PRIVATE MEDICAL AID. TO TIIE U\TF O R T U N A T E ! H ALTS# } started up to fight his skirmishes VEGETABLE SlCimii | over, I flogged „my weak brain to Q u ic k C u b e s a n d M o d e k a t e C h a r g e s ; ! work, aud planned and planned and h ath t e w i P T i DB. G IB B O N ’S * I can see that day. White comuli 1 planned. When I look back at, that wretch ■where heaped over the wood tops, j _ _ ______ RENEW ED bat the middle sky was blue and I in soiled tavern sheets, glaring int > E very year increases the popy. clear. Though I was dozing on a j darkness with watery eyes, gray legs larity o f this valuable Hair Prep, 6 aloon step, this day of beauty got j tremble under me, though they have C23, Kearney St., aration, which is due to merit No. 519, Sacramento Street, ; gone stoutly these run ay years. It even through my wavering sight. Corner Oommercialstreet, Perhaps I sat there an hour, per j was such a very straight path Tip C orner o f L e id e sd o rff Street, ) a few doors alone. W e can assiu e our old San Francisco- below W hat C heer H ou se,) haps an age, in which the blinks I from that place, and I came so neat pations that it is kept fully up to P rivate E ntrance on L eid esd orff Street. f a l li n g , time alter time. Established in 1854, for the treatment of its high stand ard ; and it is the on. got were the recurring days. E stablished expressly to afford the Afflicted The next day I got work on the sexual and seminal diseases, such as Gonor It suddenly occured to me that sou n d and S cien tific M edical A id, m rhea, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilisin all its forms, ly reliable and perfected prepara, 6^ch a long continuance of finé railroad. From the gutter I could the treatm ent and cure o f all seminal weakness, impotency, etc. Skin tion for restoring G r a y or F aded not g& directly back to thejbar, since private and ch ro n ic D isea weatl'ér ought to i e enjoyed more diseases, of years standing, and ulcerated ses, Cases o f Secresy, I I a ir to its youthful color, making actively. But the world whirls as drunkeness is one of the vices which legs successfully treated. and all Sexual D is DR. GIBBON has the pleasure of announ it soft, lustrous, and silken. The everybody £uows. 1 mumbled a is not tolerated in lawyers. It was orders. cing that he has returned from visiting the number of jokes on nature as I stag hard to shovel dirt in „the hot sun. scalp, by its use, becomes ivhite and principal H ospitals in Europe, and has re Grateful Thousands proclaim gered abroad.—After a tiresome I sat down b ¡If fainting. A 6 T ° a clean. It removes all eruptions and TO T H E A F F L IC T E D . sumed practice at the Dispensary, 623 Kear V inegab B ittebs the most wonderful journey I carpe upon an alley and a natnred Patrick came slyly with a ney street, corner of Commercial, where his dandruff, and, by its tonic proper- D R . W- K. DOHERTY returns his sin Invigorant that ever sustained the sink group of boys traveling through a bottle, and bade me ‘ whist it, which cere thanks to his numerous patients for old patients and those requiring his services ties, prevents the hair from falling ing system. may find him. game of marbles on their knees, like I lint forth the will to d o—like a their patronage, and would take this oppor No person can take these tunity to remind them that he continues to - The Doctor has spared neither time nor out, as it stimulates and nourishes penitents stumping to Jerusalem. weak beast-w hen Billy swoop down- money in seeking out new remedies, and consult at liis Institute for the cure of Dis Bitters according to directions, and And in *lieir midst was Billy. Billy from a passing freight and squared B y its use, the has returned With increased facilities for the the hair-glands. himself before that Irishman, while eases of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Diges remain long unwell, p r o v id e d _ their was a Doble looking boy, I paused alleviation of human suffering. hair grows thicker and stronger, tive and Genito-Urinary Organs, and all bones are not destroyed by mineral H O R R I B L E Ifl& B A S E S ! and tried to get in position to look the very tatters at his elbow bristl private diseases, v iz : Syphilis in all its' In baldness, it restores the capillary- poison or other means, and vital or at him. I felt a maudlin pride in ed with wrath. How many thousands of persons, both terms and stages, Seminal-Weakness and all glands to their normal vigor, and ‘Look here, now !’ threatened he, gans wasted beyond repair. the horrid consequences of self-abuse, gon male and female, are there who are suffer Billy. He had Nora’s blue eyes. sending the bottle far over a track, orrhea, gleet, strictures, nocturnal and d i- ing out a miserable existence from the ef Bilious, Remittent, and In will create a ne3v growth, except in (Blessed Nora ! She was gone emissions, sexual debility, diseases of fects o f secret indulgence, or from virus ab termittent Fevers, which are so .urnal extreme old age. It is the most where she couldn’t be cursed any “ if you get my father to drinkin, "¡he back and loins, inflammation of the sorbed into the system. Look at their pal prevalent in the valleys of our great iDore j poor little broken hearted again, I ’ll kick y o u .’ bladder and kidneys, etc.; and he hopes that lid, emaciated and disfigured faces and economical H a i r - D ressin g ever It would of been so very bwrd for rivers throughout the United States, ids long experience a n d " successful prac their broken down constitutions, disquali thing.) , . . used, as it requires fewer applies', especially those of the Mississippi, the boy to fulfil the threat with his tice, will insure him a share of fyiDg them for the happiness o f marriage or As Billy photographed himsel. in tions, and gives the hair a splendid, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, •public patronage-.'• By the practice.of many the enjoyment of life. Ia this horrid-situa my eyes, his bright hair blowing, b a b y legs, on Patrick’s high breech Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, years in Europe uttri GuiJUnited States, lie is tion thousands suffer until death closes the glossy appearance. A . A . Hayes, his lusty fingers gouging a pit for es, that my Irishman took jolly com enabled to apply the most efficient and suc scene* Let parents, guardians and friends Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, passion on him, aud roared a vow the centre marble, the contrast be cessful remedies against diseases of all kinds. attend to those who are suffering with any M .D ., State A ssayer o f Massachu- Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, tween what be and I were born to nevermore to put his slimy tempta He cures no mercury, charges moderate, of these horrible, lue-ueSiruymg maladies— setts, says, “ T h e constituents are and many others, with their vast trib treats his patients in a correct and honorable see that-they are cared for and cured before be, and what we were, struck me tion to my face. utaries, throughout our entire country pure, and carefully selected for ex. way and has references of unquestionable it ia too late. Send them immediately to After I had delved awhile, Billy during the Summer and Autumn, and like a bullet. veracity from men of known respectability Dr. Gibbon, a physician who lias made pri cellent q u ality ; and I consider it remarkably so during seasons of un I had tried to re fo r m . Oh, yes. had a new suit, a set of books and and high standing in society. All parties vate diseases his especial, study for years, the B e s t P r e p a r a t io n for its usual heat and dryness, are invariably And every fa ilu re was a lin k in my school privileges.— Then a situation consulting him, by letter or otherwise, will and who is certain to cure the most invete intended purposes.” accompanied by extensive derange chain. I was u tterly given o v e r to as copyist was opened to me. The receive the best and gentlest treatment and rate cases without mercury or any injurious ments of the stomach and liver, and unplict secrecy. boy and I fell into the habit of strik drugs. It is important to those afflicted, or Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, the sDakes and the furies. other abdominal viscera. In _ their P rice O n e D o llar. those interested in the welfare ol their ing hands and going to church on a Now here was Bill, walking in my treatment, a' purgative, exerting a friends, to be careful of the many pretended To Females. vagrant steps; a vicious Arab un Sunday, Some of my old friends powerful influence upon these vanous doctors who infest all cities, publishing their began to notice me. Oh, I tell 37 ou, When a female is in trouble, or afflicted der a beautiful Caucasian guise. skill in curing all diseases in a few days, im organs, is essential. There is no with disease, as weakness of the back and ‘ “Say, B ill,” begged one of the it makes a man’s heart swell like a F O R T H E W H ISK EB& posing upon the public by using the names cathartic for the purpose equal to limbs, pain in the head, dimness of sight, of eminent physicians from Europe and tribe, casting a covetous . eye green bulb to have an honest hand D k . J. W alker ’ s V inegab B ittebs , as A s our Renew er in many cases loss of muscular power, palpitation of tiie o tlier places. Be therefore careful and make on his industrious jaws, “ let me com e seeking his. they will speedily remove the dark- heart, irritability, nervousness,-extreme uri strict inquiry or you may fall into the hands requires too lon g a time, and too Finally I got into practice. S om e chaw your wax awhile.’ nary difficulties, derangement of digestive colored viscid mutter with which the of those charlatans. much care, to restore gray or faded' functions, general debility, vaginitis, all dis bowels are loaded, at the same time Bill, with graceful generosity and times the thirst came on me and I S E M IN A L W E A K N E S S . eases of the worn- , hysteria, sterility, and W hiskers, we have prepared this stimulating the secretions of the liver, stormed up and down in my office contempt of gain, tossed it over say Seminal emission— the consequence of all other diseases peculiar to females, she and generally restoring the healthy dye, in one preparation , which will and twisted out little locks ox hair, ing: self abuse. This solitary vice, or depraved should go or write at once to the celebrated functions of the digestive organs. “ There; yon can take it and keep as if the curse hung to the roots of .female doctor, ~W. K.- D O H ER TY, at his sexual indulgence,- is praticed by the youth quickly and effectually accomplish Fortify the body against that. Once I locked the door and medical Institute, and consult him about her of both sexes to an almost unlimited extent, this result. it; I don’t want it no m ore.’ It is easily applied,, producing with unerring certainty the fol iroubies and disease. The Doctor is effect While I stood in drunken dolar threw out the key and was a prison d is e a s e by purifying all its fluids and produces a color which will' , ing more cures than any other .physician in lowing tram of morbid symptoms, unless with the B ittebs . N o epidemic can against the fence, the group whirled er till my associate came. ¡he state of California. Let no false delica combatted by scientific medical measures, neither rub nor wash off. Sold by- take hold of a system thus fore-armed. up suddenly into a malestrom. The Passing a saloon one evil time, the cy prevent you, but apply immediately and viz: Sallow countenance, dark spots under all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. the eyes, pains in the head, ringing in the centre toward which they were all clinking of glasses and the breath of Dyspepsia or Indigestion, save yourself from painful sufferings and : remature death. All married ladies, whose ears, noise like rustling of leaves or rattling M anufactured by R. P. HALL & C0,^ Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, sucked, was a steadfast rock with mine enemy penetrated m 37 senses. ielicate health or other circumstances pre of chariots, uneasiness about the loins, weak Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Diz N A S H U A , 3NT.2.- churning fists and a yellow top. That saloon door sucked me just en t an increase in their families, should ness of the limbs, confused vision, blunted ziness, Sour Eructations of the Sto “ Bill !” I shouted in fury, “ come half way in, when I was shocked intellect, loss of confidence in approaching -write or call at Dr. W .K . D O H E R T Y ’S Medi- mach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bili here, you .young scoundrel 1 ” through my coat-skirts and quite Institute, and they will receive every pos- strangers, a dislike to form new acquaintan ous Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, «ble relief and help. The Doctor’s offices ces, a disposition' to shun society, loss o. Hearing my voice over the broil, knocked into (he street. Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the ire so arranged that he can be consulted memory, pimples and various eruptions •he dashed through the boys, and ‘ Here, father,’ pleaded Billy, ch arg about tho face, hectic flushes, furred tongue, region of the Kidneys, and a hundred without fear of observation. came, crying, bloody and ruffled. ing me with a sound jirk, “com e out foetid breath, night sweats, monomania and. other painful symptoms, are the off “ What are you fighting a b o u t? ’ of this-—come out of this, we’re a- frequently insanity. If relief be not obtained, springs of Dyspepsia. One bottle will To Corrcspoiulcuts. should apply immediately either in person T asked, standing in tremolous ju d g' goin g to make men of ourselves, fa prove a better guarantee of its merit« Patients residing in any part of the state, or by letter, and have a cure effected by his th e r.’ ment over him. than a lengthy advertisement. I however distant, who may desire the opinion new and scientific, mode of treating this disr F or D iseases o f the Throat and Lungs, md advice of Dr. Doherty in their respective ease,- which never fails in effecting a quick “ I can’t tell you father,” ho ans “ Yes men, B illy ,’ I subscribed. Scrofula, or King’s EviJ, such as Coughs, Colds, W hooping- eases, and who think proper to submit a w ered bravely. So I didn’t run int© that side track, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, and radical cure. Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma,- written statement of such, in preference to E I R E » A T HOME. and. Consumption-,- Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous In W hat ! Eveu the boy despised me ! because I had such a faithful ten adding a personal interview, aie respect flammations, Mercurial affections, Old Persons at a distance may be CURED AT I lifted my hand, and felt that I der. fully assured that their communications wiJi Among the great 1 Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore «could kill him. be held most sacred and confidential. If the H O M E by addressing a letter to Dr. Gibbon Coming tip socially, often does discoveries of mod stating case, symptoms, length of time the Eyes, etc. In these, as in all other •ase be fully and candidly described, person “ Take that, then - and that, you much for a man morally. Cases, ern science, few aro constitutional Diseases, D e . W a lk ee ’ s al communication will be unnecessary, as in- disease has oontinued, aud have medicine of more real valuó little wretch, I ’ll show you how to multiplied, and I seemed to grow promptly forwarded, free from damage and V inegab B ittebs have shown their tfuctions for diet, regimen and the general to mankind than •be a bully, and turn against your with ray trust. The boy and I had curiosity, to any part of tho country, with ■reatment o f the case itself (including the great curative powers in the most this effectual rein- - full and plain directions for use. own father.’ smart logdings up town. He rose remedies) will be forwarded without delay, obstinate and intractable cases. edv for all diseases Persons writing to the Doctor will please and in such a manner as to convey no idea oi My muscular hand brought a frigh t in school. I was so proud of him. of " tho Throat and For Inflammatory or Chron the purport of the letter or parcel so trans state the name of the paper they see this ad Lungs. A vast tri ful blood gush out of his bruistd I ’ve heard how women love their vertisement in. mitted. ic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, al óf its Virtue», By inclosing Ten Dollars coin, in regis faO . I thought he should feel that children with close, peculiar devo Consultation— By letter or otherwise Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, throughout this and tered letter through the Postofnce, or Ins lather was a solid man in one r e tion. I think I must bavo loved FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed or no Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys other countries, has through Wells, Fargo & Co., a package oi pay. spect, if the rest of my body was a him with a mother’s lov e.—-T h ere’s and Bladder, these Bitters have no shown that it does medicine will be forwarded to any part of ruuss of moist wretchedness. no other way of expressing how near equal. Such Diseases are caused by surely and effectually control them. The tes the Union. Sperm atorrhea. Vitiated Blood. The boy, the boy. I groan when the boy is to me. All Communications strictly confidential. timony of our best citizens,-of all classes, es Dr. DO H ER TY has just published an im- Address DR. J. F . GIBBON, 623 Kearny tablishes the fact, that C h e r r y P ectoral I remember it. When he came from school and Mechanical Diseases.— Per portant-phamplet, embodying his own views street, San Francisco. Postoffice Box 1 ,- will and does relievo and cure the afflictin'; “ Ob, d on ’t father,’ he begged, met me on the streets, he was often sons engaged in Paints and Minerals, and experiences in relation to impotence or !)57 disorders of the Throat and Lungs beyond any - n livid such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold wringing his little dirty hands. ‘ Oil, carrying the satchel of a sm ooth Virility ; being a Short Treatise on Sperma other medicine. The most dangerous affec beaters, and Miners, as they advance torrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Nervous and father, please d on ’t strike me, and haired, darkmyed girl, to whom he tions of the Pulmonary Organs yield to its in life, are subject to paralysis of the Physical Debility, consequent on this affec power; and cases of C o n su m p tion , cured I ’ll tell you all about it. The boys would exclaim' as he loyally touched tion, and other diseases of the sexual organs. Bowels. To guard against this, take by this preparation, are publicly known, so said you was a drunken old bloat. his cap: “ That’s my father I’ with This little work contains information of the D b . W alkeb ’ s V inegab B ittebs . remarkable as hardly to be believed, were And I ’ll fight anybody that calls you such a proud accent that the blood utmost value to all, whether roamed or sin Cor. Kearny ana Suiier Sis. they not proven beyond dispute. As a rem For Skill Diseases, Eruptions, that, father; I will if you kill me lor leaped in my vf-ius, gle, and will be sent FREE, by mail, on re edy it is adequate; ón wMriV flic public may Tetter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, ceipt of six cents in postage stamps for re it.’ re.v for full protection. By 7 curing Coughs, Oh, my good fellow7, it’s a g lori S 4 N F R A N C I S C O , Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, turn postage. the forerunners of more serious disease, it I sat prone down on the ground. ous day for you when your child is W H O L E S A L E A N D R E T A IL D E A L E R S IN* Ringworms, Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Address, W . K. D O H E R T Y , sr. d . saves unnumbered lives, snd ah amount of That was the hardest blow I ever proud of yon. Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations n22yrl] San Francisco Cal, suffering not to he computed. It challenges- bad. We live altogather, now! B illy, of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of trial, anil convinces the most sceptical, "‘Get up. father,’ srid Billy, cast his dark haired Nora, the little row the Skin of whatever name or nature, livery firmly should keep it on hand ns a T H E UN EQ U ALLED are literally dug up and carried out of protection against the early and unperceived ing a bloody and warlike glance be dies and I, in a home with no end of attacks of Pulmonary Affections, which arc Musical Instruments, the system in a short time by the use hind him, ““and I ’ll help jo u along.’ verandas and vines,—The respect 1 easily met at first, but which become incura of these Eiders. -AND- I took hold of him but weakness ble handle of Judge is set to m 3 ' ble, and too often fatal, if neglected. Tender Pin, Tape, and other Worms, not born of rum, kept me at his name, but B illy’s children, who give M U S I C A L M E I t C U A X D I S E . lungs need this defence; and it js .unwise to lurking in the system of so many thou cracked, stubby little f et. There the echo to his former street train be without it. As a safeguard to children, Orders from the Interior promptly filled. sands, are effectually destroyed and re amid the distressing diseases which beset the was no one in the world who cared ing, stand in no more owe of it than moved. No system of medicine, no ver Throat and Chest of childhood, C herry whether I rose or went on down but they do of the venerable Roman 3IANUF ACT FREES OF THE mifuges, no antlielminitics will free the P ectoral is invaluable; for, by its timely him. He cared. I put my arms handle to my countaeanee. We system from worms like these Bitters. use, multitudes are rescued from prematuro around the boy and cried against him. tumble like wild colts in the grass. graves, and saved to the love and affection For Female Complaints, in No more drunken glazing repenti But they have no idea that their an centred on them. It acts speedily and surely young or old, married or single, at the against ordinary colds, securing sound and anco for me Every tear was hard as cestor overlay in a lower bed. dawn of womanhood, or the turn of health-restoring sleep. No one will suffer a pearl with resolution,--T he good Blessed be enduring love. life, these Tonic Bitters display so de troublesome In flu e n za and painful Bron« Christ appeared that iustant in his I think often I may be in my d o cided an influence that improvement ch iiis, when they know how easily they can love and long suffering, through the tage, for quiet matron Nora ofteD is soon perceptible. be cured. boy, as plainly as he appeared to d y looks up from her baby in surprise Originally the product of long, laborious, Cleanse the Vitiated Blood and successful chemical investigation, no cost ing Sir Launfal through the leper. at my walking the veranda and whenever yon find its impurities burst These Superb Instruments have achieved a or toil is spared in making every bottle in 'be W hen on earth, He was always g o maundering in a sort of ecs’. acv: ing through the skin in Pimples, Erup success unparalleled in the history of Piano-forte utmost possible perfection. It "may be confi Manufacture. tions, or Sores ; cleanse it when 3 rou ing about picking up the abdominal, ‘ The boy ! The boy !” dently relied upon ns possessing all the vir They are remarkable for Great Volume, Purity find it obstructed and sluggish in the and since He has left the earth, He tues it has ever exhibited, and capable of and Sweetness o f Tone, and Durability. W i l l ia m s ’ S l a n d e r M i l l . —The veins ; cleanse it when it is foul ; your producing cures as memorable as the grentest »ends for them by messengers they feelings will tell you when. Keep the it lias ever effected. suddeness with which the “ Southern cannot help knowing. TH E CELEBRATED blood pure, and the health of the sys outrage” mill run by Attorney Gen Men should respect in me that PREPARED BY tem will follow. spark which the boy respected. I errl Williams in Washington, ceas » . II. MCDONALD <fc CO., Dr, J. C, AYER & CO,, Lowell, Mass., Druggists & Geu.Agts.. San Francisco, Califor* would show him what a grand and ed to opperate when the news from Dm, & cor. of Whasington & Charlton Ste.,N.S Practical and Analytical Chemists. Ohio and Virginia arrived, would be overmastering thing is that soul Sold by all D ru ggists and Dealers amusing if the affair were not one SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. which the God of glory values. Atm “ D on’t cry, father,’ requested Bil in w'hich the lives, happeness aud ly, while he ceased not te paint property of several millions o f peo bloody surprise on his face. Better yle were involved. But what a c o n than a surprise was that little face to fession for Williams and the Radi me. His eyes looked bluer and more cal leaders to make ! Anybody can r n h e F a l l T e r m o f th e B a k e r C ity Acknowledged by Musicians to be tho Best Low H. P A R K E R , see now that those daily reports fu r J. i Academy will begin on t ie 1st day of heaven-like than the sky. Triced Instruments ever offered for..sal* September, 1873, under the supervision of W HOLESALE AND BETA1L . DEALEB IN on this Coast. “ D o you love your father?’ I ask nished to the press by the Attorney General were pure raven lions, sent ed, holding to him like a women. S. P. BARR ETT, A . M., ‘ Yes sir, I ’ll lick anybody that calls abroad to inflame the Northern peo To Sheep Raisers!! P rin c ip a l; assisted by ple against their brethern of the y oq names,’ the hrigbt, tender firm* Main Street, B aker City, Oregon. South, and so perpetuate ‘ the reign aments in his face g u s h iD g with M rs . B a r r e t t , as Preceptress. of a parcel of selfish politicians. The The Most Desirable Instruments in the market another shower. e k e e p s c o n stan tly on for church and parlor. Over 28,000 now in use. The Directors feel warranted in saying that A horizontal hail of mud and peb-. blood that has been shed in the hand a full assortment of all articles in NE HUNDRED AND F I F T E E N our School will fully maintain its present South during the present canvass his line, such as bles hit qs while (he was speaking. SH E R M A N & H Y D E , Head Thorough bred Cotswold Sheep, high reputation under its present manage Lteiy Imported from the best herds in Cam ment, and every effort will be made to ren B illy rearad up like a charger snuff lies at the door of the Republican G E N E R A L A G E N TS, ada. The above Sheep are Full Blooded der full satisfaction to our patrons. jng the battle afar off. But I made party, and Williams confession shows Miner’s Hydraulic Pipe, Noz and as fine as any on the Coast SAN FRANCISCO. it to be so. The people have deci him retreat from the enemy’s liues. There are Forty Bucks' in the lot. zles, Butts and Tin Ware. T o r m s : W hen the boy and I were laid at ded that the Republican party shall The whole will be sold in lots to suit pur- Primary Department, per Quarter, $10 00 chasers, and at night in a low tavern which was our die. Eut what shall be done with Also, Every Pattern and Style of Preparatory and Academic, “ 15 00 only hom e, I asked with my face Landulet? Ought not the Demo R E A SO N A B L E P R IC E S. Latin. Extra, 3 60 Respectfully offers his services to the Public cratie members of Congress, when S T O V E S . turned from btm : “B illy, will you French, Extra, 6 00 For particulars, enquire of In th e c a p a c ity o i Other Higher Branches in proportion. help your father to try once more ?’ the next session begins, to take The Celebrated Buck’s Patent Cooking, R E ID & F L E T C H E R . Tuition Invariably in ADVANCE. £Fp U which he bounded up and measures to publicly expose this and the Onward Parlor Stove are kept eh Baker City, ©gn. and cearlatan ? hand, together with all other styles. pum ped my arm with all the vigor w illful slanderer A. H . BR OW N, President. 10 J O Y S W O R K and familiarity that the street had His influence is at a low ebb now, W m . F. M c C r a r x , Sec’y.. n!3tf Notice, J O IN E R AN D but such a castigation as he might p u t fn him. Done upon short Notice, and at reasonable O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N ‘ ITes-sir-eel I will that you b et,’ get in Congress would render him so Prices. O a lD in e t-M a ls L e r . V infamous tnat he would be glad to n26tf J. H . PARKER. I N to all those who are in arrears with the crowed BiJJy. Academy Company for tuition, to call oi On and atter May 20 th, the Post All kinds and every A' very few minutes after he sub resign and hide himself. Mr. W . F. McCrary, at the Post Office, ano S e w in g M a c h in e s — A ( r o v e r fice hours will he from 9 - a. by ., to 7 p. d sided, J. heard his soft breath going Dayton, Ohio, has 308 grain ele their accounts, and save COST. A Laser, and a Florence, both new and DESCRl PTIOX settle Sundays excepted. Open on Sundays ft Baker City, April 9,1814. in and out the door of his lips in reg- vators. The grain, however, is ele ¡.¿id very best—for sale. For particulars, en Df Work in Wood neatlv and promptly done. , A. H. BROWN, 9 to 10 a. m. and 5 to 6 p. m. ulajr cadenoea. W hile he slept and vated in liq n id io rja . , quire at this offie#. s&Otf Baker City, Jan, Dfrgtf, ***** F irnttm t. W . F . M ’CRARY, 1 . * T H E B O Y - NEW REMEDIES! SEW REMEDIES! DR. f . K, DOHEMTS DSSPEISARY, J »liniSTillTE! B u c k in g h a m ’s D j > A y e r ’s üñerry Pectoral, Í SHERMAN & HYDE SHEET MUSIC, BAKER CITY ACADEMY. T IN -S H O P ! Copr, Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware, Imported Gotswold Sheepdor Sale. H o R . M ’ lN T O S H , Note It tie M is . 2