Bedrock democrat. (Baker City, Baker County, Or.) 1870-188?, December 02, 1874, Image 4

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- ÍT,
low creature’s life.” pleaded the par­
P A R SO N p o h i c k s p e r i l .
son, you should have clear and cer­
The Rev. Abiram Pohick was a de­ tain proof.”
“ Proof !— what proof would you
vout map end zealous circuit rider,
but in worldly matters notably ab­ have ?” replied the leader. “ Was-
sent minded. So much so that if ent the hoss found on you or you
his wife, who was a noticing woman on the hoss —which is the same
hadn’t kept a keen lookout when he thing in law ? Gome, string im up
rose in the morning, ten to one he boys !5>
And the p oor parson w ould surely
would have appeared in public, half
the time, arrayed in her habiliments have ended his worldly career then
instead of his own—an exchange and there but for the timely arrival
Would have scofBngly declared not of another party,
In their midst was a man in d eri­
His head once set on a text, he was d e garb">-none other than Mr. Po*
oblivious of all else.^ To find his hick’s companion of the proceeding
wav round the circuit, he trusted night— securely bound on a horse.
The new com pany was headed by
iraplicity to Old Job’s geographical
D eputy Sheriff well acquainted
knowledge. Old Job wa3 the par­
son’s horse. He was not an old with Nr. P oh ick ,
“ Glad to see yon, Mr.
horse, either, but a likely animal in.
me, I
the prime of life. It was his gravi­
ty and patience, mayhap, that earn­ hardlv knew you in that rig !”
T h e porson’s eyes, for the first
ed him the sobriquet of “ Old Job.”
fell on his garments. They
He was a horse of sense, withal, and
to a congregation that understood were certainly not his own. Noth­
Houyhnbnm could probably have ing could be more unclerical than
preached a more practical sermon their cut and material. The cards
and whiskey bottle were no w accoun­
than his master.
A portion of Parson Pohick’s field ted for; and when Old Job, on
of labor lay in a wild, out of the way whose back the other prisoner was
region, and it was on his first jour* tied, greeted his master with his old
ney to keep an appointment there familiar neigh, the whole truth flash­
that he met with the adventure we ed on the parson’s mimd. The man
are about to relate.
with whom he had shared his room
After a wearisome day’s travel, the night before was a liorse-theif,
Old Job and the parson sought and who rising first in the Jmorning, had
found rest one night at a settler’s not only taked the parson’s clothes
cabin. At a later hour another way­ for a disguise, leaving his [own, but
farer arrived; and, after a hearty bad taken Old Job, who was far the
supper, and a sociable chat, the better horse, instead of the one he
two guests, who were to take an had recently stolen— the parson, in
early start in the morning retired to his absent-mindedness, never notic­
rest both being assigned to one ing the difference.
The theif was one well known to
Mr. Pohick, his devotions ended, the officers, who had been for
would gladly have conversed a little some time on his track; and when
with his fellow guest, but the latcer the Sheriff’s deputy, who knew Old
was disinclined to talk; and the par­ Job as well as his master, saw the
son, from falling into a revery on former and the clothes of the latter
his forthcoming sermon, in due time in the posessiou of a noted outlaw,
fell sound asleep.
he feared that murder as well as
He awoke at day break, but found theft had been committed— and mur­
his,companion bad already gone.
der would? have been committed but
Having a long road yet before him for his ar rival in the nick of time.
the parson rose at once, and having
“ Let it teach you to keep your
made his toilet, and performed his eves open next time,” was all the
morning duties with all proper dis­ consolation the parson got from Mrs.
patch, he left the house without dis­ Pohick on reaching home and tell­
turbing the family— having paid his ing her how near be had come to
scot the night before—and finding being hanged.— New York Ledger.
bis way to the stable, be saddled his
horse and rode off, intending to
T h a t M isc h ie v o u s Y oung B r o t h ­
e r . — The moral to the following,
breakfast further on.
It was a fresh morning;and, as the told by the sufferer, is two apparent
pais n rode along, he sought to im­ to mention. Young ladies will here
prove the time by more fully work­ after run their brothers out when
ing up the details of the discourse gentlemen call:
where with he was preparing to en­
I ’m certain I wished somebody
lighten a people hitherto groping in would spank the young rascal.
talked of hills, mountains, valleys
“ Get along, Job,’’ said the parson, and cataracts, (I believe I said wa­
at the end of a mental paragraph; terfalls.) when the boy spoke up
“ I never knew you lag so before.”
and said:
But the horse seemed absorbed in
“ W hy, sister’s got a trunk full of
his own reflections, and paid no them up stairs; pa says they are
made of horse hair.’ ’
Inattention to his master’s words
The revelation struck terror to me,
was an unusual thing in Old Job, and and blushes into the cheeks of my
might have attracted the parson’s no­ fair companion.
tice; but then he began subdividing
It began to be very apparent to
bis “ Nineteenthly',” and the horse me that I must be very guarded
might have stopped stock still for all in what I said, lest the boy might
slip in his remarks at uncalled for
his rider would have known.
The clattering of hoofs, and the places; in fact I turned my conver­
cry of “ Stop thief !” behind him, at sation to him, and told him he ought
length broke the parson’s chain of to go home with me and see what
nice chickens we had in the coun­
“ Stop, you old viilaiD, or we’ll try. Unluckily, I mentioned a yoke
blow you through !” yelled several of calves my brother owned. The
voices, accompanying the command little one looked up and said:
“ Sister’s got a dozen pair of them,
with divers expletives which greatly
but she don’t weqr ’em only when
shocked the parson’s ears.
Parson PoLick had no suspicion she goes up town on windy days.”
“ Leave the room, you unmanner­
that such words could possibly be
addressed to him; but the reproof of ly wretch !” cried Emily, “ leave
profanity "was a duty he never neg­ quick !”
“ I know what you want me to
lected. So, turning abont, he quo­
ted several texts on the subject, and leave the room for, “ he replied,
would have enlarged upon them edi- “ you can’t fool me. You want to
fyingly but for the derisive shouts of set on that man’s lap and hiss him,
the company in whose midst he like yon did Bill Jones the other day;
quickly found himself.
you can’t fool me, I just tell you.
“ Ha, ha,! laughed one; “ jest hear Gim me some candy, like he did.
the old rascal !”
and I ’ll go.
"Xou think because
“ Satan reprovin’ sin !” added an­ you’ve got the Grecian bend you’re
smart. Guess I know a thing or
“ Whose boss is that ?”qneried a two. I ’m mad at you, anyhow, be­
cause papa would have bought me
Whose horse? echoed the parson a top yesterday if it hadn’t been for
— whose is wLatr horse ?
getting them curls, dog yer! You
W hy, that ’ere you’re mounted qn. needn’t turn so red in the face, ’cause
This? W hy, this is my h o rse - I can see the paint. There ain’t no
old Job, answered the parson more use winking with that glass eye of
and more surprised.
yourn, for,I ain’t going out o’ here,
Your horse ! exclaimed a burly fel
now that’s what’s the matter with
low. You say that agin, an’ i’ll the purps. I don’t care if you are
mash your mug. That’s my boss as twenty-eight years old, you ain’t no
was stole, an’ yon stole :im, an’ his boss o’ me.”
name is not Job; its Pete.
A Mississippi boatman with im­
The horse whinnied at the name,
as if turning State’s evidence against mense feet stopping at a public
house on the levee, asked the porter
bis rider.
Git down, you old reprobate 1 the tor a bootjack to pull off his boots.
burly man continued. W h y, I ’ve 'Che colored gentleman, after exam­
owned that hoss ever sence be was ining the strangers feet broke out as
foalded, an’ there’s plenty here ken follows:— No. jack here big miff for
dem feets. Jackass couldn’t pull
prove it.
That’s so ! chimed in several. Git them off, massa, widout fram ing de
down 1 git down 1 you taraal old leg Yuse better go back about tree
miles to de forks in de road an pull
th ie f!
A dozen revolvers were leveled at e m offdar.
A gentleman sat down at a table
him. and the parson felt constrained
in an Oshkosh restaurant the other
to dismount.
I assure you, gentlemen, the horse day and called for a “ bill of particu­
“ Brooklyn, by thunder !”
is mine, he protested earnestly, and lars.”
being a minister of the gospel, my roared the by standers in a gust of
moral indignation, as they shot him
word should have some weight.
through the doorway with the veloci«
Minister of the— haw ! haw !
The man who tried to repeat the iy of a Remiugtongrifle ball.
words broke down with laughter.
A Chicago “ personal*’ announces
“ A pretty miuisterjyou are !” feer- that “ Olive Logan’s husband is at
ed another, who, searching the par­ the Sherman House.” It must be
son’s person, drew a pack of cards very gratifying to a man to be an­
from one pocket and an empty whis­ nounced in that way.
ky bottle from another.
A colored girl has been admitted
Mr. Pohick was dumbfounded.
to the High School at Keokuk, Iowa,
“ There is some terrible mistake but it took a mandamus from tho
here !” was all he could utter,
Circuit Court to get her in.
“ What say you, gentlemen?— is
A musician is an airy fellow; but
the pris’ner guilty or net guilty ?”
can’t help it.
sang out the leader of the erowd.
One way to get a roaring trade is
“ G uilty,” they all said.
With equal unanimity it was vo­ to buy a managerie. t.
ted to hang him on tne spot 1
“ Arose,” by any other namewould
“ My friends, before taking a fell be “ got up.”
Q u ic k C u kes
M oderate C h arges ;
M A L L ’S
623, Kearney Si.,
No. 519, Sacramento Street,
Corner o f Leidesdorff Street, ) a few doors
below What Cheer House,)
Private Entrance on Leidesdorfi Street.
Established expressly to afford the Afflicted
sound and Scientific Medical Aid, in
the treatment and cure o f all
private and chronic Disea­
ses, Cases of Secresy,
and all Sexual Dis­
Grateful Tliousands proclaim
V inegar B itters the most wonderful
Invigorant that ever sustained the sink­
ing system.
No person can take these
Bitters according to directions, and
remain long unwell, provided their
bones are not destroyed by mineral
poison or other means, and vital or­
gans wasted beyond repair.
Bilious, Remittent, and In ­
termittent Fevers, which are so
prevalent in the valleys of our great
rivers throughout the "United States,
especially those of thp Mississippi,
Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee,
Cumberland, Arkansas, Red. Colorado,
Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama,
Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James,
and many others, with their vast trib­
utaries, throughout our entire country
during 'the Summer and Autumn, and
remarkably so during seasons of un­
usual heat and dryness, are invariably
accompanied by extensive derange­
ments o f the stomach and liver, and
other abdominal viscera.
In their
treatment, a purgative, exerting a
powerful influence upon these various
organs, is essential. There i3 no
cathartic for the purpose equal to
D r . J. W a it e r ’ s V inegar B itters , aa
they will speedily remove the dark-
colored viscid matter with which the
bowels are loaded, at the same time
stimulating the secretions o f the liver,
and generally restoring the healthy
functions of the digestive organs.
Fortify the
body against
d i s e a s e b y purifying all its fluids
with the B itters . N o epidemic can
take hold o f a system thus fore-armed.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion,
Headache, Pain in the Shoulders,
Coughs, Tightness o f the Chest, Diz­
ziness, Sour Eructations o f the Sto­
mach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bili­
ous Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart,
Inflammation o f the Lungs, Pain in the
region of the Kidneys, and a hundred
other painful symptoms, are the off­
springs of Dyspepsia. One bottle will
prove a better guarantee o f its merits
than a lengthy advertisement.
Scrofula, or King’s Evil,
White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas,
Swelled Neck, Goitre,.Scrofulous In­
flammations, Mercurial affections, Old
Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore
Eyes, etc. In these, as in all other
constitutional Diseases, D r . W alker ’ s
V inegar B itters have shown their
great curative powers in the most
obstinate and intractable cases.
# For Inflammatory or Chron­
ic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious,
Remittent and Intermittent Fevers,
Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys
and Bladder, these Bitters have no
equal. Such Diseases are caused by
Vitiated Blood.
Mechanical Diseases. — Per­
sons engaged in Paints and Minerals,
such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold­
beaters, and Miners, as they advance
in life, are subject to paralysis of the
Bowels. To guard against this, take
D r . W alker ’ s V inegar B itters .
For Skin Diseases, Eruptions,
Tetter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots,
Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles,
Ringworms, Scald-head, Sore Eyes,
Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations
of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of
the Skin of whatever name or nature,
are literally dug up aud carried out of
the system in a short time by the use
o f these Bitters.
DR. W- K. DOHERTY returns his sin­
cere thanks to his numerous patients for
their patronage, and would take this oppor­
tunity to remind them that he continues to
consult at his Institute for the cure of Dis­
eases of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Diges­
tive and Geiiito-Urinary Organs, and all
private diseases, v iz : Syphilis in all its
forms and stages, Seminal Weakness and all
the horrid consequences of self-abuse, gon­
orrhea, gleet, strictures, nocturnal and di­
urnal emissions, sexual debility, diseases of
the hack and loins, inflaifimation of the
bladder and kidneys, etc.; and he hopes that
his long experience and successful prac­
tice, Will continue to insure him a share of
public patronage. By the practice of many
years in Europe and the United States, he is
enabled to apply the most efficient and suc­
cessful remedies against diseases of all kinds.
He cures no mercury, charges moderate,
treats his patients in a correct and honorable
way and has references of unquestionable
veracity from men of known respectability
and high standing in society. All parties
consulting him, by letter or otherwise, will
receive the best and gentlest treatment and
impiiet secrecy.
To Females.
Cleanse the Vitiated Blood
whenever you find its impurities burst­
ing through the skin in Pimples, Erup­
tions. or Sores ; cleanse it when you
find it obstructed and sluggish in the
veins ; cleanse it when it is foul ; your
feelings will tell you when. Keep the
blood pure, and the health of the sys­
tem will follow.
San Francisco.
Established in 1854, for the treatment of
sexual and seminal diseases, such as Gonor­
rhea, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis in allitsforms,
seminal weakness, impotency, etc. Skin
diseases, of years standing, and ulcerated
legs successfully treated.
DR. GIBBON has the pleasure o f announ­
cing that he has returned from visiting the
principal Hospitals in Europe, and has re­
sumed practice at the Dispensary, 623 Kear­
ney street, corner of Commercial, where his
old patients and those requiring his services
may rind him.
The Doctor has spared neither time nor
money in seeking out new remedies, and
has returned with increased facilities for the
alleviation of human suffering.
Cor. Kearny ana Suiter Sfs.
S H E E T M U S IC ,
Musical instruments,
M E R C H A N D IS E .
Orders from the Interior promptly filled.
P IA H Ö S '
These Superb Instruments have achieved a
success unparalleled in the history of Piano-forte
They arc remarkable for Great Volume, Purity
and Sweetness of Tone, and Durability.
Acknowledged by Musicians to be the Best Low
Triced Instruments ever offered for sale
on this Coast.
Copper, Tin and Sleet-Iron Ware.
T o
Main Street, R aker City, Oregon.
e k e ep s co n stan tly on
H hand a full assortment of all articles in
Ins line, such as
Miner’s Hydraulic Pipe, Noz­
zles, Butts and Tin Ware.
E S .
The Celebrated Buck’s Patent Cooking,
and the Onward Parlor Stove are kept on
hand, together with all other styles.
i R
Done upon short Notice, and at reasonable
H Y D E ,
Respectfully offers his services to the Public
In the capacity of
CiaPIITIR, I l l - I l l !
S lie e p
K a is e r s !!
ImporM Cotsioli Steep for Sale.
Ayer’s Cathartic Pills,
For the relief
amV cure of ail
derangements in
the stomach, liy-
er, and bov, els.
They are a mini
aperient, and aa
, excellent purga-
ti ve. Being pure­
ly vegetable,* they
contain no mer-
EtS evuty or mineral
whatever. ..Much
serious sickness and suffering is prevented by
their timely use; and every family shout!
have them on hand for their protection and
relief, w hen required. Long experience inn
proved them to bo the safest, surest, and
best of all the Pills with which the market
abounds. By their occasional use, the blood
is purified, the corruptions of the system ex­
pelled, obstructions removed, and the whole
machinery of life restored to its healthy activ­
ity. Internal organs which become clogged
and sluggish are cleansed by A y e r ’s Pills,
and'stimulated into action. Tints incipient
disease is changed into health, the value of
which change, when reckoned on (he vast
multitudes who enjoy it, can hardly be com­
puted. Their sugar-coating makes them
pleasant to take, and preserves their virtues
unimpaired for any length o f time, so that
they are evCV fresh, and perfectly reliable.
Although searching, they are mild." and oper­
ate without disturbance "to the constitution or
diet or occupation.
Full directions are given on the wrapper to
each box, how to use them as a Family Physic,
and for the following complaints, which these
P ills rapidly cure: —
For iiy sfscjM iii or £ n d ig >c $ t:o n ; list-
lews»;*.*«*, Sjitssawiou, and L oss o f Appe-
l i t « , they should be taken moderately to
stimulate the stomach, and restore its healthy
tone and action.
For "A v a r C om jtlU im t and its various
SVÎttiJtoms, 1
B ilio u s , JfSc;*slMc3ae, SicU
c e or © r e e a S itk
sasfrsç, «3 iJioHS
». 3 s «
C o l ic and B ilio u s Ye*
V rr-í , they s
(MÌCh case, to
renio v e (he o lUO.ll ItLU UllCi \\ iliv -i! L i i u o c It/.
¡rtevy or JRiai-aTinea, but oi# L
mild il ose is £ generally required.
For « i v e 'aniHtisBi, G o u t , Cfravel,
-L? 5 ¡»iIvitjos« o f t5ii> IKvart. ENsisi in
“ au AiGa, Blucl«, and L a in *, they should
be continuously taken, as required, to e.hanga I
the diseased action of the system. With suck |
change those complaints disappear.
lo r 'ESrojysy and SJs'<vy*s?Cijj Swell*
a as'», they .should be taken in larce and fre­
quent doses to produce the effect o f a drastic
For t l a p p r e ^ ie n , a large dose should bo
taken. as it produces the desired effect by
As a D hnirr R ill, take one or two Dills to
promote digestion', and relieve the stomach.
An occasional dose stimulates the stoiniK’h
ami bowels, restores the appetite, and in vigor-
ates tiic system. Hence it is often advant.i*
genus where no serious derangement exists.
One who feels tolerably we’l, often finds that
a dose ol these PiOs maxes him feel decid­
edly better, from their cleansing and reno
rating effect on the digestive ¡apparatus.
D R U G G IS T S E V E R Y W H E R E .
All kinds and every
T )E W O m i> T IO N '
Of Work in Wood neatly and promptly done
Baker City, Jan. J, 1873M. F
rip lie F a ll T e rm o f tire B a k e r City
I - Academy will begin on the 1st day of fel
September,-1873, under the supervision of
P r i n c i p a l; a ssiste d b y
M r s . B a r r e t t ,' as Preceptress.
The Directors feel warranted in saying flat :
our School will fully maintain its present 1
Head Thorough bred Cotswold Sheep high reputation under its present manage-■
lately Imported from the best herds in Can­ ment, and every effort w ill be made to roil- .
ada. The above Sheep are Full Blooded der full satisfaction to our patrons.
and as fine as any on the Coast.
There are Forty Bucks in the lot.
e x ° XXX & a
The whole will be sold in lots to suit pur­
Primary Department, per Quarter,
chasers, and at
For particulars, enquire of
R E ID & F L E T C H E R ,
Baker City, ©gn.
]N " o t ic e .
S e w in g M a c h in e s — A iir o v e r
A Baker, and a Elorence, both new and
tne very best—for sale. Per particulars, en­
quire at this office.
The Most Desirable Instruments in the market
for church and parlor. Over 23,000 now in use.
R . M ’IN T O S H .
Also, Every Pattern and Style of
N A S H U A , N.H.
P A R K E B ,
one preparation
L O W E L L , M A S S ., U. S. A .
T I N -S H O P !
Whiskers, we have prepared this
dye, in
, which will
quickly and effectually accomplish
this result. It is easily applied,
and produces a color which will
neither rub nor wash off. Sold by
all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents.
¡Vlanufacture.d by R. P. HALL &. CO.,
August 10. fig i, nlSlv
B u c k i n g h a m ’s D y a .
Br. J. C. AYER & CO., Fractieal Chemists,
Sold b y all D r u y y i s t s and, D ea lers
Every year increases the popu­
larity of this valuable Hair Prep­
aration, which is due to merit
W e can assure our old
pations that it is kept fully up to
its high standard; and it is the on­
ly reliable and perfected prepara­
tion for restoring G r a y or F aded
H air to its youthful color, making
it soft, lustrous, and silken. The
scalp, by its use, becomes white and
clean. It removes all eruptions and
dandruff, and, by its tonic proper­
ties,“ prevents the hair from falling
out, as it stimulates and nourishes
the hair-glands.
B y its use, the
hair grows thicker and stronger.
In baldness, it restores the capillary
glands to their normal vigor, and
will create a new growth, except in
extreme old age. It is the most
economical H a i r - D ressing ever
used, as it requires fewer applica­
tions, and gives the hair a splendid,
glossy appearance.
A . A . Hayes,
M .D., State Assayer of Massachu­
setts, says, “ The constituents are
pure, and carefully selected for ex­
cellent quality; and I consider it
the B est P r e p a r a t io n for its
intended purposes.”
rH K P A R E D
R . Jil. M cD O IfA L D <fc CO.,
Druggists & Geu.Agts.. San Fra ncisco, Call for-
nia, <fc cor. of Wii using ten & Charlton Sts.,N.Y
How many thousands of persons, both
male and female, are there who are suffer­
ing out a miserable existence from the ef­
fects of secret indulgence, or from virus ab­
sorbed into the system. Look at their pal­
lid, emaciated and disfigured faces/and
their broken down constitutions, disquali
tying them for the happiness o f marriage or
the enjoyment of life. In this horrid situa­
tion thousands suffer until death closes the
scene. Let parents, guardians and friends
attend to those who are suffering with any
of these horrible, life-destroying maladies
see tii&t they are cared for and cured before
it is too late. Send them immediately to
Dr. Gibbon, a physician who has m a d ep ri
vato diseases his especial study for years,
and who is certain to cure the most invete­
rate cases without mercury or any injurious
drugs. It is important to those afflicted, or Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicines,
P rice O ne D ollar.
those interested in the welfare of their
friends, to be careful o f the many pretended
doctors who infest all cities, publishing their
skill in curing ail diseases in a few days, im­
F O R T H E W H IS K E R S .
posing upon the public by using the names
of eminent physicians from Europe and
A s our Renewer in many cases
other places. Be therefore careful and make
strict inquiry or you may fail into the hands requires too long a time,, and too
of those charlatans.
much care, to restore gray or faded
Pin, Tape, ami other Worms,
irking in the system of so many thou­
sands, are effectually destroyed and re­
moved. No system of medicine, no ver­
mifuges. no anthelininitics will free the
system from worms like these Bitters.
For Female Complaints, in
young or old, married or single, at the
dawn of womanhood, or the turn of
life, these Tonic Bitters display so de­
cided an influence that improvement
is soon perceptible.
Corner Commercial street,
When a female is in trouble, or afflicted
with disease, as weakness of the back and
limbs, pain in tho head, dimness of sight,
loss o f muscular power, palpitation of the
heart, irritability, nervousness, extreme uri­
nary difficulties, derangement of digestive
functions, general debility, vaginitis, all dis­
eases of the womb, hysteria, sterility, and
Seminal emission—the consequence of
all other diseases peculiar to females, she
should go or write at once to the celebrated self abuse. This solitary vice, or depraved
female doctor, W. K. DOHERTY, at his sexual indulgence, is praticed by the youth
medical Institute, and consult him about her of both sexes to an almost unlimited extent,
troubles and disease. The Doctor is effect­ producing with unerring certainty the fol­
ing more cures than any other physician in lowing train o f morbid symptoms, unless
the state of California. Let no false delica­ combatted by scientific medical measures,
cy prevent you, but apply immediately and viz: Sallow countenance, dark spots under
save yourself from painful sufferings and the eyqs, pains in the head, ringing in the
premature death. All married ladies, whose ears, noise like rustling of leaves or rattling
delicate health or other circumstances pre­ of chariots, uneasiness about the loins, weak­
vent an increase in their families, should ness of the limbs, confused vision, blunted
write or call at Dr. W .K. DOHERTY’S Medi­ intellect, loss of confidence in approaching
cal Institute, and they will receive every pos­ strangers, a dislike to form new acquaintan­
ible relief and help. The Doctor’s offices ces, a disposition to sliun society, loss o.
are so arranged that he can be consulted memory, pimples and various eruptions
about the face, hectic Hushes, furred tongue,
without fear of observation.
foetid breath, night sweats, monomania and
frequently insanity. If relief be not obtained,
To Correspondents.
apply immediate!}- either in person
Patients residing in any part of the state,
however distant, who may desire the opinion or by letter, and have a cure effected by_ his
and advice of Dr. Doherty in theii respective new and scientific mode of treating this dis­
which never fails in effecting a quick
cases, and who think proper to submit a ease,
written statement of such, in preference to
holding a personal interview, aie respect­
Persons at a distance may be CURED AT
fully assured that their communications will
be held most sacred and confidential. I f the HOME by addressing a letter to Dr. Gibbon
case be fully and candidly described, person­ stating case, symptoms, length of time the
al communication w ill be unnecessary, as in­ disease has continued, and have medicine
structions for diet, regimen and the general promptly forwarded, free from damage and
treatment o f the case itself (including the curiosity, to any part of the country, with
remedies) will he forwarded without delay, full and plain directions for use.
Persons writing to the Doctor will please
and in such a manner as to convey uo idea of
the purport o f the letter or parcel so trans­ state the name ol the paper they see this ad­
vertisement in.
By inclosing Ten Dollars coin, in regis­
GCVConsultation—By letter or otherwise
FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed or no tered letter through the Postofiice, or
through Wells, Fargo & Co., a package ot
medicine will be forwarded to any part oi
the Union.
Alt communications strictly confidential.
Dr. DOHERTY has just published an im­
Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, 623 Kearny
portant pliamplet, embodying his own views street, Saii' Francisco. Postoffice Box 1,”-
and experiences in relation to impotence or 657.
n lly r l
Virility ; being a Short Treatise on Sperm a-
torrliaea or Seminal Weakness, Nervous and
Physical Debility, consequent on this affec­
tion, and other diseases of the sexual organs.
This little work contains information of the
utmost value to all, whether mairied or sin­
gle, and wilhbe sent FREE, by mail, on re­
ceipt of six cents in postage stamps for re­
turn postage.
A d d re s s , W. K. DOHERTY, m . d .
San Francisco Cal,
$10 00 .
Preparatory and Academic, “
15 Oi a
Latin. Extra,
3 5H
French, Extra,
6 0®
Other Higher Branches in proportion.
Tuition Invariably in ADVANCE.
A. H. BROWN, President.
W m . F. M c C r a r y , Sec’y.
nl3tf |
Notice to tiie P ile .'
to all those who are in arrears with the
Academy Company for tuition, to call on
On and alter May 20th, 1872, the Post Of-
Mr. W. F. McCrary, at the Post Office, and fice hours will be from 9 a. m. to 7 p. m-"
settle their accounts, and save COST.
Sundays excepted. Open on Sundays fi'O®1
Baker City, April 9,1871.
9 to 10 a. m. *nd 5 to 6 p. m.