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About Bedrock democrat. (Baker City, Baker County, Or.) 1870-188? | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1875)
'SFA'* iito â ir n im k B a k e r C ity, M arch 17, 1 8 7 5 . [jp=- The B edrock D emocrat has more f id e , paying subscribers in Baker bona County, than has any other two papers pub- ished in the State. We put no man’s name on our subscription list unless we have orders so to do. _^n D r . T. N. S now I s authorized to act as A gen t for the B e d r o c k D e m oc rat at South M ountain, Idah o. M oney in n . — Builders will see some thing to their advantage by reading the ad vertisement headed “ To Builders ” Here is an opportunity for our mechanics to draw the design of the Court House for Union County, and it may be secure the job of building it. A c c i d e n t .— W. C. H ull, o f North Pow der, was thrown from a horse on the 9th inst., and thereby received some injuries that will be lik ely to keep him at home for a week or ten days. W e are glad to state the injui ies are not considered dan gerous. S t . P atric k ’ s D a y .— To-day, March 17th, T r ip A cross th e M ountains .— Our friends is St. Patrick’s day, “ in the morning.” We J. W. Virtue, of this city, and Van Schuy- hear it intimated that there will be a dance ver, of Portland, started in a buggy on last this evening in our c ity. Friday for Clarks Creek. When they reach C a l l e d / —Mr. John Pitts, and C. C. Davis, ed the Mountain House, they were met by of Connor Creek, called on us yesterday. John Dooley, from the T o'l Gate, on the We are pleased to have our friends call - at other side of the mountain, with a sleigh_ any and all times. straightway the buggy was placed on the B k lig io u s . —There will be preaching next sleigh, and the buggy horses were led by Sabbath at the Methodist church at 11 a. m. friend Virtue; one o f them was not good at and 7 p. m., by Rev. E. P. Waltz. keeping in the narrow and well beaten road, S uspension . - -Bro. Abbott, of the Pendle and gave our friend considerable trouble in ton Tribune, informs his readers that the leading, which made him pretty hot in the Tribune will not be issued for about three collar. After getting about across the snow weeks—closed for repairs, we suppose. the stage from this city for Eldorado over E lection . —Remember the election for took them, and in attempting to turn out to City Recorder, to fill the vacancy occasioned let the stage pass, the sleigh got off the by the resignation of W. J. Eastabrook, takes track, and buggy, sleigh, Virtue, VanSchuy- place to-morrow. v e r , and friend Dooley, were all capsized. G arden S eeds . —J. J. Ecoffey has a largo The scene was quite ludicrous—Virtue assortment of fresh Garden seeds o f all the flat on his back but holding tight to his bug best varieties. He is receiving fresh sup gy horses, and the other two scrambling out plies constantly. He sells very cheap, and o f the snow the best they could. When it was found that no one was hurt and that would be pleased to have you call and exam nothing was broken, there was a burst of ine his assortment. B looded H ogs .— Look at our new adver merriment at the mishap that done our friends lungs good. It is half surmised by tisements, and especially the one headed some o f the party that John turned the “ Blooded Hogs.” sleigh over on purpose, but knowing him as O U R CONNOR CR EE K LETTER . well as wo do we cannot believe this part of C o n n o r C r e e k , M arch 14th, 1875. the story—what do you think Virtue ? “ M a k e H o m e H a p p y . ” —W e , a sh o rt tim e s in c e , re ce iv e d a lo n g a d v e r tis e m e n t b e a rin g th e a b o v e t i t l e , fr o m N e w Y o r k , w h ic h w e w cro sa tisfied at th e tim e w as a “ b il k ” o n us a n d w as in te n d e d to defrau d ou r readers, therefore we w ould not p ub lish it—ou r n eigh bor o f the H erald bit at it, a n d , by publishing the advertisem ent, is aiding the sw indlers to ch eat his read ers, that is, if any o f them are led to send m on ey to the firm o f J. T h om p son , H anna & C o . In spea k in g o f this firm Iiow ell's N ew spaper R eporter o f N ew Y o rk says: “ W e take occa sion to expross ou r sur prise in seeing the Sacram ento, Cal., Bee a excellen t business standing, p u b lish in g the advertisem en t—m arked £ !~ ° ^ “ M ake H om e H a p p y ,” as given in J . T h om p son , H an n a & C o .’s recipe there for. The “ h o m e ” o f it« p u blish er will be m ade m ore than “ h a p p y ” w hen he has the pleasure o f affixing his signature to the b ill for valu o receiv ed .” A n y advertisem ent w ill d o to fill up w ith , but we had rather publish those for w h ich we are p a id , and w hich w ill not aid in the cheating o f our readers. W ea th e r . —The past week has presented us with considerable weather, and to accu rately describe it, would take more space than we leel like devoting to so common a subject It has snewed considerable, rained a little, been cloudy some, and a little sun shine, it has frozen and it has thawed, and --------well it has done almost everything, and still it has been pleasant March weath er, and this is all we can say about it. A u c t io n H o u s e .— By reference to our ad vertising colu m n s it w ill bo seen that Pap L evens & S. H . S m all have established an A uction H ouse in ou r city. T h ey intend to have regular sales every Saturday, and during the w eek when necessary. Th ey understand their business, and sell at rea son able rates. E d it o r D e m o c r a t :— T h in k in g that you r num erous readers w ould lik e a description o f this cam p, I concluded to furnish the follow in g description : This is m ore o f a quartz cam p thau a placer m in in g, a ltlio ’ there are good placer m ines here. The ledges are from 4 to 12 feet In w idth, run ning north-east to south-w est, and w ill pay from 310 to $40 per ton, there being very little blasting to be done, as m ost o f the rock gives way easily to the p ick . The m ine ownod by W hite A Co. is one o f the best In the co u n ty ; at m u ch expense th ey have built a steam saw m ill o f 40-horse power, running 20 stam ps, and e m p lo y in g about 40'lnen at the m ill and m in e. T heir ledge is about 8 feet on an average, the walls solid , with every appearance o f a deep m in e, is thorou ghly prospected , and with the present m eans o f working it bids fair to be the best m ine In Eastern Oregon. The owners o f this m in e aro gen tlem en , and w ell deserve the good luck they have. The mine owned by H oover A Co. w ill av erage from 4 to 6 feet in w idth. They have a five stam p m ill in good ru n n ing o r d e r - run by water—a 36 foot w heel is their m o tive power. Thoy have been at m u ch e x pense to d evelop their ledge, and to erect the necessary m a ch in ery to w ork their m in e, and deserve great credit for their perseverance. There are several ledges that prospect w ell, but their ow ners are not able to put the necessary m achinery on them at present, but the success o f the ca m p is beyon d d o u b t, and In a year or two there w ill be other m ines worked. C. C. D. a GENTB.—Tho fo llo w in g n am ed gentle men are authorized to act as A gents for the B edrock D em o crat : G e o . P. R o w e l l A C o ., N ew York. T h o s . B o y c e , San F ra n cisco, L. P. F i s h e r , San F ra n cisco . P. C. H a r p e r , Albany, Oregon. M. W. D avis , Walla Walla, W. T. S. J. J. 8. V. K nox , Pendleton, Oregon. D. A gnew , Boise City, Idaho; J. D ooley , Clarksville, Oregon. M. J effreys , Weiser Valley, Idaho. N e d . T u rk , Canyon City, Oregon. H. H. H y d e , Prairie City, Oregon. F arm ers around Union and the Cove can pay tlieir subscription to the D emocrat to Geo. Wright & Son, merchants at Union, or Cowles & McDaniels or S. G. French at The Cove. Persons wishing to subscribe in that portion of Union county can give their names to either of the above named parties. F r e d . S alade is authorized to act as Agent for the D emocrat at Umatilla. G eo . W. P a l m e r , is authorized to act as Agent for the D emocrat at Marysville. CRa-rles W . C ra n e is authorized to act as Agent for the B edrock D em ocrat in San Francisco. L. R e m il la r d and R. 8. C ates are author ized to act as Agents for the D em ocrat in Union County. 8 a m . H annah will receive grain, produce, &c., at Union, in payment for subscription to the B edrock D em ocrat . J ohn G orman is Agent for the D em ocrat in Boise County, Idaho. L. P. FISH ER, N os. 20 and 21, N ew M er ch an ts’ E xch an ge, is our authorized A gen t 1» San Francisco. B u s i n e s s .—W e expect to be absent co n siderable o f the tim e this Spring and Sum m er, but our son H arry w ill at all times be found at the B e d r o c k D e m o c r a t office to attend to business in con n ection with the paper. IMPROVE YOUR POULTRY, - ONCE MORE WE COME!! It costs no more to keep good fowls than Poor ones. WITH O a k la n d P o u ltr y Y ard s, Corner Sixteenth and Castro Streets, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA. SEASON I n O u r C i t y .— W . J . Van S cb u yv er, o f th e firm o f M illard & V an Schuyver, o f P ortlan d , arrived in our city last week. J o b P r in t in g '.— W e are prepared to do a ll k in d s o f J ob W o r k at the B e d r o c k D e m o c r a t office on short n otice and at reasonable rates. Call and see our speci m en s. R i c h S t r i k e .— Another rich strike has been m ade In G reen’s D iscovery M ine, at R j e V a lle y . The L ed gers thirty inches in w id th , and show s better than anyth in g heretofore struck there. F resh Eggs and butter, are coming into our market. Hardesty always keeps these and other articles in his line when it is pos sible to procure them, with which he sup plies his numerous customers at the most reasonable prices. P u b l i c R e c e p t io n .— W ou ld it n o t be w ell for ou r citizen s to give H on . J. -W . N esm ith a p u b lic reception as he passes through ou r city, on his way h om e from W ashington ? H e m a y be expected here this w eek or next. D i e d .— A t Connor Croek, B aker County, Oregon, M arch 14th, 1875, R obt. W illia m s. H is funeral took p la ce in ou r city yester day at 2 ' o ’clock . H e was buried by the Independent Order o f Odd F ellow s, o f w h ich society he was a m em b er. G o n e .—Dr. T. N . S n o w ’s fa m ily left ou r city on last M onday m o rn in g for South M ountain, Id a h o, where the Dr. intends to m ake his future residence. W e w ish them a safe jou rney and hope th ey m a y have a pleasant h om e in their new lo ca lity . C a l l e d .—I. B. B ow en , o f Sparta, called on us last M onday. H e inform s us that the prospects for m in in g in that district are as good as any o f the past seasons. T a x e s .—F rom a notice in another c o l um n it will be seen that if your taxes are n ot paid between this and the first o f A p ril, you will have to p ay the w h ole am ount in coin, additional cost added. S old O ut .—Fred Dill has sold his Stage L in e from this city to C onnor Creek and Rye V alley to Kilburn A Perkins, w ho w ill continue to m ake regular trips be- tw eeif these points. Larger and more attractive than ever before, bought sinoe the great Financial pan ic, and which we offer at E BAKEB CITY MARKET. R E D . D IE E R e sp e c tfu lly in forms the citizens of Baker City that he F has purchased from John Eppinger the BAKER CITY MARKET, Where, at all times, he will he prepared to furnish his customers with the BEST OF MEAT, Of all kinds, at most reasonable priees. Baker City, Feb. 1, 1875.-n39tf A. F. a n d A. M .—Baker Lodge, A. F. and A. M., No 47, meets on the second aud fourth Thursday evening in each month in their Hall. Transient brethren in good standing are invited to attend. By order of the W. M. » W h a t I K n o w , I K n o w , ” said the DR. GIBBON’S great surgeon Magendie. “ Give me stub born facts; I care not for theories.” This is sound doctrine. Possibly a medical marti net might be able, in a plausible way, to show why Dr. Walker’s Yinegar Bitters 623, Kearney Si., ought not to cure Indigestion, Headache, Nervousness, Liver complaint, Muscular C orner C ommorcial s tree t, Diseases, and Miasmatic Fevers; but as they do in every instance effect that object, his San Francisco. fine theory would be a waste o f words. As Established in 1854, for the treatment of Magendie said, the world demands facts, not sexual and seminal diseases, such as Gonor speculative opinions. rhea, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis in all its forms, R eligiou s .— Divine Service will be held seminal weakness, impotency, etc. Skin in the M. E. Church, the second and fourth diseases, of years standing, and ulcerated Sabbaths of each month, at 11 o’clock A. M., legs successfully treated. and 644 P. M.—Expository Lecture, by the DR. GIBBON has the pleasure ofannonn- pastor, and Prayer Meeting every Wed cing that he has returned from visiting the nesday evening at 6H o ’clock. All are in principal Hospitals in Europe, and has re vited to attend. G. W. ADAMS, sumed practice at the Dispensary, 623 Kear Pastor. ney street, corner of Commercial, where his B a k e r City L o d ge N o. 2 5 , 1 .O . old patients and those requiring his services O . F . , meets every Saturday evening, at may find him. The Doctor has spared neither time nor half past six o’clock, at Odd Fellows Hall, in the ne <v Bank Block, corner of Front street money in seeking out new remedies, and and Court Avenue. Members of the Order has returned with increased facilities for the alleviation of human suffering. are invited to attend. By order of N. G. I I O K R I B L K D IS E A S E S ! 02?“ Chu*. S t. L o u is has located perma nently in Baker; and is now prepared to man How many thousands of persons, both ufacture and repair all kinds of jewelry and male and female, aro there who are suffer watches. After twenty-eight years experi ing out a miserable existence from the ef ence in the business, he feels competent to fects o f secret indulgence, or from virus ab give entire satisfaction. Mr. St. Louis, is sorbed into the system. Look at their pal also agent for the best Sewing Machine in lid, emaciated and disfigured faces and use, tho NewWilsou, price, $55,00. their broken down constitutions, disquali U seful P resent .— Every family ought to fying them for the happiness of marriage or have a good Sewing Machine. \Ye have a the enjoyment of life. In this horrid situa beautiful new Silver Plated Wilcox & Gibbs’ tion thousands suffer until death closes the Machina, that would ue a beautiful, valuable scene. Lot parents, guardians and friends and useful present to any man’s wife, mother, attend to those who are sufl'eiing with any sister or sweetheart, which we will sell on of these horrible, life-destroying maladies— easy terms. We will instruct the person buy see that they are cared for and cured before ing how to operate the machine. It is one it is too late. Send them immediately to Dr. Gibbon, a physician who has made pri of the nicest machines in our city. vate diseases his especial study for years, 02?“ F or the very best Photographs, go to and who is certain to cure the most invete Bradley & Rulofsen’s Gallery without S tairs rate cases without mercury or any injurious Ascend in the ELEVATOR, 429 Mont drugs. It is important to those afflicted, or gomery Street, San Francisco. those interested in the -welfare of their friends, to be careful of tho many pretended dootors who infest all cities, publishing tlieir BRONZE T U R K E YS skill in curing all diseases in a few days, im 12 Gobblers from 8 to 20 months old, 22 posing upon the public by using the names to 40 lbs each, for sale now. Hens 14 to 18 of eminent physicians from Europe and other places. Be therefore careful and mako a». strict inquiry or you may fall into- the hands of those charlatans. TO TH E U N F O R T U N A T E ! NEW REMEDIES! NEW REMEDIES! 1 I S F J I S A 1 Y. S E M IN A L W E A K N E S S . Seminal emission—tlie consequence of self abuse. This solitary vice, or depraved sexual indulgence, is praticed by the youth of both sexes to an almost unlimited extent, producing with unerring certainty the fol lowing train o f morbid symptoms, unless combatted by scientific medical measures, viz: Sallow countenance, dark spots under the eyes, pains in the head, ringing in the ears, noise like rustling of leaves or rattling o f chariots, uneasiness about the loins, weak address, Meteorological Tabic. ness of the limbs, confused vision, blunted M. EYRE, Napa, Cal. intellect, loss of confidence in approaching P jgeons . strangers, a dislike to form new acquaintan R abbits . Through the politeness of Professor S. P. F errets . ces, a disposition to shun society, loss o. Barrett, we are enabled to lay before our Please State where you saw this advertise memory, pimples and various eruptions readers the following table showing the range about the face, hectic flushes, furrediongue, o f the Mercury for the week ending March ment. foetid breath, night sweats, monomania and 13, 1875, at Baker City, Oregon: frequently insanity. If relief be not obtained, 7 A. M. 12 M. 10 p, Celebrated Trotting Stallion should apply immediately either in person 26 Sunday, 38 27 or by letter, aud have a cure effected by his Monday, 26 36 27 new aud scientific mode of treating this dis C O M E T , Tuesday, 18 37 31 ease, which never fails in effecting a quick Wednesday, 24 37 32 ILili S T A N D th e en su in g and radical cure. 31 Thursday, 42 34 season at Wisdom’s Ranch, 4 miles CURED AT HOME. 32 Friday, 40 26 North of this city, and one day in each week Saturday, 20 Persons at a distance may be CURED AT 44 16 at the Stable of Kilburn <fc Perkins in Baker Average for tho weok 30:ld. g. above aero. City. Season commencing April 1st, and HOME by addressing a letter to Dr. Gibbon stating case, symptoms, length of time the Average for corresponding w ek last year, ending July 1st, 1875. 27:7 degrees above Zero. Good pasturage on the premises for the disease has oontinued, and have medicine Snow fall for the week 41% inches. Total accommodation of patrons from a distance. promptly forwarded, free from damage and curiosity, to any part of the country, with Mares left at owners risk. snow this winter 64 H inches. full and plain directions for use. For full particulars Ac., see posters. Persons writing to the Doctor will please M. D. WISDOM. D ied S u d d e n ly o f H e a rt D i s e a s e .» state the name of the paper they see this ad March 3d, 1875. n43n6. vertisement in. How common is the ann ovmcement. Thous By inclosing Ten Dollars coin, in regis ands are suddenly swept into eternity by this tered letter through the Postoffice, or D E X T E R fatal malady. This disease generally has its through Wells, Fargo & Co., a package ol l l i l i m a k e th e season of medicine will be forwarded to any part of origin in impure blood filled with irritating, 1875, at the farm of George Ebell, poisonous materials, which, circulating near Pocahontas, about nine miles from the Union. All communications strictly confidential. through the heart, irritate its delicate tis Baker City. D ex ter is a handsome dark Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, 623 Kearny sues. Though the irritation may at first he dapple bay, seven years old, 16 hands high street, San Francisco. Postoffice Box 1,- 957. n lly r l only slight, producing a little palpitation or with fine form and action. T erm s —$ 10.00 to insure. irregular action, or dull, heavy, or sharp Mares from a distance will be pastured. n41m4. GEORGE EBELL. darting pains, yet by and by the disease be comes firmly seated, and inflamation, or hy- “ The Leading American Newspaper.” er trophy, or thickening o f the lining mem- Strayed. rane or o f the valves, is produced. How THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. wise to give early attention to a case of this O t r a y e d fr o m th e Su b scrib er O about the 13th, of June, 1874, from the D a lly $IO a y e a r . S e m i-W e e k ly $ 3 . kind. Unnatural throbbing or pain in the W e e k ly $ * . region of the heart should admonish one Tub Springs, near Old’s Ferry, one bright that all is not right, and if you would pre bay horse, black mane and tail, some white P ostage F ree to the S u b sc rib er . Spe serve it from further disease, you must help in the forehead and strip on the left nostril, cimen Copies and Advertising rates Free. some saddle marks, hind feet white, about it io beat rightly by the use of such a reme Weekly, in clubs of 30 or more, only $1, dy as will remove the cause of the trouble. 14 hands high, 10 years old, and branded on postage paid. Address, Lse Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery the right shoulder with horse shoe open side n38y T h e T ribu n e , N. Y. before the disease has become too seated, up with a link above it. Had a leather bai ter on when last seen. Also one cream col and it will, by its great blood purifying and wonderful regulating properties, effect a ored mare, 3 years old last spring, silver L $an k E x c h a n g e . perfect cure. It contains medicinal prop mane and tail, white face, all the legs white nearly to the knees, about 14 bands high, erties which act specifically upon the tis h e p r o p r e i t o r s of th is sues of the heart, bringing about a healthy was with fold, branded L. B. on right shoul popular place of resort take pleasure der, Is a half breed. action. Sold by all first-class Druggists. In form ation can be left o r sent to the B ed in informing the public that H e a r t D isea se C u red . rock D emocrat Office. Charley Schellworth R o c k p o r t , Spencer Co., Ind. Feb., 1 ’74 G. W. GRIGSBY. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.: now has charge of the Bar, where he deals Feb. 24th 1875. n42n46. About two years ago I was afflicted with a nothing hut the best of Wines, Liquors, and disease of the heart, which at times created Cigars, and will he pleased to * hate his Ik^O T IC E IS H E R E B Y GIVEN a pressure around it, almost causing suffo friends give him a call. This is a that all Partnership relations between cation-. I saw an advertisement of yonr Bit Saloon. Golden Discovery, recommending the same Dr. J. M. Boyd and H. N. McKinney have as a cure for disease of the heart. I then been dissolved by mutual concent. All ac Baker Citv, March 3, 1875. n4Stf bought half a dozen bottles of it. and after counts against said firm will be settled by H, N. McKinney, and all accounts due said firm using three bottles I was entirely relieved O f th e Celebrate^LStaq4«r]d will be paid to him, jt is hoped, withot de and am now enjoying good health. Organs— new —for sale, For p articolar® lay. Gratefully Yours, enquire at this office. nSW ‘Baker City, Dec. 24, 1874.n35tf y i t u s K illia n . W W ” THE NEW TONE TRIBUN e T E A r r iv a l o f 3 LSH. (K K E B O T O T S B a ’ S NEW GOODS. OUR STOCK OF J"nst R e c e i v e d CLOTHING FROM Has been largely increased and we can show as handsome a line of ready made goods in MEN'S AND BOYS BUSINESS and DRESS Suits, Overcoats, &c., as can be found in the County, at prices that cannot fail to satisfy. Our Dress M s Dejartmeat San Francisco Direct, The Most Extensive, the Best and Most Extensive Assortment of GENERAL MERCHANDI S E E v e r B r o u g lit T O Is well filled with a spleddid assortment of the leading styles and fashionable shades. T liis ^Market, Empress Cloths, Consisting in Part o f Sattoens, Mohair, Ladies’ Dress & Fancy Goods American Dress Goods, and FLANNELS, Of E very D escription, together with a F u ll Plaid, Plain and,Opera, of all colors. and C om plete A ssortm ent o f Bleached and Unbleached Cotton Flannels. M IN IN G SUPPLIES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO, <fe CIGARS, GROCERIES, G E N TS’ F U R N ISH IN G GOODS, CLOTHING, In the leading Styles. BOOTS and SHOES, HARDW ARE, CRQCKEHY, and We would call special attention to our Btock GLASSW ARE,, of Mens’ and Boys’ San Francisco Boots which we have sold for a number of A ll o f w hich w ill be Sold Ladies’ & Gents’ Underwear. H a t s and C a p s, B o o ts and S h oes. years past with satisfaction. Every pair waranted. A Well Selected Stock of ¿F A M M W h o le s a le an d R e ta il AT Lowest Hrioes. ©MXDtEMiSS. At astonishing low Prices. We have a largo assortment of Miners' and Farmers’ Implements, Which'we are selling at lower prices than ever before offered in this Market. Remember that our Store is in the FIREPROOF BANK BLOCK. BAMBERGER & FRANK. Baker City, Dec. 1, 1874.n30tf T h an kfu l for the liberal m an ner In w hich I have heretofore been patronized, I hope by fair and h on orable dealin g to merit a continuance o f tiie same.. S. OTTE N H E IM K R. V irtue B lock , Baker City, Oct. 7,1873. n22 DRESS MAKING! L o o k H ig h t H e r e I! H Y W I L L Y O U CO A TLY- uo to buy Fruit Trees and Shrubbery W of Walla Walla dealers, when you can pur chase a superior article at G ran ger B o tto m P rices At the Union Nursery, Cove, Union County, Oregon. H. J. GEER, Proprietor. Following is a List of Trees and Prices: A P P L E S « 3-Year Old, Extra Large, 18 cents per Tree. 2-Year Old, Extra Large, 15 cent? per Tree. 1-Year Old, Extra Large, 10 cents per Tree. Mrs. E, C, StoepM & Co., V a r ie t ie s « Red Astrichan, Early Harvest, Rambo, Graunstine, Red June, Golden Sweet, Duch- es'of Oldenburg. Pound Pippin, Talpahoek- en, Early, Strawberry, Baily Sweet, Blue Pearmain, White Winter Pearmaiu, Golden Russett, Swaar, Golden Pippen, Ben or “ Jell” Davis, Winesap, King Apple, Gloria Mundi, Esopus Spitzenberg, Baldwin, Willow Twigg, Genniton, Snow, Hyslop Crab, Transeenant Crab, &c., &. Respectfully inform tlie "Ladies of Baker City and vicinity, that they have opened an establishment, at the residence of Mrs. R. C. Shepherd, in Baker City, where they are prepared to Cut, or Cut an Make all kinds of P E A R S « All orders from the surrounding Towns and Country will l>e promptly att&nded to, at the same prices that our City customers aro charged. 2-Year Old, Large, 50 cents per Tree. 1-Year Old, Large, 30 cents per Tree. V a r ie t i e s « Bartlett, Howell, Madeline, Danes Hovey, Seckel, Clapp’s Favorite, Burea d’ Aujou, Burea Easter. Julienne, Winter Nellis, Yicar, Pound, &. Ladies & Childrens Clothing. Stamping for Embroidering and Braiding done to order. LATEST ^FASHIONS P L U M S « Peeeived every month, direct from No York. 2-Year Old, 40 cents per Tree. 1-Year Old, 30 cents per Tree, V a rie tie s« Yellow Egg, Yellow Gage, Columbia, Lom- b&ra, Sweet Damson, Imperial Gage, Ac. C H E R R Y « 1-Year Old, good growth, 50 cents per Tree. V a rie tie s« Agent for Grover & Baker’s Sewing Machines. Fred. _A. Fokina5» SALOON, Early Richmond, May Duke, Yellow Span ish, Black Eagle, Black Tartarian, Black Re publican, &c. P encil unit A p rico t, 85 eeuts per T ree. G R A P E S « A T T H E O L D S tA N D OF Bamberger & Frank:, B A K E R C I T Y , OP.EG45S. The Janesville, ripens with me Aug. 20th, and stand Grande Ronde winter without pro FRED. A. B O H N A tection, fine one year old plants oOcents. White Sweetwa ter and Isabella, 25 cents per plant. T> e sp e c tfu lly in fo r m s tlae c lti- Cherry Currants, $2 50 per dozen. Eng JLl) zens of Baker City and the Public generally, that he has purchased the i-ntcr lish Goosberry, $1 50 per dozen. est ot Bob. McCord in the above S H A D E T R E E S , «Sic. Walnut, Elm, Ash, Buckeye, Maple and S A L O O N , Butternut, 25 cents each; Lombardy Poplar, 2-year old, 18 cents each. Roses, 25 to 50 Where will always be fonnd the very best cents; Lilac, Purple 25 cents, and White 50 cents. W in e s , L iq u o r s and C igars. In fact I have almost any thing usually kept in a No. 1 Nursery. 02?“ G ive m e a T r ia l. One of the Finest and Best Address, H. J. GEER, ILilliard Tables Cove, Union county, n32n48 Oregon. To be found in the City. “ Fred” will be leased at all times to have his friends give- irn a call. FRED. A. BOHNA. Baker City, J an. 20, 1875. n39if T IN -S H O P ! J. H . P A R K E ll, W H O L E S A L E A N D E E T A 1 L D E A L E R IN Coppur, Tin anil Sheet-Iron fare. E R. MMNT08H. Respectfully offers his services to the Public In tbe capacity of M ain Street, B ilk er C ity, O regon . H i-SII e k e e p s c o n sta n t ly on hand a full assortment of all articles in his line, such as JOINER AND Miner’s Hydraulic Pipe, Noz zles, Butts and Tin Ware. Also, Every Pattern and Style of S T O R E S . The Celebrated Buck’s Patent „Cooking, and tbe Onward Parlor Stove are kept on hand, together with all other styles. JO B W O B .K . All kinds and every HESCRLFTLOLL Of Work in Wood neatlv and promptly done. Baker City, Jan. 1, 1873tf. T o Sheep Kaisers!! Dnprtei Cotsvoll Sleep far Sale. NE H U N D R E D A N D F IF T E E N Done upon short Notice, and at reasonable Head Thorough bred Cotswold Sheep, Prices« lately Imported from tlie best herds in Can n26tf J- H. PARKER. ada. Tbe above Sheep are Full Blooded and as fine as any on the Coast. There are Forty Bucks in the lot. O a ts W a n te d * The whole will be sold in lots to suit pur A A A P ou n d s o f O ats chasers, and at C P \ J Wanted at tho B edrock O D emocrat Office immediately, for which the highest Cash price wifi be all owed. n26tr T 2 s in c e t h e GREATLY REDUCED PRICES i I 1875. Largest and best bred Fowls in the World. Carefully packed and warranted to carry safely any distance. The varieties comprise Dark and Light Bramas, Buff and Patridge Cochins,White Leghorns, Houdans, and Silver Spangled Hamburgs, Black Span ish. White Dorkings, Golden Polands, Ayles bury Ducks, and Game, Sebright and Black African Bantams. B ronze T urkeys , the finest collection on the Pacific Coast. Send stamp for illustrated circular to GEO. B. BAYLEY, Importer and Dealer of Choice Poultry, box 659, San Francisco. Please state what paper you saw this ad vertisement in. n40n52 L iv e ly T im e s IN B A K E R C I T Y , New Stock o f Goods GGS fo r H a tc h in g fro m tb e The National Grange, at its meet ing just closed, passed unanimously a resolution requesting Congress never to renew another patent after it has run out its number of years, S h o o t in g .— A b ou t 9 o ’c lo c k on last Sat and also to enact a law allowing ev urday oven ln g ou r citizan s were startled a t by the report o f two pistol shots at an in ery person the privilege of using a KM D EN G E E S E terval o f som e two or three m inutes apart. patent upon the payment of a reason • U pon en qu irin g as to the cause we were able royalty to the patentee. This 40 to 50 pounds per pair at maturity. inform ed that there was n o dam age done, Black Cayuga Ducks, Games, Brahmas, o n ly som e on e a iitt.lo frightened. I f p e o is a move in the right direction, and Leghorns, Houdans, Bantams, etc,. ple d o n ot q u it foolin g with sh ootin g irons will save the farmers millions every Eggs, fresh, pure, true to name; well-pack ed so as to hatch after arrival. som e on e m a y get hurt. year, if carried out. For Illustrated Circular and Price-List P rotracted M e e t i n g .— A protracted m oetin g is in progress at W in g v ille under the m inistration o f R ev. G. W . A d a m s, o f th e M . E. Church, and R e v . Mr. Jam es, o f th e M. E. Church—South. OF A '-saw B a r le y A n n n n a n te d . REASONABLE PRICES. For particulars, enquire of REID & FLETCHER, n24tf (hC -in ({¡On P e r D a y . Baker City, ©gn. A g e n ts W a n ted . P ou n d s o f B a rle y qk) lu qmU A ll classes o f working people v / Wanted immediately, at of both svxes, young and old, make more, money at work for us, in their own localities, the B ecirock D emocrat Office, for which tlie during their spare moments, or all the time, highest Cash price will be allowed, n26tf than at any thing else. We offer employ ment that will pay handsomely for every hour’s work. Full particulars, terms, &c., N O T IC R sent free. Send us your address at once. UU N O TES due A . H . B ro w n Don’t delay. Now is the time. Don’t look must be paid to me immediately, or for work or business elsewhere, until you Costs of Action will be incurred. have learned what we offer. I. D. HAINES, G. STINSON & CO„ n32tf Attorney, nS8y Portland, Maine, A