■ ' - _____ ^ BEDROCK DEMOCRAT, fL B j_ iI S H E D EVERY ÜËHi BY J. M. S H E P H E R D , O ffice in, P ierce’s H all. E e r JIS O j F SUBSCRIPTION ........ 4 00 . . . . 2 50 VOL. 5. BAKER CITY, BAKER COUNTY, OREGON JULY 29, 1874. C pbrespohwesce from all portions of BUSINESS NOTICES. Eastern Oregon is solicited for the D e m o c r a t . All communications, to receive attention, ! -r- ^ - a T , , ^ ^ T T , T * must be accompanied by a responsible name. J . J o . esp e ctiu lly In fo rm the Cit- A Y i lzens ot Laker City and County, and tne Public generally, that they have pur­ chased the js t a /t a ix o S A L O O N , I. D. HAINES, Where will always be found the very best W in e s , L iq u o rs and C igars. Formerly kept by John Eppinger, and that they are prepared to furnish customers with the best of Single or Double Turn-outs, Either bight or day, with or without drivers, at tne very lowest rales. First mabS baddie Horses on iiand. Horses boarded and the best o f care bestowed. We Keep nothing bin To be found in the City. “ Fred” and “ Rob” the host of block and Buggies. «i ll be pleased at ah times to have their j Our stable is at the upper end of Main Street, BakeV City, Oregon. friends give them a call. Come and see us, Every body, and we will Si A K E R V . do our Lest to please yuu. They have re-upened the bakery in con­ KiEBURN & PEiiKlNB. nection with their Saloon, and are prepared February 10, 1874.-n40ti to nil ail orders in tins line, at short notice, and at prices to suit the times. The Bakery is under the care of Mr. 1LER. BOMNA & McCOilD. Baker City, Feb.TO, 1874. n40tf GiUEK & KELLOGG One o f the Finest and Best .A A t o r r ie v -a /t -L a w , B A K E R C ITY , OREGON. s. v. K n ox, A tto rn ey tit P a w , (And Notary Public,) W E S l ' O NT, O K E G O X . W ill practice in the Courts o f this - tate and Washington Territ rv. PE CIAL ATTENTION PAID TO LAND Business, and Collections. nlStf S it v LIVERY S T A B L E l I J J .u a AND O o B illia r d T a b le s Having completed their New Stable, have now the finest and best regulated J O S E P H H. S H I i l N , N o tary IJ u bile e y a n c e r, W ill attend to Conveyancing and making ABSTRACTS OF TITLE . Baker City, Sept. 11,1872. nlStf Corner o f Fro; t Street and Court A venue, opposite V a lu e ’s B ank, where lie will ue pleased to see and wait upon his friends anu the Rubiic generally, liis b Ldvei-y ¡Stable In E a s t e r n O r e g o n , Where they will carry on the Livery Busi­ ness in ail us branches.. STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD. Baiter City, a N uv . 13, 1872. ulJtf n f y JJlacksruithine* Is supplied with the very best o f every thing in his line, at PUBLIC AND O N E DEPUTY U- S. MARSHAL. Office with John Brat tain, Three Doors South o f B e d r o c k D km ck ax office, on side o f the btreot. Baker City, Sept. 3, 1873.n 17m4 T . 1ST. S n o w » A I . ID. and Surgeon, P h y rsiciun ; B A K E R CITY, OREGON. O f f i c e — A t the City Drug Store. For W OULD C o sm o p o lita n S a lo o n , E. W. REYNOLDS, NOTARY CONST A B L E respectiUlly tniorni the Ruhtm that W ue has opened the B I T A Drink. H e lias a Fine Billiard Table for tne use ui his customers. Baker City, Dec. 17, i873. n32tf JL.ach.rier P roprietors of the B A K E R C ITY BREWERY, On the East side o f Powder River, M EDICAL E X A M IN E R the New Y o rk Life Insurance Co n ljlf AND I W A G O N M A K IN G , n AH th e V a r io u s B r a n c h e s carried on hy the Cnuersighed, at his onup, at the Head of Main Street, K a stn e r BAKER CITY, OREGON. April 29, 1874. n51y BAKER Grapr & Baler’s Sewing M ines. s. A. GAINES. __ Respectfully otters his services to the Public jjjln the capacity of m m minmn JOINER AND PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. D l a c k s m i t li s S J M ’ C O R M I C K , Manufacturers of Baits X Waps. Importer and I)eater In it A R E G E T T IN G O C R T D i l l n R direct from iSt. Louis, Mo., and none but die very best is Purchased, we are there­ fore prepared to Warrant ail our work. We are now fully prepared to complete any Bools, Stationary, T oys , Mnsic AM W N EW SP A P E R S, FRANKLIN BOOK-STORE AND SANTA CLAUB* . Headquarters, Eire-proof Brink Building, 105 Front street, Portland, n37 Oregon. D R . J. R. [tf CARDWELL, 3 D e ? a ils t All kinds and every ENTAL ROOMS, No. 89, First street, Portland, Oregon. The late and im­ proved styles o f work at reduced rates. Ni­ trous oxide for the painless extraction of D E S C K i r T X O lS r D O f Work in W ood neatly and promptly done. Baker City, Jan, 1, 1873ti, BAKEK CITY MARKET.. E p p in ger GEO. J. BOWMAN. GAINES & BOWMAN, R. M’lNTOSH. J olm O R E G O N. AND agen t for Baker City, Dec. 1, 1872.n30tf CITY, I wiii uo as good work, at as reasonable Prices, as any omer bnop in tne Country. S. B. McCOhD, Baker City, Feb. 10, 1874.n4Utf Mrs. R. C. 8 heplierd IS teeth. b a k e r c it y m a r k e t , Where, at all times, he will be prepared to furnish his customers with the BEST OF MEAT, O f all kinds, at most reasonable prices. Baker City, April 11, 1874.-n49tf Duggies or Wagons On short notice, and we can say we have the Very Best of Workmen in our employ. Every one wanting a Baggy or VVagoti will save time and money by giving us a call and examining our wmk for tnemseives. ] E £ o r s e -» s l i o s i n g ;. Special attention is paid to Horse Shoeing. All repair work done on short notice. We are thankful for past Patronage, and still solicit a continuance. GAINES & BOWMAN. Baker City, March 11, Ib74.-n44tf P W. H. WATKINS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEON. R e sp e ctfu lly informs tue citizens oi Baker City that has re-opened the [u29tf FFICE, Odd Fellows’s Building. Resi- dence, corner o f Main and Pai k sti eets, Portland, Oregon. tt^ S p e cia l attention to diseases o f the Eye and Ear. 1 n29 O W a s h i n g t o n , July 19th, 1874. T li a D i s t r i c t C o m m is s io n e r s . The first thing Ketchum, one of Grant’s Commissioners for the tem­ porary government of the District, did after he arrived here, was to put straight for Gen. Babcock, the mrn of many offices, and remain closeted with him for some hours. When Ketchum was in Congress, he was one of the most subservient tools of the Ring. He is known here to be Shepherd’s nominee. In fact the names of ail the commissioners were submitted to Shepherd by Grant, before they were nominated. Blow, of Missouri, also an ex M. C.’, is odo of Grant’s chums. They are very friendly—used to get drunk togetli-, er, and all that sort of thing. The fact of the matter is T h e R i n g S t i l l L iv e s , M & 1O T & M m l T v e r y ~ s t a b l e B a m b ei’ger & F ra n k , ! O U R W A S H IN G T O N L E T T E R . One of the first official acts of the ]NJ e w D r u g S to r e . commissioners, after organizing, was to appoint as their secretary, Dr. Tindall,- who was Shepherd’s private Opposite Odd Fellow s’ H all, Main Street, secretary wTile the latter was Gov­ B A K E R C IT Y , O R E G O N , W ou ld respectfully inform the public that ernor; immediately after which they they have recently received a well se­ chose, as counsel to the Commission lected and fresh Stock o f Drugs, E. L. Stanton, who was Secretary of Chemicals, the District under the old rule, and Paints, Oils, the zealous legal defender of their Perfumeries, Patent Medicines, corruption before the late congress ional investigating committee. Den­ Soaps, 1 Wines, nison also fraternized with the entire .Brandies, Ring on the 4th of July. On that W iuskies and day Cordials, AT THE OLD StAND OF B A K E R C IT Y . OREGON . and BAKER CITY, OREGON. CLEMENT & SICCRD, Proprietors, A t tonic y-at-La w, Law, Baker city, Oregon- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, RAIL ROAD HOUSE. SALOON, J. LAW ttorney (Graduate o f the College o f Physicians and Surgeons New York anu o f the Medical De­ partment ol the Willamette University,) 1123 I Collections promptly attended to. June 18, 18ni.n0y A Hm IF8. A t w o o d , 11. D. Terms cash, or no patronage solicited. Office one door north of City Drag Store. S . M . P l i l l 'K J i n i l . l , & t o . , 10 S t a t e S One square or less, one insertion,........W 50 Each additional insertion,............................... * rr One square three m ouths,....... .............. ® , Business Advertisements by the month— Quarter column................ f® J* Half column.................................................... t0 .00 One colum n,............................... 15 00 Ten per cent, additional on advertisement* to which a special position is guaranteed. O 'y’ The space of one Inch, up and down the column, constitutes a square. N. B.—All debts due this office are payable in Coin, unless otherwise expressly agreed. W EDNESDAY, One year,................................ ■Six Months, « R A T E S O F A D V E R T IS IN G i A Y U P ! ! A LL PEUSONb INDEBTED TO A. H. Brown are respectfully requested to c o m e . forward and settle their accounts, either by Cash or uote, immediately. [ ¿ r “ A word to the wise is sufficient. Baker City, March 26,1373. n46tf N o t i c e . — Hereafter no certificate of publication for Legal Notices will * Baker, and a Florence, noth new and \ be issued from this office until the .he very b e s t -fo r sale. For particulars, en­ 1 Printer’s Fee is paid. quire at this office. . ninrei S e w in g M a c h in e s —-A « r o v e r IF ft M r. M o la s s e s H u m e , a noted member of the Ring, invited all his fellow beats to a fete ohampe- t.re at his country house, a few miles from Washington, to meat Mr. Com­ missioner Dennison. Dennison is Cook’s man; both of them hailing from Ohio. Cook, you will remem­ ber, preceded Shepherd in the Gov­ ernorship of the District, and re­ signed when his bunk burst, and the Northern Pacific went under; but lie still possesses unbounded influence with Grant, partly because he kuows too much about the Ring to be neg­ lected, and partly because; when’his bank broke, lie distinguished him self in Grant's estimation by cheat­ ing an orphan asylum out of some $18,000. which Congress made good at i*s last session. By the by, al­ though Cook was too poor to pay back to this clfaritabte institution the money it had deposited with him he contrived to raise enough to make a present worth $1.000 to the late Nellie Grant, < n the occasion of her becoming Mrs. Sartoris—which fur­ ther accounts for the appointment of his friend, Dennison, on the com ­ mission. Well, at this 4tli of July gathering, Grocer Hume spoke and proposed a toast to Shepherd with cheers, a tiger &c. Shepherd spoke and puffed Dennison. Cook spoke and puffed the puffed the Ring; and “ horribile dicta,” Teoumseh Sher­ man, who was also present, spoke, offering to defend them all with his sword, if necessary. You will see, by this, that the Ring ia not dead— that it does not even sleep, but ia alive and hearty as ever, under an other name. Its leaders say they ex pect to make more money now than ever, without having the responsi­ bility and labors of office to occupy their time and energies, G eorg e S. B ou t w e ll a m j E. lin s . A. R o l­ These are the two men who origi­ nated the system of swindling which culminated in the Sanborn contract aud cognate iniquities. It will be remembered that Boutwell was the first Commissioner of Iuternal Rev­ enue, and was followed by E. A. Rollins. That was in the good old times of Sheridan Shook, Perry Ful­ ler, and others of that kidney, when the internal revenue tax oa whiskey was $2 a gallon, and when the rela­ tives and favorites of Treasury and International Revenue officials made fortunes in a single day by moieties; as did, also, the confidential friends of Shenck, then Chairman , of the Committee of Ways and Means, and of other influential congressmen of both houses, by being kept systemat­ ically informed of what Congress was “ going to do.” Shall we ever see the like again? Is it not wonder ful, when we look back upon all the barefaced swindles and robberies by magnates of the Republican party, that our form of government has NO. 12. survived them? But, to return to our muttons, private experts who are at work tracing to their source these Custom House and Internal Revenue frauds which have been lately made public, and who are un­ earthing othsrs of a similar charac­ ter, as also cotton frauds, the pay­ ment of fraudulent claims of of all sorts, and the non payment] of just ones. &c, &o,-~these experts affirm that, when the time comes for a full and fair investigation—that is, when Grant’s personal government ia con­ signed to the demnition bow wows, and we have honest and oapapls men to administer our affair*, it will be necessary to go to Europe to in» terview Boutwell and Rollins. They will join McCullough in London, where a large portion of their “ sav­ ings” is understood to have been in­ vested for them by the ex “ Injianny banker” who was at the head of the Treasury Department while they were in the Internal Revenue Bu­ reau, and who afterwards went ia with Jay Cook, to do a banking bus­ iness in Loudon, on the capital the pair had made out of the Govern meut of the United States. They’re all tarred with the same stick. No wonder Boutwell was “ sick” while the Sanborn contract was being in­ vestigated Although he knew a ma­ jority of the committee were his po litical and personal lrieuds, whom he had obliged while Secretary of the Treasury, yet he did not know what might turn up. Any one simi­ larly situated would have been sick. Put yourself in his place. Bontwell’a health did not begin to improve un­ til he got it so fixed as to have all the blame, in the Sanborn swindle, placed on poor little Richardson, and his next in command, Sawyer, who were booted out of the Treasury Department by Grant for simply oarryiug out Boutwell's programme. A. F. B. LATK NEWS. L ittle R ock , July 10.— Depnty Sheriff Kline was shot to day and mortally wounded by an assassin in ambush, it is believed for having officiated at the execution of Sid. Wallace, at Clarksville, last Spring. His friends then swore vengeance on all connected with the affair. A Cousin named Robinson has been arrested charged with the deed. E ast S aginaw , Mich., Julv 10.—A race was ruu at Saginaw driving park to day for a purse of $5.000, 2.500, to the winner, $1.500 to the second aud $1,000 to the horse that makes the best time on record. Goldsmith Maid won the first money in three strait heats, making the remarkable time of 2:19%, 2:10%, and 2:19. The only contestant was Judge Fullerton. Goldsmith Maid broke once in the first beat, but s ill won by a length. She won the second heat, by two lengths, and the third by four lengths Fullertons time was 2:20%, 2:18, and 2:18%. C hicago . July 20.—A Washington special says a Ca inet meeting of ex­ traordinary impoitance will be held on Tuesday. The subjects to be dis­ cussed will be the Indian war, Rus­ sian Mission, and the complications of the Secretary of the Treasury and Gen. Spinner. M a d r i d , July 19.—Decrees have been issued declaring all of Spain in a state of siege, sequestrating the property of Carlists, whose estates will be held liable to heavy penalties to the relatives of Republicans who have been slain, and also creating a special reserve of 125,000 men. G ov­ ernment announces strict official o r ' ders prohibiting the shooting of prisoners. The Epoea denies that ex Queen Isabella intends to revoke her act of abdication. W a s h i n g t o n , July 20.—A gentle­ man just from Cuba says that he be lieves the war will soon be conclud­ ed on that Island, owing to the de­ moralized state of the finances. The people of the United States have con­ tributed largely to the support of Spanish rule in this way. American sugar dealers in New York and Phil­ adelphia have advanced large sums to sugar planters, with a lieu on their slaves as security, and are therefore the real slave holders; hence they are doing their utmost to crush the Cuban rebellion, the suc­ cess of which insures emancipation. W a s h i n g t o n , July 17,—A special says a serious quarrel has arisen between Treasurer Spinner and the acting Secretary of the Treasury, Conant. Spinner claims the right, under written ' ordergfrom President Grant, to waive civil service rules in “the appointment to his Bureau. Conant holds that the Prsident’s or­ ders does not over ride rules prom ­ ulgated by the Civil Service Boards since the order was issued. The matter has been referred to Secreta­ ry Bristow and decided in favor of Oonaut, and Spinner takes the appeal to the President. G a l v e s t o n , July 18.— A Sherman special says Indians and a bauj of Rangers collided in Kingsboro coun­ ty yesterday, and the latter were victorious. The Rangers lost one killed and several wounded. The Indians who attacked Loving’» ranch, in Lost Yalley, were pursued by a band of Cavalry, but defeated them, aud Major Jones, their com­ mander, seut in word last nigh that they were »nrrounded, and askod immediate assistance from the post. A body of 100 men were dispatohed to tha soene of action, since whioh no newt, has been received. N e w Y o r k , July !7 .—An Havana letter says Spanish intrigue has been at week in the prosecution of F. A. Dockary. The officials, not finding any valid specific charges, have made a general one, embracing all sorts of offenses—that of being a newspa­ per correspondent, a spy,, chief of insurgents, secret emissary of the United States to obtain information respecting the war. a Cuban named Varena. arrested recently at Manza­ nillo, declared the Attorney General told him he was present at the house of the United States Consular Agent when Dockery arrived in January last, and leaihsd that Dockery wai sent to Cuba by the United States for the purpose of obtaining infor­ mation about the war; and that D oc­ kery had letters giving him such d i­ rections. Varena having baou im­ prisoned as a “ suspecto," and now figuring as a witness for the prosecu­ tion, his statement does not appar­ ently deserve the utmost credence. The Brooklyn Argus states that when Beecher reduced his statement to w riting he submitted it to a friend with the remark that it was the paper he intended to lay before the inves­ tigating committee. The friend read it carefully and returned it to Beech­ er, saying, “ I advise you not to pre­ sent. that paper to the committee.”— Beecher asking the reason of such advice was answered “ Because T il­ ton’s statement will shiver it to pieces.” On further consultation and comparison of views Beeoher de­ termined to follow the advice of hi» friend. Accordingly, Beecher’a state­ ment was not presented to the com­ mittee last night, but, instead of a state. Beecher sent a note, in which he announced that he had not pre­ pared any evidence to submit to th» body. G a l v e s t o n , July 1 7 th .— A special says that on the 17th Major Jones with thirty four men, attacked 125 Kiowas, Camanohes and Apaches in Lost Yalley, Jackson conutv, killing three and wounding three. * He lost four killed and wounded. The fight lasted three hours. The Indiana were routed, the pursuit was omitted because of want of force. W a s h i n g t o n , July 17.—The new Board of Indian Peace Commission­ ers met at the Interior Department to day. There were present Sibley, Fisk, Long, Roberts and Smith.— Butler and Turney were absent.— There are threo vacancies not filled in the organization. The Board or­ ganized by the election of Fisk, Chairman, and Smith, Secretary. Aa Executive Committee was chosen, consisting of Smith Roberts and But­ ler; and a Purchasing Committee, consisting of Sibley, Butler, Turney and Long. The Commission mad* an official call on the acting Secreta­ ry of the Interior, and the Commis. sioner of Indian Affairs. The state of Tllonois has taxable property worth about twenty six hun­ dred millions of dollars. The asses, soi-s report property assessed at thirteen hundred millions of dollar» of which over eighty per cent, is the farminglands, with their live stock, implements, etc., and town lots and -mprovements. All the rest of the property in the State escapes taxation and, of the less than twenty per cent of property returned by the assessors, one half escapes taxation by the failure to collect. During the Revolution, “ Old Put” had received a lot of recruits, and a» he had some fighting at hand, and wanted none but willing men, he> drew up his levies before him “ Now- boys,” said he,“ I don’t wish to retain, any of you who wish to leave; there­ fore, if any of you are dissatisfied ana, wish to return home, ho mav signify the same by stepping six paces in. front of the line. But.“ added the old war dog,‘ T l l shoot the first m»a that steps out. One of the assessors has.discovered a new plan for estimating the value of a man’s earthly possessions.' It is this: A rich man keeps no dog, a. man with moderate means one, a poor man two, and an utterly worth­ less and impecuniary cuss generally has from three to eight, a portion of which—to make the matter worse —are “ yalley” in color and fem­ inine gender, j That “ little birds do in. their neats* agree,’ ! is no credit to the birds, beqauae tt wnitid; rievnr ds fcr them tq fell cwri.