotswold Sheep,, EE N O TES tine A . H . B row n lately Head Imported from the best herds in Can must be .paid to me immediately, or A Costs of Action will be incurred. I. D. HAINES, Attorney. n32tf Celebrated Trotting Stallion C O M E T , IE E S T A N D Hie ada. The above Sheep are Full Blooded and as fine as any on the Coast. There are Forty Bucks in the lot. The whole sold' in lots to suit pur chasers', and at REASONABLE PRICES. For particulars, enquire of en su in g W season at Wisdom’s Ranch, 4 miles North of this city, and one day in each week at the Stable of Kilburn & Perkins in Baker City. -Season commencing April 1st, and ending July 1st, 1875. Good pasturage on the premises for the aCCommodation-of patrons from a distance. Mares left at owners risk. For full particulars Ac., see posters. M. D. WISDOM. March 3d, 1875. n43n6. Saw Mill, for Sale. rpH E Uudersigncd will Sell L his half interest in the blue Canyon or Auburn Saw Mill on 'the most liberal terms. The Mill has all new machinery, and is do ing a good cash business. The Mill fur nishes the Marysville Mining Company with 500,009 feet of lumber every month. For particulars enquire at the Mill of b 50; i . G. B. JENNEY. "SENATE” SALOON, Charley Sehellworth Opposite Pap Leveus on Front Street,, March 3, 1875.n43tf M S ta n d a r d Y. Pfeifienberger, Proprietor, Bit Saloon. D R E S S For particular! popular place of resort take pleasure in informing the public that now has charge of the Bar, where he deals nothing but tbe best of Wines, Liquors, and Cigars, and will be pleased to have his friends give him a call. This is a )KS” Thankful for the liberal manner which I have heretofore been patronized, I hope by fair and honorable dealing t<J merit a continuance o f the same. S. OTTENHEIMER. Virtue Block, Baker City, Oct. 7,1873. n22 B A K E R C IT Y , O R E G O N . h e b e st of w in e s , e i - T quors aud all other kinds of drinks, kept constantly on band, and the cosiest re treat for the innocent amusements of Peuro1 Sell Out, Pictorial reading &c., jn Baker City. noOtf, REID & FLETCHER, n24tf far Baker City, Cgn, , (tjnn H e r D a y . A -g € » fe W a a te il. tj)j tU Qill A ll classes o f working p eo p le of both s.-xes, young and eM, make more money at work torus, in their own localities, during their spare moments, or all the time, than at any thing else. We offer employ ment that will pay handsomely for every hour’s work. Full particulars, terms, Ac.,, sent free. Send us your address at once. Don’t delay. Now is the time. Don’t look for work or business elsewhere, until yois have learnhd what we offer. G. STINSON & CO., nSSy Portland, Maine. T . JNT. S n o w « A T . D . Physician and Surgeon* Soitl! M o ita ii, Mali#. MEDICAL EXAMINER, For the New Y ork .L ife Insurance Co. n44tf .A-uction House, BAKER CITY, LEVENS & SMALL, Auctioneers«. Regular Salo Day, E V E R Y SA TU R D A Y.. Sales made in every portion o f tbe County » March 17th, I875,n4.5tf,j ! I