B A N K IN G H O U SE ‘CtUoch • 0üttt0C Ä J . M. S H E P H E R D , E r t t i o r . B a k e r C it y , f i p r i l 7 , 1 8 7 5 . THE BEDROCK DEMOCRAT lias the Kargest Circulation o f any Paper Published in Eastern Oregon. C ir c u la tio n 9 0 0 c o p ie s . OCR M IXES. Bonanza ! B ullion ! ! Gold Dust ! !’ ! Although winter is still upon us and the •snow lies thick upon our hills and m oun­ tains (we wish the fellow who wrote “ Beautiful Snow” lived here) it does not prevent the indomitable energy o f our mining men from working and developing our rich bonanzas, and Virtue from run­ ning up the proceeds in huge gold and sil­ ver bricks. Tlie Virtue Mine made another clean-up last week, and from the proceeds o f eightefays ruff had a handsome brick o f $5,090,72. This m ine is in splendid condition; that level north is in some fifty feet, with body o f ore over 30 inches wide. Cross cuts and winzes now connect from first to third level, each one hundred feet, all o f the ore breasts on the several levels are looking and yielding well. Mr. Hyde, Sup’t., estimates enough ore now in sight to run m ill for eighteen months, at the rate o f 600 tons per m onth; average value o f ofe per ton $25,50—315,300; cost o f extracting, milling, wear and tear, Ac., $9,60—35,760; leaving nett profit per month o f $9,540 on 600 ton o f ore. The Mill, Machinery and Hoisting Works are o f the best, and the mine is in good condition for extracting ore cheaply. Connor Creek M ill anti M ining Co. On last Friday this company put in their appearance with 371 ounces of bullion, out of which Mr. Virtue made a beautiful bar- valued at SC,141 25; 815 line, gold—with $1,212 previous sent in, makes'for months run $7,353 25. The Ledge is from 6 to 14 feet wide, with face in ore of line grade. '! Fifteen stamps are kept running day and night. The average clean up during the summer will he about $7,600 per month. H o o v e r «fc Co. Are running five stamps with good results, and ledge showing well. , Green's Discovery, Rye Valley, is increasing in richness as the main drift is extended. This is a silver mine and bonanza of the first grade. A large amount of selected ore is now on dump and in the mill awaiting the crush­ ing process. Tlie Cabell Mine. Good progress is being made. A new engine and boiler has been put up. and 8 stamps are kept pounding day and night. Our Bank received 200 ounces two weeks ago, and Mr. C. expects, by the 10th inst., to clean up some 400 ounces more. The ledge Is eight feet wide, and the bullion runs 375 fine in gold, and 595 fine in silver, and averages $157 per ton. This mine is looked upon as the Great-Bonanza of Eas­ tern Oregon. MeCoril Mine, six miles from Baker, is turning out from $60 ito $75 per day, and is only worked by rocker and hand mortar; pocket ledge white quartz, carrying free gold worth $18,48 per ounce (it would dazzle the eyes o f the Bulletin editor to examine the quartz). We will have more to say about this mino when fqrtber developments are made. Many other quartz mines are being pros­ pected, both in this, Grant and Union Counties, preparatory to putting up mills and machinery the com ing Summer. Our Placer Mines Will be very extensively worked tho pres­ ent season. The prospects are flattering for an abundant supply o f water, and our miners are jubilant over the rich harvest o f gold-dast they are sure to reap. Baker County has great reason to be proud o f its rich mineral wealth, good miners, thrifty farmers, and rich agricultural and grazing lands. W hat W e W ant. Our friends in each mine and mining camp to keep us posted on all mining mat­ ters, we want correct information. Our best efforts will, as heretofore, be used in building up the great mining and other in­ terests of Eastern Oregon. We want Cap­ italists, Mechanics, Farmers, Miners and others abroad to know what a good country wo have, we want them to come and exam­ ine i$r themselves. Our paper has a large circulation in Qalifornia, Nevada, Utah and the Eastern States, the people read it,, we have only to give correct information of our resources and they will come. POlVDER RIVER VAE EE Y MIXES. E d it o r D e m o c r a t :— Owing to our im ­ perfect knowledge o f the mines in ques­ tion, except in a few instances, this hur­ ried sketch must be very brief and incom­ plete. The first on the route from Baker City, and six miles from that point, is Was.3iii.uyton Gulcli, '■which has been prospected from the mouth to uear the head, some four or five miles, and found to contain some rich streaks and deposits. It has been worked to some extent for many years, the results being gopd in almost every claim ; mining here here has been done, however, on g, very •mall scale, being necessarily lim ited on account o f the small run o f water. We be­ lieve that C. St. Louis * Co., intend open­ ing their claim this season in a more com ­ plete and mjner-like manner than has been pursued heretofore, heuce we may expect a good report from this section this season. Something over a mile further on lies Riiiii* Gwlcll, which has also been worked for some years on a small scale, except at the mouth where Mr. Dan Carn works on a som e­ what extensive scale, using the tim e-hon­ ored hydraulic pipe and hose with gratify­ ing results. The rest o f the gulch is near all in the hands o f the “ Heathen Chinee,” the result o f whose labor is never known by “ outside barbarians,” for it is kept a profound secret, and the “ shiners” which they unearth never again see daylight, (unless they fall into some such predica­ ment as d ’ l the. historical and unfortu- ‘ nate Nip. 8am), until they are transported to the rieey shores o f the Flowery King­ dom . But to proceed another m ile brings Yu to H ibbard Gulch, der River, for the last four months; and as a short ope—a rich one. It has two bran­ yet have every reason to believe that their ches, both of which have paid in the days most sanguine expectations as to its rich­ o f “ auid Lang Syne” wonderful products o f ness, will be fully realized. the precious metal. No one is now work­ Beagle Bros., will soon commence the ing except Carpenter & Co., at the mouth, erection of a commodious and substantial who use the hydraulic pipe and hose, and building for Store aud Hotel accommoda­ do considerable work every year, having a valuable water-right and ditches. They tions at Sumpter. Notwithstanding the unusual fall of snow, will probably do more work this season Messrs Grier & Kellogg have kept their than heretofore, as will all on the Powder Stage route open from Baker City to Can­ River slope, on account o f the extraordi­ nary amount o f water which is promised yon City without serious difficulty until the this season. Forward again one-half mile last severe storm; when,, on a portion of the and we enter the broad mouth o f road this side of Prairie City, it required Salm on Creek Gulcta. just such invincible pluck and perseverance Here, also, have been found aud taken as was exhibited by the drivers on that end out rich deposits o f the “ shiners.” The of the road to keep it open; but now every gold is for the most part in nuggets o f the thing is running as smoothly as ever. value o f twenty-five cents to fifty dollars. Yours truly, RIX. No claim is worked here except that of L. W ..Nelson, o f your city , who works on an IM P O R T A N T T O M IN E R S . extensive scale at its mouth. H erqjs used the common hydraulic hose and pipe, also D epartment of the I nterior , one o f the “ Little Giant” patent nozzles, G eneral L and O ffice , with one twenty-four and one thirty-six W ashington , D. C., March 5tli, 1875. inch flume, and employing from ten to fif­ The following is an act of Congress, ap­ teen men. It may seem strange to the proved 'February 11, 1875: reader that these rich gulches ara not of­ AN ACT to amend section two thousand ten worked except by one company. The three hundred and twenty-four of the re­ explanation is simple and satisfactory- vised statues, relating to the development scarcity o f water. The water-right o f Sal­ of the mining resources of the United mon Creek is owned by Carpenter & Co., States. and all taken to work on Hibbard Gulch. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Salmon Creek is worked with water from above, conducted thither by a ditch be­ Representatives of the United States of tween 8 and 9 miles,in length and holding America in Congress assembled, That sec­ valuable water-rights. This letter has be­ tion two thousand three hundred and twen­ gan to assume gigantic proportions in ty-four of the revised statues be, and the comparison to what it was intended to be, same is hereby, amended so that where a hence, further description o f these mines persps-or company has or may run a tunnel we will give sometime in the “ early fu­ for the purposes of developing a* lode or ture*” As we drop our pen we gaze “ long and si­ lodes, owned by said person Or company, the lently” on a magnificent scene from our money so expended in said tunnel shall be window. A scene no rarity to the inhabi­ taken and considered as expended on said tants o f this wild Oregon frontier—for night lode or lodes, whether located prior to or is coming on, and the snow falls below the since the passage of said act; and such per­ vast piles o f granite in the North-west,such son or company shall not be required to a m ultiplicity o f colors rare as they are perform work 011 the surface of said lode or beautiful roll majestically before tlie eye lodes in order to hold the same as required tor a moment, aud “ flee as a bird” to their homes beyond the sight o f m an . So like by said act. By this legislation the requirements of the fairy, fleeting dreams o f Childhood’s section 2,324: revised statues ( 5th section of sunny hours. One m om ent they seem so near and real in their beauty—the next is the mining act of May 10, 1872) in regard to hardly gone when they are lost in a sea of the expenditure upon mining claims, are so gloom. The happiest hours of my life are modified that money which has been or may those spent in long rambles o ’er those be expended in running a tunnel for the huge sentinels o f the wilderness, (which, purpose of developing one or more lodes, if not “ vine-clad,” are high and steep, and owned by such person or company, shall truly grand), o f silting on some fallen be considered as expended' upon such lodes. monarch o f the forest, or some grassy The expenditures required upon mining plain, gazing on the passing glories o f a claims may be made from the surface or in Powder River sunset or sunrise, and you may smile a little incredulously,but allow running a tunnel for the development of S. S. BUEDETT, me to assure you that I do sometimes get such claims. Commissioner. up early enough to witness the latter, and I don’t care whether you believe it or not, so, as “ Coal Oil Jeems” would put it, W here the C iv il R ig h ts Act w ill he Ghncxious. “ there now.” A TRAMP. O I B CONNOR CREEK LETTERS. C o n n o r C r e e k , April 3rd., 1875. E d it o r D e m o c r a t :— The new Bonanza has been struck, and excited our little camp to a considerable extent—it is about one-half m ile from town, and the quartz gives a better prospect than any rock in the State. The lucky discoveries are Messrs Huffman, Douglas, Cox and Taylor, and they will soon ascertain whether it will pay to put up a good m ill. Our Baker City friends can have the ex­ tension , providing they find it. The same com pany have also struck good placer diggings on Snake River, be­ low Connor Creek, which prospects 75 cts. to tho pan. It was formerly ownea by the “ Dog in the Manger,” and they hold 3,700 feet on the BAR MINING COMPANY BAR. M a r y s v i d d e , April 5th, 1875. E d it o r D e m o c r a t :— Not having seen anything in your valuable paper for some time from this locality, I thought it best to send yoü a few lines to let the outside world know that we are still alive and how our prospects are. The weather is pleas­ ant, the hills are putting on their green coats, and spring is m aking its appear­ ance. There have been some very rich discov­ eries made within the past two weeks, in quartz, in this camp. The Limberger, a new ledge, is three feet wide and prospects jvell. It is situated dne quarter o f a mile from the Connor Creek Co.’s Mill. The discoverers and owners are Thos. Douglas, Thos. Huffman , J. B. Cox and Frank Tay­ lor. The South extension has be'én found by John A . Owens and W . W . Parks. G. Lucas and Norris have found good pay­ ing placer diggings in the bank pf Connor Creek, one m ile below Hoover & Co.’s Quartz M ill. W. II. Speake & Co. are get­ ting water thiough their d itch ; Geo. Hoff­ man and — Marshall are mining on their bar with good prospects. Hoover & C q .’ s Mill is running day and night on good rock taken from their upper level. The Connor Creek Mill and Mining Company are getting out good rock from their lower level, their Mill is running day and night- We till look for a busy and prosperous sea­ son, both in quartz and placer paining in this camp, and your correspondent hopes these anticipations may be realized to the fullest extent. I will write you again soon, until then I remain A QUARTZ MINE -------- -*0»--------- OXIR FORT SUMPTER LETTER. F ort S umpter , O regon , March 28,1875. J. M. S hepherd —D ear S i r :— Pursuant to $ promise made some time ago, I herewith enclose a few items from this place, design­ ed for publication. Although there is but little transpiring here of interest at present, yet I fully believe that before long, the min­ ing interests of this section, will assume considerable importance; and without troub­ ling you unnecessarialy, T shall undertake to keep you posted from time to time as to what is going on in this vicinity. Fort Sumpter has been subjected during the past winter, to a more severe bombard­ ment, from the combined forces of jack frost and general enow storms than was ever known before in jts eventful history; yet it has survived the shock in an excellent state ot preservation, Tlig enow iu the vicinity o f this plape is four feet deep, while in the adjoinning mountains it reaches the depth of ten and twelve feet. The Cabell Bros, have been steadily pros­ pecting their ledges, near the head of Pow­ reason his credentials were not received as p r i m a f a c i e proof o f his election. It was Moribn who had him self objected to them : and it was the same Morton who, in Pinchback’s case, has elaborately argu­ ed that p r i m a f a c i e credentials should always seat the holder. It was the old primer story o f the lawyer who decided for or against, as soon as he knew whose ox was gored. Wei 1 might Senator Av byte —him self o f Revolutionary lineage—say that he blushed with shame at the - latest page of American history A n English physician hss called attention to the incautious use of a homoeopathic med­ icine known under various names, but which j^a saturated solution of camphor in spirit. The solution is said to be in very general use as a domestic remedy for colds and oth­ er trifling ailments, and iu poisonous poten­ cy is quite equal to the prussic acid of the pharmacopoeia, and more than four times as powerful as an equal quantity ot lauda­ num. Yet it is sold 111 large bottles, and not even labelled as poison. In some cases there is not even so much as a direction as to the dose- From fifteen to twenty-five drops, and in some instances as much as a teaspoonful, have been taken. The results have been, in addition to the local symp­ toms o f irritation of the throat and stomach, violent epileptic convulsions and apoplectic stupor, followed i the case of one previous­ ly healthy young lady by one-sided palsy, which continued for several weeks. If a large portion of the poison . had not been speedily ejected by vomiting, it is probably that death would have resulted in more than one instance. A n e w religious sect was recently started in Charleston, Mass. The cardinal points of the doctrine are a strictly vegetable diet, mortification of the body, and free love. James Wenzell, Charles S. Manchester and their wives, constituted the membership, and the community was established in a ten­ ement. The mortification o f the body prac­ tically consisted of pinching and striking themselves, wearing insufficient clothing, and fading. One day Wenzel and Manches­ ter, after prayerfully considering the sub­ ject, decided that Mrs. Wenzel needed more mortification to fit her for spiritual perfect­ ion. So they shaved her head, cut off parts of her clothing, and whipped her brutally with stair rods. She at once became a b'ack slider from the new religion, had her assail­ ants arrested, and the community is likely to be blasted. M ining Despain J-, Derrick Isaac N ., Dealy OF David Jr., Delaney G e o ., D r e i b e l b i s John A ., Donally A. M. Enloe E. J., Elliott E. J., Evans N . B ., Elliott John (2) ,'EvausJames. 3B a l s . e r O i . t y , Falen M .j Foster J. B ., Furman John, Fry Alfred, Ford Binevah, O EFffiO Ji, Franklin J. C . , French Silas, Irench P a y s tlie H igliest Price for John H ., Frazer Jacob. Gardner N ., Gallaber Thomas J., DUST, Gekeler George, Geiss Charles, Gep- hart Jonathan, Gholson H. -*-'*> Green J. B. H -, Garrison W m . M ., Garrett John H .. Glasnere Bob 1 1 ., And Transacts a General Glass Wm . N ., George Auger, Gang- loff A ., Glenn T. T ., Goodman J. B ., Banking, Collection Godley W m . M ., Gardner B .. Gor­ . AND don James. , . Hardesty Charles, Howell Caleb, EXCHANGE BUSINESS. Horsepool Geo,, Holems Fred. K ., Howland Isaac Y ., Howard Joel H ., Interest alflowed on Special Deposits. Hinton John T ., Hieronimons J. W ., . C o u n ty Orders B o n g lit a n d Sola. Hays Albert, Hartman Jas. A ., Har­ A complete ris Nelson J., Hunter W m . G ., Hob* son Geo. J., Hutton James, Hairing ton Isaac, Hadley C. P ., Harrier H TJ ., Is in Connection with the Bank. Henderson Bobert, Hayden W m . A ., Hicks James M . . VTe make it a branch of our business to Israel M. C., Isaac Samuel T. give Correct Information in regard the to Jones John, Jenkins Anthony C. 'Mining Interests of Jenkins W m ., Jewell C. L ., Jones E a s t e r n O re g o n . Joseph, Jones Smith, Jarred David. Kuhn Elias. Keeney Jonathan, Dec. 1, 1871.n30y Knotts W m . , Knight John, Kendall B. F ., Kirby Wm. , Kees Andrew, Auction Sale. King, A. C.,’ K ellogg John B ., Ko- gerJohn. Of General Merchandise, LaDow John, Lawrence Isham, AT Lurch in Jesse S., Landis Jacob B ., Langhlin James H ., Lee Wm. , L ew ­ W ingville, Thursday, April 8th, 1875. is Lee L ., Large Patrick, Lewis E . m H E S T O C K C O M P R I S E S CLOTH. X ing, Dress Goods, Piece Goods, Gum H ., Lindsey Edward. Lloyd J o h n F ., Lewis Charles E ., Laycock John A ., boots, Calf boois, and over 100 pan- 0f Lee Leon id os, Liewellan Thos. 1 ., Womens and Children’s Shoes, Groceries, Drugs, Patent Medicines, books and Station­ McKay W ., McCoy J. W . ery. Hardware, Queens ware, Glassware, This list will be continued next 600 lb. Fail-bank Ware House Scales, one pair ef Counter Scales, Letter Press com­ week, says the Sentinel. SILVER BARS, ASSAY OFFICE C alled .— Hon. J. H. Slater, of La Grande, was in our qity last week, on legal business. During his stay he called on us. T he weekly prayer meeting, which has usually been held on Saturday evening, will hereafter be held on Friday evening. Waisting sweetness— putting your arm around a pretty woman. Our devils say they have a hankering a f­ ter waisting sweetness in that way. A grocer when complained to about selling bad eggs, said: At this sea*» son the hens ain’t well and very often N e w s . —We this week give our lay bad eggs. new A dvertisements . ing to the said account and contest the same* and at which time and place the Court will hear objections to said final account and the settlement, thereof. By order of J B. Scofield, Judge of said r i T h d n iMA ch 31st’ 1875> this notice S X T o S t a o S D “ “ “ ™ «•*» “ I. d . b , u “ e E s “ w ‘ d c g d a l e - * u » v . Att’y for Adm’r.n47n52. ^ A u c t io n S a l e . A L1' A - E, ’HOtJSEHOLIJ, P A R L O R and Kitchen Furniture of the Uuder- Sil7 5 dwffi sold before the 17th day of April, a S f f A o u n k t day’ l>e soJd at Auction tmfitv tnS ty L °reg0n' A splendid oppor­ tunity to put chase some of the best Furni­ ture m Eastern Oregon. See large Posters. March 23d, 1875.u46td. L ' ° ‘ iSTEEIsrS- N o t ic e is h e r e b y g iv e n t h a t all persons indebted to me either ' by oA ti ^ b00klaCC0,uflt’ contracted before Oct. Jth 18/4, are hereby notified that all such accounts have this day been sold and trau s- fered.to Jno. H. Boyd, to whom all pay- ments must be immediately made. R . B. M. BOYD Marca 2nd, 1875.u46tf. For Allen & Lewis. J A S . A . P I N N E Y & CO., B o is e C ity , Id a h o , ' GENERAL NEWS AGENTS • AN D DEALERS IN B ods, Stationery, Cheap P nlcatioi, TOYS, YANKEE NOTIONS, «fee. — for delivery on application by the place any person interested in said estate may appear and file his exceptions in writ­ proper parties: incidents o f the Pinchback debate in the Adamson A. M ., Akers James, • Senate (which debate has been got rid of by a postponement o f the,whole question Ayers Thomas W ., Ashby Bladen, until December), is the avvkw.ard position Anderson Levi, Allen John, Allen in which Senator Morton o f Indiana w'as William, Anderson Andrew, Ackles placed in by Senator W hyte o f Maryland. James T ., Alien George W ., Alcott The daily telegraphic reports o f Congress­ Boswell. ional debates and proceedings are so uni­ Benson Daniel, Bushee James P., formly incorrect and incoherent, that it is Brassfield A ., Buck A. D ., Bowman only by the official record that comments John W ., Bean Timothy, Burton H. can safely be made, and, fortunately, this H ., Boyd Jacob M ., Baker Thomas, record is before us, early enough for these Babington B. H ., Booth L. J., Brown comments. “ T im e, at last, makes all W m ., Brisbois O., Brooks D. P., things even,” and , under this text, Sena­ Bade W m . G.,Buckner Frank, Block- tor W hyte was enabled to charge, on be­ land John, Brewster H , S ., Berry half o f his once disfranchised State, the grossest inconsistency against Morton, the Geo. T ., Blackburn James It., Bel- leader of the party which has dominated shaw Charles.' Craig J. T „* Colvin S. W ., Chap­ and swaggered and bullied so long, over man I. A. S., Crispel Charles, Clark the minority, in the Senate. He instanced, in tlie coiu’se o f the debate, the outrageous W m . H ., Clark J. S ., Caviness J. L ., case o f Senator Philip Francis Thomas of Chandler Daniel, Cecil W m ., Camp­ Maryland. Philip Francis Thomas, o f the bell J. W ., Chambers W m ., Cowles best blood aud in the best popular regard Samuel, Colwell Parcilla, Clark W m . o f Maryland, was chosen by her Legisla­ Canaan James, Carry Lewis, Clark ture, and came to Washington, with the John, Coats FrankliD. credentials o f his native State. He h ad a Dwinnell James W ., Duncan F son in the Confederate Army, and for that W . } D ic k F . T ., Damon Kobert E .‘ J O H N E R A T T A IN , ri47nl8. readers interesting letters and mining news from various sections of Eastern Oregon. Our correspondents wre know to be reliable, and we thank them for their favors extend­ ed to us, and they promise to continue in The Civil Rights enactment is producing their well doing, we hope they will, we are Thoroughbred Stallion its legitimate results in the North and West, always pleased to hear from them, and, our and especially in those districts which have readers join with us in this matter. Write F o r S a le . sent forth the greatest number of recruits to us often. rp S IE Un«lersigiie«I_ o ffe rs fo r to the army of freedom in the South. Al­ JL sale the Thorough Stallion T he Owyhee Avalanche says, Charley though intended to irritate and inflame and JACK MoMILLEN, humiliate the Southern people, it has not Creek, who is v-ell known about baker, re­ occasioned the slQ htest discomposure among turned lierc yesterday from Missouri, hav­ Six year old stallion; 1544 hands high; by Collossus; first dam, Rossetto, by York-,hire; them- The black race have been their play­ ing been on a visit to his parents for the second by Picayune, by Medoo. McMiilen fellows and companions from infancy. When past few m onths.. He had not seen them for is a pure thoroughbred, and \ full pedigree children they have rolled over each other on a quarter of a century and the old folks were will be given. The buyer can make the price of this horse out of his services in the the parlor hearth-rug, ar.d played under the glad to see their “ boy” again. next two mouths. shade trees on the front lawn, and grown For full particulars, terms, Ac., enquire Sym ptom s o f L iver Com plaint, and up to hunt and fish together, and are not o f some o f tlie D iseases produced hy of JOHN EARLEY, Boiso City, Idaho. likely to he annoyed now that a law' has been it. —A sallow or yellow color of skin, or yel­ April 6th, 1875.n48tf. passed to force them into a companionship lowish brown spots on the tace and other for which they liaAe not the least repug­ parts of body; dullness and drowsiness with Administrator’s Notice. nance. The people of the East and North frequent headache; dizziness, bitter or bad and Northwest, who have no sympathies taste in mouth, dryness o f throat and-inter- In the County Court, Baker County, Oregon. with the colored race, and never have had nal heat; palpitation; in many cases a drv, In the matter of Estate of Christopher Saun­ any, and have used them only for political ders, Deceased. teasing cough, with sore throat; unsteady ends, but who really hate and loathe them appetite, raising food, choking sensation in O T IC E is h e re b y given th a t personally and socially, are the only indi­ Joseph Weckert, tho Administrator of throat; distress, heaviness, bloated or full viduals whose equanimity is likely to be dis­ feeling about stomach and sides, pain in the estate of said Christopher Saunders, Deceased, has presented for settlement, and turbed by sitting with them in the dress sides, back or breast, and about shoulders’: circle outlie theaters, or eating alongside of colic, pain and soreness, through bcwels, filed in said Court his final account of ad­ ministration of said estate, and that Mon­ them at fashionable restaurants, or occupy­ with heat; constipation alternating with fre­ day, the 3rd day of May, 1875, being ata reg­ ing adjoining chairs in barber shops or ad­ quent attacks of diarrhoea; piles, flatulence, ular term of said-Court, at the court room nervousness, coldness of extremities; rush joining bedrooms in hotels with them. The of blood to head, with symptoms of apoplexy, in Baker City, in said County and State, at 11 o’clock A. M ., of said day, has been duly ultra carpet-bag apostlas, when they ^origin­ numbness of limbs, especially at night; appointed, by order of the Judge of said ated this sage measure of civil rights for the cold chills alternating with hot flashes, kid­ Court, for settlement of gaid final account, humiliation of the white Southern ers, never ney. and urinary difficulties; dullness, low at such time and place thé Court will hear spirits, unsociability and gloomy forebod­ shot, wider of the mark in all their political ings. Only few of above symptoms likely objections to said final account and the ' set­ tlement thereof, and all persons interested party aims. They only humiliated the* to be present at one time. All who use Dr., in said estate are hereby notified to appear Pierce’s Alt. Ext. or Golden Medical Dis­ N#rthern whites, who had always looked up­ at said place on or before said day and file covery and Pleasant Purgative Pellets for on their colored fellow-citizens as rivals, Liver Complaint and its complications, are their exceptions in writing to said account and contest the same* and who invariably treated them as social loud in their praise of them. They are sold By order of D. B. Scofield, Judge of said inferiors and intruders, and whose sensibili­ by all dealers in medicines. CjUiff. dated April 1st, 18 ?5, publication hereoi is made four successive weeks in the ties aré now shocked at the thought of shar­ In tlie H a n d s o f S c ie n c e all things be­ B edrock D em ocrat . ing their civil rights with them. The Nor­ come valuable by adaptment, and salutary JOSEPH WECKERT, Adm’r. thern negro has a similar antipathy to the I. D. HAINES, by their application. Thus, Dr. Walker has Northern white man, whom he is loth to ad­ Att’y for Adm’r.n47n52. obtained from certain vegetable products of mit to a social equality with him; while the California that have been trampled on for cen­ Southern negro, in consequence of the pe­ Administrator’s Notice. turies by the ignorant, the invaluable cura­ culiar relations which have subsisted be­ tive known as the California Vinegar Bit­ tween himself and the dominant white race ters, a. medicine which is exciting the won­ In the County Court, Baker County, Oregon. of the South, has a respect and even an af­ der o f the.community by its beneficial oper­ Jn the matter ot estate of D. J. Spencer, ation in the worst cases, of Rheumatism, ' Deceased. fection for the latter which will prevent him Pulmonary Disease, General Debility, Con­ for generations to come from aspiring to gestion of the Liver, Constipation, ¡Scrofula •VT O T IC E is h e re b y given th a t James W. Dqgdale, the Administrator the privileges with which the "Civil Rights and Malarious -Fevers. of esta e of said D. J. Spencer, Deceased, has bill endows him. If, indeed, any conflict of presented for settlement and filed in said Earnl P a te n ts. Court his final account of administration* of races should ever grow out of the enforce­ said estate, and that Monday, the 3d day o.f ment of the Civil Rights act, it will be whol­ From the La Grande Seutinel of May, 1375, being at> regular term of said ly confined to the States north of Mason’s last Saturday we take the following Court, at the court room in Baker City, in and Dixon’s line; or if it extends to any por­ said County and State, at 11 o’clock A.’ m . tion of the South, it will not include any list of patents at; the United States of said day, has been duly appointed by or- Land Office, in La Grande, uow ready dei of the Judge ot said Court for the settle­ but whites and.blacks of Northern nativity. ment of said accounts, at which time and A R e m in is c e n c e .— One o f the curious plete; also Store House and Lot, and \yaro House and Lot, and one Heating Stove. T erms of S ale — -On all sums under $5,00 Cash up; on sums over $5,00 and under $20 Sixty days time; on sums over $20 Ninety- days time, note and approved security at one per cent, interest from date. Sale to commence prompt at 10 o’clock, A. M. E R E C E I V E S u b sc rip tio n s for, and furnish all of the leading Periodicals, M a ga zin es «Sc Newspapers ^published in New York, Philadelphia, Bos­ ton, Sacramento and San Francisco, at Pub­ lisher’s rates. BOOKS A S P E C IA L T Y . Any Rook published in-the Unitod States furnished by us at Boise City, at Publisher’s Prices. We are in constant receipt of NEW BCCKS of all kinds. S C H O 'd i B O O K S , A large supply constantly on hand, at Cat­ alogue Prices. Orders from a distance solicited and satis­ faction guaranteed. JAMES A. PINNEY