r B A T E S OP A D V E R T IS IN G i B ED R O C K D EM O CRAT, P U B L IS H E D E V E R Y W E D N E SD A Y , i BY J. M. S H E P H E R D . OFFICE IN THE B E D R O C K D EM O C RA T B I T L W S G . T erm s of S ubscriptio n : > VOL. 5. One year,................. .................................. 4 00 Six Months,...................................... ' 2 50 C orrespon den ce from all portions of / Eastern Oregon is solicited for the D em ocrat . Ali communications, to receive attention, must be accompanied by a responsible name. Personal communications will be charged as special advertisements. l Idirceli w . M o srMHsmir, Corner of Main Street and Valley Avenue, C IT Y , O R EG O N , Would respectfully inform the public that he has recently received a well se­ lected and fresh Stock of D ru gs, Chem icals, Paints, Oils, Perfum eries, P aten t Medicines, Soaps, W ines, We are now prepared to do all kinds of Brandies, JO B WOllK on short notice and at reasona­ ble rates. Whiskies and N. B .—All Job Work MUST BE PAID Cordials, FOR ON DELIVERY. P R O F E S S I O N A L CARDS. L. O. STERN S, T. C. HYDE, N o t a r y P u b l ic . S te r n s &> MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS AT THE A tto r n e y s a m i C o u n selo rs A t-Law , B A K E R CITY, OREGON. L. O. S terns will attend the Courts of the Fifth Judicial District, and of Idaho and Washington Territories. Water Rights and Mining Litigation a S p e c ia l t y . IST E W STORE, First door above the Express Office. a d i e s F a n c y a n ti M i ll in e r y Goods in Store, and Latest Styles receiv. L eir by Express every Month, and for sale at A n d rew j , ia w b e s c e T ” B A K E R C IT Y , OREGON. IS AGENT FOR of the State. Baker City, Sept. 1, 1873. n!7y. Grover & Baler’s Sewing M in e s . Baker City, Dec. 1, 1872.n30tf J. M. S H E P H E R D , "W e ste rn H o t e l. A tto rn e y a t-L a w , MAIN STREET,.........................................BAKER CITY. B A K E R CITY, OREGON. R E ID & E L E T C H E R , P rop 'r. s. V. KNOX, Attorney at Law, (And Notary Public,) W E S T O N, O R E G O N . Will practice in the Courts of this State and Washington Territory. PECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO LAND Business, and Collections. ji l jt f S J O S E P H H. S H I N N , Notary Lubjic AND C o n v e y a n c e r , Will attend to Conveyancing and making ABSTRACTS OF T IT L E . Baker City, Sept. 11,1872. nl8tf E. W. REYNOLDS, P U B L I C AND D E P U T Y U . S. M A R SH A L. Iffice with John Brat tain, Three Doors South of B edrock D em crat office, on side of the Street. Baker C ity, Sept. 3, 1873.n l7m t A. J. TIMORI), li, A. M. D. M. A. Queen’s University, \Canada, M. D. Trinity University,/ 1351. DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS and OILS, WINDOW GLASS, VARNISHES, BRU SH ES, and W IM M & M KM KDM For Medicinal Purposes. TOILET ARTICLES Of Every Description. Prescriptions prepared at all Hours. City and Country Trade Solicited. Best Brands, of F a m ily G i ic s, T o ­ b a cco s, Cig-fcrs, V«., constantly on Hand, at the Lowest Prices. Baker City, Oct. 7, lS74.n221y J. B. G A R D N E R , ?! Liquors, Wines and Cigars of the best quality. Phelan’s Improved Billiard Tables ail in good order. o----- o N. B .—Those indebted to either the Hotel or Saloon are requested to appear at the Captain’s office and settle. noSvStf. RAIL ROAD HOUSE.” rms cash, or no patronage solicited, ce one door north oi City Drug Store. BAKER CITY, OREGON. Ltf S J M’CORMICK, Importer and Dealer In Boots, Stationary, Toys, lusic, AM NEWSPAPERS, FRANKLIN BOOK-STORE AND SANTA CLAUS’ H eadquarters, Eire-proof Brick -Building, 105 Front street, Portland, [tf TJ nder tak er. J. W. C L E A V E R Informs the Public that he is prepared to do ffil land of work in the Undertaking Business oq short notice and at rasonable prices. Baker City, Oct. 1 , 1873.n21tf S e w in g M a c h i n e s —-A G r o v e r & Baker, and a Florence, both new and tha very best—for sale. For particulars, en­ quire at thte office, n50tf AND Manufacturers of B ra ts & f apns. E A RE G ETTIN G OUR T IM B E R direct from St. Louis, MoV. and none W but the very best is Purchased, we are there­ fore prepared to Warrant all our work. We are now fully prepared to complete any Buggies or Wagons B l a c k s m i th in g AND W A G O N M A IL IN G , n A ll t l i e V a r i o u s B T a n c lie s c3L o F R A N C E , B A K E R CITY, OREGON. T LIVERY S T A B L E II L iv e ry Stable Designs and Specifications Furnished. Estimates Made. Terms Liberal. Baker City,- Nov. 17, 1874. n28y B la c k s m ith s I X Y j izens of Baker Gity and County, and the Public generally, that they have pur­ chased the B A K E R CITY, OREGON. WATCHES. CLOCKS I JEWELRY ■J carried on by the Undersigned, at their Shop, at the I ) c s p e c t f u l l y I n f o r m t h e C it- J o h n F . C h o rd , Carpenter and J oiner, ESTABLISHED IN BAKEK CITY IN 1867, Keeps constantly on hand a well assorted Stock of Give us a call, and then you can judge of our ability and capacity to please our custo­ mers. n51tf CLEMENT & SICORD. H E P R O P R IE T O R H A S B o u g h t the Hotel Restaurant, next door to the Post Office, formerly kept by Sicord & Whitcomb, and has fitted the same up in the best style as a Hotel, on Jlie French Restaurant Style. He is prepared to ac­ commodate the Public, and is determined to give entire satisfaction. The House is open from five o’clock in the morning until twelve at night, during which time customers will be supplied with the best of everything to be had in Ute ' 3MC Z K j E X XÜL. H I Bilker City, Ju ly 4 ,187k-u9tf [Y SIC IA N AND S U R G EO N , WATCHMAKER AND JL WELLE, On short notice, and we can say we have the Very Best of Workmen in our employ. Baker City, Oregon. Every one wanting a Buggy or Wagon will save time and money by giving us a call and r r t l i e P r o p r i e t o r s r e s p e c t f u l l y examining our work for themselves. 1 inform tue Public that they have pur­ chased the Baker City Hotel, and have fitted O Z o > :£ » siO "“ slioeing. itup as aFirstL lass Hotel, where they will be Z found at all times ready to attend to the Special-attention is paid to Horse Shoeing, wants of the All repair work done on short notice. We H u n g ry an d W eary , are thankful for past Patronage, and still solicit a continuance. In a manner that will give satisfaction. GAINES & BOWMAN. Baker City, March 11, 1874.-n44tf The Table will be supplied with the best the MARKET WILL AFFORD. B A K E R CITY, OREGON. O f f i c e — In the new Building immediate­ ly South of the Western Hotel. 2 P - ^ w t:'Y 7 i7 C 3 > O C 3 -5 M. 1). Luate of the College of Physicians and ions New York aim ot the Medical De­ tent oi the Willamette University,) & CD VI C L E M E N T & SICO RD , Proprietors, T . JNT. S n o w » M . E>. Physician and Surgeon, MEDICAL EX A M IN ER For the New York Life Insurance Co- nloif P rb Q S A L O O N ! JOSEPH MAMI MS, Proprietor, 2 kinds of and is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line of business. m i n s HOUSE has been enlarged and re- X fitted, and is now the best Hotel on the Waltham and Elgin Watches at Factory Umatilla and Idaho stage route. n3] Prices [tf. Stages leave this House for above and be­ low, and also lor Clark’s Creek Eldorado, S. A. GAINES. GEO. J. BOWMAN. Gem City and Sparta. Connected with the Hotel will he found a GAINES & BOWMAN, first class P l i y s i c i a a , S u r g e o n , i a ring, and he would break it up if he had to let the mails of Oregon rot for months. As a result, it is believed .hat Holladay & Barlow and Sanderson & Co., will carry the mails at a sum greatly reduced in figures represented in the bid. I f they do not, some one else will have to do the work, $6 00 10 00 .15 0Q> Ten per cent, additional on advertisements to which a »DQeial posit»» is guaranteed. OS^Tlie space ot ^ Inch, up and down the'Column, cons titutes & -nuare. N. B.—All debts due this office are payable in Coin, unless otherwise eapressly agreed-. O I K W IL L O W C R E E K i E t T E B . W i l l o w C r e e k , Feb. 5th. 1875- E d it o r D e m o c r a t :— Winter hangs dfo yet, although it has been very pleasant ex­ cept a few cold nights. Our cattle and j horses arc all doing well, as the snow 1» not deep enough to cover the grass. We had no snow at all until the 30th of Decem­ ber. A new post-office has been located on Willow Creek at Mr. A. B. Roberts’ place. The name ofthe office Is Stone, and Mrs, Roberts is Post-Mistress. I hope you will not freeze these 25 below zero .imes. It has not been so cold here­ by 20 degrees. Yours &c., # 4 « Twelve hundred local miners have been shut out from employment In South Wales. Garibaldi disclaims political intention» in accepting a seat-in the Italian Parlia­ ment. Over 400 Chinese were last by the burn­ ing of the steamship Japan. Many Republicans in the house oppose Butler’s plan to enable a bare m ajorliy to take up a bill at any time. It is the opinion that the full Louisiana investigating committee will concur in the report of Phelps, Potter and Foster, of the sub-Commiltee, throwing the blame on tlie Kellogg faction and the Returning Board. The Senate Committee on elections is a tie on the admission o f Pinchbeck. W h e n Cameron returns ho will vote against him. I f Pinchbeck fails then Grant’s brother- in-law, Casey, will be elected to the Son- ate. On last Saturday the Dead Letter Office at Washington received a package sent by mail, containing six snakes, four of them alive, and one of them a .copperhead. It was addressed to Germany, but atoppei at Washington. Senator Ramsey abandons the contest for re-election in Minnesota. Thurlow Weed congratulates Andy John, son on his election to the Senate. A Republican Senatorial caucus on Sat­ urday resolved to support the President in all he has done or proposes to do in Louis­ iana affairs. Eight Republican Senators dissented. The Modoe Indian war cost the quarter­ masters of Subsistence Departments $411,- 000. The appropriation for Inland Mail service next year is fixed by the Committee at $17,- 548,000. Maine rejects the Woman Sufiraffge prop­ osition as a constitutional amendment. Capt. Edward Higgins, late agent for the P. M. S. S. Co., died Jan. 31st at the Grand Hotel in San Francisco. Yasquez has given up all hope of having his sentence commuted, Chavez publishes a card threatening to avenge the death of Yasquez, if he is hang­ ed. To-day begins the fifth week of the Beech­ es case, and much public interest is felt in tho decision of Judge Neilson on the admissi­ bility of Tilton’s evidence, which was ren­ dered today. A dispatch from Washington this morning says that the increase of the public debt in January was $1,837,870.27. A New Orleans special this morning says that the Republican members of tho Inves­ tigating Committee are attempting to ar­ range a compromise between the contending parties. B. C. Cahfield, successor to J . J . Rico from Illinois, was sworn in as member of the House to-day. Mr. Pratt presented in the Senate to-day a joint resolution from the Legislature of Maryland in favor of granting pensions to Mexican War survivors. C r u e l t y t o A n i m a l s -.— The Owyhee Ava­ lanche says there are said to be droves of cattle along Snake river famishing with thirst as well as hunger. The river being frozen over they can get no drink, and many of them venture out to the air holes, break through the ice, under which they are car­ ried down by the current and are seen ho more. I t seems to us that owners of starv­ ing cattle should at least see that they got all the water they want to drink, and notadd the pangs of thirst to those of hunger. Never trust with a secret a married man who ’oves his wife,- for he will tell her, and she will tell her sister, and her sister will tell everybody. A Michigan man with a large family has been an emigrant fifty four times, and has just sent to Texas for a pamphlet about tho resources of that State. A good little girl writes to the N. Y. Tribune: “Papa has given us three cents a day for not sucking our thumbs. We send $1. for a child in Kansas.” Anna Eliza says that thirteen of Brigham’s daughters sat in the front seats and madfl faces at her the first time she lectured. A man may be properly said to have been drinking life a fish when he finds that ha has taken enough to make his head swim. Notv we know what makes it so cold. E l­ der Lutz, of Now Haven, is preaching on “ Hell Closed for repairs.” Men who travel barefooted around a new- ly carpeted bed room often find themselves on the wrong track. , David Kalakaua has a great lik!ng for chil­ dren. He says he never saw one that didn’t look good enough to eat. The Santa Cruz Sentinel compares that town to “ the dimple on beauty’s cheek.” More cheek than dimple, probably. There is nothing more hazardous than to be bothering an irritable woman with fool­ ish questions on wash day. ‘•Too thin” has become obsolete. ‘“Not sufficiently materialized” is the latest form in which this idea is clothed. “You are too pert entirely, Miss,” said a teacher to a pupil. “Your whole domeanot is a continuous misdemeanor.’ I t is vety cold weather, and yet plovers dft cot see the sense of hugging a store,