B a k e r C ity, J u n e 1 0 , 1 8 7 4 . fS' L F I S H E R , N os . 20 and 21, N ew M er­ c i a n Francisco® ’ 18 ° U1' aUthorized AGENTS. The follow in g nam ed gentle­ men are authorized to act as A gents for the B edro ck D e m o c r a t - Q * o . P. R o w e m , & Co., N ew Y ork. « w ? s Vn®OYCE’ ®an Francisco, T . C. E v a n s , Boston, Mass. * S a m u e l s , Portland, Oregon. L. P. F i s h e r , San Francisco. H on D unham W right , Union County, 0 . P. C H arper A1bany, Oregon. J1- ) v - D avis , Walla Walla, W. T. »• I vnox , Pendleton, Oregon J . D. A gnew , Boise City, Idaho.' t ij Clarksville, Oregon. ™ »" , ELLS> Grande, Oregon. W A. C ra w fo r d Payette Valley, Idaho. m V?!' riEFFKEYS> Weiser Valley, Idaho. TfEIri ^VKK> Ganyon City, Oregon, i l . xl. H yd e , Prairie Oity, Oregon. * a r m e r s around Union and the Cove can pay their subscription to the D emocrat to •Geo. W right & Bon, merchants at Union, or «Cowles A McDaniels or B. G. French at The Cove. Persons wishing to subscribe in that portion ot Union county can give their names to either oi the above named parties. F red B alade is authorized to act as Agent fo r the D emocrat at Umatilla. G eo . W. P almer is autnorized to act as Agent for the D emocrat at Marysville. C iiu rles \V. Cra.ne is authorized to act as Agent for the B edrock D emocrat in Ban i rancisco. 1; t. Datest New York Gold Quotations, 109 H LEGAL TENDERS IN PORTLAND 1 B u ying,.................. 88c. | Selling,................ 89 LIST o f a k r iy a l s . Through the politeness o f Mr. J. H. In gra h a m , the ob ligin g clerk o f the W est­ ern H otel, ot this city, we are enabled to la y before our readers the follow in g list of arrivals at that H otel, for the w eek end­ ing June 9th, 1874: Jas. Richardson, E ld ora d o; John Toy, H edge; Frans, John Irw in, James Irwin, R ye V alley ; J. Copeland, M. Colt & wife, H . Basin; R. Roberts, Mrs. S Roberts, A u ­ b u rn ; J C. P ack w ood, A gusta; Mat Reed, AV. E. W o o d , Connor Creek, W. Pontius Jeru salem , Fred K eller Snake R iver, Tom C onroy, F E. K ellogg, M. Eels & wife, Mrs. McCarty, B oise, S. Bush, K elton. *---------------------- -------------- --------- ------------ M e te o r o lo g ic a l T able. Through the politeness o f Professor S. P. Barrett, we are enabled to lay before our readers the following table showing the range o f the Mercury for the week ending J une 6th, 1874, £' Balter City, ~ Oregon: 7 A. M. 12 M . 10 P, Sunday, 52 76 59 Monday, 54 74 52 Tuesday, 44 58 47 Wednesday, 48 50 72 Thursday, 52 54 70 Friday, 54 48 66 Saturday, 48 50 60 Average for the week 56:1 degrees. Average for correspouding week last year, £8:4 degrees above Zero. Considerable rain during the past week. B aker C ou n ty E le c tio n . -¿ it * . D emocratic M ajority .—The following are the reported majorities for the candidates on the Democratic State ticket, in this coin ty: For Governor, Grover 145; Congress, La Dow 150; Sec. o f State, Chadwick 100; Treas­ urer, Brown 260; Printer, Browm 190; School Superintendent, Dawne 140. In Union coun­ ty it is reported that A. H . Brown has about 250 over Clark. Brown’ s majority east of the Cascades is not fai from 1,000. Bring out the N ice B utter .—There is nothing that helps to adorn a table as good, fresh, clean and well made butter Pat Griffin brought us, ou last Monday, several pound rolls o f as fine golden hued butter as we have seen in any market. It is well worked and solid, and is well worth ten or twelve cents a pound more than is a great deal o f the butter that is brought to our market. R eturning .—R. A. Pierce, who has been on a visit east for the past eight or nine months, was at Boise City on last Friday, on his return home. Several parties are with him, who expect tp make Baker county their future home. They are traveling with their own teams and wagons. R ain .—During the past week we have had several beautiful showers of rain—some of them lasting for twenty-four hours, a kind of Oregon mist, only a little more so. They have been of great benefit to our farmers and others, and we hope to have a continu­ ance. last Saturday evening. He informs us that the water is failing in that camp. He re­ turned to the Yalley on last Monday morn­ ing- T he R esult .—As soon as we receive the official vote at the late election, we shall give the result in the State and in this county in form suitable for future reference. Information is wanted o f J. N. Hague, who was at Clarksville, or Snake River, about three years ago. Address, S. R. Golden, Roseburgh, Oregon. M i s t a k e . —We came very near getting our hair pulled last week because we made a mistake in the gender o f Fisher’s girl. It is a fine boy. We beg the young gentleman’s pardon, and promise not to do so again. P assed T hrough .— Rev. Mr. Eels and wife, o f Boise City, passed through our city this week on their way to their future home, on the Sound, in Washington Territory. - --------------------- -*> -• ------------- -------- - UNION IT E M S . Since the election is over and the races have been run, the excitement has subsided. Mr. Morton started to his home in Uma­ tilla county on last Thursday. He leaves his race horse with the Sturgill brothers. They took him to Baker county on last Fri day. W . A. Cates and Joseph Wright arrived here on Thursday last, from the logging re­ gion, on the Grand Ronde River, after a walk o f about 140 miles in four days. The com ­ pany is out of provisions, and are living on bread straight. The boys started back on Friday with two pack animals with provis­ ions. They have the logs within thirty miles o f the boom, at the mouth o f the Grand Itemde canyon, at Oro Dell. There are some two or three cases o f lung fever in this end ot the valley. W. T. W right and family left here on last "Wednesday for Willow Creek, in Umatilla county. His wife will visit relatives in that section, and he will proceed to Wallula on business connected with the Walla Walla and Wallula Railroad. The Cove itemizer ii perfectly jubilant over the abundance o f crickets and camas this season. We never knew he was an abo­ riginal until now. BONUB. F ourth of J uly .—If our citizens intend to have any Celebration on the 4th o f next July it is time they were making some prepa­ rations for the same. The citizens o f other towns are moving in the matter. Why can not we have another good celebration here ? E piscopal S ervice . —Rev. Dr. Nevius will preach at the Court House on to-morrow, Thursday, evening, at 8 o’clock. B aptist S ervice .—There will be preach­ in g at the C .urt House, in this city, on next Sabbath, June II, at 11 o’clock, A. M., by Rev. Mr. Willoughby, o f the Baptist Church. B orn .—Near this city, to the wife o f J. M. Rea, a son. I n T own .—Charles Green, of Rye Yalley, is in our City. E. Shultz, Democrat, is re-elected Sheriff of Wasco county. He makes a good officer- Most all pill in the market, and those styl­ ed vegetable, are not only large, nauseous, griping and difficult to swallow, but they contain Mercury, besides Aloes, Gamboge, and other injurious drastics. These are old medicines, and used before medical science developed better, now supplanted by much more pleasant but effectual cathartics. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Purgative Pellets embody the latest and best cathartic properties in a concentrated, yet mild and searching form, and are never taken with disappointment. Wholly vegetable, sugar coated, small, neat, and in delicate glass vials. Sold at 25 cents, by Druggists. B a lte r C ity L o d g e N o . 2 5 , 1 . 0 . RADWAY’S READY RELIEF Has located perm anently in B AKER CITY, OREGON, And can he found at J. W . Cleaver’s Old Cabinet Shop, w hich he has fitted up as an Office and A pothecary Stove. A il diseases incident to the H um an F am ­ ily can be cured by this Physician. Particular attention paid to cases given up us incurable by other Physicians. P R . Y O U K OHU. Baker City, M ay 13, 1874.-nlnl7 gite M D# iO V i o w , ’ s S E w i hro k j i n - o f f ® i*,i ¡¡¿ A & h j{c/rf FF.VER A N D AGUE cured for fifty cents. There is not a remedial agent in this world that, will cure Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious, Bilious. Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevers (aided by R A H W A Y ’ S PILLS) so quick as R A D W A Y 'S R EADY R ELIEF. Fifty cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! M R S . JR. C. S H E P H E R D , A g e n t a t BAKER CITY, OREGON. April 2, 1873.n47n39 Saraprillti Every drop o f the SA R SA P A R IL L IA N RESOLVENT communicates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other fluids and juices o f the ivstem the vigor o f life, for it repairs the wastes of the body with new and sound material. Scrof­ ula, Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular disease, Ulcers in the Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and other parts o f the system, Sore Eyes, Strumous Discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms of Skin diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, R ing-W orm , Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots, "Worms in the Fleth, Tumors, Cancers in the .W om b, and all weakening' and painful discharges, Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm, and all wastes c f the life prin­ ciple, are within the curative range o f this wom kr o f Modem Chemistry, and a few days’ use will prove to any person using it for either o f these forms of disease its potent power to cure them. If the patient, daily becoming r «hirer! by the .wastes and decomposition that is continually urogiessing, succeeds in ar­ resting these wastes, and repair? tne «line with new,material made from healthy blood—and this the SAR SA PA R ILLIA N will ar.d does secure. Not only does the S a r s a p a k i m . ia n R e so l v e n t excel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin diseases ; but it is the only positive cure for Dr. R A D W A Y ’S Period Pirpiife Pills, P r e s c o t t , June 1st.— In accor­ dance with orders issued by General Crook, dated May gOth, Post Camp E astern W r p ifE . L) i r e c to O F a s h in g t o n astern it , O regon , and N orthern I daho . P U B L IS H E R S ' O F TH E JL Walla Walla Union will issue a Direc­ tory of the above named sections eavla in 1874. As any other Mill in the county. Orchis or The work will embrace a general sketch of Bills for Lumber can he left at the Black­ the counties of Walla Walla, Whitman, Ste­ smith Shop of McCord Brother», in Baker vens and Yakima, in Washington Territory; City, and they will bo promptly filled. Umatilla, Union and Baker, in Oregon, and Nez Perce. Idaho and Shoshone, in; Idaho 8. B.‘ McCORD, territory, together with their Productions, B. D. McCORD, J. P. McCORD. Resources, Climate, and all other subjects P. S.—All business in connection with the upon which information is required. Mill will be »tended to bv The Directory of each town and city will R. D. McCORD. be complete; and that, with sketches o f each November 11, 1873.-n27tf place, should make it invaluable to the mer­ chant, farmer, and mechanic. As an advertising medium, it will be the Buy Your Lumber at the best yet introduced, as it will be o f sneh im­ portance that it will always be retained in a prominent position for reference. Old, Reliable E fe e ll’s O ld M ill. E H A V E R E F IT T E D T H E W Mill and make the best Lumber in the county, at prices to suit the times. Any bills left at our Mill receive as prompt attention in the future as in the past. We saw everything from a Lath to the Heaviest Timbers. Clear and seasoned Lumber always on hand. Bills left with J. W. Wisdom will receive immediate attention. By strict attention to business, we hope to receive our share of public patronage. An unlimited amount o f Grain taken in exchange tor Lumber. E LLIO TT A VAN PATTEN. March 1. 1874.-u34tf. RATES OF ADVERTISING: One Tage........................................... $20 Half Tnge......................................... 10 Card.................................................... 5 ITT” Advertisers taking one page will re­ ceive a copy o f the book gratis. P r ic e o f tlie D ir e c t o r y w i l l be SI GO We will use our best endeavors to make the book complete in every respect. A thoroughly competent person will soon make a tour of the country to be embraced in the Directory and gather all the informa­ tion necessary. E. M. SMITH & CO. n29n34 Walla Walla, W. T. MUSIC HATH SHAMS! Section Seventeen, in Township Nine South, and Forty East, commonly known as Baker City, and Boyd’s Addition, and which is situated in Baker county, Oregon, (if said Boyd, or other person, has not first secured the title of the undersigned to the samel, is voidable, and will be taken from you with­ out any pay or reward for improvements, and you are farther notified that there has been no final decision, even in the Land Office, against me, on merit, as to my title to said lands. All that decision went to, was to the point that my Attorneys did not make the appeal in proper season, as ordered by m e ., Knit will be instituted in proper time to recover all of said land and improvements held. Beware! ROYAL A. PIERCE. Rockbridge, Wis., Jan. 24, 1874.n34tf P r ic e the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. K . I I . MCDONALD &, CO. Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal., & cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts., N.Y. 1 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS & DEALERS. B it t e r s 1_T Boydis Pre-emption Entry and United ¡States Tovvnsite of Baker City, set clown for Patent. The Final decision o f Commissioner Drummond against R. A. Pierce and ¡State of Oregon, and in favor of Boyd’s Pre-emption Entry for the Northeast quarter o f ¡Southeast quarter, and West half o f Southeast quarter of Section 17. Township 9, S R 40 East, 120 acres. Also, in favor of United States^Town- site on Southeast quarter o f Southeast quar­ ter of Section' 17, Township 9, S 11 40 E a s t- 40 acres, was made on September 15, 1873, and entered on Records o f United States Land office at Washington, Book 102, Page HO, and Patent was ordered to issue to said Boyd for said 120 acres, and to Pre-emption Lot entries of said Townsite. J. M. BOYD. January 13, 1874-35tf T IN -SH O P ! .1. H . . W ill 3 © ï H Miner’s Hydraulic Pipe, Noz­ zles, Butts and Tin Ware. Also, Every Pattern and Style of S T O V E S . , 0 0 0 «L æ m firà iD O rg an s , IN D A IL Y USE. The best musical talent of the country re­ commend these Organs. The nicest and best. More for your money, and gives bet­ ter satisfaction, than any other now made.. They comprise the Eiireia,Concerto,Orcleslra and M s. Illustrated Catalogues sent by mail, post­ paid to any address, upon application to B. SSi«NINGSlSt & € « . , n35n9 New H a v e n , Conn. Take Notice. M ain Street, B a k er C ity, O regon. hand a full assortment of all articles in his line, such as 5 S iio n l n g e r PABKER, e k e e p s co n sta n tly on S,ast A L ife -T im e ! b e W H O L E S A L E A N D K E T A 1L D E A L E R IN C a p r , Till and fc t -I r o n Ware. R ed u ced * THE BEST IN THE WORLD. JVJOTICE TO A L L P E R SO N S. L o n d o n , June 5— 5:30 A. M .— Jeff­ erson Davis sailed for New York to­ day on the steamship Atlanic. W a s h in g t o n June 5.— The Com. on Elections, by a vote of 6 against 5, agreed not to report the resolution I No Person can take these Bitters ac­ of Hazelton reciting that Delegate cording to directions, and remain long unwell, Cannon had been proven a polyga­ provided their bones are not destroyed by mine­ ral poison or other means, and vital organs mist, having married one of liis wasted beyond the point of repair. wives since the passage of the anti Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the polygamy law of 1862, and therefore Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Sto­ should be expelled. The Committee mach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, also voted down a resolution post­ Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and poning all action in the case, but it a hundred other painful symptoms, are the off­ is generally believed that further KIDNEY AND 3 LAD BEK COMPLAINTS, springs of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a consideration of the question will be Urinarv and W omb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stop­ better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy page o f W ater, In or ritinence of Urine, Bright’s Disease, Albu­ advertisement. postponed till next session. minuria, and in all caees where there arc brick dust deposits, P o r P e m a lc C o m p la in ts , in young or old, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances nke the C h i c a g o , June 5 .—A Washington white o f an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a mor­ married or single, at the dawh of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so darky bilious appearance, and white bonedust deposits, special says that it was represented bid, and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when passing decided an influence that improvement is soon water, and pain in the Small o f the Back and along the Loins. to Ge n. Bristow that a very strong perceptible. Price, $1.00. For Inflam m atory and Chronic pressure was being brought to bear W ORM S. R heum atism and Gout, Bilious, Remittent to retain Sawyer as Assistant Secre­ and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, The only known and sure Reroedv for W O R M S—-PIN, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have tary of the Treasury, the General TAPE, etc. no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated verv promptly and decisively re­ T u m o r o f 1 2 Y e a r s 9 G r o w th Blood. Cured by Resolvent. T hey are a gentle Purgative as w ell marked: “ If Mr. Sawyer does not as a T o n ic , possessing the merit of acting as go, I will not remain. W e cannot a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or In­ flammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, sail in the same ship!” The result and in Bilious Diseases. is that after a hard struggle Sawyer For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt has agreed to resign, and will send Rheum, Blotches, Spots,' Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, ;Scald-Head, an informal letter to that effect to­ Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolora­ perfectly taste!es3, elegantly coated with sweet gun*-, \ urge, morrow. So the last of the Sanborn regulate, purify, cleanse, and strengthen. Radway’s Pills, tions of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the for the cure o f all disorders o f the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Skin of whatever name or nature, are liter­ crowd has finally withdrawn. Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous.Diseases, Headache, Constipation, ally dug up and carried out of the sys­ Costiveness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness. Bilious Fe­ S a n D i e g o , June 3d.— The San ver, Inflammation o f the Bowels, Piles, and all Derangepnents tem in a short time by the use of these Bitters. o f the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Grateful Thousands proclaim V i n e g a r Diego World has the following from Purely Vegetable, containing nc mercury, minerals., or dele­ Arizona: B u s in e s s ou are H e re b y N otified that all Lands purchased o fJ . M. Boyd, or Y other persons, in the SouthoastQuir'ter of AGUE. terious drugs. A few doses o f R A D W A Y ’S PILLS ly'ij fj-eu the syr-lem from all the above-named disorders. Price, 25 r».ttis per box. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. R EA D “ FALSE AND T R U E .” Send one letter stamp to R A D W A Y A- CO., No. 32 Warren*Street, Now Vr-vfc. Jnfor­ mation worth thousand»will be seat rca, 18_7 4 Notice to All Persons. O . F . , meets every Saturday evening, at half past six o’clock, at Odd Fellows Hall, in HAS M A D E TH E MOST ASTONISHING C U R E S : SO the new Bank Block, corner o f Front street QUICK. SO R ATIO ARE TH E CHANGES THE BODY UNDERGOES. U N DER THE INFLUENCE OF THIS and Court Avenue. Members o ' the Order TR U L Y W O N D E R FU L M EDICINE, TH A T are invited to attend. By order o f N. G. D F or the very best Photographs, go to E v e r y D a y a n I n c r e a s e i n I l e s h a n d W e ig h t is S een a n d F e lt. Bradley & Rulofson’s Gallery without S tairs UF“ Ascend in the ELEVATOR, 429 M ont­ the great h o o d purifier . gomery Street, San Francisco. ------------- ^ «-<>» -------------- LATE NEWS. SAN DEANCISC Reasonable Prices The application o f the I I F A O Y R F .J jT E F to the part or parts where the pain or diliieulty exists will afford ease and comfort. . Twenty drops hi half a tumbler of water will in :> few mo­ ment* cure CRAM PS, SPASMS, SOUR STOM ACH . SICK H EAD AC H E , H E AR TB U R N , DIA R RH E A, DYSEN TERY, COLIC, W IN D IN TH E BOW ELS, and all IN TER N AL PAINS. Travelers should always carry a bottle o f K a d w n y ’ « R e a d y R e l i e f with them. A few drops in water will ore- vent sickness or pains from change of water. It is better than French Brandy or Bitters as'a stimulant. Br. R A D W A Y ’S G E N E R A L AGEN TS, Pocahontas, IN F L A M M A T IO N OF THE KIDNEYS, IN FLAM M A TIO N OF THE BLADDER, IN FLAM M A TIO N OF TH E BOWELS, CONGESTION OF TH E LUNGS. SORE T H R O A T , D IFFICU LT BREATH ING, p a l p it a t io n o f t h e h e a r t , H YSTERICS, CROUP, DIPH TH E R IA . CATARRH, in f l u e n z a , H E AD ACH E, T 0 0 T IIA C H E . N KURA LG I A , R H EU M ATISM , COLD CHILLS, AGU E CHILLS. STRONG ANT) PU RE RICH BLOOD—IN CREASE OF FLESH AND W E IG H T —CLEAR SKIN A N D BEAU T1FUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. SH ERM AN & H Y D E , E Where they are prepared to fill all bills for Lumber at short notice, and at as That inst.H- tlv stops the most excruciating pains, allays In­ flammation.-«. and cures Congestion s, whether of the Liu gs, Stomach, Bow.-Is, or other gland-or 'u-gans, by one application, IN FROM ONE TO T W E N T Y MINUTES, no matter how violent or excruciating the pain the R H EU M ­ ATIC, Bed-rid-;en, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease mav sutler, AND Acknowledged by Musicians to be the Rest Low Triced Instruments ever offered for sate on this Coast. It is located at THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY FEVER The Most Desirable Instruments in the market ior church and parlor. Over 28,000 now in uso. c b a k e r , ^3 COR5> B R O T H E R S H A V E their New Saw Mill in complete run­ M ning order, and it is doing the best of work. It was the first and is W IL L AFFORD IN ST A N T EASE. MUSIC, Lumber— New Saw Mill. IS A CURE FOR EVERY P A IX . RAHWAY'S READY RELIEF SHEET C h in e se P h y s ic ia n , H O U R SUFFER WITH PAIN. - DR. YOUK OHU, IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. ONE S A N F R A N C IS C O , W H O LE SA LE A N D R E T A IL D E A L E R S IN HEEEEg CURES THE WORST PAINS M OT Cor. Kearny ana Suffer Sts. Musical Instruments, R. R. R. R m a y ’ s S e a m R elief 1 After reading tins advertisement need nuy one THE UNEQUAELED SHERMAN & HYDE ! I desire to express my thunks to the peo- j | pie o f Baker City for their kindness and j sympathy during my late illness. Borne o f M U S I C A L M E l l CITA X D I S U . j you deserve personal mention, bnt The All Orders from the Interior promptly filled. Seeing Eye has marked and will reward you . I cannot, however, forbear making mention These Superb Instruments have achieved a o f Kev. Cum Lom for his kindness, and Dr. M AN U FAC TU RE RS O F TU E success unparalleled in the history of Piano-forte Youk Chu for his skillful and successful Manufacture. treatment. I feel to them I (f.ve my life.—• They are remarkable for Great Volume, Purity and Sweetness of Tone, and Durability. Trusting they will be as successful with all their patients, I take pleasure in recommen­ ding the afflicted to their care. Now, kind THE CELEBRATED friends, I bid you farewell, leaving you to be rewarded by Him who bath said, “ Inas­ much as you have done it unto the least of these, my children, you have done it unto m e.” Yours, very Gratefully, Bev. L. A. POW ELL. A placard in a Brooklyn barber’s shop window announces, “ Boots blacked inside.” Bat must not that be very bad for the stockings? A Canadian matron, one hundred and eight years old, is still able to devote much energy to bringing up T. M. Britten came in from Rye Yalley on her little boy, aged ninety three. R e - o p e n e d . - B ohna & McCord have re­ opened their Bakery, where they are pre­ pared to furnish fam ilies with bread, &c. The whole Democratic ticket is elected in this county, with the exception of one Rep­ resentative and one County C ommissioner, A CARD. Billy Illidge returned from Portland with his family a day or two since. His wife and little son were taken quite sick below, but we are pleased to state that a change for the better took place upon their getting east of the Dalles. C rops o f every kind, and gardens in our valley look -well. The prospect is bright for a good yield of every thing planted. U n io n C o u n t y E le c tio n . ! C has. St. L o u is has located perma- ! nently in Baker; and is now prepared to man- | ufacture and repair all kinds o f jewelry and ; watches. After twenty-eight years experi- ! enee in the business, he feels competent to I give entire satisfaction. Mr. St. Lonis, is ! also agent for the best Sewing Machine in J use. the New Wilson, price, §55,00. Britten & Beggs, of Silver City, are put­ ting up a tailing mill for the purpose of work­ A gentleman in Pottsville, Penn., ing the tailings from several mills there. It is thought to be a good investment. They has named his dog Penny, because it was one cent to him and has had have some of the timbers and machinery on ten mills with the cat. the ground for their mill. Judge McFarland left last week on a short visit to the Webfoot country. A pleas­ ant trip to him. J. W. Wisdom for Senator, C. G. Chand­ ler and J. C. Wilson foK Representatives, D. B. Scofield for County Judge, L. B. Ison for County Clerk, Geo. W. Parker Treasurer, W. H . H ull Assessor, David Kelley and W. Fuqua County Commissioners, Jno. Brat- tain for Surveyor, W. F. Payton for School Superintendent and Dr. T. N. Snow for Cor. oner, all Democrats, are elected in this county, by from thirty-one to one hundred and fifty majority for Payton. Hurrah for P a yton ! Beale Springs, being no longer need­ ed for military purposes, is discon­ tinued, and La Paz is recognized as a new military station. Y u m a , June 1st.— The Colorado is still rising slowly. The general opinion is that an overflow will oc­ cur, which will exceed that of the Gila last July. The amount of water passing off is immense, and the river is running swiftly. The steamer Cocopah left for the mouth of the river yesterday, taking a largo list of pasengers. T h e Union has the following: P k e s c o t t , June 2d.— The Albu' querque Review, just received, states that a brutal murder was committed on the 17th of May, two miles north of Rio Puerco. Two Mexicans, named Valencia and Garcia, were hilled bv a party of seven masked men. Valencia bad a rope tied around bis neck, and was dragged on the ground until life was extinct.— Garcia was taken from his house and killed with an axe and his throat cut. Both men had families, and were murdered in the vicinity of their homes. Guards were placed over their houses to prevent the escape of any member of the household, and the recognition of- any of the murderers. Valencia was 60 and Garcia 35 years of age. It is supposed the cause of the murder originated in lawsuit tried at the Tucson courts a year ago. So far no clue to the perpetrators has been found. L L P e r s o n s I n d e b t e d to th e undersigned are requested to call at ms ^mce and adjust their accounts w it h o u t tu r- A tner notice. p ATWOOD.. Baker City, May 20, 1874.-n2tf M O N E Y M U S T C O I E ’. I L in h e r e i s no u s e ot any m ore L Talk, the Accounts due tlie McCord The Celebrated Buck’s Patent Cooking, and the Onward Parlor Stove are kept on hand, together with all other styles. Brothers must be settled initnediatelyor they will be sued. The undersigned has the set tlement of all the-business, and is determin­ ed that it shall he settled soon. This is the J O B " W O -JEL :BSL last notice. S. B. McCOWD, Done upon short Notice, and at reasonable For McCord Bros. Prices. April 28. 187Ln51tf n26tf J- H. PARKER. FOR SALE. A n u n d iv id e d o n e - e ig iit ii in - “ JAMES GORDON terest in the QUARTZ LO D E .” For particulars apply to GEORGE W. PARKER at A. H. Brown’s Store. Baker City, March 19, 1874. n46tL Grarclen Seeds. w ose B lo ch has a f a ll asso rt­ ment o f Fresh California and Eastern O r £ i.x ? d L e i:i. a e o c t i S , Which he is selling very cheap. Give him a call, and you will get good aud fresh seeds.. April 1 4 ,1874-u49nl