I* ifto ífe ü N m flfïa t. B aker C ity, F c b . 17, 1 8 7 5 . G old B ar .—On last Monday the Connor Creek Mining and Milling Company, had a Gold Bar run at the Assay Office of J. W- Virtue in our city, which weighed 313-48 ounces, 811 fine—value Five Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty-five Dollars and Forty cents, the proceeds to f about twenty days run of their Mill. One half of the men were on rock of a very low grade which had to be got out of the way to put the Mine in shape. They have run in on the ledge 150 feet and find it very fine, averaging eight feet in width. The rock will mill from fifteen to twenty dollars per ton. We predict the next thirty days run from this Mine will be the largest clean up ever made by any Mill in Eastern Oregon. We congratulate Messrs W. E. Wood, C. Eastabrook,, J. Myrick and E. M. White, the cwners of this Mine and Mill on their flattering prospects, and hope their fondest anticipations may be realized. G reens D iscovery .— Charles Green, the original discover of Green’s Discovery Quartz Ledge in Bye Valley, on which there was a fine Mill erected last summer, has leased the same for the term of six months to Thomas TcDonald. The terms of the lease provides that McDonald shall work the Mine and Mill in a workmanlike manner for the term spec­ ified and pay all expenses and; debts contract­ ed therefor, and that Chas. Green shall in no case be held for the same and at the ex­ piration of the time specified the property leased shall be turned over to Mr. Green, free from all incumberences on account of said lease. Green is to have half of the net funds of said Mill during the time said lease runs. The lease is on record in the Record- ers Office in our county, whero all parties interested can see the same. C oming . - -From a letter we have received from Hon. J. W. Nesmith, we take the fol­ lowing extract: “ It is my present intention to return home by the Stage route from Kel- ton to Umatilla, and hope to have the pleas­ ure of seeing you in the latter part of March. The prospect for obtaining any Congression­ al aid for the construction of Railroads in our State or elsewhere are exceedingly dis­ couraging, yet I shall not fail to do all in my power to secure much needed and desir­ ed aid. ” G ood M ove .—Bichard Williams has had the good sense to close his Barber Shop against the “ Hoodlum” organization of boj's in our city. Hoodlum boys have made this place their headquarters for the past two or three years to the annoyance of the proprie­ tor and 1ns customers, and it has been a wonder to our citizens why he had not put his veto upon their meeting thors long be­ fore this. E. P. C ranston , of Sparta, called on us last week. A few weeks since he started on a business trip to Portland, and after re­ maining at the Dalles some two weeks on account of the blockade of the river below the Dalles he returned home. The inform­ ation that we had that boats would com­ mence running on the first inst., owing to a change in the weather did not take place. It is now feared boats will not run before the middle of March. S ome of the hoodlum element, wo are in­ formed, are- in the habit of mocking the re­ sponses of the pastors at the revival now held in town. I f their parents can not train them in such a manner at home, that they will behave themselves properly at church, they ought at least to gag them be­ fore sending them there. P. S:—Those old orphans who have no parents« ought to have guardians appointed to do it. Chavez, the Lieutenant o f Vasquez, has been robbing ia Kern county, California, recently, and is making his way toward Los Angeles county. He appears to be de­ termined to m ake good his threat to avenge Vasquez, and says he will deluge his trail with blood. Gov. Booth has off­ ered a reward for the capture o f the out­ law. The President says that his only purpose in sending a special message on Arkansas affairs was to get Congressional action,but if Congress does not see fit to dispose of the subject, he will not shun any re-ponsi- bility ou the question, but will act from tim e to time as future events m ay re­ quire. W e advise thatyoung hoodlum that knock-' ed off our local’s hat Sunday night to attend Bro. Adam’s revival and get better if he can, though oufi private opinion is that death-bed repentance won’t be sufficient to save him without he dies pretty soon. V ir tu e M in e .—From the Virtue "Mine com es very encouraging news. On the lower south level exceedingly rich ore has been struck, the face o f the drift fairly -sparkles with gold. The m ill Is in full blast, runningday and n ig h t. Under the m anagem ent o f Mr. Hyde this m ine is certainly m aking a splendid showing. P ostmaster .—By letter from Hon. J. W* Nesmith we are informed that Geo. H . Tracy has been appoint ed Postmaster at this city. He has received his bonds for filling up. This is a good appointment and gives gener­ al satisfaction to our people. I n our C ity .—Capt. Myrick, E. M. White, W. E. Wood and Tlios. E. Hoffman, o f Con­ nor creek, were in our city the first of the week, all looking well. They say the weath­ er has been very severe at Connor Creek. A ppointed .—B. C. George has been ap­ pointed Postmaster at Marysville ( Connor Creek ) Baker County. This is a good ap­ pointment. A l l parties who intend to attend the Red Men’s Ball, on the 22nd,next Mqnday evening, are requested to be at the H all by half-past eight o ’clock , Sharp ! G oing O n .—The protracted m eeting is still in progress in our city, and is.meeting with good success. D ie d .—W m- K elly, af R ocky Bar, Altu- ras county, Idaho, died iu Boise City last week. B orn .—In Baker City Feb. 16,1875, to the wife o f David Sisley, a daughter. M a r r ie d .—In Baker City Feb. 3rd, 1S75, Frank Palmer to Miss Kate M. Rowman, K otice .—I f persons wish to have births, U n io n Item s. marriages and deaths published in the Spring weather—over the left. D emocrat , the least they can do is to give There are several cases o f lung fever in us the notice or see that it is done, so that our neighborhood, but we have had but we may be able to give the correct names one funeral. and dates. 1 Our worthy Doctor, R. M. Baker, has W eather .— The indications are that our been Very sick. J. M. Boyd, o f Baker, was in our town long and severe winter has bad its back­ last week, looking well. bone broken. The days now appear spring Mr. John Eppinger is in our city at pres­ like. The snow is fast disappearing, and it ent. will not he long until all nature will be The Grangers o f Union are expecting a clothed in the beautiful garb o f spring. splendid time at their bal} to be given on W m . C ates and wife, o f Union, were on a the 22nd of this month at this place. Turn visit to friends in our city last week. Billy the office over to the “ Devils,” and come down. called at the D emocrat office. The Good Templars o f Union are circu­ S amuel B ear , of Pendleton, was on a vis­ lating a petition remonstrating against the it to his numerous friends in our city during selling o f spirituous liquors in less quanti­ last week—he called 'n us. ties than one quart. They say they find it cheaper to buy by the wholesale. C alled .— Geo. W. Palmer, of Connor BONUS. Creek, called on us last week. T h e Portland, Dalles & Salt Lake Rail­ T lie G rea t E x c ite m e n t. «.The death o f Gov. Bramlet.e iD no wise interferes with road Bill was defeated in the Senate Feb­ the progress of the last Gift Concert, nor ruary 13th' will that or anything else prevent the draw­ ing from taking place on the 27th of Febru­ The American Newspaper Adverti­ ary. So certain is this, that all the money sing Agency of Geo. I\ Howell & Co. paid for tickets will be promptly refunded in case the drawing does not take place on New York is the only establishment that day. Mr. Briggs has conducted all the details of the former concerts, and is giving of the kind in the United States his whole time, his known skill, and his which keeps itself persistently be­ great energy, to make the last the greatest fore the people by advertising in drawing. He offers, in addition to the ex ­ citement o f the drawing itself, a concert by newspapers. They evidently re­ Gilmore’s Great Orchestra, perhaps the best in the world.; admission to which can only ceive their reward, for we have it be had by those that hold at least a part trom a reliable source that advertis­ of a ticket. ing orders issued by them for their F o r a l l F em a le C o n p la in ts, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of customers have exceeded three thou­ womanhood or tlie change of life, Dr. Pierce’s sand dollars a day since the com­ Favorite Perscription manifests such a posi­ tively remedial influence as to cal! forth the mencement of the year, and this is loudest praise from alt who use it. not, a very good year for advertising Mr. John A. Kimzey, druggist, of Knob either. Noster, Mo.,-writes as follows: “ Dr. Pierce Bu alo, N. Y., Dear Sir—Your medicines Ayer, the pill man, who was defea­ sell better than any other I keep, and give universal satisfaction. The people are es­ ted for Congress the other day, pecially delighted with your Favorite Pres­ manufactures an excellent oxpecto* cription, and it seems to be a favorite among all that have ever used it.” It is sold by rant, but Ayer don’t expect to rant in the Forty-fourth Congress.—-Co­ druggists and dealers in medicines. For the B edrock D emocrat . F a r m e r s a n d T e a m ste r s, J im S tewart , R e a d T h is J the celebrated horse - shoer . Q uestion of P ressed vs . T urned shoes . H is opinion in favor of the turned shoe . S ome remarks on his ability to decide such a Q uestion . ONCE MORE WE COME!! J A S . A . F I N N E Y & C O ., B o ise C ity, Id a h o , IN WITH GENERAL NEWS ¿DENTS A AND DEALERS IN Boote, Stationery, Cheap Pilicatioiis, New Stock o f Goods BAKER CITY, SINCE THE A R R IV A L OF 3 A S L © T O ir a iE ff ia iiis m 'S Larger and more attractive than ever before, bought since the great Financial pan­ ic, and which we offer at NEW GREATLY REDUCED PRICKS 11 G O O D S. TOYS, YANKEE MOTIONS, &C. W published in New York, Philadelphia, Bos* ton, Sacramento and San Francisco, at Pub­ lisher’s rates. B O O K S A S P E C IA L T Y . Has been largely increased and wo can show as handsome a line of ready made goods in MEN’S AND BOYS BUSINESS and DRESS Suits, Overcoats, &c\, as can be found in the County, at prices that cannot fail to satisfy. Any Book published in the United States furnished by us at Boise City, at Publisher’s Prices. VYe are in constant receipt of NEW BOOKS of all kinds. SCH O OL B O O K S, A large supply constantly on hand, at Cat­ alogue Prices. Orders from a distance solicited and satis­ faction guaranteed. JAMES A. PINNEY & CO- Boise City. Feb- 1, 1875.n391y IMPROVE YOUR POULTRY" It costs no more to keep good fowls than Poor ones. O a k la n d P o u ltr y Y a rd s, Corner Sixteenth and Castro Streets, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA. SEASON O F 1 S 7 5. T j'G S S for H a tc h in g fr o m th e J Largest and best bred Fowls in the World. Carefully packed and warranted to carry safely any distance. The varieties comprise Dark and Light Dramas, Buff and Patndge Cochins,White Leghorns, Houdans, and Silver Spangled Ham burgs, Black Span­ ish, White Dorkings, Golden Polands, Ayles­ bury Ducks, and Game, Sebright and Black African Bantams. - BitoNZE T urkeys , the finest collection on the Pacific Coast. Send stamp for illustrated circular to GEG. B. BAYLEY, Importer and Dealer o f Choice Poultry, box 659, San Francisco. Please state what paper you saw this ad­ vertisement in. n-10n52 F The reputation of the celebrated horse- shoer, Jim Stewart, in that particular line, needs no emulation from any feeble pen, among the old residents of Eastern Oregon. From the sandy shores of the mighty Col­ umbia, to the grassy hills and magnificent v fileys of Idaho, his peculiar skill in the treatment of horses feet has over been, is now and probably ever will be, the wonder and admiration of Farmers, Teamsters and Stock men, and last but not least his broth­ er mechanics. Mr. Stewart’s father, was also as justly celebrated in this line, and in the year 1842 he had published, by a Philadelphia house, a book in two volumes, on the Art of suc­ cessfully treating and shoeing the feet o f the Equine race, and at that time he was 623, K earney St., looked upon as the father o f the art. His ! Corner Commercial street, AGENTS.—The following named gentlc- son , “ Jim ,” of whom we now write, inherit­ - are authorized to act as Agents for the ed his fathers absorbing interest in this im ­ tne San Francisco. B edrock D emocrat : , portant art, and now, after many years of G eo . P. R o w e l l A Co., New York. Established in 1854, for the treatment of T iios . B o y c e , San Francisco, travel and experience, is among us, and we sexual and seminal diseases, such as Gonor­ T. C. E va n s , Boston, Mass. rhea, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis in allitsforms, most naturallv go to him to settle the ques­ L. S a m u e l s , Portland, Oregon, seminal weakness, impotency, etc. Skin L. P. F is h e r , £an Francisco. tion. just now much mooted among the par­ H on .”D unham W right , Union County, 0. diseases, of years standing, and ulcerated ticular class who are interested— “ which are legs successlully treated. P. C. H arper , Albany, Oregon. M. W. D avis , Walla Walla, W. T. DR.. GIBBON has the pleasuro ofanuouir- preferable, sh oes pressed by machinery, or S. V. K nox , Pendleton, Oregon. eing that ho has returned from visiting the those turned on the anvil. J. D. A gnicw , Boise City, Idaho. principal Hospitals in Europe, and has re­ Mr. Stewart was at first, loth to give his J. J. D ooley , Clarksville, Oregon. sumed practice at the Dispensary, 623 Kear­ opinion, fi om the fact that but one firm in L. II. W ells , La Grande, Oregon. ney street, corner of Commercial, where his W. A. C rawf O rd , Payette Valley, Idahi. old patients and those requiring his services the city, ( that of S. B. McCord ) use the 8. M. J effreys , Weiser Valley, Idaho. may find him. anvil-turned shoe, and he ccreu not to in­ N ed . T urk , Canyon City, Oregon. The Doctor has spared neither time nor terfere with the business of others; but w-e H. H. H yde , Prairie City, Oregon. money in seeking out new remedies, and F a r m e r s around Union and the Cove can has returned with increased facilities for the gave him to understand that we wanted his advice for our own benefit, and that of bro­ pay their subscription to the D emocrat to alleviation of human suffering. Geo. Wright & Son, merchants at Union, or IX O R R IJ ilA ! SIIMEASES! ther teamsters, who have much trouble in Cowles ¿M cDaniels or S. G. French at The How many thousands of persons, both- procuring proper advice regarding the mat­ C otc . Persons wishing to subscribe in that male and female, are thero who are suffer­ portion ol Union county can give their names ter. We have not space to give the scien­ ing out a miserable existence front the ef­ to either ot the above named parties. tific elucidation o f Mr. Stewart on the point, F eed S alade is authorized to get as Agent fects o f secret indulgence, or irom virus ab­ sorbed into tho system. Book at their pal­ but suffice to say that he condemns in strong for the D emocrat at Umatilla. G eo . W. P almer is authorized to act as lid, emaciated and disfigured faces and terms the pressed shoe. His argument in their broke;, down constitutions, disquali Agent for the D emocrat at Marysville. favor of the anvil-turned shoe was so con­ C harles "VV. C rane is authorized to act lying them for the happiness of marriage or vincing to us that we cannot forbear having as Agent for the B edrock D emocrat in Sau Uie enjoyment.of life. In this horrid situa­ tion thousands suffer until death closes the his decision published. Wo do this from Francisco. scene* Let parents, guardians and friends L. B emil L ard and B. S. C ates are author­ the fact that many use the pressed saoe, attond to those who are suffering with any thereby injuring their animals, not being ized to act as Agents for the D emocrat in of these horrible,, life-destroying maladies— able to. account for the bad condition of their Union County. 8 am . H annah will receive grain, produce, see that they are cared for and cured before horses feet, and all from the fact of their ig­ oliïS1*s o f B arley Wanted immediately, at Dr. J. M. Boyd and H. N. McKinney have been dissob ed by mntual consent. All ac­ the JB eciboce D emoceat -Office, for which the counts against said firm will be settled by H. highest Cash price will be allowed, n26tf N.-McKinney, and all accounts due said firm will be paid to Rim, it is hoped, withatd»* lay. Baker City, Dec. 2 1 ,1874.n85tf "W ood "W anted. K / Y C ord o f W o o d W a n t e d at O f ik e Celebrated Standard O U the B edbock D emocbax Office imme­ diately, for whioh the highest Cash urico___ Orgaas^-new—for Fate. For psurti^ujarî will allowed. n’/tkf ' enquire at this Office,