1 ni torli ilcttiorrai B aite r City , M ay 6 , 18 7 4. L ’ -f• FISHER, N os- 20 and 21, New Mei- S Ä 15 Æ ; AGENTS. The follow in g nam ed gentle­ men are authorized to act as A gents for the B ed ro ck D e m o c r a t : G eo . P. R o w e l l & Co N ew vr^-s- T h o s . B oyce San Francisco, k' T. C. E v a n s , Boston, Mass. t ' r>A'ii-UE1's ’ Portland, Oregon. L. 1 . F i s h e r , San Francisco. ■ P °C h S ^ 1ght> Uni°n County, 0 . m tv EAiiDEi: Albany, Oregon. M W D avis W alk Walla, W. T. , V. K nox , Pendleton, Oregon J. D. A onew , Boise City, luaho. J. 0. D oorev , C krksvule, Oregon, w a ' V e lls * La Grande, Oregon. R 'iw " G^WEORD, Payette Valley, Idahf. 8. M. J effreys , Weiser Valley, Idaho m E1 w Cali-Vul1 City. Oregon. H . H . H yde , F ram e City, Oregon. a v m e rs around Union and the Cove can S r i h e t h & t K bun, ipli0nt0 ,thb D at emocrat to u e ? o o . W m ig merchants Union or Cowles & McDaniels or b. o . French at The Cove. Pei sens wishing to subscribe in that portion ol Union county can give tneir names to either ol the above namea parties. F red S alade is authorized to act as Agent lor the D emocrat at Umatilla. ^ G eo . W. P almer is authorized to act as Agent ior tlie I^ lmuckat at Marysville. C h a r le s W . Cru.iie is authorized to act as Agent tor the B edrock D emocrat in ban Francisco. M oney M arket. Latest New York Gold Quotations, 109 H LEGAL TENDERS IN PORTLAND : Buymg,................88c. | cjeilmg..............89 N o t i c e- « UT H.E u“ derfg ,ned l»as not Leased or Sold out his H otel Business at the Dalles, bet will continue in the future, as in the past, to dispense the substantial elements oi Bile to the traveling public. THOMAS SMITH, u l9 tf Sole Proprietor Empire Hotel. Meteorological Table. Through the politeness o f Professor S. P. Barrett, we are enabieu to iay before our readers the following table showing the range ot the Mercury for the week enaiiiti 2nd, 18/4, at Üftkür City, Ure^uu: 7 A. M. 1 A M. 10 p. Sunday, 44 62 44 Monday, 40 64 51 Tuesday, 49 70 53 Wednesday, 50 72 54 Thursday, 48 51 39 Friday, 40 53 38 Saturday, ------" ---- J V V»« X OU 32 44 I 36 Average for tne week 49:3 degrees above Zero. Average for corresponding week last year, 46:3 degrees above Aero Average tor tne month o f April 4à:2; A good shower o f ram tell on 'i’nursday night. •------------------- ------------------------------ N o t i c e . — Hereafter no certificate of publication for Legal Notices will be issued from this ofiice until the P rinter’s Pee is paid. F ish y . —It looks very fishy for a man to be a Democrat, and go into a Democratic Con­ vention and seek a nomination for office, and when he is defeated turn round and . p- pose the man who was successful over him, and still claim that he was and is still a good Democrat. We do not, believe in such De­ mocracy or such Democrats. It looks as if they were rather fishy. A deputyship has a great deal to do with these firings some­ times. M usical R eview . —We have received the April No. of Sherman & H yde’s Musical Re­ view. This is a monthly publication devoted to music and literature. The number before us contains four choice pieces of music. The subscription price o f this magazine is one dollar a year, and the music published in it is worth ten times the amount o f the sub­ scription. A musement A head —The Rosedale The­ atrical Troupe will be in our city during the setting o f the Circuit Court. This will give the people o f our City and County an oppor­ tunity o f witnessing good theatrical perfor­ mances. This company comes well recom­ mended. They will be here next week. T he M ay B all .—T he May Day Ball given at Twigg’s Hall on last Friday evening was a very pleasant party indeed and was very well attended by the elite of our city. The Music by McCord and McLane was good. C alled . —Mr. H. Gilchrist, of Rye Valley, called on us yesterday. He informs us thi t Mr. Frans and himself will start their Quartz mill the latter part o f this week. They have about 200 ton o f good rock on their dump. M r . F a l k , brother o f D. Falk & Bro., o f Boise City, arrived in our city from Port­ land on the stage yesterday m orning. He will remain in our city a few days and then proceed to Boise City. R e m o v a l s .— Charles St. Louis has re­ m oved his jew elry shop to the Baker City Restaurant building, and Pfeiffenberger i ^ 2 B © > » Special attention is paid to Horse Shoeing. All repair work done on short notice. We are thankful for past Patronage, and still solicit a continuance. GAINES & BOWMAN. Baker City, March 1 1 ,1874.-n44tf 2 Sewing Ni&chlaes-—A Grover \t Baker, and a Florence, both new and the very best—for sale. For particulars, en­ quire at this office. n50tf I O f the C elebrated Standard Organs—new—for sale. enquire at this office. For particulars n5 li THE UNEQUALLED H G overnor B o o th ’ s P l a g i a r i s m .— The / ’etaluuia firgus passes the fol­ lowing Dot very complimentary re­ marks ou Governor Booth, who, in his Harbor Oommissiou veto, plag­ iarized largely from the Federalist. But the practice oi appropriating other’s thoughts, abominable as it is, is not coutiaed to Governor Booth yet this fact cannot justify Booth uor any one else in its indulgence: “ This is by now means the first time our Governor has been guilty of literary piracy, but we hope for the honor of the ¡State it will be the last. Piagarianism. so glaring and frequent us his, is disgraceful to the Governor ot a great State, and among literary people is justly re­ gained as a social crime. The Gov efuor is trying to make it respectable, but he wiil not succeed. The ad­ roitness he has acquired in the role of demagogue and literary puiloiner well avail him little wuen lie is in the United States Senate. The truth is, Booth has strutted for a long time in borrowed p.umage. He lacks al the elements of a great man, and it will not belong before they wiil es­ timate him for what he is worth.” To the above the Sacramento R ec­ ord adds this, which is complimen­ tary to the learning of the Senate: We are not sure about the correct­ ness of the idea that his adroitness in the roll of literary journalism wiil avail him little when he is in the United States Senate. The Con gressional Library is a large one, and there must be more than one copy of the Federalist in it. Besides, as very few of the Senators will care to listen to his speeches, supposing him to make any, it will be quite as safe for him to follow his old habits there as here. Indeed, on the whole, we are inclined to think, that he will incur less danger of detection at Washington than in Sacramento or San Francisco. The only serious drawback to his literary career is that when he does get found out at Washington, the whole country will be sure to hear oi it. That is an ob­ jection too which is far more likely to appear to Governor Booth than any consideration of mere honesty or rectitude. Nevertheless, if he cannot pilfer, we don’t see how he can possibly maintain his reputation. for he certainly cannot subsist on his own resources. ¿ T O IB l T v e r y s t a b l e GRIER & KELLOGG I n E a s t e r n O r e g o n , Where they will carry on the Livery Busi­ ness in all its branches. STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD. Baker City, Nov. 13, 1872. nl3tf LIVERY STABLE ilESSliS. KILBLBXT p T b R II T ) esp ectfaily In fo r m tlae Cif- i \ izens o f Baker City and County, and the Public generally, that they have pur­ chased the X n i-N T -O H U ’ -S r S t E L fc L l.© I n d e p e n d e n t C a n d id a te fo r MOSEY MDST COME!!! Notice to All Persons. Y ou are H ere b y Notified th at all Lands purchased o f J. M. Boyd, or other persons, in the SontheastQuarter of Section Seventeen, in Township Nine South, and ForJ.y East, commonly known as Baker City, and Boyd’s Addition, and which is situated in Baker county, Oregon, (if said Boyd, or other person, has not first secured the title of the undersigned to the same), is voidable, and will be taken from, you with­ out any pay or reward for improvements, and you are further notified that there has been no final decision, even in the Land Most Desirable Instruments in the market Office, against ine, bn merit, as to my title for The church and parlor. Over 28,000 now in use, to said lands. All that decision went to, was to the point that my Attorneys did not make the appeal in proper season, as ordered by G E N E R A L AGENTS, , - me. Suit will be instituted in proper time to recover all o f said land and improvements BAN PRANCiaCOj^ held. Beware! ROYAL A. PIERCE. Rockbridge, Wis. Jan. 24, 1874.n34tf S H E R M A N & HYDE, W H O LESALE N O T I C E TO A L L PERSONS. ISI ew D r u g Store. AND F N Boyd’s Pre-emption Entry and United States Town site of Balter City, set down for Patent. The Final decision of Commissioner Drummond against R. A. Pierce and State of Oregon, and in favor of Boyd’s Pre-emption Entry for the Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter, and West half o f Southeast quarter of Section 17, Township 9 S R 40 East, 120 acres. Also, in favor of United States Town- site on Southeast quarter of Southeast quar­ Respectfully informs the Citizens and D e a l­ ter of Section 17, Township 9, S R 40 E a s t- 40 acres, was made on September 15, 1873, ers o f E a stern O reg on , that he has estab- ed himself in the- Liquor* Business at and entered on Records of United States Land office at Washington, Book 102, Page 110, and Patent was ordered to issue to said Boyd for said 120 acres, and to Pre-emption Where he is prepared to fill all orders in his Lot entries of said Townsite. J. M. BOYD. line with the best of January 13, 1874-85tf M m i i Y & mps>i r Formerly kept by John Eppinger, and that they are prepared to furnish customers with the best of Single or Double Turn-outs, Either night or day, with or without drivers, at the very lowest rates. First ciass Saddle Horses on hand. Horses boarded and the best o f care bestowed. We keep nothing bui the best o f Stock and Buggies. Our stable is at the upper and o f Main Street, Baker City, Oregon. Gome andsee us, Everybody, and we will do our best to please you. KILBURN A PERKINS. February 10, 1874.-n40tf RETAIL L IQ U O R S T O R E . PA P LEVIES B A K E R C IT Y , ^ r T & j T C K A ia , Opposite Odd F ellow s’ H all, Main Street, W ould respectfully inform the public that they have recently received a well se­ lected and fresh Stock o f Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Perfumeries, Patent Medicines, Soaps, Wines, Brandies, Whiskies and Cordials, Lumber— New Saw Mill. M c iO lt U BROTHERS H AVE tiieir New7 Saw Mill in complete ruu- niug order, and it is doing the best o f work. It is located at D ocalion tas, Where they are prepared to fill all bills for Lumber at short notice, and at as R e a so n a b le D rices As any other Mill in the county. Orders or Bills ’for Lumber can be left at the Black­ smith Shop o f McCord Brothers, in Baker City, and they will be promptly tilled. S. B. McCORD, R. D. McCORD, J. P. McCORD. P. 3.—All business in connection with the Mill will be ateuded to by R. D. McCORD. November 11, 1873.-n27tf Buy Y ou r Lumber at the Old, Reliable E b e ll’s W O ld M ill. E H A V E R E F IT T E D T H E Mill and make.the best Lumber in the county, at prices to suit the times. Any bills leit at our Mill receive as prompt attention in the future as in the past. We saw everything from a Lath to the Heaviest Timbers. , , Clear and seasoned Lumber always on hand. Bills left with J. W. Wisdom will receive immediate attention. By strict attention to business, we hope to receive our share oi public patronage. . An unlimited amount o f Gram taken in exchange lor Lumber. ELLIOTT A VAN PATTEN. March 1 , 1874.-n34tf. Liquors, \\ ines, Tobacco and Cigars, and every thing in his line, in quantities te suit, and at low prices. He sells for > BAKER CITY, OREGON, '»— ■W S UI'.TJl '!■ yua y Methodist congregation to have the corner STATE SENATOR. stone o f their new church laid while Elder Hines is in our city. The day is not yet de­ Through the solicitation of many friends of both political parties, the cided upon. A bout .— We are glad to note the fact that undersigned has consented to .. ecorne Rev. Mr. Powell o f our city, has so far recov­ an Independent Candidate for the ered from his late severe illness, as to be office o f State Senator for Baker able to be out in a buggy. Yesterday morn­ county, at the ensuing general elec­ ing he informed us he was feeling very much tion, L. O. STERNS. better than lie had at any former time since Baker City, Ogu., March 1, 1874. he was taken sick. ■ ' ....... rp -------------------— P hotographs . —Bradley A Rulofson, P h o­ B a k e r City Lodge N o. 2 5 , 1 .O . tographers at 429 Montgomery Street, San O . F ., meets every Saturday’ evening, at Francisco, have our thanks tor several very half past six o’clock, at Odd Fellows Hall, in fine Photographs, one of which is a picture the new Bank Block, corner o f Front street and Court Avenue. Members o the Order o f the Palace Hotel, San Francisco. These are invited to attend. By order o f N. G. gentlemen take premium pictures. CCF” C has. S t. L o u is has located perma­ IN T own .— Capt. Brant, J. H . Johnson, R. nently in Baker; and is now prepared to man­ T. Layton, Mr. Lathrop and Geo. W. Phil­ ufacture and repair all kinds ot jewelry and lips, from Eldorado and vicinity,,were in our watches. After twenty-eight years experi­ ence in the business, he feels competent to city during the past week. give entire satisfaction. Mr. St. Louis, is also agent for the best Hewing Machine in T h e “ H o u s e k e e p e r ” of our H e a l t h . Tne liver is the great depurating or blood use. tlié New Wilson, price, ' $55,00. cleansing organ o f the system. Set the F or the very best Photographs, go to g r e a t housekeeper o f our health at w ork, Bradley A Rulofson’s Gallery without S tairs and the foul corruptions w hich gender in the blood and rot out, as it were, the m a ch ­ Q3F’ Ascend in the ELEVATOR, 429 M ont­ inery o f life, are gradually expelled from gomery Street, San Francisco. H Tf—— - i W — MMpg— W tho system. For this purpose Dr. Pierce’s »JUIIlM G olden Medical D iscovery is pre-em inent­ ly the article needed. It cures every kind o f hum or, from the worst scrofula to the com m on pim ple, blotch or eruption. - r p h e re is no use o f any m ore Great eating ulcers k in d ly heal under ts 1 Talk, the Accounts due the MeOord m igh ty curative influence. V irulent blood poisons that lurk in the system ,aie by it Brothers must be settled immediatelyor they robbed o f their terrors, and by a persever­ wiil be sued. The undersigned has the se,- ing and som ew hat protracted use ot it, the fiement of all the business, and is determin m ost tainted systems m ay be com pletely eu that it shall be settled soon. This is the renovated and built up anew. ... last notice. _ Enlarged glands, tumors and swellings S. B. McCORD, dw in dle away and disappear under the in­ For McCord Bros. ‘ fluence o f ib is great resolvent, it is sold April 28, 1874.n51tf by a ll druggists. THE CELEBRATED Acknowledged by Musicians to be the Best Low Priced Instruments ever offered for sals on this Coaet. Having completed their New Stable, have now the finest and best regulated L i v e r y S ta b le J E O These Superb Instruments have achieved s success Unparalleled in the history of Piano-fort« Manufacture. They are remarkable for Great Volume, Purity and Sweetness of Tone, and Durability. Done upon short Notice, and at reasonable Prices. n26tf J. H . PARKER. For M edicinal purposes. Fam ily Medi­ cines carefully prepared. Prescrip­ P rayer M eeting .— A prayer.meeting will tions accurately com pounded, be held at the Court House, on ¡Saturday at all hours o f the day or evening of this week. n8 night. Give us a call. tf g'.1» S 2 E Ü •W O B .H 'S : Ready Pay Only, PATENTEES, MANUFACTURERS, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HYDRAULiG M U G NOZZLES, and is therefore enabled to sell cheap. Ho ean' sell Goods to the T r a d e , C h e a p e r than small Dealers can lay them dowi. here from Portland or San Francisco-. He keeps a full assortment of BAR FIXTURES. Give him a Call, Sample ’his Goods and- learn his prices. June, 4, 1878. n4t-f 2 4 0 M ontgom ery Street, R oom 9, Between Pine and Bush. SAN FRAN CISCO . Mines carefully examined, and accurate written reports furnished. R. R. & J. CRAIG. San Francisco, April 14, 1874.n49n9 MUSIC HATH C H A H S ! P in c e P ed u oecb T o Sheep K a isers!! Imported (Mowold Sleep for Sale. HtUVERER AND FIFTEEN Head Thorough bred Cotswold Sheep, lately Imported from the best herds in Can­ ada. The above Sheep are Full Blooded and as fine as any on the Coast. There are Forty Bucks in the lot. The whole will be sold in lots to suit pur­ chasers, aud at THE BEST Ilf THE WORLD. O NE W i l l Last A L ife-T im et 3 REASONABLE PRICES. 5 , 0 0 0 For particulars, enquire of REID & FLETCHER, n24tf O T E (DEILIESBI&AKB Baker City, Ogn. Grarden Seeds. S h o n in g e r O rgans * ose B loch has a fu ll assort­ M * ment of Fresh California and Eastern IN DALLY USE. Which he is selling very cheap. Give him a call, and you will get good and fresh seeds. April 14,1874’n49nl The best musical talent o f the country re­ commend these Organs. The nicest and' best. More for your money, and gives bet­ n u n d iv id e d o n e - e ig h t h in - terest in the “ JAMES GORDON ter satisfaction, than any other now made. They comprise the WUAR’I Z LODE.” For particulars apply to GEORGE W. PARKER at A. H. Brown’s Store. Baker City, March 19, 1874._______u46tl. I k iR J p L E T ” A Eirel0,Concrt,Orchestra ami O ra*. J-. :E *. A t w o o d . , M. D. Illustrated Catalogues sent by mail, post­ (Graduate of the Medical Department ol paid to any address,, upon application to the Willamette University,) B . S H O N IN G E R & CO., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, n55n? N ew H a v e n , C o n n .