J ssssa iertv 0 cîi B a lte r C ity , M a y SS©, 1 8 7 4 . L- P- F IS H E R , N os . 20 and 21 Now at A G E N T S.— T h e fo llo w in g n a m ed gen tle­ m e n are au th orized to act as A g e n ts for the | ¿ bedrock D e m o c r a t : 1 G eo . P. H o w e l l & C o., N e w Y ork THOS. B o y c e , San Francisco 1 k‘ ? ' s ^ VANS’ ? ° '~ Loli> M ass. V § A^ TTEL,S> F ortlan d , Oregon iU 1 . 1' L. sjukr , San Francisco ’ 0 on D u n h a m W r ig h t , Union County O & C. H a r t e r Albany, Oregon ’ ’ - W a l l a Walla, VV. T . T)' ? 'n ox’ ^DDdleton, Oregon. J. D . A gn - e w , Boise City, Idaho. f- Giarhtvnie, Oregon. W *»' /^ 8> L a Grande, Oregon, i f ' m A * !^ItAWF01iUi Payette Valley, Id ah j S. M . J e f f r e y s , Weiser Valley, Idaho H H R v f ; C£ ny,m Clt>'= Oregom H . H . H y d e , P ia in e o u y , Orego” M v “Z e ™ r Und. ;Uni0n and Gove can l e o W ¡ r h t S f ,Un 10 U e D emocrat to W V gMt , bon> merchants at Union or Cowles & McDaniels or S. O. French at The vnrtu,n ^ r ? 0? 8 wlshlnS to subscribe in that lo S t h e r o f i r . C0" nty cangive their names lo either ol the above named parties f « ;? R D^ ALAI)li is authonzea to act as Agent for the D emocrat at Umatilla. A ^ m V W ;n P t LMEa 18 authorized to act as A gen t for the D emocrat at Marysville. u ir le s W . C r a n e iB authorized to act '?? Agent for the B edrock D emocrat in San Ira n cisco . I m p ’ d O. R . M .— On the 14th Sleep of the Flow er M o o n , G. S. D ., 383 W in n em u cca Tribe, N o . 5, w as organized in this city by Le F . A . Shaw, Great Sach em o f the Great Council o f the State o f Oregon, and the fol­ low in g n am ed chiefs were d u ly “ raised u p ” to. their respective stations, to*wit: E* H . CardWeli, S a c h e m ; J. P. R oss, S. S .; Ik e B lo ch , J. S .; Cal H y d e , C. o f R. ; H . N . M c ­ K in n e y , K . o f W .-; R . A lexan der, P rophet; C. M . Foster, 1st W ; J. H . In g ra h a m , 2nd W ; S. R. R oss, 3rd W ; R. T. B ailey, 4th W ; G. L . Manning^ 1st B ; A . Sicord, 2nd B ; D. H . Jackson , G. o f W . ; A . A . H ew ston, G. o f F .; also the n am es o f L . O. Sterns, J. H . S h in n , E . S. M cCom as and W . W . W ebb er appear upon the Charter list. T h e Coun­ cils o f the Tribe w ill be held on Tuesday E v e n in g o f each w eek, at their W ig w a m . T h e object o f the Order being the relief o f distressed bretheren, the cu ltivation o f the social and fraternal relations between its m e m b e r s, the protection o f the W id o w and the fatherless and the interm ent o f their dead. W e bespeak for the Im proved Order o f Red M en a success w hich is fu lly m erited by a n y and a ll associations of th e k in d . G ood P rospects .— Our friend W . H . Latest New York Gold Quotations, d e c a e t e n d e r s in t o r t e a n i > : B u y in g ,................ .au M wifU *Kr* 1 109 H .88c. | Selling....................gy *- ——------- Meteorological Table. Through the politeness o f Professor S. P . .Barrett, we are enabled to lay before our readers the following table showing the range •ot the Mercury lor the week ending Mav 16th, 1874, at Baker C ity, Oregon: 7 A. M. 12 M. 10 p M .Sunday, 48 50 40 Monday, 40 53 42 Tuesday, 36 64 40 Wednesday, 36 75 43 Thursday, 40 74 43 Friday, 38 81 56 Saturday, 49 81 54 Average for the week 52:5 degrees aboTe Zero. Average for corresponding week last vear, 56:6 degrees above Zero. W e bad early raduiglies first on the 12th; lettuce also la. ge enough to use; strawber­ ries' bloomed on tne 14th, and cnerries on the 16th. H S T OT A K ttIV A L S . M r. Speake and those in company with him hold one thousand feet of bar claims, and up and pann­ ed out in running a short cut. Mess s. Sweake, Campbell, Hoffm an and Marshall holding elections, at the General election J u n e 1st 1874: Judges for Baker City Pre­ May— m orning and evening; also, at Clarks Creek ou the following Saturday evening at P . Crabill, John Stewart, W m . H . candle lighting and Fourth Sunday at 11 o ’­ Speak, and .that the place o f holding election clock, and ap Eldorado same evening; Mon­ be and is hereby designated day evening at Mormon Basin, and Tuesday tain’s office. Judges for Pocahontas Precinct : D . C arn , evening at Rye Valley. ■George M itchell, 0 . T . E lliott, place of elec­ W ingville, on Thursday, June 4th, and con­ tion at school tinue over the Sabbath. S. Littlefield, place of holding election at school house. Jndges fur W ingville Precinct: E.¿Bryant, The Baptist Associ­ ation will meet with the Baptist Church at N e w M u sic .— A Life that Lives for You, I v y Club Lancers, List to the Voice of the Waves, and The C hild’s Vision with a varie­ ty of othei new and popular pieces o f music, H. E . Perkins, E . H . Sturgill, place of h o ld ­ have been received from F . J. Benitz, Man­ Powder Precinct: A . ager o f Gray’s Music Store, Forth nd. Wo refer our friends requiring anything in the Riggs, A . George, A . Leonig, place of hold music line, from a song to a piano or organ, ing election Sot. Coles house. Judges for Shasta Precinct: W m . Morfitt, to Gray’s Music Store, Portland, where they ing election J.ohn M cLain’s Judges for North Store. can rely upon honorable dealings. E . H . Richardson, W m . Cunningham , place A P resent .— L ast week we inspected Ad­ ■of holding election Barnes Hotel. Judges for Quartz Gulch Precinct: Geo. ams’ Map o f History, which was presented Mooro, E . L . Johnston, C. C. H untington, M cArthur.. place of holding election Leatherwood’s Ho­ and well adapted to the use of schools. It is a valuable and useful gift, and the generous tel. Judges for Easton Precinct: A . Barnhart. L . Devore. Ered Green, place of holding election Copeland & Green’s Store. Judges for Rye V alley: Walter Fernold, to the Baker City Academy by H on. L . L . The map is a very fíne one, donor will receive the thanks o f many a stu­ dent of the Academy, for his kind rem em b­ rance of the institution and its inmates. T h e R osedale T r o u pe . - - D uring the past J . C. Powers, J. M . Turner, place of election ten days this talented Troupe has been play­ B lain s H otol. Judges for Connor Creek Precinct; Robt. ing nightly to good houses in our city. W illia m s, W . style. place E. o f holding W ood, W illiam Brown, They put good pieces upon the boards in good W e understand they will commence election G . M . Glover,s a short engagement at Boise City on next house. Judges for F t. Sum pter Precrnci: Chas. Monday evening, and we hope they may R im bold, Joseph Young, H . Duckworth, place of holding election Young’s Store. Judges for Clarks Creek Precinct: John "Wade, A . W inn ing, John Cox, place o f hold­ ing election T . Reed’s H ouse. Judges for H um boldt Basin Precinct: L . H . Rodgers, John Clackner, R . Beers, place of holding election N . Savage’s House. Judges for Burnt River Precinct: Chas. W . Durkee, A J. Weatherby, B. D . Jett, place of holding election W eatherby’s Station. Judges of Pleasant Valley Precinct: A . C . Goodrich, T. B . Hart, — . Nichols, place of Judges for Stone House Precinct: have good houses. G one to S il v e r .— W e neglected to men­ tion at the proper time that D r. E . P. T ier­ ney and family had gone to Silver City to live. The Doctor is a good physician, and we hope fie may have the success there he so well deserves, and that his family have a N e w G un S h o p .— M r. H . Sutter has open­ ed a new Gun Shop at Gardner’s Store, where he is prepared C . C. to do all kinds of work in the way of repairing tols, and also machinery, on Jewelry Guns, Pis­ short notice, W ork warranted — Give him a call. * B . Rinehart, C h a n g e .— M r. Thomas Smith, o f the E m ­ place of holding election Sami. M cDonald’s pire H otel, at The Dalles, has leased his ho­ H ouse. tel there, and intends to remove to Salem. W e understand he has leased Chemeketa Davis, Sami. McDonald, L . v C al le d .— H on. E . S- McComas and D r. J. B . Hulsey from LaGrande called on us last H otel at Salem. week. gentleman, and knows how to keep hotel. R. S - Johnson and James Odell ol Rye Valley called on us last Monday .-they say times are lively at Rye Valley and all the people there are at work. F or P ortland — Our young friend Robt. I. M r. Sm ith is a very clever O. R. M .— There has H orse S t ealin g .— A man by the name of Lawrence was arrested and brought into our city, on last Monday, for horse stealing. S chool . — M iss Fanny Worlow commenced her school in our city last week. She has some twenty odd scholars. success in her undertaking. W e wish her E ditor D emocrat :—I will give you a few items from this part o f the country, and if they are not interesting to your readers you will have to excuse the writer for tres­ passing upon your time and space. to us.] ized in our City. We fióme twenty understand or more The Sun eorres down with a vehement muchness. Ever 7 -thing is love(ly) and quiet as the m igh ty Hudson, but the sun burns right down. T h e chances are that it rain soon. Tne Union Race- comm ence (Tuesday). to-morrow, A good tim e is anticipated. W ork will commence on the Summerville and W alla Walla Wagon Road immediately. M r. 8 . Hannah received a lot of new goods last week. The firs , received ihis season at this place. H e will also pay the highest market price for republican rote«. Gillespie, late of Boise City, passed through m em bers. For the present they meet in Odd Fellows H all every Tuesday F rom T a c o m a evening. M r. E . M . W hite, former- W e are indebted to M r. R . P. merly of this city, arrived from Tacoma, W . Layton for late Chicago papers for which he has oar thanks,. T ., last vreek, and is staying in our city at present. Head of Main Street, SHERMAN & HYDE Cor. Kearny ana Suiter Sis. A C AR © . I desire to express m y thanks to the peo­ ple of Baker City for their kindness sympathy during my late illness. you deserve personal mention, and Some of but The All Seeing Eye has marked aud will reward you. of Rev. Cum Lum for his kindness, and Dr. Yonk Chu for his skillful and successful treatment. I feel to them I owe my life.— Trusting they will be as successful with all their patients, I take pleasure in recommen­ ding the afflicted to their care, blow, kind friends, I bid you farewell, leaving you to be rewarded by H im who hath said, “ Inas­ much as you have done it unto the least of those, my children, you have done it unto m e.” Yours, very Gratefully, Rev. L . A. P O W E L L . night at Pap. Craigs in honor of Miss. Chase, was a big thing. Every one seemed to enjoy themselves. Bonus had a bonus tim e. A Frenchman by the name of Prudont, while hitching his team a few days since, was kicked in the mouth, knocking out eleven teeth and disfiguring him badly. W e see in the Grande Ronde Times that Mr. T . T . G. (its stein wheel at the Govt?) is calling Mr. Paine Sheriff already. H e m ust be the running Geer (s) of the Cove. B O N U S. B u f fal o , N . Y ., Dec. 13,1870. D r . R. Y . P ie r c e : For tne past six months- I have used your Golden Medical Discovery in my practice, and in that time 1 have tes­ ted its merits m severe coughs, both acute and chronic, in enrome diseases of the throat, severe cases of bronchitis, general derangement of the system, constipated condition of the bowels, and wneiever a tafrough Alterative, or blood purifier, has been indicated. In all cases I have found it to act gently, deseased conditions, aud bringing about a healthy action throughout the system. Yours fraternally, ’ H . E. H A L L , M. D . This medicine is sold by all respectable druggists in all pai ts of America. An occasional dose of D r. Pierce’ s Pleasant Purgative Pellets stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite and invig­ orates the system. Hence it is often advan­ tageous where no derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well often finds that a dose of these Pellets, from their cleansing and renovating effect -upon the digestive apparatus, makes h im feel decidedly better. Twenty-five cents, by Druggists. © . F . , meets every Saturday evening, at half past six o’clock, at Odd Fellows H alf, in the new Rank Block, corner of Front street and Court Avenue. Members o the Order are invited to attend. By order of N. G. 0 5 “ C h a s . S t . L o u is has located perma­ nently in Baker; and is now prepared to man­ ufacture and repair all kinds ot jewelry and watches. After twenty-eight years experi­ ence in the business, he feels competent to give entire satisfaction. M r. 8 t. Louis, is also agent for the best Sewing Machine in use. the NewWilsou, price, $55,00. 0 5 “ F or the very best Photographs, go to Bradley & Rulofson’s Gallery without S tairs Estray Notice. O N E I l t O h - G i i A Y E A L L E Y , T i ir e e years oiu tins spring, oranued B on the Snouider, form erly owned by David. Brid­ ges. and cam e irom O cuoco V a lle y ; leit M alh eu r City October 20,1873. a n y infor­ m a tio n o f said F itly left- at the B e d r o c k D e m o t k a t Office w ilt be rewarded by G. W . P H IL L IP S . M a y 13,1874.-0 ln3 WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL t>EALEHS IX SHEET MUSIC, Musical Instruments, M U S IC A L 3 1 E l l C IIA N D I S E . Orders from the Interior promxitljr filled. GEO. J . BOW MAN. GAINES & B O W M A N , B la c k s m ith s A N D Manufacinrers of Buss & Wap®. E A R E G lvTTltN G O U R T I M B E R irom St. Louis, M o., and none but the very best is Purchased, we aro there­ fore prepared to Warrant all our work. W e are n-ow fully prepared to complete any W direct Btisrgies or Wagons OO cj On short notice, and we cahsuy we have the Very Best of Workmen in our employ. Every one wantiuga Baggy or Wagon wilt save time and monev bv giving ns a call and e a iM ffin g bur work for themselves.- H d r s o - s l i o o i n s * , Special attention ft paid to Horse Shooing. A ll repair work done oh short notice. W e are thankful, for past Patronage, and still solicit a continuance. , GAINER & B O W M A N . Baker Cfff,- March 1 1 , 1874.-n44tf --------- --------------------------------------------------------------- - S e w iiw F S a e liin c s — A © r o v e r A BakEivatid a Florence, both now ami the very best— for sale. L r p a r tic u la r s, en­ quire at this office.- - * n50tf __ _______________ _________ - t 2 _ __ TH E UNEQUALLED1 MANUFACTURERS OF T B S DR. YO U K CH U , C h in e se P h y sic ia n , H as located perm an en tly In B V K E R C IT Y , O R E G O N , And can be found at J. W . C leaver’s Old Cabinet Sh op , which he has fitted up as an Office and A poth ecary Store. A ll diseases ineidentto the H u m a n F a m ­ ily can be cured by this p h ysician. Particular attention paid to cases given up as incurable by other Physicians. DR. Y O U K CHU. B aker C ity, M ay 13, 1874.-nlnl7 RAIL HOA d Y o GŒEG53 USE. gaaaasB C L E M E N T & S I C O E D , P r o p r ie to r s, B a k e r C it y , O re g o n . r p h e P ro p rieto rs respeetiu lly X inform the Public that tliuy have pur­ chased the Baker City Hotel, and have fitted itupas a First Class Hotel, where they will be found at all times ready to attend to the wants of the H u n gry and W eary, In a manner that will give satisfaction. The Table will be supplied with the best the M A R K E T W IL L A FFO R D . Give us a call, and then you can judge of our ability and capacity to please our custo­ mers. n51tf C L E M E N T A SICORD. P A Y U P ! ! p e r so n s in d e b t e d t o a . h . Brown are respectfully requested to come forward and settle their accounts, either by Cash or note, immediately. 0 5 ” A word to the wise is sufficient. Baker City, March 26,1378. n46tf A ll “ t S n ^ S H O P ! J. EC . P A R K E R , W H O L E S A L E A N D R E T A IL D E A L E R IN Coppr, Till an! Sheet-Iron Ware. Mu in S tr e e t , B a k e r C ity , O r e y o n . E K E E 3*& C O N S T A N T L Y ©Ar hand a full assortment of all articles in his line, such as H Miner’s Hydraulic Pipe, Noz­ zles, Batts and Tin Ware. Also, Every Pattern and Style of Dick W illiam s and Tim . Davenport will eulogize their respective but not respectable propositions here to-day. The birthday party given last Wednesday S A N F R A N C IS C O , I cannot, however; forbear making mention Mrs. E . Perkins and M rs. G . W . Parkor and son paid our section a visit last week. they charter I U N IO N I T E M S . the Independent Order o f Red Men organ­ start with AND R eligious — Rev. L. A r Rowell -will preach as follow s each m o n th :’ 1st Sab­ bath, E ld ora d o; 2nd Sabbath, Raker City, H ’A C O S M A R IA © , 11 A - M ., and 6J4 P. M .; 3rd S u n d ay, North ni A l l t h e V a r io u s B ra n c h Powder, II A . M .; 3rd S u n d ay, \Volf Creek, carried on by the Undersigned, at ni; 6]4 P. M .; 4th Su n day, Baker C ity,as above. A lso , the w eek before the fh.st ■ Sabbath:— j Shop, at the R ye V a lle y , Tuesday even in g; Morfhoft Basin', W ednesday ev en in g ; C la rk ’s Creek, Thursday ev en in g ; M alh eu r, Saturday evening. B A K E R C I T Y , O E E S O N. R eligious . - - R ev. G. W . Clancy, o f the I will do as good work, at as reasonable Baptist Church at Wingville, will preach _ at Prices, as any other Shop in the Country. the Court House, in Baker City, the Third S. B . M cC O R D , Sunday of each month, Morning and Even­ Baker City, Feb. 10, 1874.n40tf ing. P rayer M eetin g .— A prayer meeting will be held at the Court House, on Saturday evening of this week. City H otel has been changed to that of Rail Road House. S. A . «A L V E S .' B la e k & m i tilin g N ame C h anged .— T he name o f the Baker 0 5 =* Ascend in the E L E V A T O R , 429 M o n t­ been a Lodge of gomery Street, San Francisco our City on his way to Portland on last M on­ day. T hanks — House last evening. They speak at Eldorado to-day. B a k e r City L o d g e N o. 2 5 , 1 .© . pleasant home with the Silverites. and at reasonable rates. holding election Frank Gables H ouse. A r r ived .— R ichard W illiam s and Timothy Davenport, Republican and Independent candidates for Congress, sp ike at the Court ground, and Baker City, on the Third (next; Sabbath in D. Although in a critical condition, it is thought he would recover. Circuit Court lias been in session the past w eek and w ill probably continue another they have now about one hundred and twen­ week, and still there are thirteen crim inal ty inches o f water, and they will soon put in cases and several civil suits to be tried. The contract for fuiDishing Cavalry hors­ sluice boxes, and then we may expect to hear o f big clean ups. W e wish the boys es for.the G overn m en t was le t to the Payne the greatest success. As gook or better Brothers and M oore, m erch an ts o f W a lla W a lla . atO ne hundred and tw elve dollars prospects are struck on the same bar below per head. T h ey are offering E ig h t y -d o l­ the mouth of Connor Creek. lars in greenbacks; but I th in k th ey will B ody F o u n d .— A brother o f Geo. W .H u n t have to go out o f W a sh in g to n Territory to fill the contract at that rate. o f Bluff station, on the Payette R iver,Idaho, This is a great country for stock —th o u s­ was drowned some two years since in the ands o f grass. There are m ore horses than Payette River. Dilligent search was made cattle raised here, but I can n ot see the o b ­ at the time and for a long time afterwards, ject in raising horses,as a general thing, in for his body, but his friends were not able to preference to cattle. find it. On last Friday his remains were There were a great m a n y fruit trees k i ll­ found near the place where he was drowned • ed here by the cold weather last winter, H is skelleton was whole, and his hoots still bu t the prospect for fruit this season is very remained on his feet. M r. H u n t was a good for tlio trees that aro left. H o n . S. M . W a it has returned from C ali­ young man of much promise. A t the time he was drowned he was taking the U. S .m ail fo rn ia , and W ill address the people 01 from Bluff Station to Salubria, and in ford­ W a l l a W a lla to-m orrow even in g, M ay 16, on th e subject o f beet sugar. I f they can ing the river which was very deep at that g et this thing establish ed, it will be a great time, he in some manner left his horse and h e lp to this portion o f W a sh in gto n Terri­ was drowned. tory. There is not m u ch m o n ey in the F ine B uggy . — On last Thursday we had couii try n ow , but .pCtSple live in hopes of the pleasure of inspecting a fine home man­ better tim es. Tw o m en got into a difficulty at Colville ufactured buggy, built at the shop of Messrs. Gaines & Bowman for D r. Snow, all of our the o rjier d a y, w hen one of th e m , nam ed city. The iron work was done by Mr. Thou Pierrie,, stabbed the other with a kn ife, in ­ flicting a m ortal wound. Pierrie had not Dealy, and the painting by H arry Weed. been arrested at last accounts. V e g e ta b le s are plentiful in our m arket, I t is as meat a turn-out as can be found in fruit trees are in full b lo o m , and every o.ur city, or in Eastern Oregon, and reflects th in g lookts beautiful, and our ladies lo v e­ great credit upon the builders. W e under­ ly. Y o u r s, dec. REX. [W e hops “ R e x ” will continue his letter stand Messrs. Gaines & Bowman are build­ aft; the owners o f this m ining tion, and the following places designated for W m . M ullen, Paralysis on Sunday evening, at that place. W a l l a W a l l a I te m s , R el ig io u s . --There will be preaching, by house. E sq., of Eldorado, was stricken down with California.— Rev. G . W . Clancy, at the Court House in Judges for Auburn Precinct: T . L . Stacev, P aralysis .— W e learn that T . J. Carter, day about five ounces of as pretty gold dust B y order of the County Court the follow­ John Brat- many friends here are Well pleased with the yisit, and hope it may he a long one. L e f t .— M r. M . H . Abbott and family left i n g persons were appointed Judges of elec­ at Their our city, for their hom e at Pendleton, last week. T h ro u g h the politeness o f M r. J. II. In g r a h a m , the o b lig in g clerk o f the W e s t­ ern H o te l, ot this city, we are enabled to lay before our readers the follow in g list of arrivals a t th at H o te l, for the week en d­ ing M a y 19th, 1874: A. V e so r, P o rtla n d ; A . C. Clark, u n io n ; Sam R oberts and T o m S m ith , A u b u r n ; R. P arker, C hicago; T. J. Carter, Josh u a and .James Cole, Dan E d w a rd s, E . J . Johnson and W . G. B o sw e ll, E ld o ra d o ; I. E . P e m - ber, J. M . Henderson and H . K e lly , Sparta; W m . S a lly , W i n . F ro n ia n , D. H y a n , H . Bailey an d .J . M a n sn eid , V a lle y ; J. M . Carter, M iss E m m a K o u n tz,H en ry K ou ntz A. Lurchen & w ile, Mrs. G ood and C. Van ing two or three more for citizens o f our •Clay, B u rn t R iv e r : Col. H .C . Paige, W e lls oounty. There is no necessity for our citi­ Fargo A g e n t. L. B. R in eh a rt a wife, M a l­ heur; J. B ear, G e r m a n y ; M organ K e ltn e r zens sending away for wagons and buggies .and B oyd C arlin, A u g u sta ; J. H a g a n , S a l­ when they can get as good, or better, article mon C reek; R . B . G illesp ie, Boise City; C. E astabrook and H . C. l/u r k e e , C onnor at home for the same price that it costs to ■Creek; W . R . Curtis and G eo. H enry,C larks* ■ lay the foreign article down here. Patronize villo; W . O. R ey n old s. home industry, and then times will not be -— ---------—- — »- -----------— J u t lg e s o f d i e E le c t io n . so hard. “ D o ye mind that now .” cinct: stopping in our city for t e /eral days. on iSnake river about two miles above the mouth o f Connor Creek, showed us yester­ the gold shown us was picked Money Market. Traveling Agent, with his family, has been Speake, who has been out to his mining claim as we have seen since we left R E L I G I O U S N O T IC E S . C o l . H . C. P a ig e , W ells, Fargo A Co’s S T O V E S . The Celebrated Buck’s Patent .Cooking, and the Onward Parlor Stove are kept on nand, together with all other styles. ¿S" C 3 3E£ W O H . K . Done upon short Notice, and at reasonable Prices. nzotf J. H . P A RKER. L IV E R Y S T A B L E GRIEß & KELLOGG Having completed their New Stable, ha re now the finest and best regulated L i v e r y S ta b le In E a s t e r n Or egon, Where they will carry on the Livery Busi­ ness in all its branches. STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD. Baker City, Nov. 13, 1872. n l3tf These Superb Instruments have achieved n success unparalleled in the history of Piano-f orta Manufacture. They are remarkable for Great Volume, Purity and Sweetness of Tone, and Durability. THE CELEBRATED Acknowledged by Musicians to be the E tci lo w T*rfeod Instruments over ©fibred for Kale on this Coast. Notice to All Persons. o u a r e H e r e b y N o tifie d th a t all Lands purchased of J. M . Boyd, or other persons, in the SoutheastQmrter of Section Seventeen, in Toynship Nine South, and Forty East, commonly known as Baker City, and Boyd’s Addition, and which is situated in Baker county, Oregon, (if said Boyd, or other person, has not first secured the title of the undersigned to the same), is voidable, and will be taken from you with­ out any pay or reward for improvements, and you are further notified that there has been no final decision, even in the Land Office, against m e, on merit, as to my title to said lands. A ll that decision went to, was to the point that my Attorneys did not make the appeal in proper season, as ordered by me. Suit will be instituted in proper time to recover all of said land and improvements held. Beware 1 R O Y A L A. F IE R C E . Rockbridge, W is., Jan. 24, 1874,n34tf Y V O T K E TO A L L P E S IS O N S . T V Boyd’s Pre-emption Entry and United States Townsite of Balter City, set down for Patent. The Final decision o f Commissioner Drummond against R. A. Pierce and State of Oregon, and in favor of Boyd’s Pre-emption Entry for the Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter, and West h a lf of Southeast quarter of Section 17. Township 9 S R 40 East, 120 acres. Also, in favor of United States/Town- site on Southeast quarter of Southeast quar­ ter of Section 17, Township 9, S R 40 E a s t - 40 acres, was made on September 15, 1873, and entered on Records of United States Land office at Washington, Book 102, Page 110, and Patent was ordered to issue to said Boyd for said 120 acres, and to Pre-emption Lot entries of said Townsite. J. M . B O YD . January 13, 1874-35tf IN e w D r u g S t o r e . STM OTH Y a M m Opposite Odd F ello w s’ H a ll, M ain Street, BAKER C IT Y , OREGON, W o u ld respectfully inform the public that th ey have recently received a w ell se­ lected and fresh Stock o f The Most’ Desirable Instruments in tlie market for church and parlor. Over 23,000 how in us a* S H E R M A N Sc H Y D E » & E NEMAI j a g e n t s , SAN FEANCISCQiL X O J7’ 4 . B u s in e s s X >irectory o y E.isyi;itx W ashington , , &A 8 TESN O k eg o x , and N outkeen l b ah » . T Walla W alla Union will issue a Direc­ tory of the above named sections earla in 1874. The work will embVace a general sketch of the counties of Walla Walla, WMihran, S te­ vens and Yakima, in. W ashington Territory; Umatilla, Union and Baker, in and Nez Perce, Idaho and Shoshone, in Idaho Territory, together with their Productions,- Resources, Climate, and all other subjects upon which information is required. The Directory of each town and city will be complete ; and that, with sketches of each place, should make ft invaluable to the m er­ chant, farmer, and mechanic. As an advertising medium, it will 1 be the best yet introduced, as it will be of such im ­ portance that it will always be retained in a- prominent position for reference. KATES Of ADVERTISING: Ofie Page................. ........... . . . . . . . . . S 2 f)' H alf Page..................................... 10 Card.................... 5 D2 p * Advertisers taking one page will re­ ceive a copy of the bdo'k gratis. P rice o f til© D irecto ry w i l l toe $1 50 Drug-8, W e will use our best endeavors to make Chemicals, the book complete in every respect. Paints, Oils, A thoroughly edmpetent person will soon make a tour of the country to be embraced Perfumeries, Patent Medicines, in’ the Directory aud gather all the informa­ tion necessary. Soaps, Rv M- S M IT H & CO. W ines, n29n.34 W alla Walla, W . T . Brandies, Whiskies and Cordials, For M edicinal purposes. F a m ily M edi­ cines carefully prepared. Prescrip­ tions accurately com pounded, at al 1 hours o f the day or n8 night. Give us a call. tf IMG HATH CHASMS! Prie© L IV E R Y S T A B L E Lumber— New Saw Mill. COKB M MESSRS. KILBU r V & PERKINS T> csp cctiu lly In fo r m th e Cit- X t izens of Baker City and County, aud tuo Public generally, tnat they have pur­ en ased tlie L i v e r y f S t s i l o X o Formerly kept by John Eppinger, and that they are prepared to furnish customers with the best of Single or Double Turn-outs, Either night or day, with or without drivers, at the very lowest rates. First class Saddle Horses on hand. Horses boarded and tne best of care bestowed. W e keep nothing but the best of Stock aud Buggies. Our stable is at the upper end of Main Street, Baker City, Oregon. Come and see us, Everybody, and we will do our beet to please you. K1LBUR N & P ERKIN S. February 10, 1874.-u40tf FOR SALE. N U N D I V I D E D O N E -E I G H T H I N - terest in the “ JAM ES GORDON ^ u a R TZ L O D E .” For particulars apply to G E O R G E W . P A R K E R at A . H . Brown’s Store. A Baker City, March 19, 1874. ¿F» IP. n46tt. o o d , M. D. (Graduate of the Medical Department ol the Willamette University,) FHYSJCIAN AND SURGEON, ü 23 1 RAKER CITY, OREGON, [« rtftM S H E R S o f t h e he c b r o th e r s h a v e their New Saw Mill in complete run­ ning order, and it is doing the beat of work, it is located at Reduced*' THE BEST IN THE WOBtD. J P o ca h a n ta s, Where they are prepared to fill all bills for Lum ber at short notice, and at as R e a s o n a b le D r io e s W ill As any other Mill in the county. Orders or Bills ’for Lumber can be left at the Black­ smith Shop of McCord Brothers, in Baker City, and they will be promptly filled. S. B. MoCORD, R. D . M cOORD, J. P. M cCORD. P . S.— All business in connection with the M ill will be atended to by R. D . M cCORD. November 11, 1873.~n27tf Buy L a s t A L i f e -T im e ! 3 5,000 ram S h o n in g e r O rgans , IN D A IL Y USK. ¥our Lumber at the Old, Reliable E b e ll’s W O ld M i l l . E H A V E R E F IT T E D T H E M ill and make the best Lumber in the county, at prices to suit the times. Any bills left at our Mill receive as prompt attention in the future as in the past. W e saw everything from a Lath to the Heaviest Timbers. Clear and seasoned Lumber always on hand. Bills left with J. W . Wisdom will receive immediate attention. By strict attention to business, we hope to receive our share of public patronage. An unlimited amount of Grain taken in exchange tor Lum ber. The best musical ta lesf of1 the country re^ commend these Organs’.- best. ter satisfaction, than any other now mad*.- They comprise the Erta, Concerto, Orcliestra aiiGffifls. Illustrated Catalogues sent by mail, post­ paid to any address, upon application to B . S U O . M M f i i R A C O ., edliott & van patten , March 1, 1874,-n34t-f, The nicest and More for your Money, and gives bet­ n33n9 K o w H a v e n ,. C o n n »