D c iu m h A m a r r a i . P . D . an d S. L . R . R . If a lawyer holding office argues a case before a court in Washington, and the fact appears in the news re­ ports, nothing is thought of it by the astute correspondents; but the moment it appeals that the lawyer- statesman made an honest speech as a public official on a political sub­ ject remotely connected with the subject which be legally argued, the apostles of independent criticism hint that he earned his money in or­ der to take some person, not his wife to Long Branch! This is a defense of Conklin for taking a fee against the Udited States contrary to law, which forbids a Senator or Congressman from doing that under penalty, and also of Car­ penter, for doing a very naughty thing in contempt of public opinion and society. There is hardly a mar­ ket for such a paper as this in the United States at the present time. Below we give an extract from a letter from Col. Chapman to Messrs. J. M. SHEPHERD, EDITOR.. Brattain and McCrary, of our city, B a k e r C ity, O ct. 21, 1874. two of the directors of the Portland, Dalles and Salt Lake Railroad, from THE BED R O CK DEMOCRAT which it will be seen that the pros­ as the Largest Circulation o f a n y pects of this road are brightening every day. Paper P ublished in Eastern Oregon. P o r t l a n d , O. Oct. 11th. 1874. C ircu la tio n 1 ,0 5 0 cop ies. John Brattain, and W. F. M c­ Crary. O F F IC IA L PAPER Directory Portland, Dalles and For tne Counties o f Salt Lake Railroad Company. G e n t l e m e n :—Important business B a k e r and G ra n t. requires a meeting of the Directors immediately. I hope cme or both OS'" The B e d r o c k D e m o c r a t has more can come down. * bona f id e , paying subscribers in Baker Our bill has passed tbe Senate and County, than has any other two papers pub­ will pass the House. I hope you lished in the State. We put no man’s name will give this important matter your on our subscription list unless we have orders immediate attention and write me. so to do. ^ ti Onr negotiations at London are coming to a favorable conclusion, as ID A H O P O L IT IC S . my advices of last night indicate. Yours truly. B oise C o u n t y . —The Idaho World W. W. C h a p m a n . under the editorial control of the in­ Since the above was received we veterate office seeker Tom. Sutton, have had the good news that the tries to he pretty severe on the B e d ­ bill in aid of this road before our rock D e m o c r a t , and takes us to Legislature lias passed, both the task for speaking the truth. The Senate and House of Representa­ only thing the astute editor can find tives, and now only needs the sig­ in our paper to make a bundle nature of the Governor, which it of is a typographical error—the same will certainly receive to become a which causes him to spell support— law. With the aid, in the shape of D em o cra tic V ic to r ie s. “ support.” What we said in relation exempting the road, &c., from State By reference to our telegraphic to the Democratic candidates in the taxation for twenty years, the early counties of Southern Idaho, we then completion of the road is a certain dispaches it will be seen that tbe and now know to be true, and the and fixed fact. With out this pro­ Democracy have carried, at the late people of those counties know the vision in its favor, foreign capital* election, the States o f Ohio, Indi­ same. The only objection tbe sore­ ists were ready and willing to ad­ ana, West Yiaginia and Arkansas head editor of the W orld can find vance the funds for its building even and have gained in these States some against the men constituting those if Congress did not extend the aid twenty members to Congress. Their tickets is against too men on the asked for. Capitalists have express­ gains added to other gains during ticket in Boise coirnty— “ West and ed the idea that the road was giving the year, and estimated gains in the Apperson”—and against those two the Government too much for too States yet to hold elections this year he is actuated by personal spite and ittle, and that in the long run it will give the Democratic party a ma­ malice. Sutton always was unrelia­ might be best for tbe road and the jority in the next House of Represen­ ble in politics and for a tool of an stockholders that Congx-ess did not tatives. This as a matter of course editor the soreheads of Boise coun­ give the aid asked for, and that they will put a stop to the passage of cor­ ty could not have found better ma­ would take the bonds of the road rupt laws for the aid and support of terial. The people of Boise county witeout the asked for aid. In the the corrupt carpet baggers and scoun­ are so well acquainted with him ’ etter above it will be seen that the drels who now infest and misrepre-, that they look with suspicion upon prosjaects are very flattering that sent tue people of the down trodden anything he advocates. We are per­ the capital for the building of this South. The result of the late elect­ sonally acquainted with the gentle­ road is by this time negotiated for, ions is the cut ring wedge to the man constituting the Democratic and with the passage of this bill by overthrow of the present corrupt 'tickets in Boise, Ada and Owyhee our Legislature there is no doubt administration of third term Grant, counties and when we speak-of them of our procuring the needful funds and the ousting of the thieves and w-e know of who we are speaking! for its building. This is great, good jobbers who now are kept in p iblic All the tickets are composed of and glorious news to the people of plans where they can rob the people. good men, and men whom the peo­ Oregon, Washington and Idaho Ter The people in the East have been ple will honor with their suffrages -ritory, and especially to us east of aroused to their true iuterests - and at the election on the 2nd, day of the Cascade Mountains. It will give intend to assert aud maintain their a new impetus to the great Northwest rights, guaranteed to them by the November next. The people are true to their own and is the harbinger of good and constitution. We hope to see Idaho interests and will not support men prosperous times in all this portiou on tbe second of November, elect who have been heretofore opposed of the Pacific Coast. We Congrat Hon. S. S> Lenn, as their delegate to their best interests, and now ulate the people of Eastern ' Oregonf to Congress, and thereby send greet­ declare themselves independent of Washington and Idaho Territorities ing to their bretheren East of the Mountains, that they too are stead the people. This is an old dodge on their future and bright prospects. fast in their faith and still uphold of the professional demagogue and The prospects are now favorable will not fool the honest voter any that work will be commenced on the principles of the Democratic portions of this great work yet this party. Governor Bennett is a R e­ more than it has in times past. The Territorial Democratic con­ fall and that the “ good time com« publican of the deepest dye, and up­ vention at Boise city followed our ing” so loDg looked and waited for holds the Grant administration and all of its corruptions. Democrats .advice—dropped both Foote and Eu- by our people is near at hand. We say hurrah for the railroad knowing theirs, can they vote for .sign, and took up a third man in dhe person S. 6. F enn,of Northern and to Col. Chapman all honor for him. T h e Peanitentiai-y S cram M e. Idaho, and nominated him for Del­ his great ahd untiring efforts in be­ half of the people and this great na­ egate to Congress. Fenn is a good, The Oregon City Enterprise says _______ __ reliable and strong man and will tional work. there appears at present to be quite make a good Delegate. Tbe States­ N ew P a p e r . —We have received the a contest before the Legislature as man, of Boise city, does not like him first number of “ The Republic” the to who shall be tbe Superintendent personally, and shows its bad taste new daily administration paper pub­ of the Penitentiary. A bill has been and feelings by a low and personal lished at New York City. The Sac­ introduced in the House to provide ¡attack upon Mr. Fenn, the cause ramento Union in speaking of “ The -of which the citizens of Boise City Republic” says, it is in eight pages, for the election by that body and to are aware of. This personal attack of six wide coluwns each, neatly take the power away from the Gover­ of the Statesman will not injure Mr. printed, and has a supplement of nor. This measure can be regarded Fenn, but instead, will be a benefit four pages. Its advertising columns in no other light than pure xnaligni to him. This is the first time since are quite full for a beginner. The ty against the Governor and a desire the organization of the Territory, real character of the new journal to gobble up the office for some vag­ that the candidate for Delegate to m aybe inferred from an extract or abond who has no energy to labor Congress has been given to North­ twro taken from its leading editorials. for a living. No one can deny but what this institution has been kept ern Idaho, still the Democracy of Here is one: In 1862 it -was considered political in a very creditable manner under that portion of the Territory have al­ ways come up manfully to the sup­ heresy to oppose the construction of Mr. Watkinds, and the press, Radi-, the Pacific railroads. To day the cal and Independent, has bee gener­ port of the Dmocratic candidate, men who built the Pacific railroads al in its eulogies of Mr. Watkinds’ and Mow the Democrats of Southern are villified and charged with the administration. But this all does not Idaho owe it to themselves to act consummation of a national fraud, seem to be sufficient for the Legisla­ in like good faith towards their for no other reason than that they ture, because some of them have a Northern friends and we are satis­ have finished their task much sooner than the couutry demanded that they friend to put in hisplace. Tne Gov*, fied they will do so. Fenn should should do, and have succeeded for ernor, under our present law, is made ,and certainly will be elected; the country’s good. Yet every needy statesman who invested his small responsible for the good government As I t S h o u l d B e . —The proposi­ earnings in the bonds of a railway, of the Penitentiary, and as such, tion to abolish the office of State aud made an honest hundred dollars should have the appointing power. Printer was voted down by the Sen­ out of the transaction, has dozens of This attempted action of tbe Legis­ great newspaper columns devoted to ate. In the course of some remarks lature is nothing but an outrage'and him and his family. in that body, one of the Senators From which we infer that it is an disgrace to the body which would al stated that public printing might be low its auimous to go so far as to organ of the railway monoplies in done in California cheaper than here. their fight with the people, as well violate decency in order to deprive This is certainly a brilliant idea, as of the administration; and more the Governor of an appointment, and we have no doubt the printers especially of the plundering rings simply for the reason that some hang­ of Oregon feel very grateful to the who have disgruced and covered with er on of this or that party wants the Senator for the active part he takes infamy the I’aciffc railway. It goes place. If the Legislature has any in the j interest of our Saate. We for nothing with the Republic that desire to change the manner of ere' regret to say that this Senator is a since 1872 the Credit Mobilier con­ ating the Superintendent, let them Democrat. Oregon had better send spiracy to rob the Government of pass a law by -which tbe people can to California for a State Senator or ¡jp8,UUU,UÜ0, by tbe assistance of some elect that officer, and not create an for a State Printer. That kind of of the most prominent men in Con­ office on their own action for them argument is HO credit to a State Sen­ gress, has been unearthed, nor that to fill. We consider that it were ator. __________________ like developments are about to be better that all the subordinate State S i l v e r S t a t e . —This is the name made against another Company. All officers, which are now elected by of a neat daily paper printed at Win- this paper can see is the point of the Legislature, and some aupomted nemucca Nevada. W e welcome it honest departure made in J.862. Here by the Governor, should be elected by tbe people, and tbqs s^ve time is another: to our table. and useless contest for position be­ fore that body every two years. The Legislature shauld certainly be satis­ fied with being entrusted to make tbe laws, and give the people pow- to elect their own officers and to en force them. We trust that the sob« er and better judgement of both houses will defeat this bill. It can be termed by no milder language than an unwarranted assumption and lican majority in tbe State on Secre­ taiy o f State will be Indications are now that all nine Republican candidates for c ° n§*®s.^ w n ib e r i « W t . W i l « . » , . . * » * « * LATE NEWS. ELECTION R ETU RN S. S an E r a n c is c o , October 14.— R e­ turns of elections yesterday indi­ cate that Ohio has gone Democratic, probably 25,000. The Republican State ticket in Iowa is probably elected. It is impossible to tell the result on the State ticket in Indiana. The Republicans certainly elect seven Congressmen. G a u b o r , R e p u b li c a n , f o r G o v e r n o r and C r o u s e , R e p u b li c a n , f o r C o n g r e s s , in N e b r a s k a , a re e le c t e d b y a m a jo r it y o f n e a r ly 10,000. Conservative successes are report­ ed from Arkansas. None very defi­ nite. C olum bu s , Ohio, October 14.— Sufficient returns have been received to show beyond all doubt that the State has gone Democratic from 7, 000 to 10,000. The Democratic State Executive Committee are positive of the election of the following Dem o­ cratic Congressmen: Banning, 1st district; Taylor, 2nd; McMahon, 4th Rice, 5th; Hurd, 6th; Neal, 7th; Vance, 11th; Walling, 12th; South­ ard, 13th; Cowan, 14th; Payne, 20th, and the probable election of Wilson in the 17th district, Appleton in the 9th, and Seney in the 10th district. The Republicans claim the election of Smith in the 3rd, Lawrence in the 8th, Foster in the 10th, Van Voorhees in the 15th, Danford in the 16th; Monroe in tbe 18th, and Garfield in the 19th. If the Democratic claims are sustained by official returns, the Democrats have gained seven Con­ gressmen from Ohio. The result ex­ ceeds the most sanguine Democratic expectations. I n d ia n a p o l is , October 14.—Rei turns trom 75 precincts sbow that the Democrat’ s have gained 678. The Republican Central Oommittee concede the election o f the entire Democratic State ticket. The Re publicans claim, but the Democrats do not concede a majority in the Legislature. C h ic a g o , October 14—- Up to noon to day no further returns have been received from the Iowa or Indiana elections. The Tribune figures that eight opposition and fiv.e Republican Congressmen are elected in Indiana. That Bowman, anti monopoly, is probably elected in the Fourth Iowa District, and that tbe election of McCrary, Republican, in the First, aud Tufts,-Republican, in the Sec­ ond District, is doubtful. Returns fromjlowa indicate a very* light vote and a great deal of scratching, but that the Republican mojority on the State ticket is not less than at the last election, 22,000. The Inter- Ocean claims the election of the en­ tire Republican Congressional dele­ gation. The result of these congressional elections and the influence that the result will have on the twenty States to elect Congressmen next month, make it next to certain that the R e­ publican party will be in the minori­ ty’ in the Forty fourth House of R ep­ resentatives. The Democrats carried the m unici­ pal election in Newark, N. J., yester­ day. I n d ia n a E le c t io n . I n d i a n a p o l i s , October 14 *—Fur­ ther returns show increaced Demo­ cratic gains on the State ticket. In­ dications now are that the Democrat­ ic majority in the State will reach from 10.000 to 15,000. Congression­ al delegation will probably stand 9 Democrats to 4 Republicans* From the most reliable returns received the following is the result for Coni gress : ’ First district, Heilman, Republican, elected by a small ma­ jority : Second district, Williams Democrat, lias 5.000 or 6,000 *ma jority; Third district, Kerr, / R eg­ ular Democrat, over Cravens, fusion candidate, 2.000 majority : Fourth district, Rew, Democrat, 500 major­ ity: Fifth district, Holman, Demi ecrat, 5000 to 1,000 majority: ¡Six­ th district, Robison, Republican, over Johnson Regular Democrat, and Pendleton, Independent, has from 300, to 500 majoiity; Eighth Rice, Democrat, over Hunter, pres­ ent member, small majority; Isinth district, McClure, Regular Dem o­ crat, over Carson, present member, and Bowles, Independent, small ma­ jority; Tenth district, Hammond, Democrat, over Calkins, Republican small majority; Eleventh district, Evans, Republican, 2,000 majority: Twelfth district, H aailton, regular Democrat over Taylor, Independent 4,000. Thirteenth district. Baker, Republican, 1,000 majority; The official vote may change the above result. From present reports it is impossible to give tbe correct com ­ plexion of the Legislature, but in­ dications are that the Independents will hoid the balance of power in both Houses. Io w a E lectio n s. M a k s h a l l t o n , Iowa, October B A K E R C IT Y , OREGON, BROKER AND ASSAY ü district, Will have nearly 6.000 ma jority. Granger has a very close imn in tbe Third District. He will have 55 majority. Kasson’s majori­ j n ty over Whitman is estimated at 500. McDill, Olivar, S a m p s o n a n d Pratt will have good majorities. Tufts and McCrary are elected by smalt majorities. « I lio outrage. J A S . W . V IR T U E DEALER G J -o ld . ID St — AND— COLD A \ll SILIER BA — ALSO — E le c tio n s. C o l u m b u s , October i 4 . - T h e Dem ­ ocrats concede the election of Foster Republican, t.o Congress in the 10th District, and W ood worthy R epublic­ an in tbe Seventeenth District. It looks as if the Democratic majority on the State ticket will reach 15.00U C o l u m b u s , 1 5 . - The election re­ turns are sufficiently full to make sure the election of the following Congressmen ; 1st District—-Saylor, Dem . ;2d—Banning, Deni.; 3d—Sav-^ ae-e Dem ; 4th—MacMabon, Dem ., 5thL_Rice, Dem .; 6th—Hard, Dem .; 7th—Neal, Dem .; 8tb—Lawrence, R ep.; 9th—Poppleton. Dem .; B)th Foster, R ep.; 11th—Vance, Dem .; 12—Walling, and to fill vacancy of Finck, Dem.; 13th—Southard, Dem. 14th—Cowan, Democrat loth — Van Voorhies, R ep.; 16tb— Danford R e p .; 17th— Woodworth, R ep.; loth — Monroe, R ep.: 19th— Garfield, R ep.; 20th,—Payne, Dem. Neliraslia Election. Omaha, October 14.—Returns to day establish the fact that the .State goes Republican by nearly 1,000 ma­ jor ity.J Arkansas Election. L it t t e R o c k , October 14.— Re turns so far show that the new Con« stitution has been carried by a very large majority. Dakota Election. Y a n k t o n , October 14.—Returns thus far received give Kidder, R e ­ publican candidate for Delegate, 1,411 majority. Sioux valley, not yet heard from, will doubtless in« crease this majority, Both branches of Legislature will be Republican. EXCHANGE 5 GREENBACKS Office—First door north Odd Fellow’s jn49v2tf| B a l) m ls im m to C o rn e r D r u g Store j . I . WISDOM, Proprietor, Corner Main Street and Valley Avem, S ou th w est Side, 8| B A K E R C I T Y , OREGON, eeps ,.., kind, , 6 ™ c o n s t a n t l y on h a F u ll A ssortm en t o f all K G o o d s , con sistin g in part o f D R U G S, M E D IC IN E S, P A IN T S and OILS, W IN D O W GLASS VARNISHES, brushes , 1, W IK M Ss U1TOIE8 F o r M ed icin a l Purposes. T O I L E T ARTICLES O f E v e ry Description. P rescrip tion s prepared at all Honrs, fltj and Country Trade Solicited, Best B ra n ds, o f F a m ily Groceries,To. b a c co s, C ig a rs, A c ., constantly on H a n d , at the Lowest Prices. B ak er City, Oct. 7, 1874.n221y A N O T H E _______ R CHANCE! * FIFTH AND IAST GIFT CONCERT IN A ID OF THE O v e r w o r k in g t h e B r a i n . — Soften« ing of the brain is becoming a more common disease than form erly; as it is utterly incurable, attention should be given to its causes. The soften* ing is crused by an inflammatory condition or a gradual degeneration of the substance of the brain, arising from intense mental excitement, as a result of study, of the use of spirit­ uous liquors, or allowing the mind to dwell on one subject unjileasanC ly, especially when there is no real cause, or conjectured injuries, or in­ justices and the like, moping over them, cherishing thoughts of them. This lamentable malady comes on at one time with a sudden head or ear ache, at another with difficulty of speech, or numbness, or convulsions or paralysis, or actual insensibility; at other times there is simply a de­ cline of the power of the senses, sight, hearing, speech, and the men­ tal powers generally. The same dis ease is caused by the want of some­ thing to do, when there is no com ­ pulsion to mental effort or muscular exertion. To ameliorate a malady arising from causes so diametrically opposite, antipodal means should be employed— less work to the over« worked, more work for those who have nothing to do. Public Library of Kentncly, P O S T P O N E D TO MONDAY, tie 30ttJ0TEIBER, ffi « r a w i n g P erta in a t th at Date. F IS T O F G IF T S Grand Cash Gift Grand Cash G ilt ., . . . Grand Cash G ift........ Grand Cash G ift........ Grand Cash G ift ... . 5 Cash Gifts, $20,000each 10 Cash Gifts. 14,000 eacl 15 Cash Gift , 10.000 eac] 5.000 eacl 20 Cash Gifts, 4.000 eacl 25 Casli Gifts, 30 Cash Gifts, 3.000 each 50 Cash Gifts, 2.000 eacl 100 Cash Gifts, 1.000 eacl 240 Cash Gifts, 500 eaci 500 Cash Gifts, 100 eaci 19,000 Cash Gifts, 50 eacl One One One One One $250,00« 100 .i 75.1 50.1 25.000 100,000 140.000 150.000 100.000 100,000 90.000 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 100,000 1 2 0 ,0 0 0 50.000 . 950,000 Grand Total, 20,000 Gifts, all cash, $2,500,000 P R IC E O F T IC K E T S : W hole Tickets................................... $50,00 H alves........................ ........................ 25,00 Tenth, or each Coupon ................ 5,00 11 W hole Tickets fo r ..................... 500,00 22H Tickets fo r ........ ........................ 1,000,00 For Tickets and Information, Address, TH O S. E. BKAM LETTE, n23n29 Agent and Manager, Public Library Building, Louisville, Ky. L i v e l y T im e s A R e m a r k a b l e C a s e .— A good many years ago, says the Rutland IN B A K E R CI TY, Herald, in one of Vermont’s m iai SINCE T H E A R R I V A L OF towns, a case occurred which has seldom, if ever, been parallelel in the history of litigation. Gapt. A. shot a dog belonging to his neighbor Smith. Tfie act was charged upon one G., and a suit was brought J List R e c e iv e d against him to recover damage. The case was tried by a jury before a FR O M Justice of the Peace, and Captain A. San Francisco Direct, sat as a juror. Circumstantial evi« dence was presented to prove that The Most Extensive, the Best and G. shot the dog, and the jury agreed Most Extensive Assortment of to return a verdict of guilty. Several years after the trial. Captain A. ac­ G E N E R A L ME R C H A N D I S E knowledged that he killed the dog, and defended his course in render­ ¡ E v o a ? B r o i i g l i t T O ing a verdict of guilty against G. on the ground that his iuror’s oath re­ T h i s ^Market, quired him to decide the case accord­ C onsisting in Part o f ing to law and evidence, and it was fairly proved, he said, that G. killed Ladies’ Dress & Fancy Goods the dog. ------------- » ------------------ O f E very D escrip tion , together w ith a Full mm. -mmmmimtm N e w R a il r o a d A rrangem ent .— anil C om plete A ssortm en t o f The Sacramento Bee of Saturday M IN IN G SU PPLIES, L IQ U O R S , TOBACCO & CIGARS, says: “ The Central Pacific Railroad G R O CERIES, officers returned from Ogden last, G E N T S ’ F U R N IS H IN G GOOD?, night. At that place they had a C LO T H IN G , conference with the Union Pacific in BOOTS and SH OES, relation to running passenger and HARDW ARE, freight trains, the result of which is C R O C K E R Y , and likely to prove beneficial to the pub­ GLASSW ARE, lic. Through freights, it is under­ A ll o f w h ich w ill be Sold stood, will be somewhat lowered and W h o le s a le a n d R e ta il pushed through more rapidly. Be­ A T side--, the express passenger trains will shorten their trips between San L o w e s t ^Prices. Francisco and New York to six days.” B a r-T h a n k fu l for the liberal m anner in w h ich I have heretofore been patronized, I h ope by iair and h on ora b le dealing to At a dinner party recently, Senator m erit a con tin u an ce o f the sam e. Nye put his new silk tile carelessly S. OTTEN H EIM E R . upon the sofa. A few minutes after, V irtu e B lo c k , B ak er C ity, Oct. 7, 1873. n22 Gen. Butler sat down upon and crushed the hat fearfully. “ D ____n it,” roared Nye, “ I could have told at the you it wouldn’t fit before vou tried it on.” Grand Gift Concert ! City of Greensboro, N, C. A man in Cincinnati advertising for a situation, says: “ Work is not so much an object as good wages.” John Dubois, of Cajro, ran away with two Miss Moores, and they are after him and his pair-o’Moores. 14. An Oshkosh judge got two bars of —Ninety-two Counties reported give soap for a marriage fee. gains over tlie Republican vote of “ He who by his biz would rise last year of over 6;0Q0: The Repub­ must either burst or advertise.” F O B THE PU RPOSE OF Erecting an Oil Fellow’s Temple. T ic k e ts, . t . n . snow 50. is ag en Agent for the Sale o f Tickets in 13 ker City. The m oney arising from the sa o f Tickets w ill be placed on deposits wi W ells, Fargo & C o.’s Agent up to the tin o f the drawing. D r $ 2 is Baker City, Oct. 13, 1874.n23n28