ggiaw BEDROCK DEMOCRAT, P U B L IS H E D EVERY W EDNESDAY, BY J . M. S H E P H E R D . OFFICE IN THE BEDRO CK DEMOCRAT B IJ H D IS G . T erm s B e i n o Six Months,............................................. ... 50 from all portions of Eastern Oregon is solicited for the D e m o c r a t . All communications, to receive attention must be accompanied by a responsible name! [ Personal communications will be cliai'Ked as special advertisements. VOL. 5. S. M. PETTEN G IEE «fcCO., 10 State 6trf®b % sto.n’ 37 Park Row, New York, *uid 7ul Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, are our Agents for procuring advertisements ; for the B e d k v . c k D e m o c r a t , in the above cities, anti are authorised to contract for advertising t our lowest rates. naif JOB BAKER CITY, BAKER COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 16, 1874. *• A t w o o d L , M. D. Terms cash, or no patronage solicited. Office one door north of City Drug Store. n23| b a k e r c it y , O r e g o n . [tf IN e w IDrug S tore. e s t a b l is h e d W ould respectfully inform the public that they have recently received a­ lected and fresh Stock of T P R O F E S S I O N A L CARDS. L. O. STERNS, T. C. H YDE, P u b l ic . S te r n s & ECvcle, A ttorneys and Counselors At-Caw, B A K E R CITY, OREGON, i L. O. S t e r n s will attend the Courts of the Fifth Judicial District, and of Idaho and : Washington Territories, i Water Bights and Mining Litigation a S p e c ia l t y . I Collections promptly attended to. | June 18, 1873.nCy V I ANDREW J. LAW TiLU 'F, WATCHMAKER AND JE vYELER, BAKER CITY, OREGON, Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Perfumeries, Patent Medicines, H . J. GiiER, Proprietor. Soaps, "Wines, h e e n d e k s io x e d w o u l d Brandies, respectfully call the attention of Whiskies and FARMERS and FRUIT GEO VVERS Cordials, my extensive and varied assortment of both useful and ornamental, for which I will sell low for “ MONISH.” SEND FOB CATALOGUE. Address, H. J. GEER, Cove, Union County, n!71y Oregon* D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, m O H O T E T & »DU D, M l Trees aM SM eery, BUSINESS NOTICES (Graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons New York and of the Medical De­ partment of the Willamette University)) Opposite Odd Fellows’ Hail, Main Street, We are now prepared to do all kinds of J OB W OEK on short notice and at reasona­ ble rates. IS. B.—All Job Work MUST BE PAID FOB ON DELIVERY. For Medicinal purposes. Fam ily Medi­ cines carefully prepared. Prescrip­ tions accurately compounded, at all hours o f the Gay or n8 night. Give us a call. tf R A IL R O A D H O U S E . Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS I JEWELRY and is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line of business. Waltham and Elgin Watches at Factory b 31 Prioes [tf. LIVERY iie P r o p r ie t o r s r e s p e c t fu lly T inform the Public that they have pur- Cniised the Baser City Hotei, auG have fitted i t up as a First C lass Motel, where they will be found at all times ready to attend to the wants of the H u n g ry a n d W eary, In a manner that will give satisfaction. The Table will be supplied with the best the MARKET WILL AFFORD. Give us a call, and then you can judge of our ability and capacity to please our custo­ mers. n51tf CLEMENT & SICORD. S T A B L E MESSRS, KILBLRN & PERKINS T> esp e ctfu lly In fo r m tlie Cit- JLL izens of Baker City and County, and the Public generally, that they have pur­ chased the X ji'^ 7 - 0 2 r * 3 r CLEMENT & SICORD, Proprietors, Baker City, Oregon. IN BAKER CITY IN 1867, Keeps constantly on hand a well assorted S S ts & lo I S .© Formerly kept by John Eppinger, and that they are prepared to furnish customers with the best of Single or Double Turn-outs, Either night or day, with or without drivers, at the very lowest rates. First c;ass Saddle Horses oil hand. Horses boarded and the best of care bestowed. We keep nothing but the best of Stock and Buggies. Our stable is at the upper end of Main Street, Baker City, Oregon. Come and see us, Everybody, and we will do cur best to please you. KlLBURN & PERKINS. February 10, 1874.-n40tf L I V E R Y S T A B L E "W e ste rn H o t e l. GRIER & KELLOGG Attomey-atrLaw, MAIN STREET,......................................BAKER CITY. Having completed their New Stable, have now the finest and best regulated R A K E R C IT Y , OREGON. R EID & FLETCHER, Prop’r. T T R L p r a c t ic e in a l l c o u r t s VV of the State. Baker City, Sopt. 1, 1873. n!7y. I. D. HAINES, ' AND C O U N SE L O R AT Law, Balter city, Oregon. [n ltf A TTORNEY J. M. S H E P H E R D , Y A tto rn ev-at-L aw , B A K E R CITY, OREGON. V. KNOX, Attorney at Law, (And Notary Public,) WESTON, OREGON. Will practice in the Courts o f this State and Washington Torrit rv. PECIAL A TTENTION PAID TO LAND Business, and Collections. nl3tf S J O S E P H H. S H I N N , Notary Public AND C o n v e y a n c e r , Will attend to Conveyancing and making ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Baker City, Sopt. 11,1872. n!8tf Livery Stable r n HIS HOUSE has been enlarged and re- JL fitted, and is now the best Hotel on the Umatilla and Idaho stage route. Stages leave this House for above and be­ low*, and also for Clark’s Creek Eldorado, Gem City and Sparta. Connected with the Hotel will bo found a first class NOTARY STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD. Baker City, Nov. 13, 1872. n!3tf S. A. GAINES. Ofllce with John Brattain, Three Doors South o f B e d r o c k D e m c r a t office, on side of the Street. Baker City, Sept. 3, 1873.ul7m4 T . NT. S n o w , M . E>. Physician and Surgeon, B A K E R CITY, OREGON. O f f ic e — In the new Building im m ediate­ ly South o f the Western Hotel. MEDICAL E X A M IN E R For the New Y ork Life Insurance Co nloif Mrs. R. C. Shepherd IS AGENT FOR GrcYer. & Baler’s Sewing Machines. Baker City, Dec. 1, 1872.n30tf R. M’ INTOSH. speotfully offers his services to the Public In the capacity of A, JOINER AND o---- o S l a c k s m itlis . N. B.—Those indebted to either the Hotel or Saloon are requested to appear at the Captain’s office and settle. no5v3tf. AND Manufacturers of B ulks & la p is . l i A R E G E T T L \ w O U R T I M t iE R Bohna & M c C o r d ’s direct from St. Louis, Mo., and none W but the very best is Purchased, we are there­ fore prepared to Warrant all our work. We are now fully prepared to complete any S A L O O N , Duggies or Wagons AT THE OLD StAND OF Bamberger & Frank, B A K E R C IT Y , O R E G O N . o lm a «& M c C o n l R e s p e c t f u l­ B ly inform the Citizens of Baker City and the Public generally, that they ha\ a. opened a Now S A L O O N , On short notice, and we can say we have the Very Rest of Workmen in our employ. Every one wanting a Fuggy or Wagon will save time and money by giving us a call and examining our work for tneinseives. ;s l3 .< o > © ± :o .§ s . Special attention is paid-to Horse Shoeing. All repair work done on short notice. We are thankful for past Patronage, and still solicit a continuance. GAINES & BOWMAN. Baker City, March 11, 1874.-n44tf W in e s , X iiq u ors a n d C ig a r s. T 31 a c k s m ith in o - A ls o A NT) W AGON B illia r d T a b le s To be found in the City. “ Fred” and "B ob” will be pleased at ah times to have their friends give them a call. They have re-opened the bakery in con­ nection with their Saloon, and are prepared to till all orders in this line, at short notice, and at prices to suit the times. The Bakery is under the care of Mr. ILElt. BOHNA & McCORD. Baker City, Feb. 10, 1874. n40tf COSMOPOLITAN SALOON. respectfully inform the Public that W he has opened the ILLIA1I CONSTABLE WOULD I T E S C K IF T I O lS r Of Work in Wood neatly and promptly done. I" Baker City, Jan. l,'1873tf. BAKER CITY MARKET. B A. I t BAKER CITY MARKER, Where, at all times, he will he prepared to furnish big cqstoiners with the BEST OF MEAT, Of all kinds, at most reasonable prices. Saber City, April 11, 1874, Head of Main Street, Is supplied with the very best o f every thing in his line, at B IT Lachner P r o p r ie t o r s On tlfe East side of Powder River, April 29,1874, Y n5b J J P J S M ’ C O R M I C K , Importer and Dealer In N E W SP A P E R S, FRANKLIN BOOK-STORE AND SANTA CLAUS’ U » t t , PARTIES KNOWING THEM- A ^ e l v e s indebted to J. H PARKER, the Tinshop man, are requested to call at once and settle their-accounts with GASH or by Note, AND SAVE COST.^ PARSER, Baker Oi*y, Sep*. 3,1873.pl7*f Brick Building, 105 Front street, Portland, n!7 Oregon. J. R. [tf CARDWELL, D e n tis t ENTAL ROOMS, No. 89, First street, Portland, Oregon. The late and im­ D proved styles of work at reduced rates. Ni­ trous oxide for the painless extraction of W. „ BAKER CITY, OREGON. A OREGON. PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. teeth. of th e B A K E R CITY BREWERY, P CITY, I will do as good work, at as reasonable Prices, as any other Shop in tiie Country. S. B. McCORD, Baker City, Feb. 10, 187l.n40tf DR. A Drink. He has a Fine Billiard Table for the use o f his customers. Baker City, Dee. 17, 1873. n32tf K !a s t n e r BAKER Headquarters, Fire-proof R e sp e c tfu lly informs tiie citizens of Baker City that bas re*opened the I Books, Stationary, Toys, Music Aui C o sm o p o lita n S a lo o n , Corner o f Front Street and Court Avenue, opposite Virtue’s Bank, where he will be pleased to see and wait upon his friends and the Public generally. His I E M A K IN G , . si A l l t h e V a r i o u s B r a n c h e s carried on by the Undersigned, at his bnop, at the B A K E R Y .