Bedrock democrat. (Baker City, Baker County, Or.) 1870-188?, December 24, 1873, Image 2

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    | 5ci> ro rh R e m u e n t .
J. M. S H E P H E R D , E ditor .
B A K L K C IT Y , D ECEM BER » 1 , 1873.
H »* t*»e I.arjffnt Circulation
o f an y
Paper Published In Eastern Oregon.
F or the Counties o f
B a k e r and G ra n t.
W e this week give a large space in
onr paper to the Portland, Dalles
and Salt Lake Railroad, knowing
that our people feel a deep interest
in the matter, and would like to have
all the information they can get on
this subject.
In another column
will be found the proceedings of the
meetings held in reference to this
important subject at Walla W *lla, La
Grande, and Union, and also the
proceedings of a meeting held at the
Conrt House, in this city, on the
same subject. W e are in favor of
this road, and the D emocrat , ever
since it bus been under our control,
Las advocated any and all possible
measures that wonld give our people
quick and cheap transportation.—
The resolutions passed at the meet­
ings held at Walla Walla. La Grande,
Union aud this city have the right
ring and are to the |x>int, and con­
vince us that the people are in ear­
nest, aud we know that they are able
to perform all they agree to do.
-—--------------- ♦ »
■ ---- ---- —
O lliciu l l ’ a lu c e s .
In fact, I approve ot the Government own­
ing its own buildings in all sections o f the
country, and hope that the day is not lar dis
taut when it will not only possess them, hut
wiil erect in the eupital suitable residences
fui all peksons who now receive Commuta­
tion for quartets or ren tal the Government
txj en»o and lor the Cabinet, thus i-etting un
example to the Stales which may induce
them to erect buildings for their Senators.—
President’s Message.
The New York Sun says this rec­
ommendation is au old acquaintance,
and worthy of the statesmanlike mind
that originated tlia idea in the inter­
est of the Washington King. It is a
part of the polie ofy Grantism, which
seeks to create class distinctions, aud
to set up an otiicial aristocracy after
the British pattern.
It is not enough to increase the
pay of the Cabiuet unreasonably, and
to allow them the use of carriages,
horses, and servants at the public
expense, as is uow done under vari­
ous disguises, but the President
thinks the people ought to be taxed
also for “ suitable residences” lor
their enjoyment. He would extend
this privilege too to “ all persons”
who receive commutation for quar­
ters, meaning the oiheersof the army
who b}’ favoriteism are stationed at
the capital.
This example he would commend
to the States, so that they “ might
erect buildings for their Seuators.”
He has no words of encouragement
now for members of the House of
Representatives, but beiug progress­
ive, he will probably say in the next
message that their districts ought to
provide residences for these worthy
persons, who must not he left out in
the cold.
W e are evidently getting on in the
world when a Chief Magistrate ven­
tures to make a proposition like this
gravely in a message to Oougress.
The simplicity that once adorned
public life aud was honorably illus­
trated by the foremost statesmen has
been contemptuously discarded by a
aetef political shoddy ists whose best
claim to distinction is vulgar display.
The uiode of life which suited Clay,
Kendall, Livingston, Cass, Marcy
and their compeers is not grand
enough for Cabinet Ministers like
Robeson, Ores well, Williams, and
such live! They must have palaces
at the public expense, livered serv­
ants, and large allowances to parade
their importance. It is to this com­
plexion we have come at last.
Judge Kelley has introduced a bill
in the United States House of Rep
reseutativee giving Oregon twoyears
more to select swamp lands.
Coxy c > dhcm .—One ot our friend« hands
us the following:
“ a i ,EKY-” —l m takes nearly two colu m n s
of* cou n try new spaper to tell the people
tn a t soureoody snot a ch ick en and u buxe,
b o w m u cii space w ouid it take to tell ot
vne capture 01 a g r u z iy bear?
W e have subsidised. Stand from under!
—lierai d.
Ona o f ou r friends bands us the fo llo w ­
A n s w e r :—The w h ole o f a patent out­
side printed at St. louis .
BoCGH BUT W itty . - - G eneral But­
ler is mentioned lor Chairinau of the
Appropriation Committee by some
of his irieuda, who think that his
New Orleans career showed that “ ap
propriatiou” is the thing of a ilo tU rs
it whi*fa b* « rt*on«est
R a ilro a d fle e tin g ».
At a meeting of the citizens of
Walla W h II* county, held at the City
Hall, in Walla Walla City. Dec 9th.
, 1873, Brig. General E. Slieil was
chosen Chairman, and Charles W .
Frnsh, Secretary.
The Chair then stated to tbo large
audience present, that ibis nieetiug
was called for the purpose of hearing
l Col. W . W . Chapman discuss the
merit» and importance of the P. D.
& S. L. B. R .t the free navigation of
the Columbia river, aDd other rail-
roads, at the portages of the Dalles
and Cascades, when the Col. was in­
troduced aud made a speech which
called the attention of the large aud-
ience for more than an boar, during
which time he was frequently ap-
planded. and after which the follow,
ing resolutions were unanimously
W h e r e a s The proposed P_ D. and
S. L. B. B. embraces the immediate
construction of portage railroads at
the Cascades and Dalles of the Co­
lumbia and also lines of “ steamers”
in connection therewith, and the
obligation by the laws of Oregon
to reduce the price of transportation
on the Columbia and Snake rivers to
50 per cent of the charges of the O.
S. N. Company, thereby giving re­
lief in the facilities of transporta­
tion to all the great country East of
the Cascade mountains, embracing
Eastern Oregon, Washington and
Idaho, allowing a fair margin for
protits to the great agricultural aud
commercial interests of the country;
W h e r e a s , The proposed road from
the Columbia river to Salt Lake is
not only the shortest and most direct
route but at the distance of about
588 miles will bring into close con­
nection the Pacific Northwest with
the great arteries of commei ce flow­
ing across the continent; and,
W h e re as , The most liberal prop­
ositions bv the P. D. and S. S. Co.
have been made to the Government
for aid in hastening the accomplish
inent of the great objects, and which
will cost the Government but little,
and will gladden the hearts of hund­
reds of thousands of the people; and,
W h e r e a s , The said road is now
much needed as a great national
highway as well as speedy and cheap
transportation for the great agricul­
tural and mining operations now
carried upon the line; therefore,
R e s o l v e d , That we do heartily en
dorse toe said enterprise, and will
give it onr undivided support; and
that our delegate in Congress be re­
quested to use his best endeavors in
the procurement of aid iti the con
strnction of said road, and uho in
ab other ways in opening and im­
proving the navigation of the Colum­
bia river and giviug freedom of trans­
portation from the mountains to the
R e s o l v e d . That we cordially in­
vite the cooperation of the people of
Eastern Oregon, Washington and
Idaho, in the promotion of this great
enterprise,remembering that “ united
we stand, divided we fail.”
The Chairman invited Mr. O. Hull
to take the chair and introduced and
read the following resolution which
on motion was adopted.
R esolved :
That in Col. Chap-
mun, the President of said road, we
recognize one tried aud true to the
best interests Oi the country, and
whose long, laborious efforts in this
behalf entitle him to our confidence
aud support.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
E d w a r d S h e il . Chairman.
C. W . Frush, Secretary.
At a meeting o f the citizens o f Grand
Ronde Valley at the court hom e in La Grande
on Monday ihe 15tli o f .December. 1873, Hon.
J. H . Slater was called to the chair and Dan­
iel Chapman was chosen Secretary.
The chairman stated the object o f the
meeting to be the consideration o f the pros­
pects ol the 1 oiAlaud Dalles and halt Lake
Rail Load, uftei'vhieh 'lie chair introduced
Col. \V. W. Chapman, President o f the 1’ .
D. & h. L . Rail Road Company, who ad­
dressed the audience at length, setting forth
the present and future prospects of said en­
At the conclusion ot Col. Chapman’s re­
marks the following Resolutions were sub­
mitted and unanimously adopted by tiie
meeting with an enthusiasm which indica­
ted that they meant business.
R e s o l v e d 1. That
we have anxiously
watched the efforts being made for the con­
struction o f the PortJaim Dalles & bait Lake
Railroad, and unanimously endorse it as the
great and important enterprise o f the day,
aud send our oft r e la t e d requests to our
Senators and Representatives m Congress to
use their every possible efforts to secure aid
from the Government to assist in prosecu­
ting this great national enterprise. ,
2. That we heartily congratulate the en­
tire eouutry east o f the Cascade Mountains
aud west oi the Uockv Mountains on the suc­
cess o f tiie Portland Dalles and bait Lake
Railroad Company in obtaining the right of
nay through tne Cascades, the key to the
navigation of the Columbia River, and to the
entire transportation o f tne interior country;
aud advise tnat a concentrated effort should
be made to aid in the construction ot the
portages and o f the line o f Railroad in o tne
interior through the Columbia Liver, Uma
tilla. Grand Konde, Powder and Boise Vul-
leys, a u l to intersect the Union Pacihc Rail-
road and thereby secure connection with the
Atlantic btates.
3. That the deep and vital interests which
Union, Umatilla, and Baker couuties have in
the immediatecoDstiuctiou o f mis railroad re­
quires tne citizens o f said counties to join
in taking stock aud organizing for the pur
pose ut grading auu lying i n l a i d road, so
as to ensure Us luntitsliuie com pletion. And
tne people of Union Co., cuulially invite tne
aujo.iung counties to unite wiui tnem in
pnahiug forward as last as possible tnis en­
4. Tnat we have entire confidence in Col.
W. W. Cha; man, President o f the P D and
b L Railronu Couipauy as to anility and in­
tegrity to prosecute to ultimate success tne
euiei prise of Constructing raid Lar ioad.
5. iUat copies o f tne proceedings o f this
meeting be furnished to the Mountain sen ­
tinel and to botu tne newspapers at B . ^ r
L iu for publication.
J. H . S lates , Pres’ t,
D a m el C haplin , bec’y.
At a meeting o f the citizens o f Union
County, Oregon, held at the school house
in Union on tne evening o f baturoai tuelotn
of December. 1878.
lion E. C. Braiaard
was called to the chair and X. N. Steves was
appointed Secretary.
i be chairman stated the objects c f the
meeting to te to hear ir- m Col. Cbaptnan,
now on his way east, as to the prospects o f
the coni, traction o f tLe P . D. and b. L. Rail­
road. and to consii er by what means we may
promote the good cause.
Col. Chapman, ¡Le President o f the road,
was introduced and addressed the meeting
at some length, concluding with inviting the
citizens to become interested in tiie roadand
have a say in its construction.
The following resolutions were then unan­
imously adopted:
R esolved 1. That our Senators and Rep­
j resentatives l>e requested to use their best
efforts to obtain aid from Congress in the
[ construction
ol the P. D. and b .L . Bailroad.
2. That we join with our fellow citizens o f
Union county in an organization o f a com­
pany for grading so much o f said road as lies
; through the Blue Mountains to the southern
boundary o f o f the county.
3. That we have undimiuished confidence
; in the energy, ability andjintegrity o f Col.
Chapman the President o f the road, and
commend him totlie favorable consideration
o f all with whom he may have business.
4. That the proceedings o f eliis meeting
be furnished the La Grande aud Baker City
papers for the publication.
E. C. B balnaed , Chairman,
X. N. S teves , Secy.
The citizens o f Baker City m et at the
Court House o n Saturday evening, Dec. 20th,
to listen to a speech on tiie R ailroad sub­
je ct bv Col. W . W . C hapm an.
M. H. A bbott was chosen President o f
the m eeting, and S. P. Barrett, secretary
Col. Chapman then addressed the m eet­
ing vefy acceptably, and showed satisiae-
torily that the building o f the Portland,
Dalles and Salt Lake R ailroad, at least as
1 ir as Baker City, is not o n ly possible,
but also probable.
At. the con clu sion o f the m eetin g the
President, M. H . A bbott, read a series o f
R esolutions u ph oldin g the en teiprise,
w h ich were passed unanim ously.
R e so lv e d 1. That we have anxiously
w atched the efforts being m ade for tiie
construction o f the P ortlan d, D a’ Ies and
Suit Lake K atlioad, and endorse it as the
great and im portan t enterprise o f the d a y ;
and renew our oft-repeated requests to our
Senators and Representatives in Congress,
to use every effort possible to secure to
said railroad, gov ern m en t aid to assist in
its const ruction at an early day.
R e s o l e d 2. That we congratulate the en ­
tire country east o f the Cascades and west
tiie R ocky m ountains on tiie success o f the
P ortlan d, Dalles and .salt Lake R ailroad
C om pany, ill obtaining the R ight o f W ay
at the Cascades o f tiie C olum bia river; and
that im m ediate efforts sh ould be m ade for
the construction o f tnis all im portan t rail­
road from the C olu m bia river valley,
the rich
fertile v..l-
1 -ys o f Gr .nde R on de, Pow der r lrer, an ■
Boise City, to in tcise o tth e U nion Pacific
R ailroad and thence to the Atlantic States.
R e s o l v e d 3. That the deep and vital in­
terest w hich U m atilla, U nion , and Baker
counties have in the im m edia te co u su u c-
tion o f this railroad, requires that the citi­
zens o f these cou n ties, should take stock
in said load , ai d aid, in every way prucii-»
ca b le, in m e consti uction o f toe sam e.
A nd we, the eiti/.ens o f Balter cou n ty, co r­
d ia lly invite tiie citizens o f U m atilla and
Union counties to unite wrth us in prose­
cuting with vigor, this m uch needed work.
R e so lv e d 4. Tnat we have ihe utm ost
confidence in tne ability and integrity oi
Col. W.
C hapm an, President ol the
Portland, Dalles alld .Salt Lake Rail loan
C om p an y, and in his untiring peisever-
eiice a. tnis enteiprise.
A fter w h ich ,on m otion, a com m ittee o f
five, to-w it: A. B. R oberts, Dr. .J. Ai. B oyd,
Jam es W . V irtue, J. A. Reid and Jonii
Brattain, were appointed by the President
to take measures toward organizing a eon-
sunfction co m p a n y , and to report oil Mon-
day eVening, Dee. z2d.
S. P. B A R R E T T , Sec’y-
M onday evening, Dec. 22, 873.
Tiie m eeting was called to order uy tne
President, At. H. A bb ott
Tiie m inutes o f tile previous meeting
were called for, read unu approved.
The v. onstruetion com m ittee being ca ll­
ed for, reported as follow s:
T o the Chairm an and m em bers o f the
R ailroad Meeting o f Baker City.
G e n t l e m e n :— W e, your com m ittee, ap­
pointed to devise m eans for o a n y in g out
m e propositions m ade to the people o f
Baker cou n ty by the Portland, Dalles ana
bait Lake R ailroad Com pany, would res­
pectfully report thut we nave nau ihe mat­
ter under consideration, and have con clu d ­
ed to present, to jo u , A rticles oi in corp ora­
tion, lo r the organ .zation oi a co m p .ny
w h o W ill contract w.tu said railroad c o m ­
pany, to d o tne grading and furnishing tie
lor said road, iroiu Baker City to Union-
town, or som e pouit in Grande R onde V al­
ley, and take as pay therelor, Transporta­
tion Scrip, or railroad stock. We also pre­
sent Ihe follow ing address to the people oi
Baker cou n ty :
To the Chairman and members o f a Rail
Road Meeting ot Baker C ity,-G entlem an:
\\e, your committee appointed to de-ure
means for carrying out tne proposition»
manic to the people of Baker County by me
Portland, Danes and bait Lake Railroad
Company, would respectfully report tnat \vu
have nau the mattei turner con sid era tion
aud nave concluded to present to you arti­
cles o f Incorporation ol a company « n o will
cuutract with said railroad company to do
the grading aud iiuiiislnug lie» lor said road
from Bauer City to Union town or some
point in Grande l ’.onde Va.ley, and take as
pay transportation script or Railroad stock.
\Ve also present me loliowing address to
the people o f Baker County:
Gentlemen—Duly' appreciating the im ­
portance of cheap transportation totlie de
velopuieut o f any Couutiy, aud especially a
country where product is largely ir. iu me
soil, and Whose unports ale heavy—and be­
lieving that a Railroad is the only adequate
means o f accomplishing the above, v.e ear­
nestly solicit your aid in the efforts being
maue by the Portland, Dalle» and bait Laao
Railroad Company. This Company are tne
omy parties wmi «re now striving to do any
thing that looks towards tire opening o f tne
Grande Ronde and Powder River V alleys to
the seaboard. They are the only men to
whom we can look tot assistance, bhut in
a» we are by mountains, the product o f our
rich and beautiful valleys cun only reach a
seaboard untrue t by the means of a i abroad
to tne Goluuibia River, 'inis company hav­
ing now secured a ngnt o f way thiougd mat
most difficult point, me Cascades and Dalles,
w hich has been so long closed to the flee
j navigation o f me Columbia—being, as you
| ail know, held by that great Monopoly, me
j Oregon bteam .Navigation Company—are
now prepared to construct portage rabroad»
I at those poiuts, and others are ready to sup­
! ply steamboats on said River, mu» Uie door
j has been opened through tins moat difficult
| pass by me untiring energies oi the Purl-
j land, Dalles and bait Lake Bailroad Com­
I pany at a cost o f many thousands o f dollars
in money aud y e n » o f untiring labor, and
they now com e to you, aud tne people east
o l me Cascades, and ask some assistance
towards constructing a Railroad lrom me
Columbia River to Laker City.
The aid ashed by tnis company is substan­
tially a» lu jo w »:— 1 hat the people o f Laser
County »nab grade U>e roao bedann furni»n
ties for the same, taking a first mortgage on
aatu roau ana w ora uuui tne said Railroad
Couipauy »noli lay me track aud f illy equip
tne road wxtn ruUiug stock, at " bleu time
tfie Company propose to pay off said mort­
gage by giving me nolueis thereof Railroad
iranspJilotion script or Radioau stock. The
accomplishment ol the above woik is cei-
laiuly within your uieaus, aud, considering
tne puci'iess o f me lerins ohered, should not
be permuted to tail.
m e r e is n ot a m an w h o owns a farm , or
w no does business o f any k in d , in the
bro .d valleys Oi Gran, e K ouu« and Fun­
ner R iver, w ho cannot wen a lioid to do
som eth in g toward» m is w oik . _ W e be­
lieve there is lioi on e w no raises5Un bu sh ­
els o f grain per ann u m , w ho w ould »ed
said gram for en ough m ore, each year, i>
Ifiev had run rood advantage», to warrant
h im WFTT D o l l AES towards this enter­
prise. Brit donations are not asked. It Is
! o n ly a- ke I o f you to ien I you r aid, and
: hold nm p e security that In a very short
1 tim e you r m on ey w ill be returned.
N ow, gentlem en, we again earnestly re­
quest you to co m e forward and say what
yr n san d o in this most im nortn’ * under-
t k ng. The p e o p e o f Grand ? R n e have
j »i.tfuuy coiitrai-tcu to d o ttie griming and
tying from (be U m atilla R iver to this side
ot Grande R onde V alley . N ow let us not
: hesitate to Join hands with them and ex­
tend the w ork to Baker City.
Dr. J. M. BOYD,
JA M E S W. V IR T U E ,
W . K. LE V IN S.
On m otion the report was adopted.
The follow in g resolution was then on
m otion , adopted u n an im ou sly:
R e s o l v t d . That we heartily endorse
and reco m m e n j the cordial eo-operation
o f the Sandy and D alles W agon Road
C om m issioners with the Portland, Dalles
and Salt L ake i ailroad C om pany, in
everything calcu lated to facilitate tiie c o n ­
struction o f tiie Cascade Portage R ailroad.
Cn m otion , tiie A rticles o f Incorporation,
which tiie co m m itte e presented, were re­
turned to th em , with tiie request that they
sh ould continue to solicit further signers
to the A rticles.
Ou m otion the m eeting adjouved, sine
S. B. B a r r e t t ,
The following call was signed by
over a hundred members of the
House of Representatives:
“ W e, the undersigned, represent­
ing constitnenc- s inhabiting the val­
ley of the Mississippi, who are doub­
ly interested in the wise aud speedy
solution of the question of cheap
transportation, agree to meet in the
House of Representatives on Satnr
day evening, on December 13th, to
compare views and consult cn that
A fog of immense density over­
hung London December 9th, so that
all traffic was suspended and torches
were Jit to light the pedestrian.
The mob at Havana are against,
giving up the Virginins and threaten
to scuttle her if she is to be actually
surrendered. The officers of the Tor­
nado also threaten to resign if she is
given up.
A negro in Boston complained at*
police station thut a brother colors^
man had broken a chair all to splin_
R yf . V a l l e y . Dec. 2 0 th . 1S73.
ters over his head. Being told t-her®
F rom R ye V a lley’s snowy m ountains,
From D ixie’s m u d d y stream ,—
i were no marks on his cranium, ¿9
There my poetical machine is said: “ No. ’e didn’t make no marks
busted, for it is snowing again, but but ’c smashed de cb ar all ter pieces
it has not ceased snowing for over 20 and de ch ar belonged rer me.
A John Bull, conversing with an
minutes at a time for the last two
Indian, asked him if he knew the sun
weeks. If a snowy prospect is a
never sets on the queen’»dominions
beautiful one we have some of the “ N o,” said the Indian. “ Do TOn
most beautiful scenery in Eastern know the reason why?” asked John.
Oregon. The song of “ The Snow, “ Because God is afraid to trust aa
The Beautiful Snow,” must have Englishman in the dark,” was the
savage’s reply.
been composed by a man in love,
“ Fred.” said a young man, walk-
and he wished to take a sleigh ride
ing tip State street in Chicago th*
with his dulcena, just like some of other day, after listening to his won­
the Rye Valley y o u n g m e n , myself derful story, “ do yon know why yon
among the rest. From the looks of are like a harp struck by lightning?”
the crop of snow we will reap a boun­ “ N o,” says Fred; “ I give it up.”—
“ Because a harp struck by lightning
tiful crop of water next season, aud is a blasted lyre.”
the daily prayer of the miners iu
this locality is snow and water.—
Rye Valley is not only the best but
the richest, mining camp in Eastern
O l'R R Y E V A L L E Y
Oregon, not only rich in gold, but
in the best men and women, and we
have the best looking girls in Baker BROKER AND ASSAY ER
County. And, Mr. B e d r o c k ., we,
the men of this Valley, are bound to
G -o ld . D u s t
toot our horns if we never sell a I n
clam. W e heard strange news to ­
day, that one of Rye Valley’s favor
ed sons, Mr. James Odell, who is
stopping in your city, is the 53rd
candidate for Sheriff. Hur'ah for
Jim! and he can bet his old boots we
will do all wo can for him. I am
afraid he cares more for a certain
blooming damsel then he doe» for the Office—First door norfh Odd Follow’« Hill
Sheriff’s office. Jim is a good miner,
and no doubt would make a good
officer. The most of the boy3 are
hugging the tire this cold weather.
W . Webber, Tom Reed, McLaffey
aud Johnny are drifting, all the rest
are laying on their oars. Our genial
store keeper, Mr. Kuess, has received
a stock of Christmas fixings, so old
and voting rejoice; the landlord and
A bill has been introduced in the
Senate granting the right of way for
Sheriff’s Sale.
another transcontinental railroad,
via. Arkansas and Colorado rivers.-—
It has no substantial backing ahd no
issued out o f the Circuit Court of tiie
prospects of success.
tale o f Oregon, for the County o f Baker,
In the House of Representatives,
upon a ju d gm en t rendered In said Court,
on tne Sixth day o f October, A. D. 1873, in
Dawes, from the Committee of Ways
landlady, Mr. and Mrs. Blane, are favor o f Sam uel Cowles and E. P. McDan­
and Means, reported a bill for the
iels, and against W illiam S. Boswell, for
still keeping the Rye Valley Hotel, the sum o f i$862 2tfi (six H undred und Sixty
redemption of the loan of 1858.
Tw o D ollars un i Tw enty-six cents, Gold
Cobb, a Democrat, was elected and furnish as good grub as a huu- Coin, u. d ($35 Mb Thirty-live Dollars and
Mayor of Boston, December 8th, by gry man ever sat down to; our frieud N in ety-n .n e cents, eo-ts, to m e directed
against the property o f Uie said William
18,023 majority.
Brouk furnishes the needful in the 8. B o»w ell, . have levied upon and shall
expose ut P ublic Sale, to tne highest bid­
W a s h i n g t o n , Dec. 13th.
shape of spirits, distilled spirits I der, on
$#;Faddeu has introduced billsap- mean; Mr. Brisshaw does th« need
»' ednesday, the 17th day of
propriating §00,000 for public build
till in blacksmithiug; and Mr. Henry
tugs at Olympia, and §40,000 for
December, A. D. 1873,
similar purposes at Port Townsend; Jones carried off the prize yesterday
At 2 o ’clo ck , P. M ., ut tiie Court House
also, directing surveys for improv­ morning in hunting. In less than one Door, in Baker City, Baker county, Ore­
ing rivers in Washington Territory. hour he killed nine rabbits and six gon , tfie follow in g described property, to-
w 11:
Tiie House Committee on Public prairie chickens, beat it if you can
Tiie undivided one h a lf Interest in and
to that certain H otel BuiJdb g and Lo of
Lands is consideri ng the policy of
Mr. Walter Fern tld, our obliging giouu.J upon winch said bollijin g »lands
repealing the pre emp ion laws and
-minted ill tiie Town o f E ldorado, linker
reserving the public domain for Postmaster, forks out to its numerous cou n ty, Oregon, und known as B osw ell’»
homestead settlement in quarter sec­ readers the over welcome B e d r o c k
A l s o , the undivided ono h a lf Interest in
tions, except in case of grazing lauds, every Friday, long may your paper and to that certuin Barn mid stuhte and
upon w hich said Burn und Stable
where larger tracts will be allowed. flourish. A happy Christmas ami a ground
» and», situated in the Tow n o f E luorado.
The pioposed renewal of tea and merry New Year to all is the wish of linker cou n ty , Oregon, and kn ow n us
B i l l i e » ’ S table.
coffee duties encounters less opposi
Thu right, title and Interest o f W illiam
8. Boswell in an to the above m entioned
tiou than expected, and the chances
properl, will be sold ns aforesaid to sut-
of its adoption are considered good
i.sly said execution and ull costs.
by leading members ol Congress,
Dated at Baker City, this Ultli day o f N o­
vem ber. A . D. 1873.
since the Treasury recommends it,
unless tne inflationists insist on the
issue of more eurreucy instead of
¡Sheriff ’s ¡Sale.
increasing taxes.
The above «ale o f property is postponed
The House Judiciary Committee
until W ednesday, D ecem ber 24th, 1873, at
Y V IR T U E O l' AN' EXE CU TIO N Lho same hour and placo m entioned
have agreed to report in favor of a
taaueu out ot ilie County court oi tue a nove.
total repeal of the baukrupt act.
Dated at Baker City, this 17tli day o f No­
ovaio ot Oregon ior ilio count.' ot Baker,
The Senate Committee on Appro­ u. on a ju dgm en t rendere i m »aid co iu t, vem ber, A. D. 1873.
ou tne tweiuy-rourt fi a uy ol N ovem ber, a .
priations recommend $5,0U0.00d. the L. ¡bjo, in iuvor oi r.utuei U. D o.., A.
.Tiuo.a, and i l . U. EUwards, Trustees o.
auto nt originally asked, for extra
LaKur City Lodge, No. D, 1. O- O. K., ana
ordinary naval services.
against A. is. Xvuue.t». L W\ NeiXOI:, and
Sherifl ’s Sale.
J. Al. Loyd. Ior lue »uni Oi Pive Huudreu
P a r is , Dec. 13th.
Dollar», i_8oU0j goid com , to lie due« led
Bazaine has written a letter to again»! toe p .u p en y ol a . R, ilou-
y v ir t u e o f a n e x e c u t io n
President McMahon, in which he eits, L. VV. .»eiso.i. a..d J. AI. L oyd, 1 Have
• evred upon aud »itali expo»e u lp u ou ca a le
issued out o f the Circuit Court, oi tne
•-> o f Oregon, for the County o f Baker,
tir tue u.guest bidder, ou
upon u ju d gm en t rendered In said Court,
“ You remember the days in which
*i Die 7th day o f October, A . D. 1873, in
we served the country together. I Wednesday, the 21st day of ” favor
ol W. J. Leatlierw ood and aguinst
feared that the impulse of your
A ntiioi.y M oore, A lb ert U. Aioore and
January, A. D. Ih74,
heart would be overmastered by At 1 o ’clock i’ . ai., at tiie Court H od e door Ainusu M oore, for tiie sum o f ($345 33)
iiiree H undred and For ty-hvc Dollurs and
State considerations. £ should have ili Balter City, Hauer Co m y , U.cguu, tiie Sixty -five cents, G old Com, to ine directed
described p lop eity , to k 'u :
»gainst the p ioperty o f the said Anthony
died without regret, since the rec­ lolioWii.g
A ll oi m at celiali. . nun, xiiow u us the M oore, A lbert (J. Moore ami A in osu Moore,
ommendation of the court vindicates tìiu.gni a Newton Diten,u»eu 'o co n v e y v«u- 1 have levied upon und shall expose at
ter u o m rCne CieeK to uee CieeK ui.d iruiu P u blic Sale, to tne highest bidder, on
my honor.”
Gee Creek to Goodriefi creek, thence Mu
Lachaud, Bazaine’s counsel,thanks M.U Creek and a I. u U io Creek to Samian Wednesday, the 21st day of
Thiers for expressing the opinion Cieek. Sa.d d.lcu is »ilUuled IU PocaUo..-
Mndng Di -tnei, Baker C ounty, Oregon.
January, A. D, 1874,
that Bazuiue was innocent of the la» Said
p io p .-it y Wa> le v ie d U pon a» lue
charges upon which he was tried.
p r o p e r t y o . o . VV. N c i» o ii a l io .•• B. lio u - at 2 o ’c lo ck , P. M ., at the Court H ouse
W e take ttio following from the Sacramen-
to Union oi the 15th:
Elections for members o f the French As­
sembly yesterday, m turee departments, re­
sulted in favor o f Republicans.
Hatiia-Honda is tne place fixed on for the
delivery o f the Yirgiuius aud her surviving
pas»eugers and crew to the United States.
la the House o f Representatives Clayton
will introduce a bill to-day appropriating
$300,000 for purchasing a lot aud beginning
the erection o f a fire-proof building lor a
Posioffico aud the United States courts in
San Francisco.
Through some intrigue, as is supposed, o f
a political enemy, Lutti ell has been lelt off
the Naval Committee, a position heid by h i.
predecessor. No one oi tiie Pacinc coastdei-
egation is on the Commute o u # Indian Af­
Congressman Cox, Holman and Nesmith
all favor the election o f Booth to the Senate.
Congress is averse to the increase o f taxa­
tion proposed by the Secretary o f tne Treas­
Professor Agassiz died at Boston last
niglit. Some montns since tiie Uniou gave
a biographical sketca o f deceased.
Tne Bender», wno commit tea a serious of
o f murder» tu Kansas, have been arrested in
South Carolina.
The secretary o f War has presented to
Congress some’ series charges .agaiust Gen­
eral Howard, o f the Freeumen »Bureau.
H avana , December 13th.
Last night several hundred men marched,
cheering and shouting, to the Plaza de
Armas, and gatheted in front o f theCaptaiu-
General’s palace, gave uoi»y expression to
their dissatisfaction at the departure o f the
Virginias, aud their disapproval o f thecourse
o f prominent persons wno favored tiie de­
livery o f me \e»»el. Two Spaniards, who
endeavored to pacify the mob, were sudden­
ly hustled about, aud several shots, believed
to lie accidental, were fired. Tfie crowd
• iugered around (he palace till midnight,
wneu Captain-General Juvelar addressed
them, aud prevailed upon them to go to
their houses.
ei't» a lia Wul o e » o ld as a io r e » a id , to » a n s -
ìy s a ia e a e e d 'io u a u d c o s t» , a im a c c iu m g
Dated at Baker City this Twenty-third
day o i Decolnoer, A. D. ibi J.
J AJ10.3 H. bH I*iN ,
herifi’s Sale.
issUeu out oi tue Uoumy court oi tne
oiure oi Oregon ior Uie County oi Bauer,
upon a juugm eut reudeieu m saia ouurt,
on Uie I'veuiietn Uay ol i-euruary, A u .
18 3, in lavor oi L. o . Stem », anu again»i
im tu on y Moore, AUlasa M oore, A l­
bert G. M oore,lor tile »um q» Pi ve H uuurea
auu ^iAtee.1 Loiiars a**u 1 wt-my-MA ce.<ls,
reoni Zoj to oe directed against cue , /op er-
LJ III »aia AllUlony oroOie, AiUao.t Mu nu
u..U A ioert g . Moore, 1 nave iciieU upon,
ana »null expose at p u o lic sal« to tue uigu-
e»t omuer, ou
Wednesday, the 21st day of
January, A. D. 1873,
At 3 'cloeK P. Ài , at m e uourt rlo a ro d oor,
lu H ager City, B aker C oun ty, Oregon, lu e
lolloW iiig ueacnocu p rop erty, to " i t :
p iv e sn ares in tue i.^ e V uiiey i lucer
M in in g c o m p a n y , »uiuunrg W tue n a m e o i
Five »Hares in the Rye \ ille y Placer
M .uiug co m p a n y , »tauan-g in tue nam e
oi A ciu o u y oio o ie . A lso m e Kigui, iitie
au«l interest o i A utnouy Moore, vinosa
Moure aed A lbert C. M uore, or eitbe. o f
m em , in and lo all m at m e Piacei M ining
g.uu»u situated iu n y e Valley M ining
District, b ak er County , Uregou; com m enc­
ing at or near m e mourn oi iviccuen
G u id i, and extending clown Dixie cie e k ,
and kn ow n as "P ia c e r M ining Claim No-
,y,” as surveyed oy c. M- r oster, DepUiy
L . 8. s u r v e y o r ,io r u oscp u i i . isniau.
The aioresaid piopciay Will oe sold as
aforesaia, to sausiy said execution and
co»i>, anu accruing costs.
Dated at Bakei City, this Tw entieth day
o f D ecem ber, A. D 1873.
J a m e s h b h i n n ,
nSB-nZ* '
D oor, in Baker City, Baker County. Ore­
gon , the follow in g described property, to­
That certain H ouse situated on the South
side o f Main Street, In the town o f E ldora­
do, Baker cou n ty , Oregon, situated o p p o ­
site lire E ldorado H ouse, and kn ow n as
the llu rd y H ouse, also tiie lot o f ground
ou w uicli said H ouse stands.
A lso, one H ouse situated ou W indlass
G uieu, and now occu pied by T h om as ste-
A lso, on e Shed H ouse situated in Wind­
lass G u lch , and k n ow n as the Moora
Tire above m en tion ed property will 8»
sold as aforesaid, to satisfy said execu­
tion, and costs, and accruing costs.
Duted ut Baker City, this ¿4th day of De­
cem ber. A. D. 1873.
In Justices Court for Baker Precinct, Stat*
o i Oregon, Couuty o f Baker.
J. H. Ingraham , I luintiff,
Ole Jackson , D efendant.
To Ole Jackson, the above nam ed De­
Oregon, you .me hereby required to ap­
pear before the undersigned, a Justice of
m e Peace for the Precinct o f Baker coun­
ty and.->lule aforesaid,ou theTwei.ty-muth
uay o January, A. D. 1874, at One o ’clock ,
in tiie afternoon o f »aid day, at the
office o f said Justice, in suid Precinct, to
answer the above nam ed Plaintiff, in a
civil action. T oe deiendunt will take no­
tice, that if he fall to answer, the com ­
plaint herein, tfie Plaintiff will take Judg­
m ent against m m for the sum o f Eighty
D ollars, with interest from the Sixth day
o f A ugust. 1803, at the rate o f teu per cent,
per ain u u n ,an d for his costó and disburse­
ments in this action. Y’ ou will al»o take
notice that this s u m m on s is published by
order o f the uudeisiguud, duly made on
the 18th day o f D ecem ber. A. D. 1873-
Justice o f the Peace for Bolter Procinc*»
'a f e o . »