i lim o n a i No wall, turn gins ingej spot, The ed ' the? chc car. the ous ove smi ein law the vet liv< wo? I Jac dav the «1 I i j 1 «‘W | tio 1 I er she i. reír Frc the i an< Fi­ ll \ ; ma it Kr iJy mi ma am : mi ge Lli we the dii He en wa eu th J hu wc dr coi foj ou wa pe m co oi th. to Ï» ei hi V/ ; I tij th th c¿ \\ fa fi< to • ' m tl: P> ol ei ta li. si tl s< 8j| ii ic ti b t< t< r r t « « v a J. M. S H E P H E R D , E d i t o r . Baker City, May 12, 1S75. THE BEDROCK DEMOCRAT hag tlie Largest Circulation of any Paper Published in Eastern Oregon. Circulation 900 copies. THAT -‘TIDAL WAVE.'' The following article we ta k e from F ra n k L eslie’s Illu strated N ew spaper. It portrays th e political, situ atio n so tru th ­ fully th a t we cannot do b etter than give th e -Buhóle article to our readers. The peo­ ple in th e E a st as w ell as in th e South and W est, aré becom ing alarm ed a t th e rapid strides th a t a re being m ade by the G rant A d m in istratio n tow ards a centralized gov­ ernm ent, and the leading papers of the E a s f 'hre now sounding the notes of alarm , as th e follow ing article w ill fully show: “ The returns from Connecticut show clearly enough th a t the elections of last A u tu m n were no m ere spasm odic dem on- stiAtions of popular discontent or tem po­ ra ry local feeling, b u t proofs of a deliber­ ate d eterm ination on the p a rt of the peo­ ple to overthrow th e p resen t a d m in istra ­ tion o f national affairs. The R epublicans m ig h t well have hoped to achieve a vic­ tory. They had the prestige of a quasi- sucoess in New H am p sh ire; they h ad plen. ty ’o f money-; th e ir m o st po p u lar speakers w ere enlisted for the canvass; th e ir in te r­ ests in th e issue were vital. The D em o­ crats, on the other h a n d , were notoriously unprovided w ith th e sinews of w ar, an d went into the contest with noth in g but th eir •principles to sustain them . T h at these principles triu m p h ed against am ple m ean s and governm ental Influence is a clear proof th a t the po p u lar se n tim e n t i s decisively adverse to G ian tism an d so- called R epublicanism . E v en G en. Haw- icy, the only m an on the tick et who did n o t Indorse each an d every act of Ulysses, was ingloriously defeated. The so m uch ta lk e d of “ tidal w ave” was no sporadic freak of the ocean, but th e charging v a n ­ guard of a victorious elem e n t. The victo­ ry in C onnecticut is a substantial an d pro­ phetic achievem ent. It will give h e a rt to th e patriots of o th er S ta te s, and foreshad­ ows a n atio n al triu m p h . Citizens o f o th er s ta te s have on ly to em u late th e wise a d ­ m inistration o f affairs inaugurated by the people o f C onnecticut to win p o p u lar con­ fidence an d to r illy to th e ir banners alj .those who are sick and ash a m e d of the oonditiou into w hich the affairs of our n o ­ ble republic have sunk under the w eight e f the p arty w hich has bribed and cheated . an d craw led its way into power. “ 'The struggle for th e overthrow o f exist­ ing ty aan n y and ma'iifeasance com es a t an opportune m om ent. The approaching C entennial revives .all the m om ories of a "’»forious and stainless past. The record ■of ‘the R evolutionary struggle will be read ¡again and again by- the th ird generation ■from its inception;; and th e contrast be­ tw een the past and present ca n n o t bu t be ap p reciated pt its full v alu e. W e sh all ¡see, toy th e rek in d led lig h t, thsjt th e w rongs ¡perpetrated by th e M inistry of ¡George II I . were trifles in com parison with (the oomsuimmated outrages of A m erican (citiiae-KS we h av e trusted , loaded w ith fa­ v o rs, an-ffl raised to power. W e sh all be led to in stitu te a com parison betw een W ashington and G ra n t—betw een th e m an w ho m ig h t have retained power .for his lifetim e .-and scorned to avail h im self of h is pes-sonal popularity to become a pert- pettiai Dictator, an d the m a n who, tried in th e balance and found w anting, is still « train in g every ñervo an d em ploying ove- xy corrupt m eans to obtain a th ird n o m i­ n atio n , which m ig h t lead to a v irtu al over throw .of republican in stitu tio n s o* this t — < continent. “ B ut such voices as now com e to us from Connecticut assure us th a t the republic m u st and will be preserved, an d th a t the A m erican people are prepared to rep u d i­ ate w ith scorn the th eo ry th a t, o u t of a p o p ulation of forty m illions, there is only one m an capable of conducting the Gov­ e rn m e n t as its Executive. This doctrine, how ever disguised, is nothing bu t the ex ­ pression of autocracy. I t is Caesarism pure an d sim ple. Let but this doctrine be successively asserted, and the best we can hope for in the future is the fact of im p eri­ alism w ith the form of a republic. B ut,in th e ev en t hinted a t, “ Ctesar w ith a Senate a t his h eels,” w ould h ard ly be content w ith a “ de facto” triu m p h over republican principles. The insignia of em pire would h a rd ly be dispensed w ith , and the visible throne and purple, a vulgar an d v en al no­ b ility , titles, stars and g arte rs, would not toe long in adding to the pom p, pride and circum stances of triu m p h an t u su rp atio n .” veloped to compare favorably with them. It is at least 350 miles from here to Salem, ninety miles of which has to be made over­ land. The time necessarily consumed is sufficient to destroy any kind of vegetable products that the people of this section of “sagebrush and sand” might desire to place on exhibition, in order- to call attention to the products of Eastern Oregon. The dis­ tance is so great that no stock can be taken from here in condition to compete with stock of like character Irom the Willamette valley, without an immense outlay of time and money. People from East of the moun­ tains have yearly visited the State Fair at Salem in great numbers, and each time have ceme away convinced that the main .object is to gather in the surplus loose change that people from this section usually put in cir­ culation when they take a trip tor pleasure^ The 0. S. N. Co., the hotels and railroads all reap a rich harvest, and pronounce the State Fair a “ big thing,” while the wandering sight seer returns in disgust, usually from one hundred to one hundred and fifty dol­ lars out, and pronounces it a humbug.” “The people of Eastern Oregon have en­ tered, of late years, largely into the breed­ ing and importing of fine stock. They have cattle, horses, sheep, hogs, and poultry that will compare favorably with any on the Pa­ cific Coast. They desire to meet together and exhibit their stock and agricultural pro­ ducts, and compare notes and learn from each other the valuable experiences and les­ sons of the past. In order to do so it be­ comes necessary to concentrate and select some place nearer home than Salem.” “ The people of Union County have went to work with a will and completed a Fair Ground which far excels anything in this State. The actual improvements have cost over four thousand dollars; the race track is the best north of San Franoisoo; tliey have ample room for stock of all kinds. The two Fairs heretofore held in this county, have been conducted with such fairness and impartiality as to attraet the attention of the numerous visitors who have been in atten­ dance. The locality is a central one for all the settled country East of the Cascades. Persons from Wasco, Grant, Umatilla, Union, Baker and Walla Walla, can meet here and hold a Fair at a very trifling ex­ pense, compared to making a trip to Salem. They will thus keep many thousands of dol­ lars in Eastern Oregon, where they “need it in their business*” “The stock holders of the Union County Agricultural Society are willing to dispose of stock to citizens of any pf the adjoining coun­ ties, at just what it has cost on the dollar to make the improvements that have been erected, or they are willing to furnish the grouds and cordially invite the neighboring counties to meet with them, and all e.xhibit on the same footing and without any (dis­ tinction as to locality. Last year the Union County Agricultural Society paid out about $1,700 in premiums. If it was known thai the people of all the countios East of the Cascades would heartily join in holding a consolidated Fair, the list of purses and premiums would be materially enlarged, and indue :meuts would be offered to our neigh­ bors of Western Oregon, or any other locali­ ty, to come forward and compete for tho prizes.” “ We think we can say, without boasting, that we have in Eastern Oregon, horses that will go against anything that can be brought from any part of the Pacific Coast, and men who will back them in a substan­ tial and interesting manner; nor do we re­ fer to one or two. We have swift runners, fast trotters and strong pullers. We live in a stock country and have the stock to prove it. We also desire to place the time of hold­ ing the Fair so as not to conflict with the State Fair I f possible, and if such a time could be agreed upon, would very respect­ fully invite opr Western Oraegon neighbors, whom we have visited so often, to come and see us. We have a house now and are anx­ ious to entertain them- We hope the pa­ pers of Eastern Oregon and Washington Territory will lay this matter before their readers, and invite any correspondence on the subject to be directed to W. J. Snodgrass, Secretary of the Union County Agricultural Society, OroDell. The Editor of the D emocrat is recovering from his late severe ill­ ness and is ’able to be around, but we must confess that we do not yet feel in the mood to write long and bitter editorials yet, but hope soon to get clown to our regular work, then look out for breakers. There are several subjects of interest to the EASTERN OREGON FAIR. tax-payers of our county that wo in­ Below we copy an article, from the La tend to ventilate. Grande Sentinel in relation to an Eastern Oregon Fair. We think the suggestions made by the Sentinel .are good and should bo acted upon by the farmers and Stout; raisers of Baker County, as well as in all other portions of Eastern Oregon. The Union County Agricultural Society has as flue and convenient Fair Ground as can be found in the State. Their Race Track is as good as any other on the coast. They invite the people of Eastern Oi-egon to unite with them in getting up a good Fair sometime this Fall, with the assurance on their part that those attending at the Union Fair Grounds from other counties will be placed on the same footing as citizens of Union County. This is a matter that our farmers aro doeply interested in and we think they will find it to their interest to fall in with and act upon the suggestions made in the Sentinel article. The Sentinel says, we hare been requested by numerous and in­ fluential citizens of Union andBaker County, to call the attention of the people of Eastern Oregon and Washington Territory to the subject of organizing an Annual Fair for the people of said district. “ The interests of this locality are almost entirely separated and distinct in any and every way from Western Oregon. O ir sea­ sons are so late that we cannot exhibit the products of this country at the State Fair held at Salem. When the agricultural pro­ ducts of the Willamette valley have ripened and matured, ours aie not sufficiently de­ We are waiting for new type which we have on the way from Umatilla, before we commence the publication of the black .list. Those in arrears, who do not wish their names to ap­ pear in this list must settle within the next two weeks, or during court. We are pushed for money and those who owe us MUST PAY UP. A New Orleans paper says the dol­ lar stores of that city are where you can buy a twenty five cent article that you don’t want by paying four times its value. Chicago intends to have a botan­ ical garden, it has a beer garden al­ ready. To make a tall man short—try to borrow five dollars of him. If you are out in a driving storm don’t try to hold the rains. Improving one’s time—mending the clock. It takes a pretty smart man to tell when he is happy. • The home circle—walking around with the baby at night'. Why is the sun like a good’, loaf? Because it’s light when it rises. Question tor actors—ean an actor be said to work when he plays? Through the politeness of Professor S. P. Barrett, we are enabled to lay before our readers tho following table showing the range of the Mercury for the week ending May 8, 1875, at Baker City, Oregon: 7 a . m . 12 M. 10 P. M. Sunday, 46 66 57 Monday, 48 76 68 Tuesday, 48 * 63 57 Wednesday, 51 5& 42 Thursday, 42 50 40 Friday, - 34 52 40 Saturday, 44 50 40 Average for the week 50:9 d g. abovefzero. Average for corresponding w ek last year, 50:7 degrees above Zero. Sleet and round snow fellou the 6, 7, and 8th inst. bssssssss -* S H fen& nnH H » B A N K IN G H O U SE FITS CURED f r e e :: M eteorological Table. BAR MEETING. OF Any person suffering from the above dis­ ease isiequested to address D r . P r ic e , and a trial bottle of medicine will be forwarded At a meeting of the members of J A S . W . VIRTUE, the Bar, held at Pendleton, on May b ?E sp re" - FREE I - 1, 1875, the following preamble and B a l s . e r C i t y , The only cost being the Express charges, resolutions were adopted: OREGON, which owing to nay large business, are small. W hereas , The hand of an all-wise Dr. Price has made the treatment oi P ays tlie Hig-liest Price for and inscrutable Providence has, by FITS OK EPILEPSY a sudden, unforeseen manifestation, a study for years, and he will warrant a cure G - O I j I > D U S T by the use of his remedy. called from our midst, our brother Do not fail to send to him for a trial bot­ member of this Bar, the H od . George tle; it costs nothing, and he WILL CURE YOU, And Transacts a General A. La Dow; and no matter how long standing your case may W hereas . Our deceased brother be, or how many other remedies may have Banking, Collection bad attained great distinction, not failed AND Circulars and’ testimonials- sent with only as such member, but had been FREE TRIAL BOTTLE. EXCHANGE BUSINESS. elected by the suffrage of this Com­ Be particular to give your Express, as well monwealth as their Representative as your Post Office direction, and Interest alflowed on Special Deposits. Address, in Congress of the United States; and TOM DEALT. WILL TWEEDIE. C ounty Orders B ou gh t and Sold. DR. CHAS. T. PRICE, W hereas , By his untimely death, 6T W illiam Street, New York. A complete DEALY & TWEEDIE, May 12 1875nlly his family are bereft of a father and kind protector, and their hearts are Blacksmitlis, CONSUMPTION CURED. rent with woe and grief, therefore, Having Leaseil tbe Shop formerly Is in Connection with tlie Bank. be it occupied by S. B. McCord, at the *. To the E ditor ofthe B edrock |D emocrat : GOLD AND SILVER BARS, IEW -ADVERTISEMENTS. ASSAY OFFICE Esteemed Friend:—Will you please inform jour readers that I have a positive Bar— CURE FOR CONSUMPTION 1 st . That we will ever hold and B A K E R C I T Y , O R E G O N , an d all disorders of the Throat and Lungs, that, by its use in my practice. I have cherish the name and character of They are prepared to do work in all and cured hundreds of cases, and will give the various branches of their busi­ R esolved b y th e M em bers of th is our honored and beloved brother, the faithful services rendered by him, and the many pleasant hours, made more pleasant by bis presence, in the heartfelt remembrance and veneration. 2 d , That we tender our deepest sympathies to his family in this their great bereavement. 3 d . That these Resolutions be entered on the minutes of the Hon. the Circuit Court, and a copy thereof be presented to his family; and also the Pendleton Tribune for publica­ tion. 4 t h . That the Court adjourn in respect to the memory of our de­ ceased brother. J, H. SLATER, 1 LUCIAN EVARTS, | L. B. NASH, j- Com. S. Y. KNOX, THOS. H. BRENTS. Thereupon the Court adjourned for the term. L. L. McARTHUR, Judge. J. H. T urner , Sec’v. The Masonic Eraternity and the Order of Good Templars also passed Resolutions of condolence and res­ pect, on the death of Hon. Geo. A. La Dow, but we have not time nor space for their publication. Nevada ice-dealers are already pre­ paring to double their prices next summer, upon the ground that the crop will be almost entirely eaten up by the grasshoppers. ' A Boston lady recently left a sum of money, the interest of which is used in providing the inmates of the Home for old women and Home for old men with a supply of tea. If George Washington himself had only been cross examined by Judge Fullerton before he died, we have no doubt it Woluld have turned out that be really lied about the cherry tree after all. Boss Tweed doesn’t think the treatment at the penitentiary very benign. On the contrary he thinks it is 7x9. Those old Greeks were pretty wise fellows. In their vocabnlariy mari den is translated nothing, and mar­ riage is gammon. The Rock County Recorder, heads its funny paragraph column it’ this way: “ iFritten with Cissors.” Those witticisms ought certainly to be sharp. “ Why do you use paint?” asked & violinist of his daughter; “for the same reason that you use rosin, papa.” how is that ?” “ Why, to help draw my beau.” Those who rise to eminence sud­ denly are very apt to come back by the next train. When fortune wants to let a fellow being fall the hardest, she lifts him up the highest. The spelling mania is raging. Parties of four in the cars turn two seats facing each other and spell. Marble top tables are unhealthy, according to the Herald of Health, but it does not state their disease. The man Avho dosen’t hang out his shingle and advertise dies and leaves Head of Main Street, $ 1,000 00 ness on short notice and at reasona­ for a case it will not benefit.' Indeed, so ble prices. strong is my faith, I will send a S am ple, M o r s e S h o e in g free, to auv sufferer addressing me. Will receive our most careful atten­ Please show this letter to any one yon may who is suffering from those diseases, tion, and we wifi warrant entire sat­ know and oblige, isfaction. Faithfully Yours, Geo. J. Bowman will attend to tbe DR. T. F. BURT, 69 W illiam St., New York. wood work department of our Wag­ May 12 1875nln26 on Shop. Call and see us, and examine our Dissolution Notice. work. DEALY & TWEEDIE, HE partnership llieretoiore May 10, 1875.nltf T exsisting between S* A. Gaines and G. J. Bowman was on Monday the 3d day of May, 1875, dissolved by mutual conset. AlL.tlie notes and accounts due the late firm are THE undersigned is prepared to placed in the hands of J. W. Virtue for col­ do all kinds of work entrusted to his lection, and an early settlement of tbe same S. A. GAINES. care in his line, and all work war will save costs. G. J. BOWMAN. ranted to give satisfaction. I em­ Mav 3d 1875nln5. Blacksmitliing. ploy none but the best of hands in my shop. W. P. ISLAND. L. 3. ESTES. s l i o o i n g ' . I have a good Horse Shoer in my Shop, who understands the horses foot in all its different- shapes, and will shoe to fit the horse. Our work in this line is warranted as good as the best. Wagon Making and Repairing We make it a branch of our business to give Correct Information in regard the to Mining Interests of E a s t e r n O re g o n . Dec. 1, 1874.n30y J A S . A . P I N N E Y & C O ., Boise City, Idaho, GENERAL M S AGENTS A N D D EA L ERS IN Bools, Stationery, Ctoap B ilica ta . TOYS, YANKEE MOTIONS, «fcc. Subscription» W E for, RECEIVE and furnish all of the leading Periodicals, M agazine» ROOKS A SPECIALTY. Any Rook published in the United Statos furnished by us at Boise City, at Publisher's Prices. We are in constant receipt of NEW BOOKS of all kinds. SCHOOL BOOKS, OFFICE OF TIIK Tlie Singer Manufacturing Company, No* 105 Third Street« ^Portland, Oregon. Newspapers published in Now York, Philadelphia, Bos­ ton, Sacramc-nto and San Francisco, at Pub­ lisher’s rates. A largo supply constantly on hand, at Cat­ alogue Prices. Orders from a distance solicited and satis­ faction guaranteed. JAMES A. PINNEY A CO- Feb. 1, 1875.n391y «$>»■ In all the various branches done in connection with this shop by Geo. Tlie Singer Mannfaetnring Company J. Bowman. sold 219,758 Machines in 1872. The Singer Manufacturing Company 3 ? 1 o w s soi l 232,444 Machines in 1873. Manufactured and Repaired. In fact everything in my line made The Singer Machine is a Shuttle Machine. and repaired at reasonable prices. Thankful for past patronage I res­ The Singer Machine makes the lock siiteh and will not rip. pectfully solicit a continuance of The Singer Machine is the st a n d a b d the same. M a c h in e o f the W o u ld . S. A. GAINES. May 10, 1875.nltf The Singer Machine is sold at $10. per month or on note or a liberal Wagon Making. discount for Cash. THE BEST IX THE WORLD. The Singer Machine is fully war­ EO. J. Bowman being a ranted for five years. N O i i o t j s e k j k k p e r c a n m a k k s w e e t akb Wagon maker by trade, will continue W IIO L K S O M E B R E A D W IT H O U T IT. te work at his trade at the Wagon shop ad­ The Singer Machine will do any joining the Blacksmith Shop of the late firm work that can be done on any Ma­ T his well k n o w n and long established of Gaines & Bowman. He is prepared to do YEAST PO W D ER is now in great demand, chine in the IForld. all kinds of work in his line at short notice Sales in creasin g d aily . Now 25 gress per and- at reasonable prices. lie can make The Singer Machine is easy to learn, d ay to tb e trad e. D. CALLAGHAN non- m a n u fa c tu re r a n d pro p rieto r, uses no Wagons or Buggies from the stump up, and r u n 3 light, made strong and has a d sole ru g s—no bone d u s t; pure w hite cream of uses none but the best of material, bought in straight needle. T a rta r, im p o rted d irect an d ground on the the east and shipped direct to him at Baker City. GEO. J. BOWMAN. The Singer Machine is put up for prem ises , being th e c h ie f ingredient. May 10th 1875nltf. A lw ays on hand a n d for sale at lowost durability and any person can pay prices: for one in work. fa lla g lia n ’s Y east Pow der, in 1 lb can*, "Western Hotel. a su p erio r article. The Singer Machine is used by MAIN STREET,..............................BAKER CITE. Cream ©f Tartar, In all T ho usands who make Buck Skin C allaghan's style o f packages. gloves. REID & CONSTABLE, Prop’r. Callag-Iiau’s P u r e E n g lish B1-carbo­ n a te o f Soda and Kaleratus. m H I S HOUSE has been enlarged and re- The Singer Machine will sew from FO R SALE BY A L L GROCERS. JL fitted, and is now the best Hotel on the the finest cambric to the heaviest ----- ALSO----- Umatilla and Idaho stage route. beaver. Stages leave this House for above and be­ Cream o f TartarCrystals. and English low, and also for Clark’s Creek Eldorado, The Singer Machine has a reputa­ B i-carhonate o f ¡Sod», in kegs. Gem City and Sparta. tion which no other Machine can FOR SALE BY Connected with the Hotel will be found a excel. » , f A I L A G H A X & C O ., M a n u f a c tu r ­ first eiass e rs, The Singer Machine for family use 121 FRONT S T R E E T S a n . Francisco. is named the N ew F a m il y . n513m. - S A LOON! Liquors, Wines and Cigars of the best The Singer Machine for Tailor’s use is named the N ew M e d iu m . quality. Phelan’s Improved Billiard Tables al.1 in good order. Tbe Singer Machine for Shoe mak­ o-----o OTICE is hereby give« that ers is named the No. 2. st a n d a b d . the copartnership heretofore exist JT. B-—Those indebted to either the Hotel or Saloon are requested to appear at the The Singer Machine for Saddlers’ is ing between the undersigned in, the Hotel business in„Baker City, Baker County, Ore; Captain’s office and settle. nolv6tf. named the No. 3. I. V. P. gon, has been this day dissolved by mutuil The Singer Machine is going to be consent. The business hereafter will be con­ Photograph Gallery. sold in Eastern Oregon, on easy ducted by O. H . Clem ent who will pay tty indebtedness of the firm and who alone i* terms to suit every person. IOKNEISi o r M ain S tre e t an d authorized to collect and receipt for debti J Court Avenue opposite the Bank, Baker The Singer Machine uses the finest due the same. Ci:v Oregon. Where Pictures will be made Dated at Baker Citv this 10th dayofMarcl cotton and heaviest linen thread 1875. in ail tlie popular styles, in a superior man­ or silk twist. ner. 1 will remain in this place but a short O. H . CLEMENT. time, and fool confident, I will satisfy all The Singer Machine should be seen A. SICOBD- who may favor mo with their patronago. to be appreciated. H. C. TANDY. _May 12 lS75nlif._________ The Singer Machine is no cheap af­ fair but a genuine live article. Call and Settle The patents on the Singer Machine holds good for five and seven T^TOTICE is hereby given that I have sold my Blacksmith and W’agon shops years yet, regardless of all others. to Dealy & Tweedie, and have closed my business. All those indebted to S. B. Mc­ The Singer Machine will be sold in Cord, or McCord Brothers, are hereby noti­ ¡Baker City and County, by fied that they must now come forward and IRLAND & ESTES, settle their accouuts. Money must come, «-Ud there is no use talking, if you do not set­ n-19m6 Agents. G M ceofD isM atM of C opteR l® N C F acts W orth K nowing .—The Wilson Shuttle Sewing Machine is to-day tho sim­ plest, L'°st perfect, most easy operated, best lie at, most durable, and in every way, most valuable sewing machine in existence, and it is sold fifteen dollar? less than all other tle me. you mu t with an attorney. first-class machines. 8. B. McCORD. Machines will be delivered at ary Bail Baker City, May 10th 1875nltf. road Station in this county free of transpor­ tation charges, if ordered through the Com­ pany’s Branch House at 327 & 329, Superior Dr. C. J. Taft. St., Cleveland, Ohio. They send an elegant catalogue and chro- Having permanently located in mo circulars, free on application. This Company want a few more good BAKER CITY, agents. offers his professional services to tho citizens of Baker and vicinity, and will give special B riglitly Breaks tlie Morning of a attention to Surgery and diseases of Women new era in the annals of medicine. Alcohol and Children. will soon be banished from the list of reme­ O f f ic e — First door south of Western dies, and only known as a poison. Dr. J. Hotel. W a l k e r ’ s C a l ifo r n ia V in eg a r B it t e r s , B e s id e n c e — First building weet of Catho­ c ¡mposed entirely of wholesome botanic ox- lic Church. tracts and juices, are everywhere supersed­ May 12 1875nltf. ing the fiery astringents, which no man or woman ever yet took without bitterly repen­ Administrator’s Notice. ting their credulity. There is do disease, acute or chronic, in which the tonic may not be administered with beneficial effect. Ito OTICE is hereby given that 1 * L. B. Ison was, on the 4th day of Mav O p e n e d ;—The P h o to g rap h G allery w ill 1875, appointed by the Hon. Probate court be opened to accom m odate custom ers to ­ administrator of the estate of John Clibourn deceased. All persons having claims against m orrow . the estate, will present tho same to the un­ ------- ----- -------------------- A r r iv e d .—H od . W. B. Lass-well,District dersigned at his offico in Baker City Oregon with proper vouchers, within six months Attorney for th is D istrict, arriv ed from from date. L. B. ISON. Administrator. U nion last evening. Baker City May 11th 1875nln5 For Sale. B EISG slcsirousof changing my business I offer for Sale my B lacM th and Wagon Stop, which are situated at the head of Main Street in Baker City, Oregon. They are good and roomy Shops, with good and a sufficient amount of tools for wagon and buggy work, and light and heavy forging, all in good or­ der. There is one bench and three fires and a good run of custom. Terms to suit the times. For further particulars enquire on the premises of S. B. McCORD. March 10th, 1875.n44tf. . fr For Sale. A K EIGHT-MEDIUM,cylinder r\_ Press, in good running oider. Can take from 600 to 800 impressions per hour. Six. fonts of type, all new except one which has been in use about two years. Suitable for a business man, an amateur or printer Will be sold at cost. Enquire at B edrock D emocrat office. March 10th 1875. u44tf A m o st p le a s a n t a n d invigorate tonic. R eco m m en d ed by a ll the e®; n e n t P h y sician s th ro u g h o u t the Unit*- S tates. E v ery fa m ily sh o u ld have it 1° t!r house. R ead certificates on each bottle, 8°' b y all L iquor D ealers a n d DruggW- \ H, EPSTEIN & CO., Sole Proprietor«- 618 F ront S t ., S an F rancisco »O"