Bedrock democrat. (Baker City, Baker County, Or.) 1870-188?, September 09, 1874, Image 4

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    Receipts for m aking Dr. Sage's Ca­
tarrh Remedy and Dr. Dierce's
Golden Medical Discovery.
as my Discovery, in ever so large
Mining Notice No. 79.
doses, produces no such effect.—
is h e r e b y g iv e n t h a t
Others, located in different cities and J 3 I rotice
in pursuance o f tiie Aci o f Congress,
engaged in advertising for sale bogus approved May 10, 1872, to promote the devel­
Something over a year since, a pe­ receipts for making my medicines, opment o f tlie Mining resources ot the Uni­
riodical issued in Berlin, Prussia, send those that bite at their bait oth­ ted .States, James Lynn and Thomas Cioonan
Twen j-fo u r and 91-100 (21-91)
and laying claims to a scientific er and various ridiculous formulae. claiming
acies of Placer mining ground, lying and be­
character, published what was rep­ One sent out by a villaiuous knave, ing situated within the ¡Shasta Mining Dis­
resented as being the formulae or re­ located in Chicago, gives -the chief trict, county o f Baker, ¡State o f Oregon, have
ceipts for making Dr. Sage’s Catarrh ingredient of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh made application to the United ¡States for a
Patent for the said mining ground, which is
Remedy and Dr. Pierce’s Golden Remedy as being Blue Vitriol, which m
ore fully described as to metes and bounds
Medical Discovery.
The people is only equaled in absurdity by an­ by the official plat herewith posted, and by
were left to infer that thesehaa.been other issued by parties in Philadel­ the Field notes of survey thereof, now filed
deducted from a careful chemical phia who say that the ingredients in the office o f the Register o f the district of
lands subject to sale at La Grande, Union
- analysis of the medicines, which are composing Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Rem­ county,
Oregon, which field notes o f survey
rapidly growing in popular favor in edy are “ burnt Alum, white Vitriol, describe the boundaries and extent ot said
that as well as io this and most oth­ Sugar of Lead, and Prussiate of claim and' mining ground, with magnetic
er civilized.countries. The receipts Iron,” and tsdt my Golden Medical variations at 20m.35s. east)as follows, to-wit:
at a mound and post marked
were evidently invented by those Discovery is “ simply Syrup and Commencing
‘ ‘J. L. & C. 1.” - from which the section cor­
jealous of the reputation and large tincture of Ginger.” In refutation ners 31, 32, 5 and 6, in townships 13 and 14,
gale which these medicines are rap­ of all the various and ridiculous b o ­ south range 41 E, bears ¡8 53d. 3 m. W 2:26
idly acquiring and who are pecunia­ gus receipts for making my medi chains, thence slödSO m . w. 17:23 chains,
and distauce on direct line-south 20d
rily interested in endeavoriug to cines that have ever been, or may course
30m w 19:00 chains, IN course and distance,
check their sale.
So ridiculously hereafter be published aud circulat­ thence running-let—u 61d30m w 293 chains
preposterous are those receipts that ed, I would say that I have, in deal to post marked J L & C 2: 2d—n 40dl5m e
medicines compounded alter them ing with the people, ever been gov­ 15:50 chains, post J L & C 3: 2d—n 52do0m
w 2:00 chains, post J JL & C 4 : 4;h - n 30th
could never have gained any reputa­ erned by the maxim that, “ honesty 30m
e 24:40 chains post J L A C 5: 5tji—n
tion or sale in any country, for they is the best policy;” and that, “ Suc­ 6d w 5:67 chains post J L & C 6: 6th—n 24d
would be so caustic, poisonous, im­ cess makes success;” for it-is because w 7:0(3* chains, post J L A O 7:. 7 th—n 21d
mediately and positively injurious, some sufferer has obtained relief aud 45m w 15:90 chains, post J L <fc C 8: 8th— n
l i d 30m e 2:48 chains, post J L & C 9: 9th—
as in every case to be promptly con­ cure, that the sufferer has sent an­ s,S0dl5m
e 3:09 chains, post J L & C 10: 10th
demned by the people on the first other to me; and it is because thous­ —s 24cl50nj e 21:20 chains, post J L & C 11:
trial as miserable, dangerous and ands have been cured that, they have 11th—s ISdOOm e2:58 chains, post J L & C
wicked humbugs. Whereas, it is a recommended me and my superior 12; 12— 8 40uOOm e Io:-i0 chains, post-J L &
C 13; 13—s 14d45ln w &:26 chains, post J L
well known fact that all my medi­ remedies to other thousands of suf­ &
C 14: lrtli—s 30015m e 12:00 chains, post
cines enjoy the reputation, honestly ferers. In this way I am constantly J L & C 15: 15th—s 31d00m w 15:00 chains,
earned, of being not only efficacious, making living advertisements for place o f beginning—the said m ining claim
but perfectly mild,
pleasant and myself and medicines. It, is a com“ being o f record in the office "of the Recorder
o f Mining Claims at Baker City, Baker coun­
harmless in effects.
Notwithstand mon thing to hear people say that ty,
State o f Oregon. The presumed general
ing, however, that the bogus receipts plenty of advertising will make a course or direction o f said claim being shown
were so ridiculously preposterous as success out of anything,, whether it upon the Plat above setforth, this plat being
Nothing .24:91 acres, together with the surface ground
scarcely to have been believed by has any merit or not.
upon the official Plat posted .herewith;
the most unscientific, thoughtless could be farther from the truth. It shown
the said'claim being designated as L ot h o.
and unsuspecting people,yet strange is with this delusive, idea actuating 79, iu Mineral District No'. 4, in the official
and incredible as it-may seem, a pa­ them that thousands have rushed Plat posted herewith. Any and all poisons
per of high scientific pretensions, headlong into advertising, only to cleaning adversely the m ining grounds or
any portion thereof, as described, surveyed,
published in this country, ' copied fcr.d themselves bankrupt in a littie plated
and applied for, are hereby notified
the fictitious receipts from the Ger­ while. Not more than one in five that unless their adverse claims are duly, filed
man paper.
This they evidently hundred, who engages in advertis­ according to law aud the regulations there­
did without a moment’s reflection, ing medicines, ever makes a finan­ under, within sixty days fi cm the date hereof,
for that much consideration, given cial success out of the undertaking, with the Kegister o f the U. S. Land Cilice, at
La Grande, in Union county, State of Oregon,
by on intelligent mind, to the re­ for the reason that a medicine to be they will be barred in virtue of the provis­
ceipts and the properties and effects successful, must possess unusual ions o f sa d statute.
Dated on the ground, this Oth day of Au­
of the mixtures that would result and extraordinary merit,. It is not
from such a compounding of well enough that it should be a remedy gust, 1874.
known caustic and poisonous chemi­ of fair efficacy; it must possess su­
cals and drugs would have condemn­ perior and wonderful remedial prop­
James W. Dugdale.
ed them as bogus fabrications, and erties, for if it does not, those who
the pretentious polishers of the pa­ use it with the most sanguine expec­
They will
per that originally inserted them, as tations will condemn it,.
mark _
either knaves or fools. On my at­ expect much of it, and it must be U. S. L and O ffice , at L a G bande ,"O regon ,
August 12th. 1874.
tention being called to tire matter, equal to the test, or it will prove
I hereby certify that ¡he foregoing is a cor­
in order that some thoughtless and ruinous to the proprietor. For, al­ rect
copy o f the original notige now oil file in
over credulous people might not be though a great display of advertis. this’ office, and I order it published .in the
deceived and misled by seeing such ing will, many times, create a con- B edrock D emocrat , at Baker City, Baker
an announcement in a paper lading siderable*immediate demand for.the county, Oregon, for CO days.
claims to a scientific character, as article adverlised, yet if 'that article
well as to clear myself of the impu­
tation of being guilty of perpetrat­ mand will be only temporary; the
P i ’o c 1 a m a t i o i t . ■
ing a wicked fraud upon the people, fraud be detected, and the reaction
as such announcement, if uncontia- will upset the proprietor and alibis
Y V the Legislative Assembly of the State
dicted, would imply, I, as proprietor
o f Oregon, entitled “ An A ct to Protect Liti­
and manufacturer of the aforesaid able to recover the /¿mount of money gants,” Approved October 24, 1870, the B ed -
celebrated medicines, went before a already expended. With this view hock D emocrat , a newspaper published at
magistrate and made oatli to the fact of the subject, I have felt warranted Baker City, Baker County, Oregon, has been
designated to publish the Legal and Judicial
that the said receipts were utterly in contracting for hundreds of thou­ Advertisements
foi the counties of Baker and
false. My affidavit was sent to the sands of dollars worth of advertising Grant, in Oregon; and whereas, the Propri­
publishers of the paper into which in the newspapers of this and other etor o f said B edrock D emocrat h as,tiled,
the bogus receipts had been copied, countries, feeling perfectly assured with the County Clerks o f said Counties
stipulations accepting the conditions
and in a subsequent issue an editor­ that the merits of my-remedies were o written
f said Act, together with Bonds, approved
ial notice was given of my denial.— so great, as to insuie a financial suc­ as the law directs, with proper returns and
But, notwithstanding such correct­ cess out of'sueh a bold undertaking. notices thereof to this office, according to law.
NO^V, Therefore, the B edrock D emocrat
ion and denial, made under oath, And’in this I have not been disap
certain individuals, who lounge j pointed, for my sales have increased is hereby proclaimed to bo appointed and
confirmed as the medium through'which all
around and infest our large cities, steadily year after year, until they Legal and Judicial advertisements .for the
gaining a livelihood by perpetrating will this year largely exceed half a counties o f Baker and Grant s^all bo pub
all kinds of catch penny frauds upon million dollars worth of my medi­ lislied, for the period authorized by law;
Done at the City ot Salem, this 27th day
the credulous, were thereby given cines. This grand success, I am
FeoJuary, A. D. 1873.
the hint that, as my medicines were certain, could never have been at­
[ state seal , j
universally popular, i y advertising tained had the medicines not poss­
for sale bogus receipts for making essed superior and wonderful mer­ Attest:
S. F. C hadwick ,
them, they could get lots of ignor­ its.
Secretary o f State.
ant people to bite at their bait. One
The Toledo Blade, in an editorial
Frank M. Reed, of 139 Eighth St., article, has truly su’ d, alluding to
N. Y., who publishes ‘Love and my business, that, “ great success is
S H e r e b y g iv e » t h a t stay w ife
Courtship cards,’ a ‘ Fortune Teller never achieved without merit. An
Jane ha«loft my board, and taken,
and Dream Book,’ ‘ The Mysteries of article that holds the field year after my Martha
bed with her (for aeeoinmodationj, wTh­
Love Making,’ ‘ How to Woo and vear, and the sales of which increase ou t just cause or provocation, therefore all
how to Win,’ and various other regularly and rapidly, must have persons are forbidden to harbor or credit her
on my account as I will not pay debts o f her
swindles, sends his dupes the follow­ absolute merit.”
ing in exchange for their stamps.—
The article continues: “ Dr. R. V. contracting, I have paid enough o f the fam i­
ly debts already.
It is copied from the papers alluded Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., occupies
- to and is as follows: “ For Dr. Sage’s our entire eighth page to day with
Bal e county. Aug. 15. 1874 n!5nl8
Catarrh Remedy, take eight grains ins various articles.- We admit it
Carbolic Acid, seven grains of Cam because we know tue Doctor, and
phor, and two and a half grains of know of Lis articles. We know him
common Salt, the whole to be color
to be a regularly eduacated physi
ed with a little Prussian blue.” This cian, whose diploma hangs on the
makes a powerful caustic mixture as wall pf bis office, ami we knew ti at
unlike Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy he l:as associated with him -seven, 1
(which is perfectly unirritating, of the most eminent pructioneers iu
mild, soothing and pleasant) ¡.s light thecountry. Wc know that paities
is froirrtlarkness. As “ burnt child consult him, by mail and in person
dreads the fire,” if qny have been so from all the Statea in the Union ev­
foolish as to have burned their noses ery day, an 1 ihat- they are fairly
sore with this caustic compound, and honestly-dealt with. We know
thinking they were using the same that his medicines are sold in enor-
as Dr. Sage’s celebrated Catarrh maus qua L i i< s- in evt rv State in the
Remedy, they will, it is to be hoped, Union, und very largely in many for­
profit by the lesson thereby taught eign countries.
them and not be so ready next time
“ This grand result has been ac-
to bite Jt every catch penny adver­ eompiishad by two agencies—good
tising dodge that swindlers may o f­ reliable articles—articles which,
Mo P e r s o n c a n ta lie th e s e B itte r s - ac­
fer them. For Dr. Pierce’s Golden once introduced, work easily, ti B l­ cording to directions, and remain long unwell,
their bones arc not destroyed by mine­
Medical Discovery the bogus receipt own way—and splendid business provided
ral poison or other means, and vital organs
reads: “ Take four d rachms purified management. They have suecee- wasted beyond the point- of repair
Honey, fifteen grains extract poisou- because
to have succeed- Pain
„ D y s p tlv/Y
e p s ia o -1 r ore I n Firm
d ig o e r lia
s t i Tio-iitnoco
o n , Headache,
° OMgilt
Pain in
in tlie Qonnl
Shoulders, Coughs,
Tightness of
of tbo
ous Lettucs, thirty grains of Opium,
Ciiest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Sto-
three and a fourth ounces dilute
In conclusion,. I cannot offer a -mach, Cad Taste iu the Mouth, Bilious Attacks,
Palpitation of the neart, Inflammation of the
Spirits, three dunces o f water. Mix.’ better refutation of the slanderous Lungs,
Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and
Of this ridiculous bogus formula I reports published concerning d iv a hundred other painful symptoms, are the off­
will say, as I did under oath, “ Hot medicines, than to cull attention to springs of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a
guarantee of its merits than a lengthy
oue of the medicinal poisonous in­ the testimonials on file in my office, better
F o r F e m a le C o m p la in ts , in young or old,
gredients therein given enters into which are open to the iusp fotion of
or single, at the dawn of womanhood,
the composition of my Golden Med­ t he public. They are from; all parts married
or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so
ical Discovery.” And futherraore, I of the world, and express the grati­ decided an influence that improvement is soon
will say that I defy all the chemists tude of thousands that have be* n perceptible.
F o r I n fla m m a to r y
C h ro n ic
in the world to ascertain, by cbemi afflicted with Chronic Catarrh, L in­ R h e u m a t is m and Gout, Bilious, Remittent
cal analysis, the composition ox any gering Coughs, various Blood Dis­
Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have
of my Family Medicines, as they eases, affecting the skin, flesh aud no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated
cannot be analyzed so as to determ­ bones, severe diseases peculiar to Blood.
r c a g e n t le P u r g a t iv e as w e l l
ine their ingredients, many of which Females, and many other f o i ms o f as T a h T e y o n a ic
, possessing the nierit of acting as
are new in medicine and, like nearly obstinate diseases, and have been a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or In­
of the Liver and Visceral Organs,
all vegetable extracts, there are r.o cured by the use of my Family Med­ flammation
and in Bilious Diseases.
known regeants or chemical tests by icines, after suffering for years and
F o r S k in D ise a se s, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt
Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules,
which their presence can be deter­ being pronounced incurable by era
Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worms,' Scald-Head,
mined. If any further proof is want­ inent physicians.
Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolora­
ed to satisfy any person that the re­
tions of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the
B.' V. PIERCE, M. D.,
of whatever name or nature, are liter­
ceipt-given above is utterly false let P roprietor of D r . P i luce ’ s F a m il y ally dug
up and carried out of the sys
that person have the mixture, as
M e d ic in e s -
tem in a short time by the use of these Bitters
G r a te fu l T h o u s a n d s proclaim V inegav
given, compounded and, not only
W orld ’ s D isp e n sa r y , Buffalo.
B itters the most wonderful Invigorant that
will it be seen to be entirely unlike
ever sustained the sinking system.
R . M . IM c L O A 'A E r &. C O .
-my Discovei-y in appearance, but if
Our corn came up this year t' e
and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal.,
a farther test is wanted, by taking a same day it was planted.-" Anobody*.. Druggists
& cor. of Washington and Charlton fits. N Y
dose of it, it will be found to pro­ will if the hens are allowed iu the \ SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS & DEALERS.
duce drowsiness and stupor, where­ field.
August 19, 1874. nl51y
Q uick C ures
and M oderate
DR, f . K. M E D I ill C A L
623, Kearney St.,
No. 519, Sacramento Street,
Corner Commercial street,
Corner o f Leidesdorff Street, ) a few doois
below What Cheer House,) _
Private Entrance on Leidesdorff Stie< ' ,
Established expressly to afford the Afflicted
sound and ¡Scientific Medical Aid, m
the treatment and cure ot all
private and chronic Disea­
ses, Cases o f feecresy,
and all Sexual D is­
San Francisco*
D R . W K. D O H ERTY returns his sin­
cere thanks to bis numerous patients fof
their patronage, and would take this oppor­
tunity to rem ind them that he continues to
consult at his Institute for the cure oi Dis­
eases o f the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Diges­
tive and Genito-Urkiary Organs, and ail
private diseases, v iz : Syphilis in all ms*
forms and stages, Seminal Weakness and all
the horrid consequences of self-abuse, gon-
orrhea, gleet, strictures, nocturnal and di­
urnal emissions, sexual debility, diseases ot
the back and loins, inflammation o f the
bladder and kidneys, etc.; and he hopes that
his long experience and successful prac­
tice; will continue to insure him a share of
public patronage. By the practice oi many
years in Europe and the United States, lie is apply the most efficient and suc­
cessful remedies against diseases o f all kinds.
He cures no mercury, charges moderate,
treats his patients in a correct and honorable
4.*.*.*. pcü-
consulting h im , by letter or otherwise, will
receive the best and gentlest treatment and
im plict secrecy.
To Females.
When a female is in trouble, or afflicted
with disease, as weakness o f the hack and
limb's, pain iu the head, dimness o f sight,
loss o f muscular power, palpitation o f the
heart, irritability, nervousness, extreme uri­
nary difficulties,*derangement o f digestive
functions, general debility, vaginitis, all dis­
eases of the womb, hysteria, sterility, and
all other diseases peculiar to females, she
should go or write at once to the celebrated
female doctor, W. K. DOH ERTY, at his
m edical Institute, and consult him about her
troubles and disease. The Doctor is effect­
ing more cures-than.any other physician iff
the state o f California. Let no falso delica­
cy prevent you, but apply immediately and
save yourself from painful sufferings and
premature death. All married ladies, whose
delicate health or other circumstances pre­
vent an increase in their families, should
write or call at Dr. W. K. D O H E R TY ’s Medi­
cal Institute, and they wiil receive every pos­
ible relief and help.
The D octor’s offices
are so arranged that' he can be consulted
without fear o f observation.
To Correspondents.
Patients residing in any part o f the state,
however distant, who may desire the opinion
and advice of Dr. Doherty in {heir respective
cases, and who think proper to submit a
written statement o f such, in preference to
holding a pórsdnal interview, aie respect­
fully assured that their communications will
be held most sac-fed and confidential. Ê the
case bo fully and candidly described, person­
al com munication will be unnecessary, as in­
structions for diet,'regim en and the general
treatment o f the case itself (including the
remedies) will be forwarded without delay,
and in such a manner as to convey no idea of
t-lie purport o f the letter or parcel so trans­
DYp’ Gonsu! tatlon— By letter or otherwise
FR E E ; Permanent cure guaranteed or no
Dr. D O H E R TY has just published an im ­
portant phamplet, em bodying his own views
and experiences in relation to impotence or
Virility ; being a Short Treatise on Sperma-
torrliæa or Seminal Weakness, Nervous and
Physical Debility,, consequent-on this.affec­
tion, and other diseases of the sexual organs.
This little work contains information o f the
utmost-value to all, whether m airied or sin­
gle, and will be sent FREE, by mail, on re­
ceipt of six cents in postage stamps for re­
turn postage.-
Address, W. K. DOHERTY,
C harges ;
_ , ,,
, ■ .
-10K 4 for the treatment of
S S ,
a id ulcerated
legs successfully treated.
n u GIBBON has the pleasure o f annom
• D
returned from visiting the
cing tbathe bas
E uropc, and has re-
principal H osp iW ^ D i
£ sarVj m Kear-
SlUT r p e t * corner o f Commercial, where his
old patients and those requiring his services
mav find him.
¿ » M S I sop» r L " e“ ' i b S ! aud
hasTe^turned with increased facilities lor the
alleviation o f human suffering.
ilO K K I B I iJ l
D IS E A S E S !
How many thousands o f persons, both
male and female, are there who are su ffei-
iug out a miserable existence from the ef­
fects o f secret indulgence, or from virus ab
sorbed into the system. L ook a t then pal
lid, emaciated and discgured laces • and
their broken down constitutions, disquali
fying them for the happiness o f marriage or
the enjoym ent o f life. In this horrid situa­
tion thousands suffer until death closes the
scene* Let parents, guardians and friends
attend to those who are suit'd ing with any
ot these horrible, life-destroying maladies—
see that they are cared for and cured before
it is too late. Bend them immediately to
Dr, Gibbon, a physician who has made p ri­
vate diseases his * especial study for yeais,
and who is certain to cure the most invete­
rate cases without m ercury or any injurious
dru«-s. - It is important to those afflicted, or
those interested in the welfare of then*
friends, to be careful o f the many pretended
dootors who infest all cities, publishing then-
skill in curing all diseases in a few days, im ­
posing upon tlie public by using the names
o f eminent physicians from E urope and
other places. Be therefore careful and make
strict inquiry or you in fly fall into the hands
o f those charlatans.
S E M IN A L W E A K N E S S .
Seminal emission— the consequence o f
self abuse. This solitary vice, or depraved
sexual indulgence, is praticed by the youth
o f both sexes to an almost unlim ited extent,
producing with unerring certainty the fo l­
lowing tram o f m orbid symptoms, unless
combatted by scientific medical measures,
viz: Hallow countenance, dark spots _ under
the eyes, pains in the head, ringing in the
ears, noise like rustling o f leaves or rattling
o f chariots, uneasiness about theloins, weak­
ness o f the limbs, confused vision, blun ted
intellect, loss o f confidence in approaching
strangers, a dislike to form new acquaintan­
ces, a disposition to slum society, loss o.
memory, pimples and variou s' eruptions
about the face, hectic flushes, furred tongue,
foetid breath, night sweats, m onom ania and
frequently insanity. I f relief be not obtained,
should apply immediately either in person
or by letter" and have a cure effected by his
new7"and scientific mode o f treating this dis­
ease, which- never fails in effecting a quick
aud radical cure.
Persons at a distance may he CURED AT
H OM E by addressing a letter to Dr. Gibbon
stating case, symptoms, length o f time the
disease has continued, and have m edicine
prom ptly forwarded, free from damage and
curiosity, to any part o f the country, with
full and plain directions for use.
Persons writing to the D octor will please
state the name oi the paper they soo this ad­
vertisement in.
By inclosing Ten Dollars coin, in regis­
tered letter through . the Postoffice, or
through'YVells, Fargo & Co,, a package ot
m edicine will be forwarded to any part of
the Union.
All com m unications strictly confidential*
Address D R . J. F. GIBBON, 623 Kearny
street, San Francisco. Postoffice B ox 1 ,-
n lly r l
San Francisco Cal,
These Superb Instruments have achieved a
success unparalleled in the history of Piano-forte
They are remarkable for Great Volume,"Purity
and Sweetness of Tone, and Durability.
any $600 Piano sold through Agents, all
I o f T whom
p ro fit._ We have no agents, but ship direct
to families at Factory Price.
We make only one style, and have but one
Ninety Dollars
Net cash, with no discount to dealers or com ­
missions to teachers. Our lum ber is thor­
oughly seasoned. Our cases are
Every year increases the w "
larity o f this valuable Hair f ’
aration, which is due to
W e can
- ^ n°n
Ul r oh
nations that it is kept fully m-, , _
its high1 standard; and it is the o ° ! l
]y reliable and perfected prepai!'' ¡
tion for restoring G r a y or
H a i r to its youthful color,
it soft, lustrous, and silken. U
scalp, by its use, becomes white jJ ¿
clean. It removes all eruptions an] ^
dandruff, and, by its tonic pr0ner I
ties, prevents, the hair from falling §
out, as it stimulates and nourish^ I
the hair-glands.
By its use, the *
hair grows thicker and strong ■
In baldness, it restores the capillary
glands to their normal vigor,
will create a new growth, except i„
extreme old age. It is the in03l
economical H a i r - D r e s s in g eve i
usad, as it requires jfewer appha J
tions, and gives the hair a splendid j
glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes’ v
M.D., State Assayer o f Massaclmi
setts, says, “ Tlie constituents are i
pure, and carefully selected for ex.
cell exit quality; and I consider it
the B e s t P r e p a r a t i o n for its
intended purposes.”
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Mediohua
P r ic e O n e D ollar.
B u c k in g h a m ’s
f o r
t h e
D ye,
w h is k e r s
A s our Renewer in many cases
requires too long a time, and too
much care, to restore gray o r faded
W hiskers, we have prepared this j
dee, in one preparation, which will
quickly and effectually accom plish 1
this result. It is easily applied,
and produces a color which will
neither rub nor wash off. Sold by
a ll Druggists. Price Fifty Cents,
vimufactured by R. P. HALL & CO,,
N A S H U A , IT.II.
A y e r A ü & éA a rtá o P ilk
For li o re'it'i’
anil wm* .¡f -,;i
<K*¡‘¡¡¡1¿U , i ; c . j i , i
tiis sioma.ih, i;T.
C". ar,<t Envoi..
T hey an.- a i.kM
ami : a
. ex.-.TÜeU i-!:..--
■ t:VU. lSciini-:,:;-
1) vegst:.! U-.: •■■■<
contain t;n im.-ó |
. et'.ry or trine.
. V/h.Vi-.'vrr. Mufij
.•-.ovio;;.'* sickness ansi ruíTt'vltip; is prmmM by
their timeiy r. o; and every family film,It
have them un hand for-their protection sn I
relief, when required.- Long experience has
proved them to be the safest, surest, ami
best o f ai! the Dili.v with which the niarla-t
abounds. By théir occasional u>e, the blood
is purified, the corruptions of the system ex­
pelled, obstructions removed, and the n W i
machinery o f life restored to its-healthy activ­
ity. Internal organs which become dogger
and sluggish are cleansed by-Ayer's Tills,
and stimulated into action. Thus incipient
disease is changed into health, the value of
which change, when reckoned on iho rad
muliitiules who enjoy it, can hardir he cum­
pa ted. Their sugar-coating makes them
pleasant to lake, and preserves their virtues
u¡iimpaired for any length o f time,
thev are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable.
Although scorching, they are mild, and oper­
ate without disturbance io the constitution or
diet or occupation.
Full directions are given on the wrapper to
each iiox. haw to use them asa Family Physic,
and for file following complaints, which these
riff.-, rapidly cjurj*—
For D jM jiepiiit« or iR t llg e x tio n . lint*
IrsK iiv i«, l a n g u o r , and Losw o f .twjtr*
tit..', they should be taken moderately b>
stimulate the stomach, and restore its healthy
tone .".iv! action.
i or 3,ivi*r 4!oasj>?s*'nt and its var;..-;:-t
sy opioni:;, "ÍSUU hl * HS«*ad;¡i«-li<*. Mr It
5 5 Uo
J 'a n u d i c e or K r .'r a .'fifi«*
’ -.'•vi. SI í U cum G o i i r and
v e r s , tiicy should be judiciously taken r-.>v
each case, to correct the diseased action or
removí' the obstructions which cause if..
x ? - m t c r y or I H a r r it c e 8 ) but ono
. aid dos-- is gencynlly required.
h i'' S52x .»u*«?.at»«ii..*i, - G o u t , €2ravel,
r'-.aüiiiVirti.-í’ j
*5s<. 25c-¿trt.
s’ ss*;*. fr.-jsfir. and L o l a « , they shotu-i
y con-ii'.uóu-ly taken, as required, to chan?«
ue d; ea-ed b-iion o f the system. With such
■f inge liio-ui e.oniplainfs disappear.
lo r Lu>-
and B3 >ríS|i«jci5Í Swell*
f 'S '" . I hey chouid be taken in large and f re­
lucid .doses to produce the effect of a drastic
/E w
For d u’ -y-r.-'faTvji. a large d-.u e slionld lie
' ikon as it produces the-desired effect l-r
A-s a f)i-: re>■ DH!, take one or two VHff 1«
promote : gestión, and relieve the sfomach.
An occasional dose - tii' th.e .ston;:- li
mri bavcl*, re tores l!¡e appetite, ami inviy-u-
- live, •y.'teni. Hence it is often advan.t«-
' ni- wluy-r no seriens derangement oxb1'
tier who f'c ls tolerably, often finds la ,
ot those i'iila makes him fee! <ie* ;*;•
diy bet'c", from thrir clean- tug .and rene-
vrumg oc:- -t on the digestive .-.pparatus.
rur.i'A’-.Kp i:r
Dr. -J, C. AYER, -St CO., Practical Chemist?,
¿IAS#.*, r . s. a .
FOR P.ur-: it y Ann n ttn ooisfs uvrarwuEmt.
writh Rosewood—have Front round borners,
serpentine boLtem.and carved legs. We use
the full Iron Plate with over strung bass
BAKER CITY lflliE R l.
The Most Desirable Instruments in the market
. for church and parlor. Over 28,000 now in use.
H Y D E ,
agents ,
with top dampers, and our keys are o f the
best .Ivory, wita Ivory fronts. Our Piano
has Seven Octaves; is fi feet 9 inches long, 3
feet 4 inches wide, and weighs, boxed, 955
Every Piano is fully warranted for five
Send for an illustrated circular, in which
v e refer to over 500 Bankers, Merchants, &c.,
(somo of whom you mav know.) using our
Pianos in Forty-Four States and Territories.
_ QV" Please state where you seen this no­
„ „ ro
U - S . PIANO CO.,
865, Broadway, N. Y.
To Sheep Kaisers!!
Iraporiefi CoiswoW m
\ ior o
O , Head Thorough bred Cotswold Sheep
h e,y n,nl)0rted irom the best herds in Can­
ada. The above Sheep are Full Blooded
and as fine as any on the Coast.
There are Forty Bucks iii the lot.
The whole will be sold in lots to suit pur­
chasers, and at
r e a s o n a b l e p r ic e s ,
For particulars, enquire o f
Baker City, Ogn.
XJ nder taker.
J* W .
Inform s the P ublic that he is prepared to do
all kind of work in the Undertaking Business
on short notice and at rasonable prices.
Baker City, Oct. 1 , 1873.n21tf
r p lie
F a l l T e r m o f the B alter
1 Academy will begiu on ti e 1st day of
September, 1873, under the supervision of
P r i n c i p a l ; a s s is te d b y
rs .
B arrett ,
as Preceptress.
The Directors feel warranted in saying that
our School will fully maintain its present
high reputation under its present manage­
ment, and every effort will be made to ren­
der full satisfaction to our patrons.
'DO8 o
■$? iosol S 3 :
Prim ary Department, per Quarter,
$10 00
Preparatory and Academic, “
15 00
Latin. Extra,
3 50
French, Extra,
6 00
Other H igher Branches in proportion.
Tuition Invariably in ADVANCE.
A. H . BROWN, President.
War. F. M c C rary , Sec’y.
2 O f t h e C e le b r a t e d S ta n d a rd
Organs—neAv—for sale. For particulars
L L PERSONS IN DEBTED TO A. H . enquire at this office.
Brown are , respectful!
requested to
com e forward and settle their accounts,
S e w in g M a e J u n e s— A ( rover
either by Cash or note, immediately.
& Baker, and a Florence, both new ana
CC^ A word to the wise is sufficient.
tne very best—for sale. For particulars, en­
Baker City, March 26,1373.
quire at this office.