Dcbroth Demorra t. J. M. S H E P H E R D . E d ito r . B A K E R C IT Y , H a* DECEM BER THE BEDROCK th e L a rg e st C irc u la tio n 3, 1873. DEM OCRAT of any P a p e r P u b lis h e d in E a ste rn O r e g o n . O F F IC IA T , P A P E R . F or the Counties o f B a k e r and G r a n t . T H E B E D R O C K D EM O C R A T , The Old, Reliable and Well Established DEMOCRATIC TAPER OF E a s t e r n O re g o n , Can and trill furnish more pood reading matter and reliable l.ocal and Foreign news, than any other paper in Oregon, F or Less M oney. We will send the Bedrock Demccrat, Godey’s Lady’s Book, AND W ood s Household Magazine, To one address, ONE YEAR, for Nix D o lla r» in A d v a n c e . The D emocrat contains 3 8 columns every week; it is the Official Paper for Baker and Grant counties, and the Lady’s Book and W ood’s Household Magazine are two o f the best Magazines published. Sow Is the Time to Subscribe. You are certain to get your paper and maga­ zines, and need have no fears o f either of them giving out or dying before the end o f the year. The BEDROCK DEMOCRAT now Las a larger paying subscription list than any other two papers published in EASTERN OREGON, and is constantly and rapidly increasing in circulation, and is the best Advertising Medium East o f the Cascade Mountains. It Ì3 tho Live, Peoples’ Pajier—It is owned by no Ring or Clique----- and works for tho inter­ ests of tho People, tho Democratic Party, and o f Eastern Oregon, ANNOKMiieut E q u a liz a tio n . The Salem Mercury says: “ We publish in to-day’s issue the Report of the State Coard of Equalization. This paper is one of a great deal of importance, and should be perused by our readers with care. The sub­ ject is a new one in this State, but not so in tho other States of the Un­ ion. That taxation should be equal and raniforra through the State according ito actual value is not a debatable .question. It is a mandate of our constitution. Article 10 Sec. I. provides as fo l­ low s: “ The Legislative Assembly shall provide by law for a uniform and equal rate of assessment and tax­ ation; and shall prescribe such reg­ ulations as shall secure a just valua­ tion lor taxation of all property, both real and personal.” Although this provision had been standing since our Constitution was adopted, no ac­ tion bad been taken on it. Up to tho time of the last session of the Legis­ lature no law had ever been passed to comply with this important and positive requirement of our funda­ mental law. Every new subject of legislation presents its difficulties and embar­ rassments, and this subject is not exempt from the general rule. The best method of a just and fair assess ment of property for taxation is a problem in political economy which has not yet been solved in any gov­ ernment. The State of New York, after an experience of near a centu­ ry, a few years ago cheated a Board of Commissiouers, consisting of the best talent which the country afford­ ed, including the distinguished name of Daniel A. Wells, to report upon a method of assessing property for tax atiou. The result of this action was enacted into law, but still we find the problem unsolved io that State, and debate still going on. The present report of our State Board of Equalization may not reach perfect results, but the paper shows ability and conscientious labor; let it be considered and studied as au effort to meet the requirements of our Constitution and to reach results which no one will deny should be reached to do exact and equal jus­ tice to all. But let us here remark that there has been much misapprehension ou this subject, and some misstatements relative to it by some of our cotem poraries. We bespeak care in treat­ ing this matter, as it is an important one, and its purpose and end noth­ ing but justice.” 1 G o o d w i n '* M u r d e r e r * C a p t u r e d . Two or three weeks ago we had an account of the murder of Wallace W. J Goodwin, of Pendleton, which took ’ place on the 17th of October, near Fort Hall, Idaho. The Deer Lodge, Montana, New Northwest, of the 15th inst., has nn extended account of the arrest o f Gash and Matz, at or near Stevensville. in that Terri­ tory. It appears that Gash and Matz were two of four men who stole and ran off some thirty head of horses ; from Bitter Root valley two or three j months ago. They took their share to Utah, and having sold them, were on their return to Montana, when they fell iu with Goodwin on the road. Since his arrest Matz has made a confession to his father and the officers, stating that while camp­ ed one night they carried into effect a plan to rob Goodwin, who they supposed had a large amount of money iu his possession, that he shot Goodwiu once and tLen fled into the willows; that while there he heard two more shots fired, and that Gash then called him out; that he found Goodwin dead, and after robbing him of $2G0— all the money he had— they dragged the body to the river and threw it in. He does not know whether Goodwin died from the shot he fired or from the two shots fired by Gash. Matz also says the entire benefits he has derived from the stealing of horses and the murder of Goodwin was $G0 in money and a suit of clothes. It appears Matz was working on a farm in Bitter Root Valley last S immer when Gash came and enticed him awaj to engage in these lawless acts. There is some compassion for Matz, whose father is almost distracted by the affair, but a general denunciation and even threats of summary vengeance upon Gash. It is also probable that un­ less the authorities of Idaho speedily make requisition for tho prisoners they will be held iu Missoula for the horse stealing. S u ic id e . — Horace W. Myers, edi­ tor of the Corinne Reporter, formerly Sawyer & Myers, publishers of the Salt Lake Mining Journal, commit­ ted suicide on Monday eveniug, Nov. 24th, at Corinne, by taking lauda­ num. Financial troubles are assign­ ed as the cause. He was a brother of S. K. Myers, of Eldorado, in this county. He left a letter for his mother, who lives in Woodford coun­ ty, Illinois, in which he stated he was tired of life. • D a i l y M a i l . —The citizens of Canyon City are badly in want of a daily mail. It is the county seat of Grant County; a great deal of busi­ ness is done there; it is the depot for Camp Harney and Warner, and it is no more than right aud justice that there should be a daily mail to that point, which could be run from Bak­ er City with ease. We will have more to say about this at another time. T he R o s e d a l e T r o u p e .— This fa­ vorite troupe is amusing the people of Walla Walla. Thus far they have given most complete satisfaction,and have been well appreciated, and pat­ ronized fairly,considering the times. It is hoped they will visit us during the Winter. “ D e b a u c h e r y .” —The man who in so low down in the scale of morality and debauchery as to be compelled to send to San Francisco for reme­ dies, has license to accuse other peo pie? L ondon , N o v . 22. —Dispatches from Madrid agree in representing that the late interviews between Min­ ister Sickles and the Spanish author­ ities were of a stormy character.— Sickles barely escaped mobbing by a crowd which congregated in front of his residence. It is rumored that the insurgents intend to surrender. This will leave the entire fleet of iron clads at the service of the Government in case of a war with the United States. An Iowa newspaper correspondent tells of a County Clerk, in a rural town, who had a pet calf which he was training up in the way of au ox. The caif walked around very peacea­ bly under one end of the yoke while Mr. Clerk held up the other end, but in au nufortuuate moment the Clerk conceived the idea to put his own neck into the yoke, to let the calf see how it would seem to work with a partner; this frigbteued mister calf, and elevating his tail and voice, he struck a “ dead run” for the village, and Mr. Cleik went along with his head dow n and his ping hat in his haDd, straining every nerve to keep op, aud crying at the top of his voice: H o t e l C h a n g e . — Mr. J. B. Spren­ “ Here we come, blast our fool souls, ger, formerly of Albany, Oregon, has head us, every body?” leased the Oriental Hotel at Walla Ball o f the blank sheet, at La Grande, has W all», and took charge last Monday. bad another fit. A D ay A m ong th e C h ic k e n * . E d it o r D e m o c r a t : —Things hap­ pen sometimes in these days of dull times and little business. And It came to pass that the D oc­ tor and myself, after a gfeat deal of talk and much preparation, finally got ready to take a day's shooting among the prairie chickens of W olf Creek, in this Valley. There is nothing more character­ istic of the prairies than their sod ­ den change of appearance as the summer passes intoautnmn. To day yon may walk, mile after mile, through grass knee high and of the richest green, and beautifully spangled with variously colored flowers, still in their summer bloom; but to morrow, after a single heavy frost, yon move over the same scene, treading, at every step, on tho grass that has withered, and the flower that has faded away. In place of the beautiful shades of richest green nothing greets the eye but one vast expanse of a yellow ­ ish brown herbage, relieved only by the whiter tints of vast stubble fields of already harvested grain. The change in the appearance of nature is not more remarkable than in the fealhered denizens of the prai­ rie. The grouse— or shall we say chick­ ens, as the custom is?—which yes­ terday lay in the stubble, right und­ er the nose of your dog and gun and which, in the grass, you could hard- ly kick up with yonr boot, now er into flocks of from fifty to five hundred, and under the warniug spring and cackle of some old drum­ mer, rise and fly booming on for miles, before either man or dog has suspected their presence. The distance being so great, to walk was out of the question, so with Frank and a oue horse shay to do the distances and the burden, we started early.ou Friday morning, the 21st nit., for our hunting ground. The morning was dark and lower­ ing, and as it had rained some little our ardor was slightly dampened, but the sun appearing about 10 o’clock our spirits revived and we flew briskly along, and arrived at North Powder about 11 o ’clock, A. M., where we expected to have some fine shooting, iD this we were how­ ever sadly disappointed as we failed to flush anything but a single old cock who was too wary to allow us to come within gunshot. Pursuing our way, we arrived at Mr. Bozark s, a well to do farmer of Wolf Creek, at 2 P. M. After put­ ting our horse in the stable and tak­ ing some internal refreshment iu the shape of several sections of ginger­ bread and half a dozen apples apiece, we buckled on our accoutrements and sallied forth. Crossing the creek we started into a stubble field, and traversed it from one end to the other, but without raising a single bird. Proceeding to a small shanty at the upper end of the field,we were greeted by a woman surrounded by about half a dozen tow headed responsibilities, aud, in answer to our questions as to wheth­ er there was any game iu the coun­ try, said—"N o, I guess as how there haint any” —and shut the door. This cheering intelligence did not completely reassure us, and we start­ ed off, not feeling certain that we would be able to fill our engagement for five dozens of chickens promised to various and sundry friends in Ba­ ker. We started down the creek through a field of rye grass, not in the best of spirits I assure you, when—whir r-r—whir—r—r about a dozen rods in alvanee raised a flock of about 50 chiekens. Baug—bang—bang—go the gnus, but. taken l»y surprise and at quite a long distance we both miss. Hastily reloading, (the Dr. had a Maynard breech loader, I a double Greener muzzle loader), we mark down the flock on a foot hill, a quarter of a mile away, and start in pursuit. Separating, the Doctor raised the flock, aud, by a fine, long shot, bro’t down a great, large fellow, who was flying off, cackling defiance as away he swept over the top of the grass.— We were unfortunate in having no dog. so we had to trust entirely to our own senses in following np the flock, which seemed very wild.— Chasing them into the stubble field again I raised a tine fellow, bat I am ready, too; and a moment for raising my gun, an explosion, he fails heav­ ily to the ground, and as the flecked feathers came floating dowu the wiud, another, stilted by the report, raises quite close—an instant—the trusty trigger is true to the touch and, he too falls. Crossing a slough after a bird, a large jack rabbit uncovers and springs away, but alas—for poor bnnny—jnst a moment too late, for quickly bringing my gun to my face he rolls over and over—gasps once, and, before I reach him, is dead.— Following np the birds till dark we meet with varying success, bagging 10 birds and a rabbit. Going to camp a bird is hastily dressed—or undress­ ed rather—and roasted on a ramrod before the coals, and with the addi­ tion of sweet rnsk and butter with a enp of good coffee, makes u dish fit for a king, especially when seasoned with that most piquant of all sauces —hunger. After discussing the merits of prai­ rie chicken to our heart’s content, we sit around the fire, relating hunt­ ing and piscatorial experiences until time to retire. Making up a bed in a hay mow I retired and waited for the Dr. until at last becoming impatient, I call out, “ What are you doing?” “ Put­ ting on my overcoat!” is the laconic answer. I ’ve often heard of fellows putting on a r o b e d e m eit , but never heard before of a man putting on an over­ coat in which to go to bed. After arguing the point awhile he came to bed, and. after cogitating upon the mutabilities of things generally, and chicken hunters in particular, we go to sleep— to dream, perchance, “ Ol the girls we left behind us.” R.ising at break of day we ate a hastily prepared breakfast and start out, fully determined to have a day of good shooting, going a few hun­ dred yards in the stubble we raise a fine flock of birds, bang go the guns and another brace are added to our trophies, hastily reloading we follow on, but becom ing excited at our prospects, we both miss close shots most inglorionsly- Hunting along up the creek I secure several shots at birds sitting on the fence and ground. Crack shots rather look down upon pot shooting as they call sitting shots, but we came too far for birds, to miss any chances like these, so we bang away at every thing with­ in shooting distance, both sitting and flying. Tramping around the foot hills I secure 14 birds, when, hearing the Dr. firing at a rapid rate I go in his direction and find bim doing good shooting, having already brought down II birds and a rabbit. Whilst amusing the chickens and ourselves at the same time we come across a party from Baker, consisting of Mes­ srs. Foster, Cleaver, Jackson & Schell- worth out with a full complement of Breechloaders, dogs and the various paraphernalia of good hunters, how­ ever they were not in the best of hu­ mor, as the birds had been stirred up by my companion and myself un­ til they were very wary and difficult to get a shot at. Crossing the creek towards the house I flushed a bird which was quickly taken in. Reloading I was walking slowly along when I heard a man sing out: “ Lookout, Ramrod, here tlmy come!” looking up I see a large flock bearing dowu upon m e.— Here they come, flapping their wings for a few strong strokes, and then sailing on with set wings as if in very glee and wantonness of motion. It is a very poor shot who cannot get one with each barrel, and I am not that shot. “ Plugged them, didn't you?” says the fellow who gave me the warniug. Picking up my birds I go to the house where I find the Dr. awaitiDg me. ready to start home. The Doc* tor could hold in no longer, but ex­ plodes with, “ I tell you what, we have more than we went for, haven’t we?” “ You bet!” is the sententious re­ ply. And, loading oar game, which amounted to 39 chickens and 3 rab­ bits, into the buggy, we start for home, which we reach safely at 9 P. M. Here ends onr day’s shooting aDd this sketch also. W Wo are glad that the blank sheet o f La Grande and the ‘ •Top Dirt” o f Baker Ci!y have informed the public who the fellow is that owns the ono at La Grande,and has the other, at Baker City, subsidized. Hurrah for “ back pay?” It is right that “ carpet bag­ gers” should fall in line -th e two naturally run together! There is a lean, lank, cadaverous looking creatur perambulating Baker county seeking to have an office catch him. The new District School House, in this city, is being rapidly enclosedand com peted. F bed S alade is authorized to act as Agent for the D emocrat at Umauila. G eo . V i . P almer is authorized to act as Agent for the D emocrat at Marysville. The party at Cleaver’s Hall ou last Thurs­ day evening w»g a complete suocees. In an article on the Virginias ques- tion the New York Times declares that if American citizens were shot, | B A K E R C IT Y , OREGON, only one course is open to the Gov­ ernment. It says furtlrer: BROKER AND ASSAYER They were not amenable to Span­ ish laws, since they were captured DEALER on the high seas, in violation of in­ ternational law. Spain has no right old. Dust to seize them at all—still less had —AX'D— she any right to take their lives. If she has done this, it is a crime for which d o explanation or apology cau atone. There will be nothing left for the United States Government —ALSO— but to declare war against Spain.— The latter power may, indeed, con­ demn the action of her agents, and consign those agents to severe pun­ ishment. It will then be for Con­ Office— First door north Odd Fellow » U»;;B gress and the Government to consid­ [n49v2tf] er what further steps may bo neces­ sary on onr part. But hitherto Spain has offered no explanation of her out­ rageous treatment of many American citizens. She has simply proceeded on the theory that the United States would submit to any insults, because it was not worth their while to de­ O F clare war against her. If, however, a Government is incompetent to pro­ Town Property, Lands. tect its own flag and its own citizens it ceases to be worth calling a Gov­ A I la r e C’h a u c e to In v e s t Cap­ ernment, and may as well announce ita l P ro fita b ly . to the world that anybody may slap its face without fear of consequences. .W IX G D E T E IO IIN E I) T 0 It is needless to say that our Gov­ make au eutire change iu uiy busines«, ernment occupies no such position as 1 uesire to seil all m y Real Estate in and that. If any of its citizens have been neur Baker City, cousisling ot LOTS aud included in the recent massacre, BLOCKS in the’city, und Land by thè Acri adjoining the Original Town Plat Spain will have to account for the Lots each. ■ will a r be sold at from $10 s ia to m $100 i outrage to the United States. Wo Blocks from $100 to S5U0 each, and Laud by tlie Acre at from $25 to $100. | shall have to protect our own people in Cuba at auy cost, and the Spanish ALSO. Government must know perfectly I will sell my Fine Residence and other well what that means. If Americans improved property in the Citv, at QRhUl are to be murdered publicly in Cu­ BARGAIN¡3. erms :—One Third Cash down, balanci ba, at any time the authorities there in T two equal Yearly Payments, with Legal may think fit, we shall have to take, Interest. Warrantee Title Given. J. M. BOYD. possession of Cuba, a work which Baker Cit", Nov, 5, 1873.-n26in2 would cost us very little trouble. JA S . W. VIRTUE Gr GOLD AYD SILVER BARS, EXCHANGE ï GREENBACKS | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. G R E A T SALE H H a y .—T hose of our subscribers who have premised to pay in hay. wood aud grain had better bring those articles pretty soon or they will not be needed. F r e s h D r u g s .— H e n r y McKinney, at the City Drug Store, has a full assortment of the very best Drugs anil Medicines, also, a good supply o f Stationery. Give him a call, It is a pleasure to trade with him, he is gen­ tlemanly, polite and accommodating, and is very correct in putting up all orders and prescriptions. W eat R f r .—Yesterday m orning was the coldest o f tho season—everything froze up. It was clear and pleasant during the day. BORN. Linn county, Nov. 22, to tho wife of Bonj. Walling, a son. Benton county, Nov. 22, to the wife o f Jo. Hazle, a daughter. M A K K I E l). Salem, Nov. 16, S. H . Friendly, of Eugene Citv, to Miss Matilda Alds-r, of baleni. Folk county, Nov. 16, Milo liubbart to Miss Martha fhigood. Folk county, Nov. 2, B. B. Doming to Miss Nannie A. Oneal. Mai ion county, Nov. 18, W . M. Dickonson to Miss Mary Swegal. Jackson county, Nov. 16, Joab Robertson to Mrs. Margaret J. Woods. Fortland. Nov. 25, Terrence Monaghan to Mr . Mary Anne Anderson. Yamhill county, Nov. C. B. Wiley to Miss Emilv T. Pria toe. 1 874 . B usiness Directory O F E astern W ashington , E astern O regon , and N orthern I daho . r p l I E P H I L ,I .S H I R K S O F THE JL Walla Walla Union will issue a Direc­ tory o f the above named sections in January next. The work will embrace a general sketch oi the counties of Walla Walla, Whitman, iie- vens and lakim a, in W ellington Territ.rj; Umatilla, Union and Baker, in Oregon, ul Nez Force, Idaho and bhoshoue, in ltliho Territory, together with their Productumi, Resources, Climate, aud ail otbur suhjtcj upon which information is required. The Directory of each town and city will be complete; and tlmr, with sketches oietc. placo, should make it invaluable to the ni«- chant, farmer, and mechanic. As an advertising medium, it will bo oi best yet introduced, as u will be of suck a portance that it will always bo retained ui prominent position for retereuce. r a t e s o r a d v e r t is in g : Ono Page............................................ ?" I H alf Page.......................................... 1 Card..................................................... ! Advertisers taking on* page will.ij cetve a copy of the book gratis. P r ic e o f th e D ir e c to r y w i l l b e 91 M l We will use our best endeavors to rr,u the book complete iu every respect. A thoroughly competent person will nv: make a tour o f the country to be embrw. iu the Directory and gather all the inforu tion necessary. K. M. SM ITH & CO. n29n34 Walla Walla, W. T. -----, - — ■■■-. ------ — 1» K i: i) Portland, Nor. 22, Mrs. Ada M., wife of Charles E. Sit ton, aged 26 years. Lane county. Nov, 23, Martha Louisa, twin child o f C. and M. J Mulligan, aged 2 years and 2 months and 2(ldays. Jacksonville, Nov. 14, Mrs. Celia M. Brown, agod 70 years. Jacksonville, Nov. 8. David McLain, a na­ tive o f Missouri, aged about 45 years. East Portland, Nov. 26; Wm. P . Abrams, aged 53 years and 3 mouths. Portland, Nov. 26, Capt. Alexander Dodge, aged 47 years Washington county, Nov. 8, Israel Mitch­ ell, aged 60 years. Umatilla county, Narcisse E . Cornoyer, aged 3 years, 1 mouth and 26 days. $5. A Valuable Invention! $5. Look out for n^xt Week. AN ENTIRELY NEW S e w i n g ]Y1 a c h in e ! Settle Up Old Bills. FOR DOMESTIC USE. O N LY F IV E DOLLARS. Willi New Paient Button Hole Worker. The most Simple and Compact in Construction, the most Durable and Economical in use, A Model of Combined Strength and Beauty. A L L PERSONS IN D E B T ED TO >3 T 7-.__ r o . i f . n Kalin. rwinnhoinier Jc Uo-| * old Firm Ottenheimer . rill please call and settle with I S. OTTEYÍICH/ER & CO., OM PLETE IN A LL ITS PARTS, USES SUCCESSORS TO the Straight Eye Pointed Needle, Selt- Tnreading, direct upright Positive Motion, New Tension, Sell Feed and Cloth Gunter. 08110465 Operates by Wheel on a Table. Light »tun­ ning, Smooth and noiseless like all good, hign priced machines. Has patent cliecK to prevent the wheel being turned the wrong way. Uses the thread uirect from the ipooi. Makes the Llastic Lock Stitch (finest aud NEW STORE UNDER ODD F E LLO W S’ HALL, strongest stitch known;/ firm, durable, close aud rapid. W ill do all kinds of work, tine and coarse, from Cambric to heavy Cloth or Baker City, Oregon. Leather, aud uses all description o f thread. The best mechanical talent in America and Europe has been devoted to improving and simplifying our Machines, combining only that which is practicaole, aud dispensing Coming' with all complicated surroundings generally We are C oinin g/ found iu other machines. _ , Special terms and extra inducements to male aud female agents, store keepers, dee., who will establish agencies through the coun­ Dissolution Notice. try and keep our new machines ou exhibition and sale. Countv rights given to smart agents free. Agent’s complete outfits JuruiaUed \ T O T I C E I S H E K K B Y G IV E N ' T H A j without am extra charge. Samples ot sewing, the partnership heretofore existing descriptive’ ctrculats containing terms, testi­ iweeu R D. McCord aud Peter was dissolved on tho 19th day o f beptem ^ monials, engravings, A c. , toUl Ireu‘ 1873. li. D. McCoro having withdrawn m-- Address, the business by mutual consent. C k| MI . - I l t ll “ Brooks ¡¿ewing Machine Co , n ily No. 1329 B roadw ay, N «w York. t I I f *