itude intersects the same; uieuue after some Apaches who a robbery at Bajo Di P a li^ v ^ M The matter of giving assistance to i Otter up here as soon as they can [ c o n n e c t i n g O r e g o n w it h t h e E a s t e i n I S t a t e s is t h e o n l y p r a c t ic a l m e a n s o l northernlin e''of NebVaska\ to°the one | ported that their trail passed 116 t<>. this greatly needed enterprise is | procure, or build, a suitable boat for r e l i e v i n g t h is S t a te fr o m its p r e s e n t probably the most important matter the lower river. We cannot expect i s o l a t i o n , a n d o f r a p i d l y a c q u i r i n g hundred and fourth degree of longi- near Monument at Gnadal o, ft ^ thence though he was close to tae°'nia’ ^ J. M. SIIEPHEÎID, E d i t o r . tude west from Greenwich; ---- that will come before the Legisla­ the Company to make many improve­ , p o p u l a t i o n . north to a point where the 46. ers he had to come to a halt a't)' That the experience of all the Vv es- parallel of north latitude intersects saya the owners of the animals • ture. It has a double importance.— ments before next Spring. B a k e r C ity , S e p t. 1 6 , 1 8 7 4 . ternStates during the past nine years the same; thence due east along said tend visiting Arizona and to!1U ' The enterprise itself is one which, As far as we are able to learn they ! gathered from public statistics, parallel to the place of beginning. their property wherever found if pushed onto completion; would are doing exceedingly well at pres­ THE BEDROCK DEMOCRAT I is that the population has increased The Secretary says the only power people of the District of Mont Till e Thi as th e L a r g e s t C ir c u la tio n o f a n y be of incalculable benefit to the ent and everyWiiug is working satis­ from one hundred to nine hundred where the are the worst'^' to alter this provision is that wlucti State; while the question of impos­ factorily. per cent, shortly after the introduc­ P a p e r P u b lish e d in E a ste rn O reg o n . treaty, and then 1 must greatly enraged at the U. ' 6'oy. tion of railways—one State, that of made-the ing any burden of this nature upon for allowing The Otter will soon be ready for be done with the consent of the In­ eminent . n r - . ~ reservation C ir c u la tio n 1 ,0 5 0 c o p ie s . Apaches to cross into our State t the people of the State is one that service, when the Teaser will be Kansas, having increased from ten dians. . . . ( thousand to one hundred thousand plunder and murder with impllrih0 i The late exploring expedition ol cannof be lightly passed over at this able to arrive here from one to three the bulk of whom had gone there in O F F IC IA L P A P E R The murdering parties are ¿¡i ' General Caster was merely a milita- For tne Counties o f time. Add to this the constitutional hours sooner than at present.” five years. dressed and better armed than tl rv reconnoissance of the country for That your Committee, while they are limitations-upon the power of the B a k e r and G ra n t. Mexicans and are tracked confine t'9 n o w A B orr b it ie r ? in favor of any railway that may give the purpose of ascertaining the best to and going out of this State. & U' Legislature in relation to subjects of location, if in future it should be­ the desired Eastern connection, are D5r” The B e d r o c k D e m o c r a t has more the nature of this one, and the im« The daily Sacramento Union says, of the opinion that the construction come necessary to establish a milita­ bona f id e , paying subscribers in Baker portance as well as the difficulties it seems to be a difficult matter It was "darling Gweorge” when of the Portland, Dalles & S. L. R- ry post. County, than has any other two papers pub­ bridal couple left Omaha; it ^ C h i c a g o , September 8.— Lieuten­ of the question will be very appar­ for the Republicans iu Massachu­ R. would benefit a larger portion of lished in the State. W e put no m an’s name "dear George” at Chicago; at U ant General Sheridan received a dis­ setts to properly dispose of General Oregon and be more to the direct on our subscription list unless we have orders ent. troit it was "George;” and wW patch from General Pope, contain­ bo to do. The Legislature about to convene, Butler. His is a restless spirit, and Interest of this community than of ing a report from Colonel Miles, thev reached Niagra Falls it any other line contemplated. if it live up to the pledges upon he is continually in the way of the That in view of the vital impor­ from the camp on Red River, Aug­ "Say, you.” ID A H O P O L IT IC S . which its members were elected,will best concocted political arrange­ tance of this connection they would ust 31st, via Fort Dodge, of a decis­ A California newspaper chronicles We see by the Idaho Statesman of be preeminently an economical body; ments that have been made by oth­ earnestly reccomend that substantial ive battle with about 500 confederates the fact that a defaulting county State aid be granted to assist in the and hostile Indians the day belore. a late date that the two political par­ for all three of the parties went be­ er . It seems to be a -settled affair treasurer from that State bas“ turnej construction of this road, believing Colonel Miles’ command had been in ties in Idaho are making active prep­ fore the country at the June election that the Republicans cannot do with that the increased wealth and popu­ pursuit of those Indians for ten days, up” in one of the Fiji Islands, where arations for the political contest that upon platforms the main planks of out the Butler men. In this emer­ lation which this railway would cre­ over a terribly rocky and almost he has a plantation and a flock o! is to come off in that Territory in which were promises of reform and gency the Worcester Gazette advis ate would tend to lessen the amount impassble country,.before they could native wives. November next. There is to be a retrenchment. But parsimony is es the anti Butler Republicans to of individuaf taxation and be of be brought to a stand. The route Delegate to Congress, all the mem- not economy; nor is retrogression make the first advances towards har­ great and substantial benefit to the was strewn with their stores, which whole State th-ey had thrown away to aid their v ir t u e bers of the Legislature, and county reform. Peuny wisdom is often mony in the party, and it does this, Next among the advantages to be flight. The troops fought splendid­ officers elected. The people of Ore­ pound folly. it says, "from our independent derived from the introduction of this ly and the victory was complete. B A K E R C IT Y , OREGON, gon, and especially we uf Eastern The Board of Trade, at its meeting standpoint.” We are not sure that railway would be a large and perroa- Thirteen were killed and many Oregon, feel considerable interest last Monday evening, adopted the General Butler, who is known to nentincrease of population, an influx wounded. The casulties to the troops BROKER AND ASSAY EE of capital, the successful establish in the choice they make for the office report of the Committee, recommen­ have a will of his own, and generally ment of manufactories, a constant were three badly wounded. Colonel DEADER Miles command was, at the date of of Delegate to Congress; the interests ding the granting of aid by the Leg­ does his own planning, will be ready supply of skilled farm labor, an en the dispatch,, 103 miles from the of Eastern Oregon and Southern islature, upon certain conditions.— to fall in with the terms that his old hanced val ue of land throughout the base of supplies, and their supplies XziL G r o l d lO-ULiEît;. Idaho are almost identical, and This is the expression of the princi­ opponents may propose. He will do State, and a material reduction of would be exhausted about the 15th, —AND- individual taxation. General Pope had ordered a supply what will inure to the benefit of pal merchants and business men on pretty much as he thinks best, in Your Committee therefore recco­ train sent, which will reach them one will be of advantage to the oth­ the subject, and should have weight view of his own political prospects mend that the Legislature, as a before that date. -A L S O — er, thei’efore we want to see a good with those who have to act in the and those of his friends in office.— measure of the first importance, M o k e lu m n e H i l l , Cal., Sept, 5 should so modify the act passed - at fi and sound man elected as their Del­ premises. The condition upon which In former days he was noted for his the last session, granting the swamp —The fire destroyed the greater <¡ egate, and we think no better can be the Board recommended the aid to -strong Democratic proclivities, and lands and the five per cent, fund in portion of the town. Less, $173,000. found in the Territory than their be given, is certainly prudent. The he has not exhibited in his political aid of the construction of certain The great heat assisted by a strong Office— F irst door north Odd Fellow’s Hall,; present Delegate, Hon. John Hailey. aid asked from the State would record any very remarkable attach­ sections of the Portland, Dalles and wind, made it a matter of impossibil­ ity to save the property. The fire ! n49v2tf i We hope and believe if the unani­ prove entirely inadequate to secure ment to the party policy or favorite Salt Lake Railroad that the consid broke out in Chinatown about 2 P. M, eration for the work to be performed mous nomination of the Democratic the construction of the road, without projects of Republican leaders. He Jby said company may be available as Friday, the 2nd inst., and notwith­ Convention of that Territory is offer­ further aid from Congress. Money is something like a comet, rather the work progresses, not exceeding standing the prompt response of the ed him that he will, for another term expended in the enterprise without disposed to go it alone, and blaze in the aggregate after the work is citizens to the cr of fire and the sound of fireballs, in a few minutes at least, accept the position at the the Congressional subsidy would be away in his own peculiar sphere.-—- completed the sum of $50,000 per gained such headway from combus­ annum, nor for a longer period than hands of the people, which he has money wasted. Tke Legislature He was not particularly pleased with twenty years (provided that the tible material surrounding the start­ - so nobly and worthily filled since he should be careful in granting assist the result of the Republican State Congressional aid now asked for be ing place, and coupled with the very has accepted the position of Dele­ ane'e, to provide, by sufficient condi­ Convention last year, where his pe granted), and that the State should intense heat, nearly ruined this beautiful town. The fire spread with gate, it would almost be a public ca­ tions, against the wasteful expendi­ culiar claims were ignored and his appropriate a sufficient sum of mon­ terrible rapidity northeast and south ey to defray the preliminary' expen­ lamity for bim not to do so. ture of the money. It is saying opponent secured the desired nomi­ ses of prosecuting this enterprise, involving in the ruins many business In the nomination of candidates nothing against the integrity or nation. Ho was partially avenged and that the Legislature should be places and numerous private resi­ dences. for County officers the Democracy capacity of the gentlemen who are by selecting and getting appointed petitioned to this effect, C h i c a g o , September 9,—A Wash­ should be careful to select their best to handle the funds of the road —who by the President, against the wishes E d w in R u s s e l , l i a t fa f i l l s G roat R e m e d y , and what ington special says it is rumored that are W its P h . C. S chuyler , men, and thereby secure harmony in ever those gentlemen may be—to say anctprotest of leading Republicans effects? These are questions which the the Democratic Executive Commit­ American public has a right to ask, and it H. C . L e o n a r d . their Conventions which will insure they are liable to make such injudi­ in Massachusetts, his favorite for the Mr. Schuyler moved the following tee are in consultation with leading has also a right to expect a candid and satis-, them success at the election. It is cious use of the funds as other rail­ Collectorship of Boston, a position resolution, which was adopted: Southern Democratst with a view of fac tory reply. The preparation is a mild and calling a convention .sou ewhere in gentle saline cathartic, alterative and tonic, Resolved, That the report be adop­ not safe for the people to trust men way builders have made of moneys which commands u widespread in­ is m ost carefully prepared in thd form the South to disclaim all sympathy o and ted by this Board, and that the Sec­ in office who maintain and support belonging to the enterprises they fluence. In the politics of the old f a snow white powder, containing all the retary be instructed to frame a me­ on the part of the Democrats with wonderful medical properties of the far- faint­ the corruptions of the Grant Admin­ represent. The people at large Bay State in the ensuing canvass, morial to the Legislative Assembly the recent outrages. Such men as ed S e ltze r S prin g's o f Germ any. istration, for if they uphold the ought in no event be required to Butler will be very likely to take a over the seal of the Board, embody­ Jeff. Davis, General Forrest and O f its effects, those who have tested the thieving and corruptions as practic­ bear the losses occasioned by want of part, which will result, as has,the ing the report submitted, and that Governor Brown are. mentioned in preparation are the best judges, and they de­ clare, over their own signatures, that the ed by that Administration the people judgment in the expenditure of the opposition to the long reigning par­ the several members for Multnomah this connection, preparation will promptly relieve indigestion, M e m p h i s , September 9 .— Gover­ regulate the flow o f the bile, cure every spe­ have no guarantee but what they moneys raised to build the road. All ty in Vermont at the recent election, County be invited to give their hearty support to any bill that mav nor Brown is here for the purpose of cies of headache, trrnquilize the nervous will practice the same in their Coun­ these matters require to be careful­ in a large reducing of the Republi­ be introduced this session giving aid obtaining an additional detective system, refresh and invigorate the weak, ty official capacity. Above all let ly guarded, and should not be over­ can majority. As has been the case to the Portland. Dalles and Salt force to discover the murderers of mitigate the pangs o f rheumatism, neutral­ acid in the stomach, cleans and tone the there be no sectional strife or perso­ looked in the general anxiety for the in that State the probability is that Lake Railroad on the conditions the negro prisoner taken from Tren­ ize bowels, assist the failing appetite, cure the named in the report. ton jail. Nelson McGhee, one of the heartburn. I f you are a sufferer, givo this nal splits in their Conventions—go road.” the voters in Massachusetts will be --------------- ----------------.-- U —» prisoners taken from the jail at the remedy one trial, and it will convince you of into the contest united and then suc­ LATE YEWS. P. D. & S. L. B. B.—The Moun­ found on election day more refrac­ time, and the acknowledged leader the above facts. ¡Sold by ail druggists. cess for the whole ticket is certain.— tory and more disposed to vote ir­ of the negroes in their organization taineer says: "The people of Port- In Ada, Boise and Owyhee Counties W in n e m u c c a , Nev. Sept. 8 .— Capt. has written a letter to his wife from Administrator’s Sale, regularly than they have been for a laud, it seems, have at last awaken­ Bledsoe, messenger for Wells, Far­ Hickman, Ky. From this fact it is the Democracy have seen and now O T IC !55 2 8 H E R E B Y G IV E N th at ed to the fact that the building of score of years. Butler will take ad­ go & Co., from Winnemucca to believed the other nine escaped like in pursuance o f an order ol the Probate feel the wrong that has been done vantage of this state of things, this the Portland Dalles & Salt Lake Boise City, Idaho, arrived in town wise, as no trace of their bodies has Court of Baker County, O’gn., made on the 10th day o f Sept., 1874, In the matter of the through personal splits in the party, Railroad is going to be, when com­ change of public sentiment, and will this morning with two prisoners, ever been found. The grand jury tastate o f James Tollm an, deceased, the which we hope will be a lesson and Frank Eulford and Frank Johnson undersigned , administrator of said Estate, at Trenton are using every exertion pleted, a big thing for their city.— endeavor to ride on the wave of the will sell at P ublic Auction, to the highest who are supposed to be the parties warning to them in the future. Governor Brown says, to ascertain bidder for cash, in Gold coin, and subject We notice by the papers that a mass people’s power to new popularity.— who robbed the Baker City stage who the men were who took the to confirmation by said Court, on We speak iu relation to these mat­ meeting was called to meet this The chief fear to be anticipated from last winter near Baker C ity They prisoners out and murdered some of Friday, the 3d of November, ters because we are well acquainted Saturday evening, signed by nearly him is that he will seek to get in fa­ are indictee in Baker County, Ore­ them. 1874, at 10 o ’clock , A . M. o f said day, at the with the people of these sections of N a s h v i l l e , Ten., September 8. — Court House Door, in Baker City, Baker all the business men of that city, the vor with the reform party for his own gon, and are in jail here waiting for the proper papers to be made Idaho, and feel a deep interest in the It is rumored here -that General A, County,-Oregon, all the right, title, interest principal object being to get an ex­ particular benefit. His characteris­ out to take them back to Oregon. estate o f the said ¡mestate at the time success and prosperity of our Demo­ W. Campbell, one of the most prom­ o and tics are pretty well set forth in the. f his dèa h, and all the right, title and in­ pression of the sentiments of the S t . P a u l , Sept. 8.— A dispatch terest that the said Estate has, by opera­ inent lawyers of Tennessee, has been cratic friends there, politically; and people with reference to the action following picture, as painted by the from- Bismarck says; A party of retained at a fee of $30,000 to d< fend tion o f law or otherwise, acquired other than or in addition to tliat o f the said in­ situated as we are just across the of the Legislature upon this import­ Worcester Gazette, the journal above fifty men will leave Bismarck in certain parties in an expected trial, testate, at thé time o f his death, in and to line, and they having no Democratic referred to: about thirty days for the Black, Hills in the event they are arrested. all that lot, piece or parcel o f land lying ant subject. being situate in Pioneer Mining Dis­ paper in the Territory, we Lope to * Nobody can crush Butler down The party will be composed < f ex­ General Campbell has been heard ro and trict, Baker County, Oregon, on unsurvey­ There is going to be an effort made permanently. Nobody can keep him perienced miners and hunters who remark that there are two sides to ed lands, and described as follows, to wit: be excused if we have a little to say to have the State assume the pay­ out of Massachusetts politics as long not onlyknow the color of gold and the question, and that when the facts An undivided one third interest in and to in aid and support of the Democra­ parcel N o. 1, o f Mineral Placer Claim No. ment of the interest on ¡$1,000,000 of as he remains in the United States; the habits of Indians, but arc sharp are known, husbands, fathers and 50; and also an undivided one third inter­ cy in Idaho. And here we would est in and to parcel N o, 2, o f Mineral Pla­ the railroad company’s bonds. This, and, even in Vienna or St. Peters, enough to evade the military, and brothers, throughout the country, cer No. 50, for which application has say to our friends there we will take who, once in the hills, can live as North and ¡South, whose blood would been Claim burg, he could only be prevented made to the United States for a Pat­ it is thought, will be sufficient to from interfering by stopping the red men live, and, consequently,' curdled at the thought of their wives, ent by said intestate, James Tollm an and it as a great favor if they will call enable the Company to make begin­ mails and cutting the ocean cable.—• will not bother themselves with daughters and sister being held and Alexander W in nig and Michael Monte. on us when they have anything of Dated September 10,1874, ning and to show the people who are At the same time his influence is supplies to any great extent. coerced to the embrace of the black, ,, PETER BASCHE, importance to lay before the public. nl9n23 Administrator. N e w Y o r k , Sept. 7 . —The answer lustful brutes, will regret this sheet to be benefited are willing to lend now and always has been exaggerat. They will find the D e m o c r a t ready ed; and, while he is never to be d e--> iron thunder which they imagine the of Beecher to the complaint of Til­ their assistance. ra r spised as a weak cnernv, we believe ton was received to day by Beecher’s occasion has justified. and willing to help them in their We are satisfied that the members it unwise to let fear of possibilities attorneys, and was at once served on coming fight with the common ene- N ew Y ork September 9 .— Charles of the Legislature from this county modify all political measures. At plaintiff, together with notice of the Disner was arrested last night for ,my. Ouy list of subscribers iu will favor such a bill, providing, up­ present Butler is under a cloud. It trial at the term of Court beginning- selling his daughter, aged 13 years, J. HI. P A R K E R , Southern Idaho is now large, but to WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN on examination, the find it is in ac­ is his nature and his temperament, on the third Monday in Septmber. to Peter Halleck, keeper of a disre­ increase it we will send the D e m o ­ not to speak of his general course,to Defendant answers to the complaint putable house. Halleck was arrest- c r a t from now until after the elec­ cordance with the Constitution of the be constantly placing himself under first, that each and every allegation en while taking the girl to his house. adverse influences. If he is left in said cqmpiaint contained—except Disner is said to have disposed of M a ils S tr e e t, B a k e r C it y , O r e g o n . tion in November for fifty cents for State, alone, there can be no doubt he will that plaintiff and Miss Elizabeth two other daughters in the same The sentiments of the people of single subscribers; c ubs of ten for E K E E P S C O N S T A N T L Y ON continue to prove his own worst Richards were married Oct. 2, 1855 way. hand a full assortment o f all articles in four dollars, and clubs of twenty, this county ore in favor of the buil­ enemy. and lived together as husband and S a n D i e g o , Sept. 9,—The Union’s ins line, such as ding of the railroad, and they, no wife up to 1874—is utterly false. seven dollars—money in. all cases to At an adjourned meeting of the Second, that défendent never had at correspondent from Ures, Sonora. August 16th, has the following: Miner’s Hydraulic Pipe, Noz­ accompany order. Let the Demo­ doubt, will do all within their power Board of Trade, of Portland, held at any time or at any place, unchaste More Apaches, more killing, wound­ to help the enterprise along to a suc­ crats of evei*y precinct in Southern zles, Butts and Tin Ware. the Merchants Exchange, Ankeny’s or improper relation with the wife of ing, robbing and plundering than at completion.” Idaho make up a club of ten or twen­ cessful ----. ----- ;---------- ---------------- ----------- _ plaintiff, never attempted or sought any time for a year. On the 10th building, the committee on the P. Also, Every Pattern and Style of to have .any such relations. T h e C. B. T. Co.—The Mountain­ ty* _________ inst some Apaches attacked and D. & S. L. R. R. made the following S T O V E S. W a s h in g t o n , September 8 .— Since killed three men who were gather­ eer say. "The many friends of the y h e R a ilw a y S u b s id y . report: The Celebrated B uck’s Patent Cooking, the declaration of General Sheridan ing acorns near La Casta. The Columbia River Transportation Co. and tlie Onward Parlor Stove are kept on The committee apppointed to con­ Prefect sent a hundred men in pur­ that no one be allowed to visit the ■The Oregonian, in speaking of the will be pleased to learn that the sider the expediency and practibili- hand, together with all other styles. Black Hills region without authority suit who found the bodies of two Portland, Dalles & Salt Lake Bail- contract between Mr. Z. E. Moody ty of granting additional State aid to from the Interior Department, that of the victims. The band numbered ¿‘O B O JEL road, says: and the O. S. N. Co., in relation to assist in the construction of the Department has been in receipt of a 30 Indians. The trail was followed Done upon short Notice, and- at reasonable “ A call is published for a meeting carrying the U. S. Mail between this Portland, Dalles & S. L. R. R. beg large number of letters asking per­ to near the frontier. It is believed Prices. to report as follows: J. H. PARKER. to be held next Saturday evening for place and Portland, has been decid- . That "the one thing needful” to mission to go there. Acting Secreta­ the Indians are from the Arizona ry of the Interior Cowan has written Reservation. From Montezuma, on the purpose of expressing the sense ed ill favor of Mr. Moody. This in­ lift this State out of its present con­ a reply to Governor Pennington, of the lltb , reports are continued of J a s . L i . .K lo o n t z , of the people of this county on the sures to the people competition on dition of stagnation is a large increase Dakota, which is furnished for pub­ depredations by Apaches. The Gov­ lication as a reply to all similar ernor sent Jesus Cocsianto with 100 gubjoct of ajd by the Legislature to the Columbia River for at least four of its population. That without this increase, busi­ communications, in which he cites ljien of the National Guard after the Portland, .and Salt Lake years, by which time we expect to ness of all kinds will continue iu -a C o r n e r o f F ir s t a n d G S t e e t s , thé provisions of the treaty of April, them; the result is not yet known. railway enterprise. There ought to see the Portland, Dalles and Salt depressed condition, the establish­ 1868, with the sioux, by which the The tolice Commisson of Opor says U m a tilla ? O r e g o n . be a good turn out. The members Lake Railroad complete! and in suc­ ment of manufactories will be im­ Black Hills country was guaranteed a band of Apaches passed by La practicable and the burden of taxes to them, the boundaries of which are Cruz De Canodas with a large num­ A ll Freights and charges paid and advan­ of the Legislature,- to be representa­ cessful running order. will bear heavily ou the lew for as follows: Commencing on the ber of stolen animals. The same ces made on Com m ission. I have a Stone We believe it is the intention of many years to come. tives of the people, should be infor­ Warehouso for Storeage of Goods. east bank of the Missouri River Mark goods, Care J. JH. K .,U . th« Company to bring the steamer * That the construction of a railway vyhere the 46th parallel of north lat- reports from Pivepa and Noche med of the wishes of the people. Buena. Lieut. Ferguason, who was |Ì£Ìrrock jlk m ü irra t. J  S « vv« GOLD AD SILVER BARS, XCHANG r N ew ^ a W ertisehents ... iff. Tin ami Sleet-Iron Ware, H ’ ‘'U ^ r JES. Forwarding & Commission n u t , Um atilla, A u g. 5, 1874.nl3n24.