¡c (U ‘ 0 c fe "D e m o c r a t. B a lte r É ity , S e p t. 2 , 1 8 7 4 . L. P. FISHER, Nos. 20 and 21, New Mer chants* Exchange, is our authorized Atrent » San Francisco. AGENTS.—The follow ing named gentle men are authorized to act as Agents for the .B e d r o c k D e m o c r a t : G e o . P. R o w e l l & C o ., N e w Y o r k T h o s . B o y c e , San Francisco, T. C. E v a n s , Boston, Mass. L . S a m u e l s , P o rtla n d , O reg on , D. P. F i s h e r , San F ra n c is c o . H on . D unham W r ig h t , U nion C ounty, O. P. C. H a r p e r , Albany, Oregon. M. W. D av is , Walla Walla, W. T. S. V. K n o x , Pendleton, Oregon. J. D. A g n e w , Boise City, Idaho. J. J. D o o ley , Clarksville, Oregon. L . H . W e l l s , L a Grande, O regon. W. A. C r a w f o r d , Payette Valley, Id a h i. S. M. J e f fr e y s , Weiser Valley, Idaho. N e d . T u r k , Canyon City, Oregon. H . H. H > d e , Prairie City, Oregon. F a r m e r s around Union and the Cove can pay their subscription to the D emocrat to Geo. W right & Son, merchants at Union, or Cowles & McDaniels or S. G. French at The Cove. Persons wishing to subscribe in that portion of Union county can give their names to either of the above named parties. F r e d . S alad e is authorized to act as Agent for the D emocrat at Umatilla. G e o . W. P a lm er is authorized to act as Agent for the D emocrat at Marysville. C h a r le s YV. C r a n e is authorized to act as A gen t for the B edrock D emocrat in Ban Francisco. L. R e m il la r d and R. S. C ates are author ized to act as Agents for the D emocrat in Union County. S a m . H annah will receive grain, produce, Ac., at Union, in payment for subscription to the B edrock D em ocrat . Honey Martel. Latest New York Gold Quotations, 109 Vi I. C. R. C.—Rev. A. C. McDougall reor T lie I d e a o f a U n iv e r s a l M e d icin e Is ganized McDougall Encampment of I. C. R. at last realized in Dr. Walker’s California C., on last Tuesday evening with twenty- Vinegar Bitters. This concentrated essence of the finest medicinal herbs and roots in the six charter members. The following officers Western Hemisphere, eradicates all diseases were elected: E. C., H. N. McKinney; E. which have not undermined the sources of Coun. Mrs. E. F. McCrary; S. C-, Mrs. R. vitality, and in Chronic Indigestion, Nerv ous Headache, Congestion of the Liver C. Shepherd; Sec., W. Caldwell; F. C., D. Rheumatism, Gout, General Debility, and M. Boynton; Treas., Mrs. L. Bunnell; C. of innumerable ulcerous and scabious disorders H.. C. L. Palmer; J. C., Miss Lulu B. Shep it is a specific absolute and infallible. n20 For Jaundice, Headache, Constipation, herd; O. G., M. B. McCrary; Qhap., G. J. Impure Blood, Pain in the Shoulders, Tight Bowman; Is. L., Miss Kate Carter; M. C., ness of the Chest, Dizziness, Hour Eructa Miss I. Cleaver; R. S., J. W. Jett; Vic., L. tions of the Stomach, Bad taste in mouth, 0 . Nelson; C. R. C., Miss Kate M. Bowman; Bilious attacks, Pain in region oi Kidneys, Fever, Bloc ted feeling about Stom Imp., Mrs. Kate Yantis; 1st. G., F. P. Pal Internal ach, Rush of Blood to Head, High Colored mer. They meet every Monday evening, at Urine, and Gloomy Forebodings, take Dr. half past seven o’clock, in the Bedrock Hall. Pidnce’s Pleasant Purgative Pellets. In ex planation of the remedial power of these lit C a l le d . —Mr. J. G. Walker, of the old and tle Pellets over such a variety of diseases, it and ’ reliable firjn of French, Gilman & Co is proper to say that their action upon the of San Francisco, called on us last week. animal economy is universal, not a gland or tissue escaping their sanative impress- 25 He was well and hearty; he left last Thurs cents a vial, by all first class Druggists, day for San Francisco. The D emocrat can R ebekah D egree L odge , N o . 3, I. O. O. always he found at this house, 205 and 207, F., oi Baker City*, meets every 3d Wednesday Front Street, when Oregonians, who may of each month, in Odd Fellows Hall. Bro thers and sisters in good standing are res visit San Francisco, wish to peruse it. pectfully invited to attend. Bv order of the R. ALEXANDER,'Bee. Sec’y. We call the attention of the traveling pub- Lodge. lice to the advertisement “ Great Reduction I f Farmers and others do not furnish us of Toll and Ferriage.” Messrs. Carter and hay. grain, etc., w hen we notify them o f our wants, we m ust have m on ey to pay for Wertherby mean what they say, and have a the same. W e want the pay for our labor good road and ferry, in fine condition for and intend to have it, even if we have to m a k e cost on those indebted to us. W e travel. There is the best of water and grass are tired o f begging and pleadin g for what is due us. on this road, and plenty of it. no certificate of publication for Legal Notices w ill Days Valley, Grant county, Oregon, August be issued from this office until the 24,1874, by Rev. A. J. Joslvn, Rev Abra Printer’s Fee is paid. M a r r ie d . —At Columbia Ranch, in John ham Eades, of the Oregon and Washington M. E. Conference, and Miss Emily Killick, late of Berkshire, England. Herman Bamberger returned from San Francisco on last Saturday morning. Ho did not bring that “ better half ” with him, hut did buy a large stock of goods for the firm. F or the R aces . —Billy Ulige, George Sal Buying,................ .90c. | Selling................ 91 ly, Wright Gildersleeve and Zeb Davis start ed last Sunday for the races at Union. M e te o ro lo g ica l Table. Mrs. Pink Parker left for Missouri, on a visit, yesterday morning. L E G A L T E N D E R S IN P O R T L A N D : Through the politeness of Professor S. P. Barrett, we are enabled to lay before our readers the following table showing the range of the Mercury for the week ending Aug. 29d, 1874, at Baker City, Oregon: £ 10 P. M. 12 H. 7 A. M. 61 90 55 Sunday, 61 - 79 56 Monday, - 70 53 86 Tuesday, 65 58 80 Wednesday, 52 52 79 Thursday, 82 57 42 Friday, 62 76 52 Saturday, Average for the week 65:3 degrees. Average for corresponding week last year, 61:9 degrees above Zero. L I S T O F A lt l U V A L S . T h rou gh the politeness o f Mr. J. H . In grah a m , the ob ligin g clerk o f the W est? ern H otel, o f this city, we are en abled to lay before ou r readers the follow in g list o f arrivals at that H otel, for the w eek en d ing Kept. 1st., 1874: W . J . H artm an, E ld o ra d o ; Ira S ou le, Ed. B row nell, Boise C it y ;.! M C am pbell, Sam G lover, YV. P a lm er, Mat R eed ,J . H of- stetter, C on nor C reek; D. M cN aughton & W ife , W a lla W a lla ; M. M oyse, M ark W il- z is k i, Jas. G. W a lk er, J oh n B rudz, E. ■ H ead rick , San Fran.; Dave G ilchrist, Jim O dell, R ye V a lle y ; Joe Copeland, J o. Colt, H . B asin; John W illiam s, L edge; II. R udd Portland; G eo. Jenny, Pat Grilhu and lam - i l y , A uburn. W e w ant m oney to buy new m aterial and to lay in o u rw in te r stock , and those ow in g us MUST P A Y US IM M E D IA T E L Y , or wo w ill k n o w w h y . W e m ean what we say. J. M. S H E P H E R D . ---- —— ------- » —:—— U nion C ounty F a i r . — The Second Annual .Fair of the Union County Agricultural Soci ety commences on the 29th inst., and con tinues five days. There are liberal purses offered for the best goers on their race track, and liberal premiums for the best farm and garden products, flowers, fruits, fancy work, poultry, and stock of all kinds. The citizens of Eastern Oregon and Washington Territo ry are cordially invited toatendand compete for the purses and premiums. The farmers o f Union county appear to have the right kind of snap and get up about them to make their county rich and prosperous, and we are pleased to note the fact. We hope the time is not far distant when the good farmers of Baker county will organize an Agricultural Society, and carry it on as successfully as do their neighbors of Union. We return our thanks to the officers o f the Union County Society for a complimentary ticket to their Fair, and if possible, we will attend. S pir it u a l ism . — On last Wednesday even ■ ing Rev. A. C. McDougall delivered an Ad dress at the Court House, in this city, on the subject of Modern Spiritualism, in which he fully demonstrated the evil tendencies of the theory and practice of false doctrine upon the morals of the rising generation, and the injury it is doing in communities. It was an able and convincing argument, and was well received and appreciated by the large and intelligent audience which listened to the discourse. Work was commenced on tlie James Gor don Quartz Ledge on last Wednesday. A contract has been let to sink on the ledge 50 or 75 feet. There are four men at work at the present time! Jack Eastabrook and Jim Baisley will please accept our thanks for a fine piece of antelope from the carcass of the one they killed the other day. It was very fine eating. Sam Ottenheimer will start for San Fran- ; cisco on next Friday. He leaves Mr. Roth- child to represent him with the boys while he is absent. | C h ie f . —Old Winnemucca, the great Piute 1 Chief, and some of his relatives o f the “ L o” • family, have been in our city the past two or .three days. U gh ! Levi Eeland, the great temperance lectur- , er, is in onr city. He has delivered some two or three lectures in our city during the past week, with good results. Mr. Horace Nolton was considered by his physicians, Drs. Snow and Atwood, to be considerable better yesterday morning. The races at Boise Ci:y commence on the 12th ol October, and continue six days. They have groat rejoicing at Silver City at the telegraph to that place. L a « g l i a n d G row F a t!—Morrell’s San Francisco Minstrel Troupe will give one of their pleasing entertainments at Cleaver’s Hall to-night. Mr. Frank, brother of Sam’s, of San Fran, cisco is in our city on business. Our citizens are all in favor of Incorpora ting our city. TheLegislatnro meets at Salem on next Monday week. Jokny Travellianis getting along finely. G ra n t. C o u n t y I t e m s . Haying at this date, Aug. 25th, is nearly or quite through with, and the grain harvest is just commencing. The yield o f grain will not be quite as large per acre as last year. On the 9th a storm swept over John Days Valley with such torrents of rain and hail as to break ditches, fill up and tear in pieces graded roads, flood farms and damage grain fields in several localities. The hail beating out the grain and breaking off the heads so to uearly ruin some fields; Win. Luce, John Herberger, Gundlach Bros, and Mr. Cum mings sustaining the heaviest damages Again, on the 21st, another storm visited the upper and lower parts of the Valley, do ing considerable damage to grain fields and gardens. In one instance putting one gar den beyond the re; ch of “ Old Jack Frost,” by covering it up “ head and ears” with earth which the flood of water brought down from an adjacent hillside. During the storm the lightning struck one of the stove flues of the Court House, in Canyon City, passing down the pipe, thence down the two front feet of the stove, sweep ing the sawdust that lay in front of the stove clean from the floor and scattering it promis cuously over benches and table and, strange to say, witho.ut doing any damage. About this time an unforunate Celestial, who was confined in the County Jail for pass ing off bogus gold dust for that of a bona fide article, made his escape. The query is did the lightning of Heaven unbar the prison doors and let the captive free? T lie L u s t G i f t C o n c e r t P o s t p o n e d . —- The announcement of the postponement of the Last Gift Concert of the Public Library of Kentucky will not surprise the public. In Governor Bramlette’s card, published below, he gives reasons foi it which will be accepted without question by every one. The man agement in this instance, consulting the in terests of ticket holders and those designing to become ticket holders, have not waited until the last day to make this announcement, but just as soon as they became satisfied of the necessity of this } ostpouement, have promptly made the announcement. It is unnecessary to review the causes which have necessitated this action, as they are fully re cited in Governor Bramlette’s card. The, promptness and frankness with which the public have been made aware of the inten tion of the manager will meet with the hear ty commendation of every one, and excite such a new interest and confidence in the scheme and the ability of the manager to per form what he promises; that there can be no doubt that on the day specified the last con cert will be a full one. POSTPONEM ENT LAST G IF T C O N CE R T— A C AR D N o t ic e K E A R N E Y ’S B y JEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BRIGHT'S DISEASE, GOUT, GRAVEL, STRICTURES, DIABE TES, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUS DE BILITY, DROPSY, Non-retention or Inconvenience of Unine, Irritation, Inllamation or Ulceration of the BLABBER and KIDNEYS* A N D DRAWING Permanently Cures all Diseases of the ASSIRE«, C H ÂW C E FOR AS EASY FORTUNE! A postponement of the Fifth Concert oQhe Public Library of Kentucky lias been so gen erally anticipated, and is so manifestly for the interest of all concerned, that it must meet the approval of all. The day is now absolutely fixed, and there will be no varie- tion from the programme now announced. A sufficient number of Tickets bad been sold to have enabled us to have had a !ar,re draw ing on the 31st July, but short postponement was considered preferable to a partial draw ing. Let it be borne in mind that The Fifth Gift Concert IS THE LAST WHICH W ILL EVER BE GIVEN UNDER THIS CHARTER AND BY THE PRESENT MANAGEMENT, T h a t w ill p o s it iv e ly a n d u n e q u i v o c a lly ta k o place as an non need on Monday, tlie 30tli flay of iT srte r. That the Music will be the best the coun try affords, and that 2 0 ,0 0 0 C A S H G IF T S , A G G R E G A T IN G S 3 , 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 will beffis.tributed by lot amongticketholders L IS T O F G IL T S : One Grand Cash Gift......... One Grand Cash Gilt....... One Grand- Cash Gift....... One Grand Cash Gift....... One Grand Cash G ift... . 5 Cash Gifts, $ 20.000 each. 10 Cash Gifts, 14.000 each. 15 Cash Gift , 10.000 each. 5.000 each. 20 Cash Gifts, 4.000 each. 25 Cash Gifts, 3.000 each, 30 Cash Gifts, 2.000 each. 50 Cash Gifts, 100 Cash Gifts, 1,000 each. 500 each. 240 Cash Gifts, 100 each, 500 Cash Gifts, 50 each. 19,000 Cash Gifts, $250,000 100,000 75.000 50.000 25.000 100,000 140.000 150.000 100.000 100,000 90.000 100,000 100.000 _J20,000 50.000 950,000 Grand Total, 20,000 Gifts, all cash, $2,500,000 P R IC E O F T IC K E T S : Whole Tickets................................ $50,00 Halves............................................. 25,00 Tenth, or each Coupon .............. 5,00 11 Whole Tickets for..................... 500.00 2244 Tickets for.............................. 1,000,00 Persons wishing to invest should order promptly, either of the Home Office or our local Agents. Liberal commissions will be allowed to satisfactury agents. Circulars containing -full particulars fur nished on application. THOS. E. BRAMLETTE, nl5n22 Agent and Manager, Public Library Building, Louisville, Ky. SHERMAN & HYDE NO M A T T E R W H A T T H E A G E! Prof. Steele says: “ One boUle of Kearney’s Fluid Extract Buehu is worth more than all other liuchus combined.” Price, One Dollar per Bottle, or Six Bottles fur Five Dollars. D e p o t , 10 4 i i u a n e U t ., S e w Y o r k . A Physician in attendance to answer cor respondence and give advice gratis. ~ Send stamp for Pamphlets, free. C r im e A B r i g k u m , Wholesale Agents, San Francisco, Cal. To The H e r v o n s aoi D e b i l i t a t e l OF BOTH SEXES. No Charge for Advice and Consultation. TO T H E P U B L IC . W H O L E S A L E A N D R E T A IL D E A L E R S IN S H E E T MUSI C, oa ibis Coast. L Dress JVTaking Done to Order, and at Short Notice by MRS. L. J. HUSTON. Baker City, April 18,1874.-n51m6 Dissolution Notice. All persons indebted to S. Ottenheimer & Co. are respectfully requested to settle up at to Cut, or Cut an Make all kinds of once. Ladies & Childrens Clothing., S. OTTENHEIMER, n lltf Successor to Ottenheimer & Co. All orders from the surrounding Towns and Country will be promptly attended to, at the same prices that our City customers are charged. HOTEL RESTAURANT Stamping FE ANOE, JOSEPH MANAiDAS, P rop rietor, fg ^ lS K P R O P R I E T O R I I A S l i o u g l i t JL the H otel Restaurant, next door to t he Post Office, form erly k ept by Sicord & W h itcom b , and has fitted the sam e up in the best style as a H otel, on the French Restaurant Style. H e is prepared to ac com m odate the Public, and is determ ined to give entire satisfaction. The H ouse is open from five o ’clock in the m ornin g until twelve at night, during w hich tim e custom ers will be supplied with the best o f everything to be had in tlie 3&E :0 _ .I £ L JES T 1. Baker City, July 4 ,1874.-n9tf O R » b r o t h e r s h a v e M their New Saw Mill in complete run ning order, and it is doing the best of work. It is located at ■*' Ir o c a lio n ta s , Where they are prepared to fill all bills for Lumber at short notice, and at as R e a s o n a b le U r ic e s As any other Mill in the county. Orders or Bills for Lumber can be left at the Black smith Shop of S. B. McCord, in Baker Citv, and they will be promptly filled. S. B. McCORD,- li. D. McCORD, J. P. McCORD. P. S.—All business in connection with the Mill will be atended to by R. D. MoCORD. November 11, 1873.-n27tf W W Y Jas. I I. Koontz, FortartUi & C o m m M ercM , C orner of F irst and G S truts , U x x x a ,t i l l a j - O r e g o n . All Freights and charges paid and advan ces made on Commission. 1 have a Stone Warehouse for S tor cage of Goods. Mark goods, Care J. H. K.,U. Umatilla, Aug. 5, 1874.nl3n24. ¡¿ave Cost. EE P E R SO N S IN D E B T E D to the undresigned must call and settle A tneir bills immediately either with Cash or by note. I have rented my Saloon to Ulige & Selieilworth, and must have my outstand ing accounts settled preparatory to engaging in other business. V. PFEIFFENBEBGEK. Baker City, Aug. 12, 1874.nz4nl7 Saloon and Stable for Sale. G O O » SA E O O X B G IE O IX G and Stable for bale at Humboldt Basin, A winch will be sold on easy terms, and at a reasonable price. on the premises, For particulars address, N. SAVAGE. Aug. 12, i874.-nl4t4 - corporators of the Eumber Road Com pany of Baker County, Oregon, on the 8th day of August, 1874, at A. H. Brown’s Store', in Baker City, Oregon, on motion, B. E. Gardner was called to the Chair, ana T. N. Snow appointed Secretary. On motion, G. W. Parker was elected President, B. L. Gardner Secretary, and T, N. Snow and B. L. Gardner Directors,’when, on (notion, the A a m e e t in g t i n - s h o p ! J. H. P A R K E R , W H O L E S A L E A N D R E T A IL D E A L E R IN C op r, Tin aM SM -Iroii Ware* I ta k e r C ity , O regon . e k e e p s c o x s t a x t l y o x H Hand a full assortment of all articles in his line, such as Miner’s Hydraulic £ipe, Noz Lumber Road Co. Meeting. t V O T IC E T O A E E P E R S O N S . JLx Boyd’s Pre-emption Entry and United btales Townsite of Baker City, set down for Patent. The Final decision of Commissioner Drummond against R. A. Pierce and State of Oregon, and in favor of Boyd’s Pre-emption Entry for the Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter, and West half of Southeast quarter of Section 17, Township 9, S It 40 East, 120 acres. Also, in-favor of United States Town- site on Southeast quarter of Southeast quar ter of Section 17, Township 9, S It 40 East— 40 acres, was made on September 15,1873, and entered on Records of United States Land office at Washington, Book 102, Page 110, and Patent was ordered to issue to said Boyd for said 120 acres, and to Pre-emption Lot entries of said Townsite. J. M. BOYD. January 13, 1874-35tf . ' M a im S t r e e t , o f t h e ix meeting adjourned. n l4n l7 B. L. GARDNER, See’y. Embroidering and, Braiding done to order.-. Received every month, direct, from Nei York. Agent for Grover & Baker’s Sewing Machines.. R. R. R. R a d i ay ’ s R eady R elief CURES THE WORST PAINS Lumber— New Saw Mill. c C for LATEST FASH IO N S B A K E R CITY , OREGON. D r . J. B. D yott , graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, author ol several valuable works, can be consulted on all diseases of the Sexual or Urinary Organs, (which he has made an especial study) eitiieer m male or female, no matter from what Buy Your Lumber at the causa- originating or how long staiu-bny. A practice ot 30 years enables him to treat dis Old, Reliable eases with success. Cures guaranteed.— Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can E b e l l ’ s O ld M i l l . forward letter describing symptoms and en E H A V E R E F IT T E D T H E closing stamp to prepay postage. Mill and make the best Eumber in Send for Uie Guide to Healtn. Price, 10c the county, at prices to suit the times. J. B. DYCTT, M. D., left at-our Mill receive as prompt Any bills Physician and Surgeon, 4o4 Duane St., N. Y attention in the future as in the past. YVe January 21, 1874-ly saw everything from a Lath to the Heaviest Tim bers. S O L D IE R S ’ Clear and seasoned Lumber always on hand. W A R C L A IM A G E N C Y , Bills left, with J. YV. Wisdom will receive No. 84, M ontgom ery B lock, immediate Attention. By strict attention to business, we hope to receive our share of SAN FXiANCISCO, C a E. public patronage. An unlimited amount of Grain taken in M . A IK E N , A T T O R N E Y exchange lor Eumber. . at-Baw and Comuianuer of the Ui and ELLIOTT A VAN PATTEN. Army of the Republic in California and Ne March 1, 1874.-n34tf. vada, will give prompt attention to the col lection of. Additional Travel Pay, now due California andNevada Volunteers discharged Notice to All Persons. more than three hundred miles lrom home, boiaiers can depend, on lair dealing. Infor o u a r e H e r e b y X o tille d . i l i a t mation given free of charge. Wnen writing all Lands purchased of J. M. Boyd, or enelo.-e stamp for reply and state company and whether you have a discharge. Congress other persons, in the SoutheastQuirter of has extended the time for tiling claims tor Section Seventeen, in Township Nine South, additional Bounty under Act of J uly 28,1866, and Forty East, commonly known as Baker to January 1875, so ail such claims must be City, and Boyd’s Addition, and which is made before that time. Original Bounty of situated in Baker county, Oregon, (if said $10U has been allowed all volunteers who en Boyd, or other person, has not first- secured listed before July '¿'2d, 1861 lor three years, the title of the undersigned to the same), if not paid the same when discharged. Band is voidable, and will be taken from you with Warrants can be obtained for sei vices ren out any pay or reward for improvements, dered before 1855, but not for services in the and you are further notified that there has late war. Pensions for late war and war of been no final decision, even in the Land 1812 obtained and increased when allowed Office, against me, on merit, as to my title tor less than disability warrants, but no pen to said lands. All that decision went to, was sions are allowed to Mexican and Florida to the point that my Attorneys did not make war soldiers. Btate o f Texas has granted the appeal iii proper season, as ordered by Pensions to surviving veterans of Texas Rev me. ¡Suit will be instituted in proper time olution. New Orleans and Mobile Prize to recover all of said land and improvements Money is now due and being paid. W. 11, hc-ld. Beware! ROYAL A. PIERCE. Aiken also attends to General Daw and Col Rockbridge, YVis., Jan. 24, 1874.n34tf lection business. nl3m5. SA N FR AN CISCO , g Dropsical Women and Children, Cor. Kearny ana Sailer Sfs. Musical Instruments, and Sw ellings, Existing in Men, MONDAY, the 30ft NOVEMBER, 1374. L A ST Kidneys STORE, First door above the Express Office. a d ie s F a n c y a n d M illin e r y Goods in Store, and Latest Styles receiv. ed by Express every Month, and for sale at moat reasonable Prices. c3L© Leucorrhcea or Whites, Disease of the Pros trate* Gland, Stone in ihe Bladder, Coleulus U ravel or Bneadust Deposites and Mucus or Miluy Discharges. Bladder, A N EW S P E I lM A T O R E H C E A , E x t r a c t E u c liu i x > .£ c s r i j *3: s ; e î . y 3 AT THE Baker City, where they are prepared And a positive remedy for Piiffic Liiiraryf M u ck y. FILL G H U I The only known remedy for POSTPONEM ENT. IN A ID OF TH E s Mrs, R, C, Shephard & Co,, K E A R N E Y ’S FIFTH AND LAST GIFT CONCERT MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, DRESS MAKING! r n lIE P A R T N E R S H IP IIE R E - -I tofore existing between the undersigned under the Firm name of S. Ottenheimer & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued by S. Ot- Respectfully inform The Ladies o f tenheimer, ;vho will collect all debts due us, Baker City and vicinity, that they and pay all debts against tlie late firm. Baker Citv, July 14' 1074. have opened an establishment, at the S. OTTENHEIMER, residence of Mrs. R. C. Shepherd, in A. I. BLOCH. F L U ID EXTRACT . —Hereafter The announcement of the postponement of the Fifth and Last Concert of th - Public Li brary of Kentucky to tlie 30th November, I am satisfied, will surprise few,and disappoint none of the friends and patrons of the enter prise; indeed, any other course would create dissatisfaction. With a precedent of a post- -------- A N D --------- onement of each of the four concerts which M U S I C A L M E R C H A N D IS E . ave already been given, the public have very naturally and reasonably expected that Orders from tlio Interior promptly filled. in this,{by far the largest scheme of the series and the largest ever ottered to the world, the m anufacturers o f th * same course would be followed; and there are thousands all over the country who are only waiting for tlie setting of a certain f ix e d day for tlie'drawing before sending in their orders. The sales of tickets to this date have been highly satisfactory, and a large drawing might be had on the 31st July; but feeling assured that a short postponement would enable us to close out the remainder of the tickets and make tlie drawing a full one, we have adopted the course which has evidently been anticipated, and which must eventuate mot t satisfactorily for all. Now that the day of the drawing is abso lutely determined, there remains no further occasion for delay; and I would urge the friends of the enterprise, who intend to pur chase tickets, to send in their orders, as it will tax my office to its utmost capacity to accomplish all that is to be done in the short time which remainsTor the sale of tickets. THOS. E. BRAMLETTE, Agent and Manager. M . D. C hurch Directory for the month of September is as follows: Preaching by Rev. G. W. Adams on 1st Sabbath at Fldorapo, 2d Sabbath at 11 o’clock, Baker City, and at 3 o’clock at James’ School-house; 3d Sabbath / at 11 o’clock at North Powder, and 3 o’clock at Rock Creek School-house; 4th Sabbate at Acknowledged by Musicians to be the Beai: Low Priced Instruments ever offered for rale S o’clook at Wingville. and 8 o’clock Baker City. 0CF” Chas. St. L o u is has located perma nently in Baker; and is now prepared to man ufacture and repair all kinds oi jewelry and watches. After twenty-eight years experi ence in the business, he feels competent to give entire satisfaction. Mr. St. nouis, is also agent for the best Sewing Machine in use. the NewWilsou, price, $55,00. B a k e r C ity L o d g e X o . 2 5 , 1 . O . O . F . , meets every Saturday evening, at half past six o’clock, at Odd Fellows Hall, in the ne<v Bank Block, corner of Front street and Court Avenue. Members o the Order are invited to attend. By order of N. G. 0CF” F or the very best Photographs, go to Bradley & Rulofson’s Gallery without S t a i r s 03^ Ascend in the ELEVATOR, 429 Mont gomery Street, San Francisco. zles, Butts and Tin Ware. Also, Every pattern and Style of IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. NOT ONE HOUR A iU r reading this advertisement need any one SUFFER "WITH PAIN* RADWAY’S READY RELIEF IS A CURE FOR E V E R Y P A IN . It was the first and is THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY That instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allay* l a - , flammations, and cures Congestion s, whether o f the Lui ga, Stomach, Bowels, or other glands or organs, by one application, IN FROM ONE TO T W E N T Y M IN U T E S ., no matter how violent nr excruciatiug the pain the R H E U M *, A T IC , Bed-rid(ien, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may sutler, EADWAY’S READY RELIEF W IL L AFFO R D IN ST A N T EASE. IN F L A M M A T IO N OF TH E KID NEYS, IN FLAM M A TIO N OF TH E B LAD D E R, IN FLAM M A TIO N OF TH E BOW ELS, CONGESTION OF TH E LUNGS, SORE TH R O A T , DIFFIC U LT B REATH ING , P A LPITA TIO N OF THE H E A R T , H YSTE RIC S, CROUP, D IPH TH E R IA , C A T A R R H , IN F L U E N ZA . H EADACH E, TOOTHACHE. N E U R A LG IA , R H EU M A TISM , COLD CHILLS, AGU E CHILLS. The application of the H E A D Y RET.TEF to the part or parts where the pain or diilieulty exiaU w ill afford eaae and comfort. Twenty drops wi half a tumbler of w-ater w ill in a few mo ments cure CRAMPS, SPASMS, SOUR STOM ACH . SICK H E AD ACH E, H E AR TB U R N , D IA R R H E A , D Y SE N TE RY , COLIC’ , W IN D IN TH E BOW ELS, and all IN T E R N A L TAINS. Travelers should always carry a bcttle of I t a c v r a y ’ a J i e n d y I t d l e f with them. A few drops in water will pre vent sickness or pains.from change of water. It u better than, French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER A N D AGU E cured for fifty cents. There Is not ft;, remedial agent in this world that will cure Feveiwiad Agiur, and all other Malarious, Bilious, Scurlct. TvpHoid, Y ellcv/, and other Fevers (aided by R A D W A V ’ S ^ILLS) so quick as R A D W A Y ’S R E A D Y RELIE F. Fifty ceut3 per bottle. Sold by Druggists. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG A N D PTJPE R ICH BLOOD— IN CREASE OF FLESH A N D W E IG H T—CLEA R SKIN A N D BEAU T1FUL COM PLEXION SECURED TO ALL. ' Dr. R A D W A Y ’S SarsanarlM Rasolfei!, H A S M A D E TH E MOST ASTONISHING C U R E S ; SO QUICK, SO R APID ARE TH E CHANGES TH E BODY U NDERGOES. U N D E R TH E IN FLU EN CE OF T H IS TR U L Y W O N D E R F U L M E DIC IN E , T H A T Every Day an Increase in Flesh.- and Weight is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER.. Every drop o f the S A R SA P A R IL L IA N RESOLVENT oommunicates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other fluids and juices of the system the vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of the body with new and sound material.- Scrof- nla, Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular disease, Ulcers in the,. Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and other part*., ©f the system, Sore Eyes, Strumous Discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms of Shin diseases, Eruptions, Fever, Sores, Scald H ead, R ing-W orm , Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne,. Black Spots, W orms in the Flesh, Tumors, Cancer* in the W om b, and all weakening and painful discharge#, Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm, and all wastes, o f ■ the. life prin ciple, are within the curative rah ge o f this wonder .of Modern Chemistry, and a few days* use will prove to any person using it for either o f these forms o f disease its potent;power,.to cura, them. I f the patient, daily becoming,. reduced by the wastes andk decomposition «that is continually progressing, succeeds in ar resting these wastes, and repairs the same with new material made from hea thy blood—and this the SA R SA P A R IL L IA N will and does secure. N ot only does the S ak sa pa r ii . t . ian R ssolvknt excel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin diseases j but it is th;e only positive cure for * 1 KIDNEY AND BLADDER COMPLAINTS, Urinary and W om b diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsv, Stop page o f W ater, Inontinence o / Urine, Bright’s Disease, Albu minuria, and in all cates where there are brickdust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudv, mixed with substances like tit* white o f an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a mor bid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bonedust deposit*, and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pain in the Small of the Back and aloucr the Loin*. Price, $1.00. WORMS. The only known and lure Remedy for W QRM Sr—PIN TA PE, etc. * T u m o r o f 1 2 Y e a r s >■ G r o w t h Cured by Jtadwny’s Resolvent. Dr. RAD W A Y ’S Perfect Purgative Pills, perfectly tasteles*, elegantly coated with sweet gtur., pung/fi regulate, purify, cleanse, and strenethen. R adw ay’ s P ill’s, for the cure of all disorders of the Ston^aQli, Bowels^«. Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headac^^;'Constipation, Costiveness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness. Bilious Fe ver, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles, and all Derangement* o f the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Vegetable, conUiping no mercury, minerals, or dele terious drugs. A few doses o f R A D W A Y ’ S P IIJ.S w ill free the system from all the above-named disorders. Price, Í5 cents per bo*. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. F R EA D 11 FALSE A N D T R U E .” Send one letter stamp, to R A D W A Y Sc CO., N o. 32 Warren Street, N ew York. Infor mation worth thousands w ill be sent you, August 19, 1874.nl51y 8 T O Y ES. 1ST o t i c e , The Celebrated Buck’s Patent Cooking, and the Umyard Parlor Stove are kept on hand, together with all other styles. \ T O T I C E I S H E R E B Y C tIV E X j V to all those who'are in arrears with the Academy Company for tuition, V> cajl on Mr. W. F. McCrary, at tlie. Post Office, and J O B W O B . K . settle their accounts, and save COST. Done upon short Notice, and at reasonable Baker City, April 9, 1874. Prices. A. H. BROWN, n2fltf J. H. PARKER. n 49 n 4 President,