L itebaey S ociety .— The Baker City Lite­ V ick ’ s F lo r al G l id e .— W e have received rary Society met at the Academy last Friday the January, 1874, No. o f Vick’s Floral Guide. R e tim i*» g f m o f w t . evening, when the following subject was dis­ B A K E R CI T V , D E C E M B E R . 3, 1873. cussed: “ Besolved, That labor saving ma­ chines are a benefit to the laboring classes.” The question was decided in the affirmative. L. P. FISH ER , Nos. 30 and 21, N ew M er­ chants' Exchange, is our authorized A gen t I Mr. Frank Kea delivered the lecture o f the o ban Francisco. evening. The following persons are on duty It is a magnificent publication, and should be in the hands o f every person who pre­ tends to cultivate flowers. Persons wishing to examine a copy can do so by calling at the D emocrat office. Hon D. B- Scofield, of Auburn, returned for next Friday evening: Lecttirer H. N. j from Portland yesterday morning. McKinney; Recitation—Pauline Eppinger; Sheriff Shinn is across the mountains on Essay—Ella Hull; Declamations—Jas. Mof- business. fit and Ilovey Barrett. The fbllowing sub­ 0 '^ 'C h a s. s t . L o u i* has located perma­ ject will be discussed: Resolved, That the nently in Baker; and is now prepared to man- A G EN TS —The follow in g named gentle* men are authorized to act as Agents lor the B edrock D e m o cr a t : U ko . P. H o w e l l & Co., N ew York. Til os. B oyce , san Francisco, T. C. E v a n s , Boston, Mass. L S a m v e l s , Portland, Oregon, L. P. F is h e r , bun Francisco. H on . D unham \N eight , Union County, O. P. C. H arter , Albany, Oregon. M. W. D avis , NS alia Walla, \V. T. S. V. K nox , Pendleton, Oregon. J. D. A gnew , Boise City, luaho. J. J. D ooley , Ciarkeviiie, Oregon. L. H. W ells , Da Uranue, Oregon. W'. A. C rawford , Payette Valley, Id&li). B. hi. JEFtRtYs, Weiser Vaiiey, iuano. N ed . 'I vrk , Canyon City, Oregon. H. H. H yde , Uiuoio Ci»y, Oregon. F a r m e r s around Union and the Cove can pay their subscriptiou to the D emocrat to Geo. Wright A bon, merchants at Union, or Cowles & McDaniels or b. G. French at The Cove. Pei sous wishing to subscribe in that portion ol Union county can give their names to either ol the above nameu parties. Money Martet. credit system is a detriment to the people o f the I nited States. The disputants on the affirmative are Harry Shepherd, Mr. Me- Clelland and Edward McEacben, on the lieg- alive Frank Rea. Frank Bowen and Logan Estes. A ll are invited to attend. au(i repair all kinds o f jewelry and w-atoDes. After tweuty-eight years oxperi- ence ¿n Die business, he feels competent to give entire satisfaction. Mr. St. Louis, is ¿igo ageut for the best Sewing Machine 1U J tjje NewWilsou, price, $55,00. C larks CiiKfX.—This mining camp has been one of the best.in Baker county the past season, and the white men who have been mining there have doue better than ever be- fore, as wa are informed by those who have had the best opportunities o f knowing. The mining season closed there only one week since. It is claimed that the miners of Clarks Creek, the season that has just closed, have taken as much gold out there as has been taken out in the balance o f Baker county. I f this is the case, the amount is immense. We are glad to know o f the good fortune of the miners of Clarks Creek. F or the very best Photographs, go to Bradley A Rulofson's Gallery without S tairs Q-p» Ascend in the E LE V A TO R , 429 Mont- : gomery Street, San Francisco Latest New York Gold Quotations, 109 H LEGAL TENDERS IN PORTLAND : Buying.................. 90c. | belling,.............. 01 Dr. R. V. Pierce, o f Buffalo, N. Y ., first advocated constitutional as well as local treat­ ment as being necessary lor the cure of Ca­ tarrh, and so successful has his Golden Med­ ical Discovery proven as a constitutional N o t i c e- treatment, when accompanied with the use o f Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy, applied local­ T he undersigned has not Leased or Sold ly by means of Dr. Pierce’s Nasal Douche out his Hotel Business at the Dalles, bt t ("the only method of reaching the upper and will continue m the luiure, as in the past, to back chambers of the head) that ho lias long dispense tne substantial elements ol Due to offered $500 reward for a case that he cannot the traveling public. cure. Both medicines with instrument for THOM AS SM ITH , $2, by all Druggists. nl9tf Solo Proprietor Empire Hotel. F rank B rown .—A week or two since a lo­ cal notice appeared in the D emocrat which wag not noticed by the Editor until after the On and alter May 20th, 1872, the Post O f­ whole edition of the paper was worked off. fice hours w ill be from 9 a. m. to 7 p. m.— buudays excepted. Open on buudays lrorn Brown was a good driver for his own gain, but very bad for those who trusted him with 9 to 10 a. m. und 5 to 0 p. m. \V. E. M’CRABY, r. m . valuables. He appropriated to his own use about two thousand dollars, the property o Meteorological Table. citizens of Clarks Creek, and Eldorado. It appears, from all the circumstances which Through the politeness of Professor S. P. have come to light, since he left, that he had Barrett, we are enabled to lay before our Leon stealing systematically. His career in readers the following table showing the range this county shows him to bo a bad, dishonest o f the Mercury for the woek emliug Nov_ man. 29th, 1873, at Baker City, Oregon: S idew alk .—We hope our citizens will not 10 p, 12 M. 7 A. M. neglect to extend the sidewalk on from the 32 48 34 Sunday, 41 Court House to the Academy before it be­ 55 23 Monday, 36 63 38 Tuesday, » comes cold und muddy. A ll who have chil­ 20 46 28 Wednesday, dren goin^to school are especially interested 28 41) 15 Thursday, in this matter. There is a low place in the 28 35 28 Friday, 46 50 road from the Court House to the Academy, 38 Saturday, Average for the wees ao:i degrees auuve and this is at times almost impassable for Kero. Average for the month of November 41:4 the children without getting the feet wet. Let something be done immediately, is the degree* above zero. request of C itize ns . Coldest day in November, 27th. 15 deg. Molice to tie File. Warmest day at noon 9th. 65 deg. Nov. was very pleasant. Little wind—but gener­ ally a light breeze from South in evening.— buow fell on 28th C inches most all disap­ peared from valley next day. Light raius on Sunday last. P rayeb M eeting .—A prayer meeting will be held at the Court House, on Saturday evening of this week. L IS T O F A R R IV A L S . Through the politeness o f Mr. J. II. Ingraham , the obliging clerk of the West­ ern Hotel, o f this city, we are enabled to lay before our readers the following list of arrivals ut that Hotel, for the week end­ ing Dec. 2nd, 1873: W m . Athey, S. Roberts and D. B. Sco­ field, Auburn; Fre.t Cole and James Bui- rill, Rock Creek; John Powell, N. Ppwder; C. J. Durbin, Burnt ltiver; James Lynn, \V. 11. Ham lin, G. W. Suyres,Anthony Moore, M. K. Davidson and E. F. Johnson it Dudv, Eldorado; 8. McDowell and fam ily and j. Christensen, WiUowCreek; J. F. W illiam ­ son und Hiram Balden, La Grande; Joseph Crawford and Jus. Allen, Syracuse, N. Y .; Guy Durkee, Express Ranch; J. Griffin, Griffin’s Gulch; A. McPherson, W. B. Cur­ tis und Jus. Cleary, Clarksville; O. W. Hunt, M. Nichols, Geo. Knop and M. P a y n e ; J as. A. Condon, Wulla Walla: J. Barnes, N. W. 8. Co.- c Crowley, Malheur City; G. W. Palmer, W. O’Brien, John Puts, Robert Watson, W il­ son Brown, 11. L. Dealy, Mat Reed, Henry NV Parks, Connor Creek; John W llllains, d e n i; Luke Bculley, Granite V r f,k V,,V,C 3flxe» -Mormon Basin; Doctor H all Hibbard Gulch; John Barn, Muddy Cieek ; NY . S. Jones, Prairie City; 1. P. & H R. bm itli, Goose Creek; Hand Builev Po­ cahontas; David Morrow, Ledge. S ummit M ine .— Wo noticed quite a stir on the streets, a day or two since—wagons load­ ed with chinamen and their provisions. 13y enquiry we found that Mr. Alex. Stewart, the Superintendent of the Summit Mine, owned by Packwood A Stewart, at Hogcm, is increasing the working fort e of that mine. We understand he has contracted with these men to work therein until the first of next June at $1 75 per day—they a-jrteing to lay- on the dump not less then ' one ton per day to the man, or to be paid in proportion to the amount of quartz taken out. Messrs. Packwood and Stewart have always takmi an active part in developing the resources of the country, and are, wo hope, justly reward- • If others that have the means would take hold in the same spirit, or even lend a ie p.ng hand, it is is our opinion that very httle outside capital would be required to de- *«lope the immense mineral fields that we av# in Grant, Union and Baker counties, Pj^tit to the employer and the em- " 0 *1&Te niines, and under con- o w n . * * ? kind made b-v Mr- Stewart, the p hem would iun but little risk. Creek [ Kl'~ ^ eo Palmer, of Conners ««- p ^ v be doe8 r in sa receive fewda- s- not the D emocrit done up in the F-m gle wr»Pper,«and soe. J E 5p l &C 4 “*Mh',r tl6',' “ d t e d le g o e , «od.Uoda ¿‘ f" " “ C l«-.,, o-ortm. w a s b ' ° ” <%, on u. - u d called ---- V IJ U t>. T-JI n a Anthonv v ’ ; ' 10 ’ Joan Doo- towri last week. 10 town nlford, ( ôf Sparta' * Fulforfi ' 0parta, are in town ^ Prank the a o u u u i^ ^ ® ^ t0SiS inchesdeep on do. 1 0011 thlìi « t v and Eldora- D3~ Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy produces perfect cures o f the worst cases of Catarrh. •'Cold in the Head,” Covza and Catarrhal Headache, as hundreds o f testimonials from well known citizens and eminent physicians who Jiave used it in their practice abundantly testify. It is mild, pleasant an 1 unirritating. The proprietor offers $500 for a caso of Ca­ tarrh that he cannot euro. Sold by druggists at 50 cents. E vergreens .—Now is a good time to trans­ plant Evergreens. L et every one who has a yard to ornament, either go or send to the mountains and secure a half dozen nico Fir trees to plant out this fall. I f well taken up and properly put out they are most suro to THE SUN. W E EK LY, SEM I-W EEKLY AND D A IL Y . The W E E K LY SUN is too widely known to require any extended rseommoudation; but the reasons which have already given it fifty thousand subscnbeis, and which will, we hope, give it many thousands more, are brief­ ly as follows: It is a first rate newspaper. A ll the news of tLe day will be found in it, condensed when unimportant, at full length when of moment, and always presented in a clear, intelligible, and interesting manner. It is a first rate family paper, full of enter­ taining and instructive l'eauingol every kind, but containing nothing that can offend the most delicate and scrupulous taste. It is a first rate story paper. The best tales and romances of current literature are care­ fully selected and legibly printed in its pages. It is a first rate agricultural paper. The most lTesli and instructive articles on agricul­ tural topics regularly appear in this depart­ ment. f It is an independent political paper, belong­ ing to no party and wearing no collar. It tights ioi principle, and tor the election of the best men to office. It especially devotes its energies to the exposure ot the great corrup­ tions that now weaiten and disgrace our couii try, and threaten to undermine republican institutions altogether. It lias no fear of knaves, and asks no favors from their sup­ porters. It reports the fashions for the ladies and markets for the men, especially the cattle markets, to which it pays particular attention. Finally, it is the cueapest paper published. One dollar a year will secure it for any sub­ scriber. It is not necessary to get up a club in order to have the Weekly Sun at this rate. Any one who sends a single dollar will get ¿he paper for a year. Y\e liavo no traveling agents. T H E W E E K LY SUN.—Eight pages, fifty- six columns. Only $1.00 a year. No dis­ counts from this rate. T H E SEM I-W EEKLY SU N .-Sam o size as the Daily Sun. $2.00 a year. A discount o f 20 per cent, to clubs o f 10 or over. T H E D A IL Y SUN.—A large four-page newspaper o f twenty-eight columns. Daily circulation over 120,000. A ll the news tor 2 cents. Subscription price 50 cents a month, or $6.00 a year. To clubs of 10 or over, a discount of 20 per cent. Address, n28i6 “ T H E SU N ,” New York City. V J W »’ NV ^ Winter is now fairly upon us, and the teams are hastening to the lumber woods in various parts o r the country. Our advice to every man who goes to the woods, be he captain, cook, teamster, or any other man, is to take along a good stock o f Johnson’s Anodyne Lin iment and Parson' months o f labor (in tlie aggregate) may b i alltion. saved by this precaution. F a ll & W inter, Cam paign! AV. L u b e ls k i, J H O WOULD KE$PEC l'FU L L Y TN- fertn tne Public, tint he koejw 111 kinds of F B I I T i. and \l-.O K iAB LE 3 on hand, that will be sold at cither . W W H O L E S A L E OF R E T A IL . The Fruit, Vegetables, Grapes, Ac., kep* bv him are fresh and of the best quality. He also keeps Family Groceries, and a large variety of Cakes, Candies, Tobacco aud Cigars, together with an assortment of Y A N K E E NO TIO NS. Tie will bo pleasid to have those call who wish any o f the above articles, aud assures them that he will sell nt prices to suit the times. N. B.—He can supply Families and otfi- err with ________ w in te r and Negetablos, of all kinds, for Winter use. i a & & 2 s y 8 rja © v & NEW G O O D S General 8 2 5 , 0 0 0 rn O BE AT SE1WI N O CHI S t iff!* - f \ v S i l i ^ ¿ x c r « ¿ i fe *** I •’ LIVERY S T A B L E GRIER & KE LLO G G Haviug completed their New Stable, have now the finest and best regulated I *iv e r v S t a b le In E a s t e r n O r e g o n , Where they will carry ou the Livery B ad­ ness iti all its branches. STOCK SO UG H T AND SOLD. Baker Citv. Nov. 13. 1872. nl'ltf Merchandise. TO T H E FAR M E ItS ! THE wantiug anything in the line of JL City of Lewiston, Idaho Territory, by Farmers Reapers, M overs, Threshers, Feed Grand Gift Enterprise. The Real Estate is Mills, Wagons, Horne Bakes, composed of part o f the Southwest quarter of Harrows, Plows, or Section No. 29, Township No. 7. North of Eango36 East, adjoining tlie flourishing city O TH E R A G R IC U LT U R A L M ACH INERY, of Y\ alia Waila, \\ ashington Territory. The will find it to their advantage to givo us a call. Distribution .u take place at Lewiston on the First day of November, 1873. Wholesale Department Five Thousand i5,000) Tickets will be sold at Five Dollars each. Five Hundred and Fitty-nine {bo'J) Prizes in Real Estate and Gold Coin. ONE chance in every N IN E to got a price. The (. apital Prize is a large, new and well finished two-story dwelling house, containing fourteen rooms, with fire places and marble mantles, wood shed, cellar aud out houses complete, and twenty acre* of land fenced and improved, with plenty o f waterandover 4,000 fe - t o f water pipe for irrigating; over two hundred bearing fruit trees, consisting of apples, pears, peaches, plums and cherries, of the finest varieties; also a large Variety of bearing grape vines; about one acre o f land is plaiitea with the ..nest variety o f strawber­ ries, all bearing; aud i several hundred ot the choicest blachbernes, currants and gooseber­ ries ; and a large and varied selection or or- iiamemal treos, flowering shrubs and vines. Tins property cost the proprietor about Nine Tuimsand Five Hundred Dollars. T l i i » V a lu a b le P r o p e r t y in th e F l r * t #7,500 f r i z « , OU'ereJ a t Is kept in our New F IR E PROOF C E LLA R . Give us a Call at Virtue’s New Bank Block on Front Street, Baker City, Oregon. BAMBEBOER A FRANK. Baker City, Oct. 1 ,1873-n21tf. | D R E S S MAKING! Mrs. R. C. Shepherd & Co., liespectfully inform the Ladies of Baker City and vicinity, that they have opened an establishment, at the residence of Mrs. ß . C. Shepherd, in | Baker City, where they are prepared to Cut, or Cut an Make all kinds of j | I Ladies & Childrens Clothing. All orders from the surrounding Towns | amj Country will be promptly attended to, at ! Rame p‘rjceg ihm our City customers are « 1,000 charged. 5U0 Stumping for Embroidering find 25U Braiding done to order. 100 100 OF L A T E S T FA SH IO N S COSTS LESS TH A N $300 TO MARK any $600 Piano sold through Agents, I o f rT 1 whom make all 9 N E H U R D R E D PE R CENT. profit. AVo have no agents, but ship diroct to families at Factory Price. We make only one style, and have but one price. Two Hrairei and Ninety Hollars Net cash, with no discount to dealers or com­ missions to teachers. Our lumbor is thor­ oughly seasoned. Our cases are ' D O U B LE VE N E E R E D with Rosewood—have Front round bornere, serpentine bottom and carved logs. AVo u i. the full Iron Plato with over strung bass F R E N C H G R A N D AC TIO N with top dampers, and onr keys are of th* best Ivory, with Ivory fronts. Our Piano has Soven Octaves; is 6 feet 9 inches long, 9 feet 4 inches wide, and weighs, boxed, 955’ pounds. Every Piano is fully warranted for fir« years. Send for an illustrated circular, in which wo refer to over 500 Bankers, Merchants, Ac., (some of whom you may know.) using our Pianos in Forty-Four States and Territories.- E 7 " Please state where you seen this no­ tice. U. S. PIA N O CO.. n2Gn52 865, Broadway, N. Y. LIVERY S T A B L E K E PT BY r p i I I S STA B LE HAH JUST BEEN RE I built, and the proprietor is now pre- pared to carry ou the business in S P L E N D ID S T Y L E . D B A W I N G : e cr i » V 9 J M Baker City, Sopt. 3, !S72.-nl7tf_________ _ Is well supplied with the Best Brands of W H IS K Y , BRAND Y, G IN , W IN E , etc., etc., And we offer the same at Lowest Figures. COIN, D IS T K IB IT E D Peaches, Apples, Pears, .Plums, Grapes, Ac., Ac., received fresh every day by Express, and for sale cheap for Cash. Our Stock of Liquors !! And $5,000 In GOLD A V H O L E S A L E A N D Tlie Proprietor will spare neither labor nor expense to render his establishment a success. He will keep constantly oil hand a sup­ ply of RETAIL LIQUOR STORE. PAP LEVIES jt0Sp^ctfuny informs the Citizens and v\ „ „ , , , • ” o t E a s te rn O re g o n , that he has estab- j ed himself in the Liquor Business at ; __ _ _ _ __ __ r f J \ f ) } T \ 8 , . .. , ; . " h e r e he is prepared to fill all orders m las I line with the best of Liquors, Wines, Tobacco am) Cigars, ed E v e r y w h e r e ! Meney can be sent in Registered Letters, his line, in quantities tc Pos tofiioe money orders, Drafts or by Express. and every thing in hi» aw price«. suit, and at low prices. He bells for Address, JOHN BBEABLEV, Banker and Assayer, Lewiston, Idaho Territory. Agent for sale o f Tickets at Baser City, and is therefore enabled to sell cheap. He ut2td J. B* GARDNER. can sell Goods to the Ti-ude, C h ea p er than small Dealers can lay them J owl here from Portland or San Francisco. H T O B S IE & Y , He keel* a full assortment of Heady Pay Only, wmm H. J. GiiEK, Proprietor. ______ v.,>Tist ‘h à f c r j i ï s e T fV t& i gKgg àôGSOH * se“in? wM */ E W K HB /J6M O NTG O Ai£RrST. L O dd F ellows B a l l .--The Odd Fellows of Baker City w ill give a Ball on Wednesday evening, (Christmas Eve,) Dec. 21th, 1873, in Baker City. The music, and the supper will be the best that can be procured, and every tiling else necessary for a good time, will be done for the b;st. There will be no j J IR S . It. C. S H E P H E R D , A g e n t a t BAKER C ITY, OREGON. tickets o f invitation issued, bat everybody is j invited to a t jud. April 2, 1873.n47n39 Br kktt T H E The numbers from 1 to 5.000. correspond­ ing with the number o f Tickets, will bo plac­ ed in one wheel, aud 659 numbers, corres­ ponding with the number of Prizes will be in a second wheel. Tne w heels are then re­ volved and a number drawn from the wheel of numbers, and at the same time a numbor is drawn from the otuer wheel; the number and prize drawn out are exhibited to the au­ dience and registeied by the Secretaries, the Prize being placed agaiustthe number drawn. This operation is repeated until all the Prize numbers are drawn out. Reference is made by permission to the followiug: General James McAuliil, late Sheriff o f Walla Walla county; don. F. P. Dugan, Thomas Quinn, Esq., and Hon. B, L . ftharpsteiu, Attorney-at-Luw; all of Walla Walla, W. T. Persons residing at a distance can rest as sured tUeir interests are as well protected as tnougn they were present aud personally BAKER’S / Waila Walla Variati and Fruit Start, 12,50d Received every month, direct from New 50 York. 3,000 .H alting; a O i-au U T o t a l o f $35,000. M 118. N I I O C K L E Y A list of the drawn numbers will be sent to Has received a fine assortment of each person who has remitted to us, im m edi­ ately after the drawing. Coin Prizes will be Ladies Dress Trimmings, Bonnets, sent by express to persons winning them. Hats, Ac., Deeds ior Beal Estate will be sent to tlie win­ ners by mail, registered, free o f charge. Direct from San Francisco and Portland. All The drawing will take place under the cf the latest stylo and patterns, which slit has management ot a Committee to be appointed opened at the Dress Making Rooms at the by Uie ticivet holders. residence of Mrs. It. C. Shepherd, whore she w ill be pleased to have the Ladies of Baker Citv and vicinity give her a call- 5,000 Tickets, $5 Each. October 22, 1873.-n24tf Bad enough to look and feel bad yourself; but no excuse for having your horse look and feel badly, when for a small sum you can buy 'Sheridan’s Cavalry Condition Powders, which given in grain two or three times a week, will make him look and feel well. Alitati M 1874 . In J. W. Virtue’s New I M Block. P L A N v' •'.-/‘■is 1873 - New Store Building certainly worthy o f universal confidence. It is mainly on account of its extraordinary pre­ and ventive properties that Hoste'ter'a Stomach | N o w G rO O d -S , Bitters is so exceedingly popular in localities subject to the visitation o f miasmatic fevers and other diseases produced by empoisoned ■ air. A family that has escapedsickness dur­ ing a sickly season in consequence o f using the Bitters as a safeguard, is & living adver­ % BAMBERGER S i FMM. tisement o f the virtues of the preparation. I Wholesale and Retail The whole neighborhood realize the fact. “ I j couldn't have believed it,” savs one. “ I scar- i ! D E A L E R S , cely credited the advertisements; but one j must believe what one sees,” says another. I Enter the Field this Winter with the “ It is the yery.tLing we need in this unwhole­ some sectiou o f country,” remarks a third. 1 And the result is that the instinct of self-de­ fence, the first law o f nature, iuduces three- | fourths o f that community to obtain a snpply ! o f the great vegetable antidote before the next sickly season sets in. In winter, wheu : the system requires extra vigor and elasticity I Ever Offered in this Market, which they are to enable it to baffle the effects of damp anil determined to sell for cold, the Bitters will be found particularly serviceable. Rheumatism will no. be a pt to I S m a lle r [P r o fit s fasten upon muscles aiul nerves that have \ been braced up by this excellent invigorant I Than any other House in Eastern Oregon and nervine; nor will the severities ot the sea- j Our Stock embraces every tlilfig in the line o son, which have such a disastrous effect on the : T . . ^ ulmonary organs of the teeble and delicate, i I )r y (jt O O C lS » Lu xj-a likely to exercise the same untoward in- • flueuces in cases where the stomach and the : UlOtlllDg, external surface of the body (which always | Boots and S h o es, sympathizes with the digestive organs; have Grocerios, been toned and stimulated bv a course of the Tobacco and C ig a r * . restorative. The tits o f indigestion and ir­ regularities of the bowels whicii proceed from i and Everything pertaining to a Complete Stock of sudden changes of weather may always be ! averted by a timely use of the Bitters. 1 Puzo $5UU gold coin is 1 Prize $250 gold coin is 1 Prize $U)U gold coin is 2 Prizes iuii gold coin is 25U Town Dots m Elmer’s Addition to \ialia Walla, W .T., $50eacn, 2 Prizes SLo gold coin is 300 Prizes $10 gold coin is P ork .—A drove o f about two hundred and eighty fat hogs, belonging to Geo. W. Hunt, of Bluff Station, on the Payette river. Idaho, passed through our city last Saturday even­ ing. A great many o f these liogs will go to three hundred pounds and over, and very few less than two hundred. Mr. Hunt purchas­ ed them in Grand Ronde Valley. George is a rustler and knows what he is about. P ublic S chool N otice .— We are requested by f the Trustees o f this School District to state, that i f the assessment levied on tbo scholars of the District School is not prompt­ ly paid, the school will be closed until next April. The assessment is but small to each scholar, and ought to be paid at once. It will be very inconvenient to have our school close now. - prescriptions of the pharmacopeia to protect the human system against the bodily ills su­ perinduced by unhealthy surroundings, is 1 l*i-ize #1,000 G o ld C'oiu In live. I f some one who is visiting the moun­ tains regularly with a team would make ar­ rangement to supply our citizens with nice trees, he could make it profitable. S now .-—On last Friday it commenced snow- ingaboutnoon and continued uut 1 midnight, at which time the snow was about four inches deep in our streets. Saturday was warm and pleasant, and by evening our streets were bare again. On Sundav evening itcommenc- od spitting snow agaifi, and continued so to do all day Monday, but there was not enough laid to make the ground white. L i v i n g A d v ertise m e n t.. A medicine that has done more than all the m I I E E N D E K M IG N E D W O U L D respectfully call the attention of F A R M E R S and F R U I T G R O W E R S to my extensive and varied assortment of JL BAR TIN-SHOP! ' Frail Tress aud Stoniery, both useful and ornamental, for which I will sell low tor • MONISH.” SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Address, H. J. GEER, Cove, Union County, nl71y Oregon- P A Y UP* » f F IX T U R E S . Give him a Call, Sample his Goods and learn his prices. June, 4, 1878. n itf J. H . M Y IE B Y SO’A m i k Saddle horses hited to go to any part o f Hie country. Horses hoarded, ami tlie best care bestowed upon them while in his charge. [T!7” Term8 reasonable* Thankful for past patronage, I expect by honest and liberal dealing tb ilosei'vo the continued patronage o f the public. n25tf PE TE R DElSE.N BOTH. NOTICE. riY IIE U N D E R SIG N E D HAS P U It- l chased the interest u i Charles Schell- worth in what was known as the ScMlworOi Saloon and Bakery, With the Stock in trade, Furniture and Fix­ tures thereunto belonging, and accounts and demands due thereto, in this City, and said Schellworth has retired from Saloon and Bakery business, and the undersigned will alone conduct said business, at the O LD Coppur, Tin aiä S M - I m Ware. H a i n S tre et, li n k e r C ity , O r e g o n . F. K I ’ l l ’ ** C O N S T A N T L Y O N band a full assortment of all articles in H' his line, snch as O V E S . STAND, On tho corner o f Front Street and Valley Avenue. Tlie best Wines, Liquors, Cigars and P A R K E R , .WHOLE8ALE AND HETA1L DEA LES IN S T A1 And everything connected with a first clots FR E S H \ LL PA R T IE S KN O W IN G THEM- selves indebted to J. H. PARKER, the L arge S tock .— P ap Levins has the largest : Tinshop man, are requested to call at ODce Miner’s Hydraulic Pipe, Noz- j and best assorted stock o f liquors, cigars, and settle their accounts with CASH or by ; Bamberger & Frank zles, Butts and Tin Ware. Note, AND SAVE COST. etc., that has ever been opened in Baker City. e s p e c tfu lly in v it e a l l those w h o J. H. PARKER. Also, Every Pattern and Style of Persons wanting anything in his line w ill do are indebted to them to call and sottle. Baker City, Sept. 3, 1873.nl7tf well to give him a call and examine his stock- We are in want o f money, and mast have i t ; S kating R in k .—We understand that W. J • to meet om engagements. The Celebrated Buck’s Patent Cooking, Baker City, Oct. 1,1873.-21 tf P A Y U P ! ! Easterbrook, o f this city, intends starting a i and the Onward Parlor Stove are kept on Skating Rink in the Hall formerly occupied L ost .—T he Editor o f this paper lost his L L PERSONS IN D E B TE D TO A. H ' hand, together with all other styles. by the Odd Fellows. Jack is a good fellow, Derringer Pistol between Baker City and Brown are respectfully requested to | J O B W O Auburn on the 17th inst. Any person re­ come forward and settle their accounts, and is bound to succeed. ; Done upon short Notice, and at reasonable turning said pistol to this office will be suita­ either by Cash or note, immediately. M isses Annie Richardson and Mary Fits- bly rewarded, 1 Prioes. ¡ ¿ y A word to the wise is sufficient. n »tf Baker City, March 26,1378. b 45Y J. H. PARKER. kept. 34, 1879. coe returned to Rye Valley last Friday. R Good Horses, Single and Double Buggies, * Carriages, etc., B READ , C RAC KERS, a ND PASTRY Always on liatid at the Bakery. A ll parties owing tho late firm o f Schell- worth' x Co., Will settle witn the undersigned. Baker Citv, Sept. 9“, 1873; nlfltf F. A. BQHNA. T o Sheep K a is e r s !! Iiporiei Cotswolt Sheep for Sale. NT. HUNDRED AND F IF T E E N o „ 1 Head Thorough bred Cotswold Sheep, lately Imported from the best herds in Can­ ada. The above Sheep are Full Blooded and as fine as any on tne Coast. There are Forty Bucks in the lot. The whole w ill be sold in lots to suit pur­ chasers, and at R E A S O N A B L E PR IC E S. For particulars, enquire of R E ID & F L E T C H E R , • Beier dtw , 9gn,-