; ed v o ti; ík iu o c v a t . B a k e r C ity , O ct. 3 1 , 1 8 7 4 . L- P-, FISHER, N os . 20 and 21, New Mer­ chants Exchange, is oar authorized Agent in San Francisco. AGENTS.—The follow ing named gentle­ men are authorized to act as Agents for the B edrock D em o c r at : G eo . B. R o w e e e & Co., New York. T h o s . B o yc e , San Francisco, T. C. E v a n s , B oston , M ass. C alled . —W. B. Biggerstaff, one of the Democratic candidates in Owyhee county for the Territorial Council, was in our city two or three days the past week. We have been acquainted with Ben a long time, and from our knowledge of him, we are satisfied that the people o f Owyhee could not do better than to send him to the legislature, to at­ tend to their interests. C H A T T A S O G A C O N V E N T IO N . l or the B edrock D emocrat . IE?” C lia s. St. L o u is has located perma­ nently in Baker; and is now prepared to man­ ufacture and repair all kinds of jewelry and The Sacramento Union in speak­ watches. After twenty-eight years experi­ B y J oe , J unior . ing of the Radical Carpet-bag cor- ence in the business, he feels competent to give entire satisfaction. Mr. St. Louis, is | rupt convention held at Chattanoga Text.— Old Maids. also agent for the best Sewing Machine in on the 13th, says if the Clayton-Mo- use. the NewWilsou, price, $55,00. M y d e a r r e a d e r s : — Old Bachel­ ses-Patterson programme does not B a lt e r C ity L o d g e N o . 2 5 , 1. O . fail at the start, on Tuesday next, ors, I mean, you do not like old O . F . , meets every Saturday evening, at the 13th of this month, a convention maids I suppose ; why not, well, half past six o’clock, at Odd Fellows Hall, in of carpet baggers of tlie South, and tell me what objection you have to the new Bank Block, corner of Front street and Court Avenue. Members o the Order all the allies they can procure from are invited to attend. By order of N. G. them, take them, all in all, I say, the North, will assemble at the town D35“ F oe the very best Photographs, go to of Chattanoga, to consider what thev they are as good looking, as amiable, Bradley & Rulofson’s Gallery without S tairs had best to do to complete their pe- and refined, and as cheerful as mar­ UF“ Ascend in the ELEVATOR, 429 Mont­ culiar system of reconstruction and ried ladies are, of the same age. Is gomery Street, San Francisco. P A T E N T S E R 5 IÜ Ï. D ied .—In Baker City, Oct. 13, 1874, C. K. Moody. He had been a resident of our city for several years, and was esteemed and re­ spected by all who knew him. Although he had no relations here, he had every attention possible during bis last sickness that kind frielids could bestow. His father lives at | State Government in South Carolina, Duncan, Illinois, and the news ot liis son’s Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas and other sick States- Senator Chan­ death will be sad news to the father. L> S a m u e l s , Fortland, Oregon L. P. F i s i i e k , San Francisco. ' H on D unham W eight , Union County, O. P. C. H arper , Albany, Oregon. M. W. D avis , Walla Walla, W. T. b. V. K nox , Pendleton, Oregon. J. D. A gnew ,' Boise City, Idaho. dler, of Michigan, is mentioned as S entenced . —Frank Johnson who, in com­ the person likely to lead in this Con­ J. J. D ooley , Clarksville, Oregon. L . H. W ells , La Grande, Oregon. pany with Frank Fulford, was arrested on vention. The proposition we think, W . A. C rawford , Payette Valley, Idahi. the road between Silver City and Winne- came from Senator Patterson, of S. M. J effreys , Weiser Vailey, Idaho. mucca, a short time since, by Capt. Bledsoe, South Carolina, seconded by Sena­ K e d . T urk , Canyon City, Oregon. and from there brought to this county for tor Clayton, of Arkansas. This is H. H. H yde , Prairie City, Oregon. F a r m e r s around Union and the Cove can trial, was last week convicted of horsesteal­ nota triumvirate to encourage a pay their subscription to the D emocrat to ing and sentenced to four years in the State hope of piece and reconciliation at Geo. Wright & Son, merchants at Union, or Cowles & McDaniels or S. G. French at The .Peniteutiary. Fulford has not yet had his the South, but the opposite in all things. The Southern triumvirs Cove. Persons wishing to subscribe in that trial. * portion oi Union county can give their names The Baker City Charter has passed both have a personal intvest in continued to either ot the above named parties. confusion and strife. That is the F red . S aladb is authorized to act as Agent houses of the Legislature and has bemi ap­ capital on which they set up their for the D emocrat at Umatilla. proved by the Governor, and is now one of G eo . W. F armer is authorized to act as the laws of the land. We are glad of it, and political shops, on which they must Agent for the D emocrat at Marysville. live, if they are to live at all as pub­ C h a rles \V. C ra n e is authorized to act now hope to see our citizens elect good men lic men. It includes a very strong as Agent for the B edrock D emocrat in Ban as our City ‘ ‘Dads.” , mixture of fraud and corruption, Francisco. A rrested . —Wm. McWalters, who mur­ which puts them iu hearty sympathy L. ItEMiLLARD and It. S. C ates are author­ ized to act as Agents for the D emocrat in dered G. M. Weed at Sparta, Union county, with Kellogg, Moses, Scott, and all Union County. some three weeks since, was arrested at Sac­ those whose crimes have raised the S a m . H annah will receive grain, produce, ramento, Cal., last week, and is there held hurly-burly now emminentby threat­ Ac., at Union, in payment for subscription by the proper officer, subject to the requisi­ ening the unfortunate part of the to the B edrock D emocrat . country with civil war—or what is tion of the Governor of Oregon. D ie d . —At Weston, Umatilla county, Ore­ Money Mailst. Latest New York Gold Quotations, 109 Vz LEGAL, TENDERS IN PORTLAND : Buying....................90e. | Selling,............... 91 Meteorological Table. Through the politeness of Professor S. P. Barrett, we are enabled to lay before our readers the following table showing the range ot the Mercury lor the week ending Oct. 17tli, 1874, at Baker City, Oregon: 7 A. M. 12 M. 10 p. Sunday, 47 72 52 Monday, 51 80 56 Tuesday, 25 79 54 Wednesday, 50 82 54 Thursuay, 40 81 53 Friday, 41 80 51 Saturday, 40 84 56 Average for the week 59:3degrees. Average lor coi responding week last year, 44:3 degrees above /e r o . W e want money to buy new material and to lay in our winter stock, and those owing us M U ST P A Y US I M M E D I A T E L Y , o r we will know why. W e mean whatVe say. J. M. SHEPHERD. P rayer M eeting . —A prayer meeting will be held at the Court House, on Saturday evening of this week. D r . D. D. S tephenson , of the Dalles, has opened his office in the room lately occupied by Dr. C. H. Mack, first door above .the llail lload House, where he will be pleased to have his friends, as well as tae public give him a call. The Dr. is a good dentist, and does - his work well and at reasonable prices. He will oDly remain in our city a short time, therefore, those having work in liis line, will do well to call soon. If Farmers and others do not-furnish us hay, grain, &c., when we notify them of our wants, we must have money to pay for the same. W e want the pay for our labor and intend to have it, even if we have to make cost on those indebted to us. We are tired of begging and pleading for what is due us. gon, October 13,1874, infant son of Kansome and Mary Lieuellen, aged five months and ten days. The fall term of the Circuit Court for Un­ ion county, Judge L. L. McArthur presiding, was odoned at Union on last Monday morn­ ing. Judge L. 0 . Sterns is attending court at Union this week. Joe Dolby, of Rye Valley, called on us last Monday. T lie P io n e e r s of C a l i f o r n i a ,. -.-T he Pioneers of California -were among the most energetic and intelligent men who ever em­ barked in a grand'enterprise, and they, if any one, know when they have a good thing. They are 411 of them investing in the tickets of the Public Library of Kentucky, for the next and last Grand Gift C incert, to come off November 30. As this, the very last Con­ cert which Library is entitled by its charter to give, there will be $2,500,000 in cash dis­ tributed to the ticket holders; there is one price to every five tickets,, and among the prizes there are such as these, all iu cash, $250.000; $50,000; $25.00; $20,000, &c., Ac., Ac, No wonder the Pioneers are going tor them—who wouldn’ t? All the States, and all Europe are buying up the tickets. T lie C o m m a n d i n g O p e r a tio n , of Dr. Walker’s Vinegar Bitters in Chronic Dyspep­ sia, Fevers, Nervous Disorders, Constipation, deficiency of vital power, and all maladies affectiug'the stomach, the liver, the bowels, the-pulmonary organs, or the muscular sys­ tem, is exciting the wonder of scientific men and cre-iting such , a sensation among the sick as was never before witnessed in any age. The sales of this great vegetable rem­ edy have been quadrupled within a single year. D aily A valanche .— W e are in re­ ceipt of the Owyhee Daily Avalanche published by “ Old H ill” at Silver City. Wo think $20 a year pretty high for subscription to a nawspa- per. - -------------------------------............................................. ............... — W eak and R e p a ie of t h e B e a in . — The notion that those who work only with their brains need less food than those who labor with their N ew D iscoveries .—We hear of several hands has been the cause of untold new quartz discoveries in the foot hills and mischief. Students and literary men mountains near our city. Some of them are have often been the victims of a slow said to be very rich as far as prospected. We starvation, from their ignorance of are promised a description of some of these the fact that mental labor causes new discoveries as soon as the parties sink a greater waste of tissue than muscu­ little deeper on their ledges. We are assur­ lar. According to a careful estimate ed by good prospectors, as well as scietific three hours’ hard study wears out mining men, that the mountains and hills, the body more than a whole day of gulches and ravines around and near Baker work on the anvil or on farm. “ With­ City, as well as ,inother portions oi our coun­ out phosphorous, no thought,” is a ty, have not, as yet, been prospected to any German saying; and the consumption considerable extent, in comparison to wbat of that essential ingredient of the can and ultimately will be done. The min­ brain increases in proportion to the eral richness o f our mountains as yet is al­ amount of labor which the organ is most entirely unknown, and will only be dis­ required to perform. This wear and covered by thorough and scientific prosbect- tear of the brain are easily measured by careful examination of the salts ing. Judging from the configuration of the in the liquid excretions. The im­ country, and what lias already been discov­ portance of the brain as a working ered, scientific men express the opinion that organ is shown by the amount of this will ultimately develope into one of the blood it receives w’ hich is propor richest mineral districts on the Pacific Coast. tionally greater than that of any We conscienciously believe their predictions other part of the body. One fifth will come true. of the blood goes to the brain, V irtue M ine . —We are informed by Mr. though its average weight is only Hyde, the Superintendent of theVirtue Mine, one fortieth of the weight of the that the clen up at the Virtue Mill, from ten bodv. This fact alone would be days run on very ordiary rock, with ten sufficient to prove that brain workers stamps, resulted in the production of a three need more food and better than me thousand dollar gold bar, which was shipped chanics and farm labors. j to San Francisco, The mill at this mine will soon be running .twenty stamps, on rock that 1s now being taken out of the mine, which has the appearance of being better rock thafi has ever heretofore been taken from the ‘ ine. Mr. Hyde is working this mine to good advantage, and we may soon expect to Ihear of big gold bars, and plenty of them be- ng turned out from this mine and mill. B oise C ity .—A correspondent writing to fcis from Boise City, says: Boise City at the present time is very live!)' owing to the races, Mail- and election coming m such close suc- ■tssion. Silver City, Idaho City and Baker ■ it y are well represented here, and we have ■pet a great many old friends from those B aced• r^he Overland and Central Hotels I city, owned respectively by Capt. J. ; Briffin and Messrs. Young & Bush, are |oing a No. 1 business—both being crowded their utmost capacity. The proprietors V kWh houses are old hotel keepers, and ^bdestand their business. ■»There was another horsethief lodged in ■ u r County Jail, for safe keeping, on last Saturday. * The Circuit Court for Baker county closed |ts iall term on last Saturday evening. Bocal itemB are ‘ might scarce’ about these Himes. S u n s h in e and S l e e p . —Sleepless people— and there are many in Amer- ca— should court the Sun. The very worst soporic is laudanum, and the very best, sunshine. Therefore,! it is very plain that poor sleepers should pass as many hours as possi­ ble in sunshine, and as few as possi­ ble in the shade. Many women are martyrs, and yet they do not know it. They shut the sunshine out of their houses and their hearts, they wear vails, th.ey carry parasols, they do all possible to keep off the sub­ tlest and yet most potent influence which is intended to give them strength and beauty and cheerful ness. Is it not time to- change all this, and so get color and jo s e s in your .pale cheeks, strength in your weak backs, and courage in your timid souls? The women of Amerr ca are pale afid delicate; they may be blooming and strong, and the sunlight will be a potent aid in this transformation. a married Woman to be admired, be­ cause she happened to get some man to ask her to have him ? (and she accepted him of course ) per­ haps to be abused by him, illtreated by her mother-in-law, and taunted by all her relations, with the inevit- a ble, I told you how it would be, I say she is not, has not an old maid more time for pleasure, more time to cultivate her mind than a married woman? I say she has, young ladies, go to the old maids, to tell them your trial- and troubles; and you old Bachelors would do the same if you had sense enough. Old maids do not live single through choice, but that no man has had sense enough to appreciate them; if the laws of society gave them an equal show with men, they might go court- ing, and the name of old maid would worse, the dry rot of politilal, social, commercial and industrial decay. cease to be a reproach, and if you In the character of the triumvirate would do your duty, the name would we may read and foreeasf the char­ acter and labors of the convention, soon be of the past, quit making fun should it indeed be held. It is not of her, but help her to change her a piece convention, not a business position in life, she may be happier convention, not intended for an hon­ and you are there to be, you may est and impartial convention. It is benefit her, and your self more. to be partisan and radical. It will So mote it be. consider all the complaints, verifiied Amen. or unverified, made in behalf of the carpet-baggers, and pay no heed to Tlie only unoccupied real estate iu the real grievances of the tax pay­ New York is advertised thus: “ A ers of the South. W e may be sure nice three cornei*ed lot in a cemetary that it will make itself the eulogist short, and just right for a fat man of Grant for a third term ; of K el­ with only one leg. logg and his honesty ; of Moses and ebekah D egree L odge , N o . 3, I. O. O. his patience under the affliction in F., E of Biker City, meets every 3d Wednesday South Oarolina. Its resolves will of each month, in Odd Fellows Hall. Bro­ again, with more than the usual sol" thers and sisters in good standing are res­ emnity ana nasal twang, remind as pectfully invited to attend. By order of the R. ALEXANDER, Rec. Sec’y.ff- of the former patriotism and loyality Lodge. N o t ic e . — Hereafter no certificate of the poor persecuted wretches who of publication for Legal Notices will are now called thieves and carpet­ baggers for no better reason than be issued from this office until the that they have made themselves, by Printer’s Lee is paid. M. E. C hurch D irectory .—O ctober — political and speculative enterprises in the South, not a whit more cruel Saturday, 3d. 8 o’clock, Clarksville; Sabbath, the 4th, 11 and 7k o’clock, Eldorado; Mon­ on the southern people than those day 45th, 7k o’clock, Willow Creek; Tuesday, of Clive and Warren Hastings in 6th, 7k o’clock, .Mormon Basin; Wednesday, India. And we shall have a fresh 7 k o’clock, Rye Valley; 2d Sabbath, 11 o’clock re-hash of all the ancient philippics Baker City; and 3 o’clock at James’ School House; Saturday, 17th, 7 k o’clock, Rock against the crime of treason and se­ Creek School House; Sabbath; the 18th, 11 cession, which the people of Louis­ o’clock, North Powder School House, and 3 iana huve revived in the name of the = o’clock at Wolfe Creek; Saturday, the 24th, White Le.igu • The grand result may 7k o’clock, Wingville; Sabbath, 11 and 7k be fore cast in a unanimous recom at Baker City. Dr. S teel’ s M edical 11 on d er is the-best m^ndation of “ no compromise with Remedy for all Nervous and Inflamatory traitors,” a resolve that the country Actus and Pains ever discovered. It puri­ ie in danger, and that Grant and a fies the blood, regulates the liver and helps third term are the foremost necessi secretions. The Wonder Pills are for Fever, ties of the times as much as Camillas Female Weakness, and are the best in the world. For sale at McKinney & Boyd’s City and the Dictatorship when Brennus Drugstore. u20n32* and his long-haired Gauls had pos­ session of the Eternal City. As to any good for the South, none is desired or expected. If that was what they were after, the convention would not be a partisan one in the hands of the carpet.bag triumvirate, but an assemblage of the best repre­ sentative men of the country, North and South, without regard to their party affiliations. appears that, at the letting of mail contracts in June last, the Northwestern stage Company, or somebody connected therewith, was awarded a contract for carrying a weekly mail across the country from Winnemneea, Ne­ vada, to Canyon City, Oregon. It also appears that saiJ contract has been sublet to Geo. W . Anderson, of Canyon City, who is now stock* ing the route and will immediately commence carrying the mail from camp McDermit, to which point the Northwestern stage Company will bring Jt from Winnemucca. The distance from camp McDermit to Canyon City is said to be 215 miles, snd the people of the latter named place will thus get their Eastern and California mails nearly a week sooner than by any other route.— Owyhee Avalanche. N ew ' M a il R o u t e . — It October 8 .—Re­ ports were published here yesterday of troubles iu St. Martins parish, and that the White League was un­ der arms. Following dispatch re­ ceived here from prominent cit­ izens of New Iberia contradicts the the reports: “ Col. Le Blanc, who was her^to-day, says the statement concerning affairs in St. Martin’s, published in certain papers yester­ day,purporting to be based on a dis­ patch, are utterly false. Neither at that time nor since the arrival of troops have citizens been under arm’s in this part of the parish. All are quietly gathering their crops.” N ew O r lean s , A party of young men were out serenading a few nights since. They sat on the pavement, which had been recently paved with a tar solution. Next morning the rear of six p^ir of pants dotted the walk, and music is ueard no more around that cottage. A Chicago sausage maker adver* tises his wares as “ dog cheap” How to pronouuce a Polish name, sneeze three times and say ski. In giving geography lessons down East, a teacher asked a boy what Unpopular music— Thomas’s con­ State he lived in, and was amused at certs on the back yard fence. the reply, drawled through the boy’s The Chicago Gammon Council is nose, “ A state of sin and misery,” «ailed “ Th« Robbers’ Gave.” Tire C ru cial Test of the value of a med­ icine is time. Does experience confirm the claim s put forth in its favor at the outset? is the grand question. Apply this criterion, so simple, yet so searching, to Tarrant’s Fffer- vescent Seltzer Aperient. How has it worn? What has been its history? How does it stand to-day? Tarriuii’s Seltzer Aperient is a household name throughout the United States. It is administered as a specific, and with success, in dyspepsia, sick headache, nervous debility, liver complaint, bilious re­ mittents, bowel complaints (especially con­ stipation), rheumatism, gout, gravel, nau­ sea, the complaints peculiar to the maternal sex, and ail types of inflammation. So mild is ir, in its operation that it can be given with perfect safety to the feeblest child; and so agreeable is it to the taste, so refreshing to the palate, that children never refuse to take it. For sale by all druggists. T O H « H TOSBEY 9 SI E U N » E R S I G M K D W O I I » respectfully call the attention of T FARM ERS and FR U IT G R O W ER S my extensive and varied assortment of IT J both useful and ornamental, for which I will Bell low for “ MONISH.” SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Address, H. J. GEER, Cove, Union County, COSTS LESS THAN $300 TO MAKE any $600 Piano sold through Agents, all I of T whom make D R E S S MAKING! G -r a n d R a f f l e . Mrs. R, C. S lie jM & Co., The Celebrated Trotting Stallion, I f E L F O l N D E E , Respectfully inform the Ladies of Also the very promising four year old son of Baker City and vicinity, that, they Belfounder, have opened an establishment, at the S to n e w a ll, residence of Mrs. R. C. Shepherd, in Will be disposed of at Raffle. Baker City, where they are prepared to Cut, or Cat an Make all kinds of M s t s . Legal Tender, $10,00, Belfounder is a dark bay, 15^4 hands high, weighs 1,025 pounds, and for symmetry of form cannot be excelled. As a trotter, he is noted on the turf, having trotted against George Wilkes on Long Island, in 2:28k. His colts are of the most promising character for first class Roadsters and Trotters. PEDIGREE. Belfounder was sired by Tattersall’s Bel- founder. be by Imported Belfounder, his clam by Abdallah. Belfounder’s dam is by Engin­ eer, her dam by Plato. Engineer and Plato are by Imported Messenger. C ertificate . —I certify that I am well ac­ quainted with Dr. Mack’s horse, Belfounder; have had the care of him this season, near Walla Walla. He is active, vigorous, and a very sure foal getter. LAFE GRIFFIN. Sionwall is a beautiful Iron Gray Gelding, nearly 16 hands high, of fine proportions and high style; has been driven double and sin­ gle enough to show superior action as a road­ ster or trotter; has not been trained. The horses will be delivered free of charge at Boise City, I. T., of to the parties winning them. The highest number thrown in the Raffle wins Belfounder; the lowest number wins Stonewall. As a guarantee of fairness, Hon. John Hai­ ley will act as umpire at the Raffle, which will come off as soon as the tickets, 200 in number are sold. C. IL MACK. Boise City, I- T., Sept. 14, 1874,n20tf Dissolution Notice. M E P A R T N E R S I II8 * I I E R E - T tofore existing between the undersigned under the Firm name of S. Ottenheimer & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The brsiness will be continued by S. Ot- -tenheimer, who will collect all debts duo ui, and pay all debts against the late firm. Baker Gitv, July 14, 1074. S. OTTENHEIMER, A. I. BLOCH. All persons indebted to S. Ottenheimer & Co. are respectfully requested to settle up at once. S. OTTENHEIMER. n iltf Successorio Ottenheimer & Co. Lumber— New Saw Mill. M c C ORD b r o t h e r s h a v e their New Saw Mill in complete run­ ning order, and it is doing the best of work. It is located at [P o c a h o n ta s , Where they are prepared to fill all bills for Lumber at short notice, and at as Ladies & Childrens Clothing. All orders from the surrounding Towns and Country will be promptly attended to, at the same prices that our City customers are charged. Stamping Buy Your Lumber at the Old, Reliable T iib e ll’ s O l d M i l l . E H A V E R E F IT T E D T H E W Mill and make the best Lumber in the county, at prices to suit the times. Any bills left at our Mill receive as prompt attention in the future as iu the past. We saw everything from a Lath to the Heaviest Timbers. Clear and seasoned Lumber always on hand. Bills left with J. W. Wisdom will receive immediate attention. By strici attention to business, we hope to receive our share of public patronage. An unlimited amotint of Grain taken in exchange lor Lumber. ELLIOTT & VAN PATTEN. March 1, 1874.-n34tf. SHERM AN & H YD E Cor. Kearny ana Suiier Sfs. SAN FRANCISCO, W H O L E S A L E A N D R E T A IL D E A L E R S IN S H E E T MUSIC, Musical Instruments, -----AND----- M U S IC A L M E L C IIA N L IS E . Orders from the Interior promptly filled. M A N U F A C T U R E R S O F TH E and LATEST FASH IO N S Received every month, York. direct from Ne Agent for Grover & Baker’s h e w i n g Machines. R. R. R. R adway ’ s R eady R elief CURES THE WORST PAINS IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. NOT ONE HOUR After reading this advertisement need any one' SUFFER, AVITH PAIN. R A D W A Y ’S READY R E L I E F IS A CURE FOR E VE R Y P A IN . It was the first And is THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY That instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allays In­ flammations, and cures Congestions, whether of the Lui gs, Stomach, Bowels, or ether glands or organs, by one application, IN FROM ONE TO T W E N T Y M IN U TES, no matter how violent or excruciating the pain the R H E U M ­ A T IC , Bed-ridden, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suiier, EADWAYS READY RELIEF W IL L A FFO R D IN S T A N T EASE. IN F L A M M A T IO N OF TH E K ID N E YS, IN FL A M M A T IO N OF TH E B LAD D E R, IN FLA M M A TIO N OF TH E BOW ELS, CONGESTION OF TH E LU N GS, SORE TH R O A T , DIFFIC U LT BRE A TH IN G , PA LP IT A T IO N OF TH E H E A R T , H YSTE RIC S, C RO UP, D IPH TH E R IA , C A T A R R H , IN F L U E N ZA , H E A D A C H E , TOOTHACHE, N E U R A L G IA , R H E U M A T ISM , COLD CHILLS, A GU E CHILLS. The application of the R E A D Y R E L I E F to the p orter parts where the pain or difficulty exists w ill afford easo and comfort. Twenty drops m half a tumbler of water will in a few mo­ ments cure C RAM PS, SPASMS, SOUR S TO M A C H , SICK H E A D AC H E , H E A R TB U R N , D IA R R H E A , D Y SE N TE R Y , COLTC, W IN D IN TH E BOW ELS, and all IN T E R N A L PAINS. Travelers should always carry a bottle o f J R jid w n y ’ a R e a d y R e l i e f with them. A few drops in water will pre­ vent sickness or pains from change of water. It is better than French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. FEVER AND ACUE. FE VE R A N D AGUE,.cured for fifty cents. There is not a remedial agent in this world that will cure Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious,„Bilious, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow , and other Fevers (aided by R A D W A Y ’ S PILLS) so quick as R A D W A Y ’ S R E A D Y RELIE F. Fifty cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG A N D PU RE R ICH BLOOD— IN CR E ASE OF FLESH A N D W E IG H T—CLEAR SKIN A N D BEAU TIFU L COM PLEXION SECURED TO ALL. Dr. H A D W A Y ’S Sarsaparlan R esow , H AS M A D E TH E MOST ASTO NISHING C U R E S ; SO QU ICK, SO RAPIT) A R E THE CHANGES TH E BODY UNDERGOES, U N D E R TH E INFDUENCE OF T H IS T R U L Y W O N D E R F U L M E D IC IN E . T H A T E v e r y D a y a n I n c r e a s e in Flesh a n d W e ig h t is S e e n and Felt. T H E G R EAT BLOOD P U R IFIER . Every drop o f the S A R S A P A R IL L IA N R ESOLVEN T communicates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other fluids and juices of the system the vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of the body with new and sound material. Scrof­ ula, Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular disease, Ulcers in the Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and other parts of the system, Sore Eyes, Strumous Discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms o f Skin diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald H ead, R ing-W orm , Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots, W orm s in the: Flesh, Tumors, Cancers In the W om b, and all weakening and painful discharges, N ight Sweats, Loss of Sperm,, and all wastes o f the life prin­ ciple, are within the curative rang*e of this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few days* use will prove to any person using it for either of these forms of disease its potent power to cure them. I f the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that is continually progressing, succeeds in ar­ resting these wastes, aud repairs the same with new material -made from healthy blood—and this the S A R SA P A R IL L IA N w ill and does secure. N ot only does the S a r s a p a r i l l i a n R e s o l v e n t e x c e l all known remedial agents in the cure o f Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin diseases; but it is the only positive cure for KIDNEY AND BLADDER COMPLAINTS, Urinary and W om b diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stop­ page of W ater, Incontinence of Urine, Br-ight’s Disease, Albu­ minuria, and in all caees where there are brickdust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white o f an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a mor­ bid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bonedust deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pain in the Small of the Back and along the Loins. Price, $1.00. WORMS. The only known and sure Remedy for W O R M S —PIN - TA PE, etc. Tumor o f 12 Y ea rs’ Growth Cured by Radxvay's Resolvent. ONE H U R D R E D PER CENT. Dr. R A D W A Y ’S profit. We have no agents, but ship direct to families at Factory Price. We make only one style, and have but one price. Perfect P a r t s Pills, Two M ir e ii an! Ninety Dollars perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse, and strengthen. Railway’ s P ill?, for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipationl Costiveness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness. Bilious Fe­ ver, Inflammation o f the Boivels, Piles, and all Derangements o f the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals, or dele­ terious drugs. A few doses o f R A D W A Y ’ S PILLS w ill free the system from all the above-named disorders. Price, 25 rents per box SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. * ' R EA D “ FALSE A N D T R U E .” Send letter, stamp to R A D W A Y & CO., No. 32 Warren Street, New York. Infor­ mation worth thousands w ill he sent you. Net cash, with no discount to dealers or com­ missions to teachers. Our lumber is thor­ oughly seasoned. "Our cases are DOUBLE VENEERED with Rosewood—have Front round borners, serpentine bottom and carved legs. We use the full Iron Plate with over strung bass FR ENCH GRAND ACTION with top dampers, and our keys are of the best Ivory, with Ivory fronts. Our Piano has Seven Octaves; is 6 feet 9 inches long, 3 feet 4 inches wide, and weighs, boxed, 955 pounds. Every Piano is fully warranted for five vears. Send for an illustrated circular, in which we refer to over 500 Bankers, Merchants, &c,, (some of whom you may know,) using our Pianos in Forty-Four States and Territories. D2r* Please state where you seen this no­ tice. U. S'. PIANO CO., n26na2 865, Broadway, N. V. Embroidering Braiding done to order. R e a s o n a b le P r ic e s As any other Mill in the county. Orders or Bills for Lumber can be left at the Black­ smith Shop of S. B. McCord, in Baker Oity, and they will be promptly filled. S. B. McCORD, R, D. McCORD. J. P. McCORD. P. S.—All business in connection with tlie Mill will be atended to by R. D. McCORD. November 11, 1873.-n27tf for August 19, 1874.ul51y <$ami 1 ST o t i c © . N 'O t ic e is h e r e b y g iv e n _ to all those who are in arrears with the Academy Company for tuition, to call on Mr. W. F. McCrary, at the Post Office, and settle their accounts, and save COST. Acknowledged by Musicians to be the Best Low Baker Oity, April 9, 1874. Priced Instruments ever offered for sale cn this Coast. A. H. BROWN, n49n4 President.