r SJUyflgj E l d o r a d o , April 10th, 1875. J.J[.SH K P H ER ö,E atior. B a lte r C ity, A p r il 14, 1 8 7 5 . THE BEDROCK D EM OCRAT b a s Ole L a r g e s t C ir c u la tio n o f a n y JPaper P u b lis h e d in E a s te r n O re g o n . C ircu latio n 9 0 0 co p ie s. BEDROCK DEM OCRAT. "With two more numbers the fifth volume of the B edrock D emocrat closes, and with the commencement of the Sixth Volume we intend to adopt the system of striking from our list all names of persons who are more than one year in arrears, and as wo do so we will place the ac- counts of the delinquents in tlie hands o f the proper officers for col- lection. We have time and again asked those in arrears to pay up and they have paid no attention to our requests, now we will see how they will like to pay costs as well as the honest debt they owe us. A man who can pay and will not must be made to pay. We have furnished you the paper for one, two and three years, and paid out money for you every week, besides contributing our own labor, and now we intend to have the money due us if it can be If made by law We do not wish to make cost on any one, but necessity compels us to foroe payment. The books of a printing office are first- rate criterions by which to judge of a man’s responsibility and willing­ ness to pay his liabilities; for a man T he Camp. E ditor D emocrat :— The camp now pre­ sents a lively appearance. Messrs. Carter & Packwood, the proprietors of the Burnt River Ditch, arrived here a few days ago, and the boys know that they mean busi­ ness. Packwood is now engaged sub-grad­ ing the Am elia extension, to be complet­ ed by contract this m onth; and Tom Welsh and Curly have gone to the head o f the Big Ditch to see how things are in that elevated region, and by the time they turn in the water of the Camp Creeks this end o f the Ditch will be ready to receive It— probably in fifteen days. Lynn