cdroífe |lcM0frat B a k e r C ity , O ct. SS, 1S 74. L. P. FISHER, Nos. 20 and 21, New Mer­ chants’ E xchange, is our authorized Agent in San Francisco. A G E N T S .—T h e fo llo w in g n a m e d g e n tle ­ m en are a u th o r iz e d to act as A g e n ts fo r th e B edrock D em o crat : G e o . P. R o w e l l & Co., New York. Trios. B o y c e , S an F ra n cisco , T . C. E v a n s , B oston , M ass. L . S a m u e l s , P o r tla n d , O re g o n , L . P. F i s h e r , San Francisco. H o n . D unham W r ig h t , Union County, O. P. C. H a r p e r , Albany, Oregon. M. W. D av is , Walla Walla, W. T. b. V. ES.OX, Pendleton, Oregon. J. P . A g n e w , Boise City, Idaho. J. J . D o o l e y , Clarksville, Oregon. L . H. W e l l s , La Grande, Oregon. Wr. A. C r a w f o r d , Payette Valley, idahi. S. M. J e f f r e y s , Weiser Valley, Idaho. N e d . T u r k , Canyon City, Oregon. H . H. H y d e , Prairie Cny, Oregon. F a rm e rs around Union and the Cove can pay their subscription to the D em ocrat to Geo. Wright & bon, merchants at Union, or Cowles & McDaniels or b. G. French at The Cove. Persons wishing to subscribe in that portion of Union county can give their names to either ot the above named parties. F r e d . 8 a lad e is authorized to act as Agent for {he D em ocrat at Umatilla. G e o . W. P a l m e r is authorized to act as Agent for the D em ocrat at Marysville. CU urieg W . C r a n e is au th orized to act as A gen t fo r the B edrock D em ocrat iu ban F ran cisco. L. K e m il l a r d and B. S. C ates are author­ ized to act as Agents for the D em ocrat in Union County. will receive grain, produce, Ac., at Union, in payment for subscription to the B e d r o c k D e m o c r a t . B a m . H annah Money Martel. Latest New York Gold Quotations, 109 H L E G A L T E N D E R S IN P O R T L A N D 1 Buying,............. ...9 0 c. 1 belling................. 91 Meteorological Table. Through the politeness o f Professor S. P. Barrett, we are enabled to lay before our readers the following table showing the range ol the Mercury for the week ending Oct. 17th, 1874, at Baker City, Oregon: 7 A. M. 12 M. 10 I*. 50 76 42 Sunday, 48 75 38 Monday, 50 72 38 Tuesday, 50 58 Wednesday , 44 46 72 40 Thursday, 40 50 3G Friday, 36 48 34 Saturday, Average for the week 50:9degrees. Average for corresponding week last year, 38:9 degrees above Zero. We want money to buy new material and to lay in our winter stock, and those owing us MUST PAY' US IM M EDIATELY", or we will know why. W e mean what we say. J. M. SH EPH ERD. --------------- -------------------------- P rater M ee tin g . —A prayer meeting wit; be held at the Court House, on Saturday evening of this week. D b . D. D. S tephenson , o f the Dalles, lias opened his office in the room lately occupied by Dr. C. H. Mack, first door above the Bail Koad House, where lie will be pleased to hare his friends, as well as tae public give him a call. The Dr. is a good dentist, aud does his work well and at reasonable prices. Ho will only remain in our city a short time, therefore, those having work in his lino, will do well to call soon. If Farmers and others do not furnish us hay, grain, &c., when we notify them of our wants, we must have m oney to pay for the same. We want the pay for our labor and intend to have it, even if we have to make cost on those indebted to us. We are tired o f begging and pleading for what is duo us. I. C. R. C.—The special session of the Grand Encampment of Independent Cham­ pions of the Bed Cross, for the Idaho and Eastern Oregon jurisdiction, convened at Boise City on last Wednesday, and fixed the time of holding its regular session for 1874, for the next day, and on the becond Tueeday in October hereafter. On Thursday, the 22d, the Regular Session of the Grand En­ campment was opened with Grand Comman­ der, A. Heed, in the chair. The following Grand officers were elected for the ensuing year: Past Grand Commander, A. Heed; Grand Commander, Orlando Bobbins, of Boise City; Grand Councilor, McHendry, of Centerville; Grand Secretary, T. D.Cahalan, Boise City; Grand Senior Champion, Mrs. Sue. Hill, Idaho City; Grand Junior Cham­ pion, H. C. Shepherd, Baker City; Grand Chaplain, Rev. J . B. Foster; Mistress of Cer­ emonies, Mrs. M. Bobbins, Boise City; Grand Treasurer, Mrs. J. W. Griffin, Boise City; Grand Sentinel, Murrat, Idaho City. They leftit optionary with members whether they would belong to tho Life Association or not. Mrs. R. C. Shepherd returned home from Boise City on last Saturday evening. She lost a ladie’s black leather traveling sachel at one of the stations (she thinks at Crystial Springs), where the passengers and baggage were changed from one stage to another, which she would be pleased to have forward­ ed to her. Send the valiese along to this of­ fice. Since the foregoing was in type the gentlemanly and careful drivers on the North Western Stage Company’s stages, have look­ ed up the missing sachel (as they always do when anything is mislaid or lost on the line), and delivered it at its destination. It is a pleasure to travel in the stages of this com ­ pany. The officers, agents and drivers are gentlemanly, polite and accommodating. I t is N ot T r u e .. —There seems to be an opinion prevalent with some persons that there will be a further postponement of the Library Concert. There is no ground for this idea. We speak ‘ex-cathedra’ when we say that Gov. Bramlette informs us, and through us the public, that the drawing will take place on the 30th of November, as surely as that day will arrive in the calendar. Those who wish to partake of the benefits oi the gifts, or to add their mite to the success of the great Library, should not delay an hour to become shareholders in the grandest en­ terprise ever offered to the publie in this or any other country. W in ter C om ing .— On last Saturday there was such a change in the atmosphere that it reminded us of the fact that our pleasant and beautiful Autumn, like every thing else in nature, must sooner or later, fade and die. The present fall reminds us o f the first one, that of 1862, that we passed in Eeastern Ore­ gon. But, on last Saturday the beauties of the season were marred by light flakes of the “ Beautiful Snow” floating through the atmos­ phere, which admonished us that bleak and drear winter, like old ago, was creaping upon us with its hoary locks and garnishment. We want sonic wood. O w yhee A valanch e .— W e call the atten­ tion of our readers, to the advertisement of the Owyhee Avalanche, in another column of thejDEMOcuA'r. “ Old H ill” makes a good, lively and newsey paper. The Daily Ava- lancho gives us several days later telegraphic news than?we possibly can get from any other source. The business men of Eastern Ore­ gon and Idaho will find it to their advantage to subscribe for the Avalaach. Specimen copies can be seen at this office. R ace .— Captain Jinks beat the Sturgill colt, Wild Weasel, at Boise City, October 19, six inches. We are informed that the race Mas intended to have been a quarter of a mile for $1,000, but the ow-ner o f Jinks got I n fo r m a t io n W a n t e d . frightened, and wanted to pay the forfeit, By the politeness of D. L. Moomaw, Dep­ but Sturgill told him he would run him for uty Sheriff, we are permitted to lay the fol­ $200. The distance ran was only 400 yards. lowing letter before our readers. Any infor­ The Sturgill boys started for home last Thurs­ mation our farmers or stock raisers have to day morning. give, cau be addressed to either Mr. Moomaw We are under obligations to the citizens of or to this office, and it will be forwarded to Idaho for large additions to our subscription tho party making the enquiries. The very list in that beautiful and prosperous Terri­ lowest cash prices should be mentioned by tory. We feel a deep interest in the success, those having cattle for sale. It must be re­ prosperity and welfare of the people of Idaho, membered that cattle in other sections of and will at all times do all in our power to country are selling very low down, and that aid them- The interests o f Idaho and East­ winter is coming on, and if our stock men ern Oregon are so closely connected that what expect to sell they must bring the prices results to the advantage of one benefits the down so that purchasers will find it to their other. We wish our friends in all portions advantage to come to this market for their of Idaho would write to us, and keep us in­ formed of all matters of interes in their vi­ supplies. But to the letter. C am p H alle c k , N e w , Oct. 15, 1874. cinity. S h er iff B ak er Co*,— D eas S i r , — As I Miss Moss, of Oregon City,, who has been contemplate visiting your county soon, to spending the summer with relations and buy cattle, you will do me a favor by show­ friends in this county, left for homo on last ing this lotter to some o f the stock men of Thursday evening. She is a very interesting your vicinity—hoping they will address me young ladj. We were in hopes that some and give me the desired information. I want on© of our available young gentlemen would one thousand head of yearlings, all steers, if have prevailed upon her to make his home I can ¡get them conveniently—that is, that cheerful and -happy-, and that she would class of cattle. I would like to have the thereby have become a permanent resident prices of all ages, from yearlings up to cows of our city. and four year old steers. Also, what good S o ciable . —The Ladies of tho Methodist Dairy cows cau be bought for. Hoping to Episcopal Church congregation will give a bear from you sooa, I remain yours, very Social party at the Parsonage on next Friday respectfully. J. M. MITCHELL. evening. The object is to take steps towards F ine P otatoes .— Mr. John Stewart, who establishing an Aid society, and lor raising bas a good farm about one mile from oui funds to purchase an Organ for the church. city. brought to our office last Monday, a It is to be hoped there will be a good attend­ sample of potatoes raised by him. The va­ ance. A pleasant time is anticipated. rieties are the blue and white meshanick, and J. W. Virtue and family, accompanied by are very fine. The yield to the acre will be Miss Nora Moss, left on last Thursday even­ at least three hundred bushels- Mr. Al. ing on a short visit to Portland, and other Turoman, who owns a farm neat Pocahontas, portions o f the Webfoot country. We wish also brought us some Early Goodrich pota- them a pleasant visit. oes which fairly laugh at you, when cooked D ie d .— At Canyon C ity, Oct. 20th, 1874, wit their "jackets” on. He also raised so J im m y , son of James and Lizzy Robinson, turnips on a small piece o f ground that aged 15 months and 18 days. Thus passes e does not know what to do with them. We another tender and beautiful flower from ope all farmers will bring us samples of Earth to Heaven. eir productions, so that we may be enabled E lected .— James Hendershott, of Union o make note of the varied productions of county, was elected by the Legislature, in our soil and its capacity. Joint Convention, on last Wednesday, Oct. L eft .- -Mr. Ban. Bailey, an old-young cit- 21st, Register o f the State Land Office at La zeu o this county, left on last Monday night on a visit to Virginia City, Nevada. He ex­ Grande. C arpenters .— We are informed there is pects to return home in the spring. We a good demand for carpenters in and around wish him a pleasant and profitable visit. Baker City, at good wages; and that the sup­ fie understand that Mr Rockfellow is try- ng to raffle off Powder Biver Dasher, who ply is not equal to the demand. H ar ry C. S h eph e rd is authorized to trans- came within three feet of beating Emma Mc­ Cormick, a sigle dash o f a mile. The raffle J act business for the B edrock D emocrat at ) Boise City, and for Southern Idaho. "will take plaoe at Boise Oityi Last Sunday night ice about one eighth of an inch in thickness, where there happened to he any water out in the open air, made its appearance, and the ground was covered with snow in the morning. The Central Pacific Company baa been diligently searching for the three card monte thieves, and have succeeded in arresting several noto­ rious sharps during the past week. The company is determined to keep after them till the road is freed from the nuisance. A bill reducing the fees of Sheriff fifty per cent, has passed the House, with a provision that in Grant, Baker aDd one or two other oounties, the reduction shall be only twenty- five per cent. Complete returns from Ohio show a Democratic Majority of 17,200. The Congressmen are fourteen Demo­ crats and six Republicans, a Repub­ lican loss of eight. l o r the B edrock D emocrat . PATENT S E I t a iO N . B y J oe , J u n io r . Text.— Labor. D e a r R e a d e r s :— By the sweat of thy brow, slralt thou earn thy daily- bread; is a divine command; then, why should we be ashamed, of doing any kind of honest labor; the work­ ing man is always healthy, and able to enjoy the good of this life; there is no surer signs of national prosper- ty, than labor in life, in any coun­ try or place where a man is honored or despised, according to the char­ acter of his his calling, instead of according to his own character in that calling, there exists all the ele­ ments of decay: to labor we owe the advancement of onr country, and of our hopes of future success, here industry and energy win the esteem they merit: whatever branch of in­ dustry the laborer may occupy, in the eyes of the intelligent person, the laborer is not despised although his clothes may be rough and home­ ly. Our hands bad letter be rough and hard by houest labor, than to be soft through idleness or crime, re­ member that to labor, you are obey­ ing one of the commandments, of God, and to do that is to do right. So mote it be. A m en. A P l u c k y W o m an .— The Engene Guard says : In Siuslaw on Thurs­ day of last week the wife of Knox Huston killed a full grown panther or cougar as they are commonly called. Mr. H . being away from home, his dogs treed the animal about three quarters of a mile from the house, up a large fir tree, sur­ rounded by dense thicket of under-* brush. Whereupon Mrs. H . took a Spencer rifle and went to th em ; on arriving she saw his magisty, cat line, lying composidly on a limb of the tree; an off hand shot braught him to the ground, slightly wound­ ed; then ensued a rough and tumble fight with the dogs, it attempting to climb and they preventing it. She got another shot in, giving it anoth­ er slight wound, than another fight between dogs and cat ; it got one dog’s head completely in its mouth, when Mrs. H. ran up and ‘ hollered’ and placing the muzzle near its head, shot the animal dead. It measured eight feet in length, and the hide is stetched on the side of Mr. Huston’s barn to convince unbelievers. While this was not a full sized Cougar, it is probably the largest cat killed by a women in Oregon. A Milwaukee paper says : “ What is wanted in Kansas is more tele­ graph poles, or stronger ones. The average pole holds only about four horse thieves comfortable.” Harry, after looking on while bis new little sister cried at being wash­ ed and dressed the other day, turn­ ed away, saying, “ If she screamed like that iu heaven I don’t wonder they sent her off.” Said a Detroit lady to a small boy whom she fcund crying in the street, the other day : “ "Will you stopery- ing if I give you a penny ?” “ N o,” said he : “ but if you’ll make it two cents I ’ll stop it if it kills me.” A lady of late-acquired wealth, who visited a physician to be vac­ cinated, said she wanted the highest priced scab— an Alderney, she be­ lieved. A New Orleaus women got so ex­ cited abont war that she dressed herself and walked out without any covering over her hoop skirt. A Stark County (111. ) women committed suicide the other day be­ cause no circus had visited her vi­ cinity for two years. T lie C o m m a n d in g M. E. C hurch D irectory .— O ctober — Saturday, 3d. 8 o’clock, Clarksville; Sabbath, the 4th, 11 aud 7H o’clock, Eldorado; Mon­ day, 5th,7H o’clock, Willow Creek; Tuesday, 6tli, 71$ o’clock, Mormon Basin; Wednesday, 7H o’clock, Rye Valley; 2d Sabbath, 11 o’clock Baker City; aud 3 o’clock at James’ School Souse; Saturday, 17th, 71& o’clock, Rock Creek School House; Sabbath; the 18th, 11 o’clock, North Powder School House, and 3 o’clock at Wolfe Creekj Saturday, the 24th, 7?4 o’clock, Wiugville; Sabbath, 11 and 7*6 at Baker City. D r. S teel’ s M edical Vt o u d e r is the best Remedy for all Nervous and Inflamatory Aelus aud Pains ever discovered. It puri­ fies the blood, regulates the liver and helps secretions. The Wonder Pills are for Fever, Female Weakness, and are the best in the world. For sal© at McKinney A Boyd’s City Drug Store. s2Qu32* &. Clias. St. L ou is has located perma­ nently in Baker; and is now prepared to man­ ufacture and repair all kinds of jewelry and watches. After twenty-eight years experi­ ence in the business, be feels competent to give entire satisfaction. Mr. St. Louis, is also agent for the best Sewing Machine in use. the NewWilsou, price, $55,00. R ebekah D egree L odge , N o . 3, I. 0 . O. F., of Baker City, meets every 3d Wednesday of each month, in Odd Fellows Hall. Bro­ thers and sisters in good standing are res­ pectfully invited to attend. By order of the Lodge. R. ALEXANDER, Rec. Sec’y. DRESS MAKING! F L U ID E X T R A C T B U G H U ! The only known remedy for BRIGHT'S DISEASE; And a positive remedy for GOUT, GRAVEL, STRICTURES, DIABE- ' TES, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUS DE- BILITY, DROPSY, Non-retention or Inconvenience o f Unine, Irritation, Inflamation or Ulceration o f the BLADDER and KIDNEYS, SPERMATORRHOEA, Leucorrhcea or Whites, Disease of the Pros­ trate Gland, Stone in ibe Bladder, Colculus Gravel or Bmkdust Deposites and Mucus or Milky Discharges, K E A R N E Y ’S Extract bSucliu Permanently Cures all Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys and Dropsical Swellings, Existing in Men, N o t i c e . — Hereafter no certificate Women and Children, Mrs, E, C. Shepkerfl & Co,, Respectfully inform the Ladies of Baker City and vicinity, that they have opened an establishment, at the residence of Mrs. R. C. Shepherd, in Baker City, where they are prepared to Cut, or C iit an Make all kinds of Ladies & Childrens Clothing. All orders from the surrounding Towns and Country will be promptly attended to, at of publication for Legal Notices wilt be issued from this office until the NO M ATTER W H AT TH E A G E ! the same prices that our City customers are Printer’s Fee is paid. Prof. Steele says: “ One bottle of Kearney’s charged. B aker City L o d p N o. 2 5 , 1 . 0 . Fluid Extract Buchu is worth more than ail Stamping for Embroidering and O . F . , meets every Saturday evening, at other BucUus combined.” Braiding done to order. half past six o’clock, at Odd Fellows Hall, in Price, One Dollar per Bottle, or Six Bottles the new Bank Block, corner of Front street for Five Dollars. n and Court Avenue. Members o 'th e Order LA T E ST "F A SH IO N S D ep ot, 104 D unne St., New Yorlt.- are invited to attend. By order o f N. G. A Physician in attendance to answer cor­ Received every month, direct from Ne 05=- F or the very best Photographs, go to York. respondence and give advice gratis. Bradley & Rulofson’s Gallery without S tairs Send stamp for Pamphlets, free. KF" Ascend in the ELEVATOR, 429 Mont­ C rane & B rig h a m , gomery Street, San Francisco. Wholesale Agents, San Francisco, Cal. Agent for Grover & Baker’s Sewing Machines. R. R. R. Herrons and D e l i l l t a t e i R adway ’ s R eady R elief To The OF BOTH SEXES. No Charge for Advice and Consultation. T h e C ru cial T est of the value of a med­ icine is time. Does experience confirm the claims put forth in its favor at the outset? is the grand question. Apply this criterion, so simple, yet so searching, to Tarrant’s Fffer- vescent Seltzer Aperient. How has it worn? What has been its history? How does it stand to-day? Tarrant’s Seltzer Aperient is a household name throughout the United States. It is administered as a specific, and with success, in dyspepsia, sick headache, nervous debility, liver complaint, bilious ro- mittents, bowel complaints (especially com stipation), rheumatism, gout, gravel, nau­ sea, the complaints peculiar to the maternal sex, and all typos of inflammation. So mild is it in its operation that it can be given with perfect safety to the feeblest child; ai:ol so agreeable is it to the taste, so refreshing to tho palate, that children never refuse to take it. For sale by all druggists. D r . J. B. D yott , graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, author ol several valuable works, cau be consulted on all diseases of the Sexual or Urinary Organs, (which he has made an especial study) eitheer iu male or female, no matter from what cause originating or how long standing. A practice ot 30 years enables him to treat dis­ eases with success. Cures guaranteed.— Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can forward letter describing symptoms and en closing stump to prepay postage. Send for the Guide to Health. Price, 10c J. B. DYOl'T, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, 164 Duane St., N. Y j’anuury 21, 1874-ly T I N -S H O P I ■ J. II. P A R K E R , W H O L E S A L E A N D R E T A IL D E A L E R IN Coper, Tin ani tet-lron lare. H a in S treet, B a k e r C ity, O reg on . Lumber—New Saw Mill. O R» broth ers h ave their New Saw Mill in complete run­ ning order, and it is doing the best of work. It is located at M c C l^ o c a lio n ta s , e k e e p s c o n st a n t l y on H hand a full assortment of all articles in ins line, such as Miner’s Hydraulic Pipe. Noz­ zles, Butts and Tin Ware. Also, Every Pattern and Style of Where they are prepared to fill all bills for Lumber at short notice, and at as S T O V E S . CURES TDE WORST PAINS IN FROM ONE TO TW ENTY MINUTES. NOT ONE HOUR After reading this advertisement need any one SU FFER W IT H P A IN . RADWAY’S READY RELIEF IS A CURE FO R E V E R Y PA IN . It was the first and if THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY That instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allays In­ flammations, and cures Congestion s, whether o f the Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, or other glands or organs, by one application, IN FROM ON E TO T W E N T Y M IN U TES, no matter how violent or excruciating the pain the R H E U M ­ A T IC , Bed-ridden, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may sutler, EADWAY S READY RELIEF W IL L A FFO R D IN S T A N T EASE. IN F L A M M A T IO N OF TH E KID NEYS, IN FLA M M A TIO N OF TH E BLADDER* IN FLA M M A TIO N OF THE BOW ELS, CONGESTION OF TH E LU N G S, SORE T H R O A T , DIFFIC U LT B REATH ING , P A LPITA TIO N OF TH E H E A R T , H YSTE RIC S, C RO U P, D IPH TH E R IA , C A T A R R H , IN F L U E N ZA , H E A D A C H E , TOO TH AC H E , N E U R A L G IA , R H E U M A TISM , COLD CH ILLS, A GU E CHILLS. The application of the R E A D Y R E L . I E F to the partcr parts where the pain or difficulty exists w ill afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops hi half a tumbler o f water will in a few mo­ ments care C RA M PS, SPASM S, SOUR S TO M A C H . SICK H E A D AC H E , H E AR TB U R N , D IA R R H E A , D Y SE N TE R Y , COLIC, W IN D IN TH E BOW ELS, aud all IN T E R N A L PAINS. Travelers should always carry a bottle o f R a d w a y ^ R e a d y R< l i e f with them. A few drops lit water will wre- vent sickness or pains from change of water: Tt is better than French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulants The Celebrated Buck’s Patent Cooking, F E V E R A N D AGUE. R e a s o n a b l e R r i c e s and the Onward Parlor Stove are kept on FE VE R A N D AGU E cured fo r fifty cents. There Is net a remedial agent in this world that will cure Fever and Ague, As any other Mill in the county* Orders or hand, together with all other styles. and all other Malarious, Bilious-. Scarlet, Typhoid, Y ellow , Bills for Lumber can be left at the Black­ and other Fevers (aided bv R A D W A Y ’ S FILLS) so quick h zl as RADWTA Y ’ S R E A D Y fcELIEF; Fifty cent* per bottle. smith Shop of S. B. McCord, in Baker City, and they will bo promptly filled. Done upon short Notice, aud at reasonable Sold by Druggists. b. B." McOORD, Prices. li. D. McCORD, n20if J. H. PARKER. J. P. McOOliD. P. S.—All business in connection with the STRONG A N D P U R E R ICH BLOOD—IN C R E A SE OF Mill will be atended to by FLESH A N D W E IG H T—CLEA R SK IN A N D BEAU T1FUL COM PLEXION SECU RED T O 1 A LL. R. D. McCORD. November 11, 1873.-n27tf ou a re H e r e b y N otified th at all Lands purchased of J. M. Boyd, or persons, in the SoutlieastQuirter of Buy Y our Lumber at the other Section Seventeen, in Township Nine South, and Forty East, commonly known as Baker Old, Reliable City, and Boyd’s Addition, and which is M A D E TH E MOST ASTO NISHING C U R E S ; SO situated in Baker county, Oregon, (if said H A Q S U IC K, SO R A P ID A R E TH E CHANGES TH E BODY E b e l l ’s O ld M ill. Boyd, or other person, has not first secured UNDERGOES, U N D E R T H E IN FLU EN CE OF T H IS T R U L Y W O N D E R FU L M E D IC IN E . T H A T E H A V E R E F IT T E D T H E the title of the undersigned to the same), Mill and make the best Lumber in is voidable, and will be taken from you with­ E v e r y D a y a n I n c r e a s e i n F le s h , out any pay or reward for improvements, the county, at prices to suit the times. a n d W e ig h t is S een a n d F e lt. Any bills left at our Mill receive as prompt and you are further notified that there lias attention in the future as iu the past. We been no final decision, even in the Land saw everything from a Lath to the Heaviest Office, against me, on merit, as to my title Every drop o f the S A R SA P A R IL L IA N R ESOLVEN T to said lands. Ail that decision went to, was Timbers. through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other Clear and seasoned Lumber always on to the point that iny Attorneys did not make •oumnunlcates fluids and juices o f the system the vigor of life, for it repairs the appeal in proper season, as ordered by the wastes o f the body with' flew and' sound material. Scrof­ hand. Bills left with J. W. Wisdom will receive me. Suit will be instituted in proper time ula, Syphilis, Consumption1, Glandular disease, Ulcers in the immediate ittention. By strict attention to to recover all of said land and improvements Throat, Mouth, Tumors,.Nodes in the Glands and other parts ©f the system, Sore-Eyes, Strumous Discharges from the Ears, business, we hope to receive our share of held. Beware! and the worst forms of Skin diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, ROYAL A. PIERCE. publie patronage. Scald H ead, R ing-W orm , Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, Rockbridge, Wis., Jan. 24, 1874.n34tf An unlimited amount of Grain taken in Black Spots, W orm s in the Flesh, Tumors,. Cancers in the exchange tor Lumber. om b, and all weakening and painful discharges, N ight N O T I C E TO A EE P E R SO N S. W ELLIOTT & VAN PATTEN. Sweats, Loss o f Sperm, and all' wastes o f the life prin­ J 3 l Boyd’s Pre-emption Entry and United ciple,, are within tfh©'curative range of this wonder of Modern March 1, 1874.-u34tf. States Townsite of Baker City, set down for Chemistry, and a few days' use will prove to any person using Patent. The Final decision of Commissioner it for either of these forms o f disease its potent power to cure Drummond against R. A. Pierce and State ot them. Oregon, and in favor of Boyd’s Pre-emption I f the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that is continually progressing, succeeds in ar­ Entry for the Northeast quarter of Southeast resting these wastes,;aud repairs tile same with new material quarter, and V. est half of Southeast quarter made from heaithy blood—and this the SARSALPARLLLIAN Cor. Kearny ana Suiter Sis. of Section 17, Township 9, S R 40 East, 120 ■will and does secure. N ot only does the S a r sapar d llh a n R k s o l v e n t excel all acres. Also, in favor of United StatesTown- known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, S A N F R A N C IS C O , site on Southeast quarter of Southeast quar­ Constitutional, and Skin disease* but it is the enly positive cure for W H O L E S A L E A N D R E T A IL D E A L E R S IN ter of Section 17, Township 9, S R 40 E ast- 40 acres, was made on SeptemberH5, 1873, KIDNEY AND BLADDER COMPLAINTS, and entered on Records of United States Urinary and W om b diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stop­ Laud office at Washington, Book 102, Page page o f W ater, Incontinence o f Urine, Bright’ s Disease, A lbu­ and in all caees where there are'brickdust deposits, 110, and Patent was ordered to issue to said minuria, or the water Is- thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the Boyd for said 120 acres, and to Pre-emption white o f an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a mor­ bid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bonedust deposits, Lot entries of said Townsite. and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when passing --------A N D --------- J. M. BOYD. water, and pain in tho Small of the Back aud along the Loins. Trice, $1.00. January 13, 1874-35tf MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. ar o 33 <3 i t Notice to All'Persons. Y HEALTH! BEAUTY!! Dr. R A D W A Y ’S W THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. SHERMAN & HYDE SHEET M USIC, Musical Instruments, Orders from the-Interior promptly filled. MANUFACTURERS OF THS m m of cheat Toll and Ferriage ON THE B u rn t R iv e r T o ll R o a d !! One n a if Less Than Former Rates. r o m au d A fte r th is B a te th e F Oregon Hoad, Bridge and Ferry Com­ pany, aud the Wilson t Wagon Koad and Bridge Company will make a great reduction of Toll lates on their respective roads to Through Travel and Freighters. NO CREDIT FOR TOLLS. At these low rates all Tolls must be paid for before Grossing the Ferry. The Ferry is one of best if) the country, and the Road is al­ ways kept in good CONDITION FOR TRAVELIN G, rJ U :r ,3 r X J & s . J. M. CARTER, Agent at Ferry. A. J. WEATHERBY, Toll Road. Sopt. 1, 1874.-nl7u30 O p e ra tio n of Dr. Walker’s Vinegar Bitters in Chronic Dyspep­ sia Fevers, Nervous Disorders, Constipation, deficiency of vital power, and all maladies affecting the stomach, the liver, the bowels, the pulmonary organs, or the muscular sys­ tem, is exciting the wonder of scientific men and creating such a sensation among the sick as was never before witnessed in any age. The sales of this great vegetable rem­ edy have been ‘quadrupled within a single year. K E A R N E Y ’S WORMS. The only knoiVn and sure Remedy for W O R M S —-PIN. T A P E , etc. * Tumor of 12 Years* Growth C ured b y Ita d iv u y ’s R esolven t. Dr. RAD W A Y ’S Perfect Purgative Pills, perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with iw fe t gum, pnrge, regulate, purify, cleanse, and strengthen. R adw ay’ s Pills, for the cure of all disorders o f the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation’ Costiveness, Indigestion, Dysnepsia, Biliousness. Bilious Fe* yer. Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles, and all I>erangeme»ti o f the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive curt*. Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, mineral*, or dele«, terions drugs. A few doses o f R A D W A Y ’ S PILLS w»R free the system from all the above-named disorders. Ftfce. 25 cent’s per box SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. * R E A D “ FALSE A N D T R U E .” Send one letter .stamp to R A D W A Y & CO., N o. 32 Warren Street, New i&fw* mation worth thousands wiki be seM you*. August 1 9 ,1874.»15]y Notice. Notice to tlie P ile. Acknowledged by Musicians to bo the Best Low Priced Instruments ever offered for safe ca this Coast. Academy Company for tuition, to cal On and alter May 2Qth, 1872, tun Post Of­ Mr. W. F, McCrary, at the Post Office, fice hours will Lie from 9 a. m. to 7 p. m.— settle their accounts, and save COST. Sundays excepted. Open on Sundays from Baker City, April 9,1874. 9 to IQ a. m. and &io 6 p. m. A. H, BROWN W. F. M’CEARY, r. M. fe49n4 Preside