c n iö fta t: B a k e r City, March 2 4 , 1S75. C P” The B edeock D emoceat has more fide , paying subscribers in Baker County "than has any other two papers pub lished in the State. We put no man’s name on our subscription list unless we have orders bona so to do; « £ 11 D k . T. N. snow is authorized to act as Agent for the B e d e o c k D e m o c e a t at South Mountain, Idaho. M a r y s v i l l e M in in g & W a t e r Co.—On yesterday we had the pleasure to make the acquaintance o f Mr. Best, who has just itrrived from M arysville to attend to the ,interests of the M arysville Water & Min. ing Company, whose works are located at Auburn, in this co u n ty , vvhere they now have in 1500 feet oi flume which w ill con vey some 2000 inches o f water. It is the intention oi the Sup’ t. to run day and night and it is expected that they will bo able to wash down 1500 square yards o f ground every twelve hours. The Com pany are well pleased with their prospects, and look for big pay from their m ining operations this season. Mr. Best has the appearance o f being a practical man, and understands the business o f which he has charge. The Company have five goose neck nogglas from to 3% inch, and three Little Giants on the way hero, some o f which will be for sale. Here Will be a good opportunity for some o f our hydraulic companies to sup ply them selves with these improved means o f washing down banks. The M arysville Company will com m ence run ning as soon as water starts. ( M a i l L e f t .—W e are informed by pas sengers from Portland that there is con siderable m all matter scattered along the road on each side o f the Blue Mountains. I ft h is is t h e case the matter should be looked after by the mail agent, and the evil remedied.. A cquitted .—T he parties from Connor Creek—Messrs. Lew Sisley, C. C. Davis, F. B. Taylor, C. Van Clay and Clancy—who were arrested on com plaint o f J. A. Eddle- man for assault to k ill or com m it bodily harm , or some other charge, were all ac quitted, there not being sufficient evidence to sustain the charge. M o v e d .—P hil Hardesty has m oved his Variety Store from the old stand to the building next door above Pap Levens’ W holesale and Retail Liquor Store. He has his new quarters fixed up in nice style, where he will be pleased to see all those wishing anything in his line . A ccident ’--W e see by the late Portland papers, that a son of Geo. E. Cole, aged about 16 years, accidently shot himself with a Derrenger pistol last Sunday week. The wound is considered dangerous. The young man is a nephew of R. H. Cardwell, of our city. J o b P r in tin g '.—W e are prepared to do all kinds o f Job W ork at the B e d r o c k D e m o c r a t office on short notice and at reasonable rates. Call and see our speci mens. D ie d . —In Baker City, at the residence of Judge D. B. Scofield, March 19th, 1875, John Cllburn, aged about CO years. The deceased was an old and respected citizen of Auburn, in this county. H o n . J o h n H a i l e y , Delegate to Con gress from Idaho, arrived hom e, at Boise C it y , last week. S n o w . On last Saturday we, in compa" H a y is getting short in Powder River . ny with Mr. E. P . Cranston o f Sparta, and V alley, but if the present pleasant weath Judge Haines of this city, started down er continues there will not be much more Powder River V alley for the purpose o f needed for stock before next winter. trying to bag a few ducks and geese,which T h e people from all points heard from we understood were quite plenty a few m iles below our city. Upon getting to the in Oregon, Washington and Idaho are re desired hunting ground, we found tho joicing over the railroad news received. whole face o f tho country covered with F e e d G o o d . —Our people are all well snow from one inch to four and five feet in pleased at the favorable news received in depth , and distance lent enchantment to relation to the Railroad. the view o f geese and ducks we could see P r e a c h i n g — At the M. E. Church next at from 300 yards to one m ile off-sittin g Sunday at 11 o’clock, also at 7, by Rev. G. on the snow where their range o f vision W. Adams j Pastor. was unobstructed forinilos around. There D. A . L a n c a s t e r , the gentlem anlj i » * 6 PlentX,o f ducks and geese there, but agent for the well known house o f E. Mar shot-guns to k ill them with were only an tin & Co., o f Pori land, has been in our city aggravation. W o on ly got shots as the for the past few days. birds were flying over us at a great height. B o r n .— In Baker City, March 15th, 1875, Mr. Cranston made one lucky shot at leng range and bagged his goose. W e all ret to the wife of John W. W isdom , a daugh turned hom e disgusted with hunting ter. Mother and daughtc r both doing geese and ducks on the snow, and com well. eluded that our next hunt would bo after T he south wind.of Monday and Tuesday the snow had gone and water took its caused the water and mud to disappear Place, through which we could wade with from our streets very rapidly, and it is now our long gum boots, and once in a while quite dry and pleasant getting around for strike a slough where we could learn to footm en. swim. A t the City Election for Recorder last H ogs .—On last W ednesday Mr. G. W- Thursday, J. M . Shepherd received 44 Hunt, o f B luff Station, on the Payette votes, and E . W . Reynolds 35. The Re- River, in A da County, Idaho , passed thro’ c o r ie r ’s office is now in the B e d r o c k our city with a drove o f about 200 fat hogs, DEMOCRATf b u i l d i n g . which he purchased in Graude Rondo U n io n Ite m s ^■alley. A m on g the num ber we took no Tlia weather remains storm y, with about tice o f several full blooded Berkshires,and some three quarters and half breeds, two inches o f snow in the valley. L. Benson, o f North Powder, died at the which we suppose will be used as stock hogs. Taken altogether they were a fine residence o f D. R. Benson, near Union, on lot o f porkers. Mr. Hunt has a large and Wednesday last. He leaves six small ch il fine ranch where he liv e s, and takes great dren, the eldest o f which is about 15 years pains and pride in having it well im prov o f age. The happiest man we nave seen lately ed and well stocked with all kinds o f is Lou Rem illiard, who got matrimonially . blooded anim als. George understands his tangled on the 17th. business, and we are pleased to know that We are inform ed that D. W . Lichten- he is doing well. He is an early settle - in thaler, o f La Grande, will soon establish Idaho, and with his amiable wife and fam an office in U nion. ily lives happily and contented at homo. One would suppose elk as docile in this ■ C l o s in g E x e r c i s e s .— The w inter term country when people catch them with the of the Baker City Public School will close lasso, as Mark Benson did on Friday last, on March 30th, next Tuesday. On the eve near the Catherine Creek saw-mill. ning o f that day the public exercises will H ay is getting to be a very scarce article take place at the Court H ouse. Mr. Sm all, now. som e stock are dying, and if the the teacher o f this s ch o o l, deserves great weather remains so a few days there will a credit for the success he has had as teach great many perish. BONUS.' er o f this school for the past si.’f months.— The «‘Housekeeper” o f Our H ealth, The scholars have m ade great im piove- jment during the term , and now they wish —The liver is the great depurating or blood to contribute their mite for the entertain cleansing organ of the system. Set the ment and amusement o f their parents and groat housekeeper of our health at work, friends by giving a public entertainment, and the foul corruptions which gender in (consisting o f Dialogues, Recitations, &c., to the blood and rot out, as it were, the ma chinery of life, are gradually expelled from which the public are invited. Go and see the system, For this purpose Dr. Pierce’s and hear the children on next Tuesday Golden Medical Discovery, with small daily | evening at the Court House and m ake doses of Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Purgative Pellets are pre-eminently the articles needed. [their hearts glad. Adm ission free. They eure every kind of humor from the M i n i n g . —The snow that has fallen with, worst scrofula to the common Pimple, blotch in the past thirty days we are told is equal or eruption. Great eating ulcers kindly —in the m ountains—to all that had fallen heal under their mighty curative influence. during the winter before. That which has Virulent blood poisons that lurk in the sys fallen lately has been very heavy and con tem are by them robbed of their terrors, tains a large quantity o f water, which and by their persevering and somewhat pro tracted usephe most tainted system may be gives our miners great prospects for a good completely renovated and built up anew. m ining season. Mr. L. W . Nelson informs Enlarged glands, tumors and swellings us that he has no partner in his mining dwindle away and disappear under the influ claim s on Salmon Creek, and that he ence of their great resolvents. Sold by all hopes to have a good and profitable run dealers in medicines. there this season. His son , W . S.- Nelson As B road as C iv il iz a t io n .— The agent of is now at the mines getting them ready for the Wilson Sewflng Machine Company will, operating. in a few days, sail from San Francisco for Chili, in South America, where he will open H e a v y E x p e n s e .—On last Saturday and Sunday’ quite a num ber o f the citizens of a Branch House and exhibit the world-re nowned Wilson Shuttle Sewing Machine at Connor Creek were brought to our city, by the grand exposition to be held at Santiago process o f law, as principals and witnesses under the auspices of that government. By in a crim inal case, the result o f which w ill this step the Wilson Sewing Machine Com entail a heavy expense on the county, as pany will complete the circuit of the globe. well as on the individuals who are c o m They have already immense ageneies in Chi na, Japan, British Indies, England, France pelled to visit our city from Connor Creek and other parts of South America. Supreme in connection with this case. in its superiority over all other sewing ma W e a t h e r .— On Sunday the wind came chines, the Wilson goes on widening its from the South, and partook, in a smalj field year after year, carrying the blessings of a cheap, capable, and perfect sewing ma degree', the characteristics o f Chinook, chine to the remotest haunts of civilization. which caused the snow to disappear from Machines will he delivered at any railroad our streets, and on M onday m orning the station in this county, free of transportation atmosphere had all the bracing elements charges, if ordered through the Company s o f a regular spring m orning. Spring has B-anch House at 327 & 329, Superior St., com e—say our weather prophets. We Cleveland, Ohio. They send an elegant catalogue and chro- hope they may prove true in their prog mo circular, free, on application. nostications. This Company want a few more good B ig F oot ,— Spoken o f a short tim e since agents* by the Pendleton Tribune as a runner for M eteorological Table. some house below,, is in our city The la dies when they see those big boots coining Through the of S. - P. . xiirougu tiic politeness iJuiAiK/AAt/oo v / j . - Professor x- down street give them a wide track, and ■ . ° we are __ ___ «T-.1/V/1 4 to -rt lew izvfVxvo our Barrett, enabled lay V before our men folks when they see their nose readers the following table showing the range passing from behind a corner, look out o f the Mercury for the week ending March for the little specimen o f humanity that iker City., Oregon: 10 P. M. 12 M. they carry in them. Oh ! What boots ! A. M. 26 84 20 Sunday, A nd, ye G ods! What a foot is in them. 28 40 26 Monday, B o oks a n d P a p e r s .— Tracy, at the Post- 34 40 28 Tuesday, office Book Store, has been receiving a Wednesday, 17 35 27 26 32 12 large and general supply o f books, papers, Thursday, 46 SI 26 and a great variety of small notions in his Friday, 29 41 27 Saturday * a * • * - ■ * * — line. Call and look at his assortment. Average for the week 3Q:2drg. ahove zero. C a ll e d .— Charles Green, of Rye Valley, Average for corresponding w ek last year, who has just returned from a business trip 29:5 degrees above Aero. to San Francisco, called on u s last Mon Snow fall for the week 11 \ inches. Total day. snow this winter 76 inches. J AGENTS.—The following named gentle- mes are authorized to act as Agents for the ' B edrock D em o crat : G e o . P. R o w e l l & Co., New York. T h o s . B o y c e , S an F ran cisco, L. P . F i s h e r , San F ra n eisco. P. C. H a r p e r , Albany, Oregon. M. W. D avis , Walla Walla, W. T, S. V. K n o x , Pendleton, Oregon. J. D. A gnew , Boise City, Idaho, J. J. D ooley , Clarksville, Oregon. S. M. J effreys , Weiser Valley, Idaho. • N e d . T u rk , Canyon City, Oregon. H. H. H yde , Prairie City, Oregon. F arm ers around Union and the Cove can pay their subscription to the D emocrat to Geo. Wright & Son, merchants at Union, or Cowles & McDaniels or S. G. French at The Cove. Persons wishing to subscribe in that portion of Union county cangive their names to either oi the above named parties. F r e d . S alade is authorized to act as Agent for the D emocrat at Umatilla. G e o . W. P alm er is authorized to act as Agent for the D emocrat at Marysville. C h a r le s W . C r a n e is authorized to act as Agent for the B edrock D emocrat in San Francisco. L. R e m il l a r d and R. S. C ates are author ized to act as Agents for the D emocrat in Union County. S a m . H annah will receive grain, produce, &c., at Union, in payment for subscription to the B edrock D em ocrat . J ohn G orman is Agent for the D emocrat in Boise County, Idaho. L., P. FISHER, Nos. 20 and 21, New Mer chants’ Exchange, is our authorized Agent in San Francisco. IMPROVE YOUR POULTRY. It costs no more to keep good fowls than Poor ones. O ak land P ou ltry Yards, B a lte r City l o d g e N o. 2 5 , 1 . 0 . O . F . , meets every Saturday evening, at half past six o’clock, at Odd Fellows Hall, in the new Bank Block, corner of Front street and Court Avenue. Members of'the Order are invited to attend. By order of N. G. UF” Chas. St* L ou is has located perma nently in Baker; and is now prepared to man ufacture and repair all kinds of jewelry and watches. After twenty-eight years ’ experi ence in the business, he feels competent to give entire satisfaction. Mr. St. Louis, is also agept for the best Sewing Machine in use, the'New Wilson, price, $55,00. U seful P resent .— Every family ought to have a good Sewing Machine. We have a beautiful new Silver Plated Wilcox & Gibbs’ Maciiina, that would ue a beautiful, valuable and useful present to any man’s wife, mother, sister or sweetheart, which we will sell on easy terms. We will instruct the person buy ing how to operate the machine. It is one of the nicest machines in our city. 05?“ F or the very best Photographs, go to Bradley & Rulofsen’s Gallery without S tairs OS'“ Ascend in the ELEVATOR, 429 Mont gomery Street, San Francisco. BR O N ZE T U R K E Y S 12 Gobblers from 8 to 20 months old, 22 to 40 lbs each, for sale now. Hens 14 to 18 as. 3 i E M D E J j G E E S ¡5 40 to 50 pounds per pair at maturity. Black Cayuga Ducks, Games, Brahmas, Leghorns, Houdans, Bantams, etc,. Eggs, fresh, pure, true to name; well-pack ed so as to hatch after arrival. For Illustrated Circular and Price-List address, M. EYRE, Napa, Cal. R a b bits . F errets . P igeons . Please State where you saw this advertise ment. Celebrated Trotting Stallion C O M E T , I L L S T A N D tlie en su in g season at Wisdom’s Ranch, 4 miles W North of this city, and one day in each week at the Stable of K üburn & Perkins in Baker City. Season commencing April 1st, and ending July 1st, 1875. Good pasturage on the premises for the accommodation of patrons from a distance. Mares left at owners risk. For full particulars Ac., see posters. M. D. WISDOM. March 3d, 1875. n43n6. D E X T E R I L L m u k c tlie season oi 1875, at the farm of George Ebell, W near Pocahontas, about nine miles from Baker City. D ex ter is a handsome dark dapple bay, seven years old, 1694 hands high with fine form and action. T erm s — $10.00 to insure. Mares from a distance will he pastured. n41m4. GEORGE EBELL. Strayed. fr o m th e S u b scrib er about the 13th, of June, 1874, from the Tub Springs, near Old’s Ferry, one bright bay horse, black mane and tail, some white in the forehead and strip on the left nostril, some saddle marks, hind feet white, about 14 hands high, 10 years old, and branded on the right shoulder with horse shoe open side up with a link above it. Had a leather hal ter on when last seen. Also one cream col ored mare, 3 years old last spring, silver mane and tail, white lace, all the legs white nearly to the knees, about 14 hands high, was with fold, branded L. B . on right shoul der, Is a half breed. Information can be left or sent to the B ed rock D emocrat Office, G. W, GRIGSBY. - I I M . « Il I I I I ,||M WITH A New Stock o f Goods SINCE THE A R R IV A L OF Larger and more attractive than ever before, bought since the great Financial pan ic, and which we offer at OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA. GREATLY REDUCED PRICE'S ! ! P JEW G O O D S . OUR STOCK OF J u s t R e c e iv e d CLOTHING FROM SEASON Q F 1 S 7 5. GGS for H a tc h in g fro m the Largest and best bred Fowls in the E World. Carefully, packed and warranted to Garry safely any distance. The varieties comprise Dark and Light Bramas, Buff and Patridge Cochins, White Leghorns, Houdans, and Silver Spangled Ham burgs, Black Span ish, White Dorkings, Golden Polands, Ayles bury Ducks, and Game, Sebright and Black African Bantams. B ronze T urkeys , the finest collection on the Pacific Coast. Send stamD for illustrated circular to GEO. B. BAYLEY, Importer and Dealer of Choice Poultry, box 659, San Franciseo. Please state what paper you saw this ad vertisement in. n40n52 BAKER CITY MARKET. F R E D . D IE E R e sp e c tfu lly in forms the citizens of Baker City that he has purchased from John Eppinger the TO TH E I N F O R T U N A T E ! NEW REMEDIES! NEW REMEDIES! DE. GIBBON ’S ms p i mi Y, 623, Kearney St., Corner Commercial street, San Francisco. Established in 1854, for the treatment of sexual and seminal diseases, such as Gonor rhea, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis in all its forms, seminal weakness, impotency, etc. Skin diseases, of years standing, and ulcerated legs successiully treated. DK. GIBBON has the pleasure of announ cing that he has returned from visiting the principal Hospitals in Europe, and has re sumed practice at the Dispensary, 623 Kear ney street, corner of Commercial, where his old patients and those requiring his services may find him. The Doctor has spared neither time nor money in seeking out new remedies, and has returned with increased facilities for the alleviation of human suffering. THE NEW YORK TRIBÜNE. “ The Leading American Newspaper.” THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. D aily $10 a year. S e m i-W e ek ly $3. W e e k ly $3. a w n r a O T M m iM S Oar Dress Goods Department T O Is well filled with a spleddid assortment of the leading styles and fashionable shades. T tiis M a r k e t, Empress Cloths, Consisting in Part o f Satteens, Mohair, la d ie s’ Dress & Fancy Goods American Dress Goods, and FLANNELS, Of Every Description, together with a Full' Plaid, Plain and,Opera, of all colors. and Complete Assortment o f Bleached and Unbleached Cotton Flannels. MINING SUPPLIES, Ladies’ & Gents’ Underwear. LIQUORS, TOBACCO & CIGARS, GROCERIES, GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHING, In the leading Styles. BOOTS and SHOES, H ARDW ARE, L o o ts and S h oes. CROCKERY, and We would call special attention to our stock GLASSWARE, of Mens’ and Boys’ San Francisco Boots which we have sold for a number of AH o f which will be Sold years past with satisfaction. W h o le s a le a n d d e t a il Every pair waranted. A T A Well Selected Stock o f L o w e s t T r ic e s . n H a t s and C a p s. IF At astonishing low Prices. We have a large assortment o f Miners’ and Farmers’ Implements Which we are selling at low’er prices than ever before offered in this Market. Remember that our Store is in the FIREPROOF BANK BLOCK. BAMBERGER & FRANK. Baker City, Dee. 1, 1874.u30tf SST Thankful for the liberal manner 1« which I have heretofore been patronized, I'hope by fair and honorable dealing to merit a continuance o f the same. S. OTTENHEIMER. Virtue Bloclc, Baker City, Oct- 7,1873. n21 D R E S S M A KIN G! L o o k L ig h t H e r e Î ! W HY W I L L Y O U (O N T S X . ue to buy Fruit Trees and Shrubbery of Walla Walla dealers, when you can pur chase a superior article at G ran ger B o tto m P rices At the Union Nursery, Cove, Union County, Oregon. . H. J. GEER, Proprietor. Following is a List of Trees and Prices: APPLES« 3-Year Old, Extra Large, 18 cents per Tree. 2-Year Old, Extra Large, 15 cents per Tree. 1-Year Okl, Extra Large, 10 cents per Tree. g:- . E. G. S ï e j M & Go., V a rie tie s: T I N -S H O P ! CUSSED A T H O M E . Persons at a distance may be CURED AT HOME by addressing a letter to Dr. Gibbon stating case, symptoms, length of time the disease has continued, and have medicine promptly forwarded, free from damage and curiosity, to any part of the country, with full and plain directions for use. * Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the name of the paper they see this ad vertisement in. By inclosing Ten Dollars coin, in regis tered letter through the Postoffice, - or through Wells, Fargo & Co., a package of medicine will be forwarded to any part of the Union. All communications strictly confidential* Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, 623 Kearny street, San ¡Francisco. Postoffice Box 1,- 957. n lly r l m San Franciseo Direct, Has been lergely increased and we can show as handsome aline of ready made goods in Tlie Most Extensive, the Best an d MEN’S AND BOYS BUSINESS and DRESS Most Extensive Assortment o f Suits, Overcoats, &c., as can be found in the County, at prices that cannot fail to satisfy. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Red As trichan, Early Harvest,. Rambo, H O i i l t i f i l j ; D ISE A S E S! Graunstine, Red June, Golden Sweet, Ditch How many thousands of persons, both es "of Oldenburg, Pound Pippin, Talpahoek- male and female, are there who are suffer en, Early, Strawberry, Baily Sweet,. Blue ing out a miserable existence from the ef Pearmaiu, White Winter Pearmain, Golden fects of secret indulgence, or from virus ab Russett, Swaar, Golden Pippen, Ben or “ Jeff” sorbed into the system. Look at their pal Davis, Winesap, King Apple, Gloria Mundi, lid, emaciated and disfigured faces and Esopus Spitzenberg, Baldwin, Willow Twigg, their broken down constitutions, disquali ■ Genniton, Snow, Hyslop Crab, Transcenant fying them for the happiness of marriage or Crab, &c., &. P E A R S: the enjoyment of life. In this horrid situa tion thousands suffer until death closes the 2-Year Old, Large, 50 cents per Tree. scene. Let parents, guardians and friends 1-Year Old, Large, 30 cents per Tree. attend to those who are suffering with any V arieties < of these horrible, life-destroying maladies— Bartlett, Howell, Madeline, Danes Hovey, see that they are cared for and cured before it is too late. Send them immediately to Seckel, Clapp’s Favorite, Burea d’ Anjou, Dr. Gibbon, a physician who has made pri Burea Easter. Julienne, Winter Nellis, Vicar, vate diseases his especial study for years, Pound, &., &. PLUMS « and who is certain to cure the most invete 2-Year Old, 40 cents per Tree. rate cases without mercury or any injurious 1-Year Old, SO cents per Tree, drugs. It is important to those afflicted, or those interested in the welfare of their V arieties < friends, to be careful of tlie many pretended Yellow Egg, Yellew Gage, Columbia, Lom- doctors who infest all citios, publishing tlieir bara, Sweet Damson, Imperial Gage, Ac. skill in curing all diseases in a few days, im CHERRY« posing upon the public by using tho names of eminent physicians from Europe and 1-Yoar Old, good growth, 50 cents per Tree. other places. Be therefore careful and make V a rie tie s« strict inquiry or you may fall into the hands Early Richmond, May Duke, Yellow Span of those charlatans. ish, Black Eagle, Black Tartarian, Black Re S E M IN A L W E A K N E S S. publican, Ac. Seminal emission—the consequence of Peach an d Apricot, 25 cents per Tree. self abuse. This solitary vice, or depraved GRAPES« sexual indulgence, is praticed by the youth of both sexes to an almost unlimited extent, Tlie Janesville, ripens with me Aug. 20th, producing with unerring certainty the fol and stand Grande Ronde winter without pro lowing tram of morbid symptoms, unless tection, fine one year old plants oOcents. White combatted by scientific medical measures, Sweetwater and Isabella, 25 cents per plant. Cherry C urrauts, $2 50 pen dozen. Eng viz: Sallow countenance, dark spots under the eyes, pains in the head, ringing in the lish Goosberry, $1 50 per dozen. ears, noise like rustling of leaves or rattling SHADE T R E E S, &c. of chariots, uneasiness about theloins, weak Walnut, Elm, Ash, Buckeye,■ Maple and ness of the limbs, confused vision, blunted intellect, loss of confidence in approaching Buttornu', 25 cents each; Lombardy Poplar, strangers, a dislike to form new acquaintan 2-year old, 18 cents each. Roses, 25 to 50 ces, a disposition to shun society, loss o, cents; Lilac, Purple 25 cents, and White 50 memory, pimples and various eruptions cents. In fact I have almost anything usually about the face, hectic flushes, .furred tongue, foetid breath, night sweats, monomania and kept in a No. 1 Nursery. Q'y”' Give me a T rial. frequently insanity. If relief be not obtamed, should apply immediately either in person Address, H. J. GEER, or by letter, and have a cure effected by his CoYe, Union county, new and scientific mode of treating this dis n32n48 Oregon. ease, which never fails in effecting a quick and radical cure. J. II. P A B K E E , WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALER IN Respectfully inform tlie Ladies o f Baker City and vicinity, that they have opened an establishment, at tlia residence of Mrs. B . C. Shepherd, in Baker City, where they are prepared to Cut, or Cut aii Make all kinds o f Ladies & Childrens Clothing. All orders from the surrounding Towns and Country will be promptly attended to-, at the same prices that our if City customers aru charged. Stamping for Embroidering Braiding done to order. LATEST FASH IONS Received every month, direct from No York. Agent for Grover & Bakers Si -'ewing Machines. F re d - _A.. L o b n a ’s SALOON, AT THE OLD SuAKD OF B am b erger & F ra n k , R A K E R U IT Y , OREGON . FRED. A. B O H N A T> e sp c c tiu lly in fo r m s lise c iti- X\> zens of Baker City and thè Publio generally, that he has purchased the inter est ot Bob. McCord in the above S A H c o n s t a n t l y O N , Where will always be found the very bos W in e s , L iq u o rs and C igars, One of the Finest and Best L illia r d T a b le s To be found in the City.-1 “ Fred” will be pleased at all times to have his friends givi him a call. FRED. A. BOHNA. Baker City, Jan. 20, 1875. n39tf R. M TN TO SH . In the capacity of ¡in M ain S treet, B a k e r C ity , O r c s o a . k e e p s L O Respectfully offers his services to the Publio C op ¡r, Tin ani S t o t -I m Ware. e and lu o n hand a full assortment of all articles in his line, such as -ilk JO IN E B AN D Miner’s Hydraulic Pipe, Noz A ll kinds and every zles, Butts and Tin WTare. D E S C R IP T IO N T Also, Every Pattern and Style of Of Work in Wood neatly and promptly done. Baker City, Jan. 1, 1873tf. S T O V E S The Celebrated Buck’s Patent ^Cooking, and the Onward Parlor Stove are kept on hand, together with all other styles. J O B W Q H K T o S b e e p K a i s e r s It Iinprteà Colsi oil Slisss for Sale. NE HUNDRED AND F IF T E E N O Head Thorough bred Cots wold Sheep, lately Imported from the best herds in Can Don« upon short Notice, and at reasonable Prices. n26tf J. H. PARKER. P ostage F ree to the S u b sc rib er . Spe ada. The above Sheep are Full Blooded cimen Copies and Advertising rates Free. and as fine as any on the Coast. Weekly, in clubs of 30 or more, only SI, There are Forty Bucks in the lot. O a t s V anted* postage paid. Address, The whole will be sold, in lots to suit pur n38y " OQ~ T he T ribune , N. Y. P ou n d s o f O ats chasers, and at 50,000 B an k E xchange. HE T D emocrat Office im m ediately, for which .the highest Cash price w ill be allowed.n-26ti" papular place o f resort take pleasure in informing the public that Charley Schellwortli 2 W anted at the B edeock P R O P R E I T O R S o i th is now has charge of the Bar, where he deals Feb. 24th 1875. n42n46. nothing but the best of Wines, Liquors, and V O T I O E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N Cigars, and will be pleased to have his that all Partnership relations between friends give him a Call. This is a Bit Saloon. Dr. J. M. Boyd and H. N. McKinney have been dissolved by mutual concent. All ac Baker Citv, March 3, 1875, n43tf counts against said firm will be settled by H. N. McKinney, and all accounts due said firm O f th e Celet>rat€(I S ta n (I» H will be paid" to him, it is hoped, withot <Je- ^Baker City, Dee. 24; 1874.n35tf L iv e ly T im e s IN B A K E R C I T Y , Corner Sixteenth and Castro Streets, B u s in e s s .—W e expect to be absent con B AK EB CITY M ARK ET, siderable of the time this Spring and Sum mer, but our son Harry will at all times be Where, at all times, he will he prepared to found at the B e d r o c k D e m o c r a t office to furnish his customers with the attend to business in connection with the BEST OF MEAT, paper. Of all kinds, at most reasonable prices. Baker City, Feb. 1, l875.-n39tf A. F. and A. M .—Baker Lodge, A. F. and A, M., No 47, meets on the second and fourth Thursday evening in each month in their Hall. Transient brethren in good standing are invited to attend. By order of the W* M. * ‘W h a t I K n o w , I K n ow , ” said the great surgeon Magendie. “ Give me stub born facts; I care not for theories.” This is sound doctrine. Possibly a medical marti net might be able, in a plausible way, to show why Dr. Walker’s Vinegar Bitters ought not to cure Indigestion, Headache, Nervousness, Liver complaint, Muscular Diseases, and Miasmatic Fevers; but as they do in every instance effect that object, his fine theory would be a waste o f words. As Magendie said, the world demands facts, not speculative opinions. R eligiou s . —Divine Service will be held in the M. E. Church, the second and fourth Sabbaths of each month, at 11 o’clock A. M., and 6H P. M.—Expository Lecture, by the pastor, and Prayer Meeting every Wed nesday evening at 6H o ’clock. All are in vited to attend. G. W. ADAMS, Pastor. ONCE MORE WE COME ! ! , Organs— new—for sale. enquire at this çffice, For parti cojan nSÖtf O O O *5 ° Hn,iS of Wanted immediately, at the B egkock D emoceat Office, for which the highest Cash price will be allowed. n26tf N O T IC E . A 1,1, N O T E S due A . H . B r o w » must be paid to me immediately, or Costs of Action will be incurred. I. D. HAINES, n32tf Attorney. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ H B E ID & E L E T C H E B , n24tf B a r le y W a n te d . 4 0 B EASO N A B LE BRICES. For particulars, enquire of Baker City, Ggn. (hr +n (Jinn P e r R a y . A g en ts W a n t e d . $0 lu Cn'J A ll classes o f working people of both sexes, young and old, make mora money at work for us, in their Own localities, during their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. We offer employ ment that will pay handsomely for every hour’s work. Full particulars, terms, Ac., sent free, feend us your address at once. Don’t delay. Now is the time. Don’t lock for work or business elsewhere, until you hare learned what we offer. itSSy G. STINSON & GO., Portland, Maine.,