F IT S CU RED F R E E D 138. Grant could get all these to-day and 17 G E N E R A L N E W S IT E M S . (vy the House can hold the purse strings tight Any person suffering the above chs- more would give him a majority. and defy the Senate and its Felfish allies. So The ex-Confederate General, J. B-. Hood, oaaa L i panes ted to address Dm P bice , ana We condense the following news items who lost the battle o f Nashville, bas just be a trial bottle o f medicine will he forwarded tlie"o is every prospect of an interesting ses from the Owyhee Avalanche: gun farming in Minnesota. by Express. ^ sion next winter.” J. 31. S H E P H E R D , E d i t o r . There is a strong party in Germany m fa Reports from Los Angeles says that the N O R T H A N D SO U TH . The only cost being the Express charges, grape crop this year will be an average one. vor of another war with France. They in Another fool is dead. Signor Warbanna, sist that France shall agree to surrender to which owing to my large business, are small. An Exchange very truthfully says: “ At B a k e r C ity , M a y 1 9 , 1 8 7 5 . Germany the fortress ot Belfort, limit the Dr. Pi ice has made the treatment oi Richmond,- Va., on the night o f April the sword swallower recently cut himself in strength of her actual army to a certain ternally while performing in Maine and FITS O'R EPILEPSY 28th, a large' number of ex-Confederates, number of men, to be prescribed by Jr® * died. THE BEDROCK DEM OCRAT a study for years, and he will warrant a euro many, and pay the latter Government the including general, field and staff officers, We congratulate Oregon on securing the sum of 10,000,000 fiances in twenty year in bv the use of his remedy. . . , . h a s tile L a r g e s t C ir c u la tio n o f a n y | serenaded Gen. NY. F. Bartlett, of that contract for the construction of an iron re Do not fail to send to him for a trial bot stallments. ____ city, but formerly of Massachusetts, in ac venue cutter on the Willamette river. P a p e r P u b lis h e d in E a ste rn O re g o n . tle; it costs nothing, and he knowledgment of his speech at the Lex- Ben Wade, of Ohio, declines emphatically A New York correspondent says that out W ILL CURE YOU, C ir c u la tio n 9 0 0 c o p ie s . | ington Centennial celebration. In his re side pages o f more than three hundred to be a candidate for Governor against Gov no matter how long standing your case may ply to a complimentary address by Gener county newspapers are printed in that city, ernor Allen, the present democratic incum be, or how many other remedies may have al Bradley T. Johnson, on the part o f the from which the term “ patent outside” bent. The reasons he gives are, first, that R E A L RETRENCHM ENT. ' failed aiises. These papers are forwarded to the Confederates, Gen. Bartlett said: “ The his voice is ¿¡o used up that he has not been Circulars and testimonials sent with The following article we take from the rural journalists,' who fill up the inside. able to make a speech for years; and, second, chief defect in the great fabric o f our Un FREE TRIAL BOTTLE. New York Sun o f May 7tb. It has the ion, which while it existed rendered a per We are in receipt o f a copy of the Stock he says that it has always been a fundamen true ring about and states facts that the fect harmony of interests impossible, has Exchange, the first number of which will be tal principal with him aud which he has nev Be particular to give your Express, as well issued in San Francisco May 17th. er violated, that the office should seek the as your Post Office direction, and people should study: been rudely swept away, leaving a struc Governor Tilden, of New York, ii-making man and not the man the office. He says Address, “ Until the public expenditures are re ture more permanent, more full of glori himself very popular with the people, by that lie early took a solemn oath that he D R . C H A S . T . P R IC E , duced to a permanent peace basis, such as ous possibilities, than our fathers dared to his unconditional war a;,ainst rings in gen would never stump for an office that he was G7 W i l l i a m S tre e t, N e w A o r k . existed before the civil war, but allowing hope for. To cement this new Union on a eral and the great canal fraud in particular. himself to fill, and that he would sooner May 12 1875nlly for the intermediate growth of the coun sounder foundation and avail ourselves o f A lady wlio resides in Winnemucea has “ beg for old clothes” than solicit any mor try', the present extravagance and the tax the promises of the future is a solemn drawn a prize of $500 in the Havana lottery. tal man for a position. He further says C O N S U M P T IO N C U R E D . that these will no doubt be considered very ation necessary to maintain it must con task well-fitted to these centennial years. Samuel F. Lutterworth, a noted citizen old-fasliion ideas, but that “ if this glorious tinue. This is a self-evident proposition. As soldiers who fought the battle out in of San Francisco died recently at the age of government is ever ruined, it «ill be by of To the E dito r of the B edrock D emocbat : The Republicans have made no honest good faith , you can wield the strongest in 65 years. fice-seekers.” Esteemed Friend:—Will you please inform A few weeks ago an Italian newspaper re etfort during the last six years ofGrantism fluence for peace and right. Your worst your readers that I have a positive to curtail these expenses. enemies at the South are the lew men marked. “ General Grant will, with bis own CURE FOR CONSUMPTION “ The Ku-Klux bills, enforcement acts, here and there who talk more bravely hands, place the beretta on Mokloky’s head. and all disorders of the Throat and Lungs, The ship Niagara, from Liverpool arrived and other violent legislation, were in* than they fought, a n i it is the same<at the and that, by its use in my practice, 1 have in New York on the 4th of April, after a vented for partisan objects, and as preten North ; but the people there, tired of these stormy passage. She was loaded with salt cured hundreds of cases, and will give AGENCY OF THE ces for enormous appropriations of public politicians whose voices are stilt for wan and arsenic. During the voyage the arsenic $ 1,000 00 raouey. The patronage thus created was are fast replacing them hy men of less sel - packages had broken more or less, and their for a case it will not benefit. Indeed, so distributed in the Senate and House of fish purpose, whose views are bounded by contents had impregnated the salt when strong is my faith, I will send a S a m p le , Representatives, so that the Republican no narrow lines o f State or section or par New York was reached. . OF free, to any sufferer addressing me. The Milwaukee Sentinel says Omaha lost a majorities may be said to have had a per ty , but who desire justice and prosperity Please show this letter to any one you may H A R T F O R D , CON N. know who is suffering from these diseases, sonal interest in keeping up this costly for all. The war through which we passed magnificent chance of - census taking while the delayed Union Pacific passengers were and oblige, and corrupt system. developed and proved on both sides the crowded together there. Faithfully Tours, “ A reaction has commenced, and the noble qualities of American manhood.— Cash Assets, 1 1,852,302,82 Canada wants a cardinal, does she? If D R . T. F. BU RT, country has emphatically pronounced It has lefttb us soldiers once foes, now she will annex, she may have ours, and wel- (VJ W i l l i a m S t ., N ew Y o r k . Annual Income, 1,700,000,00 against these prodigal practices. Reform friends, a memory of hard fought fields, of came. May 12 1875nln26 is demanded, not only because it is right fearful sacrifices, of heroic valor, and it Operating conjointly with the H ome I n Hooley’s Comedy Company have arrived iu itself, but for the more urgent reason of has taught us the lessoisfco be transmitted in San Francisco. surance Co, ok N ew Y ork in this Depart Dissolution Notice. a general prostration in trade and busi to our children that divided we are terri President Grant is reported to have said ment, enabling the P hcexix to safely assume ness, which exacts economy from theState ble, united we are forever invincible.” — that he would remove and appoint men here large lines, and affording its patrons the am plest security. m l l E p a r tn e r s h ip .h e r e to fo r e as well as fiom the individual citizen. E\ ery where the spirit and tone of the Un after without giving any reasons for his ac Aggregate Assets exceed J exsisting between S* A. Gaines and G. J, “ It is alleged by the authors and abet ion General Bartlett’s speech at Lexing tions. Improve your time, old man. Bowman was on Monday the 3d day of May, tors of the existing scale of expenditures ton, and the Confederate General Evan’s A dispatch from Ottawa says it is repor $7,500,000,00,— Gold. 1875, dissolved by mutual conset. All the tirât a positive reduction cannot be made speed) at Augusta, are heartily commend ted that the Dominion Government will notes and accounts due the late firm are without a shock to the whole public ser ed. The Philadelphia Inquirer declares, make a demand on the Government of this placed in the hands o f J. W. Virtue for col Policies Issued and Renewed direct by vice. That may be true, but it does not that if the press o f the country would country for reparation for violation of treaty lection, and an early settlement of the same in imposing a duty on cases containing per- affect the necessity of the proposed reme unite to scatter broadcast the noble, man served fish imported into this country. will save costs. S. A. GAINES. John J. Coffey, Agent, G. J. BOWMAN. dy. When a limb is amputated to pre ly sentiments of the soldiers of the two ar \Ve have seen fleas buzzing round elephants BAKER CITY, OREGON. May 3d 1875nln5. serve the life of a human being, it of course mies , “ a real peace would be quickly es before. May 19, 187*>-n2nl5 shocks the system, and a wooden leg or tablished bet ween the North -and South.” It was thought that the expected quiet arm is no particular ornament or conveni W. P. IRLAND. L. J. ESTES. It adds: “ Reconstruction and union, to in Louisiana would enable the Administra ence. But this local privation bears no be real, must be matters o f feeling and in tion to spare a few troops to protect the OFFICE OF THE comparison with the life which surgery terest, not of legislation. The North and Texan frontier but as it was feared that four Radicals might be unseated in the Louisana saved. AT South must begin to be J u st, one to the Legislature, the Texans were left to work “ Chronic abuses have grown up and fas other—each to recognize the good there is out their own salvation. -A-action* tened themselves on all the departments, in each, and to strive to become better ac Mr. Morton avows himself a candidate H E R E w ill b e solil a t P u b lic A u c N o. 1 0 5 T h ir d S tre e t, which cat. only be removed bv the knife. quainted. They only want to know each for President. He does not tolerate the tion in Baker City, on the No tampering with them or quackery will other better, to like each other better, and third-term movement as even a possibility. TWENTY-FIFTH DAY OF MAY, satisfy the exigency. They must be cut they only want the bitterness o f the war P o r tla n d , O r e g o n . A man 104 years old passed through a large lot of new and elegant Furniture, Omaha recently for the East. He was an out, root and branch, like a consuming to be forgotten to induce the South as well consisting of Parlor Furniture, Two Bed cancer, witli a stern nerve, a cool head, as the North to keep step to the music of intimate friend of George Washington. Room Sets complete, New Brussels Carpets; The trustees of the Caledonia mine have and a steady hand. Lounges and Settees, Beaureaus, cushioned The Singer Manufacturing Company the Union. And if Decoration-day shall •‘The cost ot carrying on the Govern bring tliis about, it should come to be con levied an assessment of $3 per share, delin and plain chairs, Mirrors, oil paintings and sold 219,758 Machines in 1872. Pictures, and Kitchen Furniture Ac, in ment can be reduced fifty millions of dol sidered the best of all the days in the year quent June 12th. abundance. The above articles are all new The Singer Manufacturing Company lars a year, without impairing the effici —the day which brought peace and good The Jefferson Mining Co. have declared aud iu good order. sold 232,444 Machines in 1873. ency of m honest administration. To do will to once warring brothers of North and their 2d dividend of 50cts per share payable Baker City, May 19th, 1875n2td. tliis effectively, tiic magnificence ofgener- South.” The Springfield Union says:— on the 15th inst. The Singer Machine is a Shuttle als and admirals must give way to sim “ Had the centennial era opened fifteen Machine. Usual dividends of California Powder COKNER SALOON. ple habits, sinecures must be abolished, years ago, it is quite likely that the civil The Singer Machine makes tlie lock Works and GiantPowdor Works will be paid and public officers become servants of the war would have been postponed, on ac siitch and will not rip. people who are taxed to pay their sala count of the exaltation of the patriotic sen on the 15th inst. B A K E R C IT Y , OREGO N. The Singer Machine is the s t a n d a r d Manhattan Mining Co. have declared their ries. timent. Perhaps it was better the war M a c h i n e o f the W o k l d . H E R E tlio b e st o f W in e s , L iq u o rs “ Let us see how this reduction can he should.come then and be got over with; first dividend of §1 per share payable on tlie and Cigars are kept. This Saloon has The Singer Machine is sold at $10. accomplished without harm or injustice. but from the revival of the spirit of na 16th. inst. been entirely refitted and is now one of the per month or on note or a liberal During the last five years the army, under tionality and patriotic enthusiasm in the The S. F. Gas Light Co. have declared neatest and most pleasant places of resort in Grant, has averaged a cost of $43,500,000 centennial season now upon us, we may a dividend of H of 1 per cent payable Satur the City. This Saloon is on the corner op discount for Cash. per annum in round nunbers for 25,000 confidently expect a beneficial and power day. posite to The Singer Machine is fully war men. It is contended that 10,000 soldiers ful influence in reuniting North and South VIRTUE’S BANK. ranted for five years. The number of Sunday schools in the are abundant for all warns; but a reduc in devotion to a common country.” May 18th, 1875,n2tt. United States is 68,209; teachers 740,979; The Singer Machine will do any tion of one-tliird alone o f the average out scholars 5,627,361 according to report oi work that can he done on any M a lay would save §14,500,000 a year. LATE NEWS. TOM DEALY. WILL TWEEDIE. statistical Secretary of the International chine in the TForld. “ The navy during the same period has Sunday School Convention, now in session DEALY & TWEEDIE, C h i c a g o , May 10.— Some of the political averaged $23 500,000 • in round numbers, The Singer Machine is easy to learn, at Baltimore. friends of Blaine, who have arrived here runs light, made strong and has a against about $13,000,000 a year preceding The Mavk Lane Express of yesterday says B la c k s m ith s , straight needle. the rebellion, when it had double the vigor. within the last few days, are quietly can the late rains have done immense good vassing the political situation. They frank Having Leased the Shop formerly The Singer Machine is put up for A return to the old scale would save $10,- ly state that Blaine is an avowed candi and lowered the price of grain. The crop in occupied by S. B. McCord, at the 000.000 per annum. durability and any person can pay date for the Presidency, and believe that France is stated to be promising and wheat “ The civil and miscellaneous expenses for if a convention Wore held to-day he would 6 pence to a shilling lower, many oi the for one in work. Head o f Main Street, these five years have averaged $65,500,000 a secure the nomination. They state that British provincial markets show a similar The Singer Machine is used hy B A K E R CITY, OREGON, year, against $26,000,000 a year for the five Blaine’s policy from now until the meet decline, T h o u s a n d s who make Buck Skin The grand jury at Washington came into TJiey are prepared to do work in all years preceding the rebellion. This mon ing of next Congress will be silence. They gloves. strous difference is partially explained by are somewhat curious to discover the court yesterday and presented an indictment the various branches of their busi The Singer Machine will sew from the prodigality in public buildings all over meaning of the Treasury changes, which, against Bill King for perjury. ness on short notice and at reasona-' the finest cambric to the heaviest they imagine, may have political import. The would be assassins of Bismarck have ble prices. the country, the multiplication of offices, They seem to think the removal o f Doug heaver. and jobbery in a variety o f forms. A reduc lass is, to some extent, a blow at Pennsyl been arrested. H o r se S h o ein g The Singer Machine has a reputa vania, and , of course, regret it, for they The Grand Army .Reunion under the au* tion of $20,000,000 a year at the very lowest have considered Pennsylvania as one of W ill receive our most careful atten tion which no other Machine can Blame’s strongholds. They maintain spices of the Grand Army Republic convenes tion, aud w8 will warrant entire sat is practicable without derangement. excel. that the indications of the last two months at Chicago to-day. isfaction. “ The Indian service has averaged more plainly show that Bristow himself is a The Singer Machine for family use Judge James Pauli, of West Virginia Su Geo. J. Bowman will attend to the than $6,500,000 a year for this period,[against Presidential aspirant, a fact which ap pears to be believed by all the principal preme Court died yesterday at Pittsburg. is named the N e w F a m i l y . wood work department of onr W ag about $3,500,000 for the corresponding time political people who have recently been The Singer Machine for Tailor’s use J. G. Maxwell an old and respected citizen on Shop. beiore the rebellion, when the Indians were here. is uamod the N e w M e d i u m . of San Diego, suicided yesterday. B eeclier—T ilto u -ic s . nearly double their present number. Thus Call and see us, and examine our Red Cloud, Spotted Tail and seventeen Tho Singer Machine for Shoe mak $3,000,000 a year can easily he saved from work. The Beecher case was in progress May 13th ers is named the No. 2. s t a n d a r d . this source, These four appropriation bills ani several witnesses were recalled and ex other Sioux arrived at Cheyenne recently on D E A L Y & T W E E D IE , would, with the proposed reductions, give amined and other testimony introduced. the way to Washington to attend to the sale May 10, 1875.n ltf The Singer Machine for Saddlers’ is of the Black H ills. the followings savings, respectively: named the No. 3. I. V . P. In tlie afternoo'n the counsel on both sides Bark Cora Lynn from Darien is reported Army $14,500,000 [ Miscel. civil $20,000,000 Photograph Gallery. The Singer Machine is going to he announced that they had nothing else to of JSavy .. 10,000,000 j Indian service 3,000,000 fer. It was understood that only one of lost with the Captain and five men. sold in Eastern Oregon, on easy A Washington dispatch says it is under O R N E R o f M a in S tre e t an d terms to suit every person. Total..................................... $47,500,000 Tilton’s counsel would sum up, and Evarts stood in the case of the Union Paciffic Rail Court. Avenue opposite the Bank, Baker “ Heretofore there has been a deficiency and Porter would do so for Beecher. Evarts road that the decision will be postponed City Oregon. Where Pictures will b© made The Sieger Machine uses the finest stated that together they would not occupy bill resulting from excessive and unauthor until one week from Monday, and it will be in ail the popular styles, in a superior man cotton and heaviest linen thread ner. 1 will remain in this place but a short ized outlays by the heads of departments, more than five days. In view of time taken against the Government. or silk twist. to get in evidence he would suggest that the ranging from two to eleven millions every Court adjourn until Wednesday next. This Politicians at Washington, friends of Blaine time, and feel confident, I will satisfy all The Singer Machine should he seen wiio may favor mo with tlieir patronage. year, There is no reason why that excre was ageeed to. state that he is an avowed candidate of the h . c. T a n d y to be appreciated. Republicans for the Presidency. scence should not be cut off, and all con May 12 1875nltf. N ew Y ork , May 14. The Singer Machine is no cheap af The fire at Brooklyn, N. Y., resulted in a tracts beyond the limit of appropriations be Tilton’s letters to Woodhull are being fair but a genuine live article. explicitly forbidden by severe penalties for published. One of them commences “ My loss of half a million. Insurance $180,000. Call and Settle- The p a t e n t s on th e Singer Machine It ¡is said that Senator Sargent is deter- disobedience. Dear Victoria: I have arranged with Frank holds good for five and seven miccd to retire from public life at the close O T IC E is U ereljy g iv e n t h a t I h a v e ‘ The public printing house is a source of that you shall see Beecher, at my house years yet, regardless of all others. leased my Blacksmith and Wagon shops of the present term of office. corruption, and ought to be abolished en on Friday, night.” to Dealy & Tweedie, and have closed my Another says:- “ I am expecting you at At Springfield, Mo., Sunday, sixteen busi business. All those indebted to S. B. Mc The Singer Machine will be sold iu tirely. Two millions a year are expended dinner at 7. It will be a picnic frolic. upen it, nearly half of which goes into tbs ness houses and dwellings were burned. Cord, or McCord Brothers, are hereby noti Baker City and County, by pockets of a Ring. The Department of Three of us around a center-table supplied To.al loss not known. One block valued at fied that they must now come forward and IR L A N D & E S T E S , settle their accouuts. Money must come, Justice squandered over two millions a year with Frank’s Burgundy. Will call for you $50,000. and there is no use talking, if you do not set n49m6 Agents. The lower House of the South Carolina tie with me. you mu t with an attorney. ’ on marshals and deputies, for partisan pur in a carriage. You will stay all night at Legislature, just before adjournment, voted poses. The Post Office is now paying sev Emma’s.” 8. B. McCORD. Anothor says: “ I have a room at the their chaplain $300 for praying “ with credit Baker City, May 10th 1875nltf. For Sale, eral millions a year to a Ring of. contractors ‘ y. ho succeeded through straw bids and the Fifth Avenue Hotel where I shall stay a few to himself a nd satisfaction to the House.” E I N G d e siro u s»o r C h a n g in g Dr. C. J. Taft. The Graphic gloats over the fact that Sto connivance of the late Post-Master-General. days, until Frank’s return. I will drive up my business I offer for Sale my with you in your carriage at'5 o’clock.” rey of the Chicago Times has been mulcted The expenses of the Senate and House of Having permanently located in Alluding to the decline of oratory, Senator in $25,000. Possibly some faint explanation . Representatives, with a costly Capitol police BAKER CITY, Booth, said at Terre Haute, I he other day, of this mirth on the Graphic may be found which are si tuated at the head of Main Street of idlers, ought to be cut down one-third at “ I he journalist has acquired the influence jti the fact that its managers were once con offers his professional services to the citizens in Baker City, Oregon. They are good and the first dash. of Baker and vicinity, and will give special and consequence which the orator has tost. Shops with good and a sufficient nected with the Times and left very suddely. attention to Surgery and diseases of Women roomy “ In every aspect, fifty millions of reduc amount oi tools ior wagon and buggy work A Western lunatic has been skulking Horatio Seymour has spoken upon the and Children. and light and Heavy forging, all in good orl tion is a moderate estimate for retrenchment around the White House, Washington latey O ffice — First door south of Western dei. 1 here is one bencli and three fires and Presidental question and his remarks are Hotel. and the margin might easily be enlarged by with a loaded pistol, and recently, remarks a a good run o f custom. Terms to suit the a- close examination of all tlie items in detail. cotemporarv, the detectives unfortunately worthy of consideration. In his opinion the R esidence — First building west of Catho times, i or further particulars enquire on Democratic nomination lies between Tilden, lic Church. the premises ot We have reason to . believe that the new captured him. May 12 I875nltf. Two companies ofethe Second Cavalry left Church, Hendricks and Thurman. S. B. McCORD. . House of Represen latieves will insiss gener M.arch 10th, 1875.n44tf. Although over 300 immigrants have ar ally upon scaling the appropriations on this Omaha barracks on the 5th inst, for Camp Administrator’s Notice. broad basis. Any other course would dis Robinson to relieve troops who go to scour rived iu Linn county, Oregon this spring, For Sale. nearly all of them are already established in the Black Hills for trespassers. appoint the public expectation. O T IC E is h e re b y given th a t There are 1,500 thoroughly organized base some sort of business or occupation which A n L. B , Ison was, on the 4th day of May “ The Senate will resist any such economy, IN E I G H T -M E D I U M ,c y lin d e r 1875, appointed by the Hon. Probate court t A affords them a livelihood. • and he backed by all the power of the Pres ball.clubs in the.United States. x . Press, in go.od running order. Can Ex Governor English of C onnebticut, who Those people who think it impossible for administrator of the estate of John Clibourn take from 600 to 800 impressions per hour. ident, the army and navy, and the wide deceased. All persons having claims against spread influence ofparonage in all its seduc has just returned from a Southern trip, gives President Grant to get a nomination for a the estate, will present the same to the un Six fonts of type, all new except one whicli has been in use about two years. Suitable tive and treacherous forms. The issue will it as his deliberate opinion that “ Texas third term have not looked at the figures. dersigned at his office in Baker City Oiegon for a business man, an amateur or printer with proper vouchers, within six months . then be made up squarely before the couu- is bound to be one of the most flourishing of There will be 369 votes in the convention. Will be sold at cost. Enquire at B edrock from date. L. B. ISON, Administrator. D emocrat office. . , - try, and if the worst copies to the worst, the States. O f these the 16 Southern States will have Baker City May 11th 1875nlno March 10th 1875. n44tf PHCENII INSURANCE COMPANY, T im it u r e for sale . Tlie Singer lannfactnring Coinjaiiy, T B A N K I N G H O U SE OF J A S .W . VIRTUE, BaKer Oity, OREGON, F ays tlie Highest Price for G O L D DUST GOLD AND SILVER BARS, ’ And Transacts a General Banking, Collection AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. Interest alfiowed on Special Deposits. C o u n t y O r d e r s B o u g h t a n d Sold. A complete ASSAY OFFICE Is in Connection with the Bank. We make it a branch of our businosj to give Correct Information in regard tho to Mining Interests of E a ste r n Oregon. Dec. i, 1874.n30y J A S . A . P I N N E Y & CO., B o is e C ity , Id a h o , GENERAL NEWS AGENTS A N D DEALERS IN Bools, Stationery, Cleas Pilicalis, TOYS, YANKEE NOTIONS, ¿ c . I V E Subscription» all of tho loading; W E for, R E and C E furnish P e r io d ic a ls , M a g a z in e s «Si Newspaper» published in New York, Philadelphia, Bos ton, Sacramento and San Francisco, at Pub lisher’s rates. B O O K S A S P E C IA L T Y . Any Rook published in the United Staten» furnished by us at Boise City, at Publisher’». Prices. We are in constant receipt of NEW BOOKS of all kinds. SCH OOL B O O K S, A large supply constantly on hand, at Cat alogue Prices. Orders from a distance solicited and satis faction guaranteed. JAMES A. PINNEY & CO- Feb. 1, 1875.n39ly ROSS & FLETCHER, Proprietors, W C THE BEST IN THE WOKLD. no h o u s e k e e p e r c a n m a k e s w e e t WHOLESOME b r e a d w it h o u t it . AXD. Tliis well known and long established YEAST POWDER is now in great demand. Sales increasing daily. Now 25 grnss ptr day to tlie trade. D. CALLAGHAN now- sole manufacturer and proprietor, uses no- drugs—no bone dust; pure white cream of Tartar,.imported direct and ground on the premises , being tlie chief ingredient. A lw ays on hand and for sale at lowest prices: Cnllag-Itaii’ s Y c a s t P o w r lc r , in i lb cam, . a superior article. C a lla g h a n 's C re a m o f T a r ta r , in all style o f packages. C a lla g h a n ’ s P u r e E n g lis h Bi-cnrbo* n a t e o f S o d a a n d S a lcra tu s. FOR SALE BY’ A L L GROCERS. — ALSO----- C re a m o f T a r t a r C r y s ta ls a n d Engllik B i-ea rI> on a te o f S o d a , In keg*. FOR SALK BV D. C A L L A G H A N A CO., 9fannfaetnr< 121 FRONT STREET, San Francisco. n513m. x Notice of Dissolution of C op artw l. N O T IC E is h e r e b y given that the copartnership heretofore exud ing between the undersigned in the Hotel business in Baker City, Baker County, Ore gon, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business hereafter will be con ducted by O. H. Clement who will pay the indebtedness of the firm and who alone i» authorized to collect and receipt for debt» due the same. Dated at Baker City this 10 th day of March 1875. O. H. CLEMENT. A.. SICOKD. N B Blactsinitl ani Wagon Shop. A most pleasant and invigo.------ tonic. R ecom m ended by all the eml- nent Physicians throughout the United States. Every family should have it ln tb« house. Read certificates on each bottle. 8°^ by all Liquor Dealers and Druggist»- H, E P ST E IN & CO., Sole Proprietors. 518 F ront S t ., S a n F rancisco » C*1"