G .—T he State o f Nevada has a ing as well armed as I was, I did ! Jaw licensing gam Ming, from which source show fight; because I had good she has derived considerable 'revenue. H er In October, 1870 I had charge of not reason believe they were nearly legislature now in session, has a bill before fifty Swedes, who were employed by as well to armed it to prohibit and punish the practice as a as myself. hi*Th crinie. This is tolerating and protect­ Mr. Ramsdell cutting cedar rails in My horse soon became so fatigued '' an act to day that to-morrow, is punisli- one of the cedar brakes which abound that my pursuers soon lessened the e in (Avidi imprisonment. Many States boast along the Colorado river. Theue distance between us to about four o f stringent laws against gambling, and hold them up to show the moral status of her was no 6 ne residing within twG^ny | hundred yards. They now com- people. real truth is they only drive miles of onr camp and altlionglrwe j menced to fire at me, and as only .gambling The into closer quarters There . is knew these brakes to be favorite hid­ I one shot was fired at a time I con­ not a State in the Union anywhere ne >r fiee ing places of the Indians during the cluded that they had but one gun, from this vice. It may be said in answer that no State is free ¿from crime. But the day and dark nights (they never ma­ and as my conclusions proved to be question is, how far should the law go ^ to raud only during the full moon), right, I determined to do something make m en’s ? Liquor soiling is also still we felt no fear, as we had arms, myself; so I suddenly stopped my considered a morals vice, and while many have de­ and there were too many of us for horse, and, wheeling half around, bated the suppression of the traffic altogeth­ is tolerated and licensed in some form the Indians to attack us with impu­ I fired, and had the satisfaction to er or it other all these , moral States, from nity; but I did fear for a very valua- see one of the imps fall from his which a by great source o f revenue is derived— able mare, belonging to myself, and horse. not only to the towns and States, but to the a thorongbred stallion colt belongs It was my turn to yell now, which general Government. About the only rea­ son why we place a tax on liquor an 1 li­ ing to Mr. Ramsdell, and, as after I did most lustily, but I only wound­ cense the traffic, and proliibit gam bling by events proved, my fears were well ed the fellow, for a yell of defiance stringent laws, is because we have been in answered me as they assisted him founded. the habit o f doi.ig so. This shows that we It was customary to put the two upon his horse. Up to this time it are not as moral as we profess to be, tor we legalize the greater vice and prohibit the horses in the coral every night, but had been a level prairie all about me lesser. We sometimes legislate away a vice and as it was near night I was eagerly as the Indians had never molested by taxing it to death. We have killed the us, we became careless and began to looking out for some thicket where JEÎurdy Gurdy business out and out in this let them run about at night. One I could watch and defend myself Territory erntory with witn high mgu taxes. raxes. The liquor bus­ iness is driven into closer quarters by our morning, going back for the horses, during the darkness. Happily, just present than it would be with lower I came upon my mare stretched up­ as the last rays of the setting sun taxes, and taxes the taxes or licenses were still on the ground. Several arrows were disappearing behind the hills. higher, we if believe drive a great sticking in her told who the marau­ I came to such a place as I most de-< many men out o f it the would business. There is ders were. The colt was found all sired—a thicket about fifteen yards good argument for applying the same rule No one will claim that it can right in a thicket not far from where through and located upon the banks to be gambling. altogether, or nearly so;, then the mare was lying. A pony which of the river, which were there very why suppressed not make all tiie revenue out o f it we was kept for general nse was staked high and precipitous, leaving only can, the same as1 we do the liquor traffic, out near the camp, and was sate. I the front and sides to guard. As and tax gambling all it will bear,—Boise V at once jumped upon him and rode soon as the Indians saw what my de Statesman. to Lampassas, told my story, and a signs were, they halted and held a R . —The following is party was organized and went in pur- council, I suppose, as to what was to said A S to be a -P certain for Small-pox. One suit'of the devils. Upon our way be done. I leisurely entered the man, speaking of it, cure says: is as unfail­ across the country we met another thicket, unsaddled my horse and ing as fate, and conquers in “It every party of scouts from Bunnett, and fastened him as far back as I could It is harmless when taken by a well instance. person. will also cure scarlet fever. Here is the our force combined was about thirty that he might not get shot, and It recipe used it, and cured my chil­ men. throwing myself flat upon my blanket dren of as the I have scarlet fever; here it is as I have The second day we overtook the on the ground, prepared to watch used it to cure smallpox; when learned phy­ Indians at Turkey creek, and they through the uight. sicians said the patient mustdie, it cured: of zinc, one grain; foxglove ( dig­ did not hesitate to show fight. We Lying flat upon my breast, I could Sulphate italis), one grain: half a teaspoonful of su­ fought them two hours, bush fight­ plainly see any object 100 yards gar; with two table-spoonful of water. ing, and then the Indians took to away from me. The bank of the river Take mix a spoonful hour. Either disease the brakes. In our party one was was shaped much in the form of a will disappear in every twelve hours- For a child, killed and several, wounded. We crescent, so I really had simply npy smaller doses, according to age. If coun­ ties would compel their physicians to use could not tell what the loss was on front to guard. there would be no need of pest-lionses. the other side, as the Indians always I had no fears of an attack before tbi=, If you advice and experience, use this remove their dead and wounded, no two or three o’clock in the morning; for that value terrible.disease.” matter what the risk would be. Some­ the savages would then expect me to times, as the sequel will show one is be sleepy and negligent, and would W e suspect that what m ost grieved the lady w h o tepre^ented K atie K in g left. be most likely to choose a late hour you P n h g iladelphia was the fact that she was Upon the departure of the Indians for an attack. I had, as I said be­ in popu supposed to he more than 200 we scattered around searching, to fore, been traveling for four clays •years larly old. see if we could find anything left by and consequently was nearly worn m W a ls? h v are Because sheep the least m oral o f a n i­ gam bol in their th-em in their hurried flight; myself out for want of rest. Several times you th , spend m uch they o f their tim e on the and a young man by the name of Hill I was nearly overcome by sleep, but turf, m an y o f them are blacklegs, aud they were together, and as we were near« roused myself up to a sense of the all get fleeced at last. where a man has the advantage. ing a small thicket, suddenly we danger surrounding me. The moon There’s can undress in a cold room and, have heard the crack of a revolver, and was at its full, and shone with an He his bed warm before a woman has got her out aud her shoes untied. Hill exclaimed, '‘I’m shot.” It was unwonted brilliancy. Not a sound hair-pins but a slight wound, however, and was heard to disturb the awful still­ we at once commenced looking to ness except the ripple of the waters find from whence came the shot. A as they splashed over the rocks in small speck of smoke, curling up the river beneath me. Now and then from the thicket, toid the spot. the howl of a growling wolf would We at once made up our minds to break upon my ears, but beside this make a rush for the place, which all was as quiet as the grave, and I DR. GIBBON’S we did, and there we found the au­ still watched on. One o’clock came thor of the shot. It was a huge In­ as I could tell, by looking at my dian, prostrate upon his side, des­ watch by the light of the moon. Two perately wounded with a ball o’clock, and still I lay as motionless G‘23, Kearney St., through his chest. As we rushed as the dead. My horse seemed to ®orner Commercial street, upon him, a fearfully malignant ex­ feel the danger, for ha never moved San Francisco. pression came over his countenance or stirred. It must have been three defiance was in his eye, and hate, o’clock, and the suspense was grow­ bed in 1854, for the treatment of malice,revenge, o’erspread his face ing terrible, when I beheld a half sexual and seminal diseases, such as Gonor­ Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis in all its forms, in quick succession. He manifested dozen dark figures creeping toward rhea, seminal -weakness, impotency, etc,. Skin no fear, but seemed to defy us. He me. The hour had come, and grasp diseases, o f years standing, and ulcerated was resting slightly upon his elbow, ing my rifle, - I awaited their ap­ legs successfully treated. his head ou his hand, and in his proach. Dlt. GIBBON has the pleasure ofannonn- has returned from visiting the right hand he still held his empty boon one of the figures was in cing that he Hospitals in Europe, and has re­ revolver. I would have left him to plaiD view, and casting my eye along principal sumed practice at the Dispensary, 623 Kear­ die alone, but Hill refused, and the barrel of my trusty Henry I tired ney street, corner of Commercial, his then, coolly walking up to him, and with a horrible yell the object old patients and those requiring his where services placed the muzzle of his pistol at at which I had fired, leaped into the may iind him. 'The Doctor lias spared neither time nor the Indian’s head. A sharp report, air and again fell prostrate upon the money in seeking out new remedies, and and his brains were scattered on the ground. In less time than it takes has returned increased facilities for the ground; he then scalped him; I took me to write it, the remaining five alleviation of with human suffering! his shield, bow, quiver, arrows and had risen to their feet and rushed I S O K i ilB U S D IS E A S E S ! revolver, and we rejoined our party. towards me. How many thousands of persons, both You may say it was cruel and unfeel­ Again my rifle spoke, and a yell male and female, are there who are suffer­ a miserable existence from the ef­ ing to so kill him, but upon the from the painted demous toid me that ing out of secret indulgence, or irom virus un­ frontier they have suffered so much my aim was not bad. They could fects curbed into the Look at their pal­ at the hands of the Indians that when not see to fire at me, as I was hidden lid, emaciated system. and dis-igm’ed faces anu the opportunity occurs they like to by the bushes, but some of their their broken down constitutions, disquaii them for the happiness of marriage 01 make sure of his death. arrows came within very close prox­ lying the enjoyment of life. In this horrid situa­ My next adventure was one of imity to me. When they were with tion suffer until death closes tiie which I have written you before, in forty yards of me I commenced scene« thousands Let parents, guardians and friends when they robbpd me of my cattle with m 3 ' revolvers, and although attend to those who are buffeting with any horrible, life-destroying maladies— upon the Pecoa river. The follow* they were scattered, yet I must have of see these they are cared for anu cured before ing one occurred while I was return­ come frightfully close to some of it is that too late. ¡Send them immediately to ing from the scenes of my misfor­ them, for, after firing four or * five Dr. Gibbon, a physician who has made pri­ tunes. shots at the cowardly villains they vate diseases his especial study for years, and who is certain to cure the most invete­ Myself and party arrived at Cen* turned and fled and I was in posses rate cases without mercury or any injurious tral Station, upon the waters of the sion of the field. It is important to those afflicted, of North Concho river, four days after They did not trouble me any more, drugs. those interested in the welfare oi their the raid made by the Indians upon -and with the breaking of day I moun- Mends, to be careful of the many pretended my Camp. Sad and dejected I tried ted my horse and rode away in the doctors who infest all cities, publishing their in curing ail diseases in a few days, im­ to push on to Fort Concha, thirty direction of the fort. The Indians skiil upon the public by using the names five miles distant, and secure aid and followed me at a respectful distance of posing eminent from Europe anu provisions for my men, lor they oceasionly sending a shot after me. other places. physicians Be therefore careful and make were well nigh worn out. I was As I had wounded two of them and strict inquiry or you may fall into the hands urged by the residents at the station killed one, they feared to rush upon of those charlatans. S E M I N A T. W E A K N E S S . not to start at that late hour, but I as they knew one or two of them Seminal emission—the consequence of would listen to no one, and about me, would pay the penalty of any such abuse. This solitary vice, or depraved four o’clock in the afternoon I moun* foolishness. When I arrived within self indulgence, is praticed by the youth ted my horse and rode away in the eight miles of Fort Cone,ha, they sexual of both sexes to an almost unlimited extent, direction of Fort Concha. I had wheeled aud rode madly away and producing unerring certainty the fol­ two good revolvers, and a Henry rifle were soon lost to view. I entered lowing tram with of morbid symptoms, unless by scientific medical measures, ready, as jmu may imagine, to make the fort none the worse for my night's combatted tialibw countenance, dark spots under a good fight, if necessary. Seven adventnr. s, and the same was re­ viz: the eyes, pains in the head, ringing in the miles from Central Station I came to joined by my men; who had left ears, noise like rustling of leaves or rattling a pass between two mountains, Central Station that morning. At of chariots, uneasiness about the loins, weak­ of the limbs, confused vision, blunted known as the Twin Sisters. I had the fort the commanding officer kind­ ness intellect, loss of confidence in approaching been especially warned of this point, ly furnisket^us with provisions aud strangers, a dislike to form new acquaintan­ but I rode along absorbed in thought after resting a couple of days we ces, a disposition shun society, loss o. and knew it not until I got beyond proceeded on our journey, and ar memory, pimples to and various eruptions the face, hectic flushes, furred tongue, the pass fully quarter of a mile; rived at our destination without fur* about foetid breath, night sweats, monomania and neither would I have known it then ther trouble. frequently insanity. If relief be not obtained, had I not been suddenly aroused apply immediately either in person from my reverie by hearing a fierce It is better to be alone in the should or by letter, and have a cure effected by his hew'and scientific mode of treating this dis­ yell from behind me casting my eyes than to bring up a boy to play ease, which never tails in effecting a quick back, I beheld a sigLt which would world on the accordeon. and radical cure. - have made many a better man than Young men, never say die when CURED AT HOM E. piyself somewhat nervous for a mo- there’s a pair-o dice within your Persons at a distance.may be CURED AT paeat. Back of me, and about five HOME by addressing a letter, to Dr. Gibbon hundred yards to my left, I beheld a reach. stating case, symptoms, length of time the disease has continued, and have medicine half dozen mounted Indians, coining The Now York World wants to know promptly free from damage and towards me like the wind. I took if a man with a cough is not a hack- curiosity, forwarded, to any part of the country, with man ? ;u the situation at a, glance, and put full and plain directions for use. ting spurs to pjy horse away I went It is enough for one thing at a lime Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the name of the paper they see this ad­ at break neck pace, with the howl­ to happen, especially twins. in. ing, yelling, red devils in hot pur­ The jewelry for the sea shore is vertisement By inclosing Ten Dollars coin, in regis­ suit. undoubtedly salt-aire diamonds. tered letter through the Postoffice, or My horse was a superior auimal, Many opinions go for nothing—it through Wells, Fargo-& Co., a package ol medicine will be forwarded to any part ol but I had rode him hard for the last costs nothing to "ex press them.” the Union. four days, and I knew he could All communications strictly confidential. is nothing more depressing Address not long keep up the speed at which to There DR. J. F. GIBBON, 623 Kearny a thermometer than cold''weather. he was going, so I checked him up street, San Francisco. Postoffice Box l(- 957, ' p llvrl slightly,. You m zj whj, be­ The Granger’s trump—Spades, L ite On th e F r o n tie r . p imbuing mall ox emedy TO THE UNFORTUNATE! NEW REMEDIES! HEW REMEDIES! 11 s i n s m . R A y e r ’s R RI dway ’ s R eady R elief CURES TIIE WORST PAINS IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. NOT ONE HOUR After reading this advertisement need any one Cherry Pectoral > For Diseases o f the Throat and Lungs, such as Goughs, Colds, Whoopmg- Cou°-h, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Among the great discoveries of mod, jern science, few are RADWAY’S READY RELIEF I of more real value \ to mankind tlian IS A CURE FOR EVERY PAIN. ¿this effectual rein- It was the first and is '' edv for all diseases THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY of the I liroat and That instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allays In­ Lungs. A vast tri­ flammations, and cures Congesiion s, whether of the Lie gs, al of its virtues Stomach, Bowels, or other gland-- or -igans, by one application, throughout this an<{ IN FROM ONE TO TW ENTY MINUTES, other countries, lnls no m atter how violent or excruciating the pain the RHEUM ­ ATIC, Bed-rid(!en, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or shown that it does prostrated with disease may sutler, surely and effectually control them. The tes­ of our best citizens, of all classes, es­ EADWAY’S BEADY BELIEF timony tablishes the fact, that C h e r r y P ectoral will and does relieve and cure the afflicting W ILL AFFORD INSTA NT EASE. disorders of the Throat and Lungs beyond any INFLAM M ATION OF THE KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER, other medicine. The most dangerous alloc', INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS, CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS, tions of the Pulmonary Organs yield to its power; and cases of Consumption, cured sb R E THROAT, D IFFICULT BREATHING, PALPITATION OF THE HEART, bv this preparation, are publicly known, so HYSTERICS, CROUP, DIPHTHERIA, CATARRH, INFLUENZA, remarkable as hardly to bo believed, were HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, they not proven beyond dispute. As a rem­ N E U R A LG IA , RIIEU MATISM, , edy it is adequate, on which the public may COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. The application of the l i F A D Y IRFT j T E F to the part or refy for full protection. By curing Coughs, parts where the pain or difficulty exists will afford ease and. the forerunners -of more serious disease, jf coinfort. Twenty drops kt half a tumbler of water will in a few mo­ saves unnumbered lives, and an amount of ments cure CRAMPS, SPASMS, SOUR STOMACH. SICK suffering hot to lie computed. It challenges HEADACHE, HEARTBURN, DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY, tri d, and convinces the most sceptical. COLIC, W IN D IN THE BOWELS, and all INTERNAL Every family should keep it on hand as \ PAINS. Travelers should always carry a bottle of K fld w H j’i against the early and unpereeived K em S y R< Hof with them. A'few drops in water will pre­ protection vent sic.-ness or pains from change of.water. It is better tlian attacks of Pulmonary Affections, which are French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. easily met at first, but which become incura­ ble, and too often fatal, if neglected. Tender FF.VEFJ AND AGUE. FEVER AND AGUE cured for fifty cents. There is not a lungs need this defence; and it is unwise to remedial agent in- this world that will cure Fever and Ague, be without it. As a safeguard to children, and all other Malarious, Bilious. Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, amid the distressing diseases which beset the and other Fevers (aided bv RADW AY’S PILLS) so quick as RADWAY’S READY RELIEF. Fifty cents per bottle. Throat and Chest of childhood, CiiKiutr Sold by Druggists. P is invaluable; for, by its timely us-?, multitudes are rescued from premature graves, and saved to the love and affection centred on them. It acts speedily and surelv against ordinary colds, securing sound and STRONG AND PU RE RTCII BLOOD—INCREASE, OF health-restoring sleep. No one will suffer FLESH AND W EIGHT—CLEAR SKIN AND BEAU troublesome Influenza and painful Iiton. T1FUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL, c&itis, when they know how easily they can cured. Sr. R A D W A Y ’S be Originally the product of long, laborious, and successful chemical investigation, no cost or toii is spared in making every bottle in the possible perfection. It may be confi­ 5 utmost HAS MADE TH E MOST ASTONISHING CURES; SO dently relied upon as possessing all the vir­ QUICK, SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES THE BODY tues it has ever exhibited, and capable of UNDERGOES. UN DER THE INFLUENCE OF THIS producing cures as memorable as the greatest TRULY W ONDERFUL M EDICINE, THAT it lias ever effected. % Every Day an Increase in Flesh *• SUFFER WITH PAIN. I)r. M. Walker’s California Vinegar Bitters are a purely Veg­ etable preparation, made chiefly from the native herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom with­ out the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, “ What is the cause of the unparalleled success of V inegar B itters ? ” Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, aud the patient recovers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Reno­ vator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been compounded pos­ sessing the remarkable qualities of V inegar B itters in healing the sick of every disease. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. The properties o f D e . W alker ’ s V inegar B itters are Aperient, Dia­ phoretic, Nutritious, Laxative, Diu­ retic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Su­ dorific, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious. £4. J i i . ihcw^AAiLlJ <&, CO., Druggists & G en.Agts.. San Francisco, Califor­ nia, c cor. o f W basington & Charlton Sis.- N. V. Sold b y till D r u y y i s t s a n d D e a le r s , August 19.1874, nlolv T H E UNEQ U A LLED ectoral HEALTH! BEiDTY!! I'II IIP A RED BY and W e ig h t'is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLO 00 PURIFIER» H E U S These Superb Instruments hare achieved a success unparalleled in the history of Tiano-forte Manufacture. They ere remarkable for Great Volume, Purity ancl Sweetness of Tone, and Durability. Every drop of the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT .communicates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other fluids and juices of the system the vigor of life, frr it repairs the wastes of the body with new and sound material. Scrof­ ula, Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular disease, Ulcers in the Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and other parts of the system, Sore Eyes, Strumous Discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms of Skin diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring-W orm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas,' Acne, Black Spots, Worms in the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening iind painful discharges, Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm, and all wastes of the- life prin­ ciple, are within the curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few days’ use will prove to any person us#ng it for either of these forms of disease its potent power to cure them. Jf the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that is continually progressing, succeeds in ar­ resting these wastes, aud repairs the same with new material made from hea thy blood—and this the SARSAPARILLIAN will and does secure. _ Not only does the S a r s a p a r i l l i a n R icsolx f . n t ex cel all known remedial agent? in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, And Skin diseases ; but it is the only positive cure for Dr. J. C. AYER Si CO., Lowell, Mass,, Practical and Analytical Chemists. SO LD 15V A L L D R U G G IS T S E V E R Y W H E R E . f g s I H A L L 'S ì. VEGETABLE SICILIA# H IM H A IB BENEWER. Every year increases the popu­ larity of this valuable Hair Prep­ aration, which is due to merit alone. W e can assure our old nations that it is kept fully up to its hityli standard; and it is the on­ KIDNEY AND BLADDER COMPLAINTS, ly reliable and perfected prepara­ Urinarv and Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stop­ F page of W ater, Incontinence qf Urine, Bright’s Disease, Albu­ tion for restoring G minuria, and in all caees where there are brickdust deposits, II air to its youthful color, making or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a mor­ bid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bonedust deposits, it soft, lustrous, and silken. The and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when passing scalp, by its use, becomes white and water, and pain in the Small of the Back and along the Loins. Price, $1.00. clean. It removes all eruptions and WORMS. dandruff, and, by its tonic proper­ The only known and sure Remedv for W ORMS—PIN, TAPE, etc. ties, prevents the hair from falling Tumor o f 12 Years’ Growth out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. Dr. R A D W A Y ’S The Most Desirable Instruments in the market In baldness, it restores the capillary for church and parlor. Over 28,000 now in use. glands to their normal vigor, and SH E R M A N S l H Y D E , will create a new growth, except in perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum, purge, extreme old a^e. It is the most regulate, purify, cleanse, jmd strengthen. Radway’s Pills, for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver,* Bowels, economical H -D ever Kidneys, gladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation, Costiveness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness. Bilious Fe­ used, as it requires fewer applica­ ver, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles, and all Derangements of the Internal Viscera. W arranted tc effect a positive cure. tions, and gives the hair a splendid, Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals, or dele­ terious drugs. A. A. Hayes, A few doses of RADWAY’S PILLS will free the system glossy appearance. from all the above-named disorders. Price, 25 cents per box. M.D., State Assayer of Massachu­ SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. READ FALSE AND TRCJE.” Send one letter stamp to RADWAY CO--, No. M2 Warren Street, New York. Infor­ setts, says, “ The constituents are % jp^O.H.BOGART V-'''RH.BURNETT mation worth thousand's;will be sent you. pure, and carefully selected for ex­ ^'^GorncrPinc & Sansone Streets, August 19. 187i.nl51y cellent quality;.and I consider it SanFraiicisco California. the B P for its intended purposes.” Capital(PailHDinGoll)$800,000 SHERMAN &' HYDE Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicines. ray oh aded C ared b y J ia d w a y's R esolven t. GENERAL AGENTS, Perfect Pirptire Pills, SAN FRANCISCO. a ir r e s s in g u Si est Surplus Funddn Gold) 206,110 Cor. Kearny ana Sillier Sfs. T ra n sa ct» every tcirad o f 5cgitI:uaJc ESauking £2 easiness. B U Y S A N B SEblifl EXCHAJffitl on the principal cities-of the United States and Europe. I S S U E S V E B T I F J C A T E S ©T? B M P O S i T available at all commercial and financial points. B U Y S ANE> SE X ifiS National, State, City and Couutv Bonds. I N V E S T M E N T S M A D E on order*. « O f ,I S & « S E V E R IS HU,I.BOAT and I.BiCfAI/.B’ JEiVIIE Rflijiouglit and sold. E>IS ¡POSES’ A C C O U N T S kept in Gold, Silver and Currency, and subject to checlt at pleasure. I N T E R E S T P A I D on Time Deposits. C O iii.E C T I O S iS M A D E in Sim F ra n cisco and vicinity without charge, and at all other points at cost, and proceeds remitted at current rates of Exchange. SAN FRANCISCO, W H O L E S A L E A N D R E T A IL D E A L E R S I X S H E E T MUSIC, iusical instruments, M U S IC A L M E L C IIA N D IS E . Orders from tko Interior promptly filled. MANUFACTUREES OF TIIE 0. H. BOGART, PETER H. BURNETT Cashier. President. r e p a r a t io n Price One Dollar. B o e k in g iia m ’s Dye. FOR T H E W H IS K E R S . As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore«gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation, which will quickly and effectually accomplish 1 result. It is easily applied, mu produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold Tv ill Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL &. CO., l its N A S H U A , N .H . Notice to All Persons. BAKER CITY ACADEMY. a r e H e r e b y N o tif ie d t h a t Y o all u Lands purchased of