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About Bedrock democrat. (Baker City, Baker County, Or.) 1870-188? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1875)
aAaaauBEjgss: The B u ffalo a n d M i s B ou es. ISorthern cities, as a beef steak or a mutton chop, and in Kansas it is as common as hog meat. When buf faloes are killed for the meat, only I the hams and shoulders are brought in, and shipments are usually made in that shape, the hide nearly ai w ays being left on to the end of tile journey. The leading markets for | buffalo meat “ in the rough” are S t. Louis, Chicago, and Indianapolis, j whence it is r«shipped, in cleaner \ and more artistic condition, to cities I of the seaboard. At Kansas City, too, large quantities are cured and packed for Eastern use, and some successful experiments have been made in shipping direct to New York and Philadelphia from extreme West ern Kansas in refrigerator cars. The price in Kansas ranges from $50 to. $80 per ton in bulk, and the local dealers retail it at six to eight cents per pound. The settlers in that part of the State adjacent to the tramping ground of the buffalo procure meat enough in a day’s hunting to last them through the Winter; and many a poor homesteader in the Valley of the Arkansas has kept the wolf from the door bn this article of diet alone for months .at a time. The flesh of the buffalo is not such as gods would delight to feed upon; or would poets find it particularly conclusive, Isu s pent, to the cultivation of sweet and tender imagery. It is a prosaic sort of meat at best, having a drouthy kind of coar eness about it, and uu less very young and tender, a flavor that only a very hungry man would call appetizing, is very nutritious however, and when properly dried the difference between it an “ jerked” beef is not perceptible to the ordina ry palate. But a dog scents the dis similarity at a single sniff and will eat none of it. The Indians rarely eat it in a fresh state, but dry it in small slices, usually in the sun, and serve it .up with dried plums and pulverized acorns. In some of the more luxurious tribes, a gravy, in which crushed grasshoppers form a governing ingredient, is added as a rarity, on important festal occasions. It will be observed that the “ great American bison” of the period i3 being pretty thoroughly utilized. The genius of civilization has grab bed him by the horns, as it wereaDd refuses to let him go, while a cent can be made out of him. He is sub serving several good purposes in the social economy of the nation, if that is any satisfaction to him; but I pre-t same it isn’t. He doesn’t look.nowa days if he was taking any satisfaction in anything. He has lost his tradi tional spirit and haughtiness. He no longer lords it over the Plains • as of old, with nothing to molest of make him afraid, but on the contra ry, skulks in the ravines like a run away slave, and never shows fight while he sees a chance to flee. He has been crowded out of nearly all Kansas; the Iudian Territory is no longer a safe habitation for him aud Colorado offers him no refuge. Turn iu which way he will, the pit! less arithmetic of destruction ’ stares him in the face, and urges him sor rowfully forward. He is on his last legs, and he acts as if he realized it. He is not a handsome or a talented brute, but lie has good blood in his veins, and deserves a better fate. Just how much longer he will endure cannot be accurately conjectured, but as they say on the border con cerning the Indian, “ his paper is maturing very fast.” The locomotive and the homesteader have been at his heels for several years past, and they will still pursue him on and on to the westward until some rare and ra diant-sentiment monger shall im mortalize the last of his species in a venerable bullet scarred bull, stand ing on the summit of Mount Diablo, and gazing sullenly and mournfully out through the Golden Gate over the blue sweep of the Pacific.—Kan sas Letter in N. Y. Tribune. much as for any of the professions. In the Grange the latent intelligence of the farmer is brought out, and each can learn of the other some new idea or method. Two heads are always better than one.. Not only does the Grange improve him ednea* tioually and socially, but morally. The farmer ought above all others, to be a Christian. His advocation should peculiarly lead him to look through nature up to nature’s God. The Granger makes him charitable. Referring to the secrecy of the Or der. be said it was that which gave it cohesion and permanency. Iu all trades and professions there is a deo gree of secrecy, aud the most •suc cessful man is he who keeps his plans to himself. Iu the Grange there is just enough secret to make it attractive. The Grange also does what no party or organization has done;unites the people of all parts of the coun try.' It says to every man in the Union: “ Come in, and I ’ll give you the hand of friendship.” It knows no north, no south, no east, no west. It bridges the bloody chasm which has divided different sections. The constitution of the Grange prohibits the discussion of religion or politics, and neither political nor religious tests for membership are allowed. Yet this means to exclude only sectarianism and partisanship, for religion in its true sense is al ways taught here, and there is no fitter subject than politics in its real meaning—the science of government —for our consideration. . R. R. R. R adway ’ s R eady R elief I have seen vague and questioning allusions in the Eastern press to what is called in the Plains vernacular a CUKES TIIE WORST PAINS “ bone picking outfit.” I apprehend that, it may not be generally known IN FROM ONE TO T W E N T Y MINUTES. •wliat “ a bone~pieldng out tit really NOT © n E HOUR is. Be it my pleasure aud pride to After reading this advertisement need any one enlighten you of the East on that SUFFER WITH PAIN. point. “ Bone-picking,” as we term it out here, on the se lv a g e of civili R A D W A Y ’S .READY R E L I E F zation,is a re g u la r industrial pursuit IS A CURE FOR EVERY PAIN. involving the collection, assortment, It was the first and is and sale of the skeletons of defunct THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY buffaloes. These skeletons are plen That instantly t * T* £ tifully scattered over the uncultiva ilainmauoiis, a (laminations, and < .<r0J -T l;f,',,!„,,,’ r'gans, by one aj,plication, stomach, Bowels, -r other glnnd- or I ted western area of Kansas, and par IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. ties of half a dozen or more, with ! • - oiatiuc the pain the RHEUM- Dr. J. Walker’s California wagons, go in search of them and Vinegar Bitters are a purely Veg prostrated with disease may sutler, bring them into the railroad stations etable preparation, made chiefly from for shipment East These skeleton the native herbs found on the lower searching parties are called “ outfits” ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains W ILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. and hence the phrase “ bone, picking of California, the medicinal properties i n f l a m m a t i o n o t at h e ak i d n e v s , t i i e b l a d d e r < out fit.” The extent of this singular of which are extracted therefrom with- i n f l a m m a t i o n o f t o e b o w e l s , o f t h e LUNGS i eut the use of Alcohol. The question pursuit is really surprising. ./There SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BRKATH ING.^ nEART> is almost daily asked, “ What is the are hundreds of men engaged in it cause of the unparalleled success of and all the border railroad towns h y s t e r i c s , c r o u p , M ’HTS k B i INFLUENZA, V inegar B it t e r s ? ” Our answer is, have bone-middlemen who make a h e a d a c h e , t o o t h a c h e , u r a l g i a , r h e u m a t i s m , that they remove the cause of disease, business of buying and shipping the c o l d c h il l s , a g u e c h il l s . and the patient recovers his health. gatherings of the “ pickers” You They are the great blood purifier and would hardly believe it, but the a life-giving principle, a perfect Reno books of the Atchison, Topeka and vator and Invigorator of the system. u f a d T c IIF HEARTBURN, DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY, Santa Ee Railroad show it to b e a Never before in the history of the world C O L Icf W I n ’ d IN THE BOW ELS, and ail INTERNAL has a medicine been compounded pos stubborn fact, that 10 to 20 tons of Grraveiers should always ‘ carry a bottle o f K n d w n y ’ « sessing the remarkable qualities of buffalo bones are shipped over that R e n d v H o l i e r with there. A few drops » ' "M er will pre V inegar B itters in healing the sick vent sickness or pairs from change oi water. I, is better than line alone every day. The bones are French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. of every disease. They are a gentle worth, delivered at the railway sta FEVER AND AGUE. Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving tion, ah average of $5 a ton. The FEVER AND AGUE cured for fifty cents. There is net a Congestion or Inflammation of the remedial agent in this world that will «.re Fever and Ajpie> bulk of them is sold for fertilizing Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious and all other Malarious, Bilious. Sc .rlet, T j ,'h'nd, le llo y , purposes in the soil enfeebled dis and other Fevers (aided by R A H W A Y ’S FILLS) so « « « Diseases. as R A D W A Y ’S READY RELIEF. , Fifty cents per bottle. tricts of the Eastern and Middle __ Sold by Druggists. . The properties of D e . W alker ’ s States, Philadelphia being the prin V inegar B itters are Aperient, Dia ciple point of consignment. Ccrtaiu phoretic, Nutritious, Laxative, Diu portions of the buffalo skeleton, retic, Sedative’, Counter-Irritant, Su however, are adapted to nobler uses dorific, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious. STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD—INCREASE OF FLESH AND WEIGHT—CLEAR SKIN AND BEAL r . h . M c D onald & co., than the invigoration o f worn out TIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. Druggists & Oren.Agts., San Francisco, Califor- earth, and are sold at a handsome C orner M ain Street a n d V a lle y A v e n u e nia, i oor. of Whasington & Charlton Sts,,N.Y. price to the manufacturers of but Sold b y all D r u g g is ts and D ea lers. S o u th w e st S id e, tons, combs, and knife handles. Ai August 19. 1871, nloly B A K E S C I T Y , O R iE S O r i, almost every frontier rail rod depot jg ^ E F .F S C O a r S T A S T X Y O S H A X D one can see great piles of these queer a F u ll A s s o r tm e n t o f a ll k in d s o f TH B U NEQUALLED remains of the bounding bison await G o o d s, c o n s is tin g im p a rt o f HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISIHNG C L R k s ; SO ing shipment; and the variations of D HUGS', QUICK, SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES THE BODY UNDERGOES. UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF III1S . M E D IC IN E S , the value of bones are o f , mere in - TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE, THAT P A IN T S and O ILS , terest to the people than fluctuations E v e r y P a y a n I n c r e a s e i n F le s h , W IN D O W G L A SS, of the grain markets, In assorting a n d W e i g h t is S e e n a n d F e lt. V A R N IS H E S , 4'or'market, strange discoveries are B R U S H E S , and TH E QREftT BLOOD PURIFIER. sometimes made. It is no uncom Every drop of the S ARS APARILLI AN RESOLVENT mon thing, for instance, to find In w m m & communicates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other dianskulls, legs and arms; and in fluids and juices of the system the vigor of life, for it repairs F o r M e d ic in a l P u rposes. some cases the skulls and vc-rlebrae the wastes of the body with new and sound material. Scrof ula, Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular disease, Ulcers in the of women and children have been TOILET ARTICLES Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and ether parts picked up. These latter are usually O f E v e r y D e s crip tio n . of the system, Sore Eyes, Strumous Discharges from the Ear.-, and the worst forms of Slcin diseases, Eruptions, Fever Seres, tossed aside in a rude sort of rever S caldH ead, Ring-Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, euce for the helpless aud innocent; P re scrip tio n s p rep a red at all H ou rs. City Black Spots, Worms in the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers in the but no such respect is paid to the a n d C oun try T rad e S o licite d . Womb, and all weakening and painful discharges, Night Sweats, Loss c-f Sperm, and all wastes of the life prin bones of the Indian. An Indian These Superb Instruments have achieved a ciple, are within the curative range oj this wonder of Modern B est B ra n d s, o f F a m i l y G r o c e r i e s , T o success unparalleled in the history o f Piano-forte. skull is said to be worth a dollar and Chemistry, and a few days’ use will prove to any person using Manufacture. a quarter, for combs, and the Indian b a c c o s , C ig -a r s , «l-e., c o n s ta n tly o n ■ it for either of these forms of disease its potent power to cure They are remarkable for Great Volume, Purity them. thigh makes knife handles that are and Sweetness o f Tone, and Durability. H a n d , at (lie L o w e st P rices. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the waste? and beautiful to behold. decomposition that is continually progressing, succeeds in ar B a k e r City, Oct. 7, lS7i.n22ly resting these wastes, and repairs tile same with new material The traffic in buffalo hides is an THE CELEBRATED made from healthy blood—aud this the SARS APARILLI AN will and does secure. -other one of our things here in Kan Not only does the S arsapa - rili . tan R ksola ent excel all sas. The hide hunters are even known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin diseases ; but it is the only positive more numerous than the bone pick cure for > ers,¡.and their trade is much more K ID N EY AND ELADDEE COMPLAINTS, exciting and hazardous. They nsu- Urinary and Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, .Stop AT THE OLD SÍAND OF page of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright’s Disease, Albu- ;alfry fiollow in the wake of buffalo« minuria, and in all caees where there are bTickdust deposit* Bamberger & Frank, or the water is thick, cloudv, mixed with-substancos like the ¿hunting expedition and roving- bands white of an egg, or threads ’like white silk, or there is a mor bid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bonedust deposits, «of Indian “ meat-jerkers.” The Iu- BASËB CITY, and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when passing <dians who kill buffalo take only a water, and pain in the Small of the Baqk and along the Loins. Price, $1.00. o lin a M cC o rd R e s p e c tfu l tsmall portion of the animal, and ly inform the Citizens of Baker City WORMS. ithe white men who slay them for and the Public generally, that they have The only known and sure Remedy for WORMS—PIN, TAPE, etc. «port rarely touch them with a knife opened a New « o that the hide hunter who goes ai T u m o r o f 1 2 Y e a r s ’ G r o w th der is usually sure of his spoil, as Cured by Ttadway’s Resolvent. S A L O O N , dhe hide remains iu good order for Where will always be found the very best ¡removal nearly a week after t-lie kill The Most Desirable Instruments in the market ing, if the wolves keep away. When W i n e s , L iiq n o i'S a n d C i g a r s . for church and parlor. Over 28,000 now in use. hides are not to be had fast enough n S L lfS h O - SH E R M A N & H Y D E , or with personal saf«. ty in this way GENED AD AGENTS, > , One of the Finest and Best perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum, purge, Ihehide hunters project little raids regulate, purify, cleanse, and strengthen. Radway’s Pills, SAN FRANCISCO. of their own into the buffalo ' ranges for the cure of all disorders of tjhe Stomach, Liver, Bowels. Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation, killing.the animals simply for the Costiveness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness. Bilious Fe To be found in the City. “ Fred” and “ Bob” ver, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles, and aH Derangements hides, and leaving the meat to decay WBsmaœmsmBsaEBBa&œasËaa asxaBMsxmsaœBet of the Internal Viscera. Warranted tc effect a positive cure. will be pleased at all times to have their Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals, or dele or selling it at a nominal rate to friends give them a call. terious drugs. accompanying parties of dealers. A few doses of R A D W A Y ’S PILLS wrll free the- system BOHNA & McCOBD. from all the above-named disorders. Price, 55 cents per box. The hides are tanned and dressed by SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. Baker City, Feb. 10, 1874. n40tf READ “ FALSE AND TRUE.” Send one letter stamp a much more rapid, but less perfect to R A DW AY & CO., No. 82 Warren Street, New York. Infor % JP^O.H.BOQART V^H.BURNETT. mation worth thousands will be sent you. and effective, process than that fo l dornerJPine bramóme Streets, J lowed by the Indians, and only the August 19, 1874.nl51y hides of animals killed in cold weath er make really valuable robes. Iu a little more than three months over Capitai (Pail np in Galil)$B 50,000 of these hides were shipped from the stations on the western di TH E GRANGE. C o r. vision of the Atchison, Topeka and T r a n s a c t* ev e ry k in d o f le g itim a te At the recent installation of the Ranking Raisinés*. Santa Ee Railroad; and it is estima SAN FRAN CISCO, ted that the shipments for this year officers of the New Hampshire State BUYS AN© SJEBUS EXCHANGE ■5THOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN on the principal Cities o f the United States over that road and the Kansas Pacific Grange, an excellent address was and Europe. delivered by Col. H. Wyatt Aiken, will aggregate 125,000. As each hide IS S U E S C E R T I F IC A T E S © f WATCHMAKER AN1) JL vVELER, D E P O S I T available at all commercial represents a slain buffalo, these fig from which we extract the follow and financial points. ures convey a fair, though not a full ing paragraphs concerning the t b ESTABLISHED IN B A K E R CITY IN 1867, B U Y S A N D S E R E S National, State, Musical Instruments, idea of the magnificent butchery jects and benefits of the Grange: City and Countv Bonds. Keeps constantly on hand a well assorted I N V E S T M E N T S M A D E on orders. which has been going on among The founders seeing how much c o G O X .D <& S H Y E R B U E M O X .aBd Stock of these “ monarehs of the jdains.” The operation and concentration were do E E R A E T E N D E R S bought and sold. M U S I C A L irlE Ii C IIA JY D IS E . D E P O S I T A C C O U N T S kept in Gold, hides after being dressed, are rolled ing for every other association, con Orders from the Interior promptly filled. Silver and Currency, and subject to check up in as small a compass as possible, ceived the idea that the same c o at pleasure. and shipped to the large Eastern operative principles might be em and is prepared to’ do all kinds of work in I N T E R E S T P A I D on Time Deposits. MANUFACTURERS OF T ill C O L L E C T IO N S M A D E in S a n cities, where they are subjected to a ployed for the benefit oi the farming his line of' business. ^ F r a n c i s c o and vicinity without charge, process of re-cleansing and drying, class; and the people for whose ben Waltham and Elgin Watches at Factory and at all other points at cost, and proceeds rem itted at current rates of Exchange. and put into the market for sale. efit it was conceived saw that it was n3] Prices [tf. 0. H. BOGART, PETER H. BTJRNETT The original purveyor of the hides good, and took hold of it in earnest. Cashier. President. One great object of Grange is fo gets about as much for them as the S. A . GAINES. GEO. J. BOW MAN. New Eugland or New York farmer elevate the farmers. Prom the na receives for the hides of his cattle; ture of their calling they are much GAINES. & BOWMAN, Notice to A l l Persons. but the profit to the Eastern dealer isolated, and this isolation tends as can be seen at a glance, is consid to make them unsocial and seifish. B la c k s m ith s Y o u a r e H e r e b y N o t i f i e d t is a t erable. Attempts have been made The farmer’s wife never goes any AND all Lands purchased of J. M . Boyd, or from time to time to convert the where, because her husbaad cannot other persons, in the SoutheastQuirter of buffalo hide into leather, but without find time or disposition to go with her Section Seventeen, in Township Nine South, and Forty East, commonly known as Balter much success; aud it probably has and she becomes unsocial and selfish E A R E G E T T IN G O U R T IM B E R City, and Boyd’s Addition, and which is no very great value except for use also. This is characteristic of the direct from St. Louis, Mo., and none situated in Baker county, Oregon, (if said as a robe. A robe prepared by In farming community from Maine to but the very best is Purchased, we are there Boyd, or other..person,.has not first secured dians is. now so scarce a thing as to Texas. In the ’ Grange they are fore prepared to Warrant all our work. the title of the undersigned to the same), We are now fully prepared to complete any is voidable, and will be taken from you with be a real curiosity, the frontier white brought together, and their social out any' pay or reward for improvements, .njen having monpolized the business. natures are developed and elevated. Buggies or Wagons and you are further notified that there has Of still greater importance than He had been'in a;any States, but he been no final decision, even in the Land jbone picking or hide hunting, is the had fo and none where ' the farmer .On short notice, and we can say we have the Office, against me, on merit, as to my title Very Best of Workmen in our employ. to said lands. All that decision want to, was trade in buffalo {meat in Kansas, It and his wife did not find time to go wanting a Buggy or Wagon will the point that my Attorneys did not make -hak employed during the last year or to the Grange if they had once en save time and money by giving us a call and to the appeal in proper season, as ordered by examining'our work for themselves. two an amount of labor and capital tered. tr me. Suit will be instituted in proper time Then the Grange is an educating that would seem inore.iible to a per Acknowledged ky Musicians to he the Best Low to recover all of said land and improvements H o r s e - t s l 3 L C > © ± :o .^ . held. Beware! Priced Instruments ever offered for sale son unacquainted with the facts. power. He believed it required' Special attention is paid to Horse Shoeing. ROYAL A. PIERCE. cn this Collet. The meat market opens in November, more mind, thought, energy, to Rockbridge, W is., Jan. 24, 1874.n34tf when the welther becomes cool make a successfubfarmer, than any All repair work done on short notice-. We are thankful for past Patronage, and still enough f-or. its .-transportation, and other avocation in life. This is an .solicit a continuance. S e t t le U p . age of progress, and the 'man who continues until the 1st of April. Dur- ISTotice. GAINES & BOW M AN. H E V N D E R 8 IC 1 N E D w o u ld m g these five months as-much as 2,'-% stands still and don’t study to im- . Bakgr City, March 1 1 ,1874.-n44tf o t ic e is h e r e b y g iv e n Respectfully give notice to all those in 000,000 pounds are' -shipped from' ’“prove w ill'go backward. .Farmers to all those who are in arrears with the debted to them, tlaat they must call and set the Kansas prairies to all parts of must be studied. Agriculture is a Academy Company for tuition, to call on tle their accounts immediately. We want ~W an ted . F . McCrary, at the Post Office, and and must have money, and if we do not get the country. In the Winter months large science, and the more we study Q L l p o u » is o f W heat Mr. W their accounts, and save COST. it without, we will be compelled to make a buffalo steak can be obtained about it the larger the field spreads out be O \_7 • v / V 7 v / at the B edrock D emo - settle Baker City, April 9, 1874. COST. Call and settle. fore us. To be a true farmer, a man as easily and almost as cheaply in c r a t Office immediately, forwhifth the high A. H . BROW N, BO H N A k M cCO IiD. n26tf the butcher’s stalls of the leading should study to prepare himself as est Cash priec willbe allowed. n49n4 President. Baker City, Nov, 2 , 1874.n29tf -YIH EC AR B IT T E R S M DW AY’S READ! RELIEF HEALTH! BEAUTY ! C o r n e r D evin S to re . J, f . WISDOM, Proprietor D r . R A D W A T ’! lit a ass Ayer’s Hair Vigor For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreea ble, healthy and effectual for preserv- jn g the hair, I t soon rc. ‘stores fade« or gray hait to its original color, with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, fall, ing hair checked, and baldness often though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this application, and stimulated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will present the hair from turning gray or falling off. and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration o f vitality it gives to the- scalp arrests and prevents the formation of dandruff, which is- often so uncleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious sub stances which make some prepara tions dangerous, and injurious to tlio hair, the V igor can only benefit, but not harm it. I f wanted merely for a H A I R D R E S S IN G , nothing else can be found so desirable. Contain ing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.f Practical and An alytical Chemists, DO W E E D , M A S S . BOLD Perfect Purgatile Pil e, D r. R A D W A Y B i l l i a r d B a b ie s . B, G A R D N E K , 0|S SanFraiicisco California. SHERMAN & HYDE Surplus Fund(iu(rÉ) 206 ; 1 í 0 Kearny ana Suiter Sis. 0 03 0 00 SHEET MUSIC WATCHES, CLOCKS I JEWELRY lanufactnrers of B usts & fapiis, W 9 N T ALL DRU GGISTS E V E R YW H E R E . A y -e r ’s S a r s a p a r illa widely known ; one o f the most B o l m a tfe M o C o r d 5s. SALOON, B BY .... m * dies ever discov ered for eleans- iriLr the svstem W and purifying the blood. It lias stood the test of H‘arfb wilh 0 C0I>- tantly reputation, based on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its remarkable cures. So mild as to be sale and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to effectually purge out the great corrup tions o f the blood, such as the scrof ulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities or disvases that have lurked in the system for years soon yield-to this powerful antidote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, o f S cro fu la , and all scrofulous diseases, U lcers, E r u p t i o n s , and eruptive disorders of the skin, T u m o r s , B l o t c h e s , B olls, P i m p l e s , P u s t u l e s , S o r e s , St. A n t h o n y ’s F i r e , R o s e o r E ry s ip e la s . T e t t e r , S a lt R h eu m , S c a l d B e a d , R i n g - w o r m , -and in ternal U l c é r a t i o n s o f t h e U teru s, • S tom ach , a w l E l v e r , it also cures filler complaints, to which it would not seem especially adapted, such as u , D y s p e p s ia ,’' F i t s , N e u r a lg ia , H e a r t D is e a s e , F e m a le W ea k n e s s , 'D e b i l i t y , and E e u c o r r liœ a , when they are manifestations of die crof'ulons poisons. It is an excellent restorer of.lieallli n id s t r e n g t h in t lie S p r in g . B y renew- n g t h e a p p e t it e a ñ il v i g o r o f tl•:e diges- ive. o r g a n s , it, <lissip a' t h e <!<ip resfion m d lis t le s s 1: ih g n ó r X)f fìtti season. men where no disorder appears, .people eel better,-and live longer, for cleansin'' lie blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease o f life. P /? E PAPPI ) r, Y Jr. j . C. AY tel ¡h CO,, Lowell, Mass., I'U G c fie u l a u d OLD lî Y ALL A n a l t/f i c a l C h e m i s t s . D R U G G I STS E V E R Y W IIKK& BAKER CITY ACADEMY. mi i. Academy will begin on the 1st day of September, 1873, under the supervision of S. P. BARRETT, A. M., Principal;"assisted by M es . B àrrett , as Preceptress. The Directors feel warranted in saying that our School will fully maintain its high reputation under its present manage ment, and every effort will be made to ren der full satisfaction to our patrons. present o xto . ¡© a $10 Primary Department, per Quarter, Preparatory and Academic, “ 15 Latin. Extra, 3 French, Extra, - G Other Higher Branches in proportion. Tuition Invariably in ADVANCE. A . H . BPiOWN, President \Y m . E. M c C rary , Sec’y. n!3ti notice to the Pule. On and alter May 20th, 1872, the Post C flee hours will be from 9 a. m. to 7 p. ni. Sundays excepted. Open on Sundays fro 9 to 10 a. m . and 5 to 6 p. m . W. E. M’CRARY, r- *•