i-awa r fH E H EART. m G a m b le r , S h o t a n d TT^-i’iiia le o í a n E v e n t» fai ( ircer. From the Portland Bulletin. Last night, April 2ricL, at ten minutes past 10 o ' c l o . an alarm was sounded from a sal in on First street, near the Occiden­ tal Hotel, owned by John W a ll. It was said that a man was killed. Those in the Immediate vicinity b rd the shots and ran to the spot. A s near as we could as­ certain the facts . ,e as follows: About 10 o ’clock a man named W . Baker, nicknam­ ed “ Bootjack.” and another man were playing ca-Js in one of. the hack rooms, when Stewart, who had been drinking, cam e in, pa.-sing through the room , going towani a faro room further in the rear. As he passed through he made some remarks about Baker’s playing, using rather hard language. It was unnoticed, and Stewart passed on to the faro room. After seating him self at the I able he made him self very disagree.iblo by imposing upon those around him , until they ceased playing and went away. lie ^followed them. As he passed through the room he again used hard words towards Baker, who told him to go away—he didn’t-want to have any trouble, rising up in his chair as bespoke. Stewart exclaimed, “ Pooh ! I ’ ll fix you, you s----- nofa. b— h ,” and seized h im .— Baker was not more than h alf the size of Stewart, and instantly bended beneath him . Stewart shoved his fingers into Ba­ ker’s eye, almost tearing it from its sock­ et. In less time than it takes to write it, Baker drew his pistol and fired t wo shots, one striking Stewart in the left breast, ¡he powder burning and tearing the shirt con­ siderably. At. this ^tewart started for the front door his hands raised. A s he at­ tempted to open it lie fell forward, crash­ ing through the glass, then falling upon the floor, Where after gasping once or tv, ice he expired. A t this juncture Baker came walking out very coolly, with pistol in hand , and stopped a m om ent to gaze at his fallen antagonist, then walked outside and asked a man what wife the matter with his police whistle— it wouldn’t blow —saying there must be dirt ip it. Ho then asked tiie barkeeper for a handkerchief,at the same time handing him the pistol.— Alter having the handkerchief adjusted he asked agentlem an to take him to jail, 11s he could not see. [ We omitted to m en­ tion that as Stewart crushed him down in the corner, lie exclaim ed, after the shot, “ Oh ! my eye l -Pie has torn it out !” ] A t this m om ent Officers Haines and Hudson came up and arrested Baker, taking him lo ja il, where he now lies, his eye present* Ing a horrid sight. Wo were furnished the following brief history of Stewart, who, we believe, lias re­ lation being in ¡Salem. He was a man about, ho 3 cars of age, fine looking and well formed, an:1 bom in ilie county of Jackson, Jtfissouri When a mere boy he entered the CConiedern: entice and fought against the ¡¡Sag o f America. IIo was at one . time a ..prominent personage in Mo s by'a ■Guerrillas, , and assisted in burning the city of Lawrence ,in.Kansas. At this place lie was taken pris- . oner and placed in the Fort Leavenworth prison. where' bo was confined for many .months- After being pardoned he went as Captain of Hie bixtli Kansas ltegiment, •where, he, displayed great bravery and won . honor. After being mustered out ot tliesor vice he-went «out to Sweetwater, Wyoming Territory,i oh the Union Pacific Railroad, where lie get into a difficulty with a man ■ called “ Dutch Joe.” Ten shots were fired between than, J.oe receiving two wounds, from which lie died. He then went toAbel- ine, Kansas, on tiie Kansas Pacific Bailroad, where he opened a saloon and dance-house. One evening a Sargant from the bat racks across the river came over to his saloon. After drinking for .a time the soldier became insolent and quarrelsome. Ho continued to create a,disturbance until Stewart inter­ fered, and the soldier drew his pistol anil fired at him. Stewart drew liis pistol and shot him dead an his tracks, and then iiodon horse back. The soldiers scoured the coun­ try with the intention of bringing him Luck in pieces behind the saddle, but were ..unable to catch him. Meantime the remaining soldiers burned the saloon and dance-house to the ground where it stood. After a lapse of several months Stewart returned and stood his trial, and was acquitted. Prom this place lie Came to Wapa Walla and to this valley, where Jie has remained, follow­ ing gam hi ing as an occupation. After g o ­ ing through all this lie at length fulis away into aii early graye, to 'follow those who have, gone be tore him, and meet them fajj Ac. face on the other shore. ----» M*— LAÎ.L A là H a New England is threatened with a spruce gum famine. Freights from Chicago to New York are dewu to 30cts per 10 I pounds. Yofc, a little Chinese girl has been admit­ ted to the public school in Sacramento. A Company in Los Angelos has GO,000 von.ids of tobacco cured and ready for man­ ufacture. . The California wheat crop is pronounced immense and the harvest will be tho great­ est over known for many years. The sum of ¡$1-1,-108 was.collected in Sau Francisco for Nebraska sufferers, and the entire amount spent for seed barley. The Indians regard Gen. Crook as a sort of , ‘‘ boss devil” and Ins name among them is a terror to evil doers. Everybody just now seems to be taking a “ Lick” at the Ban Francisco millionaire. Connecticut election to-day. Only two more state elections this year, viz : Califor­ nia in September, and Mississippi in Nov­ ember. It is said that another inmeaso is threat­ ened in overland railroad freights. • Sruce ¡he coin ed U. S. Senator from M iss'isjppi/v.is Sheriff of Bolivar County in to it State for several years and made enough money to buy the seat which he now fills. “ It is said that the emperor of Brazil is coming to the United States to reside, -------- ----------- T h e S u rre n tie r o f the ¡Senate, The New York Sun says: “ Aeonfident hope, was entertained when Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Nebraska re­ volted against the caucus dictation, and elect­ ed Senators who professed to he independ­ ent, that the infusion of this now element would act as a curb on the majorityand improve the political tone of that side of the - Chamber. I This expectation has been sadly disap- yeMJto'di by their course upon th* Louisiana question, and especially in regard to the resolution approving the President’s action. Every one of them have surrendered to power and patronage, and exhibited a sub­ serviency which Chandler and Eamsey and Thayer never surpassed, and in which Car­ penter with all his faults would not have joined. d f^ O T These Superb Instruments have achieved a success unparalleled in the history of Piano-forte Manufacture. . They are remarkable for Great Volume, Purity' and Sweetness of Tone, and Durability. THE CELEBRATED A STIFFED WITH PAIN. f ! A 0 W A Y ’S READY BELIEF 15 A C U R E FO R E V E R Y P A IN . ■ It was the first and is THE O IL Y PAIH REM EDY G r a t e f u i T I i o n s a n d s proclaim V inegar R itters the most wonderful Invigorat'd that ever sustained tho sink- jug system. No p erson can ta k e th e se Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital or­ gans wasted beyond repair. B ilio u s , É è n iìtfe iit, an d I n ­ t e r m i t t e n t E e v e r f i, which are so prevalent in the valley's, of. pur great rivers throughout the U nited States, especially those of the • Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Bed.Colorado, Brazos, B io Grande. Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and m aay ; others, i.Ytith their vast trib­ utaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of un­ usual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derange­ ments o f the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs; is essential. There is ho cathartic tor th e purpose equal to D r . J . W a l k e r ’ s V in e g a r B it t e r s , as they will speedily remove the darlc- •colbred visqid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions o f the liver, and generally restoring the^ healthy functions o f the digestive organs. Fortify b o d y a g a in s t d i s e a s e b y purifying all its fluids w ith th e B it t e r s . M o . epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. D y sp e p sia o r In d ig e s tio n , Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness o f the Chest, D iz­ ziness, Sour Eructations of the Sto­ mach, Bad Taste ¿11 the Mouth, B ili­ ous Attacks, Palpitation o f the Heart, Inflammation o f the Lungs, Pajn in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the off­ springs of Dyspepsia. One bottle vali prove a better guarantee o f its njerita than a lengthy advertisement. 1 S c r o f u l a ., o r K i n g ’ s E v i l , W hite Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled, Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous In ­ flammations, Mercurial affections, Old Sores, Eruption'^ of .th e ' Skin, Sore Eyes, etc! In these, , as in all other constitutional DiseaSés, D b . W a l k e r ’ s V in e g a r B it t e r s have shown their great curative powers, in the most obstinate and intractable cases. F o r I n ila m m n to r y o r C h r o n ­ i c K l ì è u Ù i a l i s m , Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such- Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. • F o r S k i n D i s c u s e s , Eruptions, Tetter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples. Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ringworm s, Scnld-hóad, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, H um ors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short timo by the use o f these Bitters. P i n , T a p e , a n d o t h e r W o r m s ,- ' lurking in the 1 system o f so many thou­ sands, are effectually destroyed an ¿.re­ moved. No system of medicine, no ver­ mifuges. no antheiminftics will’ free the system from worms like those Bitters. F o r F e m a l e C o m p l a i n t s , in young or old, married. òr single, iat the, dawn o f womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitterp; display so de­ cided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. The Most Desirable Instruments in the market for church and parlor. Over 28,000 now in use. S H E R M A I S l E Y B E , G EN ERA L A G EN TS, E H QUR © After read;: e this advertisement need any one M e d i a n i c a l I ) i se n SOS. — Per­ sons engaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold­ beaters, and Miners, as they'advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. T o guard agaipst this, taka D r . W a l k e r ’ s V in e g a r B it t e r s . The Republicans refused to give this con­ dition a single vote, and it was rejected by nine majority. The minority tried a third form of the question, thus : P r o v i d e d , That nothing herein contained is meant to affirm that the body of men who assumed to elect P. b . S. Pinchback a Sena­ tor of the United States was the Legislature of the State of Louisiana.” That shared the same fate ;as the others Detroit, has a poet worth $1,000, but it is snperflous to say that he isn’t a good poet. A puppy and an accordéon was the marriage fee offered a Cedar Springs clergyman the other day. There is no more scandalous place than Turkey, yet that place is with­ out an American minister. At the spelling school in Indian­ apolis all the teachers, lawyers and doctors went down on “ ipecacuan­ ha.” It is no harm to shoot a cat in Vermont, but if you miss the cat and* hit a boy, the authorities raise an awful muss. There ! that explains where my clothes line went to ! exclaimed an Iowa woman as she found her hus­ band hangiug in the stable. A New Orleans paper says the dol­ lar stores of that city are where you can buy a twenty five cent article that you don’t want by paying four times its value. Chicago intends to have a botan­ ical garden, it has a beer garden al­ ready. Uncle.— “ How did the mother of Mosefe hide him.” Niece.—‘“ With a stick.” ÄOP ■m S n — t !M IN FROM ONE TO TV/ENTY MINUTES. Always in 0 and finally this modification was tried : “ R e s o l v e d , That nothing herein ismeant to approve the military interference by" the United States troops in the organization oi tho Legislature of Louisiana on the 4th of January last.” Every Republican who was present voted against’, it,, and a majority of seven stands re­ corded in the negative. Thps the Senate committed itself distinctly in every form to sustain the President and to uphold Kellogg. A more abject surrender of opinion is not to be found in the existence of that body. It is with good reason that, the peculiar friends of Grant rejoice, and proclaim loud­ ly his triumph over all opposition in the Re­ publican ranks. As he conquered the Sen­ ate, so he expects to conquer tho Conven­ tion next. year. He holds himself virtually nominated now. and what faction inside the party will dare raise a hand against him ? The reins of the organization are held in the White House, and who can say that it will not he driven to suit the ambition and sel­ fish aima of a venal Président, Yvho is an open candidate for reelection ? —-------------- -------------------------- Ill CUBES THE WORST PAINS E3ID EN G E E S E The President has triumphed in the broadest sense, and is master of the situa­ 40 to 50 pounds per pair at maturity. tion. He dictated the terms of submission, Black Cayuga Ducks, Games, Brahmas, Leghorns, Houdans, Bantams, etc,. and they were accepted without a murmur | Eggs, fresh, pure,"true .to name; well-pack­ and without a change. The Senate was not ed so as to hatch after arrival. content to applaud the usurpations, hut For Illustrated Circular and Price-List stultified itself by voting down amendments, address. upon which its own committee was unani­ M. EYRE, Napa, Cal. mous in 1873. R a b bits . P igeons . F errets . Mr. Morton differed with the majority of his Bepnblican colleagues on that commit­ Please State where you saw this advertise­ tee on some points of the controversy, but ment. when be came to speak of the outrage per­ *—1 • a. petrated by Darrell, by means of which, and 0 a the troops provided in advance for the pur­ O .® pose, Kellogg and a fraudulent Legislature pr 5 CD o s each, for sale now. Hens 14 to IS lbs. C le a n s e t h e T it la t e d B lo o d whenever you find its impurities burst­ ing through the skin in Pimples, Erup­ tions, or S ores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and slu ggish . in the veins ; cleanse it When it is foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the sys­ tem will follow. ; K.. S i. irjcD©NASAD & CO ., That instartlv stops t'je. most excruciating pains, allays In- S ? " , s ’ and A r e - C o n f i r m s , whether of «fce L » . „ , Stomach. Bow, is, or < theT eland-or ogaas, by one appliea.iou, IN FR O M O N E T O T W E N T Y M IN U T E S . „ 0 matter horn violent -r excfnriatius the pain the R H E U M ­ A T IC , Bed-ridden; Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suiter, ¿¿SWATS READY BELIEF W I L L A F F O R D IN S T A N T EA SE . I ^ L A M M A r i O N O F ^ m ^ D N ^ . T H E BL A O T £ R i IN F L A M M A T JO N OF I H W D m ^ C h y s t e r ic s , c r o u p , D i r i m . « n A k } i ; IN F L U E X Z A > H E A D A C H E , TO O TIIA C H IL . ^ H TH E LU N GS, CORE T H R O A T , . ^ t S ^ r ^ HEART, , i e u >. A T IS M i COLD C H ILLS, A G U E C H ILLS. The application of the R I ' A O Y parts where the pain or diihculty ex;sts w ill afto.d ta.e and ?ilL \U A C H E ! VlE A F T BU U N . D IA R R H E A , D COLIC, W I N D IN T H E B O W E L S , and all IN T E R N A L 1 .Travelers should always enrrv a hatfle of K s td s y a y ’ » I J e r d v K : T i f f with them. A few drops in water will pre­ vent s:C ness or j ains firin' chance of water. It is better Ilian French Eraiidy or Hitters as a stimulant. FEVER ARD AGUE. F E V E R A N D A G U E cured for fifty cents. There is net a remedial a-ent in this world that will cure Fever and Ague, and all. other Malarious. Bilious. Son-let, Typhoid, Yellow , and other Fevers (aided by R A H W A Y ’ S PILLS) « qntek as R A H W A Y 'S P .E A D J R E L IE F . Fifty cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists.. If ^ rp A 61 Ì 1 riM-h-vá ¿L & U f i J ill — S T R O N G A NT) P U R E R IC H BLOOD— IN C R E A S E O F FI F S H i\ND W E IG H T — CLEAR SK IN A N D B EAU . T IF U L C O M P L E X IO N S E C U R E D TO A L L . . R A D W A IT ’S H A S M A D E T H E M O ST A S T O N IS H IN G C U R E S : SO Q U IC K . SO R A P ID A R E TH E C H A N G E S TH E BODY U N D E R G O E S, U N D E R T H E IN F L U E N C E OF T H IS T R U L Y W O N D E R F U L M E D IC IN E , T H A T ICvei7yT D a y an Increase in PlesM and W e ig h t is Seen and P elt. THE OREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the SARSAPAR TLLTAN R E SO L V E N T coann uni cates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other fluids and juices of the system the vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of the body with new and sound material. Scrof­ ula, Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular disease, Ulcers in the Throat. Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and other parts of the system, Sorg'tEyes, Strumous Discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms of Shin diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald H ead, R in g-W orm , Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots,^ W orm s in the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers in the W om b, and all weakening and painful discharges, Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm, and all wastes of the life prin­ ciple, are within the curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few days’ use will prove to any person using it for either of these forms of disease’ its potent power to cure them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that is continually progressing, succeeds in ar­ resting these wastes, and repairs the same with new material made from healthy blood— and this the SA R S A P A R 1L L IA N will and does sevure. N ot only does the S a r s a p a r il i . ia n R ksolvknt excel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin diseases; but it is the only positive cure for KIDNEY AND BLADDER COMPLAINTS, Urinary and W om b diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stop­ page of W ater, Imuntinence of Urine, Bright’ s Disease, Albu­ minuria, and in all caees where there are fcrickdust deposits, or tne water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a mor­ bid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bonedust deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and'pain in the Small of the Back and along the Loins. Price, $1.00. •W O R M S. The only known and sure Remedy for W O R M S -^ P IN , T A P E , etc. T um or o f 12 Y e a r s ’ G r o w th Cared by liadie-ny's Resolvent. Dr. M D W A T 8 Perfect f in a le Pills, perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum, purge, regulats purify, cleanse, and strengthen. Rndway’ s Pills, for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach. Liver,“ Bowels, Kidn *'■'"• ~ ‘ positi Purely Vegetable, çontainin no mercury, minerals, or dele- terious drugs. A fvw doses of R A H W A Y 'S FILLS w 'l! free the system from all the above-named disorders. Price, Yo cents per box SOLD BY DRUGG 'STS. ’ * R E A D “ FALSE A N D T R U E .” Send'one letter stamp to R A D W A Y A CO., N o. : "J Warren Street, Ne.w York. Infer, mation worth thousands will he sent you. August 19, 1374.nl51v oHEMIAN & HYDE Cor. Kearny ana Sutler Sfs. S A N F R A N C !S C O ,. W H O L E SA L E A N D E N T A IL D E A L E R S IN SHEET MUSIC, Musical Instruments, M U S IC A L M U n CIIAJSFDISE. Orders irom ilio Interior :proiaptly filled. SIANGFACTURIiES C F T i l F or restoring to G ra y H air it s natural V ita lity and Color. A dressing which is at mmx once agreea­ 6* ble, healthy, Á-Aurí. :“ A and effectual ^for presery- ting the hair. It soon re­ stores faded or gray hair to its original color , with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, fall­ ing hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore tho hair where tho follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this application, and stimulated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will present the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration o f vitality it gives to, the scalp arrests and prevents the formation of dandruff, which ir> often so uncleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious sub­ stances which make some prepara­ tions 'dangerous, and injurious to tho hair, the V igor can only benefit, but not harm it. I f wanted merely for a H A I R D R E SSIN G ', nothing else can be found so desirable. Contain­ ing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white- cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair,-giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a.grateful perfume. Prepared bv Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., P r a c tic a l a n d A n a ly t ic a l Clieixiists, X O W E L L , GOLD BY ALL È& w e : , lo $ M ASS. D R U G G IS T S EVERYW HERE. 'rí'*4'.í tp> [J3 ’ 1 *| ~ V ■ i i. Lv»— — U wAa . -■— :•!> For the i’dic:' amli cure of ail Ueir.ngviiiicms in tbl (itiAuach, liv­ er, a ml bov.el-. 'I hey .-.re a mild ahiweTif, and an excitlkmt tiv’ o. Beiny i>ure­ ly vcx'i.tabie, they contain no nu’ i'- ■my. enry or mineral •^ji wiutleycr. Much sono l ’?r. and suffer in;? is ureyented by tiieir timely use; and. every family should have them "on hand lor tiieir protection and relief, when required, bony experience has proved them to ho the srti'e u, surest, and best of all tiie J ’W x with which the market abounds. By their occasional use, .tiie blood is purities], tiie corruptions of the system ex­ pelled, obstructions' removed, and the whole) machinery of life, restored to its healthy activ­ ity. Internal organs, which become clogged and sluggish are cleansed by A y e r ’s R i l l s , and stimulated into action. Tims incipient disease is changed into health, the value of which change, when reckoned on liio vast multitudes who enjoy it, can hardly be com­ puted. Tiieir sugar-coating make? them pleasant to take, and preserves tiieir virtues unimpaired for any length oi' time, so that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, they are mild, and oper­ ate without disturbance to the constitution or diet or occupation. Full.direction's arc given on tho wrapper to each box, how to use them as a Family Physic, and for the following complaints, which these R i l l s rapidly cure: — For 3}y»jM>j>sia or I n f l i c t i o n , XUsf- lesiasse«», jLuug’si.oe, and JLoaa o f .1 p p ® . eit«*, they should be taken moderate]v to stimulate the stomach, and restore its healthy tone and action. For JLiutw C o tn p h iin t and its various sv'iUjitonis, ISSlioa» Sï«>ia.«încîio, süt-îi m v v i s ïarïa .). Jlia m eu » ne:e or ÌJ r'rca S ic k . rsij.i ilo tic and B ilio a ii JFc- y-cru, they should i)C j:.tdiciously taken for : u’ii í"!.; (’. t 0 nbfrtíct thí; difcuficcl alctioii, or revi in vs the obstruction « ■,'iiii'h eaiu.e it. For8>v»r '■ sìU iv y or S3?a,rrìioea, but one mild líos’’ i 5 generally fe quire<|. For I3îi' 4A«»! eì . f'ïiriïvv’î , , ; « n o f. s iti- S lo itrt. ■fi?»tu tu fesseli, and 5.0ÎÏSS, they should be contini:'’-mdy taken,a required, tò change tiiC'di - « mi ; ;’.,:ti»n (il Un’ systyin. With such chungothn- 0 oomiiiaiiitfi disaupuar. For 'R&s'.r>i5«;r unii S5roj>«är«5 S w e ll- fair*, they -Hon'd Tie tai; ca in inrgo arid fro­ quent doses to produco the effect of a drastic iuu-ge. lo r fiiiy-t •iV ì'syin zi, a large dose should be tnkvn Ufi*);! ¡irodu.ee. tho desired effect by syniputliv.' Afi a D i 0 n r - P i l i , tal;© one or tvo 7*117s to promote