BEDROCK DEMOCRAT, PUBLISH ED EV ERY W EDNESDAY, J. M. SHEPHERD. BY OFFICE IN THE B E D R O C K D E M O C R A T B U I lD I J iG . T eem # of S ubscription : One year,...................................................A 00 Six Months,....... ........................................2 50 C orrespondence from all portions of Eastern Oregon is solicited for the D e m o c r a t . All communications, to receive attention, must be accompanied by a responsible name-, Personal communications will be charged as special advertisements. BAKES CITY, BAKES COUNTY, OEEGON, JANUARY 20, 1875. 1ST e w D r u g S tore. IL Ho street, Boston, 37 Park Row, New Y ork and 701 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, are our Agents for procuring advertisements lor the BEDRpcK D emocrat , in the above cities, and are authorized to contract for advertising t our lowest rates. n3lf C IT Y , OREGON, W ould respectfully inform the public that he has recently received a well se­ lected and fresh Stock of D rugs, Chem icals, Paints, Oils, Perfum eries, Patent M edicines, Soaps, We are now prepared to do all kinds of W ines, JOB WORK on short notice and at reasona­ Brandies, ble rates. W hiskies and N. B.—All Job Work MUST EE PAID FOB ON DELIVERY. Cordials, JOB WORK.. P R O F E S S I O N A L C A R D S. L. O. STERNS, W e s te r n H o te l. S te r n s & H v d A tto rn e y s and kj . MAIN STREET,......................................BAKER CITY. C o u n s e lo r s A t - l a w , B A K E R CITY, OREGON. L. O. S terns will attend the Courts of the Fifth Judicial District, and of Idaho and Washington Territories. Water Bights and Mining Litigation a S p e c ia l t y . Collections promptly attended to. June IS, 1873.n6y " " ANDREW J, LAWRENCE, B A K E R C IT Y , OR EG O N . Of the State. W Baker City, Sept. 1, 1873. nl7y. IL L P R A C T I C E IN A L L C O U R T S I. D. H A IN E S, A and cou n selor Law, Baker city, Oregon. at [n ltf r i m iS HOUSE has I xau enlarged and re- JL fitted, and is now tlie best Hotel on the Umatilla and Idaho stage route. Stages leave this House for above and be­ low,. and also for Clark’s Creek Eldorado, Gem City and Sparta. Connected with the Hotel will bo found a first class Liquors, Wines and Cigars «of the best quality. Phelan’^ Improved Billiard Tables ail in good order. o----- o N. B.—Those indebted to either the Hotel or Saloon are requested to appear at the Captain’s office and settle. no5v3tf. RAIL ROAD IIOUS e T Corner Main Street and V alley A venue Southwest Side, B A K E » C IT Y , O R EGO N, ee p s 1 inform-the Public that they have pur­ chased the Baker City Hotel, and have fitted itup as a First Class Hotel, where they will be found at all times ready to attend to the wants of the H u n g ry a n d W ea ry , -A. tt o r n e y -at-Hi a w , B A K E R CITY, OREGON. S. V. KMGX, In a manner that will give satisfaction. The Table will be supplied with the best the A tto r n e y at L a w , (And Notary Public,) Will practice in the Courts of this State and Washington Territ iry. PECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO LAND Business, and Collections. nl3tf S Give us a call, and then you can judge-of our ability and capacity to please our custo­ mers. n51tf CLEMENT & SICORD. h a n d kinds of For Medicinal Purposes. TOILET ARTICLES . Of Every Description. Prescriptions prepared at all Hours. City and Country Trade Solicited. Best Brands, o f F a m i l y G r o c e r ie s, T o ­ b a c c o s , C iga rs, A c ., constantly on Hand, at the Lowest Prices. Baker City, Oct. 7, JS74.n221y MILUHERY AM D FANCY GOODS, AT THE- N E ¥ STORE, First doer above the Express Office. a llie s F a n c y a m i M illin e r y Goods in Store, and Latest Styles receiv= L ed by Express every Month, and for sale at most reasonable Prices. Dress ALiking Done to Order, and at Short Notice by MRS. L. J. HUSTON. Baker City, April 18,1874.-n51m6 Bohna A le C ord’s S A L O O N ? AT THE OLD StAND OF B am b erger & F ran k , B A K E R M T ¥ , OREGON. B olm a & McCord Respeetftal- ly inform tlie Citizens- of Baker City and the Public generally, that they ha\e opened a New S A L O O N , MARKET WILL AFFORD. O R -E G O S . on DRUGS, • ' . MEDICINES, PAINTS and OILS, / W INDOW GLASS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, and CLEM EN T & SIC O R D , Proprietors, rp iie P roprietors respectfully c o s s t a n t iy K a Full Assortment o f all Goods, consisting in part of Baker City, Oregon. J. M. S H E P H E R D , XV E S T O N , R E ID & F L E T C H E R , P rop ’r. S A L O O N ! Attorney-at-Law, ttorney For Medicinal purposes. Fam ily Medi­ cines carefully prepared. Prescrip­ tions accurately compounded, at ail hours o f the day or n8 ’ night. Give us a call. tf T. C. H YD E, N o ta r y P u b l ic . J, f . WISDOM, Proprietor, H 'M M H I S X Corner o f Main, Street and V alley Avenue, BAKES S . M . D E T T E N G I E X , & Ci>., 10 S ta te C orn er D r u g S tore, Where will always bo found the very best W in es, Liquors ami Cigars. One of the Finest and Best HOTEL RESTAUBM T J O S E P H H. S H I N N , Notary Public d o AND Co n v e y F R A N C a n c e r, Will attend to Conveyancing and making ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Baker City, Sept. 11, 1872. nl8tf e TW. REYNOLDS, N O T A E Y P U B L I C AND D E P U T Y U. S. M A R SH A L . Office with John Brat-tain, Three Doors South of B e d r o c k D e m c r a t office, on side of the Street. Balier City, Sept. 3, 1873.nl7m4 JR , JOSEPH MAN AIDAS, Proprietor, B A K E R CITY, OREGON. rip,ME P R O P R IE T O R H A S Bougl&t- JL the Hotel Restaurant, next door to the Post Office, form erly kept by Si cord & W hitcom b, and has fitted the same up in the' best style as a Hotel, on the French Restaurant Style. He is prepared to ac­ commodate the Public, and is determined to give entire satisfaction. The H ouse.isopen from five o ’clock in tlie m orning until twelve at night, during which timfe customers will be supplied with the best o f everything to be Rad io the M J& . E t . 3 ESL E 3 BS ? * Baker City, July 4,1874.-a 9 tf A, J. TIllBODO, 11. A. M, D. M. A- Queen’s University, \Canada, M. D. Trinity University,J 18o4. F la y s ic ia o , S u r g e o ia , *£c. O ffic e and Ilesidence, at A. H. Brown s former residence, nearly opposite the Bed­ rock Democrat Office. Baker City, Oregon, Nov. 1 0 ,1874.-y F . JST. S n o w j M . 1 3 . Physician and Surgeon, B A K E R CITY, OREGON. the new Buildrng im m ediate­ ly South o f the Western Hotel. F F IC E — In MEDICAL E X A M IN E R or the New Y ork Life Insurance Co- nloif J - 2P. o o d , M. l). ;Graduate of tlie College of Physicians and lurgeons New York and of tlie Medical De­ partment oi the Willamette University,) PH Y SIC IA N AN D SU R G E O N , Terms cash, or no patronage solicited. Office one door north of City Drug Store. n23] ' BAKER CITY, OREGON. Ltf J o lm F . O liord, Carpenter and Joiner, BAK ER CITY, OREGON. Designs and Specifications Furnished. Estimates Made. Terms Liberal. n28y Baker City, Nov. 17, 1874. S J M’CORMiCK, Boots. Stationary. Top. Insic And Importer and D ealer In N E W S P A P E R S, FRANKLIN BOOK-STORE AND SANTA CLAUS Headquarters, E ire-proof Brick Building, 105 Front street, Portland, til 7 O regon. [tf BAKER CITY M ARKET. r o lm E p p in g é r R c s p e c t iß liy (J informs the citizens of Baker Oily that has re-opened the BAKER CITY MARKET, Where, at all-times, ho will be prepared to furnish liis customers with the BEST OF MEAT, Of all kinds, at most reasonable prices. Baker City,'April 11, 1874.-n49t-f LIVERY S T A B L E MESSRS. KILBffis & PEBKIXS T 3 c s p e c i f u l l y I i i f o r s a t l i e C it - J L i izens of Baker City and County, and the Public generally, that they have pur­ chased the l i l v e r y G it Formerly kept by John Eppinger, and that they are prepared to furnish customers with the best of Single or Double Turn-outs, Either night or day, with or without drivers, at the very lowest rates. First class Saddle Horses on hand. Horses boarded and the best of care bestowed. We keep nothing bin the best of Stock and Buggies. Our stable is at the upper end of Mam Street, Baker City, Oregon. Come and see us, Everybody, and wo will do our best to please you. KILBURN & PERKINS. February 10, 1874.-n40tf LIVERY STABLE CJ n d e r t a k e r . J. W. O L E A V E R informs tlie Public that he is prepared to do land of work in the Undertaking Business on short notice and at rasonable prices. Baker City, Oct, 1 ,1873.n21tf PÄP LEVINS 15 W HOLESALE aliti 9 E T A IS , DEALER IN IE3 Ai* T o b a c c o & C ig a r s, TOGETHER WITH A General Assortment Of all articles in his Lino, which he is selling at L ow e st P r ic e s , for the Ready Pay. His house is located on Main Street, nearly apposite the Bank Block, Baker City, Oregon. Baker City, Nov. 11, 1874.n27if. ■ J. B . G A R D N E R , k] o m hm • ' V» ,vX;'Lqä Hme*? */A j f f e ñ í é s l b e .il î ^ r+ a o _ ¥ o p M o WATCHMAKER AND JE vYELER, ESTABLISHED IN BAKER CITY IN 1867, Keeps constantly on hand a well assorted Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS I JEWELRY, and is prepared to do all kinds of work in liis line of business. Waltham and Elgin Watches at Factory n3 ] Prices [Y- GEO. J. BOWMAN. S. A. GAINES. GAINES & BOWMAN, Blacksmiths AND lannfactnrers of Baggies & W agons. E A R E GETTIN G OUR TIM B E R direct from, St. Louis, Mo., and none W but the yery best is Purchased, we are there- fore prepared to Warrant all our work. We are now fully prepared to complete any H aving com pleted ¿lieir New Stable, have now the finest and best regulated On short notice, and we can say we have the Very Best of Workmen in our employ. Every one wanting a Buggy or Wagon will save time and money by giving us a cab and examining our work for themselves. In E a s t e r n O r e g o n , STO CK BO U G H T AN D SO L D . Baker City, Nov. 13, 1872. nl3tf Mrs. R. C. Shepherd drover & Bate’s Sewing ¡Mines. IS AGENT FOR Baker City, Dec. 1 , 1872.n30lf When ho got to his dwelling, The soft snow was wellingf . Aggravatingly fine thro’ the wall— ■ And maliciously sifting, And driving and drifting Thro’ the parlor, and kitchen and hall. With the front of him toasting, And the back of him frosting. He whispered in accents not low— That if Hell was’nt crammed, He’d surely be damned, Wo’ld the man who wrote “ Beautiful Snow.’ As ho gazed on his wood pile, And knew in a little while, Not a stick would bo left there to burn - Came the chilling sensation, As to where in creation For another big load, he could turn— And how sweetly he’d rest, I f they’d hold an inquest 0 On the man who delighted in woo— Who’d been writing such gammon, In his beautiful psalm on The Flakes of tlio “ Beautiful Snow.” « .E T T E R . F a i k v i e w , J a n . 9lli, 1875. Buggies or Wagons Where they will carry on the Livery Busi­ ness in all its branches. As he felt the cold snow on his shin— Which.the same had obtruded, J ust then when he tumbled In a drift that was deeper than sin, And his whole frame did quiver, E ’en his marrow did shiver As;he thought how his chilblains wo’kl grow. And he wept in despair, That the hair he couldn’t tear Of the man who wrote “ Beautiful Snow.” B illia r d T a b le s GRIER & KELLOGG L i v e r y S ta b le Mr. Bentley has completed his contract for repairing the bridge across the Umatilla River at Pendleton. The work done, was For the B edrock , D emocrat . of a substantial character, and was received “ B E A U T IF U L SNOW . ” and paid for at this term of Court. Send B y Ajti. along your big teams. Our worthy Clerk, Mr. F. M. Crockett, | “ It is now well understood, that the au­ will tender his resignation, at this term of thor of “ Beautiful Snow” is a distinguished tho Court. His reasons for so doing, is tho gentleman of Vermont.” —Ex P a p e r .] reduction made in the County Clerks fees The snow was throo feet ^at the last term of the Legislature. Mr. On the level. It beat Crockett is, perhaps the best County Clerk The very “ Old Nick,” how it froze, that Umatilla County has ever had since its As a poor man did hustle, organization and it is to bo regretted that And along the path rustle, h i^ teijj is to bi filled by another. Caressing his froat-bUtcn nose; TlieNqiow is ten or twelve-inches deep at £adly, softly, lie prayed Weston and is falling very fast to day. That a coffin bo made There is good sleighing at present, and the Very quick, in a minuto or so— indications are that there will be for an in­ For the sweet-scented bilk definite length of time. Times arcYery From Vermont, or that ilk, gopd hero considering it is mid winter. The man, who wrote “ Beautiful Snow.” And n o w , Judge, if it is not too late, allow me’to wish y o u and the B e d r o c k a happy Where the beauty could be Now Year. LARRY. For his life he couldn’t see OUR O W ÏÏIS E To be found in the City. “ Fred” and “ Bub” will be pleased at all times to have their friends give them a call. BOHNA to McCORD. Baker City, Feb. 10, 1874. nlOtf Special attention is paid to Horse Shoeing. All repair work done on short notice. We are thankful for past Patronage, and still "W * * G llH E S 4 BOWMAN. Baker City, March 11,1874.-n44tf ____ E d it o r D e m o c r a t There Jias nothing o f importance transpired in this mountain burg since my last writing. Everything, with the exception of the weather, is as still as the placid waters o f Snake River in the m iddle o f summer. Cold and stor­ my weather set in here about the third or foilrtlYof this m onth and has continued at intervals up to date. At this writing it is blowing and snowing-with such fearful vengeance as to render it almost impossi­ ble to cross the street of Fairvicw; the weather is extremely cold and jack frost is in the height of liis glory. Accidents are becoming so com m on on tho mountain that we Fairviewers are not surprised on hearing, as we arise from our beds in the m orning, that another m;£n was killed last night. About three weeks ago a young man by name of Edmund Porrault lost his life while working in the Revenue m ine in Silver City- O 11 the 4th o f this month a young man by name W illiam Stevens lost his life by failing in­ to the Silver City Legion Shaft- while on his way home from Fairvicw,—on the Empire side o f the War Eagle Mountain, And now we have io record tho sad fact that while we write this letter there is in the M iner’s Union Hall in this town the dead body of a young man by name o f Ja­ cob Hauh, who lost his life by being over­ taken by a huge avalanche of snow, on what is known as the Mohogany side of the mountain. It. is no exaggeration to say that there has more accidents occurred in this camp